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Reply with your Argument & facts/statements to back yourself up (51)

1 Name: YDP : 2014-09-18 01:48 ID:YK0B4e7q [Del]

Hello Others, I go by many names on this BBS, but my true name is YDP. Onto business;

I want everybody to reply with their views on my question.

Why are humans so reluctant to disbelieve in god? (I say it with a lowercase , because I will not respect it as a proper noun"

This day in age, with so much technology, were still at wars with others to see, who's "God" is better. When we as a race could have been past this centuries ago.

I'm agnostic~~~ therefore I don't have religion, but if anything.. I guess you could say I have some Christian Atheist beliefs.
So can somebody explain to me, why people reject Atheist (such as Christian atheism) and agnostic beliefs? Maybe it will give me some insight as to how people see the world. And yes there is a difference in Atheism & Agnostic Ideals.

For those who don't know what these mean, Google it, but in short:
Atheism: Rejection of a single "God" like being
Agnostic Beliefs: Rejection of anything pertaining to religion, and that our lives are based off History & Science~~ this is a very broad meaning, and can go different ways based on agnostic type.

Sorry for the long thread!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-18 01:58 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]


Check out Christian Gnosticism, OP.

3 Name: YDP : 2014-09-18 02:08 ID:YK0B4e7q [Del]

Sorry, I wasn't asking to reply with another religion, but as to why people believe In religions in the first place, would be my question. A sort of... Speculation.

4 Name: YDP : 2014-09-18 02:15 ID:YK0B4e7q [Del]

And I say this not as if it's irrelevant. But ever since I was younger, I hated how people thanked god for things they accomplished by their own hard work. Like the Dollars for example. Or when things go wrong they don't blame god.
Everything good came from god, and everything wrong came from people or "satan". I hated that Barbaric view of life

5 Name: Anonime : 2014-09-18 09:29 ID:fWLEa4zA [Del]

From my religion's pov, everyone thanked to god because the god itself that give us strength to accomplished something. But, it would be wrong if you call everything wrong came from people, since the god already make some "scenario" to our life. The barbaric view that you've know also a part of karma, where—how you put into..—everyone will have their act payed as their act be. In other word, mostly someone who do good things will get something good as return and someone who do bad things will get something good as return, even though not every good or bad thing will get something same as they do in return, in other words, you can say that they will get something return as equal to what they've do, no matter if that's good or bad. And also, unlike our thought or pov that different each othwr, the god has an 'ultimate truth' which is something that must be obeyed to the religion's followers, or you'll got the punishment.

Back to the real topic (Just realized this a little bit off topic), usually people reject the atheism and agnostic (even myself, to be honest) because we think that it was 'wrong' in our pov, or—in other words—it just doesn't make any sense, if there's no god, how we can alive? Are the materials—such as air, water, life, earth—or even this world could be there in first place, without a 'creator'? Just like everything that we made, was it possible to have ia thing create by itself without the existence of the creator? That's our reason why we believe that god is exist, altough it doesn't have 'refined' or 'undefined' form.

That's my pov about this kind problem. I might've been wrong for some people, and sorry if I makes you uncomfortable to read this (since I'm not a native speaker) or the content, I only share my thoughts as reply. Have a nice day~♪

6 Name: Yso : 2014-09-18 10:46 ID:NDwYbLuL [Del]

"More reluctant to disbelieve in God" would mean people are usually choosing to believe in God than otherwise. Maybe this was your intention, but I said it for clarification purposes.

As for myself, I see it the other way around. I see less and less people choosing to believe in God, however this changes depending on where you go. If you want an explanation of why people choose that, really, you can get a different explanation from each person. Every person who decides to follow a religion or a belief do it for a reason which they find appropriate. For example, some people actually wish to seek the truth and believe in what seems to be the most probable of situations, while others get into a religion simply for self-benefit (like finding inner peace or w/e). So your question does not really have a single answer, it all varies from person to person.

I myself do believe in Christ and choose to follow him, but similarly to you, I do not really follow a religion (mainly traditions and religious practices). However, when it comes to things such as prayer, loving others, seeking the truth, and reading/studying the bible, I take extremely seriously.

Why have I chosen to believe in God and Christ? Well, it's kind of a long story. I was raised by Christian parents, and ever since a child I kind of believed in Christ, however I did not really take this faith seriously only until I became around 15 years old. It was at that point where I began to learn more and more about Christ and other things related to Christianity. I guess you can say, the things found in the bible make a lot of sense of where our universe came from, how we all came about, and the actual purpose for everything. Over time my faith became stronger through personal experiences and the more I learned of Christ. I could share with you some of my personal experiences, however, it would be up to you to make your own conclusions from them. You can choose to believe them or not. Also, these experiences are things people have to experience on their own to truly understand. People take different paths, even within religions, whether it be Christianity, Islam, or whatever. People have many variations of interpretations of the bible, it can be confusing, however to me, I believe it requires that a person constantly tries to disprove the facts to ensure that they are legitimate; it requires that people do not label others for believing otherwise, particularly when that belief is not essential for salvation (in Christianity); and also requires revelation from God for the real truth and deeper meanings. If everyone did this, we would see a lot more solid arguments than the garbage people build their faith upon today.

For example, unlike what most people believe, the bible doesn't actually go against the theory of the big bang, while as for evolution it is somewhat foggy, however I think it's more of a personal choice to believe in that or not. The bible isn't really clear about the creation of the universe and humankind, many people like to take it in a literal sense which doesn't really work.
And as many think, I believe God and science go hand-in-hand, rather than science being a tool to "disprove" God, I think it's a tool to better understand God and his creation.

That was a lot of rambling. Let me actually get to your question. I do not know what you mean by Christian atheism, you would have to be more clear. From your statements, you could claim Christian atheist as being a Christian that believes in armaneism (The Father, the Holy Spirit, and Christ as three different individuals). And Agnostic/Christian or whatever, sounds similar to what a lot of people are. They believe in Christ and God, but also believe what science is discovering (or at least some of it), and use it to better understand God.
The truth is, people don't use these terms. An Atheist is known to be a person who disbelieves in every kind of religion and god and that no such thing exists; of course this is a generalization, I'm only telling you what most people would probably assume. Similar goes for agnostic, except they're a little bit more open. What you're having trouble with is not differences in religions/beliefs, but stereotypes and generalization. We're all different, let's just live with that in mind.

That was quite a ramble. I hope you could get something useful from it. Anyways, take care!

7 Name: Shiiro-San : 2014-09-18 12:29 ID:wFoBVMco [Del]

because we all like simple, happy endings for ourselves. no one likes to talk about death, and when we go deep into thinking about it, we tend to try and distract ourselves from the scary thought that we could literally just 'not exist'.

but why does that mean people WANT to believe in a god?

if you were to ask the average person why they're christian, or believe in some entity, the typical answer would be one of two things-

1.) They were raised on it. because it was what their parents taught them, and it is widely accepted by many people, so why NOT believe in it? (personally I think this is the winning reason)

2.) Because its a hell of a lot easier than considering that we just flat out die and become nothing. its scary to think of that, and the bible is chalk full of great promises about heaven, the paradise in the skies. its also full of all sorts of scary things that happen to disobeyers and non-believers, as if trying everything to convince everyone that they damned-well BETTER believe in god.

tl; dr - living forever in paradise for being a good boy or girl sounds a lot nicer than living and dying for no real grand reason

8 Name: Setton !NTFxgPQDlc : 2014-09-18 20:01 ID:fWJiAjJJ [Del]

Being raised in a Christian home at an early age and then objectively stepping back and taking a look at things I became more of an diest myself.

People want to believe in SOMETHING. Like Shiiro-San stated, no one wants to think that when they die they cease to exist. Then everything that you've done in your lifetime (good or bad) seems extremely small and insignificant in the grand schene of things. By believing in god, and therefore a heaven/hell, people are rewarded for their good deeds and punished for their bad ones. How fair is it if you slaughter innocent people and instead of being punished for your actions you simply cease to be? Whether or not you admit it, everyone wants some sort of repercussion for an action.

Personally I find that this world was more than likely created by a higher power and that as humans, we were put here for a reason. However, in my perspective "god" is not actively controlling the world as we now know it. Most of my Christian friends tend to disagree with me on this subject, saying that god is active and cares about his creation. My response to this is simply, "If god actively cares about his creation, then why does he not seemingly intervine when bad things happen to good people?"

If I paint a picture, I take pride in my work. I hang it on the wall where others can see the time and effort I put into said painting. I show it off. I do not take my painting and throw it outside in the mud and let others step and trample it until it's destroyed.

I think the reason most people find it so hard to believe in god is due to this reason. If god is a carig and loving god, why is there so much bad in the world? Why is it allowed to happen and not stopped? Most people seem to notice the inconsistencies within the idea of said fact.

9 Name: electricprotocolcode!!ash0z9yZ : 2014-09-18 20:23 ID:dF5vuduf [Del]

If everything would not make sense if not made by a creator then what made that creator? If it was always there then why couldn't everything else be?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-18 20:54 ID:SY6DxTY6 [Del]

OP: your definition of atheism and agnosticism are pretty bad.

11 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-18 21:25 ID:2agnZEKx [Del]

There has to be something out there (i'm catholic by the way). There could not just be a world? The big band theory is simply a theory. All theories are simply theories, so what was there before the world. It couldn't have been nothing. There had to be some greater being and although it's very questionable, I don't think it's really for asking. It's more like, "I stand behind my religion and I stay true to my beliefs."

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-18 21:30 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>10 This, especially with agnosticism.
>>1 Here some insight.

Gnostic: Thinking your spiritual belief is absolute truth.
Agnostic: Thinking spiritual beliefs cannot be proved.
Agnosticism: The belief that no spiritual belief can be proved or disproved. They're completely neutral about religion and spirituality. Science and history have nothing to do with it.
Atheism: The belief that there are no supreme Gods.
Theism: The belief that a God or Gods exist.
Gnostic Atheism: Belief that it's proven and undisputable that no God could ever exist.
Agnostic Atheism: Personally believing that God does not exist but accepting it could be possible.
Gnostic Theism: Belief that it's proven and undisputable that God exists.
Agnostic Theism: Personally believing in God while accepting that it's possible that it might not exist.

14 Name: Yso : 2014-09-18 21:40 ID:NDwYbLuL [Del]


There's a lot of different answers that one could give to your question. It's actually quite common: "If God exists, why does he let bad things happen?"

What you believe the answer to be for this question is almost entirely personal, depending on what you wish to base your faith on. I can give you a few reasons though, assuming God exists:

God created this world, correct? He also created evil that came along with it, and man chose corruption. However, since the beginning of his creation, he already had a plan, and until the end he will go with it.

God never promised an easy life, actually he promised the opposite. He said his followers will face persecution, and even death for his cause. He clearly wanted his followers to be focused on what is to come, and not on this world, which is every day moving closer and closer to its own destruction through mankind.

Lastly, similar to the two reasons above, there is no "good" person. All humans are under sin, under a curse, that eventually leads to death. This is pretty much a universal truth, there is no person that could say he/she never committed a wrong act according to common standards or the bible. Even if they could, they are born from people who are corrupt, so they themselves become corrupt.

Also, whether you believe God is involved in the world or not is dependant on what your perspective and beliefs. Some people don't believe in coincidences, that everything happens for a reason and is "destined", or chosen by God. Others believe that there are supernatural influences that can affect our lives. And the list goes on.

The challenging part of life is determining what should be considered truth, and what should not. What should be considered of importance to our lives, and what should not. And then, after discovering these things, acting upon it/accordingly.

Not sure what you can make from what I just said, but hey, hope it helps you discover something. I'm just sharing what came up to mind at the moment.

Take care

15 Name: SilverB : 2014-09-18 22:02 ID:nkm+WLQx [Del]

well, I'm not really a god believer.
"if my god let his or even told people, that it's okay to kill innocent people just because our god is different. Then he's not my God"
that's what I think lately.

but there's one thing I believe for sure.
it's karma, and second law of newton.
Action = Reaction

if you do good things, then you will get good things too. vice versa

16 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-18 22:12 ID:2agnZEKx [Del]

>>15 who controls the karma? Can you answer me that?

17 Name: SilverB : 2014-09-18 22:34 ID:nkm+WLQx [Del]

it's newton law.

action = reaction

you punch the wall, of course your fist gonna hurt.
you throw an apple, it depends on your power. the stronger you throw, the further it goes.

You Reap What You Sow

18 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-18 22:44 ID:2agnZEKx [Del]

>>17 well duh, but that has nothing to do with religion. Science and religion can sometimes be two seperate things. It's not always about, well science is greater than religion because it proves such and such. Of course if you punch a wall your fist is going to hurt. That's obvious, but that has nothing to do with religion.

19 Name: SilverB : 2014-09-18 22:51 ID:nkm+WLQx [Del]

wow, chill ~ chill ~

i'm not saying believer is wrong. i'm a full believer too in the past.

no one is wrong, they are free to believe anything they want.
no need to force your idealism to other people.

as long as people think like that, there will be no religion war anymore.

PS: the thread is a bait for argument conflict itself.

20 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-18 22:54 ID:2agnZEKx [Del]

>>19 there's no need for religion war, I mean I'm sorry about that, but I feel very strongly about my religion. Let's just agree to disagree.

21 Name: Setton !NTFxgPQDlc : 2014-09-18 23:05 ID:fWJiAjJJ [Del]

Relax, don't get upset. Remember this is a dicussion not a flat out argument.

>>14 I can see your point, I just always found it strange that how if there was an all loving, caring god, why create evil in the first place or even make the temptation for choosing it? I know most people would explain that by saying "god wants you to choose him"; however, if he didn't make the temptation to choose it then we wouldn't know the difference between good and evil in the first place. Ultimately, we wouldn't know what we were 'missing out on' so to speak because it wouldn't be an issue. If something isn't created, you can't be tempted to do it in the first place.

If that makes any sense at all.

22 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-09-18 23:14 ID:v3VxZ+vv [Del]

>you throw an apple, it depends on your power. the stronger you throw, the further it goes.

That is, unfortunately, not Newton's Laws.

23 Name: SilverB : 2014-09-18 23:28 ID:nkm+WLQx [Del]


" When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force"

the external force is your throw. the apple won't move id you didn't throw it.

i'm an engineer, or trying to.
and i'm sure all basic and classic movement mechanic is already explained at newton laws.

or maybe i'm wrong. just explain it to me, i'm open minded

24 Name: HakoTaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-09-19 01:51 ID:BXaUi2Gv [Del]

Well there's one thing i believe, if there are creations, there's bound to be something like a creator

25 Name: JJ : 2014-09-19 02:51 ID:8gSk6cot [Del]

A lot of people are brought up that way. We were discussing god and religion in class just recently, and I asked a few questions that were answered with a simple "Because God knows everything" or "He is the beginning and the end, nothing was there before him". I found it hard to believe that my friends didn't even question what was being taught. It is not only a persons upbringing that effects what they believe, but perhaps religion suits what they thing is wrong and right. I asked someone why they thought the bible was right, and she answered "Because it mentions that being gay is wrong, and I thing that it is wrong too."
Now, I'm not trying to bring up matters such as sexuality here, but I'm using it as an example to suggest that religions may be used as an easy excuse to back up ones opinion.
I would have no problem with believing in a god if it weren't for the fact that no one has a logical reason for me to actually believe in god, and the more people try to force me into it without an actual point, the more skeptical I become.
I don't like how religions are almost labeled by stereotypes. Religions generally have the same point to me, despite how shallow it may sound- so correct me if you think I'm wrong.

26 Name: Yso : 2014-09-19 10:53 ID:fKOQprer [Del]


I understand your reasoning, actually a lot of people share the same questions as you do. As per the answer you gave of "God wants you to choose him" is mostly based off an aremeniastic viewpoint. Even if it's true, there's a lot more to it than just that. As for the question of why he would "kill" innocent people is what you view as "innocent". I stated that according to the bible, everyone is under sin, nobody is actually innocent.


I understand your point however, why do you wait on others to give you a reason to believe in something? I'm for those who wish to seek knowledge on their own and have a broader understanding before coming to any conclusions. I'm not saying you don't do this but from what you said it looks more like you base your generalizations on what others have said.

27 Name: Raiho80 : 2014-09-19 11:30 ID:U/ldRJe7 [Del]

simple answer, if u know who u REALLY are, so does u know who is your ONE and ONLY,TRUE GOD :)

28 Name: SageCheng : 2014-09-19 12:12 ID:LfNlQECD [Del]

I'd say it's because people need something to blame during hard times, something that isn't themselves.

29 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-19 12:15 ID:jQXnPpUo [Del]

Because people are stupid.
If you believe in a god because other religious people and some book says he is there and fight a war because you think it´s for the right course or just join the war because you are promised 77 virgins you are stupid.
I have no problem if someone is religious but if they make other people suffer because of it, that´s just unacceptable.

30 Name: Burrito-sama : 2014-09-19 12:57 ID:7Vr9jljU [Del]

It's 72 virgins * 3*

31 Name: ZatZet : 2014-09-19 13:03 ID:GJwM27pw [Del]

I think humans are reluctant to disbelieve in a deity because it is better to believe there is something looking out for you and governing your world given an idea that all of the pain and suffering is for a reason than believing you're alone, there is no meaning too life, etc... in other words the reason they are reluctant is because they need the idea of a deity and the hope it gives.

P.S.: Atheism is the rejection of a deity or deities
Agnosticism is not rejection but a question mark, they don't know if a deity exists and they don't really care. agnosticism is rarely rejected due to the fact is if any argument arises they will be all, "i guess that could be possible," or "i don't really know."

P.S. #2: the whole 72 virgins awaiting in the afterlife if you preform a suicide bombing is a really small sect of a religion and the sect was created and run by a mad man.

32 Name: Shiro-San : 2014-09-19 14:23 ID:wFoBVMco [Del]

>>31 I dunno about it being 'better' ( huh... perhaps there is no perfect belief system, 'cuz that's why they're called beliefs?).

However, if there's one reason I'm reluctant to say that having a god is strictly better, it would be because people seem to want him to solve everything for them. I know not everyone is like this, but i just feel like a lot of people just use god as an excuse to shuck personal responsibility.

I think having a god to guide you and comfort you is a great idea, i mean it sucks to think were all alone! - but I Think there's a certain established responsibility when you realize; no, god doesn't just hate you, chances are that it's your own dang fault this happened.

why would there be some war that god wants, if he said that he loved man?

why are people starving all over the world?

Why did today suck?

Why was today so freakishly awesome?

its a lot easier to see god as the cause of all actions that affect our lives rather than step back and realize it might just have been ourselves.

33 Name: electricprotocolcode!!ash0z9yZ : 2014-09-19 21:15 ID:cq8O94vi [Del]

We thank God for all things and that's not an aspect I like. I don't believe in god but except the possibility that Gods might exist. Back to the thanking God thing. The fact that we're at Durarara Dollars site is weird when we think God is what makes all good things. Episodes in Durarara even point out that at some level every action that a human takes affects some other thing. Many unseen actions make up a coincidence. And many coincidences make miracles. So why do we say that God made those when it was really thousands of people and their unseen help

34 Name: Yso : 2014-09-19 21:42 ID:NDwYbLuL [Del]


I would say it comes down to whether or not you believe everything is a random occurrence that created everything from the beginning of the universe to the world we live in today.

Surely, the random actions of various people could end up what people would call a miracle; however, one could claim that the order and timing of those actions were set by a superior being to come to a point of what people would call a miracle.

If nothing is used as a base, essentially, it's just beliefs and perspectives.

35 Name: electricprotocolcode!!ash0z9yZ : 2014-09-19 22:29 ID:oMe1SmsX [Del]

No one can say that God's one purpose affected the actions of millions when it was actually the will of millions that make miracles and coincidences

36 Name: FAR!ysVdKsdUyc : 2014-09-20 10:42 ID:/CBmwcQJ [Del]

I hate agnostics.

Youre either a theist or not you fence sitting cocksuckers, get it through your skull.

37 Name: Onymous : 2014-09-20 15:50 ID:ttgDHQmh [Del]

I agree to someone here. People are afraid to know if death is just death, no afterlife. And I think some people are just afraid to think they are all alone. But hey everybody has their own opinion. Everybody is not normal they have their own unique thoughts.That's the case with religion too. They just have different views and perspectives.But isn't it more fun if God is true? It just makes us believe that a higher being exist and it makes us conclude there are more forces other than just us. I for one think it's fun not knowing the truth. Some mysteries are meant to be kept mysteries.

38 Name: lazyboy1234 : 2014-09-23 02:11 ID:zshAK03S [Del]

hi onymous

39 Name: Beckie : 2014-09-23 02:42 ID:m+DgSWf+ [Del]

Well.. we don't hate them... I think it's the worst thing
to don't believe in anything.. how scared you/they must be? I feel sorry for them. Plus it's that kind of people who rely only on themselves. And that's why it's so bad usually. We can't do everything on our own. + if you don't have any kind of comunication with God. It makes your life much more sad, painful and adds a lot of sorrow to every minute of your existence. You know that feeling of emptiness right? You miss God and you don't know it. You don't have to agree but you know it.

40 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-23 04:20 ID:p2zIAcFO [Del]

I think it's totally valid to believe in yourself. Everything I have so far in life is thanks to either me or my family and friends and none of them are god. I owe god as much respect, pay as much homage and communicate as much to, as to a brick wall. It doesn't hold value in my life and won't solve any of my personal problems even if I make believe that god exists. I'd rather rely on myself and my environment, real people around me.

Back to the original question
I guess a huge part of religion is escapism from the revelation that are lives are a finite part of a seemingly infinite world, which seems cruel and unfair from a human perspective. Thus people, who can't accept it, try to find some other explanation which suits their previous state of comprehension.
Also if you take islam in account or the catholics, there is a fair amount of societal indoctrination imposed. (I won't go into why and who's interests that serves, let's just accept it as a fact for now) If you don't believe in god (don't pray 5 times /islam/ or don't go to church /catholics/)then you'll be looked at, don't fit perfectly in the group, you'll remain an outsider etc. I don't mean to stereotype the whole community, so if there are catholics or muslims reading this, don't take it as a personal insult, each individual is different and I am aware of religious people who are very tolerant towards differences. I'm just saying that with religions as a whole, these factors are certainly involved and work as constraints against thinking openly,differently or critically.

41 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-09-23 06:58 ID:0etbn9St [Del]

Agnostic -a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. (via
-a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god (vis Merriam Websters Dictionary)
Atheist- a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. (via
- one who believes that there is no deity

Just needed to clear that up. There is a major difference between the term Atheist and Agnostic. OP, I'm sorry but believing in history and science is more along Atheist beliefs and Scientology beliefs.

I am an Agnostic Apatheist. Meaning I do not know what exists nor do I really care.

To answer your question, it really is a form of escapism. Thinking back to ancient cultures and events like the Bubonic Plague (the Black Plague), people were dying and their medicine and techniques couldn't save people. So naturally, humans would turn to their religions and hope that someone could save their loved ones or themselves. They didn't know any better. They would see shooting stars, a science many cultures didn't truly understand, and believe it was a sign from their god(s) and goddess(es).
We, as humans, in modern day, are facing a very similar trouble that the Chinese and Japanese culture when they ended isolationism and their people were finding other beliefs, both religiously and culturally. You had the traditionalists, whom didn't believe in other religions and found them to be ludicrous, and the modernists, whom found more enlightenment in the other religions.
And a possibility of people believing in God or Goddess or any other deity is due to things that they see that they CANNOT explain. Trust me, I would be an Atheist if I hadn't seen and heard so weird unexplainable things. I mean, there are some scary stories of people who should have died from an accident or such and they pulled through just fine. We have to have something to explain what we cannot comprehend. It's the nature of humans.
Besides, there is an old theory that if enough people believe in something, it becomes real. So there may actually be gods and goddesses and such. Its a human thing.

42 Name: Onymous : 2014-09-23 07:03 ID:Nj0pZTrd [Del]

>>38 Hey, lazyboy1234

43 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-23 07:45 ID:p2zIAcFO [Del]

>>41 I don't really want to get into an argument about this, and I want you to know, I do respect and accept your point of view, so don't take it personally. I just couldn't skip this thought experiment:
"Besides, there is an old theory that if enough people believe in something, it becomes real"

So let's say 1 billion people (sounds like a satisfactory number, pretty big, every 7th human on a world, religiously large scale too) start to begin believing, that a mouse can swallow a whole wale without getting any larger in size.
Do you honestly believe that it could become real?

44 Name: Onymous : 2014-09-23 08:34 ID:Nj0pZTrd [Del]

>>43the law of attraction. Where what you want to happen and when you keep on thinking about it, it actually does happen....

45 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-09-23 16:38 ID:0etbn9St [Del]

>>43 Okay, yeah, I understand how that is ridiculous. But like I said, it's an old theory. But a thought of a mouse eating a whale is WAY over exaggerated.

46 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-23 17:18 ID:3cbXhmG8 [Del]

Humans have the need to feel loved, to be assured that some one loves them, cares for them. We are highly social creatures that need to feel that we are not alone. Having a god that is on our side, that cares and love us very much, is always nice.
Because we are too weak to love ourselves, but most of all, to love others, we need god's love.

47 Name: Legendary King : 2014-09-23 17:39 ID:+JSB88Mu [Del]

Humans don't believe in something they don't see but they do blame that something, in my opinion people believe in god or gods so they can sleep a night without guilt or knowing they did the right thing

48 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-23 18:33 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

In Short because I can go on for days about this topic myself, Humans have an emotion known as awe as in aweinspiring. If life was just bland and oh yeah that happens because the sun does this next topic! Would you feel very happy if you felt it had no significant reason to live other then the fact your parents decided to have sex and each and everyday was just a monotone monochromatic know everything with no real mystery to it? I for would would rather die then do that. I personally am more of a new age person, a seek reason in each and every moment of my, And for me all of the whack job stuff people say psychics are, works for me. I am complimented and get true pleasure when their faces light up and say omfg! thats scary! It's spot on! For me I have my own opinion on what is right and wrong, many of which are consistent with biblical teachings but I do think man's hate has warped some of the teachings. Anyways the point is if we had no other reason to be here other then the fact to people were horny and some god was watching but never really helping in times of need when you feel like shit, what would you go back on to feel better? Hobbies are nice but can money gained by worldly knowledge buy you happiness? No you are sooner to commit suicide or join some gang and end up a dead criminal. People would rather enjoy life, be happy in their own terms and so on. That does not mean they need to follow one faith they in my own opinion need something that works for them and not some conduit saying join us we have a savior of some preordained biographraphy, no they need to feel they have reason purpose love significance and so much more. An undecided life is surviving im my own opinion and not living and I dont judge those who live that way let alone any other walk of life, if i see hate out their i'll use a means to shut it up and tell them hate is not the best choice even if its one choice you can make. But hey whatever it maybe, if you are agnostic man be proud of that, looking for approval in others is not always good way to rectify it, but sometimes it is. hope your search for more answers goes well. My answer here is people need to feel they have a meaning purpose that they themselves own and no other does.

49 Name: Ryuugamine : 2014-09-23 21:15 ID:/vYZDRUI [Del]

It depends on people. like how they think, do and act.
because most people follow the Rule of "To see is to believe".
They don't believe on what they can't see. some may see it as a hoax, rumor or gossip. but The big question here is,

Is there only one God?

for me, God is the God of this Universe and world.
The reason, "He created this world so that we can experience life" is not enough for me to believe. there must be some other motifs that may lead us to the truth.

I can only think 2 possibilites:
1: He created this world because The OTHER Gods Challenge God to make a world and which is better and most beautiful.
2: He Created this world because he might been ordered to do by the most High and Powerful.

And to come to a conclusion, we need concrete evidence and answers. Reasons are Databases and Databases can't come to a conclusion.

The Logic " Every creation has a meaning and purpose for its use" can't be defied in whatever way, so This applies to us which he created and made.

The reason I stated above doesn't give much meaning and purpose, it doesn't state what intentions on what he's planning to do.

If he took action right now, we would believe that he isn't plotting anything. but he only watched us and guided us. and that made his people turned their backs on him. It might be our fault and it might not.

The only thing that kept people together is Protection.
People are afraid of being rejected, hated, despised, hurt and sacrificed, and so they need to be protected from those because someday, all will be lost.

When the reverse creation will happen, im sure, he will regret on what he didn't do when we we're having faith in him.

50 Name: otakuchris : 2014-09-23 21:33 ID:XawTKKCM [Del]

i think people are reluctent to beleive in god because they dont have reason to or proof that makes them say yes there is a god i only beileve in because i was raised to and cant really think of any other reason to other than im to lazy to start to explain why i do or do not that is what i think

51 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-23 21:48 ID:3cbXhmG8 [Del]

>>50 you saw it wrong xD
"Why are humans so reluctant to disbelieve in god?"
It's the other way around.