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What would be ONE thing to change about this world? (53)

1 Name: Nam : 2014-11-16 02:31 ID:xSOy4WYu [Del]

Hi, Dollars.
This world has changed so much over the millions of years that passed by. Lifestyle, people's views, facilities and so much more.
I wonder if you hate the way this world is controlled by us humans. Do you? Do you not?
And if you could change only ONE thing about this world to make it a little bit more fair for you, what would it be?
Or perhaps your happy and do not wish to change a thing?

2 Name: HornedAngel : 2014-11-16 02:43 ID:zBoAGzn6 [Del]

Kill all humans. Let nature be in charge.

3 Name: Lady Reah : 2014-11-16 02:49 ID:EpqLuYtv [Del]

aw, nothing to do me with me and this world, but i love how i live until today .. its ok if just like this ~

4 Name: Izaya : 2014-11-16 03:52 ID:rFj+tx4x [Del]

"This world is accursed and accursed is what it contains..."
This world truly an evil place those who don't realise that are either ignorant or in denial. The excuse"there is more good than bad " is invalid as we all have done something wrong and if even the good commit evil that doesn't evil dominates.

5 Name: Lady Reah : 2014-11-16 04:01 ID:2aiQOoeE [Del]

@izaya . i dont really understand it

6 Name: Satan : 2014-11-16 06:51 ID:hEqW8m3G [Del]

Heh one thing? It's unreal. The world is broken. Except in the subject line. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

7 Name: souki chan : 2014-11-16 11:35 ID:1qYiptVy [Del]

this world is sick and also who live in it, everything have to change, it's painful to realize the situation of how we live ... this is not fair at all if we just look around we will see the truth , the adult maybe do not understand or they mean to not understand
it's really Frustrating and Disappointing. guys if we grow old please do the good Whenever we could we are not perfect but we want to be perfect ...

8 Name: Tourin : 2014-11-16 12:15 ID:hErpOOG4 [Del]

I wouldn't change anything in this world, If I did change it I would not be what I am today~

9 Name: Nagisa : 2014-11-16 12:56 ID:23037Zj3 [Del]

I think the world isnt as bad a place as it seem.

10 Name: Nagisa : 2014-11-16 12:57 ID:23037Zj3 [Del]

I dont want to change anything cause change will happen by itself.

11 Name: Zoe : 2014-11-17 06:14 ID:USjAXQqY [Del]

I believe everything is born with its reasons, so even if I hate something, I'll learn to cope with it and I want to change it by myself. P/S : not related, but Nam, are you Vietnamese?

12 Name: Lacrimosa : 2014-11-17 07:33 ID:z327HPyE [Del]

The world is an uneven place. For lack of better words there is no balance the world is at a tipping point but in which direction are we going? Prosperity or Destruction? It's the key choices many people have to make everyday on how we are going to move forward. So try to make yourself one of the very individuals that points us towards Prosperity. I believe everyone of us can do that.

13 Name: Gotssan : 2014-11-17 08:06 ID:Y9Pq/r9m [Del]

I just want people to think with their own head. Lately, around me, I've been seeing people that look the same, act the same and judge every other person who doesn't fit in the ideals that they're so desperately trying to fit in. It's like they're trying to be a part of the stereotype because they think that, if they're not, they'll be considered freaks like they consider those other people freaks. There are tons of closed-minded people who can't even understand people are very, very, very different. They all think that they'll be loved as long as they look like everyone else and they're not even trying to be themselves anymore, like I said, they don't think with their own head. But that's just the impression I've been getting lately, ever since I moved to this big city. I can't possibly know what this huge world is all like. ^^

14 Name: trekmanLIVE : 2014-11-17 09:15 ID:Ev+m2N/p [Del]

I'd like people to feel more empathy towards each other. Love each other a bit (or a lot) more.

15 Name: Nam : 2014-11-17 11:32 ID:xSOy4WYu [Del]

@Zoe Ah, no I'm not. Nam is just my nickname :)

16 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-20 14:14 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


17 Name: Aia : 2014-11-20 19:35 ID:TknOD/w5 [Del]

Change? Hmmm... I think I would like to change it would be one person's overly harmful selfishness.

18 Name: Crimson : 2014-11-20 20:14 ID:+TV7f9GZ [Del]

I wouldn't want to change anything, every thing happens for a reason, whether it's good or bad, the result is going to have an impact on life and what not. But if you really wanna one needs those.

19 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-11-20 22:19 ID:2vVIlM2s [Del]

I agree with >>18 and other than warts, I'd probably change the process of having babies. Maybe instead of a human being coming out of a woman it could you know just come out of a test tube or something...I don't know.

20 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-11-20 22:45 ID:bU8B7DRu [Del]

>>19 yeah, some things would be great if they were easier, not just because humans are lazy, but because some things, how they are, the pain isn't necessary. e.g. birth, as said by Lovely. Because a human baby is actually supposed to stay inside for a year, but the human body simply can't take it, if I could change the pain that doesn't need to be in life, then that is what I would change.

21 Name: Pikachu : 2014-11-21 04:39 ID:+hBwe1VZ [Del]

If had a wish to change something in this world,
I would just simply want that everyone in this world were free from diseases or any disability.

22 Name: Klein : 2014-11-21 05:39 ID:a/WY5xWE [Del]

If that happens, the world would have been over populated. Not to mention poverty, crimes, and other stuff.

If there were a thing I would like to change about this world... Is maybe to change the way how people would descriminate against one another, and stop war. Probably. *laughs*

23 Name: DRIson : 2014-11-21 08:05 ID:F0VuYmCG [Del]

we all wish we could change something about this world but sadly we cant or the balance of something and we would porblebly ruin everything for the human race ^^

24 Name: phant0m : 2014-11-21 08:40 ID:CPcEp52P [Del]

i really wanna change the society there is today.

25 Name: Teikyo-Sha : 2014-11-21 11:14 ID:mNJzHCm6 [Del]

I would change transit or the economy. Cars and vehicles are not a necessity if we chose to use the technology to create better ways of transit, like hover boards xD jk. When it comes to the economy, I would change the taxes so that you don't have to be in a job that requires degrees to get by, you can at least get by with a part time job while your in school.

26 Name: FigeroTheCat : 2014-11-21 11:35 ID:praQLBVU [Del]

computers would become less the forefront of education and imagination to be replaced with books and kinesthetic learning

27 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-21 12:00 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

bring about true civil liberty wouldn't you like to really be free an not just hear that you are ween your really not

28 Name: Hedgehog : 2014-11-21 13:28 ID:EI000ABt [Del]

I wish i could disappear

29 Name: Sadir : 2014-11-21 13:32 ID:5KijPStc [Del]

I would want to collapse society, and watch how many people can truly stick to the things they call 'morals', 'friendships','ethics' etc, see how humans survive without all their pretences...

30 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-11-21 14:34 ID:6eLsAbx/ [Del]

>>29 I used to want to do that too, then I actually found out how shitty that is. I pray you never have to.

The people you want to suffer already do, in their own way. There's no point in wishing it further.

31 Name: Tri-Edge : 2014-11-21 15:22 ID:wRsLfLHb [Del]

I cannot really say that I hate how the world is run by humans, but I do hate the social evils that we produce in the name of society and progress. I try not to sound like I'm above my fellow humans, as just about any of us is as evil as the next guy (just my opinion), however I do find myself most often disappointed at the world as a whole. If I could change one thing about human nature, it would be its ignorance. I'd like to cut that away so that creativity and understanding could bloom, and hopefully lead to the future that humanity has yearned for, and not the one its seemingly headed to.

32 Name: Sadir : 2014-11-21 15:34 ID:5KijPStc [Del]

>>30 I don't particularly want them to suffer, what I want to see is if they can truly stick to their morals etc...

33 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-21 16:28 ID:FwsnvXpS [Del]

I give humanity another 20 years tops probably less though

34 Name: Krilanma : 2014-11-21 16:33 ID:hh/ntJNM [Del]

I would do absolutely nothing in this world because I don't give a damn about it. But I have been bullied ever since I went to school. I WOULD KILL ALL BULLIES AND STOP SUCIDE. There happy.

35 Name: kenpachi : 2014-11-21 23:17 ID:yPQ5ZwXX [Del]

I would end homicide and stop others from attempting rape

36 Name: Hikari : 2014-11-21 23:35 ID:4e4p4gLg [Del]

It's better if we discuss the way to the point than the result itself. Any idea?

37 Name: Chrome : 2014-11-22 10:09 ID:8Oi+qr7n [Del]

I'd like more exciting things to happen~

38 Name: 静雄!RWAtHKJj2M : 2014-11-22 10:54 ID:bVFlGuAF [Del]

This isn't really an answer to your question but it's sortof relevant I guess. While I was rewatching Psycho-Pass and they mentioned how people became extremely reliant on anti-stress medication that without things that might excite them and hence cause them to stress, they became desensitized to reality. At this point in time I questioned whether a utopia really is the best kind of outcome, for everyone. Just my two cents

39 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-22 14:35 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]

I'd like to see an equal amount of men and women calling the shots in the world. We need to balance out the rage of humankind with some femininity.

40 Name: Rogue : 2014-11-22 14:55 ID:B5ftBUwL [Del]

Just more respect for our fellow becoming of one race, the human race, and not segregated...acceptance from one another and showing more kindness.. it would be a really refreshing change from the hatred I see day to day...

That's why I joined the make a difference and meet people who want to do the same! ^w^

...That and being more eco friendly but that's another different thing all together and not as related... ^^'

41 Name: Artic : 2014-11-22 14:56 ID:swA652b2 [Del]

I think what you think of the world depends on you and your situation and if you want to change the world you have to try and change your situation if you want the world to be nicer than be nicer if you want the world to be more exciting than try things you find exciting and i think the dollars are a great start to this we can change lots things

42 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-22 15:05 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]

>> Rogue Very well put.
>> Artic You're right. We always the immediate power to change ourselves. Everything else is just granted by other people.

43 Name: ShadowCake : 2014-11-22 18:11 ID:3fTnA8oP [Del]

well i'd like for evil to go away but then that would make stuff more boring so can i change it so we can have anime characters in this world? i would love all anime characters in this world but imagine how messed up it would be i mean we would have demons, angels, shinigamis, colour gangs, people with powers, ninjas etc

44 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-22 20:17 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

your face if it gets to close to mine

45 Name: YoiHatashi : 2014-11-22 22:01 ID:UOAmdvPN [Del]

We could always try to be less violent. I mean, it's not like I'm asking for a perfect world here, it would just be nice if we could get a little more order in our world. There are just s o many bad things going on that are just throwing our world into deeper chaos than it's already in. A world where we wouldn't have to start some sort of war or riot over everything would be great. If we could get rid of just some amount of violence somewhere in the world, our world would already be closer to being safer and more peaceful.

46 Name: XNightWhisperX : 2014-11-22 23:39 ID:vXclSOO7 [Del]

There's nothing to change in this pathetic world...JK!

47 Name: Miko : 2014-11-23 00:10 ID:qmCCK+F5 [Del]

To bring anime characters to life

48 Name: Rin-the newbie : 2014-11-23 01:04 ID:uDx3PF8S [Del]

Miko...I totally agree with you as anime world would more likely to be more peace than ours.

49 Name: Miko : 2014-11-23 01:11 ID:qmCCK+F5 [Del]

>>48 I know right? I'd be awesome if ouran was reality...

50 Name: Rin-the newbie : 2014-11-23 01:13 ID:uDx3PF8S [Del]

Lol....I will be more excited if naruto world really exist...

51 Name: Shirai-san : 2014-11-23 02:25 ID:9I9zFQHu [Del]

>>50 Go go Naruto!

52 Name: darkness sword : 2014-11-23 02:39 ID:ADnVIwrJ [Del]

i personally would like it if more random and exciting stuff to happen

53 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-23 10:46 ID:gQHaJYuw [Del]

>>1 "I wonder if you hate the way this world is controlled by us humans", that's some communist bullshit you're saying right there, AMERICA!
If one thing could change in this world I would want it to be a world where different country's, ideals or politics didn't separate us. Basically a world without boarders.