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adults (7)

1 Name: emosmiley125 : 2015-04-02 00:16 ID:j61lRdaS [Del]

have you ever been told to speak up when you're looked down on but interupted before you can finish? why are we told to speak up for ourselves if we are only going to be shut down? have you ever been told to stop bull shitting when your telling the truth? are you like me and always wonder why?

2 Name: Elizar : 2015-04-02 00:32 ID:RXmP5CBa [Del]

>>1 Happens. This post makes me interesting about your age.
Personally, i stopped wondering why, because even if there is no rational reason, people can always find one. Or do something which seems to be without any.
But I admitt, It is annoying. I'd tell you to "speak up", but...

3 Name: kimchi : 2015-04-02 01:11 ID:ylVkKlHJ [Del]

Happens all the time. I always get in trouble with people older than me who thinks that just because they're a couple of years older they always know better. I mean, I respect them and all that but when I see and understand things in my own point of view and I believe that what I stand for is right, I always snap out of it and disregard whatever age I'm talking to. I always speak up my mind no matter what so they always misinterpret me as disrespectful. But doesn't disregarding what younger people think also a form of disrespect? Btw, in my country, no matter what, the elders must always be respected and right. I'm not saying that's wrong but well, for me, the world revolves, people evolve, there's always new knowledge available. A few more year's worth of existence does not necessarily guarantee credibility.

4 Name: Connie : 2015-04-02 02:47 ID:bSTJdgfv [Del]

Okay i no this is a none Anime/what thing, but the last couple months i have been thinking about having a baby with my bf but he want to wait and i do to but for some reason i really want to settle down even thou am going to collage this summer and this fall his going back to, but with everyone around em settling down and starting a family i feel kind left out, i don't no what it is, i feel lost and left out and only thing i want is a good job and a family

5 Name: Baka Neko~ : 2015-04-02 02:56 ID:s0sHx7K6 [Del]

well, thats life ,....I mean, I always experience that since im the quiet ones and often shouted at but as long as they dont cross the line its fine, for me. And I stop wondering, you see, some things are needed to be leave that way.

6 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-02 03:04 ID:iraTFCHu [Del]

Adults tend to forget that they're being incredibly childish when they get heated about an argument or believe that they're "superior" to you, as a younger individual. In truth, no one is superior to anyone. You don't owe anyone anything, unless you choose to. Respect shouldn't be automatically granted, it should be earned. Of course, I'd suggest talking to a counselor/friend/another trusted person about how you're being treated. It's a much better idea than divulging information about your situation to the internet. Please, be careful and tread lightly. Adults forget the harm they do because of their anger sometimes.

7 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-02 03:15 ID:iraTFCHu [Del]

I should clarify that when I say, "you don't owe anyone anything", I refer to the concept that parents seem to emphasize with constantly. The, "I raised you, I deserve respect" sort of schpeel. The fact of the matter is, you are a human, and you have your own rights. Your parents/guardians chose to raise, feed, and care for you. It's only natural for them to feel that they deserve some sort of repayment for going through all the trouble. You have your own rights, as a human, and if you're being treated like dirt, you don't need to pay respect. I believe that you, OP, as a human being, deserve to be given a chance to express and explain yourself when called out as a liar. Again, though, I'd recommend talking to someone else about this that's far more trustworthy, has more experience, and knows you better than some entity on the internet.