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Knives and self-defence (76)

1 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-27 10:32 ID:q1oX/ZMC [Del]

Hi, it's me again, with another semi-Dollars-related discussion topic!
This time it's all about knives and self-defence (which is no surprise if you're able to read the title, lol).
As someone who lives in a large city, I have played with the idea to buy a knife for emergency situations and I am sure that many of you who live in urban areas had similar thoughts before. So what are your thoughts on carrying knives? Do the 'Murican Dollars carry guns? Do you do any self-defence sports or training?
I'd be happy to discuss this topic with you!

2 Name: Rin : 2017-12-27 10:35 ID:rHZrI98B [Del]

Honestly I'm all for carrying knives in self defence but here in England some police came to my school to tell us that even carrying a butter knife can be punished unless you have a really good reason, they said self defence was not a good reason.

3 Name: Namie : 2017-12-27 11:50 ID:dE7tBN8O [Del]

I carry a box cutter so I can use my Krav Maga skills on any scary men.

4 Name: SMILE : 2017-12-27 13:12 ID:1YC9M6/4 [Del]

I would definitely carry a knife around for self defense but all the places that I go if I bring a knife and geyut caught I would be be careful if you decide to carry one around.

5 Name: Calsifercosplay : 2017-12-27 13:36 ID:cIvVLOPB [Del]

Honestly I should get one even though I don't live in a big place its not a surprise to see someone counseling a knife or a gun for self-defense just be careful and don't be to put there with it.

6 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-12-27 14:06 ID:drecSOZx [Del]

>>2 Aye here In the UK it is illegal to carry knife - link Gov.UK -

btw most weapons people carry I,e civilians are more likely to be turned on them selfs or are going to be used in some kind of crime.

7 Name: Katsura : 2017-12-27 17:43 ID:5qr70XJG [Del]

It's a good idea to carry a knife, as long as you keep in mind that:
1. Must be 18 or older
2. Blade must be under 3 inches
3. To carry into buildings, you must have a concealed carry license
4. Pepper or mace spray is a safer and easier alternative
If you do decide to carry a knife, make sure that you know how to use it properly and don't forget to check local laws and guidelines on the matter.

8 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !hlynYXmuM. : 2017-12-27 22:53 ID:5nf+ZaVG [Del]

I'm trained in Brazilian Judo, and I also carry a knife with me at all times.

But, I don't think that self defense is restricted to the ability to confront your attacker.

A lot of it has to do with awareness, be it situational or personal. I often scan around the room and I profile everyone around me, I stay aware of doors, windows, the space between each person I'm near as well as keep an eye out for potential obstacles that would prove hazardous in a moment of crisis.

It's good to keep in mind that everything around you could be utilized as a weapon against you or others at any point in time, so if there are certain objects near me, I'll search it- without touching it, for it's state of condition or exploits that may render it destructible, as well as it's material, density and break ability.

it's usually very good to observe people by looking into their eyes, because as any military will tell you, the eyes are a dead give-away to malicious intent. Be it, if they're focused on any think in particular or scanning around a room to wait for their opening to do whatever it is they're set out to do.

There's also something called "non-violent communication", which has been one of the most helpful tool in discerning or defusing a hysterical peer, or when talking to someone that you'd suspect as a potential threat.

Also, by scanning their clothes with your eyes, you're able to make out bulges or stiff masses on their person, as to access if they're carrying a knife, or any sort of object on them that could be pulled out, or used against you or others in a moment of panic.

there's a lot that you could do to protect yourself, and a great deal of it is both non-physical as well as non-verbal.

Knowledge is power.

9 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-12-28 01:35 ID:UN1ADocQ [Del]

I think self-defense is really important in our days, because there are so many dangerous people outside and it makes you feel safer when you can defend yourself. But I don't think that it is a good idea to carry a knife.
1.) You could harm yourself by accident.
2.) You could wound somebody who just provoked you in a joke and wasn't serious about hurting you, but you misunderstanded him.
3.) Somebody could take the knife from you and harm you or others with it.
I really think we shouldn't carry weapons with us. It is better to have a peper spray. I know that this is also forbidden, but it is less dangerous than a knife.

10 Name: Namie : 2017-12-28 07:24 ID:dE7tBN8O [Del]

>we shouldn't carry weapons
>It is better to have a peper spray

11 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-28 07:28 ID:q1oX/ZMC [Del]

Ooooh, those are some good ideas/ remarks. Thank you all so much!
>>2 >>6 >>7 Good point, I'll check the legal requirements in my nation.
>>8 I know that feeling, especially when I'm in public transportation, I try to stand somewhere where I can see as many people as possible from. Also, I know Wing Tsun.
>>9 Very good points. I'll keep them in mind.
More opinions are always welcome!

12 Name: Abe : 2017-12-28 12:33 ID:3ZS8MsRZ [Del]

I live in the capital of romania and i can asure you here are many dangerous people. As a girl i found it important to know self-defence since i was like 11-12 and now i am 16 with nice street fighting skills and always carring a knife(like a 7cm blade clip one). Now, our country has a really shade thing on knifes etc so u can easly get clean if a police man sees you with a knife because the knife related law it.s easy to turn in your advantage, but, even if you do decide to get a knife, take care and learn how to use it!

13 Name: Saika : 2017-12-28 13:47 ID:qYHwyqZO [Del]

There isnt really any use for weapons where i live but i still find it handy to keep backups just in case of strangers

14 Name: Roxas : 2017-12-28 14:47 ID:RdwTMrdY [Del]

I honestly think it's a good idea. I live in a somewhat large city, about 100 000 people. The only problem is, what kind and where to obtain it? I'm pretty young, so someone my age would probably look pretty weird buying one. And would I use a pocket knife? I also don't have a very good idea of where exactly I could get one.

15 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-28 14:56 ID:EHLLKBuM [Del]

>>2 >>6 >>7 I have found a nice blog entry about German knife laws and it's available in English as well, so if anyone is interested and for future reference, here's the link:
Unfortunately, the knife I've had my eyes on, which is totally not Orihara Izaya's Spyderco Centofante 3, falls under a special law that states that knives that can be opened with one hand and that lock their blades can be legally owned, but carrying them in public poses a minor breach of the law ("Ordnungswiedrigkeit").
>>13 just poke them and tell them to go away, I'm sure they will listen to their mother. :D
>>14 If you are a minor you should definitely check whether you are legally allowed to carry knives wherever you live. Also, as someone has stated before, there's always a risk that someone stronger will take it from you and stab you with your own knife. So, inform yourself, just like I did!
(By the way, and once again for future reference, I am considered an adult in my nation.)

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-12-28 23:35 ID:6cA0DXS7 [Del]

I'm surprised this is on main, but who cares about carrying?

I always carry a knife, since it is a tool. I was a bit paranoid at first when going back to college, so I didn't carry it. Turns out I needed a knife really bad for my broken down car in the first month of classes. After that I always carry a knife on me to cut boxes, wires, use as a screwdriver, etc. I don't really view it as a weapon anymore either.

For a gun I don't feel that paranoid or unsafe where I live. There isn't much violent crime here, but a few drivers have been held up at gunpoint. I have a nice 1911 45 pistol, but I only take it out of the house for the shooting range.

18 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-29 05:17 ID:EHLLKBuM [Del]

>>17 Is any other board better-suited for serious discussions? Random doesn't quite fit either, so I chose main. Also, I haven't seen any admins complain.

19 Name: Karasuno : 2017-12-29 16:37 ID:h7OSKkX6 [Del]

I don't carry a knife where I live but I've trained in jujitsu for many years. Only place I have used it was on the mat!

20 Name: Ngokhai !/WZimIIlxQ : 2017-12-29 17:05 ID:BSDiTkFP [Del]

From training in Tarkwondo, I learned that you don’t necessarily need any lethal weapons to defend yourself. You just need some experience and the ability to act quickly and effectively in a time of need. However, having something like a concealed knife works well for intimidating your attacker.

21 Name: An Average Flying Toaster : 2017-12-29 21:18 ID:5KCJB+Ip [Del]

The only weapons I need is both my guns on each of my arms. And of course my trusty AK-47 just in case

22 Name: TheBigflames : 2017-12-30 09:27 ID:MSe6cTvj [Del]

I think about carrying a kife with but not at school

23 Name: TheBigflames : 2017-12-30 09:28 ID:MSe6cTvj [Del]

Sometimes even a sword or dagger

24 Name: Oracle : 2017-12-30 16:50 ID:1AjX4imH [Del]

If I had to bring some sort of self defense weapon I would go with a tactical pen or a small pocket knife. Although I am not too sure on self defense laws (other than the fact that you shouldn't bring weapons to school) pepper spray should be fine too.
Stay safe- Oracle

25 Name: Maimai : 2017-12-31 03:26 ID:cdmvhfz/ [Del]

no knife no life
the true lifestyle of izaya orihara

26 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-31 04:06 ID:YSrTgxym [Del]

>>25 maybe you'll be interested in this:

27 Name: Katsura : 2017-12-31 12:54 ID:5qr70XJG [Del]

It's a good idea to carry a knife, as long as you keep in mind that:
1. Must be 18 or older
2. Blade must be under 3 inches
3. To carry into buildings, you must have a concealed carry license
4. Pepper or mace spray is a safer and easier alternative
If you do decide to carry a knife, make sure that you know how to use it properly and don't forget to check local laws and guidelines on the matter.

28 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2017-12-31 13:35 ID:YSrTgxym [Del]

>>27 maybe it would be useful to know which national law you took this from. :D We're an international community!

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-01-04 06:57 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>27 This depends on the state.

NJ went nuts in 2009 and put a bunch of restrictions on carrying anything that can be construed as a weapon. It was such a strict law, they had to go back in and add the permissions necessary for hunters / etc to carry their knives into the woods. You have to have a clear, legal reason / intention, or else. I'm not sure self-defense would suffice (especially if you were aware your actions would result in a violent confrontation).

However, most people carry them anyway. Cops seem to not bother you about it unless they suspect you of something bigger & need an excuse to detain.

Also: I believe minor can/can't carry a knife under the same conditions (just not to school / private facilities that don't permit weapons inside, as with any other citizen) in most states. Whoever sold it to them can get in trouble in NJ, though.

///not a lawyer, don't sue me, etc

31 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-01-04 06:58 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>30 minors*

32 Name: ??? : 2018-01-04 13:07 ID:CGfLY+7o [Del]

Swords,knifes,sadly no guns..

33 Name: Leche : 2018-01-04 13:24 ID:AH5Fl+RF [Del]

In texas a lot of people own guns but i personally dont. I dont carry a kbife or anything except if i go for a walk at noght but thats mostly for peace of mind!

34 Name: Izi : 2018-01-04 14:28 ID:CBq7OJud [Del]

I suppose if you live in a dangerous area and don't feel safe going out at certain times without a weapon its fine. Honestly I don't live in such an area, but in some places carrying weapons is illegal so I would check that.
Just dont threaten anyone who doesn't provoke you and actually stabbing anyone is also a bad idea. Can you imagine? What would you do next? Leave them? Call an ambulance?
But I'm getting off track. Personally I think its ok.

35 Name: lawless : 2018-01-04 17:18 ID:lS8Zy2tv [Del]

I'm also from Texas but i actually have a self defense education. i use that though I've never had to

36 Name: Chiyoko : 2018-01-04 23:01 ID:mQgDNCRF [Del]


37 Name: Aram : 2018-01-09 03:20 ID:TioSpttl [Del]

I don't think guns are the solution to everything. If you're getting robbed or attacked it doesn't legitimate killing people in selfdefense.
But id you wanna change things please join you local law enforcement or police force.

38 Name: Peep : 2018-01-09 05:36 ID:bSiOB7m+ [Del]

As long as you don't panic and is brave enough to do something(and not do something stupid) when something happens to you, you'll be able to defend yourself properly.

39 Name: Sunny : 2018-01-09 08:03 ID:ACN31gJP [Del]

a good pepper spray works better, it takes less training to be able to use it in defense of yourself.

40 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-01-09 11:05 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>38 This. Most urban confrontations happen in a split second and require immediate choice / action. Rarely will you have time to pull out a personal weapon (unless it's in a holster designed for quick access).

A better form of self-defense is observation. At any time, you should be aware of exits in a location (or how to find them) and have a catalog in your head of accessible items that could be used as cover, shield, or weapon. You should already know where you can run to by the time a situation begins, as well as how to confront an attacker if no such cover is available.

Unless you're immediately under a attack, it's best to not rush to violence, imo. Probably shouldn't chat at the guy trying to shoot you like some anime protagonist (there's no plot-shield in real life), but don't shoot the guy with the knife just for taking it out, either.

Also see >>8.

41 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-01-09 11:09 ID:8wZHWfIB [Del]

>>40 under attack*

42 Name: garion : 2018-01-10 11:22 ID:xyjxZwuG [Del]

if you want to defend yourself I sugest krav magha

43 Name: Katsu !8mrvri6yF. : 2018-01-11 17:01 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]

Oh shit huh......... Well, I don't think every American carries a gun. I don't, anyway. I just carry a pen around in my pocket almost all the time, just in case, but I haven't had any reason to actually use that. Idk, I've been thinking of asking my Mom to see if I can get some training or something. A knife sounds good too, if it's small and you practice on how to use it. GL withthis, Hoffie :D

44 Name: Zetta : 2018-01-12 02:30 ID:OSJhx/e+ [Del]

I usually carry this butterfly knives. Its light and easy to use. The thing is, while practicing, you might get a few cuts :P

45 Name: JaxRhapsody : 2018-01-13 04:20 ID:EUShUWkP [Del]

Pfft...I carry two jackknives, sadly they haven't tasted blood yet. But incase somebody gets extra stupid is what they're there for, otherwise from utility purposes, just more crap I carry. Back in the early days of my circle, we all had a knife or two.

46 Name: AdorkableGirl8 : 2018-01-13 12:25 ID:tKD7iUJ/ [Del]

Right now I carry a stun gun and a pocket knife because I have been in situations where I needed to get away from someone. In September when I turn 21 I will be purchasing a gun. I was raised on how to shoot since I was 10 so I figure the safest I can be is with a gun.

47 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-02 22:15 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

Bump of information

48 Name: ChilliBlossoms : 2018-02-03 15:57 ID:nCVqtEGp [Del]

I've thought of it, but sadly, its against the law to carry such things where I live. At least to my understanding anyway...

49 Name: qwerty : 2018-02-03 17:20 ID:jWgu/MKf [Del]

isn't carrying some knifes in the US illegal, but carrying a gun is fine.
Not sure if this is true but that' what I've need told anyway

50 Name: Tsubasa : 2018-02-03 18:04 ID:rH1MpCmD [Del]

It's not illegal to carry a knife has to be within a certain length and whether or not it is open or concealed

51 Name: Dav : 2018-02-06 07:43 ID:2/fwvoeg [Del]

>>8 Wow, that's pretty smart. I'm going to start having to do that :D

I'm learning Aikido right now, which is a relatively harmless sport that would allow me to escape any attackers without hurting them too much. I don't like hurting people unless absolutely necessary (or unless if the person is like, really really really annoying or hurt me first) so I don't want to be carrying around a knife (pretty sure I can't even if I want to lol) Granted, I'm not that good in Aikido, but I'm going to try and train harder to decrease my chances of dying young...

52 Name: AlQuran : 2018-02-06 09:40 ID:/89SbI7W [Del]

I carry all types of melee weapons,or otherwise. It's just how you display/conceal them.

53 Name: Nyaruko : 2018-02-08 14:24 ID:szxOp/X/ [Del]

I've played with the idea too, but I'm not sure, that I can legally have a weapon with me all the time. But even if you have a weapon, it's not sure, that you can defend yourself with it. Usually, when attacking someone, those coward sons of bitches do it in groups....
I've learning aikido too, for about 2 years now and I don't want to stop until the black belt. Btw sorry for the novel xd

54 Name: RAMPANT : 2018-02-08 16:46 ID:BxBgiv+p [Del]

I usually keep a knife on me unless I'm going somewhere they're not allowed. Anyone who is thinking about carrying one, just make sure you know all the laws pertaining to them, as well as rules set by specific places.

55 Name: Yaule !puXDblIYQg : 2018-02-09 09:04 ID:8cHT6Q5J [Del]

As someone living in America, I can tell you right now that carrying a knife is much more likely to get you in trouble than carrying a gun. So if you want some self defense, I'd highly recommend just getting a gun. But if you odn't want to, there's always th option of carrying something sharp that isn't a knife. I'm an art student, so I carry large scissors with me everywhere I go. It's easier and I won't get in trouble for it.

56 Name: Almerino : 2018-02-09 16:17 ID:ZascxBHC [Del]

I recommend taking self-defense training or taking up something like Judo.

57 Name: greenCream : 2018-02-09 18:38 ID:Mh8prGcZ [Del]

i usually carry a knife if I'm out after dark but id never
stab anyone, its just a good scare tactic most people run when they see you waving a knife at em :)

58 Name: Watcher : 2018-02-10 18:21 ID:ZLFiC1Ce [Del]

Disclaimer: I am not a delinquent. Ok keep reading now.

Since a young age I was specifically taught on how to use daggers on this compound which I have no idea where it was. They made sure discipline is instilled in us first before teaching use how to accurately use small throwing daggers, eventually increasing the size of the daggers even things like wire strings traps, identifying plants that can cause paralysis, how to properly hide them under clothing, and controlling our breathing to be soundless. Those with promising talent are called one by one by the "instructor" and never came back.
I rallied a few of those I trust while there, convincing them that if they too plan to escape we should all escape at once.
I must omit the details of escape, I'm sorry it's too personal and traumatizing for those who are innocent. I was lucky to escape with my right shoulder blade shattered along the way, as for the others I have no idea we agreed to split ways at the first city we got to reduce the amount of pursuers. When I got home I was immediately brought to a hospital and kept begging my parents for us to move.

I now live in Switzerland as the local Physical Education teacher's assistant ever since. Although students often ask about the metal support on my scapula since it sticks out of the clothing.

59 Name: irma : 2018-02-10 19:06 ID:v5d2P4gU [Del]

in the city that im currently at, they sell nice wooden necklace that really is a sheath for small knife. when i saw it the first time i was tempted to buy one for self-defense. but i know i cannot used it to hurt anyone (thinking ahead for my mental stability). but its nice to know that, yeah you could have one for scare tactics. i know a few that have cutter on their bags as it is less suspicious

60 Name: RattaCatatta : 2018-02-10 19:48 ID:DP17xkP6 [Del]

Avoiding conflict is preferable and cn be achieved by practicing common sense, i.e. don't flash cash around and avoid dark alleyways. A knife as as some "extra insurance" could be good but might lead to some issues. Get a knife or not, the choice is up to you,but I would suggest learning things such as takedowns, disarms,and weak points of the body (these include: eyes, nose, throat, and groin area). This way you have the advantage. Btw: pepper spray could be an alternative to to the knife.

61 Name: Namie : 2018-02-10 20:13 ID:wpbiSXlm [Del]

>Since a young age I was specifically taught on how to use daggers on this compound which I have no idea where it was.

Omg me too. I was in Tunisia killing defectors by the time I was 13!

62 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2018-02-10 21:28 ID:aAynGG6Z [Del]

>>58 I became a chunin at the age of 6, and a jonin at the age of 12, nigger.

63 Name: Namie : 2018-02-11 18:00 ID:wpbiSXlm [Del]

>>62 Everyone reading this will probably think he's lying, he's not.

64 Name: 011001-001 : 2018-02-11 21:48 ID:ogcmxz/V [Del]

At age 16 I learned hand to hand combat from uncle who’s in the police and is an instructor. He said it’s not a bad idea to have some sort of weapon on you in case of an intense situation. What matters is if you’re willing to carry a knife and you know how to use it. I have one but I don’t carry with me all the time

65 Name: Blackbird : 2018-02-12 12:10 ID:ZtDJQgpL [Del]

I haven't received any legitimate training, however, I have trained myself to handle both knives and firearms. In my personal opinion it is both safe and useful in case anything were to happen. Aside from certain locations wherein these items are not permitted, I actually carry a knife with me at all times, and matches in my wallet.

66 Name: Anonymous : 2018-02-14 22:40 ID:bvNGCAnM [Del]

I always carry a knife on me just for using it as the tool it is. There have been countless times where i did not think i would need one and it helped in some way. For protection im not so sure its the best option but if its all you can get its not bad to have. I have a concealed carry licenses so i carry a M&P 2.0 compact which is.....great, I love it.

67 Name: 4nTeDeGueM0n : 2018-03-18 20:47 ID:2+BOOHkz [Del]

you could carry Koppo sticks, or anything that you can use as a fist load and pratice punches, it would make your punches stronger, avoid serius injuries on your hands and you would probably not get in trouble with the police, since it's not a actual weapon, in theory.

68 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-19 04:13 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


69 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-19 10:02 ID:jZlIFqmk [Del]

weapins are not allowed in all countries, for instance, i have my own secret self-defence move and a special protection weapon made by me. everyone should have a w way to protect himself/herself accordingly, lets all be unique and special, that's how th dollars are!

70 Name: Mr. Hanafuda : 2018-03-19 10:36 ID:tmoZdrAf [Del]

I usually carry knuckle dusters with a spring assisted knife built in.

71 Name: Fon Lika : 2018-03-19 20:25 ID:U62pn5x3 [Del]

What's if the law considers carrying pepper spray illegal? Because this is the cae in my country.

72 Name: YS : 2018-03-19 21:12 ID:QGh2XENp [Del]

I carry a small switchblade on me for self defense, I own more than just that single knife but it works best for protection I've found.

73 Name: generalgarchomp : 2018-03-20 01:44 ID:mWcK1iu7 [Del]

If pepper spray isn't allowed, which to me is strange in general, maybe take self defense classes and classes in martial arts. This way you can defend yourself even without that stuff. And that's good advice for really anywhere even if you can carry weapons.

74 Name: Kingkunta : 2018-03-20 11:42 ID:LXBkGxhB [Del]

Knives are cool, but martial arts is an all-in-one thing. No need to worry about metal detectors wherever we go.

75 Name: Sadir : 2018-03-20 13:36 ID:0rm4AQpW [Del]

>>74 Whilst knives are certainly an effective means of defence if you have been trained in how to use them, however studies have shown ( that carrying a knife, especially without training on how to use one, actually increases your risk of gettign stabbed. Learning an effective martial ask is a better means of defence. And as mentioned, it won't set off things such as metal detectors.

76 Name: day_will_fall : 2018-03-23 02:01 ID:73HxWDbq [Del]

I literally have a hand axe stashed in my backpack whenever I go outside. Better to be safe than sorry.