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Does technology cause societal stress? Or will do so it in the future? (7)

1 Name: nephthys : 2014-11-07 10:23 ID:T4TS2IYP [Del]

Technology is constantly evolving. Humans are always trying to create something new, something better. Change comes out of dissatisfaction, but can change be the cause of dissatisfaction? For instance, consider the Google Glass. At any given moment someone could be recording any given situation. For that matter the same could be done with any recording device we should implement into everyday life. And there's always the fear that robots may one day overthrow us (along with the more rational idea that they'll rob us of our jobs). So thoughts: What kind of problems could arise from what appears on the outside to be a wonderful thing, and do the pros balance out the cons?

2 Name: Ryu-kun : 2014-11-07 11:06 ID:OXL7ATN3 [Del]

I have nothing else to say, that as technology evolves, so does our ability to hack evolve. I wonder if the robots DO overthrow us, maybe the people will need the hackers' help to surpass the robots.

3 Name: Cryptic : 2014-11-07 13:09 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]

>>2 Me? xD

4 Name: DanceDance!Mk9ZUbMVmg : 2014-11-07 14:14 ID:QTYaPs/O [Del]

I could see robots taking jobs being a real worry, but you have to remember - the more robots there are, the more robot producers we'll need, the more people researching new robot technology, the more robot repairmen. I don't think it will exactly take away jobs, it will just shift them around a lot.

5 Name: Akiza : 2014-11-07 17:57 ID:7sE39JtJ [Del]

Well, I believe that the technology will have a major impact on our future many things will happen in the next few decades, and I think that no one can say exactly how it will look in the future. But one thing is certain, no matter what it always will be, we will be monitored

6 Name: Serafina : 2014-11-07 18:17 ID:i41h+b2E [Del]

I think the new ability to use your IPhone to pay is a bit of a double edged sword. Yes it's very convenient but it's also very easy to hack into. If you think about all the possibilities that could go wrong it doesn't seem like a very nice idea... I feel like if we keep producing things out of convenience something wrong is bound to happen.

7 Name: Kappa : 2014-11-07 18:22 ID:jFdC1X4s [Del]

It does cause social stress. Have you noticed how someone can text another person all they want to, yet, you get those same two people in a room together and it seems like that can't say a word to each other. The social anxiety that comes from this is more common among introverts in my opinion. With that being said, I think it is making introverts of us all. We let it control us.