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Should we get Missions / An App? (19)

1 Name: Dāku : 2015-07-05 23:14 ID:f3xPVdfy [Del]

I was thinking, since we are the Dollars an Internet Gang so to speak, should we get some sort of missions from whoever is in charge or someone higher up? By missions I mean Ones to help the community wherever we all are. I know there is an app on the App store for The Dollars but it's kind of dead right now with no one on it. But if someone could bring it back again or make a new better app for the Dollars where we may receive missions from would you think it would be cool?

2 Name: tsen : 2015-07-05 23:30 ID:B5bhB2RZ [Del]

That'd be amazing! (*´∇`*)
They should make an app on Google play too for us android users

3 Name: Tora : 2015-07-05 23:36 ID:m+8iVwqE [Del]

Yeah! Lets help out the community!!

4 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-06 01:07 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Honestly, you all have mobile phones, use the fucking internet app that is pre install in your phone and bring up this site.
And go to mission board.

Oh, and if you want missions? Things to do? Go ask around your local area.
Want to help the commmunity? What is there to help with? Not be an annoying shit?

5 Name: 稲荷 : 2015-07-06 01:13 ID:1qyQyX+l [Del]

Missions? Seems legit. I'm down, and a new app? Pls let this happen.

6 Name: Synn : 2015-07-06 01:15 ID:EqVg2ZXf [Del]

Aren't the "missions" we do supposed to help the community..? Then just help the community. Why ask for missions when you already know the purpose of The Dollars?

7 Name: YukiHana : 2015-07-06 02:04 ID:VqOBQOVR [Del]

@Synn Sometimes, accessing The Dollars is pretty hard for me and i can only my phone and rarely the computer so im all for the app. My phone gets errors when i try to login into The Dollars through mt phone internet.

8 Name: Nyx-Ryu : 2015-07-06 03:53 ID:0ZqUJCBL [Del]

Oh cool. I never knew there was a Dollars app. I'll definitely get that. As for the missions, we shouldn't need someone telling us what to do. Random acts of kindness are what we should do. Like today, my friend let someone borrow her phone when she missed the bus to call someone to pick her up then she gave her $20 for a cab in case they didn't pick her up. She got nothing in return, but she felt so good doing it. That is what a Dollars should be like. ^_^

9 Name: Synn : 2015-07-06 05:08 ID:EqVg2ZXf [Del]

Well haha sorry for seeming rude... I guess I can relate to you seeing as I also use my phone. But on the other hand I don't have a hard time logging in to often, so I guess I can see both halves.

10 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-07-06 06:50 ID:ZNXkYJ/w [Del]

Goodluck with this -_-

11 Name: firelily : 2015-07-06 09:52 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

i don't understand whats so hard about using your browser and checking the missions board....

and why someone needs to tell you what to do when all the missions in the missions board are practically the same thing...

or why you feel the need to be a follower and almost beg someone to tell you what to do when most of the ppl in the Dollars use the excuse there are no leaders to do whatever the hell they want...

12 Name: Raven : 2015-07-06 09:55 ID:VUmf8AQ5 [Del]

yes please!! :D it'd be great!

13 Name: M : 2015-07-06 12:09 ID:8AHQIiPR [Del]

This is a pretty good idea however it needs to be very organized. The admins should make one person from each country/state give missions to the Dollars in that area. So instead of giving missions in a general direction, Dollars can focus on the country/state they're at. While doing world missions too of course. If this app is created, Dollars can select their corresponding country/state and receive missions regarding that area every now and then. I understand there's an app for the Android but I have an iPhone so I don't know how it works. This is also a way for the Dollars to be more connected.

14 Name: charmaine : 2015-07-07 01:32 ID:BSgYJR6y [Del]


15 Name: Azure : 2015-07-07 02:33 ID:JLMF8Bej [Del]

We don't need an app, is not like we don't have mobile phones with an internet browser

16 Name: cheepsheeps : 2015-07-07 03:42 ID:RH6pCP4/ [Del]


17 Name: GK : 2015-07-10 09:22 ID:oSiUVxVA [Del]

To all those who keep bringing up the browser argument, not every browser is the same on every phone. I can access this site from my browser no problem, but some friends can't do it. The site takes forever to load, and due to their small screens, pressing all those buttons here is hard. Don't forget that this site is build for a desktop, not a mobile phone. Also, having an app is much faster than having to get there through a browser. Finally, as far as the "go ask" >>4 seems to go by, having an entire group of people is almost always better than one guy. And what better way to find a group than by inviting them from here? Or will you guys say to just call their friends. In that case, you might as well get off the site.

18 Name: Vals-chan : 2015-07-10 09:35 ID:RLCmFv3A [Del]

I think it's a good idea. Like that we can access this website wherever we are, not only when we have wifi if we're on our mobile phones

19 Name: GK : 2015-07-10 10:40 ID:oSiUVxVA [Del]

I made a temporary solution. It's pretty much the same as some older ones, but it works!YVFRBIbK!ytzQX6Gkj8UM2D-3P3lnwg