Dollars BBS | Main





















1 Name: chanti : 2015-01-01 12:26 ID:ug93856q [Del]

It seems like the old Skype group isn't active anymore & thats why I thought I should start a new one! If anyone's interested please add me and and send me a message. I'm miwi.kuester on Skype. (:

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: ?wHaT!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-01-01 15:51 ID:ug93856q [Del]


4 Name: GreyWolf : 2015-01-01 17:03 ID:ua/81tHz [Del]

I am in for this

5 Name: Akatsuki : 2015-01-01 17:41 ID:IFhtjlt6 [Del]

Ill be named Akatsuki :D

6 Name: punkwolfy : 2015-01-01 19:45 ID:Jq+jOd0E [Del]

add me on skype: Mira

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-02 07:27 ID:wZU3cXpe [Del]


8 Name: moi : 2015-01-02 16:06 ID:wZU3cXpe [Del]

I'm in too! C:

9 Name: Nekoccino : 2015-01-02 21:34 ID:CmikFgge [Del]

Add me to it xD
It's Nekoccino

10 Name: Sanae : 2015-01-02 22:37 ID:1E4jEj5l [Del]

Added :p

11 Name: Gigas : 2015-01-02 22:50 ID:yV3Bu3UB [Del]

add me
or its
Yauso Anime Ancestry
Find the guy name Yauso with the guy from eden of the east as the profile picture.

12 Name: Nekoccino : 2015-01-03 06:28 ID:6wgjvpBm [Del]

I'm afraid that i'm not added yet TT^TT

13 Name: Lourenço : 2015-01-03 11:06 ID:MQJ05nBk [Del]

GabrielSerbeto :D
add me ;D

14 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2015-01-03 11:09 ID:v/ZbpHBw [Del]

As far as I know the lack of activity doesn't lie with the people in the old Skype group but rather with its huge number of members, which causes the conversations to lag massively. I think it'd be better to limit the group's size to prevent this from repeating. Either that or we stick to national/ local Skype groups.

15 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-03 12:40 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


16 Name: LeoMabrazile : 2015-01-03 14:04 ID:nTk/ogTZ [Del]

add mee!

17 Name: Muffle !AJs5o2LD0g : 2015-01-04 03:28 ID:g9DZGc4U [Del]

I would like to be added


(I really like cats)

18 Name: spark : 2015-01-04 03:29 ID:y5919Hdx [Del]

u can add me too if u want i wrote the password on message :)

19 Name: zero.0.2 : 2015-01-04 05:16 ID:JFMYNLc2 [Del]

Add me to.
My name on skype is zero.0.2

20 Name: Moguls : 2015-01-04 06:17 ID:71KOz78m [Del]

my name is moguls8600

21 Name: Levi^^ : 2015-02-17 14:26 ID:DpLAGFIc [Del]

can i still join? :3

22 Name: errayqou : 2015-02-17 14:54 ID:X28tpG9C [Del]

Hi there, im jordi (errayqou) on Skype

23 Name: Shinshika : 2015-02-17 15:26 ID:Ayt/32Ty [Del]

My skype name is cupcakeneko. I sent you a friend request, chanti.

24 Name: Naneru : 2015-02-17 16:03 ID:EjCqXgzy [Del]

can i join? yes, you dont see me around but i've always known about dollars for a long time. i just havent been here in a while. is it alright if i join as well?

25 Name: Etro : 2015-02-17 19:19 ID:eiX4AkT1 [Del]

hiya im Etro (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ (gamzee96tavros) on skype c:

26 Name: Raider : 2015-02-17 19:21 ID:02ydwPXa [Del]

Mine is etugutlu4

27 Name: PouringRayne : 2015-02-17 19:30 ID:fLwbT6Ms [Del]

I'm Norphy Whispersong on skype I'd love to join :D

28 Name: Alex : 2015-02-17 20:15 ID:OAYeQzd5 [Del]

I'm sofia.g94, and I'd love to join as well

29 Name: Kanra!!8CfEbEW5 : 2015-02-17 20:50 ID:GNhdRl3A [Del]

Ciela Seragaki Walker!!~ thats my skype name!!~

30 Name: Koala : 2015-02-18 00:42 ID:a7Clj8Zq [Del]

MistyPixelator (for some reason...)

31 Name: Duwang : 2015-02-18 01:11 ID:4mMBVIWB [Del]


32 Name: Zae : 2015-02-18 07:03 ID:nB5CtqX8 [Del]

Oh, my Skype is Kiramoren

33 Name: Windy : 2015-02-18 08:08 ID:PJUD+2qs [Del]

Mine is aspiring.boss2nd

34 Name: Mad King : 2015-02-18 08:10 ID:3PY28sHM [Del]

mine is hikikomori schutt

35 Name: Rose : 2015-02-18 17:54 ID:kVI/AneB [Del]

mine is miranda.rose.dingman
add me!

36 Name: Eclipse : 2015-02-18 18:24 ID:mmBwSMGT [Del]

Bloodpop98 is mine

37 Name: Retsu : 2015-02-18 19:07 ID:G2EvEYFW [Del]

Mine is cgn012

38 Name: Zenta : 2015-02-19 03:08 ID:AdxP3QJy [Del]

Mine is pixy_99

39 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2015-02-19 06:17 ID:AJ9M82iT [Del]

Mine is teeformee_ and I'm always available to chat

40 Name: Naneru : 2015-02-19 08:09 ID:Wy8EJqt0 [Del]

i want to join too! mine is alyasrfn

41 Name: Aile : 2015-02-19 11:59 ID:pYa2oXpx [Del]

can i join?

42 Name: Lavi : 2015-02-19 13:08 ID:sjHBxRzA [Del]

add me im shadowthewerehog861 (dont judge me its from 7th grade) and my profile is 10 large oatmeal

43 Name: TheDuD : 2015-02-19 13:12 ID:XnbZhBSE [Del]

To everyone who keeps asking to join, chanti did say just to add them on skype with a message saying you're in the dollars and they'll handle the rest d:

44 Name: VampirePotato : 2015-02-19 19:47 ID:zVpYZHzc [Del]

>>43 Did not realize.

45 Name: Kirito : 2015-03-07 18:13 ID:k/I0F4vN [Del]

Add me i'm Thug Life (having a pic of kirito)

46 Name: Hopsin : 2015-03-07 20:42 ID:PiPafDMe [Del]

Add me im Alex.colon39

47 Name: sodasoda : 2015-03-07 21:12 ID:BLX5NnM6 [Del]

add me : onyoiichan
sorry for the weird username hehe

48 Name: Hugebuny : 2015-03-07 21:30 ID:gcbfvguE [Del]

Mine is miguel_antoni0

49 Name: Ironic_Happiness : 2015-03-07 23:19 ID:YnKjeeLv [Del]

add me: Ironic_Happiness

50 Name: mostmodest !eIZM0zi3QM : 2015-03-08 00:41 ID:TgVd/I6U [Del]

captainawesome1996 is my name and skyping is my game. Feel free to add me to the group

51 Name: King of Shadows : 2015-03-08 03:00 ID:LSsAF6as [Del]

If anyone just wants to add me themselves, look up matt.byers666. I'd definitely like more people to talk to about anything.

52 Name: Kagine : 2015-03-08 03:09 ID:yQKj/Oog [Del]

Add me: StarStormRazor

53 Name: DatKuro12 : 2015-03-25 22:07 ID:DS2LlRQ5 [Del]

add me: hitamitu88

54 Name: SobKnight : 2015-03-25 23:06 ID:hCgC8+yh [Del]

I lost my old skype and all my friends on it so here's my new one
Add me if you want.

55 Name: Inti : 2015-03-26 11:50 ID:bQkqg5mi [Del]


56 Name: Kachii : 2015-03-26 12:53 ID:I6u1zqn9 [Del]

Add me, please: seiko.kawachii

57 Name: Nevalen : 2015-03-26 15:05 ID:b5zL7e3H [Del]

Add me in

58 Name: Emily : 2015-03-26 17:26 ID:AWQ8UaJO [Del]

Yo! My skype name is theswagmonster528

59 Name: Ogono : 2015-03-27 00:32 ID:UDxJdF9x [Del]

I want to test out the waters Skype: xxnejikixx

60 Name: xfa : 2015-03-27 09:34 ID:qZ4RqZOJ [Del]

add me too :D exfahim

61 Name: layo : 2015-03-27 11:40 ID:O1Q3MFPZ [Del]

Hi, im new here my name is layo

62 Name: Crimson : 2015-03-27 11:47 ID:yNItTmtN [Del]

Add me :) cheshire_toss517

63 Post deleted by user.

64 Name: Ignight : 2015-04-01 01:50 ID:W9Nsgr7g [Del]

Add mein ashe: PCeristas

65 Name: MinZ : 2015-04-01 02:49 ID:D3Nhsu2X [Del]

Add me *-* MilooJ :)

66 Name: Mikado : 2015-04-01 03:12 ID:huyGvEaL [Del]

Hello! Feel free to add me too.
My skypename = Skip_011

67 Name: Jiwon悪 : 2015-04-01 03:39 ID:giIxwLUa [Del]

Heeeey c:

jiwon.lim3 <-

Let's be friends :D

68 Name: Shadows : 2015-04-01 05:27 ID:mQNX1EOt [Del]

Me too, me too. o:
The one from Hungary.

69 Name: Zombie.Cat : 2015-04-01 07:38 ID:mgygY9hQ [Del]

I want to join too!


70 Name: JekoJeko : 2015-04-01 07:55 ID:SR5ojIE3 [Del]

jekylljekyllhyde ^^ add me :D

71 Name: Maikeru : 2015-04-01 08:14 ID:gf38o4Fy [Del]

Add me too :D


72 Name: Mai Orihara : 2015-04-01 10:06 ID:C7sfKBYs [Del]

Hm~ This sounds like fun~ Count me in too!
User: hope.jpg

73 Name: Migi : 2015-04-01 12:22 ID:iBV6CwIQ [Del]

ad me;; taisy03

74 Name: VoronaGab : 2015-04-01 14:09 ID:OCYoEOy9 [Del]

Add me please! ^.^ Name is unii_tato

75 Name: Cole : 2015-04-01 14:11 ID:32LhDFzl [Del]

I would join but I need to make a skype first so i'll hop on that when I have the time but sounds cool to me.!!

76 Name: Akasuuki : 2015-04-01 14:22 ID:Y/300z0s [Del]

Add me ^^ : akasuuki

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79 Name: Kolton Brockhouse : 2015-04-02 23:48 ID:WYi0ncD+ [Del]


80 Name: Otranto : 2015-04-03 01:04 ID:iYXur999 [Del]

my skypename is: otranto123

81 Name: renardfeu : 2015-04-03 03:35 ID:bizZ6eVC [Del]


82 Post deleted by user.

83 Name: Noise : 2015-04-03 03:54 ID:LWkEiLLC [Del]

Skype: imperatorzurg99 I'm polish

84 Name: Mcghoulberry!e67wD8MYCo : 2015-04-03 04:35 ID:I8/5xcGA [Del]


Add me

85 Name: DNAniel213 : 2015-04-03 06:10 ID:5rtE4WYR [Del]

dnaniel213 add me :D

86 Post deleted by user.

87 Post deleted by user.

88 Name: Dorsia !KeQu9uW7Gs : 2015-04-03 11:33 ID:/5AeOqY9 [Del]

I sent a contact request. Please add me! :D

89 Name: Kyu-senpai : 2015-04-07 16:36 ID:IlVrJy+2 [Del]

Kyu-senpai at your service!! :D

90 Name: Lelouch lamperouge !.b/Y.Q88Ic : 2015-04-07 18:20 ID:PvlZZ4FK [Del]

Leader_of_the_rebellion , if you'd be so kind as to add me

91 Name: sonja : 2015-04-07 21:32 ID:FnUqrAsF [Del]

add me too!

92 Name: araagi : 2015-04-07 23:39 ID:fRS8JuP4 [Del]

dollarsgang is my skype name^^

93 Name: Ms.Aka : 2015-04-08 00:51 ID:ZxyR5/kH [Del]

Add me :) rianne.ennair

94 Name: PrinceCharming : 2015-04-08 01:30 ID:5FqtVDOm [Del]

Me too.. deamon__spade

95 Name: kanra : 2015-04-08 01:39 ID:BAjT6pA0 [Del]

Boku,boku kanra_orihara

96 Name: Shorin : 2015-04-08 06:31 ID:blGV626h [Del]

add me too ! leraeman

97 Name: Lightning !rOzUWqbNMg : 2015-04-08 08:42 ID:SRLgquOM [Del]

Might as well join this.
I'm lightning.dollars

98 Name: juyon !fSQUTn84jQ : 2015-04-08 16:57 ID:/9RGyzQq [Del]

you can add me, i'm juyon-chan !

99 Name: Aeterna !HERESYxWhE : 2015-04-14 21:33 ID://EfcdjK [Del]


100 Name: Arashi_momo : 2015-04-17 22:29 ID:ldoDv/rc [Del]

I'm Arashimomo.dollars on there and ya'll are welcome to add me! Also i'm happy to join are participate in skype groups (I will be shy at first).

101 Name: Kirito : 2015-04-18 00:15 ID:/Nci09GW [Del]

Mine is Kirito Sanchez. I would be glad to join!!

102 Name: chi : 2015-04-18 02:11 ID:gZq+RlKo [Del]

Add me too
MissAlice or thegod-daughter

103 Name: ... : 2015-04-18 05:29 ID:/dstKvGl [Del]

Saseki Mayonaka i wanna join too

104 Name: renardfeu : 2015-04-18 05:38 ID:+M7PzXVE [Del]


105 Name: Blazier : 2015-04-18 09:23 ID:Bc8koWT9 [Del]

evil_morgan I'm from Poland

106 Name: JillWunder !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-04-18 12:22 ID:sEHl4SsT [Del]


107 Name: Ulysses : 2015-04-18 21:43 ID:/tzWnEPu [Del]

I need to reinstal it on my phone but here is mine ulysses_clockwork_king

108 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-18 22:04 ID:CJ7d+0S0 [Del]

toastywafflz is my skype ID. I'm sure that is a surprisingly uncharacteristic handle for me.

109 Name: Cherry : 2015-04-18 22:44 ID:bKgZeddh [Del]

shattered_doll is mine, friend.

110 Name: Zatch !bvdDZLAaTo : 2015-04-18 23:04 ID:oeSc74GI [Del]

Seems like a fun idea, mine is Zatch

111 Name: Shift : 2015-04-19 04:57 ID:Skw2d2ez [Del]

mine is werta50 :)

112 Name: Gaia : 2015-04-19 06:51 ID:kCIYzQku [Del]

my username is farmingtitan

113 Name: Kazumi : 2015-04-19 11:41 ID:F4I2g1Kh [Del]

Sounds like fun. Please add me, my name is warriorxgibson :)

114 Name: Thane : 2015-04-19 14:40 ID:5Nn9oPFE [Del]

Mine is thanemakara

115 Name: Taiki : 2015-04-19 16:16 ID:D2pUByN6 [Del]

Sounds good, I'm in! My username is gerynash13

116 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-20 04:06 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]


117 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-23 13:09 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]


118 Post deleted by user.

119 Name: LockonStratos : 2015-04-27 12:44 ID:0zyFa2Kr [Del]

Skype Name is Lockon Stratos and my profile pic is Wing Gundam(EW)

120 Name: Sei : 2015-04-27 21:53 ID:KkuOOCIJ [Del]

my username is shortforcat ^^

121 Name: Brandy : 2015-04-28 01:27 ID:4O8o5Dzn [Del]

username is Aurora (Brandy~)

122 Name: zim : 2015-04-28 03:52 ID:KSuxIGDj [Del]

My Skype is Jack Scar with a Gintoki and sadaharu on his head

123 Name: himechii : 2015-04-28 05:44 ID:i5jKp9Nw [Del]

Add me minna ♢3♢ @himesamaa_

124 Name: zim : 2015-04-28 16:40 ID:KSuxIGDj [Del]

who ever wants to add my skype can mines Jack Scar :)

125 Name: Kirani : 2015-04-28 21:53 ID:UIQC74zD [Del]

Any one who wants to add me mine is prince_eclipse but look for kirani

126 Name: Serti : 2015-04-28 23:40 ID:KtmIv6od [Del]

Hi if you want to add me my username is Serti my profile picture there is Dera from Tamako Market haha yoroshiku minna! <(◕ˇ∀ˇ◕✿)/

127 Name: Rina : 2015-04-29 00:14 ID:BtmOyarq [Del]

My username is plasticbeautifulworld. The display name is Nicole San and the picture is a rabbit. Feel free to add me ^^

128 Name: Oreo : 2015-04-29 00:28 ID:IRSHG1g2 [Del]

Yo! Oreo here ^^

My skype name is OreoTheCookie07 Add me if you want :)

129 Post deleted by user.

130 Name: Shinra : 2015-04-29 14:13 ID:TweaP8zc [Del]

add on Skype reaper 7695 and

131 Name: Oreo : 2015-04-29 23:29 ID:eoYWDB1j [Del]

>>130 Yo Shinra! ^^

132 Name: NPC : 2015-04-30 01:24 ID:oBJ0zVke [Del]


133 Name: yamato : 2015-04-30 02:17 ID:NVrf7aEO [Del]


134 Name: Setton=san : 2015-04-30 03:14 ID:WSJdMyCM [Del]

add me too!

135 Name: Girl of Music : 2015-04-30 03:18 ID:Hap4DGpI [Del]

Here! Here! natasha.secrist

136 Name: OverlordAkise : 2015-04-30 03:47 ID:wr/TB5XB [Del]

Please add me too =)
Skype: overlord_akise_aru

137 Name: Elias : 2015-04-30 05:27 ID:nPOjntL0 [Del]


could be fun, I <3 accents

138 Name: Rossie !L5w6cG0AVg : 2015-04-30 08:53 ID:zRDTTE22 [Del]

Anyone, please add me. >< I go by Dollars.Rossie
Thank you!

139 Name: anon : 2015-04-30 09:20 ID:YuBHnBsd [Del]

hi there

140 Post deleted by user.

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142 Name: Tobbichi : 2015-04-30 19:39 ID:Ay6lmDrm [Del]

My Skype is tobbichi.dollarsgang
Feel free to talk to me if you need someone to talk to about the Dollars or anything in general

143 Name: MYtH88 : 2015-05-02 05:46 ID:rQJ8b4iN [Del]

I would like to join as well~^^
myth.dlrs is my skype name

144 Name: TensaiHito : 2015-05-02 06:06 ID:1CFfrilb [Del]

mine is Mocchi199 ..feel free to add..but i do want to join

145 Name: Magnolia : 2015-06-12 03:44 ID:F/5mGTJz [Del]

Like posting in here.

146 Name: Gypso : 2015-06-12 04:33 ID:txnIFjNx [Del]

My skype name is Gypsophilas Dragneel

147 Name: Saika : 2015-06-12 13:47 ID:2Pp8ypc3 [Del]

Ah, my skype is Usagiiichannn

148 Name: CAmiLLa : 2015-06-12 14:17 ID:EfwqT1sx [Del]

Mine is:
Add me

149 Name: Livebait : 2015-06-13 01:50 ID:toDqSU27 [Del]

skype name is Livebait64

150 Name: LordLukav : 2015-06-13 04:35 ID:6KxLGUVV [Del]


151 Post deleted by user.

152 Name: Niamstation : 2015-06-16 18:11 ID:Hl0ZLITS [Del]

Hi guys, I'm French.
ID Skype: Niamstation

153 Name: shinra : 2015-06-16 18:35 ID:xvdFJ7Cj [Del]

Im from USA
SKYPE: reaper7695

154 Name: Jay Ohashi : 2015-06-16 22:59 ID:0QJtvE+A [Del]

I don't know if I should trust this.

155 Name: Rose Castes !fdmxsyuEL2 : 2015-06-17 11:50 ID:P79MtZjy [Del]

U.S.A. Skype:spy464

156 Name: roumaissa : 2015-06-17 13:28 ID:KuX+6slC [Del]

me too I don't know if I should trust this

157 Name: Keiji-san !xLJDfbnHfU : 2015-07-11 02:53 ID:Epz9H3D3 [Del]

The same. I don't know can I trust this and I'm not good talking with such a huge crowd... too confusing.. too annoying..

158 Name: max : 2015-07-11 07:54 ID:XoUarDdw [Del]

my skype chelovechenka666 - add meeeh

159 Name: Merry Cheer : 2015-07-11 21:53 ID:ri+XMzEM [Del]

United States; merrycheer
Mention the Dollars if you add me!

160 Name: baccano : 2015-07-11 22:09 ID:oembveaK [Del]

the blue squares are teaming up with the dallars

161 Name: baccano : 2015-07-11 22:13 ID:oembveaK [Del]

im america fl call this number to talk privately 813 720 3388

162 Name: me : 2015-08-04 09:54 ID:pVpyGa6z [Del]

This Skype group is very much active. Therefore, I'm reviving this post for a chance for new members to join.

163 Name: Red : 2015-08-04 11:21 ID:8Ha3ohZE [Del]

Add me too!- IamRedQueen17

164 Name: Yolooo : 2015-08-04 17:27 ID:Qz88GJZq [Del]

Add me: domagoj_kocijan
Dodo is written on it

165 Name: ViLLiNUZ : 2015-08-04 21:40 ID:T2MCXVW7 [Del]

I wanna be included add Sir Trippz

166 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-05 09:39 ID:4cEW0/6s [Del]

Miwi may not get back to individuals via Skype. Therefore, you can add me; live:kanraizayaorihara , as well. ~ Administrator.

167 Name: Mijumaru00 : 2015-08-05 10:10 ID:/Hn8MTv3 [Del]

Add mijumaru00 pls ^w^

168 Name: Oreo : 2015-08-05 22:49 ID:ksUR9ZXO [Del]

Just add me if you want ^^



169 Name: Find's Bread : 2015-08-06 17:53 ID:w+USXvUD [Del]

If this is still going on I'm sending an invite on Skype.

170 Post deleted by user.

171 Name: FairyTaleless : 2015-08-06 19:49 ID:TJq+I3A/ [Del]

Add me too FairyTaleless or Fairy Taleless

172 Name: Darisam : 2015-08-06 20:47 ID:OitGyuv/ [Del]

Add meh too :D glumb8

173 Name: Spysean1499 : 2015-08-07 00:22 ID:OJIbR+33 [Del]


174 Name: Oreo : 2015-08-07 04:54 ID:YV42ldLD [Del]

Yo! Oreo here ^^

User Name: OreoTheCookie07

Add me if you want :) I also have Facebook and Email so if you're interested just ask me :v


175 Name: Onii-Chan : 2015-08-07 06:11 ID:Ergrl1+l [Del]

add me as well too :3 avvkward-potato

176 Name: chantie : 2015-08-07 13:41 ID:qqjXEsBC [Del]

Add me too ! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ anime12otaku

177 Name: Zaurusu : 2015-08-07 18:54 ID:FHhYajYz [Del]

Add me too karalanx

178 Name: Kimiko : 2015-08-07 20:19 ID:LvG85cqW [Del]

My skype is LadyYaoiChan
Just say that you're from the Dollars and I'll add you :P

179 Name: Oreo : 2015-08-08 09:26 ID:U+jzOdWt [Del]

^ That username tho 😂😂 Yaoi hahaha XDD

180 Name: firelily : 2015-08-08 17:00 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

bump over spam (this still seems relevant)

181 Name: me : 2015-08-08 19:48 ID:cKcIfzEi [Del]

All added. Anyone else interested?

182 Name: Funhgry : 2015-08-08 20:42 ID:bp3i1BHj [Del]

Hello!, im new here, but, i don't understand much the english, mmmh, but i can do my best strive!, im from venezuela, im from venezuela, and i are interested in this...
I'll give you a request to be you friend... I waiting!

183 Name: Oreo : 2015-08-08 22:25 ID:zeFX+eDr [Del]

>>182 Do your best! You can add me though~ :)

184 Name: Swagrid : 2015-08-08 23:52 ID:NM6YmH2M [Del]

add me dyllan_g

185 Name: Kenra : 2015-08-09 10:26 ID:hJpylt/d [Del]


186 Name: Monster : 2015-08-09 14:10 ID:KiJ1fmzW [Del]

I'm americaallies.

187 Name: TheViking : 2015-08-09 15:19 ID:DyAzqCoS [Del]

My name is mrjamboy98

188 Name: N.U_Y. : 2015-08-09 19:01 ID:yGMJuw7h [Del]

My name is N.U_Y. add meh

189 Name: harukatsuki : 2015-08-09 19:04 ID:EpmqaedE [Del]

Kimmichelle1912 add me!

190 Name: Blanc : 2015-09-12 01:28 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


191 Name: Hexor GG : 2015-09-12 02:00 ID:MJmyUZ3c [Del]

zeus.zeus5 add !

192 Name: yogo : 2015-09-12 02:57 ID:p9w7mXkf [Del]

hey miwi! I'm in the last Skype group but would you mind adding me to this new one? I'm yvonnegone

193 Name: Hiroki : 2015-11-01 04:23 ID:/t3q3VbQ [Del]

I've just send you a msg !

194 Name: Eustace_Kid : 2015-11-01 06:48 ID:nlvdi/g/ [Del]

I'm EustaceKidGr

195 Name: kuro : 2015-11-01 07:31 ID:7WtyFLeL [Del]

ankuro12, add me :)

196 Name: kanra : 2015-11-01 14:02 ID:35Urc1n1 [Del]

zeyad.zeyad955 add !!

197 Name: tazz : 2015-11-01 17:30 ID:J+5EwpWO [Del]

My Skype is tanzz99

198 Name: Blanc : 2015-11-04 17:20 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]


199 Name: mrsqueaky : 2015-11-04 17:21 ID:IzUV4X7R [Del]

my skype is katsu teh magician

200 Name: Raziel : 2015-11-04 17:22 ID:BeuJLx/l [Del]

the emails is all we need, if you want to meet irl then just meet up.

201 Post deleted by user.

202 Name: CreeperComando : 2016-07-17 21:04 ID:5geMWjhB [Del]

My skype name is the same as my Dollars username, CreeperComando

203 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-07-18 00:55 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]


204 Name: Verden veeren : 2016-09-08 08:48 ID:mNrPKYU7 [Del]

I would like to be in any skype groups that are out there feel free to add me ^^
Skype: verden veeren

205 Name: firelily (A COMPUTER FINALLY) : 2016-09-12 18:15 ID:0ciXBLQ/ [Del]


206 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-09-22 19:05 ID:7xfy20OD [Del]


207 Name: Zer0Tonashi : 2016-09-23 09:18 ID:hW5TlQy4 [Del]

Skype: zer0tonahisaitou

208 Name: firelily (A COMPUTER FINALLY) : 2016-09-24 13:15 ID:erKbdm7s [Del]


209 Name: firelily : 2016-09-29 16:24 ID:erKbdm7s [Del]


210 Name: firelily : 2016-10-09 12:33 ID:erKbdm7s [Del]

legit everything is permasaged =_=

211 Post deleted by user.

212 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-06-25 20:30 ID:hv5w63xm [Del]

who bumped this. . .this is 2 years old. Nobody uses skype anymore.


213 Name: Ryuugamine Dotachin : 2017-06-26 16:06 ID:Xk2o8wU8 [Del]

Necropost anyone? Lol
