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The right over your own death ? (18)

1 Name: ZeroKai!KFFguqgZwM : 2020-04-01 18:56 ID:kvF9GzKn [Del]

Dollars,first I want to ask you to read the full text and participate in the discussion - Zero

The topic of death is kind of taboo in our sociality that is the reason why I decided to start this conversation here.What I want to talk about is The right individual have over their own death and what will happen if we make it ABSOLUTE as the right the same individual have over their life.

Recently I started similar conversation in the comment section under the 3rd episode of the anime series Babylon where after certain events the mayor of the city established new rule that allow people to comcit suicide without any actions beforehand. In other worlds ABSOLUTE right over your death.

You will ask,but people today can do that right?

No,although euthanasia is possible it requiers long process it isn`t right over your death actually it is right to ask to die. You must show evidence that proove strong enough reasoning for your own right over your death,by putting rules and obligations you exclude the right itself because it isn`t absolute right anymore,you made it so that other people must give permission .

Everyone have the absolute right to live,you have social rules you have to live by,but you don`t have to prove with evidence the reasons for your right to live , so in order you to have equal right over your death as you have over your live it must be without the need of evidence and reasoning.

SPOILER FOR EPISODE 2 OF BABYLON,it isn`t something big because it is clear from thw bwgining od ep 2]

In the story of Babylon there is woman that in suspected to be guilty for influencing 3 people to commit ssuicide she is called Ai.

What I beliave is that Ai is able to creep in the darkest desires and thoughts of people and unlock. She isn`t manipulator that changes people,she just gets rid off the wall in their minds that keep their values in the established and learned from the sociality order. ''To want death is bad,you must avoid it,you are weak if you want to die ,there are people in worse situations,you will hurt people ''.

It would be stupid to believe that there is possible true happiness without pain but sociality forced that goal on people to seek and show only happines,we can clearly see that from real life especially social media, and that is only because human kind is affraid to face its deepest fear: If we are allowed to choose many of us will be happy to die

Human psyche and emotons are fragile ,you can`t control them all the time, this lack of control lead to fear,fear that you can`t control yourself ,fear that if people are allowed to choose many of us will be happy to die and death is the ultimate fear and motivator of the human kind.In order people to control their fear they put restrains on their actions not only legal restrains but also social.

Actually the social once are what I called " established values" learned from sociality - ''To want death is bad,you must avoid it,you are weak if you want to die ,there are people in worse situations,you will hurt people ''. It can also be viewed as engraved guilt. Guilt sociality raised us to feel in order to control the fear and the desire of death.

The new mayor in Babylon established new rule that destroyed the first restrain - The legal restrain. I beliave Ai`s work is to destroy the second restrain - the social ,the one in your head that tells you ,you are wrong to want death.

The idea behind Babylon is we ,the viewers and the protagonist to become the witnesses of social experiment - What if we GIVE you the ABSOLUTE right over your death?

The means and the setting doesn`t matter ,even the plot itself doesn`t matter. What matter is the social and the individual internal conflict.The philosophical question that Babylon want us to ask oursellves : Is your own death your absolute right,as it is your absolute right to live? . This is the main focus of this series and we as there to explore our own fears.I wouldn`t be surprised if this series have open ending because it actually can`t have conclusion it isn`t made to have one,it is made so you can face your valiues,beliaves and fears,while simultaneously the series wants to break your idea of the reality and human nature right in front of you .

<b.What is tour opionion on this topic Dollars ?

2 Name: Mattto : 2020-04-01 20:05 ID:94Z9dO4t [Del]

My short answer is: Yes, in my opinion everyone has the right to take her or his own life.

However, suicide should never be seen as the easy way out of mundane problems. Because almost all problems can be solved, even if it feels painful for a time. The time we can spend on this planet is a precious one, and we cannot save and reload. We shouldn't take anything for granted.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-02 03:57 ID:j0L4xNcv [Del]

I agree with mattto and just to add on its important to understand that suicide doesn't actually get rid of your pain, it simply passes it to others.

4 Name: Real : 2020-04-02 06:42 ID:Gz6R2vA0 [Del]

I think suicide is a cowardly and selfish act, of course, everyone is free to choose what to do with his own game with death but it is certainly an act for weak.

5 Name: jae jiso : 2020-04-02 07:27 ID:k0y3Qaji [Del]

I personally think that we should have full control of our lives, whether we choose to continue living or to die early. I wouldn't consider my life mine if i didn't have the choice to die at my own hands. I understand why people think of suicide as an act of cowardice, and i'm sure you do to. I don't want to get too in depth of my own opinions on this, but for the broad, short answer, yes. I do believe that our own death is ours to control if we feel like it.

6 Name: Kat : 2020-04-02 07:54 ID:Z1l5unpt [Del]

I'm conflicted with this matter because while I feel that people should have control over what to do with their lives, there are many people who would kill themselves without hesitation. I feel that people should be free and unburdened from the expectations of society, yet I wouldn't want them to die even if I don't know them. This may be selfish, saying I want to keep people from having this power over life and death, but if it's to keep people from dying then wouldn't it be for a good cause?

7 Name: ZeroKai!KFFguqgZwM : 2020-04-02 08:10 ID:kvF9GzKn [Del]

>>5 I have the same opinion as you.
Real- Everyone sees different things as painful enough to die. The act of suicide actually follows not 1 month or one event it is something that builds up over time and I think because you can't actually feel the same feelings as that person even in the same situations you don't have the right to think that the person in question is coward or not. Actions like that come after many hours full with self-analysis and evaluation of once life,many people have moments of suffering when they wish to die and even prepare the tools but really small percent actually do it because most people are able to find something to hold them. In fact I believe that by allowing people to decide you will have spark of suicide but after a bit it will start to have the opposite effect. The more rights over their lives people have more conscious they will become to use them. For example someone who just turned 18 starts to feel the pressure of the absolute freedom they gained in other words the absolute responsibility they have . That is paradox of us humans we want absolute right over our lives but we are afraid to accept the absolute responsibility that cones with it.

8 Name: Real : 2020-04-02 10:00 ID:Gz6R2vA0 [Del]

honestly it's true, I will never experience those fascinating and pure emotions, unfortunately. in fact I think that death is not a negative thing, rather it is a fascinating thing! patient and calm a difference of life itself. There is also to point out that there are more definitions of suicide regardless of the reasons.

For example a suicide for cyberbullying or other difficulties not personally chosen, is an act of weakness: obviously I know that sometimes the victim has not chosen to be weak, but neither does he have fought to win it.
Suicide for a good cause, for example, is something different. It is more a sacrifice chosen by one's will: therefore freedom in arranging one's life.

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12 Name: Matto : 2020-04-03 11:38 ID:wT6QPbvr [Del]

Nobody forced you to read anything, troll.

Real: Humans are not emotionless machines, and they tend to absorb emotions, both positive and negative, especially when they're young. If you let someone face enough misery, the emotional part of the brain kicks in.

(Cyber-)bullying is just one example of many how human stupidity which can make someone's life living hell. If you get into the wrong situation, optimism just does not work anymore. I understand suicide as someone's way to say "this world is so horrible that I don't want to live in it", and I accept that. I don't like this world/this society either, for various reasons, and suicide never crossed my mind. But I would never blame people for doing it.

If life would be so sacred as some people make it to be, they would act quite different than as they do now.

13 Name: celine : 2020-04-07 00:37 ID:NJl4WvCN [Del]

Real. :I don't think being "weak" is negative. It is not their fault to suffer. And it is not compulsory for them to be strong. (I feel like you're saying there's no victorious fight in their deaths.If I misunderstand you ,please tell me.)How do you consider Hemingway's suicide ?

In my opinion , people have right to decide on their own death .Suicide is not an escape,sometimes it is more like a kind of facing yourself. However ,we still need to make the world better and offer effective help for those who are in desperation ---I don't want to see those people die, but I will respect their choice, too.

All in all, some people kill themselves because there's no way out, others because they choose to. Help the former but don't judge the latter.

14 Name: Kat : 2020-04-08 16:29 ID:Z1l5unpt [Del]

I feel like the thing that causes people to be weak is how they choose to cope with their problem. I think that suicide is definitely the easy way out, but if you seek to get help then it shows you are strong mentally by crushing your pride and actively trying to overcome the problem. I feel if we gave people the absolute right over their own deaths, then more people would choose suicide because they would see it less as taboo and more of a considerable action that they could take to get rid of their problems with a lesser chance of being judged.

15 Name: ??? : 2020-04-08 19:37 ID:ZmVLaIt7 [Del]

Although,you say suicide is the easier way out and a way to 'face them selves' I just think it's rather boorish if you ask me. Think about it for a real-good moment should people really 'commit suicide' over such trivial's? It's ludicrous,although understanding the depression of others,it's hard for me to understand the fact why people would take their 'lives' over something so ignorant. Knowing this fact they'll only just cause problems for everyone eles and unnecessary drama nobody needs.

People needn't take things so literally,in my opinion people who commit suicide are too 'weak' to HANDLE 'existence' it's self not evening knowing the greater possibilities. I would say all they're doing is favoring the worlds 'diminishing-population.'

I know this sounds cruel but for a brief moment consider this- Many people have lost their lives due to 'EMOTIONAL PAIN' or 'SUFFERING','SENSE OF BURDEN','PROBLEMATIC SOCIAL ISSUES IN THIS WORLD!'You might be as surprised 'as me' that hopelessness, amount of pain, and the belief that death will end the pain were common themes in the letters of both groups. Other studies have replicated these findings.

In general, people do not attempt suicide solely because of pain, it's because they don't believe there is a reason to live and the world would be better off without them. Though that it is not something of 'wanting' but something that is 'delivered'.

Swallowing Pills,Noose around the neck,Ingesting poison,Nevertheless,suicidal people must conquer and overcome intense emotional distress to complete the final act. (But as you my fellow dollars pears see that is 'not' always the case..)

People must be thoroughly be tolerant of this agony and dispute to make room for intolerable thoughts also feelings that arise when working toward the goal of ending life. This tolerance of distress and impulse must be obtained along the way.Although,even said 'suicidal risk exists' for people that think they are a burden on society. Those people who have history of where they acquired the capacity to harm themselves...

16 Name: Zblow : 2020-04-09 02:04 ID:2VuJcnWe [Del]

Yes, we do have the right to decide how we want to live or die. Society frowns upon suicide but there are certain circumstances where you should be able to but can't due to the way society views suicide. There should also be a way to say, "hey, give it some time rather than act now" because occasionally humans lose their rationality in traumatic situations so it would also be necessary to have a safety net type of group to ensure you think about it clearly before making your ultimate decision. For example my dad committed suicide, my mom was leaving him from what i understand and he couldn't deal with it with the stress of working on a farm. So he took a bottle of alcohol out to shed and drank for awhile before ultimately committing suicide. I was home that night and saw him go outside with the alcohol but i had never thought he'd do something like that. Even now i still struggle with the thoughts of following after him and committing suicide because i feel like I've failed him, i can still remember hearing the gunshot, at the time i had just thought it was the shed door slamming shut but the harsh reality was, no matter how much i lie to myself about it, that that was when he took his life. There's so many ifs that run through my mind whenever i think about it. So while we do have the right to decide our own death, we should have to sit down with someone first and talk about how it'll effect the people in their life that loved and relied on them.

From some of the facts I've gotten after my dad passed, it seems he did it for more than just because my mom was leaving and the stress of the farm. Earlier that year our barn collapsed due to heavy snowfall and the company we contracted to fix it did shabby work. When the final payment was due we owed a decent amount of money which we could have gotten if they hadn't done a shabby job on the building (ie leaking roof, holes in the tin in some places, gaps between some of the tin) which caused the building to be deemed as "under construction" which in turn prevented my dad from getting the grant he needed to finish paying off the building. It also turns out that they put a mechanics lein on the property and then proceeded to fix their mistakes after filing it. So after learning that it seems like my dad had thought that he would lose everything and his death was the only way to solve it. So, while i do still believe that people have a right to decide their own fate, i also wish that there was a better system in place to help those who are thinking of suicide have a chance to talk about why they're choosing to go with that option and to talk about what will happen to those who you love you and care about you. I think i rambled on a bit too much about my own experience with it but i just typed what came to mind, sorry about that 😅

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18 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-18 08:15 ID:lSGf8vgS [Del]

Interesting talk here hm