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Reasons for the dollars? (15)

1 Name: 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓾𝓼 : 2018-05-29 21:51 ID:s/3pGnWC [Del]

I came upon this website like a lot of other people, watched the anime, was curious and decided to join when I found out there was in fact a site. But as I look into both the chatrooms and the threads I don't see a lot of very helpful things. isn't that what the dollars were about? bringing hope, inspiration and help to people? like at first I thought this whole thing was cool but then I realized if we didn't even live close to each other in a place where distress and thrill were always near then we wouldn't really have a reason to be here. does anybody else feel like they have been having the same thoughts? And has anybody else come up with ideas for the dollars other then roleplaying, anime and chatting uselessly?

2 Name: 404 : 2018-05-29 22:36 ID:kS+lTVp/ [Del]

anon, this website is ded. The only people youll encounter are stupid teenagers roleplaying all the interesting people left years ago

3 Name: Deadpool : 2018-05-29 22:47 ID:xPfGmA7P [Del]

Yeah it sucks

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-29 22:58 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

Too many users want things to get done without simply doing it themselves. It's easy to point out a problem, it's much harder to make the effort to solve it. The "easier said than done" here is getting users to participate in missions. The threads are there, so are the numbers, but without combining the two, we can only accomplish so much.

TLDR We've only come as far as we've been able to carry ourselves. If you're not creating solutions, you're part of the problem.

5 Name: hin0ki : 2018-05-30 08:55 ID:PIbf1Ipj [Del]

what else would people like to do other than roleplaying here? It's easy to say we bring hope and inspo to ppl, but that's hella vague. All this site is is just a big ol drrr roleplay gig anyways, what would people like to use this site and the name 'dollars' for?

6 Name: Lane : 2018-05-30 09:42 ID:71rpLkcW [Del]

I believe what 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓾𝓼 is saying would be why don't we use this site similar to how it was used in the anime. So basically we try and help people and solve issues. Granted, a lot of us are in different areas and we all know that it may be hard to find a place like Ikebukro, but we can still find others in our area and do the best we can, right?

7 Name: 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓾𝓼 : 2018-05-30 21:28 ID:s/3pGnWC [Del]

FindMuck I'm just asking If overall there is a purpose for us other then chatting and roleplaying. honestly its getting annoying. I understand its "fun" for people but like shouldn't we have other reasons to be around? I can't really do anything either because there is nobody to really discuss it with. its not like we have a group where we talk about problems in the group or something.

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-30 23:22 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

That purpose would be missions. An impact we can have on the outside world. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, let me direct to the right board.

There's a handful of established missions that participate in online or real world activities. All of which have some form of impact on the world around us.

I host the WCG mission, an initiative that compiles the computing power of users around the world, and puts it towards humanitarian science.

Kazeki posts to the petition thread regularly, a way to use or numbers to make a voice hard.

There's also others like tab for a cause, charity miles, kiva, foldit, and freerice.

For content more focused on the group itself, there's the propagation thread, a "take what you need" template, and the "dollars pocket" mission.

TDLR: You're not looking hard enough, and you're not the only one.

9 Name: Momo : 2018-05-30 23:25 ID:/OEjWI9r [Del]

I think 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓾𝓼 is right. We should be more like the anime itself. Yes sometimes the rp's here help people, but we should be doing more. A few of my friends in NYC try to do the same things in the anime. Which is a bit of a problem since New York is known as the state to mind your own business. Yet we don't. We can grow a bit but it'll be a bit hard depending on where we all live.

10 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-31 00:40 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

>>9 Oh yeah, that's really cool!

So what have you done again?

11 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-31 00:52 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

I'm being an ass here, but you have to understand how frustrating it is to see threads like this, (no you're not the first) and ultimately have nothing come from it.

If you want to see a change, then YOU have to be the one to do it. You don't have a right to be disappointed in the group's progress if you've done NOTHING productive.

As I said before, It's much too easy to point out a problem compared to actually putting forward a solution. It's ludicrous to perceive it otherwise.

Telling people what you think is wrong does nothing to fix it. All it does is shift the responsibility to someone else, until there's no one left to take the blame.

Excuses mean nothing in this matter, every person has one. If you're just going to fall back on that, then you have no room to complain, you should understand why things are the way they are.

TLDR This a hobby for most, not a priority. Ain't nobody making time for that.

(also worth noting just how many people have tried taking on these responsibilities and got burnt out from lack of support. It takes not just determination, but endurance as well.)

12 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-31 00:54 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

(oh and actual group project/leadership skills.)

13 Name: Kuromatic!KuroJ.kb8s : 2018-05-31 06:40 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

Love your comment lol. Getting a bit tired of the endless amount of topics stating the dollars must change, but no one actually making an attempt to bring said change.

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: L : 2018-05-31 13:31 ID:jhrGnMmX [Del]

I think this web needs to be reformed, it isn't what i remember from a while ago. But i guess that is what happens when people give up.
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