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Dollars YouTube Channel (23)

1 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-21 17:41 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]

Topic: Social Media (YouTube Channel)

This thread will explain everything anyone may need to know about the now official Youtube Channel. Here you may have your questions answered, find out how you may join, or even find out the content which is soon to come out in the future.


A question which has been asked since the dawn of time when it comes to someone making a YouTube channel. How do you intend on making it “Dollar” friendly, how do you intend on managing it and how will you get other Dollar’s content besides your own on the channel?

This question has various answers! The channel is ‘Dollar” friendly as we ONLY upload things the Dollar community should know. We are currently doing monthly updates about the website and are currently planning on doing Mission Updates as well! Nothing on the channel is personal to each creator, so you will never have to worry about seeing someone daily vlog on the channel!

But how do we do this? With the approval of Blanc, we have created our own Youtube Discord only for those working on the channel. Here, we can freely talk and plan videos along with review each other's work. We can send each other our videos and then upload them. This is how we receive a diverse range of content from various people.

However, by using a discord, this may reason another question such as “who is the admin/leader?” When it comes to these types of things, everyone seems to want to know who is running what to see if they can be trusted or not. Logically speaking, I , the creator of the channel and writer of this thread, would be somewhat considered the leader of the channel but that is not how this works. Their truly is not leader, we are just a group working together. Everyone is their own leader, all we can ask is that you listen to each other as everyone does their role. Those who would like to be a creator, the editors, the community who will review and I shall post. It is a chain which has seemingly worked this far.


What you do varies on the type of role you’d like to take. There are various things to do and even if you feel as if there isn’t much for you to do, we can almost always work around that and find a role that works with you and whatever schedule you may have. Your offline life is far more important than your online one, and we understand that. If you ever have a problem or need time off, all you need to do is tell someone. We are flexible. But moving back on topic, there are various things for everyone to do!

  • Creator

  • While every role is important, this may be the most important as it keeps the channel truly alive. As a creator you are creating the content. However this does not mean you have to write your own script or edit the videos if you do not know how to do either. If you’d like to, you can, but the job of a creator is to either record their voice or make a video/clip to promote the Dollars cause. May that be you doing a mission and recording it or may that be you giving out monthly news.

  • Scriptor/Writer

  • The Writer is another important job. This person gathers the information and/or talks to people before writing out a script for the Creator to read and record. This is an important role to make everything flow better and sound more professional!

  • Editor

  • Once the script is done and the Creator has finished recording, it is time for the video to head off to the editor! This person puts together the background for the video and makes sure everything is pleasing to the eye.. They can make the videos look nice or even put together the thumbnails for each video! Either way, like the other two mentioned above, this is an important role!

  • Translator

  • For all those Dollar who happen to Hard of Hearing or speak another language other than English , Having someone who is willing to listen to the video and then translate what they hear, allows people all around the world can watch and understand the contents of the video!

  • Others

  • The roles for the group are constantly expanding as more ideas for the channel start to come out. Creator, Writer and Translator are the main three we would like people to join the most as they would truly get the channel started the way we’d like! If you are interested in other roles which will soon be coming out, feel free to email me at


  • Monthly Podcasts
    Monthly Dollar Updates
    Monthly Mission Updates
    Monthly Awareness Updates

  • The Dollar Youtube Channel has much planned for the future. If you were to check out the channel now, you’d notice that we already have two Monthly Mission Updates but as summer comes, we would like to expand to adding to content! At the moment, we have a awareness video and a mission video in the works, almost prepared to be released into the world of the internet. Another big thing for the future would be creating a podcast to upload onto the channel, however that still has much work left that has to be done. But either way, the channel has a lot of things planned for it and will only continue to go as the time goes by! If you are interested or have your own ideas for a series/video, message one of the people listed below


    Kuroi Ryū (Me)
    Discord: The Black Dragon (Kuroi Ryū)#7783
    Twitter: NoLifeSendHelp

    Discord: CherryBlossom#8396
    Twitter: CherryBlosGamer




    Discord: Yvonnegone#1023

    2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-21 20:04 ID:4Lw3XEZ+ [Del]

    Omg I think I'm missing something but please reply and link me the channel or something

    3 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-06-21 20:20 ID:V7lEoTEw [Del]

    Pffft you didn't need my 'approval' or anything, I'm a pleb.
    Anyway this was a good project since it started and it's hype to see it as a thread!

    4 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-21 20:49 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]

    Here is the link, I forgot to add it in

    Well, it's kinda to late to mention that now XD But yep, all aboard the hype train I suppose. We can only hope it doesn't end like many other hype trains.

    5 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-21 21:01 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]

    6 Post deleted by user.

    7 Name: Salty : 2017-06-23 14:21 ID:XgBzO0W+ [Del]

    Is the channel still being used? No new uploads recently.

    8 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2017-06-23 20:25 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]

    >>7 I know that they have been working on stuff and trying to organise it more, so yes it is

    The fact that this post was made just recently shows that the people behind the channel are working on it and using it, content creation just takes time y'know?

    9 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-23 21:42 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]


    Yes, this channel is still very much in use. We have a lot planned for it but as >>8 said, creating good content does take time. Since it is more than one or two people we also have to consider everyone's timezone and such. However, if you would please be patience with us, we will do our best to upload more often!

    10 Name: UScitizen457 : 2017-06-23 23:28 ID:LPZC+wqg [Del]

    I can't wait to see the new content!!

    >>7 as both >>8 and >>9 pointed out making a video takes time.

    11 Name: Yoruren : 2017-06-24 07:54 ID:cSfyQUw5 [Del]

    Seems cool ! I wish this Dollars youtube channel can reach all members around the world

    12 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-24 18:35 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]


    Of course! That is our goal! We hope that we can connect with people all around, Dollars or not. Each video is being translated to Spanish or is in the process of having closed captions created for those who happen to hard of hearing. In the end, I would like to see us inform people all around about the things happening in this community or how to help their own personal community.

    13 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-25 11:41 ID:CujwQKlN [Del]

    Welp I guess this link doesn't work on iPhone because I tried it like 5 times but it says the channel does not exist.....can you give me the name of the channel (Pewdiepie,Jacksepticeye, stuff like that)

    14 Name: Salty : 2017-06-25 17:45 ID:kEQQigcH [Del]

    >>13 its called: "Official Dollars" I believe

    15 Name: lordofblossoms !F/Lqh.hrb2 : 2017-06-25 20:44 ID:VeCftb8j [Del]

    thats the page link, looking forward to this

    16 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-06-27 11:58 ID:uE/40cq2 [Del]

    For those having problems locating the channel, Official Dollars.

    17 Name: Kenshi : 2017-06-27 21:50 ID:CNyGoVRP [Del]


    18 Name: Another : 2017-06-28 01:27 ID:Yc4tr8vb [Del]

    Finally the Dollars channel is created.

    19 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-07-01 20:03 ID:hv5w63xm [Del]


    20 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-07-07 08:27 ID:f/cMfs0s [Del]


    21 Name: Liz : 2017-07-08 21:28 ID:kHa9M628 [Del]



    22 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2017-08-25 07:45 ID:uKNhdF3L [Del]

    a s s t h e d i c k

    23 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-08-31 15:12 ID:dOr2A81C [Del]

    b u m p