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Life After Death (58)

1 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 09:39 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

This thread is for discussing whether or not: there is life after death, life has a specific purpose, the existence of the soul is true, and other/similar spiritual topics.

Debate is welcome, but keep in mind that death and spirituality is a sensitive topic. Please be respectful to the opinions of others'.

If you're referencing the points of a specific person, book, religion, etc., please mention their names / titles / etc.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 09:43 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


3 Name: Senritu-chan!lRoUXy8Scs : 2014-06-30 12:46 ID:Gl4BzwHs [Del]

I've been thinking of this for the past few days.
People can believe what they want to believe, but what I think is... After death... well, there's nothing. I don't believe there's a 'life' after death. Just like a dreamless sleep, you'll fall asleep and everything will go black. forever.

However, there is such thing as re-incarnation. I don't necessarily believe in it, but it is a possibility that instead of making new souls, the same souls and/or spirits are simply used in different bodies. However, if it were like that, then there would have to be some kind of process for those spirits to have their memories of their past life completely gone.

This is my own theory. All that heaven thing, I don't really believe in Heaven. It's just simply... hope people have. Hope that when people die, something good is going to happen. But, everyone knows that reality sucks. So, news flash: nothing good comes out of death.

Please, don't post any hate towards this comment. As I said before on the beginning of this post, people can believe what they want to believe. So, if you believe in God and Heaven and all that. Saying that I'm a sinner for not believing in that stuff, One, we're all sinners, and two: I have a brain of my own and my beliefs, and I don't need anyone to tell me what I should believe in and what shouldn't believe in.

Be grateful cuz I'm never serious when it comes to the 'Dollars'
So, it's kinda my first time being serious here.
I love talking about after death and religions in stuff, cuz it's really something we'll never know until we're gone.
Anyway! I hope you liked my reply! I am Senritu-chan!^^ and I will see ya all next time! LETAH!

4 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-30 13:06 ID:bQU8JzgP [Del]

I personally don't believe in life after death, but I think that people having spirits that will either stay with their loved ones after death or move to a better place is a nice concept. So, I kind of "fake" believe in it just because it's a nice concept, but I don't actually. I hope that makes sense...

5 Name: Rea : 2014-06-30 14:40 ID:cTaRRWzc [Del]

I believe that the life we are currently in now is a mere test to decide where we go after death. Heaven and hell. This is my perspective as a Muslim.
Though I'm not going to go into great detail, I'm just going to say, that depending on how many good deeds people do, there is different stages for heaven. However if bad deeds outweigh the good ones, then there are also stages for Hell.....
Something Like that.

6 Name: Senritu-chan!vRSraP3Mm2 : 2014-06-30 14:49 ID:Gl4BzwHs [Del]

That's actually a good theory. However, since you believe in Heaven and Hell, do you also believe in God and The Devil? just curious, since you didn't mention them.

7 Name: izaya : 2014-06-30 16:23 ID:cbdffqZt [Del]

Rea: good answer. Im a muslim 2;L we cant jus die nd rot in the ground. Cuz then therez no point of life. I believe in a superior creator (god)

8 Name: Senritu-chan!lRoUXy8Scs : 2014-06-30 16:35 ID:Gl4BzwHs [Del]

What do u mean 'We can't just die and rot in the ground'? As long as I'm conserned, anything cam happen. Dying and rotting in the ground is very logical to me. We'll never really know actually. Maybe what happens after we die deasn't happen to everyone else.
Maybe some ppl die and go to heaven, others hell, other reincarnate, ohers just... disappear. Or something we wouldn't even imagen could happen. We don't know. Has anyone ever come from the dead and told u what happens after death? No. So don't say something CAN'T happen, when u don't know at all how it is to die.

9 Name: redmist456 : 2014-06-30 16:47 ID:bh0uRWwj [Del]

for all intents and purposes: I believe that life after death is possible, depending on your point of view. Really, it all boils down to what you believe in, not what the general opinion says.

10 Name: izaya : 2014-06-30 17:03 ID:cbdffqZt [Del]

Senritu-chan. I get wat ur sayin. But the way i see it is that if u believe in god and do good u will go heaven. Nd if not hell is where u go. This is jus the basics of islam.
I personally dont no what happens after u die but thats wat th qurans for.
However if im wasting my time nd believing in heaven/hell for no reason then it doesnt matter cuz onece i die it doesnt make a differnce. Im guna b in the ground unware of enthing. Nd if there is a heaven i would rather do everthing i can to get into it then face the punishment of hell.
Overall people have different oppinions im interested in all of them

11 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-02 23:32 ID:YZ+0eWaS [Del]

What were you doing or thinking before you were born?

That's what you'll be doing after you're dead.

12 Name: Rekless Dreamer : 2014-07-02 23:53 ID:Jc5xCUHM [Del]

I think that there is a large duality between the time we spend here and the time we spend preparing to dream. More specifically that our time gives us context to shape how we dream. This lends itself to our lack of understood existence before birth, because without context we cannot separate ideas from the infinite and set a part a place to dream.

13 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-27 13:58 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


14 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-29 07:56 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


15 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 08:57 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

Life after death is an interesting and easy to debate subject.
I am so focused on the present that I don't really think too much about the future,however,I often contemplate death.There were moments when I kept asking myself : "If I die right now,will I go to a better place?".I lived with the conviction that there has to be life after death,a better life than my current reality.
However,this conviction was shattered recently by the thought : "But what if it isn't a better place?"
I think the humanity always had this question in mind,therefore we are all aware of the possible existence of a Heaven and a Hell.But is it so easy to divide people into "good" and "bad" and decide their after-life forever on this criteria?

For every living being,the after-life will remain a mystery.And I think this is how it should be.I wouldn't want to live my life influenced by what will happen afterwards.I think everyone should live freely,by whatever rules they make for themselves and concentrate on the present.

And now to finish this unorganized rant :

I believe that there is life after death,'cause losing your soul and thoughts is way too tragic for me to take into account.But even if there is a life after death,I don't think any human being will be able deduct what will happen afterwards,where everyone is headed.

I strongly believe that there are things in this world that the human mind will never be able to understand and I believe that the afterworld will consist in such things.

16 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 09:07 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

I forgot to add some things in previous post,oops:

Therefore,for a human being to deduct what its fate is going to be in the afterworld,it must understand the impossible concepts that I mentioned before (the things that our human mind isn't capable of understanding).

For someone who rarely thinks about this subject,it seems that I have a pretty fucked up theory about it.

Please don't be too harsh on me.Sometimes I even get myself scared about the bullshit I have in my mind.But after all,isn't every theory and speculation a big pile of bullshit?we will never understand our current reality and the world around us completely,then why bother analysing one that we know absolutely nothing about?The afterlife is just another challenge for our more or less fucked up imagination and another golden opportunity to contradict myself in hundreds of words.

17 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-08 00:57 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

"I'm told that the soul is the essence of life itself. Anything living, sentient or no supposedly has one, what we call the 'curse' is traceable to the soul; do you see what that means? To be alive, to walk this earth; that's the real curse right there."

Death is a release, be there an after life or not, so I don't worry too much, or I try not to.

18 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-08 01:00 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

On the serious though, I think being dead is a lot like being asleep.
That place you go when you dream is the place you go when you die.
The universe is nothing but a collective of consciousness.

19 Name: Fenistil : 2014-08-08 07:32 ID:sVrTDos3 [Del]

I do not believe in a life after death. An "afterlife" where your mind continues to exist indefenetly is meaningless.You will eventially achieve everything possible for you achieve. every one will. In the face of an eternety existence will become torture eventually.I wont deny that living for a bit longer after death would be great, but being immortal?
No thanks!

So another possibilty is a "timeless" afterlife. Sadly, all activities of living things require time to be carried out. You would not even be self aware, since thinking without time is not possible. Your unique soul,in the absence of time, not being able to express itelf in any way, might as well be a rock(an everlasting completely unique rock).

Lastly reincarnation. This one is tricky, because I would be fine with the idea of being reborn again and again indefently. Most arguments you can make to denigrate afterlife as a concept
(supra), are essentially negated in the context of reincarnation. It does not help that I am not an expert when it comes to buddhism.I'd have to read a few wikipedia artices to build a legit opinion.My contemporary view on the topic(,which is even more subjective than the two previously stated :D)of reincarnation is that I feel it is... unlikely. There are too many convenience , like some people remembering previous lives, but most people don't, where is the difference between being reborn without memories and dieing,etc.

I believe that everything is over once your are dead. And I think that is a good thing.All that is left is the impact you had on the world. However miniscule it may have been, It will always have mattered in some way. :)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-08 07:59 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>thinking without time is not possible

21 Name: Zane : 2014-08-08 08:33 ID:j1hPYKP4 [Del]

This is were i think reincarnation would be my idea of an ideal after life but i wish if that were the case there would be a way to remember your past lives

22 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-08 09:20 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

>>21 Reincarnation would be pretty cool if you remembered your past lives.However,it would suck to reincarnate as the child of a really poor family and in your past life you have been very rich.Or reincarnate as an animal,I heard this theory before.

23 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-08 10:50 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

I feel like when you Reincarnate you lose all your memories for your safety either it was good or bad its the same because its memories. Then for personality you would be the same but you're becoming a new as time keeps going by as you reborn as a new with whatever experience you gain to learn again. Your experience won't be forgotten but you won't remember; but to be born to do the same or different. Apparently if your ancestors was you, they did the same thing but differently. It can be a cause or what you were told or during a certain time but it can change depending on what you do in your life time. As it keeps going I believe that's what happens because I don't think life would put anything in our personal favor but to be born again and live whatever we choose to live for. I don't believe in god but from a scientist view that's how I see what would happen. It can be a different planet if we were to be reborn maybe the same. If god is real I believe he would've chose the same as I said. What keeps us close together is our feeling towards something not our knowledge and neither our memories. If you agree or disagree you can tell me. I don't mind listening to what you have to say but don't insult me for expressing this. If you're concern why it wouldn't be good to keep our memories I'll say why. Its because the ones we love, the struggle someone live, something we don't have and do have, the things we gain, the things we know can ruin us as we keep learning, the feelings we feel, the hopes we had, the fun we had nothing would feel the same eventually. If you feel its not true it does then ideas won't be new either and we can't pass anything down to anyone b/c we know so much there isn't anymore or reason too. Life would've been destructive in reality. Think about the mistakes people would've made, they would've had a second chance to do it again then it would be a forever war. If people value what they have they would realize this.

24 Name: Jables : 2014-08-08 10:50 ID:bCDBxkdq [Del]

I usually lean towards death being a permanent sleep. I'm at least certain that if there is a heaven and hell, no religion has successfully described the why and what.
>>7 It is interesting to see how people want to believe there is one big thing that will explain everything and give some meaning to life, but as was said here >>19 the little things matter- they change the world.
Does anyone really go through life believing that what they do does not matter?

25 Name: admin : 2014-08-08 14:58 ID:X8TCFz33 [Del]

There may be a life after death, or maybe your spirit endlessly roams the earth. Maybe when you die you are not aware that you die, and you go on living your life, without knowing that you are really dead. There may also be reincarnation, but th would mean that you would have to be reincarnated multiple times to have the world's population grow. Or, when you die, you get transported to an alternate universe where you are born as a completely different person. This would still be considered reincarnation, but not how you would normally think of it.

26 Name: RK : 2014-08-08 16:24 ID:XXwgao7g [Del]

I'll just be straight up honest on this, i am a Christian, and i believe in heaven and hell. I believe that the only way to heaven is to have faith in Jesus Christ. I don't believe that good deeds get people into heaven. Now i do not believe in other faiths/religions or things such as reincarnation, however i disagree in the most respectful way possible. I Believe there is only one God who created the heavens and the earth, who made people and then we rebelled against him sinning and doing evil. That the only way to atone for sins was for a sacrifice, most specifically the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. So if we have faith and believe in him, we shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, The Bible)

27 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-08 19:23 ID:9k95vzJn [Del]

I'm not very religious. Well I don't think I am religious at all. But for me death is a pretty simple subject. You won't know what will come after unless you die and find out for yourself. Not saying that anyone should go out and just die or kill themselves, but it's true. I feel like faith has nothing to do with it. If you believe in heaven or hell, so what? The afterlife might be completely different and unexpected from what you believe. When it's time for our death we will eventually find out what happens. Until then, we can only wait...

28 Name: Rukimii : 2014-08-09 09:03 ID:nTr/wTPo [Del]

I always thought about life and death. Why are people so afraid of death? Is it because people can't know what it's like on the other side? Or is it because of your undying will to live?
But because people kept on throwing in theories, religious or not, it blocked my mind a bit before I realized it.

Death isn't that much different to life. If anything, it's like each are at one side of a coin.
We know nothing about death, I believe. Like a coin standing vertically, one side has been separated by a fine line. It's a line, a wall that we can never break through. The only way to know about the other side is to go, but only to never come back.
So now, I wait patiently, feeling a bit curious to Death as it continues to breathe down on everyone's neck, waiting.

29 Name: Ruka : 2014-08-09 09:45 ID:zKVajxne [Del]

I am a Christian as well but always seem to wonder how death would feel like. Is it emptiness? The feeling where you just cease to exist and then....nothing.

Death is something that I would consider mysterious. Certainly you wouldn't be able to know how death would feel like unless you do die and doing so doesn't really leave you with the ability to tell others how death would feel like.

I believe in hell, heaven and purgatory, but I also believe in cold emptiness. I don;t exactly understand the technicalities about this and I don't think any of us would unless we die, and that's the harsh reality my friends. In the end, all of us would die and doing so is juts another chapter in our lives...

30 Name: Senritu-chan!vRSraP3Mm2 : 2014-08-09 12:14 ID:Gl4BzwHs [Del]

[WARNING: I am not a christian, but if I offend any christians out there, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry... I'm so very sorry that you can't take someone's damn opinion.]

I gotta tell you the truth, folks... I wanna talk about the most bullshit story out there... We have to stare in awe at the ultimate champion of bullshit stories out there that is still convincing people................................................ RELIGION.

Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man that watched everything you do every minute of every day; And that invisible man has a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of those 10 things, he has this special place with fire, smoke, and burning, where he leaves you to burn, and choke, and scream, and cry, and be tortured forever and ever 'till THE END OF TIME!!


But, he loves you... <3

Everyone that hasn't seen Zeitgeist, here's the link:

The full video is 2 hours, but what I'm talking about is only the first part, I highly recommend you watch it. It's really interesting! ^^ I hope you find it as fascinating as I! Have an awsome day, Dollars! XD

[P.S. I know this wasn't exactly anything to do with life after death, but people started talking about the bulldshit of Heaven and Hell and I couldn't help myself from saying how rediculously stupid that is. (no offence)]

31 Name: Kyle Rutherford : 2014-08-09 18:54 ID:OY8B65mt [Del]

In Response to Senritu-Chan

I myself am a Christian and do not find what you say offensive. I like to think of what I believe in as a truth, not a religion (or "bull Sh**). My entire family and I share the same faith that there is a God who created the world and man (man in his own image) and the reason that we believe this is the fact that the we believe that the Bible is completely infallible. I could explain why, but that could take a long time, but here is a good link for you to check out (btw I checked out your link and am still holding on to my faith) If you read that and are still not satisfied, then I am sorry. But if you are a little more interested if at least not convinced, then continue reading. The Bible specifically states in Genesis 1:1 that God created the Heavens and the Earth. In Genesis it continues to say that God created man to rule over and sustain the Earth and its inhabitants. God and man lived together in harmony until the fire nation attacked (Jk, I may be a Christian but I'm still a nerd). On a more serious note, God gave man one commandment, not to eat of the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil (Yeah it's a mouthful). Of course as you may know, man did not keep this commandment and became aware of good and evil as well as sinners. By eating that fruit, it became their (Including you and me and everybody) nature to sin and disobey God. God is a good God who cannot tolerate sin "For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome." Psalm 5:4. Because of this God separated himself from man and cast them out of his presence. God is also a good judge "Everything He does is just and fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright He is!" (Deuteronomy 32:4)he gave man the "10 things" not only as a law that must be obeyed (albeit impossible) but also because it is impossible to obey it also works as a mirror to show us that we are sinful and fallen in nature and we deserve God's wrath. He's God, he made us he has every right to punish us for being sinful. So that's why when an ordinary person dies, their default destination is Hell. It is terrible to think about and may cause doubt. You may think God is a jerk and that the starving kid in Africa doesn't deserve Hell. All I have to say is that we ALL deserve to go to Hell when we die. But there is good news! God loves us... <3 and because following all "10 things" is impossible, he sent down his son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life and take the punishment for us by dying on the cross and being separated from his father. Jesus came down as fully God and fully man so that he could be perfect just so he could die for God's creations (God noted his creations as good, but he noted man as VERY good). All we have to do is repent and turn away from our sin and put our faith and trust in Jesus and what he did on the cross and when we die we will go to heaven and spend eternity with the creator who gave us so much even though we deserved nothing. However, those who do not do this will die and go to Hell. That is why so many Christians become missionaries and tell everybody about this, this is why I am telling you about this! I have repented and put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ, but I am concerned and scared for you and everybody who hasn't done so! Christians go to Africa to not only bring that poor starving kid food, but to also share with him this story (Gospel) so that when he dies, he will go to heaven! If you have any questions, I ask that you don't respond on this medium, but email me at Please, don't turn your back on this news! Contact me and I can answer any question or qualm you may have! If anybody has read this and is intrigued, plz feel free to contact me with any questions!

32 Name: Hollow!JV3BNEBGzo : 2014-08-09 22:15 ID:jos3TPuz [Del]

I don't believe in an afterlife, I don't think we have this a soul or spirit. We are made to believe in something, to believe in something bigger and omnipotent to feel safe and keep advancing through adversity. For me is just now we only live once and we gotta make it count. There's no heaven or hell you just stop working and become worm food, that way your energy is not wasted and you contribute to the cycle.

Yeah my English sucks. I hope u understand my point of view.

33 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-10 00:25 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>>30 Zeitgeist is just as retarded as people that don't understand religion, like yourself.

34 Name: Hollow!JV3BNEBGzo : 2014-08-10 00:37 ID:jos3TPuz [Del]

>>30 saying no offense after bashing on people's beliefs doesn't work. I'm an agnostic atheist and I don't feel offended in anyway, but others may.
And >>33 you don't need to go full asshole.

Wich part of "be respectful to the opinions of others" u two didn't get?.

35 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-10 01:20 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>agnostic atheist

>I don't feel offended in anyway
Being someone that doesn't believe in religion, why would you be offended?

>full asshole
Sorry, but that's not full asshole.

36 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-10 01:30 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

lol full asshole.

37 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-10 01:43 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>>36 lel
Didn't even realize how funny that is.

38 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-10 02:27 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

I meant it as in he might not know how hard Older members rage and just the term "full asshole" is funny..

39 Name: Hollow!JV3BNEBGzo : 2014-08-10 03:00 ID:2frFZYQq [Del]

>>38 ikr? If you really like the term you are welcome to use it with every random asshole you encounter.

40 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-10 07:35 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

Oh dont get me wrong, Chreggome is not an asshole. Hes a dedicated Older Member. But ill keep that term in mind if I encounter an ignorant newb or White Knight.

41 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-29 00:14 ID:xMnj2ks0 [Del]

Verification code (joy) :)

42 Name: Heartbeatknight : 2015-04-08 22:53 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]


43 Name: Mag : 2015-04-09 00:55 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

Wow... We had a thread like this?

44 Name: ryuhime : 2015-04-09 01:51 ID:ep3k7yfB [Del]

>>35 i'm also an agnostic atheist. it means I'm technically atheist, but I'm not completely convinced that there is no higher power. I don't follow any religion though. I follow science and rationality.

I don't believe in life after death or reincarnation. I don't believe in the existence of souls or spirits or any other synonyms of the two. I believe that all living things are, in essence, extremely complicated machines (not the man-made type of course) that are programmed to react in a certain way to each detail of a situation. Due to the fact (well, I consider it a fact) that no event is exactly repeatable, we never have exactly the same reaction to something (although it can be very similar) which is why we might never be able to completely decode even our own species' brain (also everyone is slightly or very different which drives the problem even closer to impossibility). There isn't actually a goal in life. Our instinctual purpose is to do everything we can to help the survival of the human race. There's no end-point.
One thing I'm unsure about: which one?
- We're dying from the day we're born.
- We develop for an indefinite period of time and we start dying once we're done developing.
in either case: after a while, our bodies have 'died' too much to function properly, so we die (normal definition of death for this one). Then we decay / decompose.

If there is ever any scientific proof supporting the hypothesis of soul existence, I'd be happy to see it. Honestly, that would be awesome. Right now though, I just can't really accept the possibility of everyone who has ever died being in one place (or two).
I also had some questions on that topic for anyone who believes in what I don't (these are actual questions even though some may sound completely insignificant):
- What if an introvert gets sent to Heaven (or synonyms)? It seems like it would be pretty awful with all those people there.
- If you were hoping to see a dead relative again after you died, how could you even find them among all the other dead?
- Is there any point at which it ends? Or do Heaven and Hell just keep filling up until the human race goes extinct?
- Are you still an individual consciousness after you die, or do all the dead join one mind when they die (which would invalidate the last three questions)?
- Do non-humans go to Heaven / Hell?
- Do plants have souls?

45 Name: milkman : 2015-04-09 20:28 ID:WpO0a0/r [Del]

I'm gonna bring up a theorie that might be easily missed, what if heaven, hell and whatever is inbetween is right here on Earth. Because let's be honest, people that live on some parts of our not so fair planet obviously have better lives in comparaison to the people living in starvation and war.
What i mean is that maybe when we die we reincarnate, but depending on our past lives (if we did good stuff or bad stuff) we'll be born on different parts of our planet and/or on different social levels.

46 Name: CryptKeeper : 2015-04-09 23:25 ID:CpoStb6S [Del]

I think life after death is something better left to experience.

47 Name: Ark Dain : 2015-04-10 00:01 ID:yMMPSQ25 [Del]

Life after death huh

Don't know if I believe in it but I do hope it exists cause in a world entirely made by science and numbers, politicians & religious ministry between rich & poor. All I know is I'd rather not live another life the same as I'm living now cause it will bore me as it is.

I'm not supporting Atheist nor am I supporting those who believe in it. After all i'm the kind of person who chooses not to choose. But is what I'm saying pointless? Believe me when I say this but I'd say I'll make more sense than what any of you are arguing as of this moment.

Man is complex... huh? I don't really think so they're much too simple. Why can't you see that? Man cries if they're sad, they'll laugh if they're happy, they'll hide what they feel if they're insecure and they'll grind their teeth if they're angry. Then is there such thing as an after life? Then let me ask you why die? Is there a point in dying without such thing as it is? Call it after life or reincarnation but what I'm trying to prove here is that was there even a point in letting you wake up one day just to find it that you'll complain halfway through? You die then what? if there is no such thing as after life then what? If there is such thing as afterlife though I'd be glad. Guess this only proves that I believe in it huh. But me in doubt that there is proves that I don't. That simple no need for any special reason. I just doubt there is but I do hope it exist

I'd say those who proves me wrong only proves that I'm right though and those who think is not far from wrong. Just saying is there any point in questioning "death" as it is.

Prove that after life is wrong but one day someone special to you will die and then ask your self if there is no point in their death? Or if you don't care how good is it to hear that your death came for no particular reason and that you just died.

Prove that death is wrong and your only proving that you aren't living. So i guess the real question is- are you living at all? Say no then it only proves that you did things that sucks your life. Say yes, and there is actually nothing special to it and it somehow proves that you believe in it.

I'm not insulting the sides though. I'm just rationalizing the logic of after life and how its is connected to death and life. Proving that if you believe in either one of these means believing the entirety.

48 Name: Von Karma : 2015-04-10 02:40 ID:ho6Rga9q [Del]

Well I don't know what to believe, hell I don't even know if I can believe in eternal nothingness or anything else like that since it is most likely beyond our comprehension.
But one thing I do know is that the prospect of not being conscious ever again absolutely horrifies me I will never not have this feeling when confronted with this question and if my life is in danger then I will do what ever it takes to stay alive.
But what Captain Picard once said is what I believe the most.

49 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-04-10 06:07 ID:QDx1wG76 [Del]

Life after death huh?
I'm going with the Soul Society on this one
no one knows. I think thats how its supposed to be

50 Post deleted by user.

51 Name: Kyora : 2015-04-10 06:09 ID:OgPWo+eC [Del]

Von Karma , you bring up an interesting confession most human beings tend to hide or avoid , it's truly terrifying to even think of the possibility that we may never exist again , consciousness and soul , to be honest i'm more convinced that our existence and our essence lies in our awareness and consciousness and nothing more beyond that , such as a soul or a life force , however , that in consideration , we are nothing but energy , breaking the human body to an atomic / subatomic particle level , therefore , we are everything around us and everyone that ever lived , seeing it that way , gives a comfort in knowing that we do not actually die , we just because part of something else , whether it's a living being or an object material , or both and all , but still ... our consciousness after death is gone for good , and i'm not a fan of fairy tales nor religion ... so i'd say there's no after life such as heaven and hell , however , there's always a possibility of our consciousness being somehow saved , preserved or even transferred to a different type of existence , or becoming part of a bigger form of existence ... it's an intriguing topic indeed , but sadly , due to lack of evidence , we simply cannot say for sure ! whether our consciousness fades away permanently ... or if it simply transcends into becoming a higher form of existence !

52 Name: Izuna : 2015-04-10 06:37 ID:ZEWQNy93 [Del]

i love your way to see things, kyora! to say that in a certain way, we're all a part of something else bigger, but for me, i think there is something after death!! there should be something! but i think no one can really know what is this "something"...but your vision resemble a little bit to buddhism, no? to say that maybe conscience transcends into becoming a higher form of existence..

and sorry if my english is weird T//T it's only my third language...

53 Name: Tybalt[DoT] : 2015-04-10 06:38 ID:bTJaFfjt [Del]

I have a slightly romantic view of what happens after death, a bit on the logical side, but still equally romantic.

Emotions are chemical reactions, right? And memories are just electrical imprints in the brain, yeah? And energy cant be destroyed or created. Well, long story short, its not impossible that the exact vody you have now, you will jave have again a few thousand years from now. In summary, i guess you could say i believe in reincarnation, minus the spiritual parts.

54 Name: ObamaSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-04-14 21:43 ID:A612F4Mr [Del]


55 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-20 04:05 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]


56 Name: Shikonbel !SXzmSmQBwY : 2015-04-20 17:26 ID:x3rcXNXx [Del]

I think that there is some form of life after death. Personally I believe in reincarnation, but I think it would be interesting if what you experienced after death varied to suit what you believed in. If you believe there isn't anything, then you don't experience anything, if you believe in heaven then that's what you see, and so on. I don't know for certain what happens, so that's why I think it's best to remain open-minded.

57 Name: Levi : 2015-04-20 22:38 ID:AfC75lUv [Del]

The good old "what happens when we die" huh? The fact is that we can't answer this question with certainty so this opens the possibility for multiple ideas/opinions on the matter. Personally I think nothing happens, you die and that's that. Your body and brain simply stop functioning and "you" no longer exist in this world. A lot of religions speak of different forms of life after death and this is only natural because death is such a scary thing for us. Of course we don't want to think that the lights go out and it all simply just ends. Now if you are religious and believe in life after death that's fine by me. This is just the result of the difference in how we were raised into this world and how we perceive it. I see religion as nonsense but I don't think religious people are necessarily stupid or whatever. We just see things differently. I will live my life to the fullest assuming it will be over once I die. That is my take on it, hate me or love me, I don't mind.

58 Name: Ven : 2015-04-20 23:54 ID:iGRY85hd [Del]

As a philosophy student, and as a normal human, I think about this quite often. There are many many many theories and ideas coming from science, religion, and pure reason. However, we cannot know exactly what happens, so people should just believe in whatever brings them the most peace.
A theory deriving from modern physicists says that we relive this very same life over and over again due to the universe repeating the process of expanding and contracting.
A book called "Odd Thomas" by Dean Koontz has a character named Stormy that believes we each have 3 lives. One is this life we're currently living, which she calls "Boot Camp," to prepare us for the next life she calls "Service" in which we take all that we've learned and fight a great battle. The third and final life is "Paradise" which is eternal and filled with those whom we love.
There's of course, the idea that nothing happens, or perhaps put in a better way, we return to whence we came before we were born. This is probably the most reasonable out of all of them, to be honest. We spawned from nothing, and we'll return to nothing. This ties into the scientific theory I stated above. The time when we're born is just a small hiccup in the recurring life of the universe.
Apart from the scientific theory of us repeating our lives, most ideas revolve around the idea of us having a "soul," which brings up a whole different debate. I will say though that the most reasonable sounding theory for a soul comes from, surprisingly, a light novel I read just recently called "Sword Art Online - Alicization Beginning" in which the author quite magnificently explains a possible place for our soul to exist in our brain. It may take a while to wrap your head around the idea in there if you're not one to understand complex ideas quickly, but it's the best argument for a soul I've seen so far, even if the light novel itself can be considered science-fiction. (Sword Art Online has an anime adaptation as well, which is quite good if you're in the mood to watch something.) You can find the PDF's of the light novels with a quick google search. Shrinking the entire theory down to a very basic explanation: Our soul exists in the collective spaces between the neurons in our brain. The soul itself is composed of many different "fluctlights" in those spaces, and together comprise our essence of being. This short explanation does not do justice to the light novel's explanation, so I highly encourage all of you to read it.
All in all, my advice is to continue learning as much as you can about the various theories. Find one that comforts you the most, or makes the most sense to you. At our deathbeds, we don't want to be scared of passing on to whatever may come, so the least we can do is enjoy what we have now and hope for the best later.