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What makes a monster? (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-03-21 11:34 ID:A4PeA7kJ [Del]

What makes a criminal?
What makes a "monster"?
When a drop of spilled blood
Claims you as a murderer?

2 Name: .Pocky : 2015-03-21 11:51 ID:Jc3KF48C [Del]

Society awakened the monster inside of us. It is us to choose if we want to embrace but some...devour it.

3 Name: RedKnife : 2015-03-21 13:36 ID:CX6ThGZc [Del]

Well society desides what is wrong and what is right. In the end somebodys "wrong" can be somebodys "right". It is a personal view of a world. There is always a two sides of every story i quess...

4 Name: baby-animal : 2015-03-21 14:00 ID:enLwF7/1 [Del]

i believe that is nothing more than opinion as to what makes it, well there might be somthing that the "normal" people think is wrong and you dont

5 Name: midsxeph : 2015-03-21 14:43 ID:JzvASgB7 [Del]

A dark space in your bedroom.

6 Name: 和樹松岡 : 2015-03-21 16:15 ID:JGtC54sK [Del]

Hello. I can answer your question. I'm Kazuki and ive been half human for 13 years and grew up with humans. I don't think of myself as a monster but there is a part of me that is.

7 Name: Tsukota : 2015-03-21 16:36 ID:pJ6djRC3 [Del]

One who would willfully destroy another's life for fun is someone I would consider a true monster.

8 Name: Starken : 2015-03-21 16:45 ID:ecByAE8M [Del]

It's all personal Judgement. What we deem as those words are what to us makes people them. As society the law and social standard is what deems what those mean.

9 Name: DaiMajutsu13!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-03-21 16:59 ID:hvesMt05 [Del]

This is such a great question, to which so many stupid answers will arrive, that if stupidity would hurt, we would wish we'd be deaf just to not hear how loud the cries would be....

10 Name: Sky7 : 2015-03-21 17:31 ID:ub8qIW9u [Del]

A criminal is someone who did a crime, a "monster" is someone who loved doing the crime.

11 Name: takkun : 2015-03-21 18:05 ID:rBuQ+oJW [Del]

no no a it equal a monster of criminal for me i think killing is an art takes time to prepare a murder but its improvising isnt it
bye b

12 Name: Aki : 2015-04-16 10:06 ID:GX6Im/R2 [Del]


13 Name: Dreamer : 2015-04-16 12:01 ID:cIaBKgV2 [Del]

a monster is the person who dont feel... dont feel pain, dont feel happy.... a monster is one who feels nothing...
a shell with no soul xD
a criminal is someone who kill for satisfaction... if someone kill for accident or in defense... is not a criminal...

14 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-16 12:01 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]

I think it depends. A criminal is someone who commits a crime, so that will vary based on society, and a monster is even harder to define, because it is based more on personal judgement rather than societal rules. I think a monster is someone who is in a sense twisted and doesn't have a clear view of themselves. Sort of like what >>10 said, I think a monster would enjoy committing crime, but they don't settle for something minor, like robbing a convenience store, and instead they derive enjoyment from major crimes that cause direct harm to other people. Although, a monster may hurt people without actually committing a crime. Also, some people may struggle against being monsters, like people who consistently feel the desire to do something horrible, but try to stop themselves.

15 Name: Ghostie : 2015-04-16 13:56 ID:8pijhHtL [Del]

>>13 Should I take the explanation of what a monster is seriously? If so I am considered a monster myself due to my mental state. I'm not a monster I just work, think and feel differently. (I feel pain, but I normally don't notice it)

>>10 I agree.

16 Name: delay.hanabi : 2015-04-16 19:13 ID:o3AkOfA2 [Del]

I believe criminals and ''bad'' guys should be considered monsters and then you have the non realistic monsters

17 Name: Anonymous : 2015-04-16 19:35 ID:k3IyJSnk [Del]

>>15 That depends on what you define as different. Within the context of the discussion, unless you're a sadistic murderer who revels in the intense suffering of others, you aren't a monster at all. Nobody thinks or feels in the exact same way, and that's something to take into account when interacting with others.

18 Name: kris : 2015-04-16 21:53 ID:C24W2weP [Del]

I believe a monster is someone who has no comprehension of emotions. They can not understand fear, pain, love all they want to do is simply cause pain and harm to people they don't know simply because they were bored.

19 Name: Neil Noyoda : 2015-04-17 01:50 ID:KZnbNEh1 [Del]

Criminal aren't all bad people. Just because they went to jail doesn't mean they were a bad person their whole lives. Every person has feelings. Usually they just messed up once which caused them their whole lives in prison which is kinda messed up. Monsters are indifferent people. The opposite of hate is indifferent. The opposite of love is indifferent. This means, there are way too much monsters in this world. If you don't care about your surroundings and the people you are with, I will categorize you as a monster. Now we are all bad people at a point in time and changes can happen. But changes just don't happen. You need to change.

20 Name: Zatch !bvdDZLAaTo : 2015-04-18 05:58 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

It is all a matter of perspective, what one may consider 'monstrous' another might see it as heroic. Expanding off of >>10 's opinion, someone can commit a crime and love doing it but not be considered a monster. Look at Robin Hood, he stole from the rich, making him a monster in their eyes and gave to the poor, making him a hero to them; and he loved every moment of it. Perspective can make anyone seem like anything, the monsters are who you believe are monsters because that's how you see the world.

21 Name: blackfound : 2015-04-18 06:02 ID:qPjMI+ax [Del]

A lot of life is dealing with your curse, dealing with the cards you were given that aren't so nice. Does it make you into a monster, or can you temper it in some way, or accept it and go in some other direction?

22 Name: blackfound : 2015-04-18 06:04 ID:qPjMI+ax [Del]

There are very few people who are going to look into the mirror and say, 'That person I see is a savage monster;' instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do.

23 Name: Mitsuki : 2015-04-18 06:34 ID:r4WLi8kN [Del]

To me, a criminal is someone who breaks a law made by society, but depending on their "crime" and why they did it the label might not stick. I know people who have been involved with stealing and drugs, I guess they're considered by some as criminals.

A "Monster" is different. I think that a monster is how you describe a being so atrocious that you don't consider it human. A criminal can be considered a monster. But it's such a big term to me... "Monster", I don't know any, and I don't consider myself one. But for those who have come into contact with or do consider themselves my definition of "Monster" I don't know what to tell you, because I believe that label is not easily removed.

24 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-04-18 06:55 ID:M59I9dgr [Del]

A criminal is someone who can do evil and honestly enjoy it
A monster is someone who can do the ultimate evil and honestly enjoy it

25 Name: kanra : 2015-04-18 07:17 ID:g2sIWVVR [Del]

A criminal in my opinion is simply someone who does against the good for their humanity. It all depends on their reason, law and other such stuff has no part in naming criminals. Besides what everyone else tells you, a criminal is a theft for greed, a murder for joy, and a sinner of your "god".

26 Name: crazyjaq : 2015-04-18 08:08 ID:r02RjYr+ [Del]

Is a violent criminal born that way, or shaped by childhood experiences and circumstances?

Delving into one of oldest questions in psychology, some scientists have suggested genes may contribute to roughly half of the influence–by affecting complex brain chemistry, for instance.

But, until now, DNA clues to support this have been sketchy.

Scientists in Europe and the United States on Tuesday fingered two genes which in a mutated form are found in a “substantially higher frequency” in violent offenders.

A study of nearly 800 Finns jailed for both violent and non-violent crimes, and compared to the general population, found variants of two genes, called MAOA and CDH13, to be “associated with extremely violent behaviour”.

27 Name: CruelRika : 2015-04-18 09:38 ID:rCNKKLC7 [Del]

It simply depends on how you see things.

28 Name: enma ai : 2015-04-18 10:23 ID:JfBLv9q4 [Del]

a murderer spy his/her target and plans how to kill the target.

a monster can be any human who only think for himself and turn against GOD.

29 Name: CruelRika : 2015-04-18 10:28 ID:rCNKKLC7 [Del]

definition of Monster : Shizuo Heiwajima
Error - it's Vorona

30 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-18 10:36 ID:T0aBMfQk [Del]

A monster, varies from every persons view. It could be a giant lizard, or someone with a soul darker than others.
A criminal is someone that broke the law, it's that simple.

31 Name: error : 2015-04-18 10:59 ID:3+r6DsSo [Del]

Criminals are those who have broke the law, by their own accord.
Monsters can be anyone or anything. For example, like the comment above, it can be a imaginary idea, or a emotion. However, those that harbor hate without forgiving, that act without guilt, or enjoys negative emotions of others, (physical or mental) is the most realistic "monster".

In what claims you as a murderer, its the killing of another human by conditions in the law.

32 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-20 04:02 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]
