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The History of DOLLARS website (23)

1 Name: FQ : 2018-10-07 08:46 ID:4T3NtIF4 [Del]

Can someone tell me about this website's history?
I think it'll be interesting

2 Name: elgar : 2018-10-08 16:37 ID:hqc4o4yN [Del]

i think im a good one to answer this i randomly decided to log in here. i use to be on here years ago when it was created. it use to be a very active place for art and jsut plan chating with otehres from around the world.there were lots of roleplayers back thenm when furrys wernt that big a thing. most of the time it was jsut people pretending to be characters from the anime. it use to be a very nice site that i liked to spend time on to forget teh troubles of highschool.

3 Name: Merah!fOwSuyS8F2 : 2018-10-08 18:29 ID:uIXUoV/Y [Del]

Basically, it began with the anime Durarara, and the creator of this site wanted to make it real. As Elgar mentioned, it began as a fun site and it still is. However, it has grown to become like it's anime counterpart in which many do want the world to be a better place. This site has come along way to ensure the benefit of helping others no matter where we come from.

4 Name: W : 2018-10-08 18:41 ID:1rmgeEyJ [Del]

The site admins are freaking sticklers with the rules in the site, though. That part's not the same as the anime.

5 Name: Jupiter !0/T7szosCU : 2018-10-09 05:01 ID:8tSBYIzJ [Del]

IIRC the only admin is the site owner, Reltair. The people who enforce the rules are just active users of the site who are strict to keep stuff from getting off topic and shit.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-12-20 12:44 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

general history: The site is a personal project of the admin and is/was hosted on the same server as his figurine company. Originally, there were no ads and we only had a few boards. A handful of active users kept the site afloat in the first few months. When the site was spread and things started to pick up, those users requested more boards and a moderation system. The admin left them to decide on the basic posting rules on the condition that the community remained in charge to some degree. We currently have a 98% democratic system enforced by community members, with mods who pop in to clean up the mess now and again. The Terms of Service was added out of legal necessity and is relatively recent.

(Some of the above is hearsay, I wasn't here the first year.)

chat history: We used to have a chat service hosted on the site that mimicked the original chat from the show. It got too popular and expensive (in both time and money) to upkeep, so it was shut down. After that, we linked to drrrchat, which was later shut down for similar reasons. Whenever we had a traditional chat service linked, it ended up flooded with pedos & fetish roleplays & other questionable content. The chat page is now maintained by the community, updated by Reltair on request.

board history: Instead of the Countries and Introduction board, we used to have a page where you could enter your username, location, and a message. I don't know if it was hosted on the site or made by a fan or what. It was removed shortly after I joined and replaced with the boards in question.

Personal was added as a response to the flood of very personal questions across other boards (such as Random, Main, and Missions) that were attracting trolls. Once made into its own board, it immediately attracted a much different crowd than the rest of the site. Personal has the friendliest board culture imo.

The sports board was never popular. We don't know why it's here. Literature used to hold a few interesting roleplays. Missions were originally kept on Main until an influx that made it clear they needed their own board (you can still find old missions on Main to this day if you dig deeper in the archives). Main used to hold a lot of in-depth discussions among intelligent members; these discussions moved to News once it was added, then slowly died off (for the most part).

troll history: Our most infamous troll is probably GodHatesFags, who impersonated a regular and spread homophobic propaganda throughout the site. They soon left, but in their wake was tons of copycats and trolling (even from actual regulars) that stayed strong for a year or two before slowly dying down. "GHF" still popped in for a month here and there up until a few years ago. We've had many trolls since, some of whom were active users who turned to the dark side after a ban.

the member counter: We used to have a hit counter in the top right corner labeled "member counter." It was fun in the first couple years and let us watch the site grow, but it was wildly inaccurate as a member counter. The more the numbers grew, the more arguing there was as older members tried to explain that it wasn't *actually* a member counter and we didn't actually have, say, hundreds of thousands of active users. It ended up removed by the admin, who claimed tracking the page views was using up too much bandwidth.

the server: The site used to be hosted by HostGator and it was awful. It went down at least once a week & you were greeted by that stupid fucking gator going "dunno what happened, server's fuckd" for minutes or hours or days. The site was down for a longer period at one point, but I don't remember the reasoning. I just know it's more stable now than it ever was.

If I missed anything you're still curious about, or if you'd like a list of notable users throughout the history of the board, just ask.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-12-20 13:03 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>6 In the site's glory days (summers while the anime was popular), Main could get 45+ permasaged topics in a day. This thread would be bumped off in minutes, or seconds at peak traffic hours. Keeping inappropriate topics off the front page (even after mods were added) was a full time job & active members basically took shifts based on their schedule and timezone. We did our best to keep it clear and make sure helpful information (like the FAQ) was as easily accessible to new users as possible.

A lot of rules were made during that era out of necessity, and new users hated it. There was a lot of friction between "older" and "newer" users, which has never completely gone away. (It doesn't help that many of those era's rules are irrelevant to the current pace of the site. The site has definitely relaxed about enforcing them over the past few years but could still do better.)

8 Name: pk freeze : 2018-12-20 17:24 ID:/C7PM7yv [Del]

>>7 this was actually really interesting to hear! i've only been a member for about a month now.

9 Name: Jaydon.A : 2018-12-23 04:44 ID:wMQLF1GU [Del]

>>6 I would like to say that I helped push the modern state of the site with my trolling, the community was stingy and took down nearly every post on main unless it was directly information, for example this thread would of been mass saged! Awhile back I also did some digging and got some fun facts; Did you know that the comics board was actually Manga? and the animation was Anime!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2018-12-23 13:20 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>9 Yeah. The names were changed b/c weebs kept bitching about western media being posted on those boards.

11 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-12-23 19:00 ID:FIgUY8FI [Del]

>>9 Except the site is nearly vacant, and our latest missions are half-baked.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2018-12-23 19:11 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>11 This.

The site is too quiet to be so spread apart. I almost wish we could go back to having a handful of boards and restart.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-01 06:55 ID:HELJ1YLm [Del]


14 Name: Chrome : 2019-01-02 00:43 ID:vVwfW+td [Del]

Barely anyone here anymore. It's hard to find people here nowadays, don't you think?

15 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2019-01-02 03:55 ID:/iv3soPK [Del]

>>14 you're not here all the time for a long time.

16 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2019-01-02 08:15 ID:EMn1soJf [Del]

I dunno. I'm here for the loyals. So is my gf.

17 Name: Dollars : 2019-01-02 13:34 ID:4YL89kfm [Del]

Nothing interesting is happening here and that is why not everyone is "visiting" frequently

18 Name: Amber Dixon : 2019-01-03 17:02 ID:DEBDnMOi [Del]

>>14 same, i really do miss the days when you could get a reply within the minute

19 Name: eryan01 : 2019-01-06 02:12 ID:QnpSCfHZ [Del]

hello my name is eryan nice to meet you

20 Name: Aviy : 2019-01-06 08:05 ID:01gR1jaR [Del]

I don't really know about the Dollars's History, but when I come here for the first time after watching Anime Drrr!, I think this web id sooo cool!

21 Name: Baphomet : 2019-01-06 11:22 ID:4zD8tlMx [Del]

Let's say that we don't have much visibility compared to other groups/sites. We're not exactly part of the dark web but fat chance finding our site without prior knowledge of it's existence.

22 Name: lewlasdfghjkl : 2019-04-07 06:02 ID:AYMftyJM [Del]

Visited this site finally after a few years. Sad to see most people like me have left the site. Growing up is hard.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2019-04-08 22:07 ID:30qgV6Y6 [Del]

>>21 It's really not hard to find us in Google Search results, even if you're not trying to look for the site. Some threads have pretty good SEO. It's actually kind of annoying.
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