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Does anyone know about Operation: Pride Fall? (8)

1 Name: KingTanny : 2020-05-30 13:34 ID:1Qq1UU8F [Del]

Ive done my research on Operation Pride fall and even looked into it. 'Operation Pridefall' is a potential raid organized by 4chan users to try and spread anti-LGBTQ messages on social media and harass brands that support the LGBTQ community during June, which is also Pride Month.
They want to:
1) Make fake social accounts
2) Blend in to LGBT culture
3) Start by questioning if homosexuality is right and then progressing with worse and worse hatred until pride month ends.

There are even some discord servers that have even more detailed plans on how they plan to raid LGBT places on the internet. It might be a big hoax, but the LGBTQ+ community will be attacked starting June 1st. I don't support this at all. On Instagram if you type in operation pride and click certain accounts horrid images and videos pop up. What there doing isn't right. I would like for some opinions on the matter.

2 Name: Allison : 2020-05-30 13:46 ID:jAfpAsxK [Del]

I just finished researching it after I read your thread. Seems like its something to be concerned about for sure. Reddit plays it off like its nothing but there's more mentions every hour it seems. Reinforcements no less...

3 Name: KingTanny : 2020-05-30 14:21 ID:g6JE6+c8 [Del]

Your absolutely right Allison. It seems bigger than they make it out to be. Its horrible what they're trying to do even though something worse is already happening at the moment. Ive already planned to warn my LGBTQ+ related friends about making their social media account Private. The people included in Operation: Pride Fall seems very violent. It can't be just a little game to them if their goal is to end Pride month. They might easily have hackers and hunters searching for anyone involved in the LGBTQ+ community on social media.

4 Name: Raines : 2020-05-30 14:35 ID:y20zdoMW [Del]

Yeah. Many people say that the plan has fallen apart but from what I am reading some people are still going to do it. There are some rumors that they are going to try to dox people as well. I just hope it doesn't turn into another Gamergate.

5 Name: MadelineAriah !YYk5m0jo12 : 2020-05-30 15:16 ID:rtsVUo/I [Del]

I had heard about this as well on a server I am a part of. The message reads:

News has been spreading about an anti-LGBTQ+ project that will occur in June, which is Pride Month. It has been dubbed Operation: Pridefall.

This starts on June 1, and may continue throughout the rest of the month, with the goal of being mean, hurtful, ruining pride month. They're targeting both the LGBTQ+ community as well as allies and supporters. What is said that will happen contains but may not be limited to the following. Viewer discretion is advised; this may be triggering to some users.
raiding servers
sending hate messages
sending disturbing and explicit videos and images
sending triggering videos, images, and messages
potential real world effects such as:
physical assault and worse

They are going to target all social media sites that they can get their hands on, including but not limited to Twitter and Instagram.

This server is kept safe from raids by a system put in place to separate members from unverified users. We remove any way that ______ can interact with or access _______ via user mentions and shared channels. The only users that can be affected by raids are fellow _______ and staff.

If you are targeted by any hateful, transphobic, or homophobic action that may be listed above please, please do report it to staff using ______, in the event of an emergency you may use _________ to get staff attention. This server was built as a safe space for our members, and will continue to aim to be a safe space for all.

We STRONGLY encourage LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to consider unlinking connected accounts such as FB, Instagram, and Twitter to help prevent doxxing and IRL threats to your safety.

(Note: Some parts of the message I omitted.)

Here's my take on this: we are going to see an increase in spear-phishing activity with people posing as members of the LGBT community to gain info which can be used to bypass security systems across the Net. It is now more important than ever to have two-factor authentication on all platforms you use. SMS verification is the weakest; if you want the strongest security possible, you need something like a Yubikey or Google Titan Key. Most importantly, be wary of who you talk to if they are new to your community.

6 Name: kawasemi : 2020-05-31 14:18 ID:/f31cMi8 [Del]

this originated off /pol/ a 4ch political thread board and it gets brought up every year or major event. as someone who frequents 4ch this is false and merely fear mongering (however we can always be careful towards stray users that tend to this idea as a coverup).
out of context pictures get spread around but all replies will be taunting and telling OP to fuck off as /pol/ hates that kind of "raids" and dont participate in crowd harassment. most of the members are independent.

7 Name: MadelineAriah !YYk5m0jo12 : 2020-05-31 17:05 ID:rtsVUo/I [Del]

>>6 I went on /pol/ last night to see if there was anything relating to the Epstein papers, and people were too preoccupied with the nationwide protests to really talk about anything else. So while we might get lucky and the LGBT community may be a bit safer thanks to the magic of short attention spans, it's important to be vigilant that these people are not to be trusted all the same.

8 Name: Boopwrang : 2020-06-01 21:34 ID:aHYbc2T5 [Del]

>>7 I think you may see too highly of them, they are just a bunch of edgy dudes who get kicks from other people getting mad. You cam check some archives of the boards if you are able to and see no one really cared. Although if you want to continue this discussion. The random board is always open.