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My concern with the future of this site. (31)

1 Name: A.nodyaj : 2018-02-22 10:27 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

I would like to bring something up that I haven't seen much coverage on recently. This site is slowly dying, the user base is not what it used to be even 3 months ago. I love this place and I dont want it to die, sadly it can not be stopped. The only way this site could live for 3+ more years is if we got another piece of durarara content, please take into consideration I'm not stating every member is a drrr fan some people have joined through word of mouth, but those people arent the majority. Its sad to think that something out of our control can save us. This thread is basically for discussion of this topic, your own concerns, or why you think that I am wrong. I myself haven't been that active so I cant say my standpoint is very refined but I hope to take everyone's opinion in ^^.

2 Name: Lunnar : 2018-02-22 11:16 ID:7vnOphBk [Del]

Well, one easy way to remedy this would be to just hand out the site name to other people and give them the password. If more people know about the site, then more people would use it, no? There's still a lot of people using this site, so it's not like it's dying off immediately.

3 Name: Anon_64 (Caster Servant) : 2018-02-22 11:24 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

>>2 for the first point, alot of members already spread this site with word of mouth, the problem is that more people are leaving then joining. For the second point thats why I said the 3 year estimate, I know the hardcores will be here for along time.

4 Name: A.nodyaj : 2018-02-22 11:27 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

Whoops used my non-main name

5 Name: Astrild : 2018-02-22 14:26 ID:9C4cHW98 [Del]

Heeey. Hello, how are you guys? I just got back here. Tbh, I'm surprised that this site is still up. I used to be a lil bit active in chat years ago when I was still in high school. But I got too busy with uni and work that I forgot about this site, but it was just there on my bookmarks tab, so I figured maybe I should check it out right now.

Nway, I'd be sad too if you have to close the site. I remembered I got to talk to some random members here and planned on going to Japan in a few years and meet there. I'm sorry I couldn't do it. I've had problems through out the years and couldn't finish uni in time. I missed those time tho. I wish one day we can plan a meet up like that again and finally do it. <3 I had fun with you guys.

6 Name: Stehlen : 2018-02-22 20:09 ID:YT9H152s [Del]

I'm new here, I actually just joined the dollars a few days ago. I'm not sure I understand what I can do to help based upon your post. What can I as an individual do to ensure this (From what Ive experienced) awesome site stays alive?
I remember watching Drrr and thinking, if only something like that (the dollars) was real! It would be so cool! And, quite helpful in certain situations. When I found this site (more specifically the chat room app) I had a blast, then I found the main site (bbs) I've met some awesome people, and I look forward to future experiences. Again, how can I preserve this!?

7 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-23 04:44 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

uuhhhmmm can you guys read the FAQ first??

you see.. this site isn't closing anytime soon unless Reltair makes an announcement about it.

here's some part of the FAQ:

Reltair runs this site on a server which he pays for, but they let him host this particular site free of charge. It was kind of like a gift or something, since he has many other sites. That's one of the reasons why the BBS won't close down anytime soon, in case you were wondering. There’s also advertisements, banners on the side of the page.

8 Name: A.nodyaj : 2018-02-23 07:17 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

>>7 This thread is NOT about the site closing but about the userbase declining drastically. Please stay of the discussion topic if you are going to post.

9 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2018-02-23 09:35 ID:Sd35pbo8 [Del]

>>8 Jaydon go away

10 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-23 22:05 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

so technically you want more trolls in this site? because you're bored?

11 Name: A.nodyaj : 2018-02-24 02:01 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

>>9 If you're not adding to the discussion LEAVE.
>>10 No. I have stated nowhere that was my stance, you just pulled that shit of thin air.

12 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2018-02-24 10:52 ID:Sd35pbo8 [Del]

>>11 you're Jaydon, the only thing you want is trolls smh

13 Name: Shokkun : 2018-02-24 11:00 ID:BKyW+K2I [Del]

It would be realy sad. I also am not that active here, but I don't want it to die too :c

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-02-24 15:21 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

The main "issue" is that most users eventually find a niche group they like to hang out with, then take it off-site in their own chats / groups / sites / etc.

So it's less that users "quit" the site and more that they graduate it. The BBS has become sort of an intermediary for people needing online friends. Of course, some of us are reclusive or cross groups or like to help out the site, so we stick around lurk or police.

IMO the only way to keep groups on the site is to provide them some kind of value. Missions could use some better upkeep and fresh ideas. Maybe a pseudo-chatroom board would be good -- a place to host your own general discussions that don't really fit Main or Random (like how the RTT is used by one group).

Intro could probably be turned into this, since all users get a thread there anyway. Just encourage more discussion there instead a making it a place to pop in and leave.

16 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-02-24 15:27 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

There have been less active visitors b/c Durrr! is slowly dying out of popularity, which means groups are forming a bit more slowly lately.

This might be a good thing since it gives us time to work a better system out for keeping them around. It's not expensive to throw an ad up nor difficult to mention it on other forum sites we visit, should that ever become a necessity.

(Note that >>15 isn't including people who come and go within a few days. That's normal for a weird / niche site.)

17 Name: A.nodyaj : 2018-02-25 00:24 ID:hCjzFCYF [Del]

>>16 I agree with everything you said man, thanks for the opinions. I have always felt that if the dollars had easier missions it would be better. The last time I checked the board it was only give to charity threads barely any missions that take effort, such as moving your ass to get out the house.
>>12 Look shiro, trash talking in a thread is dis-respectful, I know you dont care about me but think of the people trying to have an actually discussion. Your behaviour is trolling as I have stated in the past.

18 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2018-02-25 03:20 ID:quSCkyv9 [Del]

Eh, never really felt the change in the last few years.

Maybe a few peeps left, like Tanaka. Some are still around. New peeps too.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2018-02-26 00:51 ID:bvNGCAnM [Del]

There has not really been a noticeable change in activity. This is more of a community in general and not dedicated to Drrr! in the slightest. I have been on and off this sight for years, if anything its the texting groups that have been hit the hardest.

20 Name: day_will_fall : 2018-03-23 02:10 ID:73HxWDbq [Del]

Same observation.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-23 09:31 ID:pNqehlpo [Del]

I've been coming here on and off for nearly six years or more and every time there's a post that says something like this. Don't worry, it won't happen. I just wonder why the home page is spammed with nonsense like this. Where the heck did the mods go. Also, I still hate the captchas.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-23 09:38 ID:pNqehlpo [Del]

As someone said above, many people "graduate" from the dollars at some point. Some people like me keep coming back for the idea it offers rather than the actual content.
I think, and always have thought, that for this site to truly evolve and get its proper user base, it needs to evolve to something so much more than a DRRR! fan site. Even as much as we try to say it isn't, at the end of the day, it really is. If the forum existed and it had nothing to do with Dollars; just an anon forum, slightly moderated with built in chat rooms and tripcode logins, then it would be the perfect website. It just sucks we have to deal with the weebs, the hardcores, and the nobodies alike.
Again, I've been here for years and as long as Reltair keeps the site paid for, I'll keep coming back now and again, always forgotten between visits.

Please mind typos, written on an iPhone and autocorrect was weird. Wish the site got a good mobile update.

23 Name: firelily ((needs to stop disappearing and getting new phones)) : 2018-03-23 09:39 ID:L19BCp0B [Del]

ive been here for so many years (with so many phones and ipods)

just like >>21 says, its not gunna die anytime soon
regulars come and go,

and most regulars get fed up with how obnoxious newbs are so they switch frm active to lurking every now and then
(i switch between those a lot tbh)

just because yoy don't see a lot of posting dosnt mean there are less of us

((most dollars i know use the android app chat and G+ group more than the BBS but we all still check the BBS on the regular))

24 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-23 09:39 ID:pNqehlpo [Del]

Also, really sick of seeing the angsty teenagers having existential crisises every time I log in here. Gets tiring honestly.

25 Name: OxygenIntensifies : 2018-03-23 10:51 ID:V27DptwV [Del]

People come and go on a daily basis from millions of websites. Those people are soon replaced by newcomers it is all just a matter of waiting for them to come. Plus even if the Dollars goes a bit inactive for a bit, it will be revived,

26 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-23 12:06 ID:oKH86mev [Del]

>>23 Has that always been your tag? don't remember you around the sleep, hata, bambi etc. era. That was like 4 or 6 years ago or so.

27 Name: gavin : 2018-03-23 12:13 ID:O8RtAhwx [Del]

I would also like to see more people on this website. It is true that this site is dying and it will probably not going to become popular. Maybe we should start to try and bring more people into the dollars website.

28 Name: ZeroReverse : 2018-03-23 12:46 ID:qePjuBiO [Del]

Hey! Just joined minutes ago, thinking "what? is this real?" And hell it is! What I think is almost the same as other users here, and is te fact that of course, ppl will leave, for one reason or another, but as a user said we just need to keep 'em busy, like, let's do something! This site can be a tool and a way to reach more ppl and actually help or just hang around, we can't make 'em stay, but we can give 'em a reason to

29 Name: Kingkunta : 2018-03-23 13:19 ID:ZDgvv7a3 [Del]

Yes it is true. The whole thing will be going back to being fiction again, unless we do something. The whole purpose of the dollars is to do some real work and provide good help to those whoever needs it. I think we should drop our selfish needs for which we come here. Lets start it like a new group, even though there may be few people here!

30 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-23 13:31 ID:jZlIFqmk [Del]

i agree! and I'm in!

31 Name: ZeroReverse : 2018-03-23 14:08 ID:qePjuBiO [Del]

>>29 U're right! doesn't really matter how many we are, or nothing like that, we just need to take actions instead of words, as easy as that, I know it's easiear to say it than get it done, but hey! I know we can!