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Do you belive in equilibrium? (16)

1 Name: Price Mavi : 2015-02-21 20:40 ID:IaepvfUM [Del]

I mean, do you believe that when a person do good things to other people, good things happens with this person? or do you belive that doesn't matter if you are a good or a bad person, bad and good stuffs happens to both in the same proportion? Sorry for the mistakes, my english is not so good.

2 Name: Equstina : 2015-02-21 21:05 ID:i40+KPCj [Del]

I believe bad things can happen to everyone. It dosen't matter if you're good or bad.

3 Name: LtLexay : 2015-02-21 22:36 ID:BEm8zGwj [Del]

I'd say it has more effects on what sort of person you are and how you view yourself/the world than what happens to you.

4 Name: Pharos : 2015-02-21 22:50 ID:LpJrgv0/ [Del]

I believe in the phrase "this too shall pass." Good things and bad things happen to everyone in equal measure. But I also believe in karma-if you do something bad intentionally to another person that's going to come back to haunt you, and if you do something good with the intention of genuinely wanting to help someone, it won't necessarily come back to you directly, but through a pay-it-forward wave of goodwill good things will definitely happen to you.

5 Name: Q : 2015-02-22 02:47 ID:sAW94NGI [Del]

I think if you keep doing good in the world, there's a higher chance that you just end up meeting good people or get in good situations. Same goes for bad things.

6 Name: いしゃん : 2015-02-22 12:20 ID:oycBw0Sx [Del]

Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so from William Shakespeare

When do good things stop being good?
When do bad things stop being bad?

7 Name: El : 2015-02-22 13:25 ID:jwiJFViB [Del]

I share Q's opinion. I don't really believe in equilibrium or karma or whatever unless you give me a good reason to do so.

8 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-02-22 13:40 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

I think this a similar to asking if God is real or not.
Some will say it exists because (gives religious reason)
Some will say it exists because (gives supernatural reason/karma)
Some will say it doesn't exist because (gives logical or cynical reason)

All in all, I don't think this topic warrants its own thread.

9 Name: Mr. Conservative : 2015-02-22 15:05 ID:zG4faeSf [Del]

I think it all constitutes on what is considered to be good or bad. What may be considered good for some people has a potential for it being good for others. It happens no matter who you are. What may be considered good or bad is just your morals, and ethics. Some may argue that there are certain psychological rights, which can be debated.

As for a plain answer to your question: No.

10 Name: Art : 2015-02-22 15:49 ID:54mVPR5X [Del]

Doing good deeds without seeking rewards is when you get rewarded.

11 Name: Taco_Del_Mega : 2015-02-22 17:42 ID:aRmY3q10 [Del]

>>9 that is a good point. Too add on, if there was truly a equilibrium then why do we exist. Would you say because of somebody's parents messing around, a child deserves AIDS or other sicknesses? Also, one of the ISIS hostages was in the Middle East to "find himself" (not a good place to do that) because he lost his job, his wife died, and he was in a rut. If there was a balance, why would stuff like that happen?

12 Name: Pharos : 2015-02-22 18:11 ID:usCXj3iw [Del]

>>11 That's a good point too. A friend of mine once said that he believes that good, bad, and neutral karma all exist in a balance, and if there's too much of a good thing bad things get thrown into the mix to keep the balance. I don't really know if that's true or not, and honestly I don't think there'd be a way to know for sure, but that might have something to do with your questions.

13 Name: RisingDragon : 2015-02-22 18:25 ID:YWgC0Evo [Del]

I think everything we do has to be paid for, both as a group and an individual. It's not good to seek happiness in life, since everyone is forced to enjoy both happiness and sadness in balanced amounts. In order to become happier than the set equilibrium you would need increasing luxuries or drugs, and returning to a "normal" lifestyle would leave you depressed, aka "paying" for it. Similarly, enduring hardships lets you enjoy the little things as a form of "compensation" for the hardships. That's how I see it anyway.

14 Name: Multipleshadow : 2015-02-22 19:35 ID:aODm2N2G [Del]

>>13 I think I agree with you for the most part of that statement. I've always believed that there was no such thing as something that is "free" in life. Even if you were given something there is always a price to owning that thing such as the space it takes up or perceived moral responsibilities for possessing it. One part where my opinion differs though is that I don't see happiness as completely tied to that price. I think that happiness comes from people's evaluations of their possessions and life events and not from those things themselves. If one were to live true to their own beliefs I believe they could obtain greater happiness from their life than otherwise.

15 Name: trionisus : 2015-02-22 19:39 ID:805eKQyN [Del]

All our actions have consequences. Life is also how you perceive it. Lets say before crossing the street you give a homeless person some money. As you are crossing a car hits you. When you come to you're in the hospital. Is it good Karma that you lived or bad because you ended up injured? Now think if you had not stopped to give the homeless money you would've avoided the car. However what if you survived instead of bleeding out because that homeless person helped you? Thats if they help you. But more importantly you should do good because its the right thing to do. Wouldn't you want someone to do good to you?

16 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-23 06:07 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

good and bad doesn't real, mortal
Abraxas, my nigga.