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World Peace (34)

1 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-07-30 00:05 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]


People are dying every day all over the world. They may be a close friend or a stranger on the opposite side of the globe, but regardless of who or where they are, someone is always dying. There is so much pain, anger, and hate in this world that we are forced to survive in a way that makes us lose a part of who we are. That isn't living though, its a prison of our own selfishness and fear.

But there comes a time when enough is enough. World Peace is a concept known by all, and at the same time is an idea that is met with constant opposition. Apparently everyone I've spoken with over the years believes that World Peace is impossible. They say that human nature will never allow something like that to come into being. While I can understand their way of thinking, I can't bring myself to agree with them.

This thread is meant to start a critical discussion; mostly for me but also for all of you. Regardless of your answers, I will not change my own. I don't want anyone else to die. I believe in a world where we can all be happy! And I want that for all of you as well. Whether majority vote is against the idea or not, I can make one promise: I have a plan to bring peace to all, and I will not stop until that dream is realized.

If you wish to join the cause and create a better world, then come find me. When you do, we'll start to make a better world together.

2 Name: Mag : 2015-07-30 00:09 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>1 I think essentially this will hold the same discussions as the thread asking if man is essentially good or evil.

3 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-07-30 00:13 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Well, I suppose, BUTT the difference is that this thread is meant to establish a foundation for what I have in store. ;D

4 Name: Nel : 2015-07-30 00:24 ID:dTYT2+8o [Del]

World peace is hardly possible anymore. There is always going to be wars whether minimal, or large. You can take away the weapons, and the hate, or try, but even if you succseed, the fact of the matter is they will come up with new ways, new things, new weapons. People don't stop.

5 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-07-30 00:54 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Nel, I can understand what you're saying. But nothing will change if we keep doing the same things. Yes, right now, our world isn't even close to world peace. But the fact that we all have our own feelings of love and joy is a symbol that World Peace IS possible. Right now, we're just missing some ingredients.

6 Name: Terror : 2015-07-30 01:00 ID:fMALBxJy [Del]

I say no, We (humans) are to naturally wanting to be in conflict for it, but if we all suddenly decided to be like, fuck it no differences for anyone and screw borders and that shit, equality for the win, it would be so nice. Considering that The U.S. is having nazi protests though, I don't see it happening.

7 Name: Equinox : 2015-07-30 01:07 ID:Fr0XhHaH [Del]

Peace is just a pause between wars.

8 Name: chika : 2015-07-30 05:54 ID:OPLg6wIU [Del]

Probably not...Every individual is different and that's generally what causes lack of peace in the first place (conflict). World peace sounds nice. But it might be a long time before the whole human race decides to work together closely on this.

9 Name: Terror : 2015-07-30 06:35 ID:fMALBxJy [Del]

Equinox I am adding that to the list of best year book quotes ever.

10 Name: Rivai : 2015-07-30 06:40 ID:wUFk3/en [Del]

Yeah, World Peace is possible, however, it would most likely last for a bit. It's sad, but as long as humans exist then wars will. Well, that's what I think.

11 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-30 06:46 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>3 It's still a duplicate of the other one and should be permasaged. Not to mention of the other threads that have already been created about World Peace.

12 Name: Ranka : 2015-07-30 06:54 ID:zZcP8yZw [Del]

its not possible. btw is this belong to main?

13 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-30 07:01 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>12 It would if it weren't for there being 3 other threads saying the same thing:

I can see it now though. Some people want to fight for their thread and how it isn't fair that they have to delete theirs just because it's a duplicate of 3 others, blah, blah, blah. It's just that, as soon as I read that last line, I knew OP wasn't a member that would actually last long. And it's just irritating whenever a newbie finds themselves to be special and their thread to be more worthy of attention than any other thread (despite same topic of discussion) and then in a month or less they leave the site and their thread behind. Then a month later ANOTHER new person will want to create a thread on World Peace and they too won't want to combine ideas and discussions with any of the 4 other existing threads, and the cycle goes on and on and on.
It's not just organization, it's common sense. If you truly feel like World Peace is attainable it's literally counterproductive to divide the topic 4 different ways and have the discussions made in 3 other threads ignored.

14 Name: Equinox : 2015-07-30 10:58 ID:XW+bq5Ot [Del]

THANKS! Why yearbook? :0 why not the book of best Equinox Quotes Ever? Hmmmmmm?~ someone should start that book because I have a ton of useless but deep stuff to say.
Nice point. Hmmmm I don't think I remember you. How long have you been here?

15 Name: Mag : 2015-07-30 12:12 ID:RZ03qFoo [Del]

Either early 2012 or late 2011. There was a year I went MIA
I only know you as a very expensive gym membership.

16 Name: Equinox : 2015-07-30 13:01 ID:DQ+d7XNm [Del]

Around the same time I joined. A little later tho.
Expensive gym membership? :0

17 Name: Mag : 2015-07-30 17:06 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>Expensive gym membership?

Look it up

18 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-08-02 01:02 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Sorry, things got busy. Don't you see the problem guys? Look at the answers and the replies. How many people full-heartedly believe in World Peace? Other than me, none of you. No one shares that same idea. If everyone keeps thinking like that, then of course world peace isn't going to happen. I think that if we all band together and DO something about it, then we can change the world! Don't give up just because you think its impossible; you're all so much better than that.

Also, Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g: I didn't post this thread to win a popularity contest. The Dollars is a special community that, while not having any rules, is generally filled with good people that is also heavy on the numbers side of things. World Peace isn't going to happen if I try and start somewhere big, so the Dollars is a good benchmark. I don't think my thread is more valuable than other people's but that doesn't mean this is something that Im just going to sweep under the rug. For me, this is far too important.

19 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-08-02 01:08 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Also Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g: Forgot to read the last bit of it. If at all possible, I'd like to get everyone on board with this, but the Dollars don't have an effective method for contacting individual members. Im not sure how to get in contact with other people on here other than in chat, or on threads. If there's a way for me to get the 3 or 4 other threads that discuss world peace together, then I'd gladly do it! Seriously, this is too big for me to let go. If you guys have any ideas, shout em out! Let's make this happen! :D

20 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 01:27 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>18 The point was you need to bump one of the already existing threads if you didn't want this to get "swept under the rug". Now this needs to be permasaged.

21 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-08-02 01:29 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Alright… time to come clean… I don't know how to bump a thread TT_TT

And I don't know what permasaged means… TT_TT

22 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 01:33 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>21...............Does read this is you're new mean anything to you?

I'm trying not to be mean...but all of this could've been avoided if you read that and learned of the built in search function in your computers and just typed "world peace" and bumped up the appropriate thread to post this message >>1 in...

23 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-08-02 01:36 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

Well I'm not gonna lie… I'm very aware that I'm certainly not the smartest person around, so understanding some things can be hard for me. I don't mean to be difficult, I really don't, so i want to apologize for that. Asking for your patience would be rude and all, so instead I ask for your understanding. ^^'

24 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 01:53 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>23 As someone mentioned in Random, a lot of people just aren't used to forum sites, and this generally being new people's first time leads to A LOT of mistakes and a LOT of misunderstandings. You definitely can't ask for my patience because it's bone dry today; too many people making too many posts today that could've been avoided if they just read something that is specifically titled to get their attention.

All I can ask now is to please lurk before posting (just look up def). You're new enough to think that our only means of communication is on threads and Chatrooms, when we have Dollars' Kik/Line/Skype/IRC/Google+/Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr groups as well as an emailing list in the Suggestions Board... I'm probably even missing something- we have so many friggin means of communicating.

So yeah, just lurk for a few days before posting anything else until you get the hang of a BBS site like this.

25 Name: Kaldo (Kal) : 2015-08-02 02:03 ID:wRqUGd9g [Del]

@ Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g:

If you're cool with it, I'm just going to call you Magnolia? Maybe Mag for short?

Anyway, I had no idea that we had those kinds of methods at our disposal! Thanks a lot for letting me know, and in the future, I'll be sure to be more aware of my surroundings before posting anything. If I have any additional questions, I'll be sure to look for you again!

Once more: thanks for the help and I'll be sure to do better next time. :D

26 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 02:12 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>25 everything beyond the 'a' is called a tripcode and explained in the FAQ. Most just say mag, so it's fine.

27 Name: Vayne : 2015-08-02 07:38 ID:r42LGqtU [Del]

I don't think world peace is possible. At least that is how I think for now. But at the same time I do think might be possible. Just 'might' but I wasn't sure.

~Possibility of getting side tracked~ m(_ _)m
Let me apologize in advance. It might make no sense as well.
Read at your own risk.

At middle ages time, most wars were either religious differences, or differences in point of view, or even for land and power. I do think this kind of mindset is still going on in this modern world.

At the same time, I had say, if the Education system in this world would change. It might help in achieve 'World Peace'

though I wasn't sure if it possible though. But if you see it from my perspective on Education system, it is always about academic first. Which where some people doesn't want to fail, has begin cheating...those negative behavior. If education system would prioritize human manners, curiousity, think of people's perspective, philosophy. It might works, who knows, even I myself isn't sure, but I do think it might help.

At another point of view of mine, the seven deadly sins, which was wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. Some of might know what are these, some don't. But what I want to point out is that people tend to see these 7 traits as negative. But if you see it from another perspective. These could also be what drives on human's thinking ability. Because of greed we strive to work hard on something. But the thing is that no one ever question about themselves on these sophisticated things. If you could get all the human around the world to get into curious about these, then it might work. And again, I say, it 'might'
But the thing here is, it is pretty much impossible. Unless, you also part of the government. But at the same time look at the government around the world. Pretty much are corrupted in a way. To begin having world peace, that would be solving these problems first.

And of course, do remember every human doesn't think the same, no matter what conflict will still arise eventually. Unless you are telling me there are monsters around the world invading Earth, where all human are to work as one to fight for survival. Mankind need an enemy, or you can say as distraction as well, that they literally works together because there is no other choice other than works together.


28 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 08:37 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>27 Mods, please Permasage so dumbasses who can't read past comments will stop replying in dupe threads by newbs.

>>25 Hey, can you do me one last favor and delete this post >>1 so people will stop replying?

29 Name: HeartBeatKnight : 2016-02-13 22:31 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]

Yes. Human beings can experience peace. It is certainly possible to experience it as a majority collective.

30 Name: Izaya : 2016-02-14 08:01 ID:wLtWsjU9 [Del]

I think we can create a world of peace

31 Name: 1 : 2016-02-14 14:31 ID:ocVE67+x [Del]

World peace is totally IMPOSSIBLE..I mean look at the history of humanity for the last hundred years..full of wars...We are not all content that's why there's wars and rumors of wars and it's in the human genes since the time the first human emerge in existence...

32 Name: Misery : 2016-02-14 14:49 ID:YIp1uJdj [Del]

While the thought of world peace may seem impossible I believe we can strive for it we thought space travel was impossible but we still did it.

33 Name: Peregrine-8 : 2016-02-14 14:49 ID:xDbq4VJk [Del]

Humans can achieve peace but then we would have to over come our boredom

34 Name: 1 : 2016-02-14 15:25 ID:+zGwfMG4 [Del]

I believe that's because of mere curiosity that humanity strive for space-travel, Curiosity what's drive humanity to it's boundaries. And we all know that curiosity comes greed, greed to know everything, greed to change the law of nature, greed for wisdom and knowledge and that cause war. if you want world peace, just look the time before world war one when everybody thought that a war might not happen because they thought that every nation has a close ties to each other so they say 'why bother for a fight if we could talk about it'. But I know you know what happened, wars are inevitable. It's part of human society, battling for survival. If you take it away, your contradicting the laws of nature which is "the survival of the fittest".