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Perfect World? (97)

1 Name: Ice : 2014-08-21 09:22 ID:M4gPewwG [Del]

Can there be a perfect world where there is no discrimination or war?

2 Name: Ryuraiga : 2014-08-21 10:37 ID:XSsDf9z4 [Del]

No because hatred, jealousy, etc are human nature and as Lon as there are small causes those causes will lead to bigger ones

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-21 10:54 ID:JanqByKq [Del]

I do not believe that there ever will be a perfect world with no war, hatred, war because evil, blood and war will always be present. There cannot be light without dark and dark cannot be without light. Ying and yang

4 Name: Shizuo : 2014-08-21 11:06 ID:SiAFRnOK [Del]

The first way to go about answering that question is to ask yourself if there is a way to convince people not to fight each other, or discriminate people. This doesnt answer the question directly but my answer as of now would be no. I haven't met everyone in the world so i cant tell if anyone can do the latter, but i have met/seen too many people doing bad deeds such as dicrimination and war; so until we meet that person(s) who can bring about peace the answer will be no.

5 Name: Cryptic Cypher : 2014-08-21 12:23 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]

There would be no perfect world since the definition of "perfect" would vary from person to person. I think that this world is based on the Fibonacci Sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,..) since it is found in nature and pretty much everywhere. To be honest, perfect will never exist. Also, some people will find that "death" or "murder" would be the "perfect" thing to do. Like cut out of love.

Also, if there is light, there will be a shadow, thus nothing will be perfect.

6 Name: Raven : 2014-08-21 13:09 ID:1heU/C8a [Del]

A perfect world doesen't exist...I realised that long ago...but...I just seen what humans can do...killings,recording a not normal.

7 Name: マオ : 2014-08-21 13:23 ID:OwRnzjCb [Del]

If someone says that they want perfection, it is just another way of saying that everything should be how they themselves like it. Perfection is different for everyone, by making it perfect for one person you can also make it hell for another. Perfection is a personal illusion, nothing more.

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-21 13:36 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>7 This.

My perf world would be a society made only of myself and my armies of pixelated bishies, and I don't think that's possible or else I'd be working towards it at this very moment.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Ice : 2014-08-21 15:45 ID:M4gPewwG [Del]

Just think about it no war no religion everyone is the same like that book The Giver.

11 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-21 16:25 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

Since this is already Permasaged I might as well..
1. It would be an island.
2. Every 10 feet or so there would be a wifi station.
3. The money would be divided evenly just like a family.
4. Weed would be legal
5. There would be no alcohol.
6. Everyone would be born and raised on said island to give it the more family vibe.
7. Small island.
8. Every one of our Soldiers/ Law enforcement would be trained in martial arts (different types)
9. Every soldier would be trained in professional Parkour/ free running.
10. There would be no prison..if you kill or rape someone you will be thrown off the island..o-o
11. Our School system will be the best. (we would be some smart islanders)
12. Technology is very important but we would learn how to survive off the land just incase.

12 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-21 16:29 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

13. We would use solar powered energy.
Thats not my perfect world but its my perfect country.

13 Name: Mitsari : 2014-08-21 20:24 ID:Ttvu2qC9 [Del]

Human beings are volatile, fragile creatures. We fear what we do not understand, and that fear can easily be turned into violence and hatred. I hate to be a pessimist, but there cannot be a perfect world, for we are imperfect beings.

14 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-21 20:42 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

This was permasaged..wasnt it?? .-. woah huge mind fuck.

15 Name: Mitsari : 2014-08-21 20:46 ID:Ttvu2qC9 [Del]

what? o.o

16 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-21 20:50 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

The thread was Permasaged when I commented. Or did I sage automatically?..Im not sure.

17 Name: Sentoshika : 2014-08-21 20:51 ID:Plxlnnl0 [Del]

lol theres a way into the perfect world

18 Name: Gragertin : 2014-08-22 00:07 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

"In nature, people were cruel, greedy and selfish. They would fight, rob, and oppress one another." -Thomas Hobbes

It is a fact that no two men will ever share the same views on everything, even a clone raised as similar to its original as possible, would have a different thought. Without complete conformity, inside and out, true Utopia is a pipe dream. Some will claim in death, there is heaven and it is Utopia, of this were true, then everyone would be the same person, there would only be one singular being, with no memories or thoughts of life

19 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-22 00:08 ID:4Kxx/9Sq [Del]

In my personal opinion, a perfect world is impossible, simply because there are too many different definitions of the word "perfect". That's the way humans are.

20 Name: KioNdAiChI : 2014-08-22 00:20 ID:Plxlnnl0 [Del]

What i dont get is why we are basically called "Human beings" when we aren even a high level of bieng... that in which i mean we are humanoids.

21 Name: Zero : 2014-08-22 00:42 ID:+bUCLnIg [Del]

In order to be in a perfect world everyone has to be the same.

World peace is an illusion.

22 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-08-22 00:48 ID:XyK+eqG4 [Del]

>>14 As I think of it, I guess moderators do tend to make mistakes and have the choice to unpermasage threads just in case. You're not going crazy man, I saw it.

23 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-22 01:18 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

/stifles laughter
/dies a little inside

24 Name: Gragertin : 2014-08-22 01:25 ID:Tp+/7oPN [Del]

>>20 Human Being doesn't mean were are high level beings, just that we are the only fully humanoid beings known. However, we are the highest known beings. [No, aliens don't count as we don't have indisputable proof they exist, just a theory that whatever caused life on earth likely did so elsewhere]

25 Name: Cryptic Cypher : 2014-08-22 04:06 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]

>>24 There used to be another "breed" of humans during our evolution stages. Unfortunately they died off, or maybe something else caused their doom.

26 Name: Sakura!8cSQWJfJYQ : 2014-08-22 05:19 ID:3gFLz5wp [Del]

As hard as it is to say, humans will always discriminate against each other and continue to fight with each other. I always say there can never be love without hate (a little silly I know), and I really hate war, discrimination, racism etc; but I guess we just have to put up with it in our world.

27 Name: Kei : 2014-08-22 05:33 ID:erXpcpeB [Del]

I find it difficult to understand the term 'Perfect'. Each of us are different and have different ideals of our own. What is good for one might be bad for another. Thinking that way, it would be impossible for a 'perfect' world. As I see it, the world is perfect the way it is, with its corruption and peace alongside each other. The only thing is the relative way we look at it. That's just my opinion.

28 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-22 06:32 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

THANK YOU! fuck man..i thought i was going crazy.

29 Name: barillaaa !rXe78MXdT2 : 2014-08-22 07:02 ID:fxhgGTNU [Del]

I think it is impossible, but it could be nice.

30 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-22 08:44 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>28 eue'

31 Name: Afro : 2014-08-22 09:11 ID:5YTYxzUf [Del]

The perfect world wouldn't have the ku klux klan or neo-Nazis in it. Yes they both still exist. For more info see the Southern poverty law center website.

32 Name: Shiro : 2014-08-22 09:14 ID:kKkntDv4 [Del]

I wish...

33 Name: paburo : 2014-08-22 10:09 ID:l7p7jhAu [Del]

There'd never be a perfect world. That's just an idea that help us to focus on how to improve it. It's just like economical models of a market: once you have designed it, you can see the real market is suffering loads of diseases, so you search alternatives to heal it.

34 Name: Neko : 2014-08-22 19:53 ID:jYmyhCuj [Del]

It's really a paradox if you think about it. If a perfect world could even exist, then we too would have to be perfect, and if humans are perfect, then they are not humans, thus making it not perfect. See? Hope you don't get too confused.. hehe

35 Name: [ ] : 2014-08-23 09:20 ID:+7qcNLDM [Del]

It actually depends on what you think about the world, right?

36 Name: Reborn : 2014-08-23 09:43 ID:+7qcNLDM [Del]

If the world is perfect then global warming and global dimming
wouldn't happen

37 Name: Gon : 2014-08-23 10:43 ID:MJSCgAjT [Del]

there is no such thing as perfect world , everyone in this world have a bad side or another face

38 Name: Venundreb : 2014-08-23 11:30 ID:i8j4kUIb [Del]

We humans would have to change for a perfect world. We would have to abandon our feelings so we would think rational. Like that the world could be perfect. But it doesn´t need to be, that´s for sure. It´s just sad how far away from perfect we are.

39 Name: reiyo : 2014-08-23 13:11 ID:vzaaG604 [Del]

there would be a perfect world of a God or something fix this rotten tomato we know as world. I did not address the God in the Judeo-Christian belief, Allah, or sorts because it attracts flame wars but, what can we do? Imperfect people can't create perfect things overall. Perfect is a perfect thing and is so faraway just like the dreams of the activists to create an equal society which is obviously impossible. All we have to do is to keep good, keep faith, and be a productive member of the society. Still, someday, miracles happen. Let us hope for the best.

40 Name: Deadman !oCGJ.ggqF. : 2014-08-23 13:11 ID:2lOJ2dQq [Del]

The world doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to enter a state of world wide peace. Perfect is just a concept that was created to cause other people to do the best they can in life.

41 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2014-08-23 17:15 ID:MkYO4+HF [Del]

If someone in the world eliminated wars and fights and made it stay that way and monitored us and had his or hers ideals of right and wrong and make sure we live that way then we would lose freedom and our individuality. Ultimately creating dictatorship. Instead of helping it it creates more evil if we abide by a law set by another of unrealistic ideals of perfect.

42 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-23 17:30 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

\(._.)/ boo!? what are you looking at?!
Just kidding.

43 Name: Slagathar : 2014-08-23 19:52 ID:TGkidJBr [Del]

If this world were perlfect, it'd be heaven.

44 Name: Slagathar : 2014-08-23 19:53 ID:TGkidJBr [Del]

Lol sorry

45 Name: Mind : 2014-08-23 20:06 ID:Oobxv1kv [Del]

I don't like to rain on this delusion, but if we were all to be nice and kind and not kill, the world would overpopulate and we starve and's all downhill now. Even a lower birthrate would not help :D .

46 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-23 20:25 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

" not kill, the world would overpopulate and we starve"
Im sorry but I seem to be confused. Are you implying that killing eachother is helping us?

47 Name: Roiyaru : 2014-08-23 23:39 ID:J79xjWT8 [Del]

i believe there can be no "perfect world" as long as living beings are here because they can all change that "peace and perfect" but if there is nothing that can change it is therefore perfect for it can not be changed nor can it be criticized whether or not it is perfect

48 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-24 00:45 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

I hate this thread.

49 Name: : 2014-08-24 02:24 ID:hsvst+2D [Del]

A perfect human does not exist, thus a perfect world simply cannot.

50 Name: Cryptic Cypher : 2014-08-24 02:59 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]

>>49 no actually, nothing is perfect... Things can come close to perfection but depending on the person the thing may be close or far from it.

51 Name: Cryptic Cypher : 2014-08-24 03:00 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]

The best possible way of making the closest thing to a perfect world is to keep every one happy.

52 Name: Leviathan : 2014-08-24 03:47 ID:liNS3zLx [Del]

I think this is a perfect world. If the world becomes something like Heaven, than it'd be awfully boring, wouldn't it?

53 Name: Ayaka : 2014-08-24 04:36 ID:/kwxkMQy [Del]

No, a perfect world can't exist, because no matter how beautiful the world could be, there will always be at least one person that isn't happy, and we can't to anything to change that because perfection is, and will always be, objective.

54 Name: Hikari : 2014-08-24 07:13 ID:FIFSP7cE [Del]

I don't think the perfect world where there was nobody to be hurt would really be exist. After all, THERE'S NO WAY we can living without hurting others.

55 Name: Leneh : 2014-08-24 07:27 ID:fdaLORCl [Del]


56 Name: DMonkey : 2014-08-24 07:49 ID:AI9mkFBR [Del]

Well, i hink a perfet world can't exist, beacuse everyone has to be happy, and people have contrary ideas of hapiness, so it would be impossible.
About discrimination: Well, I hink nowadays there is much less discrimination than in the past. Young people are more open minded, and respectful, and they don't care about where have you come from but what kind of person you are.
About war: Most of the wars happen because of religion. Since thes days religion is not so important, i think one day churches and other religious temples will be used only by a few group of people. I think new generations care less about reliion so, in a future, maybe wars stop, maybe not, but i don't think it's cause would be religion aniymore.
(Honestly I found stupid to kill people because of what they believe. Everyone is free to believe in what they want)

57 Name: Izaya (臨也) : 2014-08-24 09:55 ID:AwLEiyMv [Del]

The world can only be perfect once humans are perfect, but I'm afraid many are corrupt, meaning the world will never be how we want.
Each individual has their own definition of, 'perfect' anyway.

58 Name: blissblossom1126 : 2014-08-24 09:58 ID:E/PkGWXY [Del]

Its called heaven...

59 Name: Shin_Sekai : 2014-08-24 09:59 ID:R3OIuGcx [Del]

No offense, but this was a foolish question. There can't be any peace if the isn't any pain in this world. Although the Dollars are striving to make it a better place, it will never be enough. As long as humans make the irrational decisions they're making now, war will continue to rage on no matter what.

60 Name: X-Eri : 2014-08-24 11:59 ID:Hv+wajba [Del]

No, sadly...Even if people learn from their mistakes, history is bound to repeat itself...People are too selfish....

61 Name: veki : 2014-08-24 15:55 ID:1whCMwg5 [Del]

everything is possible

62 Name: Kirbo !O4BVWmQIJM : 2014-08-24 17:47 ID:vyHDzt5O [Del]

A perfect world is impossible for humans. Just as simply as that, we dont k ow anythinf thats going on, maybe just 10% and thats if you have good logic. This world is lost, wont and cant be saved. This world is done.

63 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-08-24 17:59 ID:jatLyIkz [Del]

As long as human beings are imperfect,there's no chance for a perf world to exist.

64 Name: Epic Otaku Cherry : 2014-08-24 18:12 ID:O+a+QHmY [Del]

No, I don't really think so. As long as humans remain imperfect, so will the world.

65 Name: mojo_0 : 2014-08-24 19:27 ID:CJ1LofuW [Del]

For me, it's a no, coz world was just created imperfectly to maintain its balance. if there is "good", there should also be "bad".

66 Post deleted by user.

67 Name: Kyōya : 2014-08-24 19:35 ID:3IFebheD [Del]

Humans will remain imperfect because perfection does not exist. Perfection is boring. It's because there is "bad" that "good" is welcome, otherwise it wouldn't mean anything.

68 Name: Anon : 2014-08-24 19:46 ID:30YwL0Ka [Del]

I'll be blunt.
Never going to happen.

69 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-08-24 20:57 ID:xusYv8Bm [Del]

>>68 Yep (muahaha I'm the 69th)

70 Name: mizzaclein : 2014-08-24 21:06 ID:EkKFKgYr [Del]

Perfection is a limit go beyond it

71 Name: Grey : 2014-08-24 21:13 ID:tVdzdLhQ [Del]

Alas, It's the human condition to be imperfect.

72 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-25 00:10 ID:fmRjzpFq [Del]

Adding to what I said earlier - I do not believe that it is naturally possible. However, I do believe there is a way to make people happy... If we create a new generation of ignorant humans, and raise them in a world with no war... Maybe then we can create a perfect world. However, in doing so, the humans who remember wars and negative things must disappear - or else they will taint the perfection.

73 Name: ZeroCoolX : 2014-08-25 00:41 ID:bbl5kMS9 [Del]

Nothing is perfect but as far as I'm concerned neither am I. XD

74 Name: SushiEater : 2014-08-25 09:39 ID:BjMHFM9R [Del]

yes it can,but i dont know about the chances about that,maybe 0,000000000000001%?

75 Name: RGB : 2014-08-25 16:31 ID:DYP/ZcZD [Del]

I believe it happened once for a second in 1958. The great Kanti decided it was overrated and it has yet to be repeated since.

76 Name: Katarina : 2014-08-25 17:00 ID:2ahWJ9iy [Del]

I believe their can be, but for that people have to be willing to compromise with each other and accept the idea that in some cases the other person my get a better end of the compromise and your just going to have the accept it. We humans are complex and stubborn creatures that can have to much pride for our own good.

77 Name: マオ : 2014-08-25 17:30 ID:OwRnzjCb [Del]

>>76 you said that you think there can be a perfect world, but you also said people would have to compromise, if someone is made to compromise what they want then it is no longer perfect for them is it? You just contradicted yourself.

78 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-25 18:36 ID:NKh9bVXP [Del]

>>77 That depends on their definition of "perfect". Some people would be so excited at the thought of a perfect world that they would be happy even if they got the short end of the straw.

79 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-25 18:43 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

Well politically and economically speaking, on a human level no. But it is possible to reach a state of utopia and then maintain it by a set system on which the society in that state has decided. We are currently In a state of poverty on a global scale. Even a utopia will have issues but not as nearly as bad as the ones currently being experienced.

80 Name: Of Faces : 2014-08-25 20:15 ID:nCyfJFZx [Del]

It is not time for utopia . People don't realize utopia needs to be run by a god head.

The reason being . People are greedy sinful. The utopia would have to be run by a god . People can be kind nice . But we are so full of what we believe is right with out actually knowing .

81 Name: Relic : 2014-08-25 22:24 ID:2dTNfLsz [Del]

I don't feel it is feasible, in the present or future. There have been a lot of so called "utopias" created to be places where everyone would get along such as brook farm, created in 1841, or the town of Pullman, created in the 1880s. What we've learned from these failed utopias is that there isn't a system that we can use where everyone is equal with equal benefits. Communism was a failed example of that. Either people are not willing to work for a certain amount of pay-off, or their inherent human nature brings the structure down.

82 Name: Mind : 2014-08-25 23:10 ID:Oobxv1kv [Del]

>>46 no I'm sorry it seemed confusing. Like people said, nothing is perfect, so a perfect human and world cannot exist. Thus, killing is an existence we can't deny . It doesn't help since people already die of natural causes/diseases/etc. everyday .

83 Post deleted by user.

84 Post deleted by user.

85 Name: Kelzg2oo5 : 2014-08-25 23:45 ID:Hfc1XMlx [Del]

There can be and there will be.

86 Name: Mevius : 2014-08-26 01:44 ID:lzXyH87d [Del]

In your dreams. Or if you become Lelouch.

87 Name: Sao : 2014-08-26 04:34 ID:LGt76TNu [Del]

Well, I cannot give an answer, but I can suggest you to read manga named "Vinland saga" that deals with that question very well.

88 Name: Kazuma Ryusei : 2014-08-26 09:35 ID:smte6Igk [Del]

Absolutely NOT.When there is light There is Dark,Life is not easy task,Know it well You live everyday but you only die once,It is already Beautiful,right?.

89 Name: ROOM : 2014-08-26 10:53 ID:IjhLxLC6 [Del]

Human the only one how can control him self what a shame

90 Name: kanra : 2014-08-26 19:22 ID:w3yLWmQg [Del]

my life is great but not perfect

91 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-26 21:15 ID:71PtJk8Q [Del]

I love humans so much they are the most interesting species you can ever hope to find.

92 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-26 21:58 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]


93 Name: Kamiko Orihara : 2014-08-27 04:35 ID:ldNn51F6 [Del]

Humans are interesting for sure just observe them and you will find the most amazing things

94 Name: Mr.Someone : 2014-08-27 06:12 ID:G7M/GilE [Del]

Ofcourse there's a perfect world you are living in one.

War, Crime, Being " Bad ". Don't take those definitions as a bad.

Because you haven't seen one yet." Watching "isn't means " Living ". So you are truly living in a perfect world atm.

95 Name: Misaki !5rdyZ9xiHE : 2014-08-27 10:04 ID:aZrKJ10M [Del]

A perfect world can never exist.

Idiots will always exist.

War will always exist, as in this day and age we are fighting over natural resources that will inevitably run out.

No matter how much we evolve as humans, discriminative people will still exist.

96 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-27 10:15 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

We can possibly stop wars if anything but discrimination is something we cannot do. That's are freedom of speech law and it'll be hard to stop every person but they can stop it if we're being harassed or abused. We can just report those things but as a stronger person you don't let it get to you if it gets carried away and no help you got the right to defend yourself. Fair enough right?

97 Name: Pandora!fzeo05ZalM : 2014-08-28 13:33 ID:WXivY3O6 [Del]

"Perfect World" is a vague term, because in each individuals eyes, their utopia is different. For example, all the bystanders might say that the Israelis and Palestinians should just stop fighting and then there would be peace. However, one of the reasons why that that has not happened yet is because some Israelis believe that the only way to peace is if the Palestinians are abolished, or sent far away from their land. And some Palestinians might feel the only way to peace is if the land is theirs. Oh, and discrimination is on a similar note, some people might believe that another group (classified by their race, religion, ethnicity, class, etc) is truly wrong. Like some people might find another group of people truly wrong in the way they think, maybe because they believe in another god or gods. It's really hard to argue with them because they honestly feel like the other persons existence is a sin or something along those lines. Did that remotely make any sense?