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Is it already dead? (21)

1 Name: Hiro : 2018-05-25 16:20 ID:2MVZpfOl [Del]

Ive been innactive for a couple of months and just now I realised how dead the site has become. So if anyone is still here and wants to help bring it back to life please reply with your suggestions on how will we do it. (Also sorry if my english is bad :P)

2 Name: Armor1997 : 2018-05-25 16:47 ID:HmNbgE/5 [Del]

We could introduce people we know to the durarara show and or go out into our community and advertise the dollars by doing good deeds and stuff like that

3 Name: Rabbit : 2018-05-25 16:59 ID:Sd/gEQdv [Del]

In my opinion, it was doomed from the start. Its a great idea but the fact it was taken from an anime for mainly anime fans, it should have been obvious it wouldn't be taken seriously. In my opinion, we should start from scratch, our own dollars kind of, maybe not take it from an anime and really accomplish more goals. Thats what im doing at least.
sorry its not the nicest reply but thats just my take on it.

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-25 19:01 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

Every post and response has a timestamp. Please use the propagation thread if you're interested in spreading the name/idea of the dollars.

5 Name: i better dont say may name here : 2018-05-25 23:19 ID:8Z0f96qU [Del]

yes this side is dead it is dead as hell you will sea. nobody is here. this side is so boring and ppl here are so stupid. its not worth to be here and spend youre time with dollars. hear are so many mean members and weird members. go to better places and stay inactive here at this webside. this is the best for you and all of us. because if you become a regular member and you dont share the opinion of the others members here they start to make fun out if you and than they harrass you and diss you away from this website. so better dont come back. this is my advice for you.

luv yall <3

6 Name: Yeetus : 2018-05-26 01:19 ID:4/5VTOMz [Del]

The discord is pretty active but not towards the dollars cause. We should try and redirect our efforts towards doing good things and not just anime

7 Name: Nine : 2018-05-26 11:39 ID:pTXD8c2H [Del]

Yea yea

8 Name: Y3ud : 2018-05-26 20:58 ID:xED31Vm6 [Del]

I have an idea why not start a subreddit, newer and better

9 Name: sen : 2018-05-27 01:33 ID:i97tdYy8 [Del]

adding onto what >>3 said since it's from an anime pretty much the only people who know about this have watched the anime and have looked it up
this leaves only a small amount of people and there really isn't much people can do since it's not like the site focuses on one city like it did in the anime
as for doing good deeds it would be very hard for everyone to collaborate since this is all anonymous and there's not much anyone can do

10 Name: rei : 2018-05-27 06:31 ID:2AygyZ8Y [Del]

it would be difficult because while this site is dead, the japanese site is pretty well populated to my knowledge. the anime keeps growing older year by year so it would be difficult. i feel like if we were just a smaller, more tight-knit community, that would be fine as well

11 Name: Black Reaper : 2018-05-27 08:32 ID:eLKHOA2F [Del]

For the most part I see a consistent like 15 members in all honesty or at least the same unique names I personally don’t go on as much but I keep the same name. I don’t mind this tight nit community. Although expansion would be nice.

12 Name: xoxoxoxo : 2018-05-28 01:07 ID:21tWA2kl [Del]


13 Name: antidisestablishmentarianism : 2018-05-28 01:12 ID:ILlSnFyc [Del]

Idk man the discord is still fairly active although I dont know how many people came from this site or from outside sources

14 Name: Jaydon.A , Anon 64, James K. Whatever name you know me by : 2018-05-28 04:03 ID:MQ6G37c0 [Del]

>>5 Sounds similar to me but isn't. This site isn't dead, people still talk in the RTT and the such. The dollars as a group is dead, the missions and meaning behind the group has been long dead for a while now,

15 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-05-28 20:36 ID:HOehxr5e [Del]

>>14 Missions are still active and available, participation has always been low.

16 Name: ExiA : 2018-05-29 03:14 ID:ESNITeVF [Del]

can i have a link to the discord

17 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-05-29 03:52 ID:PCYi8Sth [Del]


Read around before you act

18 Name: info joker : 2018-05-29 12:20 ID:BL0NtzRX [Del]

it is not dead because im gonna bring it back.

19 Name: Rōren'nacha : 2018-05-29 16:35 ID:9i9ueqPL [Del]

We need to genuinely do good for all of our communities. The Anime aside, The Dollars are a great idea. Obviously the people that just liked the Anime looked into seeing if the dollars were real just to say they were apart of it. We need to reinvent this place. Reinvent the world. We can do good, protect people and the planet. Maybe we should create a whole new site, with a new password, new agenda. We can meet people to just make friends with and actually do good. There are tons of people that have been rude or inappropriate on this site. I've been coming here for years, going to the chats at night. In a way I met a lot of people I consider like close friends or even like family. We can do good and be good. We can start over and only bring those who genuinely feel the same. If we spot someone doing good or we believe they would be good for the group, we could write a link and the password and have them join. Have a time at least once a week where we could meet in chat to discuss our next move. The world is getting worse and worse everyday. There is no better time than now to do something about it.

20 Name: Kobayashi : 2018-05-29 17:23 ID:CDkVkU9u [Del]

we could share this website on other social media

21 Name: Dean Dane : 2018-05-30 01:02 ID:5luy1aiV [Del]

Hey im new here and just recently watched the anime! Its really good and Im happy that this site is real, but Im kind of sad and frustrated that the chatrooms are full of weebs doing rp's and stuff... not to mention that they are kind of... idk, mean? But anyways, I want to help make this site good again! So... wuts the plan? Im all ears.