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Gang Activity? (18)

1 Name: Ritsuki : 2019-03-11 19:31 ID:/qDAG2hp [Del]

It has come to my attention that were I'm at, it's relatively safe. But just north there is a growing amounts of gang violence and I live in the State with one of the highest amounts of cop deaths in the country. And it's surprisingly not New York. I have been doing some research on the topic and I encourage others to get in on it. Posting to the news category about this topic to spread awareness and possibly try and find solutions, though none are apparent to me. I know it kinda sounds redundant considering that this who website is based off of a freelance color gang in Japan but spreading what people know and looking out for one another may be one of our best options currently. The world is dangerous but that is why we try and make a change.

2 Name: ??? : 2019-03-12 11:27 ID:F2iczjbX [Del]

Dumb ass nobody lives near you..And gangs and Mafia's are amazing quit hating if your still alive you should be lucky that you're near the cops just keep this to yourself.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Shouta : 2019-03-12 16:05 ID:wNlm0ZGo [Del]

We do not necessarily have to live near each other in order to help solve/ propose ideas, to stop or lessen violent gang activity.

5 Name: Ritsuki : 2019-03-12 22:49 ID:OlSiiRUi [Del]

To clear some stuff up. When I mean close I meant ten minutes away. I live about an hour away from a city with growing gang violence, and shootings are everywhere. There were two in two days about half an hour away from me and its only getting worse. That is why I thought of bringing it up. <<2

6 Name: Shouta : 2019-03-12 23:59 ID:eOZaPEIA [Del]

Oh, I see. Thank you for clearing that up.

7 Name: Almerino : 2019-03-13 07:22 ID:IqiOTvqe [Del]

There's a simple solution to solve shootings, and gun violence in America.

You could make a petition to get it removed. Once it has enough signatures, send it to the government.

Americans claim they need guns to protect themselves, however, if there are no guns, then there is no need to have them to "protect themselves". Just look at Britain, Canada, Australia, etc: None of them have guns, so they don't have to "protect themselves", plus gun crimes are pretty much null.

If guns get banned, then Americans can live in peace, and out of fear.

Fun-fact: There are more gun shops in America, than Starbucks, McDonald's and KFC combined.


8 Name: VividTokyo : 2019-03-13 07:27 ID:a7JOifjF [Del]

It seems like a really good idea! But the problem is, who are we going to sign it with? It would be dangerous for them to personally go into the city and run the risk of getting hurt. Maybe we could open a Google Doc and have everyone in the Dollars sign it?

9 Name: Almerino : 2019-03-13 16:19 ID:HCOSX/cE [Del]

Setting up a Google Doc could work. There are maybe a hundred or so active members per week (might be pushing it). If we could get all of them to sign, plus spread the link, then maybe it will catch on to something or someone who has a big enough influence to make it happen.

Theoretically, if everything goes well, we should have enough signatures for the government to take it seriously.

If you wish to discuss more important details, feel free to email me:

10 Name: Nemo : 2019-03-13 16:49 ID:8TqBROh3 [Del]

. Criminals don’t care about the laws, they’ll always find a way to get weapons no matter what then you have taken away rights and a means to protect law abiding citizens from criminals.

11 Name: Don Fluffles !foIE.AUek2 : 2019-03-13 16:57 ID:HCOSX/cE [Del]

By making it illegal, it'll be a lot harder and more expensive to get your hands on weapons.

School shooting, gun crimes and the like will drop by over 70%.

If you take away the guns, then there will be no need to have one to "protect yourself", keeping people safer and happier.

12 Name: Ritsuki : 2019-03-16 12:15 ID:OlSiiRUi [Del]

One thing that Japan does to help limit gun violence is that they have a mandatory self defense class. They also have these special tools to help safely restrain criminals that break into schools. Maybe instead of controlling the guns we can help give everyone a fighting chance to protect themselves. This also may help the school shooting rates. We could do a petition for that?

13 Name: Orizaya : 2019-03-16 13:18 ID:SLchgEP/ [Del]

yeah but if you give everyone a shoot training that mean the killers and terrorist also became deadlier.

14 Name: Bouro : 2020-03-03 14:18 ID:F3OyM9uG [Del]

Honestly, I think guns should remain but maybe petition to make it much harder to get guns. Guns are apart of our second amendment right which allows us to bear arms. This is what people resort to now in order to protect themselves so instead of taking it from all people just make it much harder to get them. Of course gun violence will always be a problem much like terrorism there is no leader or ruler people just do it. Guns will be brought in through the country just like drugs have.

15 Name: Diabetes : 2020-03-06 23:37 ID:IeEdXJ2e [Del]

Why exactly should it remain?
Like im seeing politicians say that teachers should get guns for protection, its stupid. I had a gun threat in my school last year. 50% of the students didn't come that day.
I'm not hating on your opinion,just curious. why do you think guns should stay?

16 Name: Matto : 2020-03-10 16:42 ID:94Z9dO4t [Del]

That's an interesting topic...

I am from Germany/Europe, and I will try to answer this a neutral as possible.
In my country, guns are usually illegal. There are three ways to get hold of one:
(1) You're into shooting sports and are member of a club (as far as I know, the club owns the guns then)
(2) You have a good reason to own one. (like, for example, you're a politician who's threatened by whoever)
(3) You manage to get one illegally, i.e. on the black market. (very hard)

My personal opinion is like this: If you outlaw guns, it becomes much harder for criminals to get hold of one. We have shootings here too, but they are much rarer than in the USA. Of course, we also have gangs. But since they mostly consist of teens, they hardly have the resources or contacts to get hold of a gun, so they usually wield knives... but that is rare too, because our law makes a big difference between attacking someone with your fists or using a weapon.

(attacking someone with your own body is seen as battery here, but the moment you wield a knive or a gun it can easily be counted as "attempted homicide"... in a German court it is usually very very bad for you if you used a weapon of any sort).

17 Name: Real : 2020-03-10 19:35 ID:eYTlLiDT [Del]

I will answer with my aphorism: the truth can only be stopped by the muscles of the arms, not of the mouth. See in this sentence what you want as long as it is relevant and not misunderstood. But I invite you to take action for your causes that you think are more right :)

18 Name: Mattto : 2020-04-01 16:20 ID:94Z9dO4t [Del]

I could answer with an aphorism too: Nothing spreads as fast as lies aka "alternative facts".

I do take action for what I believe is the right thing, but I'm a pragmatist. Today it is almost more important how you do something than what you do. If I start a war it is either a peace mission or an act of terrorism, depending on which news channel you watch.