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Wealth Distribution (6)

1 Name: CursedKingz Itsgeorge707 : 2019-03-09 01:17 ID:rfquTvLu [Del]

Would anyone like to talk about how the United States can afford to give everyone 1 million dollars but they won’t ? Trump says make America great again but I’m sure with my way of thinking we can increase the number of good people and reduce the amount of bad people. Making for more happiness and less sadness/ more dreams being made and less nightmares created

2 Name: Vetis : 2019-03-09 12:19 ID:5z3cd2Ez [Del]

Yes absolutely! Imagine an economic system based around GIVING and HELPING, instead of taking and exploiting. The question is: What is the best way to subvert and overcome capitalism?

I believe the answer would be MASSIVE, consensual wealth redisribution by way of those who bring in grotesque amounts of money, giving free housing, utilities, food, schooling, etc. to those who are going hungry, or those who are homeless. Yes there are charities now but what is being done is clearly not enough! It can't all come from the government, but needs to come from private citizen who have more than they need.

If enough things were free, or as good as free, to enough people, we will be one step closer to true utopia.

3 Name: Ri : 2019-03-09 13:34 ID:DyJEeuZP [Del]

It sounds good in theory but if everyone had £1m extra into their bank account wouldn't the value drop? if everything was free, what reason would there be to work hard in anything bc you wouldn't need to earn it; it's free. Shouldn't people be compensated for the extra work they've done compared to others? In this 'utopia' you describe, they would only get the same amount as others. Capitalism, as bad and horrible as it sounds, isn't the opposite of equality. Instead of making everything free, strive for economy based around equity.

4 Name: VividTokyo : 2019-03-09 13:43 ID:bWt6fltS [Del]

I agree! Inflation would be a major issue in the United States had we have each gotten 1,000,000. And, not to mention, the US is still in debt to other countries, and need the money; printing out more money wouldn't be an option either, because, as previously mentioned, inflation would occur. It would be really bad to think of what that could do to our economy.

5 Name: Ri : 2019-03-09 15:22 ID:6hOFPZjy [Del]

thanks uwu

6 Name: Vetis : 2019-03-09 17:15 ID:5z3cd2Ez [Del]

Ri, the utopia I describe involves people not needing to work more than others. You're right that there's no reason to work 70 hours a week, just to pay your rent and feed yourself and your family. There would be no need to have more than one job, or really even a job at all if you didn't want one. Do you have any idea how many people kill themselves every day because capitalism has made it impossible for them to be happy? Because every day they are trapped in to doing something that they hate, with people they despise, unable to leave or travel because they can't manage to save anything up.

I know that a lot of people get by just fine, and some are lucky enough to have it all, but for many, many more, this is not the reality. Especially world-wide. This system is build on the backs of billions, and we need to find a better way to do things.

I think, with the advent of further advanced technologies, this is much closer to reality than most people realize.