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Your political stances? (8)

1 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-08 09:05 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Since most of the world powers these days have some kind of democratic system involved (you vote for something or someone essentially). You're required to have a political stance. So, this topic is for everyone.

What issues do you feel strongly about? What do you vote for politically? Please back up why you vote for these causes. Why do you feel them important?

There are several things that I take very seriously. Oddly enough, these are political issues brushed over in America (or treated as if they don't exist).

Climate change. Not just global warming. Climate change. This is responsible for so many issues in America. There's a megadrought that's going to occur in parts of America if we don't stop global warming soon, and if we do stop it, it's still 60% chance. That's a drought that will last DECADES! With other parts of the country experiencing normal droughts, yeah. I like water. Kind of important.

On top of that, some people (republicans mostly) don't think it's occurring. One of the reasons? "Hey look! Snow! Global warming can't be a thing if there's snow!" (The fact that parts of America had one of the coldest winters is actually caused by climate change, by the way!). So, ya know.

Okay, the second is bees. There was a bandwagon one or two years back about the fact that the bees are disappearing. Since then, people pretty much forgot, but that doesn't mean that the bees are stable. No, they're still dying off in large number. 40% in the last year have disappeared and/or died. Great.

I'm a foodie, and considering that bees are in charge of 2/3 of the food we eat, I take it very seriously. By the way, local honey helps with pollen allergies, so, ya know. They're actually pretty fucking important. Honey is also a far more healthy sweetener than sugar or any of those artificial sweeteners! In short, bees are fucking amazing.

Okay, third, education. Need I stress how important this is? Probably not. I can go on for HOURS of how seriously it's being fucked up where I am. I can go on for DAYS of how bad shit can be when it's fucked up. I mean, the fact that the political leaders where I am are dumb as shit kind of proves my point, lol.

Okay, fourth would be human rights. Be it feminism, LGBT, Asexuality, racism, or any other form of repression, shit's bad.

Women are paid 75% of what men are paid. People are denied jobs because their names don't sound "white". States are trying to pass laws to take away rights of the LGBT (namely in regards to health). Rates of anxiety and depression have skyrocketed. People are committing suicide because they're being bullied for not being "normal" and don't even get me started about hate crimes.

The amount of lost potential is utter bullshit. Because statistically speaking, the amount of opportunities we as a human race are losing because we don't give someone a chance becuase they're different (they probably would of a world of good because they probably think outside the box) is astounding, and we're just throwing it in the trash.

Okay, those are my views. Tell me yours, please! You may also comment on someone else's if you disagree, but keep all political discussions open minded and polite. Don't be dicks about it.

2 Name: Agenim !A60XZbabVE : 2015-06-08 09:37 ID:sjGokVg3 [Del]

I agree with a lot of what you said. But the thing that keeps annoying me at the moment is how people just treat each other as shit. How can someone believe that one race is superior to another, or that one culture is better than the other.

I wish people would try to accept each other and learn from each other instead of what we have now. Like some of the politicians here would close the country off if they could. "We are sooo much better than any other country, we are the best, we don´t need to help them, let them starve". And so on..

I could continue, but you know.. ranting. Sorry haha. Feels good to get it off my back.

3 Name: H : 2015-06-08 09:44 ID:bOjJa0fM [Del]

If I cant start a fire I will die from hypothermia.

If I am associated with my political party I will be thrown in jail.

If I don't get at least a B on this test I wont be able to go to the dance.

All of these problems are equally important, but that last problem is by far the worst.

A different person is experiencing each of these problems, but there all thinking upon the same lines, “If this happens its over”.

The same amount of desperation is being experienced by all three people.

And funnily enough, each person would gladly trade problems with the other.

The grass IS always greener on the other side, but it still tastes the same once you get there.

4 Name: Taomas : 2015-06-09 09:56 ID:ZrRWtehw [Del]

In France, we have a new law who permit to the government to spy us o//

5 Name: Lights : 2015-06-09 21:41 ID:+PEFQvPP [Del]

>>4 thats sp00ky 0-o

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: pkgod101 : 2015-06-10 07:01 ID:KDuFvceC [Del]

I'm a libertarian myself and I recommend a youtube channel "CGPgrey" that explains politics pretty well.

That being said my trust in politics is coming back now that more and more countries are legalising gay marriage.

8 Name: EjdSR !oIJyAN.1Gw : 2015-06-10 07:07 ID:gUTSJ9ah [Del]

>>2 I think you are right. We should indeed learn from eachother, and also respect other people believes. It's like the basics of living in society/together but way too many people dont get it.

>>3 that is why we should focus on our lives and what it can offer and not someone else's life (Im explaining it really badly but just look at boudhist believes, there is alot of truth in it even if something thought by it are a bit extreme for me, non the less they are true)

I honnestly believe that we should search for harmony, I know it will be complicated... but by searching for it (in a goodway, so no killing and harming other people) we would socially evolve, and understand eachother. Like if first we start by finding ourselves we would all find eachother...