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US Presidential Elections 2016 (86)

1 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-10-12 19:04 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

As many of you know, the US presidential elections are on Tuesday, November 8th. The nominees are Donald Trump for the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party, Gary Johnson for the Libertarian Party, and Jill Stein for the Green Party. (That being said, most of the focus is on the big two candidates, feel free to discuss third party as well)

This election year has been the most public and odd in recent years, if nothing else. If you're of legal age, who do you plan to vote for? Why do you like your candidate/ dislike their opponent? What are your opinions on current policies?

Also, try to keep the discussion remotely civil. If referring to a policy or a candidate's past decision, please link sources (or at least annotate them at the bottom of your post). Since this is a thread about the current election cycle, I'd also like to ask mods to permasage this thread after the next POTUS has been elected, as this thread's purpose is to discuss candidates and issues in the current election cycle.

2 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-10-12 19:05 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

As for my own opinion this election, I'm still relatively undecided. While Hillary's had quite the interesting (and long) track record from first lady to Secretary of State, she's flipped on her stance on marriage [1] to outright lying about certain events [2], being in part leading to her low trustworthiness [3].
Still, there's plenty to talk about on Trump as well. From his radical statements about immigration, to praising Vladimir Putin [4], he's had more than his fair share of outlandish comments. Trump too, isn't one to go without lying, most recently as he did with regards to asking his followers on Twitter to 'check out a sex tape' on Alicia [5] during the second debate.

What are your thoughts on this election, and how do you view our current major party candidates?


3 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-10-12 19:07 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

Don't sage the thread when it's done, just close it. It's nice to look back on old discussions. (Permasage will have it deleted.)

4 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-10-12 19:21 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

Personally, I'm in support of neither candidate. My stance on the current election is simply that the election system is broken. I do not plan to vote this year. Rather, when I'm at a more stable point in my life, I plan to look into what I (we) can do to help fix the system as it is.

Were I voting, it would be for Clinton. I still struggle to take Trump seriously as a candidate and believe the support for his radical nature is an example of America's education system being a complete failure. That is another system we, as Americans, need to put our focus towards in the near future for our upcoming generations.

The base concept of changing systems requires the participation of 1) intellects, to design the new concepts, and 2) local voters, to ensure their district and state governments are willing to adopt them. I will be more concerned about that in the future than the presidency.

Presidents are ultimately figureheads in our nation. They can get little done without the assistance of the gov't sects (Congress, etc) and are easily executed when they get out of hand. America was specifically designed from the start to not become a dictatorship, so I'm not especially concerned about someone "bad" getting into office, except for the social repercussions of potentially normalizing their behavior and attitude in everyday life.

5 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-10-12 19:38 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

Fair enough, America isn't a pure democracy. Were it, gerrymandering and the Electoral College likely wouldn't exist.
(Quick refresher for some: Gerrymandering is a process in which district lines can be redrawn to favor one party over another, and the electoral college is a system in which voters vote for electorates to vote for their candidates, though in some States they aren't obligated to)
We currently don't even allow our territories to vote, nor D.C., since it's a federal district. America's democracy is far from a pure democracy, much less a perfect system.

That being said, even with Presidents not being able to push their own bills into the House/ Senate (and having to get a Senator, for example, do it for them), they do have some powers given by the Constitution and other Acts, such as the Power of Appointment, or conference in foreign affairs.
What's also scary is the fact that one of these people will be the face of the U.S. to foreign countries.

Fun short video on gerrymandering/ electoral college for those interested:

6 Name: firelily : 2016-10-12 19:54 ID:jjZErLsq [Del]

can we all just vote for jill??? she seems safe...

7 Name: super *cough cough* : 2016-10-12 20:01 ID:jjZErLsq [Del]

you are a beautiful, wonderful human being. you can break all the rules bc you're just that adorable..

8 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-10-12 20:15 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

>>6 It's not happening. People are so caught up in the main two parties that you will never get enough to vote independent with our current culture to swing the vote. All you're doing by voting for an independent or third party in this election is taking a percentage point away from your main party choice.

>>5 Yep, our foreign relations won't be great if Trump is allowed anywhere near another country. I'm hoping, were he'd elected, he'd appoint a capable Secretary of State and huddle up in his office until they boot him out. But I don't have much confidence considering his VP choice.

One of my main issues with the current system is the fact that gerrymandering can even be problem. We shouldn't be so dedicated to our bias of the two party system that administrators can predict who will vote for who and draw those lines accurately.

Imo the presidential election needs to (ideally) be both opened up and closed down: take out the monetary barriers by banning mass campaigns (whether they be slander or self-ads), publicize just the facts: who are they; what are their positions; and how do they intend to make these positions work through their first term, and make those publications accessible to the average American. None of this manipulative nonsense.

9 Name: Kansas : 2016-10-13 08:26 ID:5g5FQWYc [Del]

im probably just gonna move to Canada, or Europe.

10 Name: breathlessWind : 2016-10-13 17:05 ID:j5SOa8Qg [Del]

The smart people don't vote for either party, (Though I do think Hillary would do fine.) the smart people go to Canada.

11 Name: Miyame : 2016-10-13 17:42 ID:I/hzhBSv [Del]

Trump is an a-hole. Clinton is a criminal. Voting for either would put me on the level of garbage, so I'm not going to.

12 Name: Kye : 2016-10-13 17:43 ID:dc2DfGpX [Del]

Wouldn't recommend moving to Europe things are getting on edge with the way Putin is acting

13 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-10-13 21:33 ID:uZuzz6gV [Del]

Can someone tell me more about Jill Stein? I took a this quiz and found out that I should vote for her, but she's been drowned out by the Hilary/Trump debacle.

14 Name: Kashu !h9vyVnvYZo : 2016-10-13 21:37 ID:lwefU0+o [Del]

Jill Stein is from what I recall in government class all for equal health saving the earth and equal rights though she has not released plans on how to do so.

15 Name: Valdr : 2016-10-14 01:40 ID:baMcEwzj [Del]

Jill Stein is the true progressive's progressive. Some have described her as being Bernie Sander's even more progressive female alter ego. the reality is that Jill Stein is the current face of the Green Party, and the Green Party's Presidential nominee for 2016. Some of her biggest points are transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and reversing climate change by cutting back on industrial wastes and harmful energy practices.

Since I support the growth of all the parties other than the big 2, I'll go ahead and say some stuff about the other two most prominent "third party" candidates, Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin.

Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party's nominee for President. He is typically listed as Republican in the House, though he's obviously considered moderate considering he identifies as a Libertarian. His strongest points are cutting back on wasteful spending within the government to reduce taxes on the people and enacting term limits for Congress to break up corruption within the government. Johnson is criticized for being quite isolationist, meaning that he will do very little to increase America's standing as a global superpower.

Evan McMullin is a weird one. He's a Mormon, former CIA operative, former refugee resettlement coordinator, former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference, and former investment banker for Goldman Sachs. He advertises himself as a moderate conservative, but his voting record BY NUMBER actually labels him as a very moderate liberal. He votes Conservative on the issues he cares most about, so it's safe to call him conservative. He is an independent candidate, promising to increase and maintain military spending, decrease taxation on small businesses, and fund public charter schools and increase teachers' salaries. He is also criticized as being isolationist, though many say that his experience and mission work overseas show that he will lead America to be a very benevolent global superpower.

Woo! There's my spiel. Fuck the two-party system.

16 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-10-14 18:44 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Gary Johnson was polling recently around ~12-13%, putting him ahead of the other 3rd party candidates. That said, it'd be nice if at least he'd get to 15%, that way he could participate in the debates as well.

17 Name: Fujinuma !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-10-14 22:06 ID:x1hpLOdW [Del]

>>15 You missed a capitalisation.

18 Name: Don't you care? : 2016-10-18 23:00 ID:FVlUKslb [Del]

Please read the whole thing before attacking me.
... I'm stunned. You guys are acting like this is the end of the world. Witch it is. But only because people like you either give up and don't vote, vote the popular party or are just plain stupid and vote for third party candidates.

In the past week I've been shocked by Americas response to scandals on both sides.

51% of people actually believe Trump is lying about the women claiming to have been sexually assaulted by him. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Not to mention the doubled standards, Bill Clinton has had the same kind of claims against him while he was president yet whenever someone brings it up it is quickly put down as "Alleged". Yet most people are acting like what was alleged against Trump (Not to mention they all came out three weeks before the election, some coincidence, Huh?) is true beyond doubt. My suggestion? Either Have all of the alleged sexual assaults be taken to court, wait and see the results or forget about both of them. Either way believe both of them innocent until proven otherwise. You can't believe one and believe the other guilty. That's just unfair and closed-minded.

73% of people believe Clinton's lying about her email scandal.
Well as that's 100% true I can't really argue with it.(Seriously look up the trial and listen.. Then listen to Her later statements, doesn't take a genus). Yet most people haven't even heard of the resent wiki leaks, witch are very revealing about Miss Hillary Clinton. Because, once again the double standards, are playing a role, the media barely talk about it for a minute if at all. (look it up, I'm here to alert you not give you a guide and tell you everything about it). I believe that what's been revealed will stun you like they stunned me.

4% to 42% think that Hillary Clinton will change the country for the better........ What? And why would you ever think that? Um.. Hello? Hillary Clinton has been in government 30 years.. And She's just bringing up this stuff now.. Not to mention Hillary Clinton has been known to support some of the worst trade deals in recent history, such as NAFTA and the Iran deal (Witch is literally giving another country (Not to mention a country that was very previously out to kill all Americans) Uranium).

I'd get more into it but frankly, looking it up for yourselves will be a lot easier for both of us. There is a lot of stuff I haven't mentioned or gone into detail of. I suggest you look it up yourself and if you want links ask, I'll be sure to give you links when I'm free. (Didn't wanna do it now as it's kinda a pain in the ass)

But the point is there is way to much stuff at stake here for you to be so biassed and closed-minded, its funny most democrats claim to be open-minded yet they always condemn and demonize people who disagree with them. Trump isn't perfect. No one is. So stop acting like the worlds so black an
d white. Democrats aren't some super deity fighting for the good of the world. And Republicans aren't some evil villain trying take over the world. Things aren't black and white.

I'd be happy to Debate with with anyone willing to, why Trump should be are next president and Hillary shouldn't even be near the white house. (:

19 Name: Don't you care? : 2016-10-18 23:06 ID:FVlUKslb [Del]

*44% to 42% (Excuse me) Believe Hillary Clinton will change the country for the better.

20 Name: Valdr!ValdrPyl9. : 2016-10-19 00:46 ID:baMcEwzj [Del]

>>16 Gary Johnson is the highest polling third-party candidate, but an average of most national polls puts him below 10% for the last several months. He's polling much higher in his home state of New Mexico of course, but his national poll numbers have actually declined recently to around 6%, largely because of the Aleppo incident.

To be honest, I prefer many of the Presidential candidates' running mates to the candidates themselves. I've always admired William Weld because his name is badass and because he has endorsed Presidential candidates of both major parties. He's as old money as can be, but he's not married to any one party, which is something I respect. Also, he's much more intelligent than Gary Johnson. I mean, c'mon. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been a third-party candidate's wet dream this year. This was their election to lose, but neither the Libertarians nor the Independents could unify and seal the deal. (I ignore the Green Party because I don't think they will ever get someone in the White House. They're too far left and against the interests of too many wealthy people. I'm not even sure if they could ever break 15%. Ever.

>>17 Ugh, sorry about that. In my defense, it was pretty damn late when I wrote that, and there's no way in hell I'll really proofread anything I write here.

>>18 I'd be happy to debate with you when you learn to type correctly.

21 Name: NinjaProxy : 2016-10-19 16:11 ID:qm5/59+h [Del]

Not to be off topic but Bernie Sanders, you should have been president.

22 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-10-19 19:25 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

On the sexual assault claims:
There's never really a set 'golden time' to come out with sexual harassment (i.e. it's not like coming out with such information immediately guarantees you'll be trusted on your claim). If anything, it makes sense that these women are coming out after Trump's comments on the bus were made public, as it adds credibility to their claim.
That being said, there's no immediate way to tell if any/ all of the allegations are true or not. The facts are that these allegations were made, and Trump's on record for saying that he was sexually harassing women, though he dismissed it as 'locker room talk'.

Percent of voters polled in Washington Post that said Trump likely made unwanted sexual advances: 68% polled yes.

(In that same poll, the trustworthiness/ honesty of Clinton was polled at 34%, fun fact)

On Clinton's trade dealings:
She's been on record flip-flopping over TPP in particular, so can't argue on that standing. I'm looking into her other stances on good/ bad trade deals at the moment, feel free to throw some links to assist.

Yeah, the flop on Aleppo pushed him back down pretty hard. Hard to imagine what an "Aleppo moment" is on national TV.

This election oddly enough did have some of the lowest numbers polling for Dems and Reps, was hoping that third parties could make an appearance in a debate, but oh well.

Debate's in half an hour, should be interesting.

23 Name: Nero : 2016-10-20 08:12 ID:SYWHxa/O [Del]

I'm Indonesian , but i think Trump is better

24 Name: Lucre : 2016-10-20 09:37 ID:iOUb/AQI [Del]

I really like Pence. I disagree with Hillary on many issues. And for Trump..ehh, the wall is probably not going to happen in my opinion. But we do need more border control. I'm alright with Gary Johnson.

25 Name: Axiom : 2016-10-20 11:03 ID:7kv6/ebi [Del]

Putin's allies have stated that there will be war should Hillary be Elected (1). A top General said last night that Hillary's plan to put a no-fly-zone over Syria would require us to go to war with Syria and Russia given the scale of such an operation (2).

In short, she is a warmonger. Its appalling to me how she has so many "supporters" when the obvious champion of the Democratic party was Bernie Sanders. I think that the media has outrageously skewed Trumps campaign in Clinton's favor (seriously, if you look up his platform, his ideas aren't that radical; save for the wall). Tim Kaine is an immature child (watch the VP debate), and the DNC and FBI covering up her email scandal is outright criminal.

That said, I don't think Trump is the best candidate we've ever had (far from it) but he is leagues better than Hillary, who, were she to be elected, I believe she would pursue only her own interests and not those of the American people. I will probably vote for Donald Trump or write in Marco Rubio (like I said, Trump wasn't the best this time around) but it doesnt really matter who I vote for because I'm a Conservative living in California. I already know who this state is going to go to thanks to the electoral college.

Might as well vote for Vermin Supreme at this point and get myself a free pony.



26 Name: Yoongi : 2016-10-20 11:18 ID:zXO7qqBs [Del]

We make peace, not war. So I agree with Hillary.

27 Name: Sam : 2016-10-20 11:38 ID:8s3CGe/L [Del]

If you want Hilary, than you want a criminal for president overall third party is better main ones

28 Name: Marx : 2016-10-20 12:03 ID:2BerJyKv [Del]

Originally, I wanted Bernie, but it looks like he's not an option anymore. So I'm going to have to go with Hillary, while I don't really agree with many things she says, I just cannot think of letting Trump be president. I want someone who is NOT going to act like a god damn child. Also, I really don't want someone who is racist as president either.
We need someone responsible, and CAN hold America together responsibly.

29 Name: stamps : 2016-10-20 15:46 ID:dEl24YJ4 [Del]

>>24 Everyone says that the border is a huge issue, but the fact is that, as someone who lives close to the Mexican border, I haven't seen much of an issue created by this. As such, I don't really believe that immigration is that big of a problem and doesn't really affect my vote (though I agree, Trump's 'plan' most likely won't pan out).

That being said, I'd rather vote for Hillary because of her previous experience and lack of open sexual/racial discrimination. And I dearly miss the Bern.

30 Name: Sam : 2016-10-20 15:52 ID:3pcxNrwg [Del]

>>28 dude what about third party? You don't like the criminal than don't vote for her vote third party so neither trump (an idiot) nor Hilary (the criminal) will become president

31 Name: Kagerou : 2016-11-07 17:56 ID:rpsayyon [Del]

The election is tomorrow. Things are going to change. Whoever becomes president, we'll just have to deal with it. I personally don't like either, but I think the news may be exaggerating both of them. Well, that's all I have to say.

32 Name: Fon Lika : 2016-11-08 02:17 ID:cIiBS93B [Del]

Wish I Know more about all of this. Info provided on some other countries news is so very blurry like smoke.

33 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-08 02:40 ID:aE23cDH3 [Del]

Indeed. Here in Germany news coverage is pretty onesided with Trump being very much made out to be the buffoon he is and Hillary being the comparatively not ideal but at least sane candidate. And not very much else. Just a whole lot of "expert" and public opinions.

34 Name: Fon Lika : 2016-11-08 02:44 ID:fz6XOa2G [Del]

But still when i research about democratic and conservative stuffs, i kind of agree with hillary

35 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-08 07:22 ID:aE23cDH3 [Del]

Generally I also agree with what Hillary says, its basically what democrats say in general, the problem is that its an open secret that she is corrupt as fuck and probably not gonna hold up half of what she is saying.
(Better than Trump who will keep up 0 of what hes saying because he doesnt care about anything but the size of his hands)

36 Name: Sara Stonecore : 2016-11-08 07:49 ID:qg58x9Sm [Del]

You know what sucks? Being 17 and having to still drik the poison elected today.

37 Name: Pizzamasterpie : 2016-11-08 08:50 ID:TW7FIRkA [Del]

Really, just vote for whoever you think is right. Don't choose another candidate just because people tell you things to convince you that the others are bad. Remember, they can have the credentials, money and knowledge but it doesn't mean either of them can run a country.

Also, don't trust everything you read in the internet. The media can gather information from interviews and speeches, but I'm sure they don't get EVERYTHING and somehow mix words for certain topics. If you think this person should be president, go and vote.

I can't really say much about this, because I'm not fully involved and have little information to say that this person is the best choice. I should be concerned, and I am, because whatever the outcome my country along with others will be affected one way or another. That being said, I want to keep an open mind. Both candidates, -being human, have good and bad traits. They make mistakes and have done good things too. All I am able to do is to casually discuss it with my peers. It's a useless thing to fight over anyway, because I don't get to vote.

If you don't care, then that's okay too. It's your choice after all. Some of you may not know it but votes do matter. Especially if you complain a lot about certain things and hope for change. You may not see it now, but you will in the future when you get older. I used to not care at all. I thought of participating in the elections as something I was forced to do, but then I wanted change around here and one way I could do that was to vote.
So yeah. Wish you guys luck.

38 Name: Cryx : 2016-11-08 08:54 ID:CWkae4A1 [Del]

Here are Nostradamus' predictions:

39 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-08 09:23 ID:aE23cDH3 [Del]

>>37 Thats exactly the reasoning that gets Trump elected. "Dont do research, just trust your gut" and the gut isnt really basing itself on logic, just your subjective experiences with people of similar character, and that is an unreliable way of judging whether someone is fit to be president.
A better way of putting it would be that you should gather facts from any media possible, but form your own opinion based on the facts and not on the medias opinion.

40 Name: Naga sake : 2016-11-08 11:36 ID:K/3EEPll [Del]

W E L C O M T O T H E F A L L O F A M E R I C A P A R T O N E ! ! !

41 Name: Kyouki !R9Cp4gukjc : 2016-11-08 15:19 ID:BjgCUpin [Del]

It's going to be interesting to see what's going to happen either way.

42 Name: _Lighter_ : 2016-11-08 15:54 ID:L2BnpJ9l [Del]

>>40 *Grabs some popcorn, sour candy, a bottle of lemonade, the zapper and calls a bunch of friends* Well then... let the show begin

43 Name: Izaya27Sawada : 2016-11-08 16:00 ID:5Y0j7lxb [Del]

However this election turns out it is not going to be the end (at least, it isn't directly going to cause the end) of The US.
We still have the ability to vote for local members of government such as state governors and the mayors of the city you live in. We still can influence what happens to us locally at the very least. Hopefully we don't get into a war as soon as one of the two (H or T) get into office.

I also hope that people don't start rioting or something if they found the voting unfair and their candidate should have won or something. I mean, people have gone on riots just because their favorite sports team won a game before.[1]


44 Name: Tailypo !3HFEcSWo4o : 2016-11-08 16:30 ID:bV94bKin [Del]

Welp. Nothing we can do today but wait for the results.

This entire candidacy has been disappointing. Both sides are dishonest and I don't see neither Trump nor Clinton doing a whole lot of good for the country. I was really rooting for Sanders until he dropped out.

I decided to vote for a third party. I realize that this won't do much, but I can't vote for either Trump or Clinton out of good conscience. But like others have said before, this won't be the end of the US. We'll see how this turns out.

45 Name: маленькое пламя : 2016-11-08 16:58 ID:3dpSjvnH [Del]

Both of them are awful. However, Trump has a Jacksonian vibe that I especially detest.

46 Name: Kitty~Chan : 2016-11-08 17:08 ID:2QWbj8fS [Del]

私はスタインとジョンソンとの間でランダムに選択されていたので、正直に言うと、私はトランプとクリントンの両方を軽蔑する...私は私が思う、ハハ...、私のミスをゲイリー・ジョンソンを選んだの? (。_。)

47 Name: Mizaki : 2016-11-08 18:17 ID:s3n0ybSf [Del]

If I could vote, I would vote for Trump because Hillary is allowing third term abortion. That is just sick.

48 Name: Vagona Sonko : 2016-11-08 19:07 ID:7fLLI1Q2 [Del]

Ugh... these elections are retarded guys the internet has spread many lies and no one in the world has made it's just an election that will not let no one win for sure as many people will be forced to vote for someone they don't even like aaand I've been ranting you guys probably don't even know what I said but screw it.... I don't know what I'm saying either YAY

49 Name: ? : 2016-11-08 19:32 ID:w22JIoJG [Del]

Honestly, if Trump becomes president, does he REALLY have the power to do the things he says he wants to do? Like building that wall around Mexico? Pretty sure the other branches have to agree to that.....

50 Name: hellokitty101 : 2016-11-08 20:07 ID:7ysgTqnt [Del]

If I were to vote i would vote for Clinton because she has more experience with the government

51 Name: Pizzamasterpie : 2016-11-08 22:09 ID:TW7FIRkA [Del]


Why only point it on Trump though ? Isn't it the same for Clinton too ? I never said that people would elect Trump just because of their gut feeling. That's their choice, so respect it. They think he's the right vote, then so be it. You'll never really know who is the "right" choice anyway unless he/she is already in the position. In my country, my previous president had all the credentials but during his reign, he barely made any progress.

52 Name: Kagerou : 2016-11-08 22:25 ID:rpsayyon [Del]

I like how you think! That's a really good point!

53 Name: America : 2016-11-08 22:50 ID:QPo/rKuE [Del]

If Trump wins the election, please wear funeral clothes tomorrow to mourn the loss of America's last shred of dignity. Thank you. #ripamerica

54 Name: Karuban : 2016-11-08 22:53 ID:UiXTxW+f [Del]

THis election is gonna HIT THE FAN! This election has some serious HPYE!

55 Name: hacktheplanet : 2016-11-09 00:08 ID:E1NIlUxS [Del]

take back your cities, brothers. take back your freedom. take all that has been denied to you.

56 Name: hacktheplanet : 2016-11-09 00:11 ID:E1NIlUxS [Del]

take back your cities. take back what has been denied to you. take that what is corrupt and set the minds that have the capability to think cognitively and mold them to think freely

57 Name: majesty!AWC.0eZcZk : 2016-11-09 02:03 ID:PNjslwVd [Del]

Trump won.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-09 02:55 ID:FVlUKslb [Del]

This is the best day of my life.. This is the day that America WON this must be how people felt when Reagan was first elected.
Nothing can bring me down from this high. God has not abandoned us after all.. Say what you will about how "horrible" he is, how much of a "sexist" he is.. Then watch as he brings jobs back, brings law and order back.. Then remember to reelect him four years from now.. This feels so good.. Also best slightly late b-day present.. Thank you Trump.. This totally makes up for twenty-twelve worst B-day ever..

59 Name: Kyouki !R9Cp4gukjc : 2016-11-09 03:09 ID:Oly+QK0Q [Del]

The senate is republican too, welp shit.

60 Name: lucid : 2016-11-09 04:22 ID:dd/pbVCc [Del]

why did trump won

61 Name: Anon : 2016-11-09 04:34 ID:rNaRpbRY [Del]

Guys..........we're screwed

62 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-11-09 04:40 ID:P5GURfas [Del]

Let me get this out.
President Teum lololololololololol.
Nice knowing ya, America.

63 Name: Kagerou : 2016-11-09 05:47 ID:rpsayyon [Del]

Welp. As a good song once stated,
"But I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out" Sigh...

64 Name: setton : 2016-11-09 05:49 ID:CMlBA5VZ [Del]

the end is near lmao

65 Post deleted by user.

66 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-09 06:00 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

So uh... Anyone in Canada have a few rooms to spare?

67 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-11-09 06:03 ID:P5GURfas [Del]

Well, if you want some good news, I heard Barbra Streisend is moving to Canada.

68 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-11-09 06:39 ID:P5GURfas [Del]


69 Name: Ana Black : 2016-11-09 07:06 ID:b/MwLYp0 [Del]

Yep this is our doom :(

70 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-09 10:14 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

I think the most positive result of this election is going to be how it acts as a reminder to the US populace that nearly anyone can run for president.

I've always preferred the old American ideal of an everyday citizen with solid knowledge and ideals as president, so a non-politician like Trump winning is an amazing way to set that precedent... if he doesn't fuck anything up.

So, Mr. Trump? Please don't fuck anything up. We don't need to get back into the cycle of dirty politicians again after this.

71 Name: Rin : 2016-11-09 11:14 ID:ukpIS2bc [Del]

Trump sucks

72 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-09 12:42 ID:FVlUKslb [Del]

So how many of you guys moving to Canada? Canada suits you America haters anyway so, goodbye. Have fun in Canada and please NEVER COME BACK.

73 Name: lilmez_24 : 2016-11-09 13:20 ID:/t8UEBYB [Del]

im not really gonna vote i feel like non of them are good candidates

74 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-09 14:06 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

Remember, guys -- don't feed the trolls.

>>73 Voting's done.

75 Name: RetroPotato : 2016-11-09 14:43 ID:Vj3DlhIG [Del]

Sage Unrelvant

76 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-09 15:43 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

bump for discussion

Who did you all vote for?
Are you happy with the results?

77 Name: Kagerou : 2016-11-09 19:28 ID:rpsayyon [Del]

I heard the server for immigration in Canada crashed! I personally find it very amusing! I knew people planned on moving to Canada, but not enough to crash a website. It doesn't surprise me~

78 Name: Miku Nagasaki : 2016-11-09 19:58 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

Last night trump won. I feel extremely uneasy about trumps winning, but all we can do now is pray to god that him being president doesn´t lead us to World war 4

79 Name: jill : 2016-11-09 20:14 ID:EVDNOTYW [Del]

80 Name: jill : 2016-11-09 20:24 ID:EVDNOTYW [Del]

Seriously, I don't want Americans to move to Canada. I don't want to offend anyone but I live close to border and since the start of the election, there's an increase of crime rates within the city. Please don't drag Canada to your mess. Its all the people in USA whose in fault for voting for Trump and not understanding the changes he could have done.

81 Name: Black !LewdrAsD2s : 2016-11-09 20:55 ID:IYU967u4 [Del]

I (admittedly grudgingly) voted for Clinton for president, and primarily republican candidates (though some Libertarian) for Congress. Throughout the election season from the first debate, I had spent around a total of 20-25 hours simply reading articles about Clinton's flops, lies, and scandals, to Trump's lies, bankruptcy filings, and foolhardy temperament.

If I had to put it to numbers, I agreed with roughly 35% of Clinton's ideas and proposals, versus agreeing with Trump's claims and policies roughly 25% of the time. Needless to say I wasn't overly excited about the choices this year.

This was anything but a clear election year, to be honest. Neither of the two primary candidates were very attractive, and for most of the time they were at each others throats. If anything, this was a very toxic election, in terms of mudslinging and how passionate Trump supporters and Hillary supporters were.

Still, even though I'm more right than left, I voted for Hillary because I agreed with her economic policy (investing in the middle class is a solid option), and partly on her stance on foreign powers. That said, the last thing I expected was a Trump victory.

Am I happy with the results? Upon waking this morning, no. I had several reservations against such a candidate, who's said more outrages comments than I can list on this page.
That being said.
Later today, I saw the acceptance speech Trump gave, and had to say that he seemed in a much better place, and as a much better person, after the fact. Not only did he thank Hillary, but he seemed very much more like how you would expect a presidential candidate to act. From his behavior this morning, I'm hopeful that things will turn out to be alright in the coming months (and years).

As a nation, and as fellow Americans, we need to come together now, and work together to better our country. Regardless of who you voted for, we cannot heal as a nation from this divided election before coming to terms with it, and finding our commonalities with each other.

82 Post deleted by user.

83 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-09 21:47 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

>>80 For what it's worth: From the votes we have in, Clinton (however slightly) did win the popular vote of us individual citizens. But because of how the electoral college system works here in America, Trump ended up winning the vote of those who represent us -- the final ballot, out of our reach. It was a very close election.

>>81 I agree. He definitely cleaned up in his acceptance speech.

I just hope that speech is something he honestly believes in and not simply something written by a campaign manager to diffuse the situation.

84 Name: Akina : 2016-11-10 08:09 ID:XXuIeu6B [Del]

>>81 I agree they were both terrible candidates, I couldn't vote since I knew that. No matter what a rebellion most likely would happen anyways but maybe not as crazy as Trumps. Even if she plan to help the economy it wouldn't be possible if we go to war again b/c war is money. She can't expect US to just keep fighting like this but no matter it's happening anyways. This country needs more repairing than what they think we are b/c America isn't great if they keep ignoring what ppl really want. They know how to repair it but they choose to avoid. It's so much easier to fk up than repair at that.

85 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-10 15:32 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

Please keep discussions of the elections in this thread.

86 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-11-15 16:14 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]
