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All These Dollars Romanticists (68)

1 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-16 14:43 ID:gTBwbWVO [Del]

More and more I'm seeing people wishing to make the organization from within the anime a reality. It's almost laughable. So many people want to bring it to reality without any general idea of what service it will provide. How these services will be provided. Who they will be provided to. How to bolster numbers. Or even the most basic of fundamentals for starting a group. At this point, it's an eyesore.

2 Name: Xeno : 2019-08-16 18:59 ID:+hidXtM1 [Del]


3 Name: hanma : 2019-08-16 19:17 ID:Es3dSmcd [Del]

the dollars need orders

4 Name: Orion : 2019-08-16 19:32 ID:Q0wv23q/ [Del]

it is almost laughable, however could you imagine how fun it'd be to have something like the dollars actually exist? I say nothing wrong with a little fun~

5 Name: 7|-|!zxxUJdPiDg : 2019-08-16 21:24 ID:22q0mMD2 [Del]

>>1 sorry if I don’t quite understand your position on the matter, but do you not want the dollars to provide a service? Or are you simply saying that it’s a big joke that people can’t plan a reliable means of working such an organization. I’m taking my guess on the second one. If planning is your main issue then why don’t you throw your ideas out, as per say... they couldn’t be worse than any of the others. And >>4 I whole heartedly agree. I could use a little fun in my life and helping a startup organization could be great use of my time!

6 Name: SilentMoon : 2019-08-16 22:29 ID:X+Hpla+O [Del]

I feel that even if now we are only talking about making it a reality, all things that come to light start with people having the idea. I am sure that with time the Dollars will develop into what many of us are picturing and wishing for it to become. It may take time but I am sure that we can do it, even if now we sound like dreamy eyed children.

7 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-16 23:46 ID:gTBwbWVO [Del]

>>5 Providing those services will require manpower, money or other resources. It would require a substantial amount of forethought. The likes of which I've yet to see. Thus far all I've seen amounts to "Wouldn't it be cool if..." or "We should recruit in our cities." But what then? What purpose would this collective serve? How will you entice people to join, and surely if you recruit people face to face you lose some of that anonymity.

If people want a spot to hang out and chat it already exists. No need to drag others into it.

8 Name: SnakeDog16 : 2019-08-17 04:16 ID:L6qRWvAL [Del]

I agree with arion and silet moon...we can make the dollars about supporting eachother in whatever we are doing...i already made it know to the other dollars and admins that if theres anything i can do to colaborate on this to the end of the day how devoted each member is would show in the growth of the organization....some people might think its not serious but i think its because they dont see how they would fit into the support system that the dollars encorages....but even with moral support u can help...go dollars!

9 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-17 11:41 ID:gTBwbWVO [Del]

>>8 That's foolish. If people need moral support they have friends, families and counselors. I can't even begin to fathom why anyone even wants this to be a reality. There is quite literally zero benefit to joining.

You can't expect a grand escape to be enacted like in the anime. You can't expect dozens of people to somehow luckily be in the same area. This is all just romanticizing something that will never work.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: SilentMoon : 2019-08-17 20:06 ID:80VDx30W [Del]

We know that is not going to be exactly like the anime, we know that there aren't going to be thousands of people who are part of the dollars to live near us, but that doesn't mean we should give up. We can still find ways to make this a reality. Those of us who are in school for example could find other people in our school who know of the dollars, (Although they'd probably only heard of it through anime) we could tell them about this sight and that we have a goal to make it a reality. Adults could tell their friends or other people that they know who might be interested in this. If we can't find people who are already part of the dollars we can increase the amount of people who are part of the dollars. Just because something isn't already there doesn't mean it can never be there.
And even if it is just a silly dream, what is the point of telling us not to dream? What is the point of telling us it's never going to happen? Great things have happened before, and all those great things started with one person, or a small group of people having the same seemingly impossible idea, and turning it into reality. I think that the Dollars could be right around the corner, all we have to do is work, believe, and trust in each other for it to happen. I cannot be persuaded other wise.

12 Name: SnakeDog16 : 2019-08-17 20:23 ID:L6qRWvAL [Del]

Silent moon is right ....its not gonna be the same but at the same time with our energy we are making sure its also not less then the could be better...and its already better just by the fact that its here on the forums typing to all the other members of the dont tell me its not possible....besides we are the dollars we can do anything if we work toguether ..!! Thank u silent moon for ur message of hope and words of encouragement

13 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-17 21:38 ID:VxsHCn/T [Del]

>>11 You are under the impression that what you are attempting to do is something great.

Dreams are fine, but it's also advisable to keep yourself grounded in reality. You are operating on an assumption that a good deal of people will share your ideals. You still haven't exactly detailed for what reason it will exist other than "to be a group."

By the way. Keep in mind the Dollars is, in fact, a gang. With many people connected to the criminal underground. I think everyone tends to forget that the Dollars is the "colorless" color gang.

>>12 Who is "we"? I'm not a member of your fantasy. Just knowing the password doesn't make you a member of a super exclusive club. The password is plastered everywhere online. What are you even hopeful for? Your generalized statements and fervent belief can be attributed to an almost cult like mentality. This is utter nonsense dreamed of by some children. Nobody in Chicago is going to give you the time of day in a serious manner.

14 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-18 06:30 ID:4QEMix2K [Del]

>>13 What is so wrong with that? compared to your cynicism atleast SilentMoon is doing a much better job. No one said that we should all live in fantasy and you're the only one here operating under the assumption that people will share your ideals. Some people are connected to 'criminal underground'(right!) you have to understand that Dollars are different from any other 'coloured' gangs. Anyone can join the Dollars.

What do you want exactly? what is even your main argument here? so 'there are people wanting to bring the idea of a Dollars to life 'inviting friends and inviting other fellow drrr fans' okay! to you it's pointless w zero benefits and yet here you are. If you don't really like the idea then what are you even doing here?

There are people who wants to help online and in real life clearly you don't see the purpose of this site that way. As far as I can see you're the only one here not worth being given time and day in any serous manner not in Chicago nor in any states.

No one was forcing you to believe what others believes. Unlike you who wanted nothing more than to gloat at others trying to do good.

15 Name: Kuromatic!KuroJ.kb8s : 2019-08-19 14:18 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

Though a little positivity is great here, I do essentially agree with what "Seeker" is saying. It's fine that there's a bunch of people who wish to turn this chat website (and lets be real, it's nothing more than that, just a chat board) into a real "organization", but there've been so many threads which all say the same thing. It's filling up the home page and it's pretty much considered to be spam at this point. Nothing new is said in any of the posts. They all roughly follow the main message, being "We should make the dollars real" or "We should revive the dollars".

Wanna know what consequences these posts have? The answer is none, there are no consequences. It's all empty words. Each and every thread that follows this message ends up fading from the home page and becoming another forgotten thread within the site logs. Also, as Seeker stated, even if the dollars would become a "real organization", the goals of said organization would be unclear, as well as the fact that there are no actual funds available to kickstart such a group as of right now (and I highly doubt anyone will show up who's willing to fund such a vague organization).

The closest thing to a meaningful dollars group that already exists is the discord server, in which there's a mission channel to be found. In that channel, petitions, gofundme pages, charities and other meaningful links are shared for members to support. Signing a petition is usually followed by a message which includes the "#TheDollars" tag, which is used to somewhat put ourselves out there as a positive and benevolent group of people. The discord can be found at, for those who are interested in joining.

Also, I strongly recommend not making these types of posts anymore seeing as there are thousands upon thousands of them already, and none of them have achieved anything.

16 Name: Kuromatic!KuroJ.kb8s : 2019-08-19 14:25 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

Also, >>14, I have yet to see someone actually mentally support others on this website, rather than speak of "reviving" the dollars countless times, doing some misplaced anime copying or roleplay, or main page trolling. Might be me missing something, but a large part of this website is quite devoid of any meaning.

Also, though Seeker might be a tad too sardonic here, he is frankly more realistic than others in this thread. Realistically, no one on the streets of Chicago will pay any attention to some person spreading their message about some vague BBS website/organization whilst they are likely too busy with reaching their destinations. The only thing the organization has going for it right now which might grab peoples' attention for even just a split second is its name, ironically. Money makes the world go 'round, after all.

17 Name: Kanra-fan : 2019-08-19 17:45 ID:sGogA+K8 [Del]

Truly, I like the idea of romanticising the dollars but I don't think making it an organization is exactly what anyone wants. Sooner or later your working towards so
meone elses ends, not yours. Maybe if you want to do some good with the Dollars/Doddlers you should be inspiring people individually. The nay sayers seem to think you can't make friends that inspire you to grow on the internet, and the people who want to go all out over it want everyone to come together to force thier way or to gain attention. Both seem kinda extreme to me.

18 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-20 08:04 ID:wgHIzltR [Del]

>>16 then probably you're not looking hard enough I said help like giving/sharing tips and collaborating ideas. I for one am not even interested in these 'reviving or expanding the Dollars' thing that's why I never joined any of those discussions, but I never see anything wrong with it at the same time. Whether they succeeded on it or not I don't necessarily see any of those outcomes being a bad thing.

Being realistic is one thing and being an asshole is another you don't have to be an asshole in order to be realistic. I never debate about what makes the world go round and if you think Money makes the world go round then be my guest.

19 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-20 08:10 ID:wgHIzltR [Del]

>>17 quote: " Maybe if you want to do some good with the Dollars/Doddlers you should be inspiring people individually. The nay sayers seem to think you can't make friends that inspire you to grow on the internet, and the people who want to go all out over it want everyone to come together to force thier way or to gain attention. Both seem kinda extreme to me. "

Exactly. Good point!

20 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-20 10:42 ID:c2bELSEA [Del]

Imagine my surprise that, despite how jaded and pessimistic I am, there are those who somewhat agree with what I'm saying.

My stance will always be that an organization built on such a flimsy ideal of "Because we're an organization" isn't going to amount to much. Take a look at how many people want to becone streamers on sites like Twitch. And how they struggle to increase their numbers. Look at how many of them start simply because a lot of people make a decent amount of money in doing so.

Look at how many unlistened podcasts exist on the internet. How many "support groups" fade into the aether. All of these share one very important weakness. They have no structure. No foundation. They exist simply as an idea without any greater thought put into them beyond "I can make it exist." No thought into "How". No planning into how to support it. What the monetary cost of maintaining it would be. Someone for this dollars revival sham mentioned renting a billboard for an advertisement. Do any of you know how expensive that is to do for even a day? Sure the cost could be as low as $250 a month. But it could also be $15000 a month. Who is going to put forward that kind of money?

Another unforeseen consequence. I've seen several people state they are going to post fliers around towns and cities. Citydwellers are almost hardwired at this point to ignore such things. You know who aren't? Cops. Imagine a cursory Google search on what "The Dollars" are. Just to find they are a GANG from an anime. Well now we have the issue of "gang recruitment". No real thought has been put into the potential risks and consequences of this doomed endeavor. And it never will be.

People have already entered an almost cult like thought process of "We can do it because it would be great." "We can do it to help people." "We can do it because it should exist." How will such romanticized thoughts help anyone or anything?

21 Name: SilentMoon : 2019-08-20 11:19 ID:jbTqtBr3 [Del]

Why is it, that because you don't like the idea that so many of us have you feel like you have the right to tell us we can't at least dream? I thought the people here were kinder than that.

22 Name: SilentMoon : 2019-08-20 13:31 ID:jbTqtBr3 [Del]

You seem to be the only one assuming that everyone is think about it that way. No one has thought "it should exist" we simply enjoy the idea.

23 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-20 19:01 ID:c2bELSEA [Del]

>>21 The world isn't kind. Your dreams aren't grounded in reality. If not now you'd only be met with disappointment later. Also I'm not saying everyone is, because not everyone on this message board is subscribed to your fantasy. I'm simply saying that those sharing this lofty ideal have such thoughts.

I agree with the others. The amount of posts that get put on the front page about "reviving the Dollars" and "making the Dollars real" are essentially spam at this point.

I'll make an effort to remove any Dollars signs I see on my next trip to Chicago.

24 Name: SilentMoon : 2019-08-20 22:30 ID:jbTqtBr3 [Del]

I'm not saying everyone on here has the same dream, I am just saying that those of us who do. Also, I personally know that's not something that can just happen because I want it to. I know its not something that I can just say "Hey! Lets all do this now!" Obviously it's not as easy at that, its not easy at all. But I already have a group of my friends at school who are part of the dollars that want to help with this. We're planning to start doing something about fixing up near by parks, and fighting for certain rights in our area. If a group of young teenagers working together already, even on the very small things, doesn't paint a picture in you're head that people like us are capable of doing something I don't know what does. I know that we wont have a grand organization or a business. When I picture the Dollars working together I picture a group of friends just helping out the community. Nothing big and flashy. Only subtle things, to help people around us and the environment. For whoever reads this, know that the world doesn't need big groups of people to get something done, it can take one person. Unclogging a pipe, or washing graffiti off a wall. People don't need to make large groups to get stuff done, you don't even have to do it in the name of the Dollars, just in the name of people.

25 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-21 06:21 ID:K7ekK4bf [Del]

>>23 No Moon said people not world you're the only one here living on a fantasy that people here are being too unrealistic. I actually find it surprising that despite the fact that there are very few who agreed with you, you conveniently didn't notice most who refuted your green horned pov.

Sure there are those silly enough to think that they would actually rent a freaking billboard, but what does that got to do with you? will they make a withdrawal from your bank account? also Cops only took notice of fliers if they are posted as violent propaganda or vandalism I know because we posted invite fliers once for our clubs around town and out of town and guess how many cops showed up? zero. The point is that you're just overly exaggerating with your 'unforeseen consequences' you act as if whatever they're thinking will have a very big impact on your life it could be that some of these people aren't thinking of going as big as an organization with manpower, resources and all but just simply group of friends trying to do good.

>>24 Seeker's realistic pessimism is misplaced SilentMoon I for one don't see you guys being too overly dramatic nor fantastic. You guys can contribute and just do what you think is good for your community and that's that. There are people like Seeker but there are those who will be able to understand your point, if that's really how you want to do it then just do what you think is good.

26 Post deleted by user.

27 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-21 10:53 ID:I+BQhGNh [Del]

>>25 I ignore the responses of people who excrete sunshine and rainbows because I have no time for an almost agitating level of ignorant optimism. Police Will at the very least take a cursory glance at fliers because it is a form of solicitation. Frankly I don't care if it's a group of people "trying to do good". It's an eyesore. There is never much thought put into it. Sure they may say they want to help in their communities. But the posts I'm seeing right now are just about how to expand. What's admirable about that?

>>24 A bunch of teenagers aiming to do something doesn't fill me with hope because teenagers are fickle and easily distracted. You'll eventually grow bored of your grand ideal. Whether from exam season starting, getting a job, whatever else. You aren't the first to attempt to make this a reality and each time people get bored and wander off. Give it a little over a year and this topic will rear its ugly head again. To put it bluntly. There is nothing inspiring about a bunch of children, which is what I've asserted all the supporters are, aiming for a nationwide organization without even a solid foundation. You can't talk about having Chapters and Branches if your group isn't even doing the barebones of what you aspire to do. You're already focused on expansion, which is always the wrong way to go. Merchandise before you've even gotten a foothold? For what reason? And it's not like you have a store where proceeds would go to help the organization. Procural of materials for your little pet projects, advertisements what have you. Just like all the times before it, this is doomed to failure.

28 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-21 13:51 ID:K7ekK4bf [Del]

>>27 People living in their own bigoted ideals that can only view a single side in all things and that is only their own is the biggest eyesore for me than people "trying to do good"

You should at the very least be mature enough to tell the difference between people who excrete sunshine and rainbows with their ignorant optimism and people that are just simply making sense w constructive criticism. You created this post you should be willing to look at opposing pov from both sides no matter how 'fantastic' they look, if you really don't have the time then you shouldn't be making posts like this in the first place, if you so don't care with what they're doing that you consider their actions as an 'eyesore' then what are you doing whinging like this? why not just have their posts removed? or better yet ignore them? and tbf I don't see any reason for me to admire about posts such as 'how to expand' though I dnt hate it at the same time.

You dnt have to tell them it's pointless either because that's for them to decide. Arguing w supporters will jst result in few conclusions that is: them still doing it then dried out in failure, got convinced then not do it and do it and succeed. Frankly I dnt see any of those results mentioned greatly affecting you.

29 Name: The Seeker : 2019-08-25 01:03 ID:7UTaYVve [Del]

>>28 It's not that I'm bigoted. It's not that I hate them for thinking differently from myself. It's that I'm disgusted by the same pattern happening over and over to no different results.

You misunderstand my disgust for ignorance. I do understand their standpoint. But their stance is one I have seen several times over from several groups of teenagers before them. With the exact same thought process. The exact same "recruitment" process. Just because I understand doesn't mean I have to endorse or sympathize with their efforts. I've no reason to believe they'll be the group to achieve their goals when they're already repeating history.

30 Name: Jhonstick : 2019-08-28 00:30 ID:lwazESz4 [Del]

>>29 what would you like to do? I'll like to know more about your intentions. I understand your positions and the opinions from everyone. We know what is happening and the flaws of the actual status of the "organization", but what we should do? And I want to know, because I come from a spanish close to non-existence community on this forum, so I'll like to hear some ideas,solutions, etc. I know that is hard to make something with a lot of anon and get results, but is better to try something real than just argue without explaining or showing a solution.

Thanks for your attention, have a good time.

31 Name: Talhala : 2019-08-28 01:01 ID:DV3wzTrS [Del]

I mean... if we were looking to make it real I could offer a certain service.

32 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-08-30 20:43 ID:sliFDz69 [Del]

>>29 You're the one who's misunderstanding my disgust. I never said you're a bigot I only remarked the part that I find 'disgusting' that's all and no actually I perfectly understood your point. You're complaining that many people have tried this over and over and that each time they failed right? though if that's the case then you have to understand that it's not these people you really have problems with BUT their actions wc exactly 'IS MY POINT' that not any of their actions will have huge impact on your life to warrant such complains. I'm not defending them, but what I'm just saying is that your complaint is pointless because after them there will be others who will try the same then YOU might ended up doing the same.

You don't need to sympathise with them nor endorse them, but then again you also don't need to laugh at them nor ridicule them...

or the next them after them.

33 Name: Jax Rhapsody : 2019-09-01 22:33 ID:oqAt8D+F [Del]

People have been wanting this to be like the real Dollars as long as I can remember. Every time somebody rewatches the show(like I've been) or finds it and looks to see if the site exist(there are those that do that; look for real sites/apps from tv and movies) and find it. I admire the tenacity and wanting it like Mikado wanted it. It still amuses me. Could it work? Does this site work like the "real" site? I doubt it on either.

So what if the Dollars would be considered a gang... so are Juggalos

34 Name: The Seeker : 2019-09-02 15:50 ID:uLZHLLZn [Del]

>>32 There is a term that exists in Japan to describe the behavior of all of these groups. Put simply. It's Chūnibyō. Delusions of teenagers and middle schoolers. And it does impact me. I have to deal with kids barging into rooms trying to recruit. Disruption of other groups for the sake of this unrealizable goal is more than a little irritating. Personally at this point. I want them to fail. They're dreaming twenty, thirty steps ahead of any solid foundation. The entire reason I keep my responses on that so vague is because I want it to go away. I want it to collapse again. I'm tired of seeing it, even if I could offer insight into how to make it succeed.

35 Name: noraneko : 2019-09-02 19:21 ID:qlKUhYF5 [Del]


36 Name: Izzy : 2019-09-02 20:33 ID:7HWt7BlM [Del]

I think the Dollars do exist in a way.

37 Name: Kurane : 2019-09-03 09:56 ID:HNQiuTYN [Del]

>>36 Yup, I totally agree with you.
It's not like "the Dollars" has to be a real, serious organization or something, we're just normal people trying to make the world just a little bit kinder, doing things almost every human being could do.
That's the concept of Durarara's Dollars, the one that fascinated and inspired us.
Consider this like a "motivational website" to take the initiative of doing good deeds :)

38 Name: Kantan : 2019-09-03 13:26 ID:uLOQ5F27 [Del]

I totally agree. The dollars do exist in a way but for me, it would be cool to have been done in a way it was like in Drrr

39 Name: Star : 2019-09-05 11:02 ID:LjYnLE4/ [Del]

I actually like the Dollars better as just a bunch of people who just chat and do random acts of kindness around their local area. While the Dollars sound cool in the show, I don't think it works as well in real life. But that's just my personal opinion.

40 Name: Melignous : 2019-09-05 12:11 ID:yXxKs5h5 [Del]

Its funny reading all of this because from what I see the start of the real-life Dollars is right here talking about how cool it would be but what do it know

41 Name: basic_kiri : 2019-09-06 08:44 ID:FgkpoMaJ [Del]

yes we are aware the idea sparked from an anime but look at what we can do! there's so much good that can come from this. so much. we are an independent group of people who want to do something positive in our community and our world. it may not be something big. it may just saying hi to that kid who never talks. it could be as big as sending a bunch of money to a charity. it doesn't matter what we do as long as it benefits our community. our city. our country. we exist for that purpose. not everyone will agree with it, i know. we all do. but don't you think that if we can do something good at no cost, that we should just do it? we shouldn't throw that chance away. we won't. because that's what the Dollars do. that's why we're here

42 Name: Flood : 2019-09-07 01:35 ID:etJ+uZg3 [Del]

The issue is popularity, there simply isn't enough active people to make it a reality, and the people who are active are spread all across the world

43 Name: Sadao : 2019-09-07 03:08 ID:ZQAcBDej [Del]

Although it's just a stupid dream, what is the point that tells us not to dream? What tells us that it will not happen? The great things that have happened before, and those great things arise from many people or small groups with the same idea to accept and come true.

44 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-09-07 03:39 ID:QVUV1OE7 [Del]

>>34 yes and I have the term for the way you're acting right now and that's called 'whinging' you can't do anything but complain. The room is dark, but you just keep shouting that the room is dark, if others tried to light it up however pointless just to try and make the room better than before you'll shoot them down on the spot instead of trying to help.

How do you deal with those 'kids exactly' trying to recruit anyway? did they punch you in the face whenever the word 'join us' is being said? My point is 'does it impact you GREATLY in life IF they succeeded or fail, NOT does it irritate you?' It's our nature to be irritated at some things that's who we are but what I'M TRYING to say is that in the course of your life WILL their 'failures or success' greatly affects you? that you have to complain so bad? You should get irritated at 'something' and specially if that's something will affect your life not Irritating = affect your life, it should be something that affects you that gets you irritated. If you're really getting irritated just for this simple reasons and thinking now my life is 'different' then maybe YOU need to have your mental health check?

You went from laughing at all these "Dollar romanticist" to "organisational structure" and when the other person said they weren't trying to go big and only want to help community you went "oh because it's just pointless I've seen this try and try again" to now "oh! And it does impact me. I have to deal with kids barging into rooms trying to recruit"

Where is room exactly? I dnt think you're entirely trying to be truthful here. You're just trying to grab at whatever straws you can find.

45 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-09-07 03:42 ID:QVUV1OE7 [Del]

>>35 "Vita e nobis aliena magistra" o(*^▽^*)o

>>41 exactly.

46 Name: 23turned11 : 2019-09-07 14:56 ID:DMr9DYMn [Del]

I have to agree with the writer of the post. Dollars COULD be something, even something big, but at first we would have to have fundamental ideals, like, how 'The Seeker' said it, what's the purpose of the Dollars? We would need leaders, we would need self-control in the means that we don't allow anyone to join, because anytime anyone could fuck shit up, while we're making progress to some goal we've been thought of. I've been trying to do progress in this group for 6 years now, but the active time of that was maybe 1 year. In my home city, I managed to get together nearly 60 people, but we were working in secret, and our main goal was to dig the corruption up in our country, as much as our skills have let us. We were mainly information gatherers, and then we used that information to move some politically important people, and even other groups, out of their places for good. But that was my vision of the Dollars at first, under my control 6 years ago, because I really couldn't find another goal that would worth the effort. If you people really wanted to do something with this group, I would be real happy to hear it. Because 'helping each other out of heart' just doesn't cut it in this world. And that won't make the Dollars a real organization.
But sometimes soon, I am planning to do the same now at this country, If i'll finally get my life together. But i will not do it alone, 'cause that would be waaay to much work for me.

47 Name: 23turned11 : 2019-09-07 15:21 ID:DMr9DYMn [Del]

And to add for it, it's true that this Dollars doesn't exist at all. And if we made some goals, some structure, or anything, that would not be that Dollars like in the anime. But I don't want to make it like in the anime, and I've never wanted it. I just borrowed the name, the chats, and the one thing they're all talking about here...make a world a better place. But there are so much ways to make a world a better place, eventually we would have to side with a core idea. Greenpeace, the Space Agencies, WHO, all these organizations and much more are trying to do the world a better place. How could the Dollars be different?
The most realistic way for Dollars to exist really, as I imagine it, would that people from around the world gather, scientists, politicians, influential and everyday people too, who gather money with their careers and other organizations, donate it to Dollars, who then can send that money to the place that needs it most to make the world a better place. But again, that would only work locally, inside countries, I guess. And it would take a lot of money, a lot of effort, as I've said before structure, leaders, strong leaders, and above all an idea to make such people join it, and not just send their money and energy to other places. How would you convince a scientist to not send his/her money and research findings to another group who already has a research team, factory, and things like that? Before all things, we would need a leader. A leader who has ideals, ideas, and money to kickstart it. I'm willing to be that guy in a couple of years, but not in this form. I'm not willing to send my money and knowledge to a group that can't guarantee that it's worth it. Someone would actually have to create the Dollars, but now with reality in mind.
Ps.: I'm tired. Don't bump on me cause of my writing style now, please.

48 Name: Fugius : 2019-09-07 15:59 ID:jWPPimXa [Del]

>>47 As a lot of people here, you have a nice dream, but there are already organizations like that, and they are all corrupted.

I think one of the ideas behind the Dollars in the anime is that money is not mandatory, that the strength of the organization IS the members. To make the world better, you don't need to solve top tier problems, with a big and wide organisation you can solve a lot of little problems around the world.

Fixing all the problems of the world at once with a lot of money is a nice dream (but quite impossible right now), going little step by little step and fixing little problems with little group of Dollars member is something everyone can do right now and it will make the world a better place to be.

With that idea it's simple, if you see a little broken part of our society near you, start by looking for other dollars around you and fix it together.

Wathever you decide people, stay safe !

49 Name: 23turned11 : 2019-09-07 16:18 ID:DMr9DYMn [Del]

>>48 I know that. It was just a speculation. That's why I said what I said. And yes, you're right. That's why organizations like the Dollars with ideas like the Dollars can't get big enough the way like in the anime.
But I don't even get their point. The Dollars there was not a world-wide organization. Just a city gang. Until that point it could work, but not like world-wide as so many people wants it.

50 Name: The Seeker : 2019-09-16 03:13 ID:mjr3kDCR [Del]

People frequently want that which is unattainable.

Children often dream of that which is unrealistic.

Everyone has grand dreams at some point in their life. Everyone wants to be part of something major. But for most of us, this will never happen. The ironic reality of this is, a substantial amount of money is required to achieve much of anything. Far more than a few teenagers would be able to bring in.

51 Name: Lux Custodis : 2019-09-16 03:32 ID:pRZHu0gc [Del]

(sigh) and it's always the rational arrogant fools who always missed the point. smh

52 Name: RAY レイ : 2019-09-16 18:25 ID:vfjFn7GA [Del]

>>50 " People frequently want that which is unattainable. " + " Children often dream of that which is unrealistic "

xDD ok i've had enough, this is pathetically poetic and stupid. i dunno wc is funnier the part where ur trying to be poetic or the part where u are logically flawed. 'Children' = People too, in case u forgot. thinking like that speaks volume on how much u see things. no wonder u cant see reason.

there are only two kinds of people. People mature enough to act, contribute and understand both sides and those of the wilfully ignorant immature people not capable of common sense where all they do complain.

judging from all these comments ur the one here so far who wants something 'unrealistic' also this discussion should be in mission boards stupid.


53 Post deleted by user.

54 Name: Kuromatic!KuroJ.kb8s : 2019-09-18 08:20 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

y'all wrote a damn book in here, my god

55 Name: basic_kiri : 2019-09-18 09:00 ID:FgkpoMaJ [Del]

>>54 lmao. it's funny seeing people arguing about something that's strictly opinionated

56 Name: RAY レイ : 2019-09-19 07:08 ID:peW66AOa [Del]

>>54 You mean we?

>>55 . . . opinionated? you mean subjective? opinionated is usually something you described to someone who is stubborn.

So to quote your comment once again it will be: "lmao. it's funny seeing people arguing about something that's strictly doctrinaire" if that's the case then it even makes more sense that we are arguing don't you think? xDD

lol I dunno, for me it's even more funny watching two pots calling bunch kettles black xDD

57 Name: fhjgfjerhjf : 2019-09-19 11:54 ID:tmBSzBcW [Del]


58 Name: Ken. : 2019-09-20 21:57 ID:q1+2jL1W [Del]

op is izaya lmao.

59 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-20 22:19 ID:+WGGsOh8 [Del]


looking hard enough specially with that 'Lux' guy/girl op is just an izaya wanna be & even failed spectacularly.

60 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-20 22:29 ID:+WGGsOh8 [Del]

lmao even a seeker failed to noticed the keeper. Bruce is right. The light is a beautiful lie lol

anyway no interest in joining this topic Just wannna point out something I cant help but notice

61 Name: Farmer Thanos : 2019-09-21 00:53 ID:WnUFpg+k [Del]

>>60 lol! op is Aoba. Where Lux is closer to Izaya kuuun! :P where is Shizu!? good find Master Bateman!

62 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-21 00:58 ID:+WGGsOh8 [Del]

>>61 please ..just pls dont. not again. Said it before I dont like it when you remind me of that

63 Name: Patrick B. : 2019-09-21 01:00 ID:+WGGsOh8 [Del]

shouldve just revert my name to ωRice if it werent for you always calling me butt rice

64 Name: basic_kiri : 2019-09-23 08:36 ID:FgkpoMaJ [Del]

"conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions" eh, you're right but it still fits

65 Name: SeaRux The Human : 2019-09-23 14:28 ID:TjwhmgNk [Del]

While making the dollars a real thing would be cool, it’s just been discussed so many times but I’ve never seen it take off. The reason for this I believe is lack of organization and due to the fact that most of us are just a bunch of anime fans, nerds, otakus, ect who don’t actually have the time not care to give enough effort to actually make this idea succeed.

However, if someone were to do this and make the dollars a real thing with real world presence this is what you would need to do:

1. Make a new site - the current site IS A FAN SITE, I do not believe it was ever designed for what you are talking about but instead was more created to give fandom to the anime, hell the password isn’t even real (you can bypass easy, as it’s more just a placeholder for fandom reasons, nothing more). In the real world, outside of the fiction of anime, most people are stupid, or lazy, or both! A new site would need to be intuitive, easy to use, easy to understand, way more secure, way more practical and would need much better optimization.

2. Recruitment - as of now “the dollars” isn’t really well known by your adverage joe; meaning *most* people will have only ever found this place either from the anime or from someone who watched the anime. It’s actually kind of funny, but how the dollars were initially started in the anime is actually what would need to happen irl. Furthermore things like randomly dropping pieces of paper containing a qr code, nowadays most people know what a we code is when they see one, and a password at places were people are likely to find them. Also when manually recruiting real irl people is an option, but do not make it out like a fan site but instead make it out like a legitimate “underground but in plain sight” organization.

3. Association - currently the dollars is heavily associated with the anime, this will need to change if we are ever to be taken seriously; this is also why 1&2 are so important.

4. Communication - the main site should be used as more a main operations/check in what’s up/ news center with sub areas within the site for more community oriented activities and communication. Additionally the site should also have its own build-in messaging service, and profiles that can be created/logged into once logged in past the main initial password (yes that still needs to be a thing because its fucking cool and promotes a much needed feeling of exclusive secrecy making the site feel just that little more legit.

5. Compatibility - let’s face it, the current site is arse, with a new site we will not only need both a new look/feel that’s more for the modern world (and not from the early 2000’s) But also support for more devices besides just a computer (such as mobile). Additionally an app/dedicated program that offers better speed/pereformance and security would also be good, With a well setup back end application creation for different devices shouldn’t be too much of a problem, maybe even allowing additional features such as direct p2p voice chat (yes I know the security risk but server hosted voice chat isn’t cheap), the ability to save data for offline viewing, and other things that else wise would be either way to hard or just plain impossible to implement across multiple web platforms.

7. Organization - we will need things to do, if there are no events/task/ect then there is no real point to any of this.

There may have been some more things I have missed, but these are some of what I consider the essentials if you wanted to and the dollars a real thing (which would be cool). While none of this is by no means cheap or easy, it is what is necessary.

I am making no promises, but I am considering making something like this eventually myself, I am not 100% on what to call it though, as I am still not sure about using the name of an organization from an anime as the name of something that would be intended to actually have a real world presence.

If I do it won’t be for a while, I have school alongside other stresses right now to deal with, so atmost I will plan out how everything should work and look and the like (so more technical crap and graphic design of it all)

If anyone else want to do this though feel free, also if you want any more advice on certain things (again like technical crap and visuals if it all) that I didn’t cover in this post as it’s just to nitty gritty/specific then feel free to contact me on discord at:
SeaRux The Human#8267
or via email at:

66 Name: RAY レイ : 2019-09-24 00:37 ID:GOluAF+D [Del]

>>64 xDD yes it fits from a certain angle... except 'subjective' is opposite of 'opinionated' and you use that to refer to the topic not to the people that are IN the topic. It's either you're saying that it's a discussions of opinionated people (which sure it kinda fits from your point o view) or you're saying the topic is 'opinionated'... and is very stubborn... ..

so quoting you: "it's funny seeing people arguing about something that is conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions"

well done! you thought this through xDD

67 Name: Conri : 2019-09-26 20:40 ID:G//JQD+s [Del]

Well this is techically the group, this is the dollars, basically a chat room that all its members log into, we don't have a direction and we dont really have a purpose. It is exactly like the anime, we are transparent and people dont know if we are in or not, and we just are trying to make the word better, we can call this an international gang but again we arnt because we dont group up and hang out in bulk, the group is simply the dollars, and im positive that the person that made this has their name unknown like the anime and will possibly not be known other than their username here, searux is correct on stating that it is a fan site, but as by all the missions and the help going around everywhere along with everything else over seen over the years, this has become more that what it was intended to be, but thats just my view on this and others are allowed to state what ever they think as well but i believe that everyone's word should be taken into consideration

68 Name: stephen : 2019-09-27 10:23 ID:kdHiQKqH [Del]

i believe that if this site was the real thing than not as many problems would be accruing then what are happening (as we speak)