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Information Brokering V2 (755)

1 Name: [InfoBroker] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-03 09:05 ID:tV1C3xYh [Del]

Welp, since the original reach the limit, i shall remake, since no one did.
So heres the link : Information Brokering
And the table of contents is >>1321 by Yuukio
And now the desricption of this thread:

Before anyone opens their respective mouths, yes, it's obvious where I stole the term from. However, the process of getting information from person to person is an important one, and the need for it is universal. You hear people using the term, "Arm yourself with knowledge" quite frequently in today's world, and thanks to the internet it's become easier to find information, but harder to find relevant information.

Of course, relevance is subjective. This site has been visited by thousands upon thousands of people, and if you were to ask them all what they thought was relevant to them, you'd get thousands upon thousands of answers.

Reltair, the admin, made it a bit easier. He divided the BBS into categories, from news to technology to personal issues; from animation to art to games and to literature, and so on. But of course that's never going to be enough, hence Main and Random. Things that don't matter go to Random. Things that do come here to Main.

But again, what matters depends on the person. However, I wouldn't call that a bad thing. I think it gives us all a chance to learn from one another. And that's what this thread is about.

I want to create a thread for information brokering in the sense that we're relaying topics that others can benefit from. For example, many of us are still in school (I'm at the post-secondary level but it still counts). Many of us drive or are learning to drive. Many of us are at the point or getting to the point where we make our own life decisions, medical decisions, and so on. And we have no idea what we're doing half the time.

When I entered college, I had no idea how student loans worked, no idea how medical bills worked, no idea about how a lot of things worked. I had to figure it out on my own, and it was hell. I don't want others to end up as frustrated as I was.

This thread is for process analysis. It is to provide those who come after us with the tips they need to navigate a changing world. If you have had a challenge in life and you know that your experiences can help another who may be facing the same situation, please share the steps you took to get out of that situation. Together, we can prepare.

2 Name: [InfoBroker] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-03 09:06 ID:tV1C3xYh [Del]

Now if anyone can remake this thread to be more better, be my honor guest.

3 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-06-03 14:55 ID:oS1b/TH+ [Del]

>>2 I'm going to save the entire last thread in case it gets deleted. Not sure if that will be useful down the road.

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-06-03 15:20 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>3 YES. Then send it to me, plz. =3 Lemme create a throwaway email first.

5 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-03 19:42 ID:pzM9uRnx [Del]

Don't believe it was said before, but I can never stress enough people needs to read labels. Be aware of your surroundings and what can happen. Also when cooking if oil gets on fire. NEVER and I mean NEVER!!! Put water on it. it can expand to a 2 floor tall fireball no problem.

In these days and age there are just to many products. And often synthetics can be fire hazards so do be careful.

6 Name: LittleRat : 2015-06-03 19:48 ID:pzM9uRnx [Del]

Also for all future pilots, plane lovers or those who has something similar as a hobby. This will be interesting.

As long as you know the airport name you might be able to find all airports near it and compare routes and distance. It even tells you if its a public airport and other information. Perfect for finding if you got enough fuel or if its a good idea to travel there in small personal planes. It contains A LOT of information.

7 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-04 09:17 ID:OYNqVIKt [Del]


8 Name: firelily : 2015-06-06 14:40 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

omg thank yall for remaking this, the ones that i copy/paste to tumblr are the most liked posts

(also, le bump)

9 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-06 20:26 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


10 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-08 07:57 ID:KZfQu+La [Del]


11 Name: Taomas : 2015-06-09 09:53 ID:ZrRWtehw [Del]

Such cool bro

12 Name: Ruisu-Kun : 2015-06-09 12:38 ID:ZgWTflor [Del]

@JackDenkin as you said we are only kids. Not being mean but what can we do. Its ntot like we are adults that have important persuasive jobs

13 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-10 14:57 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


14 Name: Goreal : 2015-06-14 01:59 ID:I3znbLg3 [Del]

So by information brokering we just put up whatever useful information we have up here? A bit like life hacks or some such?

15 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-06-14 06:13 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]

>>14 Pretty much.

Here's a website with information about writing your own novel. It says it's a step-by-step guide, but it holds a lot of useful tips for some of the major points of writing, and the tips can be used even for shorter stories. It's worth looking at if you're interested in writing.

16 Name: Mihai-san : 2015-06-14 09:21 ID:DdGFTq8e [Del]

>>15 I find this so much useful! I already had in mind a novel project, but now it would be professional. Thank you!

17 Name: Besu : 2015-06-15 15:00 ID:YKw532+z [Del]


18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: zero : 2015-06-17 00:59 ID:tDtvFh9y [Del]

im new :D

20 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-17 18:15 ID:HLZSyldD [Del]


21 Name: Yuukio : 2015-06-18 07:01 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

How to hide a folder behind an image:

1. Get an image. (Eg. nameofimage.jpg)
2. Create a folder that contains things to hide. (Eg. secretstuff)
3. Compress the folder to get a zip file (
4. open cmd in the same directory (I used desktop)

You can do this by clicking the 'file' menu of your file explorer and open command prompt.

5. type the following:

copy /b nameofimage.jpg + outimage.jpg

6. Hit Enter and the resulting image is outimage.jpg
7. You can delete away the secretstuff and
8. To open the hidden folder, simply drag the outimage.jpg to any unzipping software like 7-zip File Manager.

7-zip file manager allows you to view files even without unzipping it except when viewing images.

I did an example and this is the resulting image

22 Name: Shy : 2015-06-18 09:02 ID:+LspA7ks [Del]

Well, a thing I've been learning recently and been wanting to teach others is how to speak, read, and write the Japanese language. I know a lot of us will probably love to learn more than a few words and the classes, flashcards, and websites online make it all very easy! A couple URLs below ↓

When studying, I found these two websites to be the most helpful! They help you memorize Kanji, allow you to listen to Japanese news broadcasts, and a lot more! I highly recommend these sites to learn the language quick and effectively.

23 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-06-18 12:29 ID:U9wxwiL3 [Del]

Whoo! V2 let's do this! :D I'm putting down a little tea guide for anyone who needs it, because I like tea XD

If you're stressed => lavander tea
If you're tired => green tea
If you're nauseous => ginger tea
If you want to sleep => chamomile tea
If you want to be alert or need an antioxidant boost => black tea
If you have a stomach ache => peppermint tea
If you want to prevent cancer => white tea

(P.S. tea from tea bags usually contain twigs or leaves sweepings from the factory floor so use loose leaf teas if you can!)

24 Name: firelily : 2015-06-18 14:52 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

kay I've only ever read, I guess it's time to contribute...

Water-proof ink

Recently I decided to try watercolors instead of the paint that I am use to using. (because the watercolors were a birthday present and I ran out of my other paint :P) And i tried to go over the outline of my picture before I painted it with a regular ink pen and learned the hard way not all ink it water-proof...

The whole thing turned into a mess and that suucked because it was the best picture that I had drawn in a very long time....

Anywhoo I did a lot of research and tried all of these things, and it turns out the best things to use if you want to outline a watercolor painting before you paint it is to use Indian ink and let it dry for a few hours because it is more or less water-proof. (The only reason I had that was because, again, it was a birthday present.) It costs quite a bit if, like me, you don't have a job.

The other thing I tried, and really liked, is to use sharpie pens (the ones that have a fine tip, but the thick tipped ones are okay too) Just make sure you let the sharpie dry for about a day (maybe more) once it dries it works just as well as the Indian ink. It costs less too (even though I find them abandoned around my school and usually end up with free ones. XD)

Hope this helps someone ^_^

25 Name: Besu : 2015-06-18 16:59 ID:i5p3oiNz [Del]


26 Name: Wolf's Shadow : 2015-06-19 01:40 ID:i34Chvp8 [Del]

Thank you everyone!!! \(^w^)/

27 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-22 12:59 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


28 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !v1ZIfi52Lw : 2015-06-23 08:00 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


29 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !v1ZIfi52Lw : 2015-06-24 15:12 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


30 Name: roumaissa : 2015-06-24 18:26 ID:O8gVxytp [Del]


31 Name: Lucy : 2015-06-25 00:28 ID:NeOa8EkE [Del]

I was wondering if anyone here is a "professional" information broker, and if so, could you provide some tips on how to get started (where to make connections, what kinds of information is worthwhile, etc). Sorry if this question has already been asked or if it's kind of dumb, but I'm interested in this particular field. Any help would be appreciated.

32 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !v1ZIfi52Lw : 2015-06-26 15:46 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


33 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-27 02:56 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


34 Name: IcedToshiro : 2015-06-27 03:13 ID:9JEh7SRF [Del]

Okay, I have finished school. Its been about 2 years now, listen to me carefully. Do not pursue a career if you are not interested. I am not talking about part time jobs just to earn money etc. I mean actual career, I earn just under $2000 a week, and im still miserable. Money is not the saviour and the be all and end all of life. Find something you enjoy and dont let go, I despise my job and its running me into the ground mentally and psychically. I will quit soon but its gotten to the point where routine has taken over and im a mindless zombie going to work each day. Find something you love.

35 Name: Yuukio : 2015-06-27 03:40 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

36 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !v1ZIfi52Lw : 2015-06-27 22:35 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


37 Name: Kuro : 2015-06-28 01:29 ID:EBaIr95z [Del]

>>34 I'm still in High School,but my father is already pushing me to take Civil Engineering. But I would like to take up Computer Engineering, because that is my passion, that is where I excel (Yes, we have lessons like that in our school). The problem is, I keep telling him that is what I WANT. He keeps ignoring me and says "You only like that non-sense of a course because you are addicted to PC Games. Youth these days."

I know he means well, but it gets irritating when he people tell that the things you love are worthless.

38 Name: IcedToshiro : 2015-06-28 01:44 ID:9JEh7SRF [Del]

Kuro, as hard as it may seem, do your own thing, im not actively telling you to disobey your father, as you said im sure he means well. Just as mine does, yet im still miserable doing something I despise. Money isnt everything man, follow your passion, if it turns out its not what you had hoped find something else. Its your life, no one else's. Financial Security is great, but whats the point if every day is the same on permanent repeat? Why earn money just go keep earning money every day? It has no point or value, if you enjoy what you do you are happy, and if you can make money from that there you are better off then 90% of the world. Dont let people steer you away from your goals.

39 Name: ZenithYore!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-06-28 10:27 ID:PNjslwVd [Del]


40 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-06-28 22:10 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


41 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-29 16:18 ID:0rrHnbPK [Del]

If you have a google document on your Google Drive, and you want to turn it into a PDF file, here's how you do it. (This is something that unfortunately, took me forever to find out!)

1) Open the document.
2) Click 'file,' and 'download as.'
3) Click 'PDF' Document

Good job, you've done something that took me like, 2 years to figure out.

42 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-29 16:58 ID:0rrHnbPK [Del]

I know that many teens feel as though they are ready for sex. Before anyone goes and takes part in intercourse, they should learn about safe sex beforehand. I'm saying this because I'm in high school already, and we've had no education on safe sex. We only know that "the safest sex is no sex." I'm sure that we'll learn later on, but I know many people who have already had sex. So, my tip is to read and learn before taking part in sex, if you are unsure about what is safe. Check out this website:

43 Name: ZenithYore!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-06-30 13:56 ID:PNjslwVd [Del]


44 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-02 00:40 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Remember, look at the first info broker thread in the TOC #1321 to see if your info has not already been posted.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2015-07-02 07:19 ID:XSsDf9z4 [Del]

46 Name: Gaz !fNtqBgVKxk : 2015-07-02 12:11 ID:V/ksoEXj [Del]

This was actually really helpful for me. I love tea.

47 Name: [Bump] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-02 20:46 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Remember, look at the first info broker thread in the TOC #1321 to see if your info has not already been posted.

48 Name: YukiHana : 2015-07-02 21:30 ID:agGzmBb1 [Del]

So does that mean we can buy information off each other?

49 Name: firelily : 2015-07-02 22:28 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>48 well not really "buy" people are posting these things for free because they think they will be helpful,

but you can ask a question and if someone can they will supply an answer

50 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-05 05:35 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Remember, look at the first info broker thread in the TOC #1321 to see if your info has not already been posted.

51 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-05 22:10 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


52 Name: tsen : 2015-07-05 22:13 ID:B5bhB2RZ [Del]

How would one go about becoming an information broker?

53 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-06 06:00 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Remember, look at the first info broker thread in the TOC #1321 to see if your info has not already been posted.

>>52 Read the thread, there's a link at >>35

A TOC for this thread will come after 100 posts, which may not be much.

54 Post deleted by user.

55 Name: Yuukio : 2015-07-06 13:05 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

--Table of Contents--
1 Introduction

--Questions At--
622 How do you set up SSH tunneling?
736 About stars and constellations
1247 Visiting New York
1308 Any ideas for Naturopathic/TCM ways to prevent/treat illness?

1. Education:
103 Some Advice for Finals
181 & 212 Computer Education
185 & 1271 Scholarship Help
187 & 425 College Food
221 & 784 Studying
292, 297, 301 & 419 >>22 Learning Japanese
320 College Admission Essays
398 Staying Organized at School
438 Learning new Languages (vocabulary)
610 Learning New Languages (More in depth)
782 Fractional Exponents (Needs expanding)
909 Scholarships for computer science (US only?)
1250 C.3301 (history)(Wikipedia)
1295 to 1297 Classes to be Surgeons
>>24 Water-proof ink

2. Health & Safety:
4 Medical Financial Assistance
7 Ibuprofen vs. Acetaminophen
8 Thermite
9 Ammonia and Bleach
45 Blood Types
406, 407 & 426 Huntington’s Disease
498 Decongestant vs Antihistamine
755 How to deal with robbery, violence and street harassment
802 803 804 805 806 807 808 & 809 Self Protection
836 Curing Insomnia
>>5 Kitchen Fire Safety
>>23 Tea guide
>>42 Sex Education

3. The Law:
2 Traffic Tickets
61 Unlawful Search and Seizure
83 Miranda Rights
145, 1301 Being Pulled Over by a Cop
326 Emancipation
476 Vigilantism
790 Contracts
1286, 131 Dealing with Apartment complex debt collectors

56 Name: Yuukio : 2015-07-06 13:08 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

4. Automobiles:
92 Jumpstarting a Car
99 Jumpstarting a Car (Addendum)
678 Night Driving Tips

5. Computers:
77 How to Check Who Views Your Facebook Page the Most
127 Burning onto a Disc Using iTunes(not very well explained)
181 & 212 Computer Education (school related)
252, 278 & 283 Protocol 6 and 7
355 & 363 Hacking (tips & help)
434 & 435 Deep Web Knowledge
456 Building a Computer
461 Proxy Server with Google Apps (Not Confirmed)
616 Computer Programming (Starting Point)
637 & 639 Keeping a laptop cool
642 & 643 Deleting files installed by Trustedinstaller
649 & 650 Raid arrays
652 Terminal commands
657 Rosetta stone, Instant Immersion, Rocket, Transparent, Pimsleur, Tell Me More, or Fluenz
743 Find function for phones
782 Puppy Linux (Needs expanding)
1305 How to Fix Choppy Video on Chrome
>>21 Steganography
>>41 how to save Google doc as pdf

6. Love:
89 Relationship Advice
258 Child Support
268 Pansexual vs Bisexual
>>42 Sex Education

7. Adulthood:
3 Mail Forwarding
34 & 414 First Apartment

7-1-1. Money:
4 Medical Financial Assistance
71 Using Credit Cards
108 Saving Money at Home
131 Making Deals with Debt Collectors
169 Sam’s Club Info (US)
208 & 189 Stocks
231 How to get a Job
258 Child Support
322 Entrepreneurship

7-1-2. Banking:
11 Types of Accounts
20 Opening an Account
54 Choosing a Bank and Banking Charges
55 Choosing a Bank and Banking Charges

57 Name: Yuukio : 2015-07-06 13:12 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

7-2. Employment:
5 Creating a Résumé (817 Résumé for Musical Theatre)
146 Publishing a Non-Fiction Book
231 & 824 How to get a Job
264 How to be a Good DJ
328 Scriptwriting (Theater related)
336 & 333 Animation
A: 367 to Q: 366 Books (Needs expanding)
A: 504 & 505 to Q: 503 Advice for Summer Jobs
1273 & 1275 & 1277 Becoming an Information Broker
>>15 How to write a novel
>>34 Think carefully about pursuing your career

8. Tourism:
516 Tips for Portugal
1273 to 1277, 1314 Information dealer
>>6 How to get various Airport info to plan for your trip

9. Misc:
201 & 250 Lying
477 Atheism
480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 Psychology Laws
476 Vigilantism
561 Oppression and Peer Pressure
572 Black Ribbon
621 The difference between anthro and furry
658 People and conflicts
727 Helping lost animals

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
1015 Fusion and Diffusion.
1016 Tips on Practical Chemistry (intro, unspecified)
1020 Mechanics of Diffusion
1302 Quantum Mechanics

58 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-06 17:35 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

Remember, look at the first info broker thread in the TOC #1321 to see if your info has not already been posted

A TOC for this thread will come after 100 posts, which may not be much.

The fake Yuukio, that Toc is for the first one, why the hell you think it should be in the 2nd one?

59 Name: Yuukio : 2015-07-07 10:25 ID:7x6R9KcH [Del]

Because after seeing so many of your posts talking about refering to yhe old content page, I could see that people are pretty lazy to click a few extra more links and ask the same questions again... I was a little fed up. Alright, I apologised. I will not do this again.

60 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-08 06:46 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]

>>59 Ah, sorry, sorry, i thought you were just displacing something and was someone taking your name, after all, i did post your name at the very top of this thread.

My bad, my bad. But ye could had explain why ye posted the Toc again.

Remember to look at the Toc for the first thread are >>55 >>56 >>57 to see whether or not your info has been posted, or your question has been answered.

The Toc for this thread will come, once enough new info have been posted, or once this thread reached 100 or so posts.

61 Name: [Moderator] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-09 01:44 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


62 Name: Rune_Vocs !i76PfsUPeE : 2015-07-09 08:02 ID:WOFq5DqP [Del]


63 Name: [Dude] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-07-10 06:22 ID:bBtbQAtK [Del]


64 Name: firelily : 2015-07-15 13:24 ID:vbR25ZQZ [Del]


65 Name: Kairos : 2015-07-16 12:28 ID:YHwJ0KxI [Del]

I'd like to add something on the subject of automobiles.

On vehicle maintenance and mechanics:

If you are first learning to drive or getting you first car, it's extremely important that you learn how to check your car's fluids and learn how to keep your vehicle properly maintained.

How to check your fluids and tire pressure:

In addition, consult your vehicle's handbook on how often certain fluids - like the oil - should be changed, and try to keep a regular schedule for maintenance. Depending on how often you drive your vehicle, your regular maintenance appointments should be determined by months or by mileage.

If you are young, and especially if you are female, many mechanics will attempt to upsell you at the shop, based on your limited knowledge of your vehicle. Know when to have your brakes checked and changed. Use common sense, if your mechanic tells you something that you're unsure about, be wary. If possible, always get a second opinion (or price quote) before accepting a mechanic's services.

In most mechanic's shops, the majority of the price comes from labor. Before having any repairs or maintenance done, try using Google to find a tutorial or tip on how to do the repair yourself. If you have the right tools, or know someone who can help you, research your vehicle to find the correct part or type of fluid and then do the repair yourself. You can save a lot of money this way.

66 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2015-07-21 10:57 ID:0PWUu3Wl [Del]

bump for great justice

67 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2015-07-24 23:07 ID:0PWUu3Wl [Del]


68 Name: Popman : 2015-07-25 04:50 ID:jUNcTLWJ [Del]

Can somebody explain how to save this thread? I'd love to keep these for future references

69 Name: Kei-chan : 2015-07-25 05:42 ID:+zGwfMG4 [Del]


70 Name: jill : 2015-07-25 17:37 ID:FRJOOnbV [Del]

>>68 You can either bookmark it in your browser or copy paste the entire thing

71 Name: milky : 2015-07-29 14:19 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

can someone provide some information on how to deal with a burn?

72 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 09:12 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>71 <---Anyone?

73 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-02 13:42 ID:w8e6mDMp [Del]

>>71 No science behind it, but both dog and human saliva help ease the pain for burns immediately after they happen (better than cold water at least).
Let it blister then bandaide it so it doesn't pop, or use a hot lighter to cauterize and callus is. It only takes about two wweeks for even some vicious burns to heal. Not much you can do but keep from damaging it more.

74 Name: A.I.d.a. !ao.AgYdRoo : 2015-08-02 13:44 ID:w8e6mDMp [Del]

If you're having trouble figuring out your reality, Franz Bardon is a wonderful man to learn from.
he's written many books you may find helpful with the discovery of yourself and your realities.

75 Name: Yanagi-Sora : 2015-08-02 23:39 ID:IplZFt37 [Del]

Hello~ \(^w^)/
Just have some curiosity here, I've been pretty interested in working for the FBI, but IDK where to even begin researching. Can someone link me to anything that might help?
I'm gonna start college to be a historian but I've always wanted to be a part of the FBI! Thanks in advance for the help~ <3 Much love to you all~

76 Name: firelily : 2015-08-07 10:59 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>75 anyone wanna answer this?? im curious too

and also...............


77 Name: jh2h : 2015-08-07 13:17 ID:POlHdowX [Del]

This might help. You've probably seen it before in your own research but I thought I would post it anyway, just in case. If you want I could do some more in depth research and get back to you on it? Although I'm not too sure what else there might be... ^_^" well good luck on collage and stuff~ ^3^

78 Name: firelily : 2015-08-08 16:57 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

upity up up

79 Name: Yanagi-Sora : 2015-08-08 18:13 ID:IplZFt37 [Del]

>>77 thanks so much! I will definitely read it. I've been trying to get more info on it but I don't exactly have too much time on my hands while I'm prepping for college~!

80 Name: Khepri : 2015-08-08 21:54 ID:ywz9Los2 [Del]

No idea if this should be put here so I'm saging this comment, but if anyone can tell me if they've figured out what the theme for the newest competition in First Robotics this fall is, then please don't hesitate to tell me.
If you don't know what First Robotics is, here's a link to the page.
They usually give hints as to what the competition will be, but they're all cryptic.

81 Name: Museless : 2015-08-09 12:49 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


82 Name: Genra : 2015-08-11 07:02 ID:rutSdZRc [Del]


83 Name: Andrake : 2015-08-11 12:57 ID:gc1UeRXI [Del]


84 Name: firelily : 2015-08-12 19:53 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]


85 Name: Panda-jiji : 2015-08-12 21:43 ID:vmGAE1QG [Del]


86 Name: firelily : 2015-08-14 18:38 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

come on i need new stuff to post on the social sites

if you dont want to ask a question can you leave some interesting or helpful information??

87 Name: firelily!9BCC0EZJ.o : 2015-08-15 21:43 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

bump bump

88 Name: Museless : 2015-08-16 17:40 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

not really sure if something like this was posted but i thought i'd share some herbs and medicines that deal with digestion
as someone with stomach problems myself i found this helpful

for poor appetite
  • dandelion root (tincture)
  • alfalfa (best in tea or food)

for stomach ache
  • meadowsweet (tea)
  • marshmallow (its a plant) (tea or tincture)
  • chamomile (tea or tincture)

for nausea/motion sickness
  • ginger (tea or capsule)
  • chamomile (tea , tincture or capsule)

for indigestion/gas/bloating
  • fennel (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • caraway (tea, tincture or capsule)

for digestive infections
  • garlic (capsule or with food)
  • echinacea (tincture or capsule)
  • cinnamon (tea, tincture or capsule)

for worms
  • pumpkin seeds (ground seeds)
  • thyme (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • thyme (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • garlic (capsule or with food)

for cramps and pain
    cramp bark (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • chamomile (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • ginger (tea or capsule)

for diarrhea
  • plantain (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • raspberry leaf (tea, tincture or capsule)
  • slippery elm (tea or capsule)

for constipation
  • flaxseed (tea)
  • slippery elm (tea)

hope this helps someone :D

89 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-08-16 18:24 ID:XfZBo2QD [Del]

>>88 Thanks for the submission, as someone who has stomach issues due to gluten intolerant I definitely agree with the stomach ache remedies.

As an addition, here are some more things to add.

for stomach ache

Probiotic Yoghurt- although there's not a great deal of evidence to prove this, many claim that regular probiotic yoghurt helps with cramps and aching.

Tea- Cinnamon tea, fennel tea, peppermint tea, caraway tea and ginger tea are also considered to be good for the stomach, although raw fennel and ginger as well as caraway oil are also viable alternatives if making the tea is too much of a hassle.

Apple cider vinegar and honey elixir- Another slightly weird one, but it works for quite a few people. Just mix a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it.

Some of those might not be obvious to people and as a result they might be missing out on an easy solution, so I hope that helps :)

90 Name: firelily : 2015-08-16 19:42 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>88 and >>89 thank you for the updates ^_^

91 Name: Greensky : 2015-08-17 08:17 ID:mGlRL+v4 [Del]

is this 'dollars' still update?

92 Name: firelily : 2015-08-17 08:59 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>91 what do you mean? maybe i can answer your question, but i dont really understand it...

93 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-08-18 18:33 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

What does the law say about vigilantism?

94 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 10:30 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>93 i think being a vigilante is illegal (or the law would rather you leave that type of work to the police). But if you don't get caught it's not really a problem because you are out to do good.

95 Name: Untu : 2015-08-19 11:53 ID:pnXNHKaT [Del]

I saw the Rapid Respone recently and I discovered that I don't know how to react to an accident. Like, what to use, how do I know what to do and that kind of stuff.
IF someone is able to answer that, thanks ~

96 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 12:14 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>95 actually I want to know too.

97 Name: Museless : 2015-08-20 12:31 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


98 Name: Noel27 !dl6f4LGQew : 2015-08-21 04:01 ID:nDMBd7We [Del]


99 Name: Untu : 2015-08-21 23:29 ID:sgW8XLof [Del]

>>95 bumping ~ I really want my question answered ~

100 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-22 02:22 ID:JqrPYoqp [Del]

I like the idea of this thread, but there are way to many bumps, and the last one seemed to be a lot more successful than this.
Hopefully you guys find help in this, and since you mention it, no, it actually isn't obvious where you got the term "Information brokering" from, because that has been a thing for a very, very long time. I assume you probably took it from an anime because you don't know how to do prior research, but okay.
A lot of random info has been posted here, not much of it very worthwhile to the enterprising criminal.

Here's some tips on how to pick locks, since I don't have time to write any good info, and I don't want to post without contributing.

101 Name: Klinx : 2015-08-22 02:36 ID:Wjcr8Q4L [Del]

Fascinating! I actually have plans on taking up the profession of being an Information Broker in Toronto. This could be a good place to get clients now that I think about it. A handbook written by Sue Rugge and Alfred Glossbrenner has been a huge help with moving along this path. Perhaps I can make a fine contribution to the Dollars. My treat.

102 Post deleted by user.

103 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-08-22 07:05 ID:EWL5trtB [Del]


104 Name: Crimson!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-08-22 16:51 ID:68KsF3NH [Del]


105 Name: Museless : 2015-08-22 18:14 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

bumpity bump

106 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-22 18:44 ID:FRJOOnbV [Del]

People stop with the bumps. If you want it in the top, you have to provide relevant information that aren't common.

107 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-22 23:06 ID:EYhr9jrB [Del]

1) You're not going to get any information if nobody sees the thread. Letting it fall into the archives doesn't help much.
2) Bumping it periodically helps push down the spam Main gets.

108 Name: kira : 2015-08-23 02:19 ID:7G6Yt5Tf [Del]

kinda need some help with how uni works

109 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 06:05 ID:2qW9m8PJ [Del]

Kira, I'm in my third year, anything in particular you want to know?

110 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 17:03 ID:ZZbiyFGd [Del]

The main difference in Uni is that you'll have to do much more work independently, in your own time - this is something that may seem hard at first, but remember the friends you'll make on your course will be doing the same thing, and help each other. Set up a group chat, it's good to have others to help you, to give help to, and to have friendly competition with!

111 Name: Panda-jiji : 2015-08-23 19:41 ID:vmGAE1QG [Del]

So... This is one of the few things I can actually contribute that hasn't been contributed before (to the best of my knowledge): How to Self-Teach Yourself a String Instrument.

This is aimed at violin, as that is my primary instrument, but the key concepts can be pretty much applied to any string instrument that you can think of, and probably piano as well.

First off: pick your instrument. Sometimes you'll have an instrument that you know you want to play right away. Sometimes you'll go, "I can't pick." You can look that part up -- there'll be a lot of really opinionated arguments you can find to sway you one way or the other. Personally, I think that you should go for violin, but I'm a little biased. (Or viola. We always need more violas). Buy an instrument that sounds the best to you -- have the people at the instrument shop play each instrument for you. They will -- they have to -- you just have to ask. DO NOT BUY AN INSTRUMENT YOU CANNOT HEAR PLAYED. Doing so is most likely going to land you with something that only resembles an instrument.

Now comes actually playing. My advice is to get a teacher. Really, get a teacher. Even if they're a school teacher or band director, as long as they play the instrument (and well) they'll help you move ridiculously fast. However, as this post is for Self-Teaching and not finding a teacher, I'll move on.

There are lots of really great websites to help you out with self-teaching. is really good for teaching violin -- it's in-depth and fairly explanatory. I mean, you can probably find five or six sites you like by just looking up the keywords Learn Violin at Home through Google.

Find a curriculum you like. If you're younger, then Suzuki's probably a good way to go. The Barbara Barber books aren't bad, either. Buy the books and use them in conjunction with the website, slowly going through each piece. Take a good couple of weeks on each one until you think you can play it properly. Don't push yourself, and don't get frustrated.

Lastly, once you become more advanced, start looking at skill requirements and learning the techniques. You can look up the individual techniques and get videos and how-to articles that are very helpful. I would wait at least three years before learning vibrato, because it helps a lot to have a solid foundation at playing when learning a technique as difficult as vibrato. Start on the bow strokes, going in order of requirements. Shifting should start with learning third position, then second, then fifth, and then fourth on. Always wait until you feel comfortable with where you are to try a new technique.

Seriously, though. Lessons may be expensive and finding a teacher a pain, but it really really really makes it easier to have a professional who knows what they're doing help you. If anyone needs any more in-depth advice, feel free to ask or contact me at I can give tips and possibly even lessons over Skype or some form of video chat for free.

-- Panda-jiji the Glorious

112 Name: Siren !SzqYl/82/w : 2015-08-23 20:14 ID:2qW9m8PJ [Del]

>111 I just want to add to this great post that having a teacher isn't for everyone. Some people, myself included, learn better alone, at a custom pace. This is the way I learned piano, guitar, bass, and more. It can be very calming to sit and discover what sounds good and what doesn't. I can barely read music, but I can play it just fine! Find what is best for you, from the instrument to the learning methods.

113 Name: Elizer : 2015-08-24 20:00 ID:2sxMDu8W [Del]

This site needs more people or members

114 Name: firelily : 2015-08-26 16:01 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>113 it has more than enough members, people just need to contribute more

115 Name: jill : 2015-08-28 02:46 ID:FRJOOnbV [Del]

>>111 You're being way to bias. The easiest instrument to play is piano or other percussion instruments. Seriously, you just simply need to listen to the beat and follow it. String instruments are kinda complicated, so if your that straight person who wants to play immediately without lessons, choose a percussion instrument. You'll probably learn much about the instrument as you play longer. So if you need more advice ask the people who studied with the teacher. Don't let their money go to waste. They probably know more about those complicated stuff like notes, chords, piece, and probably the entire history of music.

116 Name: jh2h : 2015-08-30 14:05 ID:m98VBbbu [Del]

Bump~ ^^

117 Name: Dreamer : 2015-08-30 20:38 ID:lD5/KDAN [Del]

hello friends. I need your help, the homework of philosophy is describe the characteristics of the philosophy, please help me :c
with refferences :c please help me!

118 Name: jh2h : 2015-08-31 04:35 ID:m98VBbbu [Del]

>>117 which philosophy do you have to describe?

119 Name: firelily : 2015-08-31 17:18 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


120 Name: ixpizel : 2015-09-01 07:31 ID:Y8pzb/MY [Del]


121 Name: firelily : 2015-09-01 15:58 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


122 Name: firelily : 2015-09-03 17:32 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


even tiny tips help people, add to this if you can thx ^_^

123 Name: CausticCC : 2015-09-04 04:13 ID:jx8kuhOq [Del]

Gotta Bump this....cause all the tips are helpful.

124 Name: firelily : 2015-09-05 09:44 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


125 Name: Museless : 2015-09-06 17:37 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

please remember NOT to leave keys inside the car, no matter if youre away for just a second, dont let it become a habit you dont want to get locked out and have to waste money on a professional to open it for you or accidentally breaking your car trying to do it on your own

126 Name: Laija : 2015-09-07 07:34 ID:F/mnBWfO [Del]

Love this thread, so useful.

127 Name: Legend : 2015-09-07 09:11 ID:tfh1PNg4 [Del]

this thread is very useful for that thanks you did something that will help a lot of people

128 Name: Sicam : 2015-09-07 09:28 ID:Hh3/X6E0 [Del]

Found a password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website. Password: keystone, username: ashlar. A little taste of the information I've been gathering as of late.

129 Name: Aradjha : 2015-09-07 10:09 ID:HbGrih+v [Del]

Nice to see that there are still people here after all this time. Okay, here's something new. I've got an interesting career, I'm a tall ship sailor. I sail ships like the ones depicted in the Pirates of the Carribbean movies, both modern ones and old wooden ones.

It's a life of adventure and intense hard work. We learn our limits and then challenge them, and we learn to live without the comforts of modern shore life, and we do just fine. I've sailed all over the world, I have friends and past shipmates in many countries. I live on these ships for months at a time, and when I first started I didn't know the first thing about sailinig boats let alone big ships. Most tall ship sailors don't do it for the rest of their lives; if you want to spend a few years after high school or college, doing something fun and interesting, this may be a path for you.

1)Get experience. Some of these bigger ships often take "trainees" - apprentices who do the bulk of the grunt work on board, and have little to no experience. Cost will vary depending on the program, but it's not beyond the reach of an ambitious youngster, and some even have scholarships.
OR find a smaller ship to volunteer on. Some small ships will take untrained volunteers, which is a great way to start. There's a lot of these on the east coast of the States, and in the Great Lakes, but there are some everywhere. The smaller ships will offer less potential experience but it's cheaper to do so.
2)Work your ass off. There will be pulling on ropes and moving things around, and there will be lots of cleaning. I learned cooking, carpentry, stiching, diving, playing guitar... There will also be climbing in the rigging. Don't play in the rig though. And there will be screaming, when things really need to happen. You'll know.
3)Party hard. Tall ship sailors live life to the 9th degree, at work and at play.
4)Don't expect to ever be a millionaire. Tall ship sailors get their wealth in experience. That's why most of us quit after a while. The industry is like that.
5) This can be a career, either by going "through the hawse-pipe" - up from the bottom, or by going to school and becoming an officer right off the bat. It's a steep climb if you do that though.

TL;DR Sailing is awesome, but it's not for everyone.

Hope this helps, check the Tall Ships America website

Also, good ships with sail training programs:
STAASTRAAD LEMKUHL and CHRISTIAN RADICH and GOTHEBORG(if you speak a scandinavian language)
Etc - and there's lots of small ships everywhere. If you don't find them, they will find you.

130 Name: Museless : 2015-09-07 12:44 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


131 Name: firelily : 2015-09-07 18:31 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]

omg can main stay clean?? wuts with all the spam today??? DX

132 Name: Albatross : 2015-09-07 20:30 ID:cdNLS/su [Del]


133 Name: firelily (skool computer) : 2015-09-09 12:32 ID:9/unt2Vg [Del]


134 Name: Panda-jiji : 2015-09-09 20:36 ID:vmGAE1QG [Del]


135 Name: Infomerch : 2015-09-09 20:42 ID:NrqapMem [Del]

Here's a piece of information for college students and high school students who just don't have enough time to do everything piled on to them.

The website has answers to every textbook question to every English textbook currently used in America. You're all welcome

136 Name: firelily : 2015-09-10 15:55 ID:l4FmMCrN [Del]


tbh this bbs is dying =_=

137 Name: Blanc : 2015-09-12 01:18 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


138 Name: Museless : 2015-09-14 13:26 ID:ClIfA8cf [Del]

Time for a bump

139 Name: Kitty-chan : 2015-09-14 15:21 ID:y3+r1GZ9 [Del]

I think im gonna be an information broker, I can remember a lot of things and I like to research them. If you want to know anything, ask me in a chat if you find me in one

140 Name: Museless : 2015-09-14 21:14 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

Does anyone know how to get past a school wifi block?
I'd like to be able to use dollars bbs at school and its blocked so I wonder if there's any way to somehow bypass that

141 Name: anonymous : 2015-09-15 01:28 ID:r1PpQfLM [Del]

Proxy sites

142 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-15 05:34 ID:NNz8+6XL [Del]

[Museless] There's a program called psiphon that you can download. <-- Here's a link to a download site. It's a free download and you don't have to worry about viruses or anything.

143 Name: idk : 2015-09-15 05:44 ID:sv5XC3jI [Del] have fun

144 Name: Oreo : 2015-09-16 06:52 ID:oipyH+Ll [Del]

Bump bump bump

145 Name: yogo : 2015-09-22 02:52 ID:99XiHRo0 [Del]

bump bc who knows who might need this stuff

146 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-09-22 11:35 ID:XfZBo2QD [Del]


147 Name: yogo : 2015-09-22 14:40 ID:99XiHRo0 [Del]


148 Name: Blanc : 2015-09-25 07:58 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


149 Name: Shadow : 2015-09-25 15:26 ID:BqAikMfF [Del]


150 Name: maivv : 2015-09-25 20:40 ID:MLsMYJbV [Del]

do you know what is happening in the city right now?

you want to now...I see...

151 Name: Shade : 2015-09-25 20:51 ID:12trX3JT [Del]


152 Name: Anonymous : 2015-09-25 22:48 ID:QDTtpx2b [Del]


153 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2015-09-26 20:16 ID:rR1OHEgg [Del]


154 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2015-10-02 14:02 ID:8qIIZMry [Del]


155 Name: Kagamin : 2015-10-02 16:44 ID:u1vRlFnM [Del]

When studying, you should study for 45 minutes to an hour, then take a 5-10 minuteb break, then repeat. It helps you retain the most information.

156 Name: Blanc : 2015-10-03 13:46 ID:Kjl6ju8m [Del]


157 Name: Zeriiiv : 2015-10-04 01:41 ID:k/rXaRjd [Del]

If you're going out of town or simply going out, leaving your house empty, lock your doors then do something unusual or crazy like peeing on your door so that you can remember that you locked it. Works everytime for me o-o

158 Name: Blanc : 2015-10-09 19:06 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


159 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-09 23:14 ID:uLFRGSXQ [Del]

>>157 10/10

Also, when you want to do a long project that requires your full attention,work on it nonstop for 25 min. with absolutely no distractions then take a 5 mind break. Repeat until the job is done :3 So far it's been working for me and my grades are taking a slow snail-like climb to those A's I need XP
Make sure you don't skip out on the breaks btw, you need to give your brain enough time to process all of the information!

160 Name: Blanc : 2015-10-10 01:04 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


161 Name: Museless : 2015-10-10 14:10 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


162 Name: Pooooop : 2015-10-10 17:29 ID:G6WQh+4U [Del]

So lately i feel my brain is rotting. Having had a fairly CAT test as a you get i would like to say im not too dumb.
I guess its a result of not sleeping well for a few years. Yh 6 hrs average during my growth stage.
Though i couldn't help it too much due to life circumstances.
I want sincerely stress the importance of going to dream land for as long as your body is comfortable to maximise your growth potential.

In any case, if someone has similar experience and got some tips for sleeping better or falling asleep easier please tip me. After, the life issue has lessened, my body seemed to be stuck or low sleep mode. Very bad for exams and aptitude tests :(

163 Name: Pooooop : 2015-10-10 17:30 ID:G6WQh+4U [Del]

As a young one*

164 Name: Nako : 2015-10-10 19:11 ID:1b+HU0xa [Del]

I have suffered with sleeping problems my whole life. It largely affected my schooling. Recently though I have began taking sleeping pills to get to sleep. It helps me get enough sleep at night so I rule at school in the day.

165 Name: Owl !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-10 19:14 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

>>162 You can cut off all technology and not use a lot of bright lights an hour or two before bed time. Your brain can think it's still daytime if you surround yourself with light or when you eat or do things you usually do in the morning.

Just take the time to wind down and let your brain buzz over the many events that have happened throughout your day. I too have been having trouble getting my sleep schedule in line so I listen to this 9 hour deep sleep video to cut restlessly-rolling-around-in-bed from half and hour to about 10-20 minutes. Here it is:

And if all else fails, pop a couple pills in and hope to whatever deity that you sleep ;w; (but to be fair, the body was built to sleep from 20-00 & 2-6, not 8 straight hours of it)

166 Name: Blanc : 2015-10-11 19:14 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


167 Name: Remember : 2015-10-18 11:55 ID:dLTavTtH [Del]


168 Name: Beyond !a2Gqv9kLag : 2015-10-18 23:03 ID:wudWzNmN [Del]


169 Name: Z3N : 2015-10-19 09:39 ID:2QdN/8S2 [Del]


( ̄▽ ̄)

170 Name: Secret : 2015-10-19 10:17 ID:a/WzGK8Q [Del]


171 Name: Ritvik Avancha : 2015-10-19 10:59 ID:MxZ/OtBY [Del]

Bush did 9/11 and hitler was really a Afro-African banana munching monkey fucking Apple slicing liberal.

172 Name: Ritvik Avancha : 2015-10-19 12:43 ID:MxZ/OtBY [Del]

But ps inscribe to my yt

173 Name: Memori : 2015-10-19 13:34 ID:DstutzZi [Del]


174 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-20 16:24 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

>>171 How insightful!

Also here's a wonderful video on why you shouldn't give a shit by the fabulous Jenna herself:

175 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-20 20:27 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

ALmost forgot

176 Name: Masaru : 2015-10-20 21:29 ID:QqH6dcxo [Del]

what does "bump" mean?

177 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-21 05:33 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

>>176 Bring Up My Post essentially. This is a very important thread that everyone should reads at least once, so we try to bump it up every once in a while

178 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-21 05:54 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

>>177 Wait, whoops. I derped thinking that this was the RTIYN(V3) thread XP

179 Name: G.D : 2015-10-21 07:18 ID:D+u/Tdqp [Del]

There should be an own board for this. Ex: "Requests and Help"

180 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-21 09:49 ID:+wzNJHA8 [Del]

>>179 That's essentially the Missions board

181 Name: Izanagi : 2015-10-21 09:51 ID:6qy9wDVG [Del]

so why not make a board for information threads? that way the people who want info can make threads for it there

182 Post deleted by user.

183 Post deleted by user.

184 Name: Blanc : 2015-11-04 17:16 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


185 Name: Blanc : 2015-11-04 17:23 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


186 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-11-04 18:36 ID:8DF4Roh+ [Del]


187 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-11-04 18:42 ID:8DF4Roh+ [Del]


188 Post deleted by user.

189 Name: Koji : 2015-11-04 21:35 ID:MAe6ItwS [Del]


190 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 02:00 ID:D3U/n8bq [Del]

Desperate Money Making techniques

one of the best ways to make large amounts of money in a desperate situation only requires a computer and internet connection. the basic premise of this technique is to find ads put out for various programming or website making jobs, you set a price, and then you go onto another internet forum or programmer site, and put up an ad for half the amount promised earlier. the person you hired will make a website, you then present that website to the buyer, you get your money and the maker gets half the profits. though treading in a kind of moral gray area, if the money is necessary to your or someone elses survival, or even just something as simple as keeping yourself off the streets, then i'd say its probably fine to do.

191 Name: Rime-chan : 2015-11-05 04:54 ID:SDgnoKPt [Del]

Hmmm.... Nice info... share some more

192 Name: Uhlecksis : 2015-11-05 06:15 ID:pYGXXVUT [Del]

What does bump mean?

193 Name: SigiledHawk : 2015-11-05 08:16 ID:Xl8OlFui [Del]

It means to bump up the thread to the top top.. bump

194 Name: Uhlecksis : 2015-11-05 08:44 ID:/cn85QKV [Del]

Ohhhh haha thanks >>193

195 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-05 14:45 ID:ueAPac5/ [Del]

guys if anyone needs info about a specific someone send me all the info you have on that person and tell me what exactly you want to know on and plz give me a social mefia link that helps a bunch
~regards information broker AKA stalker

196 Name: [bumping] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-11-05 15:33 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

>>195 I'll keep that in mind :o Being a broker sounds interesting; maybe I should get in the business... (whatever would I sell though)

197 Name: animeCats : 2015-11-06 05:58 ID:YZ72ZMKo [Del]

Hello, while I was trying to draw a manga for a class project, I realized I am horrible at drawing. A friend on an anime website suggested for me to use Comipo! and it worked great. The program uses 3D characters and models which you can pose to make the panels. Although it is a bit costly for people who want to buy it, if you buy the add-ons as well (I guess it's not helpful if it's this expensive) then it will work fine. It has many 3D models with it, but DeviantArt also has many 3D models from users that are usable as well. It's a bit limited at first since it's aimed more towards school manga, but you can download more models and more backgrounds if your manga needs them. Or if you know how, you can make your own backgrounds and models (although I guess if you can make those, you don't really need this program). So if you can't draw a manga and need help, and if you also happen to have a bunch of money money lying around, you should at least consider Comipo!.

198 Name: Splair : 2015-11-06 22:11 ID:HJWk3Mxt [Del]

>>197 Thanks for the info, I've always wondered how a specific comic I follow did those 3d models since I'd never heard of Comipo! before.

Speaking of 3d posing software, a free one is DesignDoll where you can pose a 3d doll in any way and also change the proportions. Only thing is it's just a plain doll, so you'll have to trace over it... and it isn't for mac... but other then that it might be a nice free alternative to Comipo? ( although I haven't tried it personally ) If anyone is looking for a free posing software definitely check that out. Otherwise Comipo! looks like a good choice too~

199 Name: NoelMariaMonette!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-12-17 08:59 ID:PNjslwVd [Del]

. I've always loved this.

200 Name: NoelMariaMonette!RIeWTihAXk : 2015-12-17 18:16 ID:PNjslwVd [Del]


201 Name: Yuukio : 2015-12-18 12:36 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

How to login to websites without creating an account?

One way is to use where there are nice people who share out login ids and passwords to the public.
[note: This doesn't support facebook accounts, paypal, etc.]

202 Name: TheComebackKId : 2015-12-18 13:37 ID:HcxLZM3U [Del]

I like this

203 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-12-19 15:29 ID:F9rmrceg [Del]


204 Name: Museless : 2015-12-20 10:57 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


205 Name: Xira : 2015-12-21 00:48 ID:I+2DTvz1 [Del]

Could anyone please tell me where to buy Orihara Izaya and the Sunset, the light novel? I want to buy a copy but I can't find it anywhere! Thank you in advance for the help!

206 Name: Yuukio : 2016-01-04 13:01 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

Guys, I wrote a short code that allow us to play music in this bbs. It's at

207 Name: Museless : 2016-01-04 15:26 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

>>205 as far as i know its not licensed yet and not available in english
but you might be able to find some fan translations

208 Name: Sugar :-) : 2016-01-07 15:29 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


209 Name: CloudStrife : 2016-01-07 22:45 ID:AJQgM3rQ [Del]

Bumpity bump

210 Name: Yurei : 2016-01-08 06:54 ID:Qh0Gw1Ai [Del]

Bump Bump!!

211 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-08 10:06 ID:q1MO2fo8 [Del]


212 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2016-01-08 10:50 ID:/myAi+da [Del]

Does anyone know where online I could watch:
Miraculous ladybug (engilsh dub kids show)
Booked out (movie)
And singing in the world (musical)
As high def as possible please!

213 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2016-01-08 14:36 ID:URe4PkkK [Del]

>>212 i dont the english version is out yet but if it is it would most likely be on kiss anime/cartoon - -

Also bump

214 Name: Zerxes : 2016-01-08 16:02 ID:9kgztx4u [Del]


This is great info.

215 Name: Sugar :-) : 2016-01-09 18:41 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]

What are some good, preferably free animating software? I want to try my hand at animating a little but idk where to start :?

216 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2016-01-25 01:52 ID:URe4PkkK [Del]


217 Name: Museless : 2016-01-27 14:15 ID:Bsv2u5cf [Del]


218 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2016-01-28 14:37 ID:WfSml9pF [Del]


219 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2016-01-28 14:48 ID:WfSml9pF [Del]


220 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2016-01-28 15:08 ID:WfSml9pF [Del]


221 Name: firelily : 2016-04-04 18:22 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

necro posting is better than a lot of the crap on main, and a lot of ppl have never seen this before...

sooo bump!!

add to it please???

(or would yall rather, i remake it)

222 Name: Kota !vce9k81JrQ : 2016-04-04 22:09 ID:ybj3RHqO [Del]


223 Name: Rykero : 2016-04-04 22:33 ID:39zoqALu [Del]

Question: Is this a thread for the brokering of ANY kind of information? Or just like teen-life related. Because I've got a lot of harm prevention information involving drugs I'd be more than happy to share to make sure everyone stays safe out there!

224 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-04 22:41 ID:oREr+zn6 [Del]

>>223 do share.

225 Name: Rykero : 2016-04-04 22:51 ID:39zoqALu [Del]

Alright, here are some harm prevention sites for MDMA:
(The first one is the best imo)

Here are some sites for DXM harm prevention:


Be safe out there, and if you have any questions, email me at or I'd love to help you out, but if I'm not available make sure to go to TripSit's assistance IRC Chat channel, the people there are VERY helpful.

226 Name: (........) : 2016-04-05 07:28 ID:aW8r9wzr [Del]


227 Name: firelily : 2016-04-05 19:03 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

omg yaaay new info was added

also bump

228 Name: khris2512 : 2016-04-06 07:20 ID:yfgA33LE [Del]

when cleaning your room always do your bed first. this will make everything around it look out of place and motivate you to finish cleaning.

229 Name: baccano : 2016-04-06 07:42 ID:vjlG8H88 [Del]


230 Name: Makoto : 2016-04-06 13:09 ID:5WDXHMWR [Del]


231 Name: Museless : 2016-04-07 15:24 ID:yiN07W65 [Del]


232 Name: kashibi : 2016-04-08 16:39 ID:SkLyew9+ [Del]

I need info on something its about an account

233 Name: firelily : 2016-04-08 17:09 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]


post your question and ppl will try to reply

234 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-08 21:22 ID:oF8eyIxP [Del]

Mass bumping here

235 Name: Playboy18 : 2016-04-09 01:54 ID:EVUu38EH [Del]

Hay information broker how do you make an email account

236 Name: firelily : 2016-04-09 17:18 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]


just go to any email site you want and make an email with your username .dollars

ex: (that i dont check)

also bump

237 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-10 02:51 ID:HwgwSzdj [Del]


238 Name: Playboy18 : 2016-04-10 20:40 ID:EVUu38EH [Del] Thanks :)

239 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-12 20:54 ID:D9opBx1s [Del]


240 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-13 04:59 ID:r3Mp+gcM [Del]

Pls read the FAQs before posting anything and make sure you understand it..

I will not be kind if you dont..

Bump because spam

241 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-14 20:19 ID:84yIKy+g [Del]

242 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-14 22:03 ID:84yIKy+g [Del]

243 Name: あい : 2016-04-15 08:24 ID:v5CG5ioK [Del]

shut the fuck up. my god.

244 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-15 20:33 ID:xN56Lzb+ [Del]


245 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-19 21:11 ID:FJ4stHeZ [Del]


246 Name: Happy7520 : 2016-04-20 12:46 ID:4eqniBkS [Del]


247 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-04-20 17:08 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


248 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-20 20:32 ID:MDNi8KcK [Del]

Pls read the FAQs before posting anything and make sure you understand it..

Bump because spam

249 Name: firelily : 2016-04-22 16:40 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]

well i just googled how to fill out a money order (cus for college shyt) and then i remembered I could have just asked here
*face palm*

but here is what i found, (i just wanna contribute the the info tbh)

250 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-24 21:41 ID:V8TUsRZ5 [Del]


251 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-04-25 08:45 ID:QqEl0cVk [Del]

Any survival tips for when you're transitioning from highschool > college? Then from college > to the work force?

252 Name: Nessir : 2016-04-25 14:45 ID:+DJLiIHA [Del]

>>252 and hope this helps

253 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-04-25 16:13 ID:JX32IYc4 [Del]

>>252 Thank you darling~

254 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-26 22:13 ID:FRFnIhOM [Del]

bumping relevant threads

255 Name: firelily : 2016-04-27 17:45 ID:r67b+w+Z [Del]


so helpful tbh

256 Name: peninsula : 2016-04-28 03:54 ID:99X6Eh/k [Del]

Bump good idea

257 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-28 21:47 ID:u0jRin8y [Del]

bumping relevant threads

258 Name: Lapis : 2016-04-29 02:09 ID:n4Oh+DZP [Del]


259 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-01 21:02 ID:xN56Lzb+ [Del]


260 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-02 23:33 ID:EZUySsrZ [Del]


261 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-03 10:29 ID:y1x8nUWk [Del]


262 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2016-05-03 15:49 ID:ZXZlqPtx [Del]

Oh yeah in case anyone cares, I've been making a google document based on what everyone had said in the linked thread, I will be making it public to whomever wants to read into it once it's done.

263 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-05-03 19:15 ID:JX32IYc4 [Del]

>>262 Ooh, I'd like it when you're done!

264 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-04 21:16 ID:Ny7n22W/ [Del]


265 Name: Nishi : 2016-05-05 10:46 ID:XiJ4XapF [Del]

>>262I want to see it too!

266 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-09 20:38 ID:6TjDZLwi [Del]


267 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-12 22:19 ID:xuX2MMam [Del]


268 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-14 03:23 ID:s7i/+pd7 [Del]


269 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-14 22:05 ID:xN56Lzb+ [Del]


270 Name: Ryukagoka (school) !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-18 16:00 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


271 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-19 06:04 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


272 Name: Eclipse : 2016-05-19 10:57 ID:mmBwSMGT [Del]


273 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-19 19:05 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


274 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-20 15:48 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


275 Name: Truth : 2016-05-20 15:57 ID:465OZ1Pw [Del]


Thanks! I'm a pilot in training!

276 Name: Tracer : 2016-05-20 18:18 ID:s54NkUEn [Del]

Anyone have questions about joining the Marine Corps or military in general?

277 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-05-20 20:45 ID:JX32IYc4 [Del]

>>276 Sure, I'd like to know :3

278 Name: Adore : 2016-05-20 21:15 ID:uGyQJuXC [Del]

So I guess I'm interested in the Hawaii air national guard. Does anyone have any info on that? or ANG in general.

279 Name: Tracer : 2016-05-21 18:28 ID:s54NkUEn [Del]

@Addrian Did you want to know anything specific or just a generalization?

280 Name: Rex McKey : 2016-05-23 08:35 ID:tvuh1A4B [Del]


281 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-05-23 21:10 ID:JX32IYc4 [Del]

>>279 Knowledge dump me X3

282 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-24 22:20 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


283 Name: Lapis : 2016-05-25 17:38 ID:ppRXpjeY [Del]


284 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-25 23:32 ID:gbbUnmHJ [Del]


285 Name: Key : 2016-05-26 18:14 ID:2qMWIvq8 [Del]

Hey, so at my school we have a wifi password system and it changes every week and we arent given it unless we really need to do work, once it's out everyone gets it and then by the next week we are back to square one with no wifi. There are 8 numbers 4 of which remain the same but the last 4 always change with what seems to be no pattern. Does anyone know how i could crack it?

286 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2016-05-26 20:41 ID:9RlI66/1 [Del]

Dude, there must be a link to it, just think, there must be a pattern.
In my school, its the same thing, but there is always a pattern in the password. Cause if the principal is using the WIFI, that lame asshole, should obv keep the password, according to his wife's name. That's accroding to my case.

But for you, there is a leak for sure, u just need to try hard and figure the last 4 characters....

287 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-26 21:51 ID:JZCw8JkK [Del]

>>285 Perhaps you should put down the last few passwords you've had access to, and then it will be easier for is to help you.

288 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-05-27 15:06 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]

BUMP, 'le~!

289 Name: Lyssamanya : 2016-05-28 12:22 ID:fSPTJrtc [Del]

If your school doesn't allow a gaming club like my high school didn't, just be sneaky. What our club did was instead of calling ourselves the First-person Shooter Club, we called ourselves the "Military Education Through Simulation Club."

290 Name: EarthK : 2016-05-28 12:34 ID:OqfI7Z0k [Del]

Did that truly work Lyssamanya?! That's awesome x)

291 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-29 14:21 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


292 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-29 15:38 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


293 Name: Lyssamanya : 2016-05-29 16:22 ID:OEdbbPt6 [Del]


Indeed it did! It was awesome!

294 Name: firelily : 2016-05-29 17:57 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

i know that works, our anime club is "Japanese pop culture" club XD

295 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-29 18:03 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

Literally everyone in my school thinks that all anime is porn.

296 Name: firelily : 2016-05-29 18:08 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

>>295 show them super cute earth defense club, battle force love XD

297 Name: Rex McKey : 2016-05-30 08:31 ID:tvuh1A4B [Del]


298 Name: Ranguna !bUMCaSNWgQ : 2016-05-30 11:52 ID:jh0yOU// [Del]

Why isn't the index being updated ?

299 Name: Dusk46 : 2016-05-30 12:20 ID:fHKpYxiN [Del]

im putting this here cause i dont know where else to put it.

Ever 'run' into someone on-line, that you've had an argument/debate, or are trying to work a problem/issue out with?
Dont want to flood a thread, chat room or other place?
head to >
this is a disposable chat site that allows you to make a room, use it however you'd like, and once everyone leaves the page, its gone, no mess, no chat logs [unless you've copied everything to a notepad]
To make a room is as simple as typing [i.e]
and its yours! no mods, admins, etc

300 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-05-30 17:24 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]


301 Name: Yuukio : 2016-05-31 13:07 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

Hey guys, whenever you create any password for any purpose, it is widely known that we must make it complicated enough to ward off bruteforce attack. However, are you really sure that your seemingly password is really complicated enough?

There is a file online called "rockyou.txt" (go google it).

If your password is in the file, please do change it till you can't find it.

For linux terminal:
> cat rockyou.txt | grep [password]

For windows cmd:
> type rockyou.txt | findstr [password]

302 Name: firelily : 2016-05-31 18:18 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

wow these are getting better

303 Name: Ryukagoka (school) !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-01 08:12 ID:LHdpQQwP [Del]


304 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-01 14:07 ID:W6B+M3F1 [Del]

Want to learn html?

W3 has html tutorials for everyone, they even have tutorials on css, javascript and others. best of all, all the knowledge is free!, no credit card or sign-up required.

305 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-03 14:44 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


306 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-03 20:47 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


307 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-06-04 15:02 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bump ^

308 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-04 21:03 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


309 Name: Miku nagasaki : 2016-06-04 21:41 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

i really want to be an information broker it seems fun

310 Name: firelily : 2016-06-05 08:56 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


find out how to do it, it would sure help us

311 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-06 10:15 ID:r+LTWvOG [Del]


312 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-06 11:17 ID:r+LTWvOG [Del]


313 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-07 09:38 ID:r+LTWvOG [Del]


314 Name: Naota Orihara : 2016-06-07 18:25 ID:sUTBSLU6 [Del]

Apply. bump

315 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-08 10:30 ID:lvJ5/G2k [Del]


316 Name: Jin : 2016-06-08 14:50 ID:RUTcB71e [Del]


317 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-08 18:56 ID:lvJ5/G2k [Del]


318 Name: Kanra!lrGD6wvWds : 2016-06-09 17:02 ID:/UJYlwg5 [Del]

How do I do vibrato on violin?

319 Name: firelily : 2016-06-10 09:28 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


320 Name: daaku d. kunito : 2016-06-11 04:49 ID:slPzzjDm [Del]

I would like to make my own virtual world one day so that I may escape from reality

321 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-11 15:02 ID:lvJ5/G2k [Del]


322 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-13 23:44 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

>>320 I'll join u XD

323 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-14 06:17 ID:Gx5IDL3a [Del]


324 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-14 19:33 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


325 Post deleted by user.

326 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-18 21:58 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


327 Name: Hoshi : 2016-06-19 05:21 ID:aGj5pSRw [Del]


328 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-19 17:45 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


329 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-06-20 14:33 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]


330 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-21 15:36 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


331 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-21 16:56 ID:y1x8nUWk [Del]


332 Name: Eithril Gear !NUlVfGWmEk : 2016-06-22 12:49 ID:3wCUdWLW [Del]


333 Name: Miku nagasaki : 2016-06-22 13:42 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

total bump

334 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-23 08:57 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


335 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-24 20:38 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


336 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2016-06-25 18:19 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]

So have you ever felt like doing things quicker on your computer like launching specific programs from a few buttons? Well autohotkeys helps make this true, here is a tutorial for it
also if more help is needed I had made a youtube video a while ago to help a friend with it so I can send the video to you if you need it, just leave your email or email me at

337 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-29 12:19 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


338 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-30 18:06 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


339 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-01 06:55 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


340 Name: Lazaro !FYz00L796o : 2016-07-01 10:54 ID:rod8ffuI [Del]


341 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-01 17:49 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]


342 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-01 17:50 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


343 Name: Pach : 2016-07-02 21:01 ID:+Ca3RkIz [Del]

I feel like this would be a really good section, like the sports of movie section. Just because it's really hard to navigate this thread for apicific stuff, and then you could make more spocific threads, like "important college info" or whatever.

344 Name: /Kida : 2016-07-05 23:36 ID:4E06krun [Del]

Ahhhhhhhh! How do you make a forum website using html?

345 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-05 23:44 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

>>344 There is an HTML tutorial posted here. It also teaches you about CSS and JavaScript, if those are also helpful. >>304

346 Name: Lazaro !FYz00L796o : 2016-07-06 12:42 ID:eJ40kt7t [Del]


347 Name: Mhaili : 2016-07-06 15:42 ID:q/gNXGDm [Del]

>>157 That is bound to work, yes. The brain will remember the wild thing you did and it will relate it to you locking the door.. Quite clever. Here's a more efficient version though..

If you can remember to pee on your door just to remember you locked it, or do anything crazy, in that matter, simply remember to pick your phone up and dial something like "00" or any random number in general that you can distinguish among the other numbers you've dialed. That will be a reminder for you that you locked the door and the exact time you did it via the call log. ^_^

348 Name: Yuukio : 2016-07-06 20:56 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

There is a misconception that incognito mode does not retain any cookies. However, there are super cookies which are still able to track your private browsing by exploiting HTTP strict transport Security(HSTS).

HSTS is a necessity for browsers and is currently implemented by most browsers to ensure that when you go to websites like facebook, you will always have HTTPS instead of HTTP. This is essential to stop Man-in-the-middle attack(sniffing your credentials).


349 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-07-06 21:08 ID:Fxe/CXeO [Del]


350 Name: Mhaili : 2016-07-07 00:47 ID:HRIgMTTi [Del]

Whether you will be trying to sneak into a secret military base or in your kitchen for a midnight *cough* 2am snack, your body is capable of absolutely shattering your plans by bringing forth one of the most common (and clichèd) bodily functions there is - sneezing.

Usually though, sneezing warns you in advance that it's coming. If you are lucky enough for that to happen to you, simply start breathing deeply through your nose until the feeling that you want to sneeze goes away.

351 Name: lopta : 2016-07-07 14:12 ID:TPgFgWG+ [Del]

rockyou.txt is nothing but a simple wordlist.
Wordlists are used to crack passwords and there are ton of them..
Rockyou is popular but not the best, there are wordlists containing more than 40gb worth of passwords.

If you really want to protect yourself use capital letters,numbers and symbols. Also it would be clever to add some random letters
(for examle if your password is IlikePie you can add couple letter or numbers so it will be aaAIlikepie ).

For example if your name is chris and you drive toyota don't create your password as Chr1sToy0t@ something like this will easily be cracked as there is a software that generates wordlists based on information u give it.Also don't use l33t basically numbers instead of letter (d0ll@rs).Also this is the most important thing of all don't use same passwords for every website. Create a txt file or write passwords somewhere.You can use password managers but why when you can just type it in txt files.

352 Name: Miku nagasaki : 2016-07-07 20:40 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

Me and my friends are like mini adults (At this rate we are maybe way more mature than the adult we know) We use strong vocabulary witch to them really makes them see that we are out of the mundane middle kids. We also talk about the news, yep the freaking news. I love to watch the news I love to watch the weather and I love homework. Me and my friends do have our moments where we do act like our age, but we do act like we are 20 or something. Crazy. Really I enjoy to read books with heavy content. Right now I am reading a book by Tyler Oakley and it is sad and so not for my age, but do I care? No. Anyway I love to be myself Witch is an utter adult and I love to be my proper age self: A teenager. But Overall I love me and my awesome friends (School friends and the dollars)

353 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-09 10:48 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


354 Name: Museless : 2016-07-09 15:24 ID:JvBs/0xU [Del]


355 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-07-09 15:57 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]


356 Name: Kuro948 : 2016-07-09 20:35 ID:qnNgc/gy [Del]

357 Name: EasternOrc : 2016-07-10 04:44 ID:RalFMchR [Del]


358 Name: No5 !No5.DXNUVA : 2016-07-10 16:03 ID:0xin4QAS [Del]


359 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-07-10 20:08 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]


360 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-11 16:59 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]


361 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-15 14:38 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


362 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-15 14:57 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


363 Name: firelily : 2016-07-15 21:54 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]

okay so someone name unown life is emailing ppl with this link to an app
(it should have been added to the chat update thread here on main if you see this)
but we want to put out a warning, a Dollar scanned this app, and it can track your location....
if you are Dollar who who shouldnt be tracked *cough* Ryu *cough* water dont doenload it....
if you are fine with that, download at your own risk
the makers of our main Android and IOS apps have proven themselves to know what they are doing, but ive never heard of unown life before these emails, so i cant vouch for them, download at your own risk
and if you have any problems with the app, email them with the problems...

364 Name: Miku Nagasaki : 2016-07-15 22:04 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

You know firefly i got an email from them today when i was going to anime austin. The email said something about a group who does not loook for credit for beating up bad guys, but they are looking for people who would like to join but not for glory or fame. I was really impressed by this group who is really humble and wants to help their community. I would like to thank you unknown life for sending me that email, whoever you are. That group i give kudos to very brave I thank you for really stepping up.

365 Name: firelily : 2016-07-15 22:16 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


oh shyt anime austin??? i hope we met there 0_0
and feel free to download it if you want
im just posting info that is important to Dollars, take the advice if you want, dont if you dont want

366 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-07-15 23:15 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]


367 Name: code K USER : 2016-07-15 23:39 ID:ARmymTx0 [Del]

beware of that app it coeld harm your divise

368 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-16 02:38 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


369 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-16 02:47 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


370 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-16 12:53 ID:Y+eHBp9R [Del]


371 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-07-18 00:54 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]


372 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-07-19 10:29 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


373 Name: あい : 2016-07-21 03:07 ID:jQHdRMD0 [Del]

fucking, Izaya over here.

374 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-23 15:27 ID:7A9bwle3 [Del]


375 Post deleted by user.

376 Name: Enigma !C8Yxj7ZQY6 : 2016-07-24 23:02 ID:Ny0EOMk8 [Del]


377 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-07-25 08:17 ID:Rl4qiox1 [Del]


378 Name: Alexander!fDGfZrmnWs : 2016-07-25 08:24 ID:U+/1S75N [Del]

Flush bump.

379 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2016-07-25 08:33 ID:Rl4qiox1 [Del]



380 Name: Lonicera : 2016-07-25 15:34 ID:Fx54xCai [Del]

I tried making an index using more or less the same categories as the previous one. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction

1. Education:
>>15 Information about writing your own novels:
22>> Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How unis work.
>>111, >>112, >>115 How to self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook questions.
>>155, >>159 Study for 45 minutes to an hour, then take a 5-10 minute break, then repeat.
>>252 Survival tips for when transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>> 73 How to deal with a burn.
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips.
>>225 Prevention information about drugs
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing.

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 What the law says about vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 About vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember not to leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 How to hide a folder behind an image.
>>41 How to turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 How to login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 How to make an email account.
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 About cookies and super-cookies.
>>351 How to choose a password.

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
34>> Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
77>> Working for the FBI:
129>> Being a tall ship sailor.

8. Tourism:
>>6 Information about flight routes:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

381 Name: firelily : 2016-07-28 14:31 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


382 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-07-29 09:01 ID:N9/F4Gvz [Del]


383 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-30 01:28 ID:ZjAOPobF [Del]


384 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-07-30 11:50 ID:dtOlaQ9D [Del]


385 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-07-31 01:01 ID:t7QW8MnB [Del]


386 Name: Neon : 2016-07-31 15:23 ID:fGsdveB6 [Del]

Here's my daily broker bump.

387 Name: Sugar :-) : 2016-08-04 05:21 ID:CUFMjmdz [Del]

Anyone know any good, free video editing software?

388 Name: 朝に : 2016-08-04 08:05 ID:T4U0Oc4l [Del]

@Sugar I know gilisoft video editor.. it's pretty easy and useful ^^

389 Name: Celty : 2016-08-04 20:06 ID:E/AjShK9 [Del]

i gess this is Izaya Orihara

390 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-06 08:11 ID:cMLVrdzo [Del]


391 Name: Heartstrings : 2016-08-06 11:02 ID:a7SW5F7v [Del]


392 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-08-07 02:18 ID:rWAYICM/ [Del]


393 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-08-07 07:56 ID:/6FoTKhL [Del]


394 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-08-07 13:57 ID:/6FoTKhL [Del]


395 Name: Dusk46 !CyBxZ7K7cA : 2016-08-08 09:47 ID:/6FoTKhL [Del]


396 Name: Museless : 2016-08-10 13:34 ID:CUFMjmdz [Del]


397 Name: Xana bafang : 2016-08-10 14:29 ID:OKJU09GQ [Del]

>>37 >>38

i totoly agree with you, i dont make much money but i love what i do and its worth it.
i'm a cell phone programmer and repair, i barely live but its the fact i love what i do that keeps me doing it.

398 Name: KuroeC : 2016-08-10 15:34 ID:neharKFi [Del]

I am going into year 11 and so will be doing my second (and hopefully final) year of GCSES but the few we had last year left me having uncontrollable panic attacks and also boosted my insomnia so if anyone has any tips on how to at least reduce the amount of stress I am under it would be much appreciated. (and bump)

399 Name: River S !AaRujM2gLA : 2016-08-10 16:35 ID:mkB0RU41 [Del]


400 Name: firelily : 2016-08-10 21:08 ID:h2SyXvcK [Del]


stress realivers for me:
loud music.
watch anime.
think about a show/movie/book plot and try to think of every loophole.
look a dumb tumblr shyt.

i have no idea what GCSES is, so idk if these would help XP

401 Name: firelily : 2016-08-11 18:58 ID:h2SyXvcK [Del]

last few cleaning bumps

402 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-08-14 01:45 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


403 Post deleted by user.

404 Name: Shiddigizim : 2016-08-15 07:02 ID:1cKvT48r [Del]


405 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-08-15 15:06 ID:p6U1RCwP [Del]


406 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-08-15 15:07 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bumpity Bump

407 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-08-15 19:11 ID:p6U1RCwP [Del]

bump ;-;

408 Name: Hamatsu !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-08-16 02:47 ID:YfF+IWyv [Del]


409 Name: Senka : 2016-08-16 12:02 ID:AG4HGXBX [Del]


410 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2016-08-16 21:10 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]

I went through the same with some of my GCSE exams too, what I did was try to study 90% of the content throughout the school year, and leave the light things right before the exam, so that I feel confident, less stressed, and have time to do things I like (like watch anime as Firelily mentioned) to take my mind off the stress.

411 Name: Yuukio : 2016-08-19 08:06 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

>>398 My suggestion is that after every few lectures or before mini quizzes/test, compile a summary of important points to take note of.

It is way easier to handle a few pieces of notes rather than a whole thick book or lecture slides. It would be faster to revise before the final exam.

When you compile the notes, try to understand what you are reading. Then, visualize different scenarios of how you can apply what you have read. This way, you integrate the learning into you, not just blindly memorize or regurgitate.

412 Name: Agenie : 2016-08-19 09:22 ID:B1iE3cIm [Del]

Hello Im new but I can't help reading this forum. I am also going to be a Year 11 and I guess I mainly plan to revise for GCSEs through the year but I do get stressed even if it came to mocks. Insomnia is rather useful if you plan to revise so I tend to use that to my advantage. Also anime and the internet helps to relieve stress. What are the bumps for?

413 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-08-19 18:38 ID:QtNmnE1R [Del]

>>412 a bump brings a thread to the top.

Bump :D

414 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2016-08-20 05:03 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]


415 Name: Crow : 2016-08-20 05:14 ID:7avInUQG [Del]

This site is just like from the anime huh?

416 Name: Evangeline : 2016-08-20 21:18 ID:IaDSNvdK [Del]


417 Name: Evangeline : 2016-08-21 14:34 ID:IaDSNvdK [Del]


418 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-08-23 04:36 ID:QtNmnE1R [Del]

bump because the fucking spam

419 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-08-23 21:04 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bump ^

420 Name: Lisica : 2016-08-24 04:49 ID:vIyRQz84 [Del]


421 Name: mudpuppy : 2016-08-24 15:02 ID:lWZ6OL5W [Del]

^ heh 420, also bump

422 Name: Kanra : 2016-08-24 20:09 ID:h09NyKpz [Del]


423 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-08-24 23:14 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


424 Name: Momo : 2016-08-25 07:29 ID:QR0+pnnS [Del]


425 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-29 22:57 ID:0venqnyn [Del]


426 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-30 19:51 ID:0venqnyn [Del]


427 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-30 19:55 ID:0venqnyn [Del]


428 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-30 20:04 ID:0venqnyn [Del]


429 Name: Orisin !8vpSl82Pjs : 2016-08-31 10:16 ID:0venqnyn [Del]


430 Name: Ihnaevinjvno : 2016-08-31 20:17 ID:85dWLf01 [Del]


431 Name: Adriane : 2016-09-01 12:10 ID:FGzFIfW4 [Del]


432 Name: Kyotora !0UZD1OR/j. : 2016-09-01 21:27 ID:YfF+IWyv [Del]


433 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-09-05 13:23 ID:LIXOFu2W [Del]


434 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-09-05 13:27 ID:LIXOFu2W [Del]


435 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-09-06 19:44 ID:uZuzz6gV [Del]

At the moment my mom works two jobs as a house cleaner and it's pretty much killing her. Does anyone know of any jobs where she can be the boss?

436 Name: Shiro !ProbooBcQw : 2016-09-08 11:19 ID:8THK3dhX [Del]


437 Name: Shizo : 2016-09-09 09:56 ID:Vmi/I5nR [Del]


438 Name: Hyali !.cVwu5oIxo : 2016-09-09 23:51 ID:EKtS0W7p [Del]

I don't intend to be a prude or in any way upset anyone with this statement, but..

The whole information brokering stuff is a cute gimmick in the show, and a silly thing when discussed in any 'real' scenario.

Google is everyone's number one asset in terms of getting ANY information. Even hard to get illegal information, like copies of TSA locks, and making Pineapples. (I've done some work in the penetration testing careers, fun stuff, might I add!)

If your intent is getting useless drivel like some completely random persons mother working two jobs and wanting to make their mom the boss of a job, which would actually make their mother's life even harder then two jobs.. Then clearly you're going to spend FOREVER sorting that out from the stuff you can use, or others can use.

You need info on something? Learn how to search for things better with Google. There's more ways to use it then just typing in "how to be boss".

439 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-09-10 09:33 ID:zB7hwn0d [Del]

>>438 nah. This thread (well, mostly the last one) is easily one of the best things this site has to offer.

440 Name: Hyali !.cVwu5oIxo : 2016-09-10 10:02 ID:l7ebbKVu [Del]

I suppose it's interesting in a way.

441 Name: firelily (A COMPUTER FINALLY) : 2016-09-10 13:06 ID:JXvsWEJ0 [Del]


this thread is hella cool, and its better to learn stuff from ppls personal experience, ppl tend to exaggerate on mpst social media sites, where google will take you if you search certain things

442 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-09-12 19:07 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


443 Name: 美咲 : 2016-09-12 21:26 ID:UlNEvUrJ [Del]

Bump ^^

444 Name: Archos Militarus : 2016-09-13 14:51 ID:W5R++EMH [Del]


445 Name: Kaiser : 2016-09-14 05:08 ID:Ow9xAqtZ [Del]

bumpety bump

446 Name: Bebcha : 2016-09-15 09:30 ID:h7EbfFBj [Del]

moshi moshi

447 Name: firelily : 2016-09-15 21:10 ID:PHnUKlQo [Del]


448 Name: Migodori : 2016-09-17 12:18 ID:cZc+RPIY [Del]

>>438 What is your advice for getting better results from searching on google and such?

449 Name: Izaya~ : 2016-09-17 23:06 ID:kXypOtr6 [Del]

Im Axel

450 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-09-22 19:04 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]


451 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2016-09-23 11:21 ID:/wVk+8ks [Del]


452 Name: firelily (A COMPUTER FINALLY) : 2016-09-24 13:16 ID:erKbdm7s [Del]


453 Name: River S !AaRujM2gLA : 2016-09-25 15:20 ID:mkB0RU41 [Del]


454 Name: bumper : 2016-09-26 00:47 ID:Ow9xAqtZ [Del]


455 Name: Acedia : 2016-09-26 05:13 ID:aDnInyMj [Del]


456 Name: Archos Militarus : 2016-09-26 14:56 ID:Mmw1dql6 [Del]


457 Name: Kokoro !vDQhWY7uP2 : 2016-10-01 02:47 ID:bhqFMcH7 [Del]


458 Name: firelily : 2016-10-09 12:31 ID:erKbdm7s [Del]

this is why yall need us

459 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-10-18 07:38 ID:/xwYBeUn [Del]


460 Name: Fly : 2016-10-25 12:22 ID:rSzvlUrZ [Del]

Bump ~

461 Name: Aceman !ryPKHTMpaU : 2016-10-25 12:59 ID:2XzEpSVj [Del]

Interesting idea. It would certainly be nice to have this.

462 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-10-27 12:19 ID:XxMTd+9W [Del]


463 Name: RedDevil : 2016-10-28 16:22 ID:R6vqf5vt [Del]

Mix Styrofoam packaging into petrol and mix it into a paste to get something close to napalm that burns ten times longer than petrol. Don't put it in your car though :D

464 Name: Taylor Kvm : 2016-10-28 21:10 ID:NFUk0/69 [Del]

May be we can make a better change by helping the world and making it a better place... that would be great don't you think!

465 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-10-31 18:40 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bump ^

466 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-11-03 15:47 ID:qgARmeNn [Del]

>>463 Thanks! ;3

467 Name: Carimara : 2016-11-03 17:06 ID:JR4Mphcd [Del]


468 Name: Yurei : 2016-11-04 03:02 ID:OVZlzeVR [Del]


469 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-11-09 05:47 ID:7LCpRa4Z [Del]

How can you study when you have depression and you aren't on any medication? And while we're at it, I'm pretty sure I have severe depression, can anyone tell who's taking meds if they actually work for them? Or if they'll fuck up my brain with nasty side effects?

470 Name: Ana Black : 2016-11-09 07:08 ID:b/MwLYp0 [Del]


471 Name: RetroPotato : 2016-11-09 11:18 ID:Vj3DlhIG [Del]


472 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-11-10 17:57 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bump ^

473 Name: Chrome : 2016-11-11 11:08 ID:iunhb/BN [Del]


474 Name: CinnamonRoll : 2016-11-13 21:29 ID:0cQPM411 [Del]


475 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-11-15 18:20 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Bump ^

476 Name: Shiro (Phone) : 2016-11-20 17:51 ID:OXNQstbD [Del]


477 Name: yurei : 2016-11-21 17:22 ID:OVZlzeVR [Del]


478 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-11-22 00:53 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]

Bump ^

479 Name: Neko : 2016-11-22 05:23 ID:SYgSq2Es [Del]

I don't mean to be an ass, but honestly......It's 21st century and we have INTERNET......thus, the purpose of this thread????? You want info on bank accounts - look it up in the net. You don't have any idea about licensing or other stuff - look it up in the net. You don't know what to do this weekend - look it up in the net! Furthermore, the net will provide you with a much more vast amount of options in which you can address your issues, cause for example laws and procedures for certain things differ from one country to another....hell, even from one city to another. So as it seems to me - you're just relieving Google from it's basic work - that is providing info on whatever topic comes to mind :) IMHO of course

480 Name: Anonymous : 2016-11-22 08:06 ID:S32F0SGW [Del]

Sometimes people just need a starting point, some topics are too broad to go in blind.

481 Name: Yuukio : 2016-11-23 08:06 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

Using Windows?
Want your computer to be able to speak?

With powershell, you can easily make your computer say whatever you want with 2 lines of code
$tts = new-object -com "sapi.Spvoice"

What about getting from your clipboard(ctrl-c a paragraph)?

Have fun!~

482 Name: Robyn A !4DhnUJpcgE : 2016-11-23 15:06 ID:tJp1v2ah [Del]

>>481 neat, i'll have to try it some time

--+Robyn Beck Ared+--

483 Name: Thanksgiving : 2016-11-24 21:48 ID:kPn1kjXi [Del]

Happy thanksgiving everyone
Raise your hand if u love thanksgiving \(^~^)/

484 Name: Hitachi V. : 2016-11-24 23:16 ID:B85JI90u [Del]

Watching Durarara right now and just came on to check if the website is real. I guess it is.

485 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-11-24 23:27 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


486 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-11-26 02:10 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


487 Post deleted by user.

488 Name: Yuukio : 2016-11-26 19:29 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

for really sad and lonely people.


$tts = new-object -com "sapi.Spvoice"; while($true){ $tts.speak("i love you"); }

press ctrl-C to end the infinite loop. XD

489 Name: Carimara : 2016-11-30 14:20 ID:wyt0rz5N [Del]


490 Name: Shiro !FgGZZjraPg : 2016-12-01 10:09 ID:EO4SjE3Q [Del]


491 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2016-12-01 10:52 ID:0cQPM411 [Del]


492 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-12-01 23:40 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


493 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-12-03 13:19 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


494 Name: Carimara : 2016-12-05 13:10 ID:wyt0rz5N [Del]


495 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-05 16:57 ID:3wd0SFUC [Del]


496 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-06 12:30 ID:KvOR17QQ [Del]


497 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-06 16:23 ID:S64Ei91v [Del]


498 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-12-06 21:10 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


499 Name: yurei!klqkjfGau2 : 2016-12-07 03:10 ID:OVZlzeVR [Del]

Bump ^^

500 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-08 10:51 ID:yVkvbBT7 [Del]


501 Name: Carimara : 2016-12-08 19:49 ID:wyt0rz5N [Del]


502 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2016-12-08 23:10 ID:0cQPM411 [Del]


503 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-09 13:07 ID:/Ggt3uTH [Del]


504 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-12 11:28 ID:D55ir7T2 [Del]


505 Name: SAN4EZ 01 : 2016-12-12 13:02 ID:L7sZOCs8 [Del]

Hello ! I am new among dollars. Sincere good luck in your work. ^ _ ^

506 Name: OtherSong!u/DTDJe3l. : 2016-12-12 18:49 ID:5j8880EC [Del]

Hey there~
Wonder if it would be ok to post this info...
Welp, here's some interesting reads on human behaviour:
The 48 Laws of Power (basically a manipulator's/politician's handbook, haha. Take with an obvious grain of salt. XD)

175+ errors in human thinking
List of cognitive biases

and an...interesting book on outdated methods~
21 techniques of silent killing
There you go~

507 Name: Rowan : 2016-12-12 18:55 ID:BwiCstBb [Del]


508 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2016-12-12 23:07 ID:bwEKSLzX [Del]

This is certainly a very good idea and I will be sure to actively take part in it. If anyone happens to need help with any type of English or Science things I may be able to help you. Please do keep in mind I am certainly in high school and have not even gotten to my Junior year. Please do keep that in mind, if you have any questions you may need help with feel free to email me at

As for some subjects I need help with Spanish. I am taking year 1 which means I am learning basic grammar and verbs but I need help memorizing the meanings and the proper structure of Spanish sentences.

509 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-14 13:42 ID:yUJDIG3V [Del]


510 Name: Gyroid : 2016-12-16 10:27 ID:Zso8dVbb [Del]

Anyone who is thinking about joining a game development school should have a look at this video -
If you're from scotland like me there aren't so many of these issues but if you're planning on studying this somewhere in the states i'd recommend watching this before deciding what school your going to.

511 Name: Shiro !Pp7dD1O/Wg : 2016-12-23 16:01 ID:BpzUETO6 [Del]


512 Name: Lucre : 2016-12-25 01:02 ID:l4ua9EHL [Del]


513 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-12-25 17:51 ID:42kvtQql [Del]


514 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2016-12-31 19:49 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


515 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-01 17:02 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


516 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-02 19:20 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


517 Name: Tanaka The Moon Flame : 2017-01-02 22:09 ID:MAO35Hqs [Del]


518 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2017-01-03 15:21 ID:bgm191/u [Del]


519 Name: Soratsuki : 2017-01-03 21:19 ID:gLFyOJG6 [Del]


520 Name: HoneyBunny : 2017-01-07 14:43 ID:d/rO1LKA [Del]

Hi! I was wondering if anyone here could give me tips on HOW TO DO A CRITICAL FILM REVIEW. Thank you!

521 Name: UScitizen457 : 2017-01-07 14:47 ID:MqDKsLLP [Del]

>>520 Try asking/checking the film or technology boards. Unfortunately, I personally can't help you. Good Luck!


522 Name: HoneyBunny : 2017-01-07 16:13 ID:d/rO1LKA [Del]

Thanks, I'll try there too then :)

523 Name: Tsugaru!GWQ05YbWQ. : 2017-01-08 02:00 ID:EBE6INPw [Del]


524 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-08 15:27 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


525 Name: Tsugaru!GWQ05YbWQ. : 2017-01-10 02:24 ID:EBE6INPw [Del]


526 Name: tsugaru!GWQ05YbWQ. : 2017-01-10 21:35 ID:EBE6INPw [Del]


527 Name: KJL : 2017-01-10 22:22 ID:Jjk+aY7z [Del]


528 Name: tsugaru!GWQ05YbWQ. : 2017-01-10 23:45 ID:EBE6INPw [Del]


529 Name: SetsunaOne : 2017-01-11 18:02 ID:9oAaj2NJ [Del]

>>510 I'm Scottish, and that's really helpful for me thx

530 Name: Soratsuki : 2017-01-12 05:27 ID:gLFyOJG6 [Del]


531 Name: tsugaru!GWQ05YbWQ. : 2017-01-13 07:34 ID:EBE6INPw [Del]


532 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-13 20:28 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]

Bump ^

533 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-14 18:37 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


534 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-14 20:33 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


535 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-14 20:46 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


536 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-16 20:35 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


537 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2017-01-17 09:55 ID:OHfgvht8 [Del]


538 Name: Kuroi Ryū : 2017-01-19 07:11 ID:5xVdA0vD [Del]


539 Name: Setton : 2017-01-19 11:20 ID:yqrifH6C [Del]


540 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-19 12:27 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


541 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-01-31 00:13 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


542 Name: Liri : 2017-02-06 12:51 ID:I5njORTN [Del]

Some advice for anyone in school, who likes to know what is going on around them.

Quiet people learn a lot, I know from personal experience. I know a lot of things about the people around me, much more than others do. I know what someone did to get arrested, how people lost their virginity, all sorts. People think if you're quiet you aren't listening.

543 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-07 00:37 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


544 Name: CloudStrife : 2017-02-07 01:32 ID:AJQgM3rQ [Del]

Here's an interesting fact. Recently in my San Diego area, there's been a bit more chaos than usual... Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere and since this is the info broker section, I thought I'd try and post this here. Thanks guys •~•

545 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-07 17:26 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


546 Name: Locke : 2017-02-07 17:46 ID:G/OB854n [Del]

Hi guys. I know we're supposed to be anonymous here, but in this case it probably helps to say I'm just over 30 and I've worked as a reporter/editor/digital content director in the news media for almost a decade, and have LOTS of resources to share, if asked. I would be glad to help out as an Information Broker for you guys!

547 Name: Miku Nagasaki : 2017-02-08 18:14 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

@Locke awesome. I would like it if you would be the information broker for dollars. I would like to see and hear about whats going on in the world.

548 Name: Anonymous : 2017-02-09 03:57 ID:0NJ8T/GK [Del]

Yes it would be amaazziing! It sounds great to have an info broker here in dollars!! Please try to make this happen!!

549 Name: Black Reaper : 2017-02-09 15:11 ID:lIoLllYq [Del]

Go for it Locke, be the info broker. We could use some knowledge in this dollars site and some more news would be nice.

550 Name: Lisica : 2017-02-11 07:43 ID:UGmQXFQq [Del]


551 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-02-15 10:24 ID:BvPI2asE [Del]


552 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-02-16 15:10 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


553 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-02-18 15:30 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


554 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-19 03:57 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


555 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-02-19 19:37 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


556 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-20 00:05 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


557 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-22 11:18 ID:D5e2vEWI [Del]


558 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-23 11:07 ID:zUUphSPg [Del]


559 Name: Shua : 2017-02-23 22:41 ID:gClwCfUD [Del]


560 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2017-02-24 14:54 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]

So I am currently in the process of reading a book on persuasion, and one of the tips to be more persuasive is to tell people about a possible fault involved that links up to a strength, so basically be honest about your faults and link them to strengths :D
A classmate used this during a mock interview and I can tell you, it actually did sound good and convincing even if it seems like you are giving off negative info on yourself or the thing involved. That just makes you seem more honest and thus convinces people more, especially when linked to a strength.

(Did I do it right)

561 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-02-24 17:15 ID:6q2IENdu [Del]

Why don't some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don't work out.

Dont mind me, just bumping

562 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-25 00:33 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]

It does become quite frustrating to have to tell people where to post when it's right in front of their face.


563 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-25 04:05 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


564 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-01 01:30 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


565 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-02 19:50 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]

boop for potato

566 Name: wolf : 2017-03-03 07:15 ID:FWfbOlHq [Del]

hi ppl

567 Name: Enoki !O/mfCoA0wI : 2017-03-03 09:52 ID:OIg/0AjB [Del]

>>566 go onto the introduction page! also bump

568 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-05 00:31 ID:EChq6WMU [Del]

I guess we don't have a real setup for how this works so..

Things I would like info on:

1) Any info or techniques on Krav Maga (Israeli Marial arts ment to be used in street fights, me)

2) Where can I get a rubber mask coustom made

3) Laws regarding lethal and non lethal weapons in California

4) Laws regarding Vigilantism, Self-defense, Citizens arrest, and mutual combat in California

As far as info I have to offer, Just ask. I'm OSHA certified in bloodbourne illnesses and I work at a tattoo parlor, so I know a bit about those topics.

569 Name: Kro!KR0eHy5ppQ : 2017-03-05 20:24 ID:fe5WudeI [Del]

Oooh, are you looking to become some kind of street hero, Naga Sake?

570 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-06 06:56 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]

>>569 Actually, yes. I've had this idea of a fictional hero for a long time, but I've decided to...make it a reality, "The Jackrabbit" is who I would be. Maby, since I'm in the dollars, I could be a mascot of sorts.

But really, It wont happen for a few years, I'm moving to california at 18, until then I'm saving money for equipment and krav maga training.

571 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-06 10:30 ID:D5e2vEWI [Del]


572 Name: W H E E Z E : 2017-03-06 18:24 ID:dtOlaQ9D [Del]


573 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-03-06 18:58 ID:/cc3wEKY [Del]

>>568 I don't live in California so I can't anything regarding that topic, but there are plenty of DIY's online on how to make your own mask. It's also just a quick google to search up the laws of your state

574 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-06 21:22 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


575 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-03-07 06:38 ID:0cQPM411 [Del]


576 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-07 17:22 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


577 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-08 06:54 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]

So is all people do in this thread bump it without adding any new info?

Proper removal of protective gloves: Grab the palm of glove A with glove B and pull of in such a way that it does not snap or pop off. With glove A off and being held in the palm of glove B, put the first two fingers of hand A under glove B at the wrist, and flip the glove inside out, so that glove A ends up inside glove B.

Remember at all times; "Glove on Glove, Skin on Skin"

578 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-08 07:07 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]

You can pull up the side of juice boxes and hold onto them like you would the corners of a capri sun, so that you don't accidentally squeeze and get juice everywhere.

579 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-03-08 10:10 ID:q/xXS9BZ [Del]

Formal logical arguments are described with logic symbols. It's a good idea to learn them so that you can make formal arguments instead of informal written arguments.

For instance, we can formally write the property of equality using symbolic logic.

∀ A, B ∈ X : (A ⊆ B ∧ B ⊆ A) -> A=B

Written, this read "If all A's and B's are members in set X, and A is a subset of B and B is a subset of A, then A equals B". As a side note, you can use this and a second logical argument as an argument against the Christian idea of the Trinity (as long as you base your argument off of the Scutum Fidei).

580 Name: Anonymous : 2017-03-09 09:47 ID:QIhl1ylZ [Del]


581 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-10 14:45 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


582 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-12 20:59 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


583 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-13 19:43 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


584 Name: Naga Sake !6QjZgZusd. : 2017-03-21 10:10 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]


585 Name: Eclipse : 2017-03-21 22:15 ID:NdNk7E4U [Del]


586 Name: Anonymous : 2017-03-22 12:19 ID:DXG94Jf5 [Del]

Life hack: If you have trouble swallowing a big pill, spit out saliva and before your mouth has a chance to salivate once again, swallow the pill. It's easier this way.

587 Name: Anonymous : 2017-03-22 12:23 ID:DXG94Jf5 [Del]

Life hack: If you accidentally ate something too spicy, a good way to get rid that awful spice is to spit out the acid in your tongue. Suck/squeeze the acid with your mouth and spit it out. Drink some cold water. You'll feel a lot better.

588 Name: Papa Franku : 2017-03-22 12:24 ID:DXG94Jf5 [Del]

Life hack: Having trouble at school? Call an anonymous bomb threat to the principal. Alahu life hacks if you know what i mean

589 Name: Nonce !tJ873NO54c : 2017-03-22 12:48 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]

Lifehack: are you an internet feminis? GET LAID YOU FAT CUNT!

590 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-03-26 00:41 ID:7LTnC4/A [Del]


591 Name: uni !0UZD1OR/j. : 2017-03-26 01:38 ID:mzs+GXkC [Del]

>>128 I know this was a long time ago, but this peaked my interest! Which freemason website are you talking about? A google search brought me to quite a few. Could anyone please share the URL? Or does this username and password combo not work anymore? Also bump!

592 Name: Ventus : 2017-03-26 10:39 ID:EGUOVsXN [Del]

Can someone remove 589's hateful comment?

593 Name: maelyss : 2017-03-27 08:14 ID:3OizsLsn [Del]


594 Name: Baily : 2017-03-27 10:10 ID:oW6Mo8Hn [Del]

Question, since i believe this is the official Dollars website, does that mean that the anime is cannon and that Izaya Orihara is real, he IS a information broker and this post is tittle "Information Brokers" so is it true?

595 Name: Naga Sake !6QjZgZusd. : 2017-03-27 11:16 ID:EChq6WMU [Del]

>>594 no you doof, it's a fan site.

>>592 FUCK YOU. first off it's a joke from a youtube video, and second, even if it was truly hateful, who cares?

Are you saying people cant say a hateful thing? YOU ARE SHITTING ON FREE SPEECH! anyone can say anything.

596 Post deleted by user.

597 Name: Rubyz : 2017-03-27 13:37 ID:iPCdV5Td [Del]

>>594 Maybe the anime was made to make the supernatural events that took place in Ikebukuro look fake where in reality all that stuff actually happened! o-o

598 Name: Blanc !1Blanc.zuY : 2017-03-27 19:10 ID:ymjNlBsD [Del]


599 Name: Flop : 2017-03-27 19:12 ID:UfVzrARB [Del]


600 Name: Naga Sake !KNlOb88wow : 2017-04-01 23:40 ID:XLiMyEsl [Del]

To all the info brokers out there, I would like some info. In pensylvania, specifically Westmorland county, how long after a crime js commuted is it no longer possible to charge someone for it (ie they could publish a novel aboit commuting said crime and not be arrested.

601 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-04-01 23:47 ID:rWAYICM/ [Del]


602 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-04-01 23:49 ID:rWAYICM/ [Del]

>>600 Google is your friend.

603 Name: Yukishiro : 2017-04-02 01:02 ID:dm2qh8KG [Del]

It's kinda funny on how much people just replied on this thread and on how random it just got. From school life to all of these random conversations.

604 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-04-02 01:23 ID:Ke81k4VJ [Del]


605 Name: Naga Sake !6QjZgZusd. : 2017-04-02 17:42 ID:EChq6WMU [Del]


606 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-04-06 02:35 ID:f6KpyR70 [Del]


607 Post deleted by user.

608 Name: Kit : 2017-04-06 09:29 ID:QIhl1ylZ [Del]


609 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-13 23:30 ID:UucsrJHe [Del]


610 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-04-26 09:49 ID:s3IlARTs [Del]


611 Name: Lapis : 2017-05-29 19:52 ID:ppRXpjeY [Del]


612 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-06-07 12:10 ID:i8cvx4wI [Del]


613 Name: Eclipse : 2017-06-07 18:14 ID:0anlbbn3 [Del]


614 Name: MumeiAn : 2017-06-07 22:48 ID:mRwOepjd [Del]


615 Name: Pancake : 2017-06-09 13:26 ID:v67zYpz+ [Del]


616 Name: Akakira : 2017-06-10 00:58 ID:8dUwpfdw [Del]


617 Name: Kaisuke !x87vE8wRqs : 2017-06-10 07:30 ID:KCZVJ/3r [Del]


618 Name: Io !VdwAESufhg : 2017-06-11 04:10 ID:NzXzUelI [Del]


619 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-06-19 10:41 ID:UucsrJHe [Del]


620 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-06-27 10:06 ID:PEEovUJX [Del]


621 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-07-07 08:23 ID:f/cMfs0s [Del]


622 Name: Momo : 2017-08-24 15:03 ID:9QpUBMvi [Del]


623 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2017-08-25 08:12 ID:uKNhdF3L [Del]


624 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-08-28 18:53 ID:diAulN45 [Del]


625 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-08-31 15:12 ID:dOr2A81C [Del]

b u m p

626 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-01 19:01 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


627 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-01 23:20 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


628 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-02 03:53 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


629 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-02 04:00 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


630 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-02 04:17 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


631 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-09-04 10:29 ID:diAulN45 [Del]


632 Name: YONDERLY : 2017-09-04 13:23 ID:jxmnow9A [Del]


good idea, i like it

633 Name: Katsuhira ! : 2017-09-06 16:38 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]


634 Name: YONDERLY : 2017-09-06 20:33 ID:jxmnow9A [Del]

I really like this thread, and majority of it is just bumps so I feel like I should offer something. Unfortunately, this is just some small tidbits of advice, I'm not really a dedicated expert with lifetime experience on anything ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ

1. Take some time to learn the ASL (American Sign Language) alphabet. While you're add it, why not the BSL (British Sign Language) too?
All I did was stare at some pictures with some examples, watch a video or two, perform them over and over, and I had it all memorized within two days. It's been months since I picked it up, and even though I don't use it very often, I still can do all 26 signs. It's a cool piece of knowledge to know, and can be useful for emergencies.

2. Read a book or something.
I know that some people can't handle sitting in one place for too long, and just can't find books all that stimulating, but it's good for the brain. Non-fiction and fiction are equally important (As someone once said...). Try to focus on reading one book a month or something.

3. Write.
Writing is a good way to vent and organized your thoughts. You can write a novel, an essay on whatever you're passionate about (I do this a lot...), a journal, etc. Sometimes I pretend that I'm writing an essay to someone who doesn't know anything about me but wants to know everything (Creepy prompt... but writing about yourself is calming). I keep a journal on my laptop, and write down whatever goes on in my life. You don't have to write every night, I sure don't.

4. Go to the Doctors.
It's a well known fact I'm the most unfit in my family. Am I overweight? No, I'm the average weight, but I've fainted 3 times this past year from not enough oxygen while doing exercise (One incident, it was just because I walked up the stairs...). The most likely case is that I'm an anemic. I haven't gone to the doctors at all for this. Should I? Yes. Go for yearly checkups with a doctor, you might have something threatening your health.

Yea that's all. Sorry, it's all basic stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but it's all I can offer.

As for questions, what's the best way to make friends online? Any good sites to find new people? And I don't really mean dating, more like finding people to meet up with.

635 Name: Sinnamon!SPICEjo3jk : 2017-09-09 00:58 ID:diAulN45 [Del]


636 Name: Snyper : 2017-09-10 02:23 ID:5ohUpJ8T [Del]

Gonna Bump this up.

637 Name: Colorlesss : 2017-09-10 07:33 ID:MKf08j3n [Del]


638 Name: Acedia : 2017-09-10 09:02 ID:SyKDFHGO [Del]


639 Name: Kida : 2017-09-10 10:47 ID:I3dM+EoQ [Del]

My email is

640 Name: Acedia : 2017-09-10 20:26 ID:SyKDFHGO [Del]


641 Name: Snyper : 2017-09-11 03:17 ID:5ohUpJ8T [Del]


642 Name: Katsuhira !ZbljMIl2hE : 2017-09-11 16:40 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]


643 Name: Chrome : 2017-09-12 08:25 ID:wNd3svjq [Del]

>>634 there is one thing call PNL (Programmation Neuro Linguistique). That's a way of communication created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in 1972. This is considered by a lot of people as the best communicating methode. Also there is the enneagramme and the mbti who can help. Its really big so google it if you are interested.

For the second questions, it seem obvious but social media are still the best way. I think we can consider The Dollar site as a social media. For example, Twitter was useful for me in order to make new friends.

Question : What is the best way to learn quickly ?

644 Name: Katsuhira!uVNvWu08VI : 2017-09-12 11:38 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]

There is no way to learn quickly unless you do the thing you want to do over and over again.

Otherwise, bump.

645 Name: Setton : 2017-09-12 17:35 ID:BktbNW6N [Del]


646 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-09-13 00:21 ID:Y/enUdRs [Del]


647 Name: Katsuhira !tX2.NGItEw : 2017-09-13 00:49 ID:Vqh+WnTs [Del]


648 Name: 0013Starri : 2017-09-13 00:51 ID:bqDNi/ht [Del]


649 Name: 0013Starri : 2017-09-13 00:57 ID:bqDNi/ht [Del]


650 Name: 0013Starri : 2017-09-13 01:03 ID:bqDNi/ht [Del]


651 Name: Phonos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-14 07:21 ID:Ooyy9zV3 [Del]


652 Name: Snyper : 2017-09-14 08:37 ID:5ohUpJ8T [Del]


653 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-09-17 22:47 ID:AgvzZIXc [Del]


654 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-09-18 03:50 ID:HLb5zJ3w [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unasnwered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
34>> Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
77>> Working for the FBI:
129>> Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

655 Name: WOLF !Lbi0lM0a8k : 2017-09-18 13:19 ID:2C1C/TbC [Del]


656 Name: Negawa !YbcS2t2Nzs : 2017-09-18 16:13 ID:pk5KOWcA [Del]

>>215 for an animation program, I use FireAlpaca. It's an art and drawing program, but since it has onion skin and an autoplay feature it makes for a really simple and easy to use animation tool.

657 Name: Katsuhira !ZbljMIl2hE : 2017-09-20 13:17 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]


658 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-09-23 07:52 ID:AgvzZIXc [Del]

Gonna bump this again. It's a useful thing.

659 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-10-02 13:29 ID:cxXQyGQI [Del]

(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ Bump!

660 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-10-02 14:04 ID:cxXQyGQI [Del]

(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ Bump!

661 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-10-14 01:06 ID:AgvzZIXc [Del]

I still think this is a great idea, so Imma bump this back up again.

662 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-18 13:30 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


663 Name: ??? : 2017-10-19 11:49 ID:GiI/uMMb [Del]


664 Name: Namie : 2017-10-19 21:49 ID:H+r65q4c [Del]

>>663 You undermined your use of all caps by censoring fuck.

665 Name: Alexandrite : 2017-10-21 10:46 ID:8pnVIe0B [Del]

>>664 amen hallelujah

666 Name: !u9SSPwsMhw!!k1zXfZEz : 2017-10-22 01:37 ID:ClxYyenp [Del]

in excelcius deo

667 Name: Kurosuke : 2017-10-23 19:35 ID:Isf9j8XT [Del]


668 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-07 17:31 ID:Isf9j8XT [Del]


669 Name: Lettucecow : 2017-12-07 22:00 ID:tVms8D6R [Del]

Getting into college/networking tip:
So I'm new here and all, but I binged this thread hardcore and find it really damn cool. Anyway, I recently got accepted into my first-choice college even when my SAT score was lower then the average there. Basically if you really want to get into a college, grades help and all, but you want them to see you as a person, not a number. I visited the campus three times, met faculty, and made sure the admissions counselor that visited my high school knew my name after she was done with her speech. You always want to leave a lasting impression if you're looking to network, because even if you're a little bit below the requirements, they might see your enthusiasm and take you over somebody that was just average and didn't network like you did. Sorry if this ain't particularly useful, but after learning some useful stuff from this thread, figured I could give back a bit.

670 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-02-14 22:49 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


671 Name: Nonny : 2018-02-27 14:42 ID:7vnOphBk [Del]


672 Name: Sinnamon!kKajTObDdQ : 2018-02-28 07:01 ID:r2GWDdiA [Del]


673 Name: Elys !hcKCQnNyS2 : 2018-03-01 11:03 ID:SFT+WBpb [Del]


674 Name: HowDoILeaf : 2018-03-02 14:10 ID:E9GSO5sH [Del]

I'm starting digital art, and I need some tips. Does anyone have any advice for me? I use medibang

675 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-04 01:11 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


676 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-08 04:13 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

Read this

677 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-10 22:24 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


678 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-14 22:25 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


679 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-16 04:50 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unasnwered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
34>> Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
77>> Working for the FBI:
129>> Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

680 Name: eight : 2018-03-17 17:17 ID:aBWXHoh3 [Del]

A blog in the form of a wiki, talking about using hypnosis to advance humanity into a new age of ethical government.

A blog in the form of a wiki, talking about new fallacies motivated by the AI alignment problem and the apocalypse impending if humans don't figure out ways of being less wrong.

These links are both important.
You should add them to your index Kuro-sama.

681 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-19 04:09 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

>>680 will do. thanks for additional info.

682 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-19 04:12 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unasnwered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
>>34 Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
>>77 Working for the FBI:
>>129 Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy
>>680 Blogs about hypnosis to advance humanity into a new age of ethical government. and AI alignment Problem

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

683 Post deleted by user.

684 Name: Swoop !GEIB0Vsdlg : 2018-03-20 22:17 ID:qUWUkye1 [Del]

Safety tips for avoiding trouble w/ the mafia.

Hello everyone I'm just an adventurous University student who lives in an area where Mafia operates. I will break this down into a few specific tips that, when implemented, will keep you out of the old brick kicks (pardon the pun).

*Context: Italian neighbourhood.

Ground rules;

1) We all love to go out and get a panini/cannoli/zeppole/esspresso/etc, from time to time so when deciding on a shop never pick one that isn't visible from a main (high density) road. Shady shops seem shady for a reason, especially if in an industrial area.

1.5) If the shop you enter has any slot machines they're unregistered. Recently there was a case where a cafe was bombed and then police found unregistered slot machines with over $200k in dirty money inside.

2) As a "just-in-case," when entering a new place make eye-contact, walk with confidence, have a firm handshake, and be casually friendly and respectful. This goes without saying for general daily life regardless of the context presented above.

3) Contrary to your perceived and ideal self may tell you, you are not alpha so don't pretend you are around possible mob. Regular Yeezys are hot, custom tailored cement Yeezys are not.

4) The general rule of crime is "Never, crap where you eat." - Swoop 2018 For those of you who don't live in an area w/ organized crime this can be understood by saying that they generally like the area of which they operate and so their business will be conducted elsewhere as not to play themselves.

Lastly and arguably the most important. I present...

5) Curiosity killed the cat. Leave them alone, they leave you alone.

There you go everyone, some free info on how to avoid the mafia. I only shared a small amount of my safety tips with you all because this is a free information brokerage thread, but to truly broker is to earn a revenue. Once again I hope you can use these tips to feel safer and stay awesome, PEACE!

685 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-24 05:26 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


686 Name: eight : 2018-03-29 14:25 ID:sstR0mX4 [Del]

The first step to version 3

687 Name: eight : 2018-03-29 14:33 ID:sstR0mX4 [Del]

@Swoop information can have a particular market effect where a broker doesn't necessarily need to charge the beneficiaries to acquire money as a nearly direct result.

The morality of the market should be that any conscience-able spread of information finances the broker involved.
Izaya never visibly charges, I hope someday this isn't just a fit of fictional fancy.

688 Name: eight : 2018-03-29 14:55 ID:sstR0mX4 [Del]

"Don't poison where you eat" - applies well.

Someone always benefits from someone else knowing certain information.

Disinformation is idiomatic poison.

If an artist has an anthropological-fetish, companies with an economic role related whatever that anthropological-fetish may be likely owe much of their business to those artists. Supporting those artists economically only has a vicarious return, however that particular return likely decides whether that company is employed by the economy or not.

689 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2018-04-03 19:07 ID:rwpb99i2 [Del]


690 Name: Kurosuke's ghost : 2018-04-04 20:36 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


691 Name: Yuukio : 2018-05-01 22:27 ID:MCq8fJ63 [Del]

If someone redacted sensitive information in a pdf, one can just take a snapshot of the document within pdf and paste into another program like Microsoft paint to see the hidden info.


692 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-05-27 11:07 ID:XyL7WjAR [Del]


693 Name: Anonymous : 2018-06-07 00:14 ID:82LJOrZw [Del]


694 Name: ‘-‘)/ : 2018-06-30 16:25 ID:H5ko9XSY [Del]

>>682 content
>>691>>688>>684 To be listed

695 Name: IceQueen : 2018-07-02 21:00 ID:zbj0Ovx6 [Del]

Hey I think I got scammed anyone know how to get my money back (paypal)

696 Name: IceQueen : 2018-07-02 21:02 ID:zbj0Ovx6 [Del]

Also how to do a background check on an Instagram page

697 Name: Rin : 2018-07-02 22:30 ID:V7aXRvSj [Del]

So, if people live near me maybe we can wear something that shows we are part of The Dollars. Idk. What color should it be or WHAT should be?

698 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-07-11 00:57 ID:KA9uZgiB [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unanswered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL
>>695 Get a money back from Paypal after being scammed
>>696 Background check on Instagram

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)
>>691 Cracking a hidden info from PDF document (need a more suitable name)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
>>34 Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
>>77 Working for the FBI:
>>129 Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy
>>680 Blogs about hypnosis to advance humanity into a new age of ethical government. and AI alignment Problem
>>684 Safety tips for avoiding Italian mafias

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

699 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-14 16:17 ID:zF1ZWFiw [Del]

Last week I checked rockyou.txt and some of my passwords were there! I went through all my accounts to change my passwords!


700 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-14 16:48 ID:zF1ZWFiw [Del]

>>695 Paypal is very lenient about that sort of thing nowadays. Just submit an online ticket and fill out the form the best you can. There are internet guides on how to do it if you need extra help, or you could even call customer service and they'll walk you through it.

701 Name: Mirrored 617 : 2018-07-18 15:16 ID:/2I0CHMq [Del]

First Aid Regarding Jellyfish Stings
If you get stung by a jellyfish, here's some things you should remember...

Do NOT apply sea water or cold packs. Do NOT urinate on the stung area.
It is apparently ineffective and according to some articles, there is research that shows a different approach is more effective, as it is shown working on multiple types of stings.

Apply vinegar and hot water to the area. I think in somewhere I read, the vinegar helps deactivate the nematocysts, preventing the sting from releasing even more toxins. The hot water helps the toxins in your body decay faster.


I would suggest going to the doctor for treatments afterward.

702 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-18 17:33 ID:gIlxjYhg [Del]

Here I thought that it involves getting pee'd on.
Anyways, since this is advice and all if you get shot to the leg, make tourniquet and you've got 15-20 minutes depending how bad. If you lose an eye don't worry you're triage card green meaning you're A okay! Go and fight on soldier!

703 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-07-30 19:42 ID:pRhj9GXV [Del]


704 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-08-19 02:59 ID:lVvkaBBm [Del]


Someone need to update the list

705 Name: Mirrored 617 : 2018-08-31 19:14 ID:/2I0CHMq [Del]

B u m p .

706 Name: Satan Karma : 2018-09-04 17:56 ID:3ZmbH9f4 [Del]

So I have been having trouble in school focusing and all of that. I was wondering if any of you had some applicable suggestions to help me focus and kinda just do it...

707 Name: Kowaru : 2018-09-04 18:01 ID:rpITPOhf [Del]

Hello!^^ how are you?

708 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-09-04 20:21 ID:KKQvnvNG [Del]

>>706 personal board
>>707 is the place for chat, go to random if you really want to chat that bad

709 Name: Atomic : 2019-01-21 21:12 ID:xXJLQit9 [Del]

looking for an info broker who could potentially find dollars in my local area, i know it sounds tough, but it would be a great help. Keep in touch:

710 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-22 00:09 ID:1/uie1pA [Del]

but you didn't post your area?

711 Name: Atomic : 2019-01-22 14:38 ID:xXJLQit9 [Del]

whoever is interested, email me

712 Name: Mimir927 : 2019-01-30 17:11 ID:vclRTirV [Del]

Salut les Dollars :)

713 Name: Raaaa : 2019-01-31 00:29 ID:ClTZ+ri4 [Del]

Some people will find reasons to hate you, even where there are none. Let these people hate you, and move on from them. Do not allow yourself to plead or barter for another person's affections. Care less, relax more, and life will take on color.

714 Name: Mako!U/mYesf7XY : 2019-01-31 08:33 ID:DeXOoEXO [Del]


715 Name: Etarnax !IWLQu35Gk6 : 2019-02-01 10:08 ID:kFhmoWAm [Del]


716 Name: lofi : 2019-02-01 18:34 ID:JwpmaRJg [Del]


717 Name: inshade : 2019-02-01 23:55 ID:LDY8eLPa [Del]

This is not Information Brokering Thread, but Random Advice Thread.I didn't read too much of it, but I can see here that Atomic >>709 is maybe the only person that knows what Information Brokering is. It is business.

718 Name: ??? : 2019-02-04 09:27 ID:hSxTaDxJ [Del]

DO YOU SEE ANYONE SAYING I CARE?! NO BODY GIVES A LIVING PIECE OF BIG SHIT! ABOUT DOLLARS IT'S JUST A SITE GOING DOWNHILL WITH IMMATURE PEOPLE, WHO CHOOSE EMOTIONS OVER AMBITION WHEN IT COMES TO RESPONSIBILITY. This has been going on for quite some time kids over taking the website, along side bad grammar and bad usage and with a terrible mindset.

Sad thing about it is the new people getting their feelings hurt on the admins ((THINKING)) They're doing their job only moderators get most credit only ((A FEW MODS)) the rest of them like to ((CLAIM)) they did something when they didn't I'm personally did not,not saying any names and I'm not going to have anyone forcibly make me say it, rather your ways of forcing proof from someone and when they don't you say it's not true well let me tell ((YOU PEOPLE)) something! That fucking pisses people off this site is not like the old and ((WILL NEVER BE!) heads up I prevent people from coming on this site and a few others because the ((POINT OF VIEW)) everyone is missing. ((UNLIKE YOU ADMINS AND MODS)) you think your job is all report then come in chat and ban SITUATION DEALT WITH! DONE!)) Well that's how being an admin or mod works, are you personally thinking about how people feel in the end about certain situations? Are you thinking ahead of what's best for anyone?

Personally you're not and for those that do I MOST GLADLY APPRECIATE IT!,and for those that lie to themselves just for the credit and responsibility. ((ADMINS /MODS)) If so then I personally grieve for you, and do not pity you AT ALL! This site only needs to get better Moderating and that's something you need to do constantly not directly at certain time periods,and another thing when some one reports ((YOU NEED TO COME RIGHT AWAY!)) We don't one anyone to feel like they're left out when theirs a horrendous situation either. And if you're truly busy then send ((SOMEONE ELES WHO IS AVAILABLE)) don't just sit their complaining ((ADMINS/MODS)) your reasons why you think ((EVERYONE ACCOUNTED FOR IS DOING THEIR JOB)) if that's what you think that is not true at all. If you seen what I did then you're not correct!And for those little percentages that have done all of the time management, and knowing ((THAT ADMIN AND MODERATING IS A FREAKING JOB YOU HAVE MY THANKS FOR DOING YOUR JOB!))

That is all I half to say.. Continue making this site better or in the near future it would most likely be taking down, which those who believe clearly impossible speak the possibilities,because of everyone's huge fixation on this website is the reason that you're all against what I've told you, just wait and watch all those reports from people take action.


719 Name: kylox : 2019-02-08 02:08 ID:Ae1BMQu4 [Del]

Can anyone show me how to use a pocketknife in self-defense?

720 Name: Anonymous : 2019-02-08 03:52 ID:qYy3s2GW [Del]

>>719 Show you how? Like in a video or just explain? If you would like my email, I could give it to you if you reply back on here within the next 3 days.

>>717 Also I actually DO know what an information broker is, baka, that's my job. I make about as much as Izaya does, I just don't waste it on a fancy building, I use building parkour tours to find the right places to make sure i can be somewhere I can get away easily if I need to, and so I don't bring strangers home.

721 Name: Yoonbum : 2019-02-08 04:01 ID:wqIF1uRY [Del]

I forgot to put a name and therefore I am 'Anonymous' who posted just recently. I have something to say to >>718
As much as I appreciated your sweet little rant, nothing is going to change. So it's useless. In fact, if you think this site is dying leave info about it Everywhere you go. As I do. So please, stop disturbing my peace. I check this site daily, I post every two or three days. Different boards, so me being at least that dedicated while others aren't-I'm also I dedicated to the yellow scarves and blue squares- That makes me idle to this situation you think is going on >>718

722 Name: ??? : 2019-02-08 06:07 ID:QY0yo1QU [Del]


723 Name: Mafia : 2019-02-08 06:24 ID:JdmKaKVY [Del]

Just what point are you getting at this rather sounds interesting..I'm done with lies show me the way Info Breaker if you truly are one or not? Either way the link to that person better have not been you.

I'm getting vibes from you to that person with a hella different device.

So tell me if you delete what I said that'll prove everything correct? This person you talk about must not actually be a person, so that truly doesn't make you what it seems when I can see right through you.

724 Name: inshade : 2019-02-08 08:16 ID:I4BuzzUO [Del]

>>720 Stop with the role play please.

725 Name: inshade : 2019-02-08 08:20 ID:Ojog/K5Z [Del]

>>722 You should stop making assumptions, and fuck off XD

726 Name: ??? : 2019-02-08 09:36 ID:eY9yzvxN [Del]

How about you fuck off Mafia ain't doing any role play Information breaker SHOULD FUCK OFF!

727 Name: inshade : 2019-02-08 11:15 ID:Ojog/K5Z [Del]

I don't find this funny anymore. You are just a kid who can't argue.

728 Name: ??? : 2019-02-11 06:09 ID:gTCLaF1i [Del]


729 Name: Atomic : 2019-02-16 18:22 ID:xXJLQit9 [Del]

>>728 "Kids bring bad grammar and bad usage" "ATE MY FUCKING ASS BITCHES!"

730 Name: Etarnax !IWLQu35Gk6 : 2019-03-03 20:32 ID:+ak1XXxF [Del]


731 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-07-10 07:04 ID:ymotHNFO [Del]


732 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-07-12 21:28 ID:DEft2Vg+ [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unanswered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL
>>695 Get a money back from Paypal after being scammed
>>696 Background check on Instagram

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods
>>701 First Aid Regarding Jellyfish Stings

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)
>>691 Cracking a hidden info from PDF document (need a more suitable name)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
>>34 Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
>>77 Working for the FBI:
>>129 Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy
>>680 Blogs about hypnosis to advance humanity into a new age of ethical government. and AI alignment Problem
>>684 Safety tips for avoiding Italian mafias

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

733 Name: toraneko : 2020-07-15 19:58 ID:2mwznaWn [Del]


734 Name: Fisher : 2020-07-17 11:38 ID:Xs88UjtR [Del]

Does anyone know what gangs are in the Halifax area? I've heard a bit about one biker gang whose name escapes me but maybe there is someone with first hand knowledge!

735 Name: Raytzeelll!RafRKzorUQ : 2020-08-10 06:25 ID:MJ9XBeQL [Del]

Oh damn this is terribly interesting, bump

736 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2020-09-22 16:09 ID:Nkuo+K9L [Del]

Here is an updated index. Please feel free to modify it if you spot some mistakes, or if I missed any posts.

--Table of Contents--
>>1 Introduction
>>55 The First Index

---Unanswered Questions---
>>215 Free animating software
>>278 Hawaii air national guard
>>435 Job search
>>448 Better your online researching skills
>>508 Memorising the Spanish language
>>568 Gaining info on certain topics (listed in post)
>>591 Certain Freemason website URL
>>695 Get a money back from Paypal after being scammed
>>696 Background check on Instagram

1. Education:
>>15 Writing your own novels:
>>22 Learning Japanese: and
>>110 How universities work
>>111, >>112, >>115 Self-teach yourself a string instrument.
>>135 Answers to every English textbook question
>>155, >>159 Study-time management tips
>>252 Survival tips for transitioning from high school to college.
>>289 Sneakily change the name of your gaming club into something more acceptable.
>>506 Human behaviour
>>508 Need help for English and Science?
>>510 Game development schools

2. Health & Safety:
>>5 If oil gets on fire, do not put water on it.
>>23 A little tea guide
>>73 Burns
>>88 and >>89 Herbs and medicines that deal with digestion.
>>164, >>165 Sleep tips
>>225 Drug and harm prevention
>>350 Prevent yourself from sneezing
>>634 Relaxation methods
>>701 First Aid Regarding Jellyfish Stings

3. The Law:
>>93 >>94 Regarding vigilantism

4. Automobiles:
>>65 Vehicle maintenance and mechanics
>>125 Remember to not leave your keys inside the car.

5. Computers:
>>21 Hiding a folder behind an image.
>>41 Turn a Google Drive document into a PDF file.
>>128 Password/username combo that allows access to the Freemason's restricted access area on their website.
>>142 A way to get past a school Wifi block
>>197, >>198 Comipo! and DesignDoll softwares
>>201 Login to websites without creating an account
>>206 Code to play music in this bbs:
>>213 Watching online anime or cartoons: -
>>236 Making an email account
>>299 Disposable chat site:
>>301 Don’t choose a password that is in the file called "rockyou.txt".
>>304 Html tutorials
>>336 Autohotkeys to launch programs
>>348 Cookies and super-cookies
>>351 Creating a strong password
>>481 and >>488 How to make your Windows computer speak (Powershell)
>>691 Cracking a hidden info from PDF document (need a more suitable name)

6. Love:
>>42 Safer sex:

7‒1 Money:
>>190 Desesperate money making techniques.
>>249 How to fill a money account:

7–2. Employment:
>>34 Do not pursue a career if you’re not interested.
>>77 Working for the FBI:
>>129 Being a tall ship sailor

8. Tourism:
>>6 Flight route information:

9. Misc:
24>> Water-proof ink
74>> Franz Bardon’s book
>>100 How to pick locks:
>>143 List of information brokers:
>>157, >>347 How to remember you locked the doors.
>>228 When cleaning your room, always do your bed first.
>>363 Be careful about someone named unown who is emailing people with a link to an app.
>>542 Quiet people
>>560 A tip on persuasion
>>577 Proper protective glove removal
>>578 Handling a juice box
>>579 Symbolic logic for logical arguments
>>586 Trouble swallowing a big pill?
>>587 If something is too spicy
>>680 Blogs about hypnosis to advance humanity into a new age of ethical government. and AI alignment Problem
>>684 Safety tips for avoiding Italian mafias

10. Chemistry and the Sciences:
>>80 First Robotics:

737 Name: Channi : 2020-09-27 14:51 ID:l/1VUY/H [Del]

Hello everyone! Does anyone know how to make a deck of playing cards for poker and blackjack, because I want to make Kakegurui style playing cards as I am a really big fan of the anime

738 Name: Fly : 2022-01-10 14:13 ID:Ns/w0/gN [Del]

Bumping this because this deserves to be bumped :)

739 Name: Owen CMYK : 2022-01-16 21:30 ID:OG40m4qc [Del]

Yo, I just wanted to say for whoever was looking for free animating software:

I personally use a programs called Krita, I would reccomend it for begginers, though it's designed as an art program, it's also excellent for animation.

Another program I've used (though I never got too far into it) is OpenToonz. It's much more specialized for animating, but requires more effort to figure out in my opinion. It's notably been used by studio Ghibli in the past.

740 Name: koko : 2022-01-17 23:57 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

Question for people with job/are done with school:
I have no clue what I want to do/be in life. I know it is up to me to choose, but I feel like I'm running out of time/out of choices.
Any tips?

741 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-01-18 06:21 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

>>740 (koko) Not done with school, but I've fucked up a few times before.

Even if everything possible goes wrong, as long as you are still alive you will be able to go on. You will continue to have goals and aspirations and still be more than capable of finding joy and happiness in your life.

Do whatever, just keep trudging forward.

742 Name: koko : 2022-01-18 19:20 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

>>741 Thank you zengat, that's actually quite helpful.

I'm still pretty young and never really engage in activities out of my comfort zone. Now that you say it, I guess you're right. Even tho I mess up terribly, I can always continue in some sort of way.
Thanks again, I appreciate your reply.

743 Name: Okitty !MDIrBqN4q6 : 2022-01-18 23:22 ID:sjbreBgN [Del]

(koko) once you come across something you TRULY enjoy doing, you will know for sure. but zengat is right, so much is achievable without school. Whatever you do, never think your stuck with a job you hate, no wage is worth you time.

744 Name: Anonymous : 2022-01-19 00:44 ID:M/kIhH5A [Del]

>>742 This is like when you're reading a story, you would like for the actions or some huge shit to go down as soon as possible. Because that's where the fun part is, and where you'd cheer on the protagonist the most. The readers too, will only rejoice after the protagonist overcame their hardships.

745 Post deleted by user.

746 Name: Koko : 2022-01-19 20:16 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

Thank you Okitty, i’ll keep your tip in mind.

I’m quite indecisive so I never know what’s right or wrong or what I actually want. Seems like I have so many options but i don’t know for sure which one. I guess I’ll just have to be patient. And as you say, I will probably feel it when I know for sure.

Thanks again for your reply.

747 Name: Koko : 2022-01-19 20:26 ID:dvV4vnCP [Del]

>>742 Thank you Anonymous. I like your comparison.

Your point of view made me think. The fun part could probably be two things in my case. Either it’s when I make the big decision or when i’m pass that decision and the rest goes on. And my hardships could be two things too: the actual decision or all the events I would have gone through before being able to take the decision.

Thanks for your reply Anonymous.

748 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-27 10:05 ID:mKptGl8g [Del]

Interesting… Do you find anything?

749 Name: Sai : 2022-02-08 12:57 ID:j6+BpBTp [Del]

Hey I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but the information brokering list doesn’t seem to be working for me. Does anyone have another list or a fixed link?

750 Name: . : 2022-11-11 08:35 ID:J94tJelt [Del]


751 Name: vell_jchor : 2022-12-16 20:33 ID:37kfDtsf [Del]


752 Name: CLARY : 2023-01-18 20:43 ID:mHJa4/X5 [Del]

Anyone here can you know the whole process of how methamphetamine is made andow it can be securely terminated so that it doesn't cause any harm

753 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2023-01-21 13:51 ID:aBjbh9G6 [Del]

>>752 This is a pretty confusing question but I think I get what you are asking. The answer is no, we do not have the answer you want.

754 Name: CLARY : 2023-01-21 20:35 ID:r66OI/vE [Del]

Pretty Sad I need it for my chemistry practials lol. I can't surely find it online and I missed my practical classs too

755 Name: CLARY : 2023-01-23 11:58 ID:r66OI/vE [Del]

How to make fake government documents, I need help. I need to fake my PAN card, all otherdocuments are sorted out. You'll probably be thinking thst I'm some kind of runaway but no, I need one to enter a inside a fake company's internal working system and I won't be Changing names or such things. I'll just be Changing my age from 19 to 22