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Is war good or bad (20)

1 Name: Shh... Secret : 2014-10-27 21:37 ID:0rrHnbPK [Del]

My social studies creature recently asked this question. 'Is war good or bad?' Most students said bad, as expected, but they really had no reasoning behind their answer.

My answer was, 'War is usually bad. It is an immature way to solve problems between countries, that generally causes more problems rather than solve them. If the leaders of countries cannot solve the problems of the countries they lead with words, they are not fit to be leaders. Rather than use violence, and potentially kill innocent people, they should work out their problems with words. This, however, is not always possible. For example, if Germany fired a bomb at the U.S, and refused to attend a 'meeting' to discuss how to solve whatever problems they were worked up about, and threatened to send another bomb, than the U.S should send a bomb back to prevent more deaths of U.S citizens. I'm not saying that it would be preferrable to have Germans die rather than Americans, but it is a leaders duty to protect their country, thus if they could choose between doing nothing and letting Germany continue to kill Americans, or fight back and kill Germans, then it is the leaders duty to choose what would be best for his/her country.

War, though sometimes necessary, is wrong.'

Tell me, what do you think about the question? Please give me your opinion on the matter! Am I right? What do you think?

2 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-27 21:47 ID:jHp+dbW8 [Del]

War so so good humans need the chaos muhahahahahaha

3 Name: SilentThunder : 2014-10-28 05:27 ID:QrZ3SvQK [Del]

I agree with ya

4 Name: Grim666 : 2014-10-28 07:48 ID:h0tkLiSU [Del]

It depends some wars are completely useless but sometimes countries need a bit of warfare for the greater good. That and if we didn't have war so many jobs would never have existed.

5 Name: Creeper : 2014-10-28 07:57 ID:YSUhrSNc [Del]

War is an inevitable part of existence. Each side will have their own reasons to fight, and each side will be right because right and wrong are subjective. It is unfortunate when people die. It is unfortunate that people are sometimes unable to reconcile their differences and work things out in other ways, but that is the nature of humanity. Even when we find peaceful solutions, war always comes again. At the risk of looking ridiculous, I'm going to quote "Mockingjay."

"Now we’re in that sweet period where everyone agrees that our recent horrors should never be repeated. But collective thinking is usually short-lived. We’re fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction."

It's slightly out of context, but relevant.

In the grand scheme of things, war is neither good nor bad. War just IS.

6 Name: Stalker : 2014-10-28 08:00 ID:9XFm85ex [Del]

I thing War is bad.. all people want to freedom..

7 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-28 12:36 ID:g7uhYy6g [Del]

But there is no such thing as freedom hehe so y not war is fun muhahahahahaha

8 Name: Sadir : 2014-10-28 14:21 ID:11BnKuBJ [Del]

War is merely an argument on a greater scale, when two people who have power disagree with each other it naturally causes a larger effect than, for example, if two school-children got into an argument. War is therefore an attempt to benefit the people in power, no matter how it is disguised. But, since good and evil are relative terms, whether war is good or evil depends on you personally, and your illusionary morals. However, if you take it down to true human nature, their desires, it is only natural. Animals fight all the time, whether to protect 'their' territory, loved ones etc... Is human war truly any different? It is merely that humans are more destructive...

9 Name: ezebius : 2014-10-28 15:08 ID:J0oknhC9 [Del]

Im against all war.Except if its a unified rebellion against an already existing tyrant.But still if a just cause is responsible for genocides than that cause is not just.I think that humans have not evolved enough to find a right solution to war.All people need to stop war in my opinion is to completely understand each other,if you could completely understand some german man(for example) like you understand your mother,father or sibling you would have no reason for hating him.Misunderstanding each other is the reason we wage war on each other.

10 Name: schoolgirl : 2014-10-28 15:50 ID:JRl67ijY [Del]

I must say it was rather amusing your whole sentence .. but i will say this ! War its not about good or bad or solving problems rather using words .. its a tool to make the things you want yours and i mean the presidents and the loyers ofcourse and other bigshot names who control the country .. so to get to the point .. no you are not wrong but not right either !

11 Name: Ombree : 2014-10-28 16:06 ID:FVKZnFR8 [Del]

You will rarely see a situation where war is inevitable. You can for example team up with other countries and stop sending stuff to the 'bad guys', forcing them to behave. There's always a way to prevent violence.

12 Name: Chäos : 2014-10-28 17:52 ID:2bPjDdMQ [Del]

War is a fantastic thing. It is a great way to settle disputes, because really, who cares about the writings of a bunch of men that we must take as important documents. Though some may disagree, war is the only true way to solve a problem between countries (Which, like the papers signed by men, are a bunch of landmasses drawn up and given lines and borders, so nonexistent).

Oh, and it is a way to prevent overpopulation...which, without war, would probably be a rather large issue...though if anyone has something that disproves this, please say so.

13 Name: Farixs : 2014-10-28 18:00 ID:94mnAFZf [Del]

War isn't even that huge of a population control. War kills barely anybody when compared to disease or just natural causes. War isn't fantastic I would say. Humans are naturally belligerent creatures, however i believe that if you were sent to the fight, war wouldn't be so "fantastic"then.

14 Name: Chäos : 2014-10-28 18:08 ID:2bPjDdMQ [Del]

Ah, okay, thank you for the population part, I wasn't sure on that...

15 Name: Mi-san~ : 2014-10-28 18:15 ID:Fm6oTdJG [Del]

War is not always the right way out of the situation and it can be avoided. But not all countries can peacefully negotiate with each other, then witnout wars can not out!

16 Name: Luna : 2014-10-28 18:54 ID:0rcn9Psa [Del]

Even though war is sometimes necessary it is still wrong. Even with that in mind it won't stop them. The leaders should try to talk it out more and at least try again not just give up. It is not right to just send out war, but it is the desire of them. Like Mi-san~ said not all countries can peacefully negotiate with each other and with war it's the only way they can come up with a solution.

17 Name: Gragertin : 2014-10-28 21:50 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

How many of these threads do we honestly need, Im certain I've seen the same type of thread on here before *sigh*

18 Name: ☰ragnarok☰ : 2014-10-29 00:13 ID:wh44RSgg [Del]

War is 50/50
or 50% bad and 50% good
or non of the above.

19 Name: Romulus(Im a girl so no bad ideas) : 2014-10-29 00:15 ID:vWs5NQv8 [Del]

It's competently good as long as you are Mikado. If only my big brother was Shizuo...

20 Name: MISSINGNO : 2015-01-09 20:05 ID:wa3lPWBo [Del]

Just watching, this site is very good...