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Have you guys ever been bored of living a normal life? (20)

1 Name: Blessings : 2020-06-08 15:01 ID:80AHGwxy [Del]

Don’t get the wrong idea, i’m not declaring that i wanna die just because my life is normal, no. I’ve been thinking lately, what is the meaning of excitement? People have different perspective of their own excitement in life. I wanna know from other people’s perspective too, feel free to write your thoughts, thankyou!

2 Name: Eren H : 2020-06-08 18:26 ID:robBh/bf [Del]

in my case excitement is evolution and the way i evolve is by learning and understanding the world around me. However there is a problem with knowledge, it is sometime a heavy burden because the more you know, the more you start seeing the suffering and hatred around this in a way forsaken world and it sucks not being able to stop it. However that,s just how i see the world, for now i will keep evolving until i feel the hunger to learn.

3 Name: Calby : 2020-06-08 19:23 ID:5SweKWoS [Del]

I feel like excitement something that last only a minute. I don't think there is single person who lives an exiting life most of life is boring but that's why excitement is exciting it pulls you out of the boring cycle that you live for just a moment and it goes away like it should.

4 Name: LaSlak : 2020-06-08 19:51 ID:hzb71GnJ [Del]

I have been thinking about a similar thing as well lately. I can remember being so excited over something that I would lose sleep over it. But this feeling has kinda disappeared over the years. The things that would have made me excited a few years ago (for instance: hanging with friends or holding a party) just seem to have become a nuisence. It's stupid because most of the time I don't have something better to do. I think that I've become too cynical to enjoy these kinds of things.Therefore, I don't really see a reason to bother anymore.

5 Name: Xara : 2020-06-08 22:41 ID:zdVx6WQL [Del]

I guess that excitement to me is something to help motivate me throughout life. Without excitement what else would help me get through my boring life you know? Life is boring most days especially since quarantine. I quite feel the way @LaSlak feels on how that I've become to cynical to enjoy the little things. But to be honest life isn't all about excitement and if someone strives for excitement in life they often get disappointed since life will never always be exciting.

6 Name: Axolotl : 2020-06-09 07:33 ID:GWT6KjEL [Del]

I don't think anybody manages to live an exciting life. Some people are just more content with this fact than others. I often find myself anticipating something, but the real thing is basically guaranteed to stay behind my expectations. I would assume that life is just boring, that's why people are so desperate to find some bigger meaning behind it

7 Name: Raytzeelll!RafRKzorUQ : 2020-06-09 08:34 ID:JLv41jyW [Del]

Life is boring, life is exciting, life is this, life is that... Come on, that's not true, and deep down, you know it.

You know the music band 'Talk Talk'? They have an album called 'The Colour of Spring'. Well, the third track on that album, that's your answer. 'Life's What You Make It'. You choose to experience your life in a certain way. Doing that might be very very very difficult and a process that lasts years, but in the end, it's the sole truth. Excitement, things that are exciting, are the things that you decide that are exciting.

I'm in no way propagating the idea that you should be excited and all positive all the time, but I promise you, guarantee you, I swear to you, YOU decide upon your life. Life and its circumstances are different for each individual, yet still, everyone can make the choice to perceive things in such a way that they are exciting.

It's often portrayed as a cliché, but in fact, it's a very valuable wisdom; if you think your life is something you are passively undergoing, that in itself is a decision. You are the starring role, the director and the producer of the grand show that is your life, all at the same time. It's only a matter of being willing to see that, willing to act on that.

You shape your reality. Excitement is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It's in your mind. And you are your mind. Which brings us back to base; reality, or the world, is your creation, and therefore it is your world.

8 Name: Blades : 2020-06-09 16:28 ID:A5ADHTKO [Del]

At around April I actually did have that "i don't want to have a normal life" I wanted to go out and do things that I've never done. I started eating food i wouldn't before and started doing more unsafe things like leaving my house at around 8 and coming back at 10 without telling my parents. I would usually just bike around but then I started biking up really big hills and going down full speed without holding onto the handles (fun fact thats how i learned to bike without my hands by going down massive hills in the dark 11/10). I found myself wanting to meet someone shady or get involved in something dangerous just to escape this "normal life".

Everyone wants to escape a "normal life" Thats why people always try new things and go to new places to meet new people and learn new things. Some of us just accpet the fact that this is how life is and in the end don't try to change things. They learn things they want they settle in a nice home get a job, a family and they live being content. But there are people who are always hungry for more they don't really know when to stop they want to learn knew things no they need to learn new things. They cannot live in this world just accepting a normal life.

But at some point you will realize that you cannot learn everything and see everything you might get into so much trouble in danger and end up hurting people around you that yup care about.

In conclusion I believe everyone will go through change whether they want it or not. It matters on the person if they want to stay in one spot or keep changing. Just know everything always comes to an end.

9 Name: Donna !2ELBBRQkSM : 2020-06-10 02:31 ID:RjBJYSfT [Del]

I think my life has always been normal and I never got bored of it. By 'normal', I don't mean a bland life but a stable one. Of course, I can become a criminal and be on the run with the police always chasing me, to make my life 'thrilling'. But I'm fond of the way I'm living now because I'm comfortable that way.

But doing the same thing everyday will one day drain me mentally and physically, so that's why I seek for new things. That's my perspective of excitement. Everytime I try something new, something enjoyable, I get excited. But after a while, I get used to it and lose the excitement eventually. That's when I try something different. It's not like I'll run out of the things I can do because there's millions of hobbies out there that I can always try in my life. That new experience makes me excited.

Personally, I don't think a negative novel activity will make me excited. Like a person breaking into my house with the intent of murdering me will give me an adrenaline rush but surely, I won't be happy or excited positively about it.

10 Name: Portia : 2020-06-11 21:07 ID:+9o/1gxw [Del]

Excitement to me are just phases, when the excitement dies I just have to find a new one. That's why I'm pretty stuck right now, I have been thinking and feeling too much to get into anything like anime, music, or reading.

I've heard a lot of stories from my friends and it seems like their life has more "action". With my life, nothing happens to the point that I feel like a side character of my own life.

I miss the feeling of excitement so much that I often daydream of different scenarios that will change my life. I want to change and feel excitement again but to change, you have to explore and get out there, something I have problem doing. I want to learn more and achieve more but I can't find the motivation right now.

I want to travel, I want to learn, I want to eat new things, experience new things but I can't do it now due to my situation. I don't have enough money, not a lot of things I can do alone. I want to hurry and grow up.

For me to feel excitement, change has to happen and right now it's like a flatline :/

11 Name: Raytzeelll!RafRKzorUQ : 2020-06-13 03:35 ID:x25+gP+0 [Del]

>>10 But didn't you read my post??? You're on the sidelines, yearning for some action, waiting for it to happen, while that is the opposite of what you should do. If you truly feel like that, it's not that your life is eventless. It's that you don't have the right attitude towards things! Travel, learn, eat, experience! You don't need to have money or time to do these things! Integrate them into your daily life by simply looking around at the same surroundings you see every day, but with a different mindset; instead of "same old surroundings, eh" try to think "hey, holding still and thinking about this for a while makes it quite cool". The true key to excitement is not to find it in the distant future, in some distant land or with another person, but to be able to find, no, create it yourself.
And you say you're not motivated, but, you won't believe this, doing that is very motivating! Because you suddenly have more dynamic in your life, and that itself gives you the energy to create even more excitement for yourself.

You might think it's a flatline, your life, but study it closely enough, and you'll find that the line is not so flat after all. Focus your attention on that. Dare to be idiotically excited about silly things. And before you know it, that flatline will have gone wild, more than you could have wished for.

12 Name: Dark Knight : 2020-06-13 09:42 ID:2btSM3/A [Del]

I like my normal life because every day is the same
everyday goes by the same way so I always know what I have to
do and it is super easy to live my life
And the only reason we feel like our lives are too normal is because of anime and movies
And if you really want, you can make your life fun too, by making a difference or by being different
And it also depends on how you look at it

13 Name: E45 : 2020-06-14 19:19 ID:BHWlho7k [Del]

What is normal? How do you define normal? I mean we all live our life subjectively so how can you say what is normal when there is no relative standard to compare with? In that vein, isn't saying your life is "normal" is just a mindset? IDK your story behind but I think you say you live your normal life because you limit yourself. Saying/believing/listening to what things you can and can't do, if it is indeed a limiter like for instance; i want to visit abroad as a tourist (specified) but i don't have money. Well, money is one of the main determinant if going abroad for site seeing is possible or not but since it is not possible... well that sucks :( but you shouldn't get stuck with that. You should not limit yourself with what you want, because you tend to neglect other things that you MAY want. there are other things that MAY bring color to you "normal" life. It is just on the perception.

*this comment does not intend any offense, sorry if it does, just being direct, stay safe everyone

14 Name: Yuuki : 2020-06-14 20:54 ID:2KuUbMhq [Del]

I feel you, nothing really feels exciting now for me either. Things just seem to be the same stuff over and over every day with nothing new. I'd say excitement is something new and different. Or something that gets your adrenaline rushing. For example, last year I tried out paintball which really got my adrenaline running since obviously you dont wanna get shot and shoot the other people. It was very exciting but I guess that is more considered thrilling. I guess I'd just say excitement is just something that makes you feel like WAHHH. Idk I tried... probably didnt help much tho...

15 Name: unknownEOG : 2020-06-14 23:35 ID:fSpRnShb [Del]

yes my normal life is boring and i want it be more exiting but most of the time my normal life is fun

16 Name: miley : 2020-06-16 17:08 ID:QHIu1Pcj [Del]

just move to America if you want some excitement

17 Name: noraneko : 2020-06-16 22:17 ID:ql/N7id7 [Del]


18 Name: toraneko : 2020-06-18 14:47 ID:2mwznaWn [Del]

I just want to get out of the town I'm living in, you know? Its your typical midwestern american small town, like 4000 people. Nothing ever happens, and even if something were to happen, my parents are far too strict for me to see it. They don't even let me leave the block on my bicycle and I'm 15. I can never go places even with my older siblings. And now, with the virus, they want to to do homeschool. School was my last place to actually get some excitement. Of course, I understand the benefits of leading a calm and stable life, but my family takes it too far. I want to live, to see things outside of my own house, to experience things in reality and not just virtually.

I'm not asking for something insane to happen, or something inherently bad. I just want to leave my house for something other than groceries more than once a month.

19 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-10-07 01:57 ID:/6/lZGZo [Del]


20 Name: Amber_4shenfell : 2020-10-07 05:06 ID:Th+1rEgP [Del]

Ye we all feel that sorta thing. It seems kinda ingrained into modern suburbia. Normality is benign it seems. Honestly somedays i can sorta agree with kazynski lol.