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Project nationalize Dollars (28)

1 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-16 17:46 ID:V4J3moWA [Del]

Konichiwa Dollars members from all over the earth! All of us participate in missions, all of us keep in touch with the site, and all of us call ourselves "dollars". But whats the point of having that name when only we know what it means? I have gathered the confidence to inquire a project, evolving massing up our popularity for the good of man kind. PEOPLE besides us know what we are come to US for missions, help, and guidance. I thought we could make a Youtube account with appointed admins due to privacy and restriction policies youtube beholds, but by contacting our emails you can have a video sent, of you doing whatever your doing in the Dollars name. If its legit, it will be posted, if its improper, it will be rejected. Same as Facebook, where all of us can gather in one name, pictures can be posted sharing our experiences and work as dollar members, that would also make contacts for missions easier to behold. Then we have our Admins, i will think about excepting volunteers but as for now we need support! Admins! Videos and Images regarding the Dollars!
Thanks so much for considering this idea, contact me at or my partner at

2 Name: redman001 : 2015-05-16 17:48 ID:PpaEmjbP [Del]

it sounds interesting

3 Name: Mag : 2015-05-16 17:53 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>1 Hmm... Waiting for the mods to decide on this one... No doubt it belongs more under Missions, but it is talking about a Dollars account on Youtube, just like we've made for Skype, FB, Twitter(?).

4 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-16 17:56 ID:V4J3moWA [Del]

thanks for the your opinion

5 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-16 17:57 ID:XHGptQIE [Del]

I've already made the Youtube, we're just waiting for content at this point. :)

6 Name: Mag : 2015-05-16 17:58 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>you can have a video sent, of you doing whatever your doing in the Dollars name.

Also, whenever something like tis is discussed, there's always been a discussion on whether it will affect the invisible status that defines what "The Dollars" is all about. These usually end with the majority of members wanting to remain anonymous.

7 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-16 18:03 ID:V4J3moWA [Del]

I never got why they would want something so great to be anonymous??? Well its all of your decision, I just carry out the idea.

8 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-16 18:20 ID:XHGptQIE [Del]

You can remain anonymous, you don't need to stay that way though, there's no rule about revealing the organizations existence, or staying invisible, the invisible part is more anyone can join, and there's no visible seperation, not that we remain anonymous, but again, you can still be anonymous in videos, just look at creepypasta readers, or those who make slideshow videos, we can do stuff like that.

9 Name: Mag : 2015-05-16 18:26 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

>>7 More or less of a warning that it might not go as planned, since there's always a reoccurring patterns with these kind of threads.

Best of luck.

>>8 Picture Slideshows in this day and age are...kind of boring. My opinion though. I'm sure you guys can find some way of making it fun.

10 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-16 19:53 ID:yudFyPr0 [Del]

thanks!, the basic idea is that this is a more media friendly way to express things to fellow dollars, and maybe get more (Long lasting) members!

11 Name: Emma : 2015-05-16 20:46 ID:vR8HmDQS [Del]

I already started to make a "note of compassion" style video for italian dollars,but it's not easy and many don't like their face to appear on a photo (even more on video). Therefore it's really difficult to make something interesting. Also not sure if I can add pieces of songs ,since they're under copyright. To become known and stay invisibile we should do missions more in mass,rather than do not much,but on camera. Anyway it could be a good example for others to start to act.

12 Name: Logan_Grace : 2015-05-16 21:17 ID:2thoLFFK [Del]

If you don't want your face shown in video or picture you could just edit the picture or video to blur out your face or ask someone else to do it if you don't know how.

13 Name: firelily : 2015-05-16 21:33 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

some of us Dollars started a youtube channel, so far we have only been using it for a video if the month, yall can use it if yall want, email me and i can give chu the username and password to use it
(just remember to tell me chur a Dollar)

14 Name: Emma : 2015-05-17 01:46 ID:vR8HmDQS [Del]

>>13 Right! I forgot to mention that :D

15 Name: Mekton : 2015-05-17 05:03 ID:I/jgaLEH [Del]

It looks interesting :P let's see how it goes.

16 Name: KageruCODE : 2015-05-17 05:19 ID:kK1OKEUe [Del]

This is a good idea...I'd like to participate in this

17 Name: PsycheDelic : 2015-05-17 06:04 ID:EXXKPAxI [Del]

Great Idea, people should know us :D

18 Name: PuffPastry : 2015-05-17 06:42 ID:6YWo00zp [Del]

This is a good idea considering Youtube is pretty big and good for publicity.

19 Name: KiDa : 2015-05-17 07:02 ID:nBZJmWZN [Del]

It's just wonderful!!!

20 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-17 17:13 ID:Xd6wCa8o [Del]

Thanks! i am expecting lots of emails! :)

21 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-17 19:16 ID:XHGptQIE [Del]

I expect some awesome stuff! You can make a video about any topic! as long as it's within legal, and moral restraints, no troll videos or things along that line, and (Try) to keep it child friendly, example, Skit, Animation, Voice over image, dramatic reading, etc!

22 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-17 19:17 ID:XHGptQIE [Del]

Oh, and the account is
TheDollarsWorldWide on youtube, it won't show up until we've posted a video, and we'll post the first three links of videos to the main.

23 Name: Nagara !lnMw.zO0SY : 2015-05-19 01:16 ID:9GzH0UZc [Del]


24 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-20 20:21 ID:V4J3moWA [Del]

If you guys like look me up on facebook, im always available.

25 Name: anime099 : 2015-05-20 21:02 ID:DQ/GUqpX [Del]

I could do some pretty good promotional AMV's, like get some clips from the anime to promote the Dollars...

26 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-20 22:20 ID:XHGptQIE [Del]

Sure! whatever you want! just send it to one of the emails and we'll post it!

27 Name: saga : 2015-05-20 22:32 ID:dUpoNHIG [Del]

of course I will try it

28 Name: kanra.. : 2015-05-21 08:42 ID:ff5YRPVd [Del]

:) will be waiting for some emails