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Karma (115)

1 Name: Ash : 2015-04-30 12:35 ID:LNY1lO8j [Del]

What do you humans think about karma? Does it exist and what powers it? And if it does, what does it mean to you?

2 Name: PsycheDelic : 2015-04-30 12:54 ID:ZMQxL1jE [Del]

I't funny for me saying "It's Karma" when something is going wrong for someone. I sorry but it is how I think about it.

3 Name: AlexN : 2015-04-30 13:51 ID:q6zDMyeV [Del]

now that you talk about it i use almost daily that expression 'cause its almost certain that something bad appen to someone that did something bad to you before, it could have occored an year before but it appens.

4 Name: Wanderer : 2015-04-30 14:22 ID:yA/EUn15 [Del]

Well I believe in Karma , when you do something bad to someone be sure that sooner or later you too will have something bad happen to you, what powers it ? I believe the One who created this world wants it to stay a fair and equal place so He made Karma

5 Name: Shino : 2015-04-30 15:01 ID:zsg9w67m [Del]

Nah, i dont think karma exists. If it did, then this world wouldnt be so F*cked up.

6 Name: Kotoko : 2015-04-30 16:38 ID:ls5MMlym [Del]

I don't know if karma exists or not, but I think it's a good principle to live by. If everyone lived thinking karma was real then the world would be a lot better.

7 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-30 22:29 ID:YfOcZXWE [Del]

Karma exist.
When you did something mean or Bad, it goes back to you and that's called "Bad Karma".
When you did good, then "Good karma" will affect you.
But I don't know where it from, the only I know is God controls it. It's like God and Karma talks so often.(Get Lost Atheists)
That's what I believe.
Humans sure has different opinions about it. And that's mine.

8 Name: Dee. MC : 2015-05-01 03:41 ID:Z1ne93cS [Del]

I think karma can exist in the sense that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Take the barley 9 pair that were executed. The two of them tried to smuggle drugs and got bad karma for it but the other seven got off alive. So take this as you will.

✌️ Out

9 Name: Mitsuki : 2015-05-01 06:07 ID:9ZQ1qhiY [Del]

Sometimes I completely believe in Karma/fate and other times I just believe in luck (or lack thereof).

Something I've always wondered though, is what's the difference between Karma and Fate? Are they the same thing? If not, then how are they connected? I know that it's a matter of opinion, but I'd like to hear what some of you personally think.

10 Name: Xavier : 2015-05-01 06:12 ID:i9QDiV8w [Del]

Karma is a perception of humans that they think that exist. it doesn't however. there is a fine line between something we make up to cover things up and people do not recognise that. moreover we relate something that happens to us as karma because of a misconception.

11 Name: Lee04 : 2015-05-01 23:31 ID:6Ng87eYL [Del]

karma sure it's exist
just like punch a glass, the glass is broken and your hand is hurt
it's something like that in this world
you hit someone and then someone will hit you more than you hit him/her

12 Name: Mcghoulberry!e67wD8MYCo : 2015-05-02 08:10 ID:pS/BmfBh [Del]

If there were karma, I wouldnt be a dollars in the first place.
I have bben around enough to realize if no one makes justice happens it wont happen by itself

13 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-02 10:09 ID:emHZULth [Del]

i believe in karma

14 Name: Ash : 2015-05-02 13:01 ID:vdOEKrhM [Del]

But i am an atheist. Should i still believe in Karma?

15 Name: 多くの 顔 !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-05-02 18:07 ID:U9wxwiL3 [Del]

>>14 I don't know, should you? You sound like your trying to contain yourself within an atheistoc mindset-which is pretty stupid, to put it bluntly. You're free to believe what you want. As for me, I generally don't give a crap about things such as karma. In the wiccan belief there is a Ordene called the Three Fold Law where everything you do, good or bad, comes back at you three fold.

16 Name: P9 : 2015-05-03 04:34 ID:CfDCJdng [Del]

Either Way You Get Fucked In Life So It Does Not Bother me.

17 Name: Karen Mae : 2015-05-03 07:15 ID:Nuuq9At4 [Del]

Nothing is Forever guys! Hahaha! :P

18 Name: Ash : 2015-05-03 15:39 ID:vdOEKrhM [Del]

Thank you for your contribution.

19 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-05-03 17:01 ID:GbIcEsVI [Del]

You see, I do believe in karma, but if nothing happens, then I make my own luck or someone else's bad luck.

20 Name: Ash : 2015-09-08 10:47 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

An intriguing way of thinking

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Akane : 2015-09-08 16:13 ID:7gFF6cHi [Del]

I do believe in it, probably because of life experiences

23 Name: shiba : 2015-09-08 17:13 ID:KKKYUivo [Del]

i dont believe in karma because the karma theory says that every good thing will return and every bad thing too right? well if you think a little about it, many people have terrible lives till they die and nothing changes or other people live happily ever after without doing anything to deserve kind of sounds like "equivalent exchange" from fullmetal alchemist
doesnt it?

24 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-09-08 18:05 ID:/HEqGkDg [Del]

I'd say I semi believe it? Sorta? I mean, I generally think of 'Karma' in the way that sort reflects the golden rule; If someone would steal my pen, I'd see it as just to steal it back. So sort of only doing what they'd do to me, nothing more nothing less

25 Name: firelily (skool computer) : 2015-09-09 12:31 ID:9/unt2Vg [Del]


and i believe my bad karma is striking right now >_<

26 Name: Blank : 2015-09-09 13:11 ID:SrsKfHXu [Del]

The only way i can think of explaining how i see simply give and you shall receive.

27 Name: Sicam : 2015-09-09 13:38 ID:Hh3/X6E0 [Del]

I believe karma is a force that does enact a kind of "justice" in the universe. I suppose it mainly means that if you associate yourself with certain things/ actions then those things/ actions are very likely to happen to you a lot. People can claim that things are random, but it is that "randomness" that is karma.

28 Name: Hexor GG : 2015-09-09 13:40 ID:nyhPtsCi [Del]

I dont believe in karma or fate . I think that we make decisions thats all . Its not like if you do good things you will receive good things back to you . I have seen bad people have everything and they are happy and good people who only help others get back nothing . Thats our world . Im just realistic man . I dont care if by doing something im gonna receive something for exchange.

29 Name: Lewdacriz !n5.Qtve5NE : 2015-09-09 15:43 ID:C5LHYXQK [Del]

I don't believe in karma. I do believe in destiny, but I wouldn't use it as an excuse for me to live an apathetic life-style.

This shouldn't be a discussion whether or not something exists.

30 Name: Akira : 2015-09-09 17:29 ID:CGLSGgs8 [Del]

The only karma I believe in is Karma Akabane I'm done

31 Name: Ash : 2015-09-10 16:05 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

What about " Luck " ? Do humans still believe in that trickery?

32 Name: Laija : 2015-09-10 17:41 ID:VQYENNHQ [Del]

Though I think the thread's theme is very interesting and thought provoking, this doesn't belong here. Sorry to be a joykiller.
I think it belongs best in Personal or Random, especially in Personal, members tend to post pretty deep things there.
( n . n )

33 Name: Drasic : 2015-09-11 04:21 ID:zGPbKDT3 [Del]

>>30 Haha, literally what I was thinking when I saw the word Karma.

34 Name: dumah : 2015-09-11 05:38 ID:sU33/5Vl [Del]

Luck is simply a favourable outcome that had the odds stacked against it. "Luck" isn't real, but lucky is.

35 Name: Novel : 2015-09-11 10:45 ID:NF9oCQ4e [Del]

You should check ( The law of attraction )
it's about universal energy!!!

36 Name: 十六 !GXjHnjmSxA : 2015-09-11 11:09 ID:JSp5O9xg [Del]

I think that some situations are (or was) issue of luck. Others, issue of fate. Others, issue of sacrifice. Sometimes is a combo of some of these. However:

You Only Live Once, so Live that Once in the Best Way :D

37 Name: Potato : 2015-09-11 16:21 ID:1mwRPG1Y [Del]

Of cours I belive in karma !!
Regardless my Religion , I belive in it , Do something bad and You'll get something bad.
That's so people understand each other , as In naruto pain said that feeling the pain will help uou understand others and be nice to them .
So if u did something painful to someone it will come back to you and next time you will think befor doing it .

38 Name: dumah : 2015-09-12 05:27 ID:sU33/5Vl [Del]

holy shit

39 Name: Aco_Laughter : 2015-09-12 08:07 ID:V9GQunW9 [Del]

I think, that's what makes lives become fair......

40 Name: Ash : 2015-09-28 15:34 ID:cO6N4pDN [Del]


41 Name: Alekaixa : 2015-09-28 15:45 ID:utLurIqJ [Del]


42 Name: Alekaixa : 2015-09-28 15:45 ID:utLurIqJ [Del]


43 Name: Crypt : 2015-09-28 15:56 ID:WL0aJsDg [Del]

I honestly don't believe in Karma but if it did than it's going to suck for me :(

44 Name: Machina : 2015-09-28 18:37 ID:qB9s8jeC [Del]

I believe everything in life will result in a reaction. Such as do something bad, something bad will happen to you. Do something good you'll be rewarded. So yes I do believe in karma.

45 Name: Daemon : 2015-09-29 01:42 ID:7iP8GVmS [Del]

First of all why do you say "what do you humans think"do you think you're a alien ,anime or something like that -_-, try thinking about that problem first and then you can ask about "what karma is". BTW karma don't exist, it is just a fear all people have when they do something bad and they think other people or the same person will do the same to them or worse.

46 Post deleted by user.

47 Name: G.D : 2015-09-29 12:53 ID:D+u/Tdqp [Del]

Since I started telling myself karma exists I have become a lot more focused and productive. Like say if I see some candy wrapper laying on my desk, I have to properly throw it away or else "karma" will get me somehow. This also applies for my studies and part time job and so on...

48 Name: Krys : 2015-09-29 13:12 ID:wFEyyh+Y [Del]

I don't believe in karma. Believing in karma is deceivingly comforting. There is no karma, bad things happen to everyone, just as good things do. I believe that if you want karma, if you wish something bad upon someone who has done wrong to you, then be your own karma!

49 Name: Altis : 2015-09-29 15:05 ID:vdD6wAen [Del]

I believe more in the saying "What goes around comes around" meaning if you do a good deed to or for someone, it may someday boomerang back to you...or maybe it won't. Either way, it doesn't really matter to me, as I prefer to perform good deeds over bad deeds no matter the person. Karma is a whole different thing altogether, and I don't believe it exists except for where people actually make it themselves.

50 Name: Shade : 2015-09-29 15:51 ID:0ntHe70p [Del]

Karma does not naturally. However, the concept of karma can be seen in everyday actions. Helping someone, and they happen to help you in return; committing a crime and receiving punishment; both of these situations reveal the concept of karma. However, it isn't karma causing the other person to help in return, it's gratitude (in general);it isn't karma causing criminals to be punished, it's enforcement of the law (in general).

51 Post deleted by user.

52 Name: Ash : 2015-10-02 03:54 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

So Karma does not exist, or at least isn't proven to exist, but you choose to believe in it as a way of life? Correct me if i'm wrong, but Karma sounds like a religion to me.

53 Name: Neko : 2015-10-02 05:18 ID:JWVzPrus [Del]

I think Karma was something originally used in Hinduism and Buddhism, but as time goes on the term became popular even among those with no knowledge in religion teachings.
The exact meaning and concept pretty much varies from person to person.

54 Name: mih : 2015-10-02 08:03 ID:hg1teaLh [Del]

I think that karma, like most things,is a phenomenon we observe and try to name it differently. It can be seen as religious or not but in my opinion is something we choose to believe in, like a reassurance that you dont need to do bad for these who make it bad for you, karma will do that for you.

55 Name: spongebob : 2015-10-02 08:51 ID:ezd/RQQv [Del]

It's funny how you used the term "human" instead of something more casual like "guys".

56 Name: Creed : 2015-10-02 09:15 ID:ueEJkpCX [Del]

I believe you reap what you sow man, how you treat people creates a reaction!

57 Name: Ash : 2015-10-03 13:05 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

Intriguing.But is it really worth believing in Karma?

58 Name: Medusa : 2015-10-03 15:07 ID:vSJfn1ou [Del]

That's a hard question..

59 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 15:34 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

Ey moron, fuckin moron. Karma is already proven to be untrue. Its not a belief you stupid fuck.

60 Name: Krys : 2015-10-03 15:44 ID:wFEyyh+Y [Del]

>>59 lol

61 Name: Yushi : 2015-10-03 17:23 ID:/h4R8X1k [Del]

Ignore the trolls you have a very intellectual question and to me karma is a form of divine justice i'm unable to do thing socially unacceptable as i know it will come back to me worse or equally as bad hope my answer was useful ;)

62 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 18:08 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>61 Ey moron, Fuckin moron. Where is the divine justice for Hitler? My and some friends of mine once beat up an Asian kid for absolutely no reason. My life is going great, why has my karma not hit me yet? Fuckin idiot.

63 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 18:17 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>62 Ey moron, fucking moron. Divine justice for hitler? His "dream" was completly destroyed, he couldn't spread the aryan race to the whole world and he lost the war. As for you karma will hit you someday, for all the shit you do in your everyday life, and for all the shit that comes out of your mouth. Fucking dickhead, im sick of your bullshit, everyone here hates you and probably in real life too, people like you always end up alone and fucking miserable.

64 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 18:25 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>63 Ey moron, fuckin moron. Two things one: its, "Fuckin" not "fucking" Two: LOL Are you serious? Not getting what you want is equal to or worse than killing six million jews? Lets put this in perspective: (Not getting my way) >= (6000000 human beings).

65 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 18:35 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

Of course it's not equal or worse but the thing is, that is not his worst punishment since he is dead, who knows what's on the other side, he is probably getting that "divine punishment" on the other side.

66 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 18:54 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

Ey moron, Fuckin moron. What, 'Other side' are you talking about? If you are talking about the Christian after life, fine lets go with that. In the Christian faith all sins are equally abhorrent in the eyes of God. Thus, if you commit a sin no matter what it is, without repenting you will go to hell. Cool. However this means that someone in hell right now is there because they stole a 100 bucks or so. Are you saying that for a random guy to steal something deserves the same punishment as the guy who killed six MILLION people? Also according to the bible, its not your good deeds that get you into heaven its your faith in god. So what you are saying is that a person can be a complete shit of a person, and still get the good life after death. So let me put this to you. If hitler were to believe in god, he would then go to heaven. Now the thief goes to hell for not believing. How is that equal?

Steal a couple hundred bucks - Goes to hell. Kill six million people - go to heaven. Fuckin karma.

But maybe you wernt talking about the Christian faith, if not what is this magical 'other side' you spoke of?

67 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 19:02 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

a lil' trivia: The bible's been altered many times by the church, so it's pretty contradictory

68 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 19:11 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>67 Ey moron, fuckin moron. While I hating arguing on the side of religion, you are a fucking retard. Yes the bible has been translated many times by the church. But we have original text dipstick. Its is and has been translated directly to modern English for couple hundred years now. Also there are no contradictions in the bible.

Why cant people do simple fucking google searches. Like it literally takes like one minute to do so. But yall are like, "Naw, ill just regurgitate some shit I her someone say from somewhere."

69 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 19:13 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>66 no I was not talking about the christian side since I don't believe in what the bible says or what any other holy book/scripture, but I do believe that the other side is either absolute nothingness or something, and in that something there might be punishments for the people that during their life committed "sins" (I couldn't find a better word for it but again I don't believe in what any holy book says, it was just the best word to describe what I was trying to say) and that it isn't the same to every person.
And even if it is just absolute nothingness, we will all get there but I just hate the thought of out of nowhere becoming nothing. It can be considered a punishment too but at the same time it isn't a punishment at all since everyone will get there.

BTW I don't believe in holy books because everything in it is just so surreal and I can't possibly believe in "the word of god" that was written by humans, but I don't in any way judge any religious person, it's their belief I have no right to judge it.

Hope I made myself clear and wasn't too confusing.

70 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 19:19 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>69 Ey moron, fuckin moron. What you made clear is that you are too logical for any current religion, so you made up a new one for yourself. Whether that is what you were trying to say or not, thats what was taken from it. That answer is exactly the same that all religious nuts give, "Its not that belief because that belief is wrong, its this belief because this one is right."

71 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 19:22 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

Logic, dear
Do more research

72 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 19:26 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>71 Ey moron, fuckin moron. You too stupid to finish sentences? Research what? What bible text Christians have? What contradictions there are in the bible? Want me to research what beliefs Christians hold? I mean what the fuck is wrong with you? Learn to finish a fucking sentence.

73 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 19:29 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>70 I don't see it as a religion but if you want to call it that then yeah, but I didn't mean that what all the religions say is wrong, I just can't believe it. It can all be right, there is no way I can know, I never died to know what happens after you die (or maybe I did, who knows maybe reincarnation is a thing).

74 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 19:32 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

I'll leave that to your imagination :3

75 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 19:35 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>74Ey moron, fuckin moron. Just say you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

76 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 19:37 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about

77 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 19:52 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>76 actually you do ^_^

78 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 20:08 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>77 Its not nice to lie to people.

79 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 20:12 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>78 sorry but I'm not lying

80 Name: Neko : 2015-10-03 20:17 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

You forgot your catchphrase

81 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 20:21 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

>>80 Ey moron, fuckin moron. Thanks.

82 Name: Rhizome : 2015-10-03 20:24 ID:6OAunpCc [Del]

Yup! that's the logic-san we all know! Do you post on the personal board too?

83 Name: Noboruu : 2015-10-03 20:24 ID:MRbd0I++ [Del]

>>80 >>81 ahahahah wtf xD I knew I noticed something strange XD

84 Name: Ash : 2015-10-05 15:33 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

What has this topic become? Are you humans that repulsive?

85 Name: Neko : 2015-10-05 18:52 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

Let's admit it, humans are 95% negative and 4% positive

86 Name: OfficialGamer : 2015-10-05 18:59 ID:HDW/zVyJ [Del]

What's The Last 1%

87 Name: Neko : 2015-10-05 20:09 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

Neutral & loose screws

88 Name: Ayumi nakada : 2015-10-06 08:44 ID:/myAi+da [Del]

Not sure but I hope it exists

89 Name: KRAT05 : 2015-10-06 17:23 ID:BskcApYp [Del]

Hi I'M new here

90 Name: Ash : 2015-10-08 15:57 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

Repulsive to repulsivity. Intriguing.

91 Name: Neko : 2015-10-08 18:25 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

You can sorta see why Izaya's so interested in humans

92 Name: SnipeR : 2015-10-08 18:50 ID:WkUkANcA [Del]

>>90 Are you not human too

93 Name: Aco_Laughter : 2015-10-08 19:22 ID:RjryRXvr [Del]

karma.. for me...
that's what makes everything balanced......

94 Name: Seabass : 2015-10-08 19:45 ID:hcLxph4E [Del]

Karma is an interesting thing. People often use it as the reason they do good things. But if you do a good thing just to get good karma, is the person doing it a truly good person? Rather, instead of doing a good thing out of the kindness of their heart, they're doing said good thing for good spiritual points. IDK, personally, I believe what happens happens.

95 Name: GreyScarves : 2015-10-08 20:27 ID:HkiuyWX/ [Del]

>>91 Yeah, unlike him though, I'm actually scared of humans? Like, I'm scared of other people and myself. Our ability to figure out complex situations is unlike any other species on this planet. I'm freaked out about how far we've come as a species. I don't know if other people feel this way, but yeah. (^Sorry for a bit of off-topic)

About karma, I believe in it. If you do something bad there is going to be consequences. The level of those consequences and if you get caught doing the bad thing, sets off bad karma. It's the same way with good karma, do a bad thing and a good thing will happen. Our actions have consequences.

96 Name: Neko : 2015-10-08 21:48 ID:o8/Oy/0Q [Del]

Fun fact
Human is pretty much the only organism known to commit suicide

97 Name: Honoka : 2015-10-08 22:25 ID:4mGE4iIF [Del]

Karma is a bitch

98 Name: Pretzel : 2015-10-08 22:27 ID:jq5pWq6X [Del]

I don't think there's such thing as karma. As someone in this thread pointed out, if karma really existed we wouldn't need the Dollars.
Simply put, any sense of karma we have is in our own minds. If you've got a conscience, doing shitty things will make you feel shitty, and doing better things will make you feel good.

The idea that "what goes around, comes around" seems more feasible to me. I don't think it's a fully applicable rule, but it's interesting to think that your good deeds are passed on to other people, that your actions in life can touch the lives of many.

Every time there was a suicide at my high school, I would stop in my tracks and think, oh my god, could I have contributed to this? Couldn't I have said something more profound when he/she said hi to me in the hall, actually spoken to that person who sat next to me in history class?
Ultimately, I know deep down that I couldn't have done much, if anything. United, maybe we all could have done more. But even though I didn't know these people very well, they've still touched my life more than I could imagine. I'll never forget sitting alone in the gym when this tall, skinny kid from my history class came over to me and said, "Hey, why aren't you lifting?" in a joking tone. He killed himself a month and a half later, and that's kind of the reason I remember all our few interactions.

That was a bit of a tangent, but coming back, my point there is that we are all connected in more ways than we can really understand. I suppose that could, to some degree, serve as karma, but not in the pure good-versus-evil way.

99 Name: Euphoria : 2015-10-08 22:57 ID:aozaseGq [Del]

@Pretzel Your long speech was pretty amazing, you are very right in my opinion. In my case for example; you have a lot of friends. One of these friends know another of your friends who knows a bunch of your other friends. Without realising it, the friends you meet from all over the state, country, world are connected to each other. I'm not sure if I make sense but this is the best I can explain XD

100 Name: FindMuck : 2015-10-09 02:04 ID:2F7YKA00 [Del]

I believe in balance, and that literally everything comes in spectrums.

101 Name: Ash : 2015-10-09 17:10 ID:cO6N4pDN [Del]

I guess we could say that i am human after all.

102 Name: 슬픔 : 2015-10-09 17:31 ID:LCjTcjSr [Del]

life is either luck or misforture, and that could be applied all to things in life.

103 Name: Ash : 2015-10-28 03:40 ID:nIyZSLyW [Del]

How would you describe balance?

104 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-28 05:49 ID:DFGiqALe [Del]

>>103 Balance means the equality of a certain thing's.

"Karma exist and at the same time it does not exist" . Karma does not have any power's because 'Humans' created "Karma". There are 2 meaning of karma , First was a 'Good Karma' on what humans think it repay the people who done good thing's to other's and they receive kindness from the people they done their goodness. And the Second one is called "Bad Karma" its for the people who did bad thing's to other's, to feel guilt and repent for their sins.

105 Name: Saika : 2015-10-28 05:55 ID:E697JwBP [Del]

Shizuo's rage for Izaya is the power behind karma

106 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-28 06:06 ID:DFGiqALe [Del]

>>105 Nice~ Explanation~ Interesting~

107 Name: Ash : 2015-11-02 15:54 ID:dWwkXAH3 [Del]

>>104 What you just described is not karma. Those are basic human emotions, Thankfulness and Rage or Anger. Thinking a little deeper, human feelings are the karma itself, don't you think?

108 Name: Hex : 2015-11-02 16:31 ID:+9RKy872 [Del]

Well yes, technically, every action has an opposite and equal reaction. You can take this quote in different ways, but either way there will always be some kind of reaction.

109 Name: Ash : 2017-08-04 16:36 ID:CocXomCZ [Del]

What about the consequence? Is the consequence always equal to the initial doing or undoing? If you kill an ant, will you go to heaven? If you pet a kitten, will you go to hell?

110 Name: DireRaven : 2017-08-09 19:51 ID:MZoW+RtW [Del]

Karma only works sometimes. It is real and the way the universe punishes those who did wrong. Whether a mean but harmless prank or a true act of evil. It affects everyone.....even saints. The devil is an example.

111 Name: Karma : 2018-01-06 08:32 ID:pi/mVVv5 [Del]

anyone calls me~?? ;)

112 Name: Ash : 2018-01-06 22:13 ID:tdy0NwLl [Del]

I guess this thread is resolved

113 Name: Fake : 2018-01-07 00:38 ID:0IHl2uL1 [Del]

Karma can exist in its raw state either naturally or by man-made means because it is more or less a prayer it exist because we need it to justify and explain uncontrollable outcomes.

A1: A kind and innocent man has his car stolen- bad luck
A2: A abusive drunk asshole has his car stolen- karma
B1: A kind and innocent man wins five-million$- karma
B2: A abusive drunk asshole wins five-million$- good luck

114 Name: Bastion : 2018-01-07 02:02 ID:YUQ0PMap [Del]

Well if you're discussing the sourcebook released for the 1993 Glaswegian RPG SLA Industries, created by the UK based Nightfall Studio's, I'd have to say that the Karma sourcebook is really fantastic, not only does it add in the 711 "Xeno", the 714 "Chagrin", and the shapeshifting Vevaphon's, but it also adds in biogenetic implants, Dark Lament products, the Low Wave Stormer, and the Domino Dogs (can't wait for them to overrun Mort City). The Karma sourcebook really gets into my good books though, for keeping the fantastic art and flavor-text of the rulebooks alive, as well as giving us all a lot of fresh new info on Meny, very good to have some more info on the eponymous island academy, after all that's where the story starts.

There's my review for the Karma sourcebook for SLA Industries, published by Nightfall Games, 1993.

115 Name: day_will_fall : 2018-03-23 02:43 ID:73HxWDbq [Del]

I'm 50-50 on this matter since I don't really believed on superstitious beliefs but I always think of it as the system that the universe upholds to balance itself. As the balance of the universe theory states: For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. We already live in a world of duality. Hot and cold, good and bad, positive and negative, we have an up and down, left and right.