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What are we doing for Dollars day? JUNE 19 SUNDAY (130)

1 Name: Zan Kizuna : 2016-06-15 23:35 ID:O2oXAxVl [Del]

Hello, Dollars! I'd like to open this topic to you all, reminding everyone that This sunday, June 19 is what we have all decided to be the DOLLARS DAY.

If you have plans/ideas of sharing the Dollars movement at this same day, by any means... Please do post here!

Let's talk about the Dollars day. What do we do to make it memorable? What happened in the Dollars days of the past years? Do you like to meet up with fellow Dollars on this day?
Let's do this and make it serious!

2 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-16 00:02 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

I joined last month so idk what we should do for dollars day, but meeting up with dollars in your city sounds good

3 Name: Tanaka : 2016-06-16 00:42 ID:Q44yrCiI [Del]

Eikyo has a point, dollars should post their cities and decide on a meeting for example London, Trafalgar square and then all dollars that can go meet in Trafalgar square same goes for the cities what they do could be a vote

4 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 08:35 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

if yall wanna meet up thats fine, but remember to use tbe proper threads in the countries board, dont spam this thread with locations please

and most Dollars just do missions, be they on or offline for dollars day

as long as the spam stays at a minimum, it should be a good day


5 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 09:04 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

help get the word out

6 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 11:04 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


7 Name: Mako : 2016-06-16 11:56 ID:TP5JSziZ [Del]

Hmm, should we do some kind of clothing thing to celebrate as well? I don't believe that there are any Dollars near me, so meeting up won't be an option. Maybe draw a dollar sign on your hand? Or something else?

8 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 12:08 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


i like the idea, but maybe something less obvious?

9 Name: Mako : 2016-06-16 12:11 ID:TP5JSziZ [Del]

>>8 I don't really know! I figure we should do something that wouldn't be a coincidence if you see someone with it, but I guess that may bring questions... Do you have a better idea?

10 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 12:14 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

>>9 hmmm idk, maybe some sort of necklace or bracelet that was make by hand??? idk

11 Name: Ash : 2016-06-16 12:27 ID:js5dhY3c [Del]

>>10 Um...what about a sticker that you put on one of your electronics, like your phone or something.

12 Name: Mako : 2016-06-16 12:39 ID:TP5JSziZ [Del]

>>10 Like a specific looking one?

>>11 This would be cool, but we'd have to design it AND get it out to everyone in three days, and shipping time just wouldn't allow that to happen

13 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 12:43 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


yes one that we can use to identify dollars, i will look something up

and stickers would have been cool if we had the time

14 Name: NETHERBEAST : 2016-06-16 12:46 ID:0Gtyx7jp [Del]

We could make a dollars badge

15 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 12:57 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


that would be cool

16 Name: Mako : 2016-06-16 13:00 ID:TP5JSziZ [Del]

>>14 We're pressed on time, but this would be cool for next year

17 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 13:24 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

i found a few tutorials for making alpha bracelets, we can make them in black with a white D

but it seems complex and idk how many ppl would wanna do it

18 Name: Hikari Shonen : 2016-06-16 13:28 ID:+uaRdogP [Del]

Remember in one of the episodes in DRRR? When Mikado sent an email to the Dollars member in ikebukoro, almost everyone gotten the email. Maybe the Admin should send the emails in certain countries and cities at different times. Maybe at 5:00 in France, the email would be sent there. And then at 5:30, it would be sent at England. Would that be a good idea?

19 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-16 13:32 ID:JBklqAAW [Del]

>>18 That would be pretty cool, however I don't know how our admin would have the time for all of those emails.

20 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 13:33 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>18 We have an email list. I suppose somebody could send out a mass email to all the members as a way of reminding them and talking about the site's anniversary.

21 Name: Hikari Shonen : 2016-06-16 13:39 ID:+uaRdogP [Del]

Some people could volunteer on sending the emails in their area, but only one person per area.

22 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 13:43 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

if we do that we could do it at 12:00 per time zone, we would just have to put the countries board to good use

i can make a draft email and send it to volunteers, and then we can have a list of emails per time zone, and ppl can resend the draft email to everyone on their list at 12:00 per time zone

just make sure to remind every not to have thir phones on silent, and go to a public place

(the public place will be easy, cus fathers day is also sunday)

23 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 13:46 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

mission: connect we could call it

it would be fun, and a mass mission everyone would get behind

24 Name: Hikari Shonen : 2016-06-16 13:59 ID:+uaRdogP [Del]

>>23 Should we make a new thread on missions?

25 Name: Crusader !f2ebYr7Dbk : 2016-06-16 14:01 ID:jCGGDaXz [Del]

It's on my girlfriend's birthday. Hah

26 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 14:04 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


ryu just said he would do it, itll possibly be posted by tomorrow

27 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 14:05 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Does somebody else want to do it? Really, it would save me trouble, I have finals tomorrow...

28 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 14:12 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>27 Mako's got it. Nvm.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 14:23 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>29 We have an email list. We'very had it for a long time, and you can find it on the chat rooms page rn.

31 Post deleted by user.

32 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-06-16 14:26 ID:v1uxftE0 [Del]

>>1 "What happened in the Dollars days of the past years"

answer: Nothing really happened : mainly because Dollars Day isn't really a big thing or as big as "talk like a pirate day" or "ninja day".

It's naïve to think meet ups are a good idea mainly because you really don't know who you are going to meet, sorry to say we don't live in a perfect world, I will say if you do go to a meet up be carefully and stay safe.

>>30 ok

33 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 14:35 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>32 Probably not a lot of meet ups, we just kind of want to send out an email to celebrate the site's anniversary. If others want to arrange a meet up, that is their problem.

34 Name: EarthK : 2016-06-16 14:43 ID:OqfI7Z0k [Del]

I like both ideas, the necklace/sticker one and the mass email one.

I suppose the real problem will be the ton of work that the person (or people) in charge of the email sending will have. But I suppose that if we create a thread specific to that issue, it will all be okay.

As for the sticker thing. I like the idea of making ourselves more noticeable, but only to those that look closely. We're supposed to be "invisible" so.. I think it would be kinda against our nature to just show ourselves easily. Maybe a cell phone wallpaper, our a drawing on the palm of the hand as someone mentioned already. Something that isn't just blatantly there for everyone to see at all times.
Although having an "official" DOLLARS bracelet would be quite cool for the future of our community. I would love to have one x)

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: Hikari Shonen : 2016-06-16 14:53 ID:+uaRdogP [Del]

can someone send me the link for the email lists?

37 Post deleted by user.

38 Name: CLAY !edDj4vQpdM : 2016-06-16 14:58 ID:nYmrCbTO [Del]

39 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 15:01 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

You can find it in the chatrooms page now, btw.

40 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-06-16 15:13 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

Remember guys, Dollars Day i.e. June 19th isn't for advertising the group. We have another holiday (in April) for that, which you can find on the Missions board. The June one is for meeting up with other members online and offline to celebrate the site and community :0

You can do whatever you want in the end ofc. I can't stop you.

41 Name: Hakushoku : 2016-06-16 15:35 ID:s1IMS5kz [Del]

Last year some local Dollars had a get together at a local coffee shop. We expected maybe four or five people to show up but there were at least 15 of us.

42 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 15:37 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Hmm. Interesting. I'm sure any dollars I meet will want to kill me for yelling at them.

43 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-16 15:38 ID:JBklqAAW [Del]

>>42 Nah, your all good Ryuk. We love ya the same!

44 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 15:43 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


we arnt really advertising tho....
do you want me to send you our draft? we are trying to keep it as secret as possible, but your input would be nice.

45 Name: awsomekidjc : 2016-06-16 15:44 ID:GX71B7XG [Del]

we could rent a convention place and put mony together

46 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 15:46 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


good idea, but not enough time to raise money, we knly have until sunday and most of us are broke

47 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-16 15:47 ID:4E06krun [Del]

You sure, cause I think most little toddlers may be pissed, not me though I don't care about the shit storm fights, as long everyone's happy I'm good, well I learned from experience I should not mess with people, and I would like to send out emails to certain Florida dollars.

48 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 15:53 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


can you give us the emails here?? we are trying to sync it so that everyone gets the email all at the same time

btw read that for the details

49 Name: awsomekidjc : 2016-06-16 15:56 ID:GX71B7XG [Del]

ask for phone nubers so peple who don't have an email can get it two

50 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 15:57 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

No, phone numbers are too personal. We all have dollars emails so that we do not have to give out personal info.

51 Name: awsomekidjc : 2016-06-16 15:58 ID:GX71B7XG [Del]

how can I make one

52 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 16:00 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Go to gmail, and create a Gmail account with "[username]"

53 Name: awsomekidjc : 2016-06-16 16:01 ID:GX71B7XG [Del]

When we do meet up post it on main two

54 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 16:02 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

No, go to countries, look for the specific state thread where you want to organize a meet up, and comment there.

55 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-16 16:02 ID:JBklqAAW [Del]

I think I have an idea for something to do for future Dollars days. If we really want to stand out to other members and not bring too much attention we could have special shoe laces or something of the sorts. We could have a specific color combo like left is white and right is black (or vice versa). Shoe laces aren't too expensive either so it could work.

56 Name: awsomekidjc : 2016-06-16 16:04 ID:GX71B7XG [Del]

my parent wont let me FUCK

57 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 16:04 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Hmm, CIA members have a shoelace code, depending on where the shoelace is tied, it could reveal a message. Not really practical for this case, more just me sharing an interesting fact.

58 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-16 16:07 ID:4E06krun [Del]

Ill try to get as many, I will.

59 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 16:08 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


i like it, why not both?

>>56 wont let you what?? give us your time zone and dollars email?? that's dumb


>>57 thats pretty cool dude

60 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-16 16:11 ID:JBklqAAW [Del]

>>57 Interesting fact of the day presented by Ryukagoka!

61 Post deleted by user.

62 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 16:51 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

crap it broke the page, srry ill make an html code for it

63 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-06-16 17:16 ID:Rl4qiox1 [Del]

same link shorter :)

64 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 17:18 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

65 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 17:19 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Timezones need to be in UTC, btw.

66 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 17:25 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

im gunna add ppl to my version of the draft as they pop up for the time zone im in charge of...that way i dont have to do a bunch the day of...

keep them coming


67 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-06-16 17:37 ID:Rl4qiox1 [Del]

please use UTC time find out more here --->

Please add your info here in UTC format :) Dollars Day Email Form

68 Name: Suzu-kun : 2016-06-16 17:37 ID:qg0L6U/+ [Del]

I think people suggesting places for Dollars to meet in their city is a good idea

69 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-06-16 18:02 ID:RkLnMhDN [Del]

>>44 It was just my annual reminder, since it's not common knowledge among the new folk atm o:

70 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 18:05 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


oh okay XD
cus a few ppl misunderstood the idea behind it earlier

71 Name: Yukki : 2016-06-16 18:16 ID:rug6ZZgM [Del]

I live in colorado. Tomorrow saterday and Sunday is the denver comic con! I would love to meet up with some of the dollars on sunday! I think it would be so much fun!

72 Name: Yukki : 2016-06-16 18:49 ID:Wd0GnaUS [Del]

>>71 Could I have a list of dolars who live in colorado? I wanna do a meet up!

73 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 18:58 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>72 Countries board, pull up the Colorado thread

74 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-16 19:37 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


75 Name: Adriane : 2016-06-16 21:21 ID:FMkVHV9C [Del]


76 Name: Rueful : 2016-06-16 21:45 ID:paJ0qWLz [Del]

This may or may not have been mentioned, but why don't we try and group ourselves, by country, and then by city? We could host a meet-up, or, if we wanted to hang with people from elsewhere, Skype call (since some people may not have the FaceTime option). Hope this is good!

77 Name: firelily : 2016-06-16 22:17 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


if you wanna go by city check tje countries board, and leave a message on your city's thread saying you wanna meet up

and there is a skype group (but im not in it) ask them their thread, its somewhere here on main (look in the view all threads button)

78 Name: Kaier : 2016-06-16 23:45 ID:sPklvRyL [Del]

Could we just, clean stuff up? Pick up the grass left behind by the guys who cut it, for example

79 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-17 00:20 ID:59Jhl3Fg [Del]

I'm moving into my new apartment on Dollars Day. But why June 19?

80 Name: CLAY !edDj4vQpdM : 2016-06-17 00:25 ID:nYmrCbTO [Del]

>>79 its the day this BBS was created ^_^ hope you like your new apartment!

81 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-17 00:30 ID:59Jhl3Fg [Del]

I've seen it already, so I can say that I do like it. Can't wait to finally live in Atlanta! I will be sure to wish all Dollars everywhere a Happy Dollars Day! XD

82 Name: Mai : 2016-06-17 01:06 ID:lqzTRLAb [Del]

wow. Dollars day is on my birthday. How cool o.o

83 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-17 10:28 ID:JBklqAAW [Del]


84 Name: Akino : 2016-06-17 11:09 ID:WCEtO/c1 [Del]

Really? That's amazing! Happy to be a member of the Dollars!

85 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-17 12:51 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Please repost this every few comments, we need everybody's email AND timezone (UTC Format). We are trying to personalize the emails so that everybody recieves there respective email at noon, and the normal email list does not include your timezones. Please make sure to fill this out if you would like to receive the Dollars Day email.

86 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-06-17 13:27 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]

you know what one person that you hate with all your heart? That you wish could just shut up, and leave you alone. There are many websites that allow you to log in as a guess, Sign in as "Anonymous" and send them a link to the BBS with the password attached to it. Or you can be forward and just message them off your phone!

People will hate me for this reply ^^

87 Name: firelily : 2016-06-17 15:33 ID:KmrtzupM [Del]

if you hate them why would you send them here?? this should be your escape from them

88 Name: Rome !Ep4jKs5jIA : 2016-06-17 15:59 ID:wicOSl3M [Del]

For those sending the emails, maybe you want to use ? It could send all the emails exactly at noon (for each of the timezones).

89 Name: Community : 2016-06-17 16:44 ID:SAZOn8LG [Del]

Why don't we help out are communities
For example
Motor playgrounds
Cleaning beaches
Soup kitchen
Helping the Elderly
Donate some old cloths

90 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-17 16:46 ID:+zJe/+dR [Del]
Fill this out if you would like to receive a dollars day email!

91 Name: firelily : 2016-06-17 16:51 ID:Pkp7J/62 [Del]


thats cool ill check it out, thx

92 Name: firelily : 2016-06-17 18:04 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


submit time zone and emails here:

We need people who will send the emails! The srafts will be sent out tomorrow, so tell me and leave your email here if you want to be in charge of your time zone

We already covered Eastern Standard Time (-5) and Central Standard Time (-6)

We need Arazona mountain time, and any time zone in Europe and Asia and Oceania

please tell me if you are willing to send te email so that i can send you the draft email with instructions


We want this to go smoothly

93 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-06-17 19:25 ID:Rl4qiox1 [Del]

i found something possibly useful?

94 Name: firelily : 2016-06-17 19:49 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


omfg this looks like it could work, but i need to test it, i guess i can keep my original plan as backup

for if this dosnt work

95 Name: Rome !Ep4jKs5jIA : 2016-06-17 20:03 ID:wicOSl3M [Del]

>>92 I can take care of any extras, if you would like me to. I'm in EST (-5), but I can do others.

96 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-17 22:09 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

sry ryuk don't yell but....

97 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-17 22:12 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

idk where to send my time zone and email~~~~~don't flame u scare me!!!!!!!!!!

98 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-17 22:19 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

I only yell when people make shitpost threads, so you are good.

There is a link a little while back, I will repost it. There will also be an email going out on the general email list, but it won'the be personalized by time like this one.

99 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-17 22:21 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>97 Here it is:

100 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-17 22:40 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

whew....thank u~. Ur actually a pretty chill guy~

101 Name: firelily : 2016-06-18 11:40 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


i ha e finished everything, and because of the app i am using i cant add any more emails, if you didnt submit your email yet we sorta have something planned (i think) using the regular email list that can be found on the "chatrooms" page

so please dont submit any more emails

thanks !!!

(this took more organization than i thought it would, so thx to everyone that helped!!!)

i call this mission a success


102 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-18 11:46 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

You can still submit on the general list in the Chatrooms page, so do that before Sunday

103 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-18 21:50 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


104 Name: firelily : 2016-06-19 08:51 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


105 Name: Mackenzie : 2016-06-19 09:38 ID:i2pQIngc [Del]

Well if a few people could meet up than they can do something bigger than only one person can.

106 Name: Tree is serious !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-06-19 09:44 ID:XJRiw/Xb [Del]

I haven't even been checking the main board at all, so I had no idea this happened... wait, it's today! Ummmmm.... Umm, uh... happy -for whatever number of years the site has been around- anniversay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

107 Name: Tanaka : 2016-06-19 10:02 ID:durVYjcb [Del]

Happy dollars day everyone!

108 Name: Yatogami : 2016-06-19 10:25 ID:jpZl6zDF [Del]

Happy dollars day all! ^O^

109 Name: Leyo : 2016-06-19 10:34 ID:qVzrFyKb [Del]

Happy dollars day you guys!!!!!

110 Name: misslulubell : 2016-06-19 11:55 ID:1i1Na2t5 [Del]

🎆🎊 I hope everyone is having a happy dollars day! 🎆🎊

111 Name: Kutawo : 2016-06-19 12:09 ID:23x/Q2Um [Del]

Happy dollars day, I don't know what mean this day, but i hope that this day is good for everyone x)

112 Name: Admin : 2016-06-19 12:11 ID:SW163xra [Del]

Happy Dollars Day and Father's Day as well!

113 Name: BlaZeFIRE!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-06-19 12:24 ID:C7uV8OdG [Del]


114 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-19 12:25 ID:+wKpGPaq [Del]

>>112 Please don't use the name Admin. People might actually think you are the admin.

115 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-19 12:30 ID:+wKpGPaq [Del]

Alright, I tried to send out a general email on the email list, but gmail is being a real bitch, so I am going to post the email here. Anybody interested in sending it out, please do, but only one person should. Here it is:

Today is the 6th birthday of our beloved BBS, so thank you to all of the older members who have stuck around so long, we really appreciate, love, and respect you. Especially the ones who keep the boards clean (we all know how hard that is, even if we refuse to admit it.)

And to all of the newer members who have recently joined. We welcome you with open arms, you are now one of us! (There is no escape, RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!)

And we all know there will be a few people who got into this list by adding their email (even without the BBS password) so please do all of the board cleaners a favor and go here:

(the password to get on the blog is baccano)

This is a newbe crash course  for you, and is helpful to old and new Dollars alike.

You may not realize it, but we really are a family. You may think you are unwanted because you get yelled at all the time, or are always in debate with someone (they know who they are,) but families argue all the time. You are not loved any less! (BTW we miss you Jackie!!)

And lastly, thank you to our wonderful admin, Reltair, because without him, none of this would be possible, (literally.) (WE ALL LOVE YOU ADMIN-SAMA-SENPAI-SAN!! 💝) May the BBS last another few years!

LONG LIVE THE COLORLESS DOLLARS!!  Remember: "The World Isn't As Bad As You Think!" Go and enjoy your Dollars day, do whatever it is you do to make the world a better place.


(BTW, this was made by firelily, not me.)

116 Name: Blade : 2016-06-19 14:01 ID:qTlawhak [Del]

Happy Dollars Day

117 Name: Blackcat2 : 2016-06-19 14:59 ID:lbCyFkeZ [Del]

happy Birthday

118 Name: Ash : 2016-06-19 15:51 ID:js5dhY3c [Del]

Happy Dollars Day everybody!

119 Name: Shade : 2016-06-19 15:56 ID:htGVfueJ [Del]

Target down Next Target is Sora Naiki

120 Name: Sakata250 : 2016-06-19 16:00 ID:ky5zIRGb [Del]

Happy Dollars today to all of us!!!o/

121 Name: Nanaty : 2016-06-19 16:06 ID:zVOG5YCC [Del]

A really happy Dollars Day to everybody!!
I'm glad to be with you all!!

122 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-19 16:29 ID:B16bCU5a [Del]

Happy Dollars Day to all you beautiful members you!

123 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-19 16:54 ID:4E06krun [Del]

I love you all, um wait, cough cough that came out wrong.

124 Name: Eff : 2016-06-19 17:17 ID:rWAYICM/ [Del]

I love you wall

125 Name: Rome !Ep4jKs5jIA : 2016-06-19 17:39 ID:61yT1GZ7 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day!

126 Name: yiyi : 2016-06-19 19:28 ID:bzIcBDVu [Del]

Happy Dollars day everybody

127 Name: Rokusho : 2016-06-19 19:39 ID:paJ0qWLz [Del]

Happy Dollars Day, and 6th Birthday for the BBS! Thanks to all the great Dollars and admin(s) for a wonderfully operated BBS and community!

128 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-06-19 20:47 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]

Happy Dollars Day! And thank you to Cheyenne, the golden retriever that made me have to sleep in until 2PM today and get nothing done for it :/

129 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-19 21:50 ID:bwEKSLzX [Del]

Happy Dollars Days. Sadly, I'm a bit late to the party but to make it memorable I think that the group should possible get together locally (all those in a town/city get together) or maybe do some sort of small (and easy) mission on the same day. But that's just some ideas I have, once again, Happy Dollars Day.

130 Name: firelily : 2016-06-20 12:06 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

niw that dollars day is over please hit sage if you reply to this

we need this one to disappear so that we can make a new one next year