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what is the cause of most of the worlds problems today? (11)

1 Name: Ken : 2014-07-27 12:44 ID:pFYdDdJX [Del]

the world is and always will be problematic, but why exactly is today, on planet earth, everything a problem?
if it were up to me, money is ironically the cause of most or if not all of the world problems.

2 Name: ZAK : 2014-07-27 12:59 ID:z97A7sJb [Del]

I think that what cause the biggest problem in our world are the corrupt people inside the government.

3 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-07-27 13:13 ID:Ny3pVgLW [Del]

Money a problem ? You want to live without electricity, maybe ? You think we'd have reached our state of technology with barter ?

The problem is individualism. The problem is how no one care about anyone else. For example, we'd have enough food for the whole world, if we weren't breeding all these cows and eating cereals instead. Too bad, people want some beef !

4 Name: Mira-chan : 2014-07-27 14:00 ID:aJHjDGDX [Del]

people's selfishness maybe ...

5 Name: Birdperson : 2014-07-27 14:44 ID:AUU47d4p [Del]

This is kind of a juvenile question. The world is not, and never has been, black and white. You can not pinpoint what exactly is the root cause of 'all the world's problems'. That's like trying to pinpoint exactly what gave you cancer, it's impossible.

6 Name: Uiriamu Busujima !KBXwTxgBPk : 2014-07-27 15:44 ID:Fm4wevwb [Del]

The problem is religion. Well At least one of the major ones.

7 Name: Aya : 2014-07-27 16:20 ID:e4dqk1qO [Del]

Religion and greed!
We cannot have a great world with Religion since there will be always people saying you're a sinner and going to hell because you aren't following rules of their religion!
Greed, well, this doesn't have to be explained much :|

8 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-07-27 16:46 ID:Ny3pVgLW [Del]

>>7 Oh really ? So because someone tells you you're doing wrong, we can't be happy ?

I don't think religion did anything bad. Fucked up leaders did, though.

9 Name: kira : 2014-07-27 18:45 ID:TxtOdQzs [Del]

Well people are just born "bad"
Which is by nature like we do bad things so no matter
how many leaders or money problems we may have chaos qnd corrupt people will still be there

10 Name: OtakuRanger : 2014-07-27 18:58 ID:egRZa1yb [Del]

In my opinion: People. Human beings are the problem but they are also the solution

11 Name: Chrome_kun : 2014-07-27 19:50 ID:VX/cbhaq [Del]

There is actually nothing wrong with the world, thats the way it has always been, how can there be good without evil, as painfull as it is we need conflict so we can understand each other.and the world is also much peacefull now compare to that during World War 2. so we shpuld be thankfull