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News on The Series (21)

1 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 16:46 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

Guess what I found out about Durarara!! x2 Ten today....

2 Name: Saika : 2015-09-27 16:48 ID:bNUtrzbJ [Del]


3 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 16:50 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>2 Durarara!! x2 Ten ended......

4 Name: Didi : 2015-09-27 16:58 ID:thwXaczr [Del]

Durarara x2 shou is still ongoing..I think

5 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:01 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>4 Durarara!! x2 Shou was the first half of the second season and Durarara11 x2 Ten is the second half of the second season

6 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:13 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

then who is ready for the THIRD !!!

7 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:15 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>6 Konbaiwa Kanra-kun.

8 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:24 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

>>7 Konbanwa Doll-san. Please be nice to me ~
by the way you should spend some time on the chat rooms it's getting quite lonely there you know.. they all use skype atm and other phone apps -sigh-

9 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:29 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>8 I was off of here for so long, because of some emotional hitting on here, so I left and didn't came back until now. And I will be nice to you Kanra-kun.

10 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:33 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

>>9 been here for like what 3 or so years and I never got tired with conversing with others be it on the board or chat~
I find it kinda fun to see people being serious, RPing and also trolling on this site.. I can never get enough of it oh by the way back to topic.. Looks like they really are serious about the new season being split into three cours.. Man what are they doing leaving as hanging like that.. I mean the LN was supposed to be finish long time ago right ?

11 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:34 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>10 I know. And the manga is just in a jumbled mess. And omg I'm over here trying to make a game and keep up with anime series and manga....

12 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:40 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

>>11 now now if you get left behind there is always the novel y'know..though I gotta admit that took all my effort to just sit and read something without something to stimulate my eyes except for letters and stuff.. oh and you're making a game ? ehhh what kind ?

13 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:42 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>12 I'm still getting the basics in my head before I create the characters. Or even the kind of game

14 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:46 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

>>13 hmmm so you're like on the planning phase then eh.. you should try finding some help from the guys on the tech section..though I doubt you'd find anyone there.. so I suggest hitting the gaming forums for aid ~
make sure to add a cute girl character with shoulder length hair okay ~ I always prefer those types that the usual long haired blondies and brunettes

15 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:47 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

welp gotta bail my shifts up ~ see ya later Doll-san

16 Name: Doll : 2015-09-27 17:48 ID:KlzCF1NL [Del]

>>14 One thanks and two you just described me

17 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-09-27 17:48 ID:MJPgYiMp [Del]

If you're up you should probably just said you made a room though.. just noticed it by the way.. lateeers for real this time

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Megumi : 2015-09-27 18:21 ID:y3+r1GZ9 [Del]

All I have to say is that Izaya needs to get his sh*t together. He's the troller and he keeps on getting trolled. But I heard the next cour is coming in January.

20 Name: Oreo !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-09-29 04:38 ID:xnxNKgKr [Del]

>>19 I agree :3 Izaya shouldn't be trolled =w=

Welp the next part will come next year

21 Name: Shade : 2015-09-29 09:49 ID:12trX3JT [Del]

It comes out January 2016. Also this should be in animation, not main. Saged.