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isis western recruitment (47)

1 Name: Ice : 2014-10-23 19:10 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]

Hey not sure if there is a specific place where this should go. I apologize in advance if there is.

So I'm sure that many of you have heard the news about the man in Canada who joined Isis and Shoot a military personal in the back.

I have a question for all of you. How do you feel/ what are your thought's about Isis and their western recruitment operations?

2 Name: Ice : 2014-10-23 19:12 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]

well Aside from the News board. not sure how I missed that...

let me clarify. This is not about the news but rather about the concept of their recruitment and about Isis themselves.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-23 19:45 ID:hjblM5gL [Del]

Its crazy someone would attack canada. Hopefully stuff like this doesnt continue.

4 Name: MASON : 2014-10-23 19:48 ID:mYkuXvzn [Del]

I unerstand wht isis is going through but their methods are comletely wrong. in that case i dont like them.

5 Name: Ice : 2014-10-23 19:51 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]

but their ideal? what do you think about them?

6 Name: KuroKaze : 2014-10-23 20:50 ID:Vky5Ue5Q [Del]

I think Harper could have been more cautious about his speech. I think his pride caused ISIS members to be upset about his decision and the reason that they carried out the shooting. Right now, all military related organizations (ex Cadets) and all military units have been banned from wearing uniforms and most of their activities has been put on hiatus. Also, there is a current debate about refraining the public from visiting Parliament Hill. You can say the situation in Canada has become quite serious. On top of that, it is about time a new election is called, but by the looks of things an election may not be in Harper's favour. I do not know how Canada will cope with all of these domestic troubles as well as international issues, I just hope things will not get worse even if the probability is low.

7 Name: MASON : 2014-10-23 20:55 ID:mYkuXvzn [Del]

I think that isis is bad because they kill people

8 Name: KuroKaze : 2014-10-23 21:19 ID:Vky5Ue5Q [Del]

>>7 that is a really shallow reason. you cant simply judge people based on that. In no way am i supporting ISIS or against it. during wwi, the british killed germans, but based on your statement are the british bad people? saying people are "bad" simply they "kill people" is a really invalid argument. some people kill out of revenge for their loved ones, are they really "bad people" simply because they want to avenge their loved ones. Please think before you post recklessly. regardless about whether ISIS is right or wrong, it is just ignorant to judge it based on the fact that "they kill people". from the perspective of some canadians, yes. but to people in their countries, the are heros.

9 Name: Shirai-san : 2014-10-23 23:35 ID:aveemXLd [Del]

Well, I see your point, however. Isis may be killing people, but there must be a reason.

10 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-10-23 23:47 ID:Z5IsR0Rl [Del]

In Canada, it was only one guy who did anything. ISIS didn't go into Canada like many think. He wasn't even under orders by ISIS. He took shit upon himself.

11 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-10-23 23:48 ID:Z5IsR0Rl [Del]

^Not saying you all think it. It's just the guy took shit upon himself.

12 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-24 00:52 ID:KMinb/EK [Del]

>>8>>9 The reason they kill people is because they disagree with them. These people are extremists who can't tolerate the idea that someone believes differently than they do.

And actually, they aren't heroes to people in their countries. They're at war with the actual nation of Syria, and the only reason the Syrian rebels aren't fighting them t the moment, is because they both want to reclaim Syria. Other Muslims even condemn them.

13 Name: Rena : 2014-10-24 11:52 ID:3ECs0Hj/ [Del]

I hate people sometimes. But if I hate them, does that mean I wanna kill them? No way. It's better to let that person you hate keep living so that later in life, they may eventually come to pity and agony over the dumb shit they've done. Then they can either seek help. Or they might commit suicide. O_O

14 Name: iBroker : 2014-10-24 14:54 ID:OwRnzjCb [Del]

>>13 If only the people actually did. The world isn't that nice, if they die sooner or later the have still sinned and will be punished. That's all there is to it.

15 Name: KuroKaze : 2014-10-24 18:30 ID:Vky5Ue5Q [Del]

The reason the guy shot the Canadian soldier is because it was like an entrance exam to the ISIS. I do not thing it is right to kill, but I can see that why are unhappy due to disagreeing point of views (regardless of who is right or wrong). I just hope that it will end well for the general public :P

16 Name: Ice : 2014-10-25 20:11 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]


17 Name: ShinAttha : 2014-10-25 20:25 ID:5oqf3URb [Del]

I think that ISIS's actions are actually very sensible. There is a lot going wrong in their region and of course they flee to religion. For people who have to suffer a lot everyday, their believes are incredibly important, so I can see how they might go to extremes for faith or for a change in their state of affairs. Overall, I can understand ISIS and think they are miserable.
However, in the essence of my being, I consider our way of life to be much more rational and especially ethically correct than theirs. This much is obvious to most of us, nonetheless I feel inclined to be as impartial as possible. So from my point of view, ISIS needs to be crushed. An organisation that leads such an agressive expansion and is morally corrupted to its core must not exist. Still, I would like to mention that the members are mostly just misled by their environment.

18 Name: ShinAttha : 2014-10-25 20:27 ID:5oqf3URb [Del]

>>17 well uhm... impartial in the first part and my personal opinnion in the second, just to make sure everyone understands.

19 Name: Stranger : 2014-10-25 23:26 ID:X3gNWe6E [Del]

We had something similar happen here in Australia... except ours was a 17 year old went missing and turned up a month later in an ISIS video directly addressing our priminister, Tony Abbot. Below is a link to a news article about it.

Unfortunately, I wish it was just their environment that causes them to be mislead... I think its more these people have very smooth tongues and pretty words for those who might not be happy with their lives.

20 Name: Chow : 2014-10-26 01:53 ID:swk4adGw [Del]

I hope ISIS succeed in what they are fighting for.

21 Name: Chronos !XieTj415EY : 2014-10-26 07:33 ID:BP1jGZVi [Del]

ISIS is just another name for the Sunni. Primarily, they're killing other Iraqis and Syrians for not conforming to their view of Islam.

Yes, they are a "threat" to the west, but only as terrorists. They will never have their Jihad (Holy War) because they will never be strong enough to challenge the west militarily.

I say, just concentrate on national security. Trying to take down ISIS in their homeland is a waste of time. Let the Iraqi and Syrian governments fend for themselves.

22 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-26 18:11 ID:EpAwy0VV [Del]

>>21 Don't forget that the Nazi party was once just a political party in Germany. Look what happened to them.

23 Name: Izanagi : 2014-10-26 18:20 ID:2Chdxsm2 [Del]

They suck
Killing is bad

24 Name: Izanagi : 2014-10-26 18:21 ID:2Chdxsm2 [Del]

Let them starve ;)

25 Name: Eigo : 2014-10-26 20:19 ID:HZv9H/cV [Del]

Well like any waring faction they will obviously try to get as many warriors as they can, and anyone who is capable of seeing them as a force of good most likely would end up as criminals sooner or later so I suppose they do help in culling out the criminals from the herd...

But that is as far as I am going to commend them for anything!
Personally I think the only reason they have not been exterminated yet is because they are sort of keeping their business at home and not imposing too much on the rest of the world.
People all over the western world fear them and dread their approach, me? I long for the day they step out from their homes and give the rest of the world an undeniable reason to retaliate! Do anyone actually believe that they can stand up to the armies of say, the EU, Russia or America?

26 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-26 20:26 ID:EpAwy0VV [Del]

>>25 Yes. Because you're not fighting a political faction. You're fighting an (extremist) idea. Simply "winning" engagements won't count for anything if they continue to spread their values and ideas.

27 Name: Jonetsu : 2014-10-26 20:42 ID:70O1xjUl [Del]

I agree; this fight can't be won by beating up one country or another, you have to go for the ideology. I think Islam is really a religion of peace, so anyone who kills innocents but acts as though they're doing it in the name of a peacefull faith really get under my skin.

28 Name: Eigo : 2014-10-26 20:44 ID:HZv9H/cV [Del]

>>26 But their extremist "ideals" are far too exclusive for them to really spread much more than they already have, and all they preach is war. their whole existence is built upon strife and so they will grow stronger with every victory and the only way to stop them sadly is with force.
They are nothing but a marching army not belonging to this world and so they will only be stopped by forceful removal from it, sounds harsh I know but I do think it is the only way.

29 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-26 23:43 ID:EpAwy0VV [Del]

>>28 No they aren't. Their ideals will spread to others who are inclined to think the same way. This kind of shit has been going on since the crusades.

But yes, you can only remove them by force. These kind of people would rather die than be captured or turned from the cause, and you can't reason with people like that.

30 Name: Ice : 2014-10-27 16:14 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]


31 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-27 18:38 ID:jHp+dbW8 [Del]

The chaos is beautiful muhahahahahaha

32 Name: Ice : 2014-10-28 21:03 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]


33 Name: Sekai : 2014-10-28 21:45 ID:d+Gba4xQ [Del]

Yay more killing of each other

34 Name: Izaya : 2014-10-28 21:47 ID:jHp+dbW8 [Del]

Hehe yes that's it my humans that's it muhahahahahaha

35 Name: Sekai : 2014-10-28 21:53 ID:d+Gba4xQ [Del]

wait wot?
im human?

36 Name: Purity : 2014-10-28 22:44 ID:kngZRF7P [Del]

ISIS Is starting to become a more and more real threat, but I'm more concerned about ebola right now

37 Name: Stalker : 2014-10-28 23:03 ID:9XFm85ex [Del]

ahh.. I dont know

38 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-28 23:26 ID:LhjI214z [Del]

ebola is just a fad

39 Name: Ice : 2014-10-29 21:09 ID:OB/HbMHC [Del]


40 Name: LedoJaeger : 2014-10-29 21:31 ID:RHEFBwOT [Del]

I believe that Isis is a great threat to the world and an aggressive force that ultimately seeks the destruction of Americans and Jews, so I'm against them full force. Time will tell to see how strong they become or if they'll falter

41 Name: yoyo12 : 2014-10-29 21:55 ID:1zc3f1ME [Del]

Just clariying to everyone that isis does not represent islam at all. Isis may say they do it in in name of islam but they dont. I am a muslim myself and it honestly just makes me so mad that they use islam as a reason to kill when the quran says clearly that killing is wrong and a sin and its morally wrong as well.

42 Name: yoyo12 : 2014-10-29 21:56 ID:1zc3f1ME [Del]

isis honestly just needs to be stopped

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Name: Joan : 2014-10-30 08:19 ID:PKd3/vt+ [Del]


45 Name: Mana : 2014-10-30 12:18 ID:2gh/EDs0 [Del]

It needs to be stopped before they do what the Nazis did but giving them guns and other things in place of hostages if just adding fuel to the flame. I'm sure many of you won't agree with that and that's fine, I understand why but not giving them what they want will save more lives in the future.

46 Name: ANONYMOUS : 2014-10-30 17:37 ID:1+rhBIdm [Del]


47 Name: isis : 2014-10-30 17:42 ID:1+rhBIdm [Del]

PASSWORD : recruitment of c>1