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Change The World (317)

1 Name: deadsushi : 2014-03-24 21:54 ID:7WtyFLeL [Del]

This is about the world we live in. Reality. A massive system that has been running for centuries. A world - a reality - where anarchy, free sex, wars, drugs, terrorism, and other things are allowed. Although the law states, people still do it anyway.

Have you guys ever thought of changing it? A world system that is nothing more than a fallacy; the upperclass tells you to do it, you do it; the rich one raises, the poor one dies; shitty political intrigue, yet they still can't stop it. Shitty reality that has been running everyday. Don't you feel enough of all this? Slavery still happens 'til this day. Even though it's mostly not about racism, but economy and politic. Have you ever thought of changing this system?

We, THE DOLLARS, colorless group contains of peoples around the world.

It's not about anime anymore.

Have you ever thought of making THE DOLLARS real?

"Although we are mainly a site used for discussion, this does not limit those who want to go out and make the world a better place."

Have you ever thought of making the world a better place?

It's not about anime anymore. Don't just make threads, do real things. I mean, come one, people. We really should changing the world. Those who watched the anime should know that The Dollars is colorless group and the creator of The Dollars, Ryugamine, has already stated that 'we are the colorless group who does kindness'.

There are still some REALITY problems in a world we live in. Slavery, wars, terrorism.. it's not just that, there are still a bunch load of affairs.

In here, I, as the member of The Dollars, want some changes in us.

I want us to become real. We does kindness above the name THE DOLLARS.

Please.. guys. Let's change the world. Let's just start from doing little things such as put trash in garbages, clean the roads, feed street cats. Little by litte we can change the world.

Don't be afraid to do things above the name The Dollars. Because we are. We are The Dollars.

In my country, slavery still happens, the government still does that. And here I am, as The Dollars, above the name of THE DOLLARS, I volunteer to help them. My country sent workers (though in reality they look more like SLAVES) to other countries YEARLY. By YEARLY, the workers gets more than billions dollars and the moneys sent back to the government. In the end? The workers get nothing but SLAVERY. Even worse, other countries does slavery to my country's workers.

It's not just happening in my country. Bunch countries experiences that kind of slavery. I know. I KNOW BECAUSE I CARE!

Is this the world where you guys WANT to live in? IS THIS YOUR REALITY?

Guys, maybe I'm just some people who randomly write this in front of my laptop inside my room.

Or maybe I'm just some people who REALLY WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD.


We are who we are. The Dollars. I don't care whether you're Catholics, Moslems, Asians, or whatever you call it. We are one.


Be real.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english. I'm still trying my best and I belive one of you will.

2 Name: jeff : 2014-03-24 22:27 ID:SElBjRV9 [Del]

Give everyone a piece of cake and the world will be happy.

3 Name: jeff : 2014-03-24 22:27 ID:SElBjRV9 [Del]

Give everyone a piece of cake and the world will be happy.

4 Name: lilly kun : 2014-03-24 22:30 ID:ItbTi3E7 [Del]

yess cake make evryone happy :) an done good deed a day,evn just a simple smile can go a long way

5 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-24 22:35 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]

>>1 reality is how you perceive is, yes I will agree with you that our world has been defiled but if you're like me, you see past the ugliness and realize the world is a beautiful place.
I'll be rational here, our organization isn't large enough or powerful enough to radically change the world. However, like you said, we should all participate in random acts of kindness, it may not seem like much but if we all do these small things they become significant to the people they affect.
There are projects on the Missions board that can give you a few examples.
Dollars pride~ ^^

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Baron : 2014-03-25 00:28 ID:WGLcbRE4 [Del]

It sounds like a good idea, but this is the collapse of human kind. I am Christian and I'm not afraid to defend my faith. The end times are coming, and they're not going to stop. We might be able to make the ending more bearable. But everything that has a beginning must come to an end.
That sounds contradictory with the God I put my faith in, but this material world will dissolve into nothing one day.

Still, if we can, we should help others. Not for our own satisfaction, but for others. I agree with that point. Slavery is wrong. You should treat everyone as if your brother is sister. We are a brotherhood, or a sisterhood for the girls out there. We shouldn't take advantage of others like this. Nor should governments or countries. I would like to bring a more positive ring to the subject, but I haven't much else to shed light on. Even thought I sounds pessimistic, and I'm not usually, I really do think we can make things better for a short amount of time. We're not that big of an organization, community, gang, brotherhood/sisterhood, whatever, but even a little gesture can go a long way. I mean, if everyone didn't care, where would mankind be today? In the dumps I'll tell you. I'm not sure if I can do much, but I'll do what I can. Thanks for sharing your 3 cents Deadsushi. Gave me something to think about.


8 Name: Chreggome : 2014-03-25 01:34 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>>1 Wow.
It's hard to understand you on account of all those dicks in your mouth.

9 Name: REBEL t(^. ^ t) : 2014-03-25 01:54 ID:Wp44PEmI [Del]

>>8 why..?

10 Name: Asuka : 2014-03-25 02:31 ID:dgYwQ1C3 [Del]

>>1 No offense but this is one of those speeches that i hear principals say before stepping down, during assembly

11 Name: Asuka : 2014-03-25 02:32 ID:dgYwQ1C3 [Del]

>>1 No offense but this is one of those speeches that i hear principals say before stepping down, during assembly

12 Name: Asuka : 2014-03-25 02:37 ID:udaBaGhF [Del]

Your intention is great but, no, it is not feasible, even if it is we would just become one of those associations that try to change society. But you cannot change how one thinks. There would be another problem arising. And thats what happen when you create a naturally good intention into a messed up complication of society

13 Name: CAHCAH : 2014-03-25 02:54 ID:6ApcIHL8 [Del]

guys we must unite us one we must do the good things in this world to reduce the bad things or bad people in this world. One of us must move on to help others who are endangered situation...

14 Name: Saten : 2014-03-25 05:04 ID:3gDntfSD [Del]

Dude your idea is great but we are from all over the world,and we can't gather in one spot to do something, and solo we cant do anything

15 Name: JJV1 : 2014-03-25 05:19 ID:u+UJYTTM [Del]

we cant do this dude, not because only few people recognize this, but all our places are far from one another, if we have done one thing, another problem will happen and we cant stop those chains . Its best to follow the rules of society.

16 Name: Saika : 2014-03-25 06:41 ID:rDOO5tr9 [Del]

I want to do it...
Um, I think it is a good idea~
Who says we can't do it?

17 Name: MDSKING : 2014-03-25 06:52 ID:QD9xN6vz [Del]

Do you think anime can be close to the real horors of this world? We are all mostly kids to the danger world

18 Name: MDSKING : 2014-03-25 06:52 ID:QD9xN6vz [Del]

Do you think anime can be close to the real horors of this world? We are all mostly kids to the danger world

19 Name: FluffyCake : 2014-03-25 06:53 ID:T9tb0uII [Del]

You can do anything you put your minds to, darlings! Honestly, I think this is a great idea, and it is feasible if we can all manage to unite under the name of The Dollars and work together, no matter where we are from! We can have different assignments specific to each country, it doesn't matter if we are split up or not.

20 Name: Kakuro : 2014-03-25 07:02 ID:fKDVs3J/ [Del]

How can we stop it?
More like how can we CHANGE it?

21 Name: MDSKING : 2014-03-25 07:06 ID:QD9xN6vz [Del]

What can we do with people all around the world?

22 Name: Kakuro : 2014-03-25 07:24 ID:fKDVs3J/ [Del]

Let us start gathering from our own places,
Who are the ones in this location Text me or call me,
I'll TxT you for our meet ups

P.S. Don't know how to star so pls suggest.

23 Name: Kuro : 2014-03-25 07:24 ID:iz9ejtEr [Del]

Deadsushi your idea is great and we can do it. I dream a new system and many times i would change it.

24 Name: Kuro : 2014-03-25 07:24 ID:iz9ejtEr [Del]

Deadsushi your idea is great and we can do it. I dream a new system and many times i would change it.

25 Name: CAHCAH : 2014-03-25 07:37 ID:9nedGHKu [Del]

09499326760 Visayas ILOILO CIty philippines Dollars we must unite now as long as the world as not yet been ruined by the bad people .....

26 Name: ZEN : 2014-03-25 08:20 ID:2jAWHpcl [Del]

I love your idea. let's make the DOLLARS real

27 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-03-25 08:29 ID:UzvA8aRs [Del]

There is a missions section for this purpose.

The reason the About section was changed was to avoid things like this. You also failed to quote the rest of that section:

"Although we are mainly a site used for discussion, this does not limit those who want to go out and make the world a better place. There is a board where fellow Dollars can congregate to post ideas for Missions or to report their progress on them. However, please do not attempt to force others to partake in Missions; that section of the site is strictly voluntary."

Instead of going out into your community and doing things to help make people's day better, you are bitching at people on a discussion forum to become social activists. That does not make you a good guy, it makes you a hypocrite. There are many threads in the Missions board that can give you ideas on how to do beneficial things for your community. This thread is just urging everyone to do something, not even something specific. It doesn't belong on Main.

28 Name: Kakuro : 2014-03-25 08:35 ID:n3BBlptM [Del]

CAHCAH wla ako load sorry
wla po ako tv sa dorm ako.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 Post deleted by user.

31 Name: Saten : 2014-03-25 10:12 ID:thDvAwqb [Del]

FluffyCake your idea is great.I m from Serbia and i m in for action.If any1 is from serbia tooooo con. me at

32 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-17 16:42 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


33 Name: UNKNOWN : 2014-11-17 16:59 ID:ucyENA2q [Del]

Let's we make it real!!!

34 Name: Kuro Chii : 2014-11-17 17:16 ID:NyRWCUjo [Del]

Id love to make it REAL

35 Name: Aia : 2014-11-17 18:00 ID:ldGzYUnU [Del]

Go Dollars! Let's make this real!

36 Name: nehan : 2014-11-17 18:15 ID:wzELGZaJ [Del]

We are dollars. We are real

37 Name: Belle : 2014-11-17 19:35 ID:Mtofzz0I [Del]

I'l' help people In need.. That's because I'm a dollars. and We are real and we are not only Rumors

38 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2014-11-17 20:58 ID:Fb6KYwIb [Del]

That's right, the Dollar's are colorless. And we are helping to change the world, even if they don't know it's us. And really, isn't that the whole point of the Dollar's? I've been a member of this site(Mostly a ghost, i'll admit) and of the Dollar's for three years now, and I've seen incredible things happen. Worlds don't change overnight, but we are making it happen. The Dollar's(These ones) were never about anime to begin with. I don't know what the groups become because I went on a long Hiatus but at our core, I truly believe we are a group for change.

39 Name: Takuya reborn : 2014-11-18 04:57 ID:a6aK5/Rr [Del]

That's why I'm join Dollars~ to change the world WE ARE DOLLARS ! !

40 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-18 16:38 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


41 Name: ☰ragnarok☰ : 2014-11-18 16:57 ID:wh44RSgg [Del]

Yes but that is why i wish to form my own group that is colorless or rather "Clear"as i would put it

42 Name: Kava-san : 2014-11-18 20:36 ID:i6IZ9+y6 [Del]

But, if we don't know what to do to change the world. We have to think more about this and decide if we'll make it true or not. (sorry if my english is rare)

43 Name: Yukon : 2014-11-18 22:52 ID:8Xc6NJad [Del]

Let's make it real all right then. Dead sushi we need to split every one in there groups. The use with all the states and all the other counties. We will start by being organized. Washington, Marysville dollars go to the countries tab and join the Marysville, Washington Thread.

Those who want to make this real. Join if you are near that area. From there you will await missions. On the missions tabs.

The people will be split between teens and adults.
Face it we have people of all ages. The Marysville thread is up for teens, the adults of ages 30 and up well be separate and labeled ---> (adult)

This is for the People who want to do some good. This will start small and we'll keep it small. For the people that want to make big things start the group in your countries, area.

Good luck
This is Yukon a help full teenager.
Someone else will have to manage the adult part.

44 Name: Shirai-san : 2014-11-19 00:25 ID:aveemXLd [Del]

Rather than colorless, it's "clear" huh? Reminds me of Psycho Pass.

45 Name: Kiwi-chan : 2014-11-19 00:44 ID:K74z5334 [Del]

I really want this to happen!! But I'm just a 13-year-old kid and lives in a place that not many know about the Dollars :/

So is there some way I can support this mission through the internet?

46 Name: Kiwi-chan : 2014-11-19 00:45 ID:K74z5334 [Del]

>>43 Btw I like this idea

47 Name: orion : 2014-11-19 02:07 ID:mFxMIEOj [Del]

I here you what your saying but right now we have no real reason to reveal are selves. Still I do believe we need to do something

48 Name: Orion : 2014-11-19 02:22 ID:mFxMIEOj [Del]

i thought about what i just said and still stand by it but you couldn't be more right someone needs to stand up and change the world and maybe that someone is the Dollars.

49 Post deleted by user.

50 Name: Tadashi : 2014-11-19 05:07 ID:S3UQtKyu [Del]

We could be real. Even if we are from different parts of the world! The meeting may not be possible but we are representing the Dollars wherever we go.

51 Name: Nini : 2014-11-19 07:03 ID:xAyveBrd [Del]

I remember seeing an episode of DRR!! like this, where the Dollars were actually a gang for good. Maybe, even without meeting up with each other, we could change the world

52 Name: Maki : 2014-11-19 07:43 ID:X/KN8XVg [Del]

Yeah even though we all can't meet up with eachother like they did in DRRR!! We can change the world and make it a better place for everyone. And we can make the Dollars real by helping those around us and doing good things to change the world that we live in.

53 Name: GenjiZero : 2014-11-19 07:45 ID:kjTC8r4U [Del]

FINALLY!!! someone understands the law of changing this weak world. I want in i want to create an world where the world is full of peace and freedom. No saddest or pain but a great world. deadsushi im with you all the way.

54 Name: Satan-doll : 2014-11-19 08:38 ID:hEqW8m3G [Del]

it is a good idea, very good so that we they became visible. I am from Polish-krakow, sometimes I visit in London, my email: And besides, there is some sort of a group on facebook?

55 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-11-19 09:21 ID:GAkm99nv [Del]

The dollars already exists and we are already trying to change the world, read the about page because you obviously havnt, we can also still meet up in real life you just have to try. Why don't you go use the countries board to find other dollars in your location? Because that's what it is for

56 Name: shiro : 2014-11-19 09:37 ID:tkq4FJKW [Del]

I have always though about making the dollars a 'real' group. i think that the dollars should have become real ages ago we really need to change the world and make it a safe place for EVERYONE

57 Name: noise : 2014-11-19 17:24 ID:E9ZdOr31 [Del]

This is never going to work.

58 Post deleted by user.

59 Name: Shizuka : 2014-11-20 01:26 ID:t8HOX5LO [Del]

>>57 Why not?

60 Name: Fuyu_no_Ouji : 2014-11-20 02:51 ID:rk2bTVlu [Del]

I think this can work think about it. We're all over the world if we gather people who want to make a difference in our part of the world and actually help our communities things will change! We just have to have the will to do it!

61 Name: Vorona : 2014-11-20 03:24 ID:CvIjKAnC [Del]

Sounds good to me!

62 Name: Raicho : 2014-11-20 03:49 ID:QaGO43xY [Del]

Yeah, i think he's right.
What do you all think?
Not bad right? Yeah.. Even if we can't do that right?

63 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-20 08:11 ID:AiGw0yTY [Del]

Im new to the Dollars, and we should definately change the world!

64 Name: Tagori : 2014-11-20 08:23 ID:UR8lmGf7 [Del]

i would love to make this a reality. many say that this won't work, and i admit, it may be near impossible at first. In time though, anything will be possible. if one of us does something, anything, in the name of the dollars, our name will spread and more will join. the point of this group is to make the world a better place. we should be trying to spread our compassion, understanding, and acceptance of others around the world. we may be small now, but eventually we can grow. all it takes is time. this forum is a good place to start, but nothing will change if we don't work for it. so i say that we should start getting together and making a change in the world, no matter how small.

65 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2014-11-20 12:09 ID:/II+F1qr [Del]

I plan to make the dollars real, i plan to help change the world for the better. Any other REAL dollars out there? Lets see what you got.

66 Name: Himeboshi : 2014-11-20 13:11 ID:ZZUWSYno [Del]

It's true. The society is crap, and moreover, just like the people which manages it. We are DOLLARS, shit. We can change it, belong to several, or by being alone. We are several cultures combined here, out of pure curiosity or because we have something in common: Ikebukuro.

67 Name: Mauri : 2014-11-20 13:23 ID:h3zk3DiQ [Del]

Let's give it some time, spread the word, and see what happens.

68 Name: Hoarse : 2015-06-26 23:04 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]


69 Name: The Vigilante : 2015-06-27 03:04 ID:cCyJR/sO [Del]

This is what im talking about, lets all bump this.

70 Name: IcedToshiro : 2015-06-27 03:23 ID:9JEh7SRF [Del]

"Man-kind, has progressed to a point in its dimwitted history, where life has been drained of all its enchantment."
I love the idea of hope and change, but being honest with you all, We are to far gone, statistically its gotten to a point where the people dont have any power in changing anything. 60 Billion animals are killed every year for human consumption, and thats just land animals. Deforestation hasnt slowed, its gone radical, we have wiped out, polluted, killed, eaten, deformed, tested on and Ignored what has kept us alive for too long. We as a race are cancerous, a parasite which kills its host. What living being is stupid enough to kill the only thing that is keeping it alive, and be fully aware that it is doing it? We have created endless suffering for both ourselves and everything else that has a poor fortune of coming into our reach. We need to die.

71 Name: Blain : 2015-06-27 04:33 ID:27mKkcaB [Del]

i wish i could be rich in some way......
there are many things i want to try using money for Ex:
going to other place
buy some things??

72 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-27 04:44 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>70 I agree with you. "The moment a person said: this is mine, humaity had fucked up." My teacher cx

One solution would be to cooporate, help each other and exchange favours instead of money. That would lead to problems though, the modern society got a too big grip.
I stumbled across this thread and I like the idea. But. It's not possible in my mind...

73 Name: Kokkuri : 2015-06-27 04:53 ID:OAzCOewU [Del]

its possible! lets change it! sure, we can't change the whole world to a better world, we've allready seen it in the anime, nothing can be good whitout somthing bad.. but we can create a balance

74 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-27 05:20 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>73 Changing the world is possible, changing the world to the one mentioned in the first post? Haha, I'll say good luck. Sorry to be a mood breaker but, Anime is a work of fiction...

75 Name: UndeabGhostie : 2015-06-27 08:29 ID:K3ZgdvP2 [Del]

if you want change the world, first you need to kill fabian family

76 Name: UndeadGhostie : 2015-06-27 09:33 ID:OS8ML9JM [Del]

>>75 stop pretending to be me yo troll...

77 Name: firelily : 2015-06-27 10:08 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>75 you trolled wrong, you spelled "Undead" as "Undeab" XD

78 Name: firelily : 2015-06-27 10:18 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

>>1 everything you said is already in the smaller missions thread and people really do those things,

a bunch of Dollars signed one petition and it became a reality,and i know quite a few people in person who do these types of things and dont even know what the Dollars is

so im pretty sure the time you took to type this (when you could have been doing the things you suggested) went to waste...

sorry to burst your bubble (and im really not trying to be rude) but most of the real Dollars, meaning the ones who come and stay for more than 2 years, try to keep main clean, suggest missions, read main everyday, and things like that are not a bunch of Otaku that sit around doing nothing. And the ones who do sit around doing nothing will not read this they will skip right over it and either go to random or animation or where ever else.

this right here, though i agree these things need to be done and you make great points, this thread was a waste of time and space

sorry to say that but it is...

79 Name: Isis : 2015-06-27 12:02 ID:uv4y7d8G [Del]

We joined the dollars

80 Name: Tera Okimirai : 2015-06-27 12:03 ID:+5W03J68 [Del]

I agree that we should try to change the world, even if it's only a little bit. Even though we are an internet group brought together by an anime since we are everywhere we have a lot of power if we organize meetups and things. Although, small things like this are already happening on the missions board, I think all we have to do is start posting bigger missions, like maybe organizing clean up trips to beaches, cleaning graffiti off walls, stuff like that. Maybe after we start doing more things more people will start joining, (I know I'm going to try and recruit some people), and we'll be able to do bigger things.
Hopefully this will inspire more people to post bigger missions as well. The only problem I have with this post is that it seems to be forcing this upon people more than suggesting it to people, no one ever has to do anything in The Dollars, so next time I would make it a little more optional sounding. c:

81 Name: Daiki !Bcfwynno/o : 2015-06-27 12:33 ID:jkTTDhG2 [Del]

Oh yes, I'm sure a group of anonymous people on the internet can do a whole lot. Good luck with that, really. Our world is a lot more screwed up than you can account for.

82 Name: firelily : 2015-06-27 13:39 ID:tN7pmhQk [Del]

(it's funny how all the people with negative comments have good points and all the positive comments are saying they agree but aren't willing to do anything)

XD just sayin

83 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-06-28 08:00 ID:dfZ3+I+U [Del]

Tch. :v
Pathetic thread.
Why can't you guys just accept the truth?
This site is just a fandom site, nothing's exciting about it. Lol.

84 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-02 08:42 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

Bumping bc even though Yuri is right about something for once, for the love of God, stop creating new threads each week that are different variations of THIS thread.

85 Name: Vanitas !JxMCuIMi3. : 2015-08-03 13:29 ID:ukPOF3BG [Del]

Maybe you're right.
This is a fandom site where people write and believe to be a Dollar like the anime.
This is a site where people write good things and beautiful proposal and nothing more.
But, if you think, we are a lot and if all of us stop thinking like you maybe something will really happen.
We have a choice:
1. Stay here and think like you;
2. Do something for this almost rotten world.
The choice is our.

86 Name: firelily : 2015-08-03 13:40 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

i think the point being made in >>83 is that no one on this site is willing to make choice 2

(or they change their minds after they do)

I do agree with both of you, but I've been a Dollar for more than 3 years and people will agree to do a mission, get really excited about the mission, make all these plans,promise to show up, check the chat everyday, get everyone else pumped up, and then do absolutely nothing because they forgot or an anime got updated... (it's never a good reason)

and then all the people who did give a crap give up because they get tired of all the lazy derps who don't want to do anything

if you can change EVEN HALF of the Dollars on this site (don't even mention all of the other sites out there) then people wouldn't think like Yuri...

87 Name: Ninetales : 2015-08-03 14:06 ID:EBa5Y6LC [Del]

More than 3 years? You should know better than anyone else here that a site on the internet everyone can join can't change anything. I just joined this community, but frankly speaking, I know the capabilities of what this community can, and can not do. I would definitely participate events in the name of dollars, but I have no hopes. Maybe if dollars-bbs somehow becomes a closed, restricted group then it can show its presence much better. But that wouldn't be something people would want. Either way, my ideal is that the members here to ostracises the ones without the will, and aim for the higher IF the aim of this site is the same with the Dollars we are seeing on the anime.

88 Name: firelily : 2015-08-03 14:37 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>87 yeah the longer im here the more i agree with what you just said...

89 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-08-03 14:54 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

Fire, you mean to tell me that you're not relatively new? I thought you had only joined this year.

90 Name: KatieWoon : 2015-08-03 14:58 ID:0VPXbdff [Del]

Hey, people, we can actually do it! You don't have to change the whole world in one time! Start with little things. Just do something good and say "We are The Dollars!".
And for the thing that we are all around the world? It is the best! This way we can spread it even wider! Speak to your friends about it. WE CAN DO THIS.

91 Name: Ninetales : 2015-08-03 15:56 ID:EBa5Y6LC [Del]

Even having a t-shirt with the dollars symbol counts, I guess.

92 Name: kuroyuuki : 2015-08-03 16:36 ID:qHWUHu8Q [Del]

so, to simplify it, you want a worldwide gang of otakus to pretty much be a bunch of batmen. Im down for that, count me in.

93 Name: Vanitas !JxMCuIMi3. : 2015-08-03 16:47 ID:ukPOF3BG [Del]

Ok ok you're right.
There are a lot of people, like firelily says, that speak a lot and do nothing but, I think that there are some people who want to make something and, for this reason, I'm with KatieWoon.
We have to do small and simple thing in the name of Dollars.
If someone started to do seriously something maybe he or she could drag the others to do something usefull.
(Sorry for my bad english but I'm italian and i'm trying to improve my english here with all of you >.< )

94 Name: MortalGirl !wzQWJM.2Gs : 2015-08-03 17:08 ID:3Mkhfrla [Del]

Ok, here's how I see it. Many people want to change the world, but many people don't want to do anything. I mean it's easy, isn't it? It's easy to simply say "it's impossible to change the world" or accuse another of being "all talk". The reason it's so easy is because, although many don't even know it, to change the world one must first change themself. Change their attitude. Change their outlook, their perspective. The fact is, yes indeed, the world needs to change. It doesn't matter that we may or may not just be a bunch of otakus on and otaku site. Every little bit of change is better than nothing.

The problem is, in a site and community so diverse as ours, what kind of change do we want? Everyone's opinion is different. The only thing we all know for a fact that we have in common is that we watch anime. On other ideas, there's no way we can change the world permanently. All we can do is to inspire one another to keep doing good things that help the world.

So yeah, if you want to change the world, I'm all for that. And I agree, every little thing counts. Start small and grow. It's better than nothing. Just don't expect everyone to jump in. It would be nice, but it isn't realistic. They have to change their perspective before they will ever be willing.

Thanks for reading. I'm looking forward to a changed world as well. :)

95 Name: Vanitas !JxMCuIMi3. : 2015-08-03 17:25 ID:S5XPitwN [Del]

You are perfectly right, but I hope that doing small things more and more people start to join the real dollars's "spirit".
Now we are sit here to talk about this fracture between "doing or not doing" and, this is my opinion, it's great because this discussion proves that there are someone who cares and try to do something even if is just talk about the problem.

96 Name: Pyrotoxin : 2015-08-03 17:53 ID:+7yLb2YB [Del]

Not a bad idea, though people say there up for change, instinctively, there scared of it. Changing a city, star/province, hell a COUNTRY is possible, but not the world, but let's give it a hell of a try, eh?

97 Name: firelily : 2015-08-03 18:31 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>89 sorry tbh i found out about this site idk how many years ago and i use to check the site for updates everyday

3yrs ago i finally decided to do some of the missions and started talking to people in chats and stuff

and recently i started actually responding to things...

i just think the whole lurk before you post thing is a good idea ("/o_o)

and i usually dont post things on any website unless its just a random thought (so i my earlier stuff is somewhere in random) or im responding to someone...

98 Name: firelily : 2015-08-03 18:38 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

i agree with all of you that say it is possible if we start small (otherwise i would stop coming back...idk how many times i wanted to but stayed for who knows what reason)

im just riding the wave for now to see what happens...because im tired of being abandoned all the time after we all agree to do something

i still believe in the Dollars (and you dont know how many of my friends told me this was stupid and give up)i wish you hopeful lot in this thread the best

99 Name: ldlove3 : 2015-08-03 18:53 ID:Gp5IN+to [Del]

Heck yeah! I say we do it! :D

100 Name: Dreamer : 2015-08-03 19:58 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

Yeah, go for it ^.^

101 Name: 915 : 2015-08-03 20:15 ID:JpFILaKf [Del]

Interesting ;)

102 Name: Lie : 2015-08-03 20:38 ID:kmLbtlbV [Del]

The dollars already is real though
About 52% of the people here don't even know its based off an anime. If you are saying we should group up in our particular states/ regions that would be cool.

103 Name: Dreamer : 2015-08-03 20:44 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>102 Is that true?? I'm pretty sure most people here know it's from Durarara, don't they?

104 Name: Sakurasou : 2015-08-03 21:20 ID:Bhng1N1R [Del]

but even though people knows its from Durarara, its still a group called the Dollars, not something u join "just" because its from an anime, i think that this is an actual legitimate group with members all around the world.

105 Name: Dreamer : 2015-08-03 21:42 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>104 I suppose you are right.

106 Name: Vanitas !vAuwWK8FFg : 2015-08-04 03:17 ID:S5XPitwN [Del]

We are here cause we are Durarara's fan ok, it's right but as I see, here we don't talk about it, maybe in the "anime" section but not in other threads...
We are here cause of it but it's not the reason because we remain here so maybe we can really do something.
We have only to start to do something. We don't have to think at big projects yet, we have to think at small and simple things and when we will more known we could think at big projects, maybe all together.

107 Name: Ash Sheriffo : 2015-08-04 03:43 ID:JER68oN6 [Del]

Man, this seems amazing, if this ever happened I would be up for it (^_^)

108 Name: Red : 2015-08-04 04:18 ID:8Ha3ohZE [Del]

I really like this idea <3 .. Im in Dubai and if anyone is in Dubai here. Contact me here: or SO YEAH!! Let's make The Dollars REAL!!!

109 Name: Ninetales : 2015-08-04 05:31 ID:ctP1sHHm [Del]

You know how to make a motivational speech. Sure, we can/would want to change the world and everyone is eager for it, so let us move forward to the next question. How?
Missions section needs to be more active in my opinion, and needs to have better threads than continous we should stop bullying/be a better person rants. We can start simple and aim for the big like >>106 said, but there should be something we can do that'll make our presence know. This community has the potential to become a cooler greenpeace. :D

110 Name: Shizura : 2015-08-04 05:58 ID:R3plA14b [Del]

That's sounds great. Being in real Dollars... I want it.

111 Name: Lena : 2015-08-04 06:23 ID:lP6PZMv5 [Del]

Ok, but what color????

112 Name: HeiRyugamine : 2015-08-04 06:57 ID:+YX2aQHS [Del]

Incredible idea you have there dude. Even though other people might disagree , I think its good.

More than just an anime but a lifestyle #colourless

113 Name: Braxton : 2015-08-04 09:03 ID:p83OeLON [Del]

I think that is an incredible idea!

114 Name: KatieWoon : 2015-08-04 16:08 ID:0VPXbdff [Del]

>>109 How? Well, if you think about it, we are mostly teenagers, I guess. We are in other groups were people are in the same age. Talk to them. I think the most important thing is to not do this alone. If there are people in your city/town/village/etc. who are willing to do something, willing to help, then there are already little groups of Dollars in all around the world. That is a start, isn't it?
And >>112 you are right. #colourless

115 Name: Snake : 2015-08-04 17:01 ID:WZMAlv5f [Del]

This is possible If it were a person with a lot of resources and connections, while creating an organization but in a different anime. But in reality THIS would never happen.

116 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-04 21:27 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>115 You never know what kind of resources people lurking around this place actually have :D

117 Name: Pyrotoxin : 2015-08-04 22:36 ID:yxvX9QM9 [Del]

>>116 True.....We might have a Few Mafia members here...or perhaps a Mafia boss.....wait....MAYBE DEADSUSHI IS THE MAFIA BOSS AND WERE PLAYING INTO HIS HAND AND HELPING THE MAFIA! XD

118 Name: Katsu : 2015-08-04 22:49 ID:cavb0++J [Del]

This'll probably work in an anime/manga, however in reality it won't work no one will listen. Most people these days only care about money!!

119 Name: Katoteshi !W7Ng7emKvY : 2015-08-04 22:52 ID:02F5JHDB [Del]

If any of you really desire to make the world a better place, please contact me at:

It's true that we can't make every single wrong right, but a little bit of kindness can go a long way and mean a lot to the recipient of that kindness :)

120 Name: Anon : 2015-08-04 23:38 ID:ri+XMzEM [Del]

What's wrong with free sex?

121 Name: Kaiser : 2015-08-05 04:39 ID:BVB2O9Ht [Del]

Alright then.. I'll bite.

To all of the Vancouverite Dollars, let's meet up and do some good.

122 Name: Vanitas !vAuwWK8FFg : 2015-08-05 05:49 ID:RNokeF2o [Del]

It would be great if one or two representative of each country looked up for some job to do and then gather the other Dollars near him/her.

123 Name: Sai-Plu : 2015-08-05 06:53 ID:9ugC+nEc [Del]

If you don't mind, I'm gonna post this on my facebook page. Btw, I'm with you on this profile.php?id=100009102917182 < fb PF link.

124 Name: yuju- : 2015-08-05 07:34 ID:HwSAy1cu [Del]

we should build this community stronger

125 Name: LeviaZ : 2015-08-05 07:42 ID:YXCxU3wI [Del]

Well I would say I want to agree with you in my heart. But how could you believe there will be any people stand out to form a organization come from Anima into real seriously? I prefer to believe there are only some funs enjoy in Anima. Most of them have a good heart and won't make any harm to the world. Everyone try their best ,active to make the world where they live better. An organization in real world will take more risk than benefit. Especially it is unlawful to join or create an Association in many countries in the world. And whats more, we must live in different area. Our life have no connect with each other. Just do what you need to do and live for benefit is enough. Dollars is not necessary.

126 Name: LeviaZ : 2015-08-05 07:45 ID:YXCxU3wI [Del]

by the way. Why I can't see any other language but Eng here?

127 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-05 09:13 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>125 We CAN connect :D The Dollars is what connects us.

128 Name: LeviaZ : 2015-08-05 11:04 ID:YXCxU3wI [Del]

>>127wowow I am afraid if there is some bad guys find me and ask me to do something bad. After the last time I was deceived. I have a little psychological shadow to be a part in any Association or something else. I prefer to be a spectator not an actor.

129 Name: firelily : 2015-08-05 11:39 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

>>126 most people just reply in english on this website because the website is written in english (i mean the boards and their descriptions)

or because people make the OP in english so they reply in english

but if you type in another language, people who can understand that language will reply, i have seen a few threads in spanish and one or two in italian

130 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-05 15:17 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>128 That's cool too. Spectate as much as you want. If you want to, maybe even recommend some stuff for us to do and you'll still be helping out. Let us do the acting if you don't feel like it :D Deal man?

131 Name: Trezero : 2015-08-05 16:37 ID:5+1FW86z [Del]

Let's get something straight first.
If you really want to overthrow a government or change the system, understand how it works like. Do your research before doing anything else.

132 Name: Noi$e!H81ulOUr/g : 2015-08-05 19:13 ID:92dHcDHH [Del]

>>126 almost everybody can understand English, so why not use it on an international website?
>>130 great reply

133 Name: mpd_peepokun : 2015-08-05 22:35 ID:xKUxVBqh [Del]

Yes, yes.

new world order shit.
Where do you live, by the way? If slavery is a thing then you should probably be selling them for more important things and using your time better than trying to sow discontent within the people of the perfectly good world.


134 Name: StaticX : 2015-08-05 23:32 ID:EAuSD5wM [Del]

Most people on this site are kids that have come here out of curiosity. If you want to make a change, start with petitions. They are safe, don't cost money, and with enough people can bring about major changes.

135 Name: yutsuko : 2015-08-06 06:42 ID:qP3YYRK6 [Del]

I really agree to what you say, WE DOLLARS, is a great community, we have the power to change the world.
but the only problem is how many of us are really a dollars member, despite those who come only because it is cool to have the password and log in to here.
And the most important thing is WE MUST SPREAD THE DOLLARS. There are places where there are really few who knows about us.

136 Name: Luna : 2015-08-06 09:01 ID:mTmGKoAt [Del]

Begin with small acts. The internet is huge and anonymous and it's easier to do random acts of kindness in the internet. Start changing the world from there because it's practically the world today. Even the kids around here would join in.

137 Name: Karl : 2015-08-06 09:07 ID:BWx+5Yn1 [Del]

Your idea is great, but life in anime and real life is different. Real life is more dangerous, merciless and fierce. Dollars in anime is just in a city and we are all around the world. It's not easy to make Dollars real, even change the world. Anyway, I like your idea. I think one day we can make Dollars real and change the world.

138 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-06 10:09 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>137 How can real life be more dangerous than the anime when in Durarara there's guys with superhuman strength, dullahans, demonic swords, and an information broker who likes to start chaos?

>>134 I like the petition idea c:

139 Name: Isaaauch : 2015-08-06 10:51 ID:WeNSpZRY [Del]

Hi there i'm from Chile and I also think like you
But to help here in my country i need somebody with me.
Supporting each other. Here the snowball of the public opinion is giving importance to the hooded (young people who destroy the public infrastructure) and they are increasing more and more. That's the reason because I think that the Dollars network is the perfect meeting point for the people that want to live in a better place, who want to help in the different problems from different places. As an almost anonymous character we can agree a kind of motion, creating solutions instead of claiming for it.
Since today I'm looking for the real Dollars members in my country.

Thanks for the motivation <3

140 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-06 11:40 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

>>139 Best of luck to ya.

141 Name: Katoteshi !W7Ng7emKvY : 2015-08-06 16:32 ID:02F5JHDB [Del]

(I already posted before, but I know that a lot of people don't go back and read previous comments, so I'm going to repost this)

If any of you really desire to make the world a better place, please contact me at:

It's true that we can't make every single wrong right, but a little bit of kindness can go a long way and mean a lot to the recipient of that kindness :)

142 Name: cats : 2015-08-06 17:12 ID:b5QAFmkt [Del]

hey , you guys,I 'm pretty sure you already know this, but there's a website called free rice
It gives 10 grains of rice for every question you awnser
right.this is a great way for people to help in a small community with out much people helping .
there is also a website with lots of petitions to sign , if you're intersted in that , there are quite a lot of meaningful ones , like this one :
here's the link

and , of course there is the well known quickstarter , a good way to fund projects from afar .

143 Name: riza : 2015-08-07 02:29 ID:5rMdFmZX [Del]

Honestly i don't think that this will work cuz with so many people who has busy schedules everyday and along the way we can forget on the original purpose on why we are doing this and eventually we'll just go back to our original way of the world with corruption and all sorts of shitty stuffs

144 Name: Cherub : 2015-08-07 08:44 ID:ytRCeQN4 [Del]

I think monarchy is a good way, what do you think about?

145 Name: Cherub : 2015-08-07 08:46 ID:ytRCeQN4 [Del]

A hierarchical monarchy, with justice, a real justice.

146 Name: Calvary : 2015-08-07 11:56 ID:xJYqGTzC [Del]

If we had a hierarchy, we wouldn't be the Dollars anymore.

147 Name: Creed : 2015-08-07 12:14 ID:ueEJkpCX [Del]

>>146 This is true. We are free. Free to do acts of kindness without any political order, like buying a meal for a homeless man or woman...or some groceries that they need like deodorant or even something as simple as socks. Things like these, the acts of kindness of love, not some great power, changes somebody's world, even at least for a day.

148 Name: jh2h : 2015-08-07 14:34 ID:POlHdowX [Del]

I think that we are real the second we think of ourselves as real. Most things that changed the world started off way smaller than this. We're already a group, we are already real and we are already making a difference. If we want to do more then we need to bring everyone together (not physically, but mentally). Everyone needs to believe that we are real and that is when things will start to change.
We do have the power to help people, even if it’s only one person at a time. We’ve already proven this Already so many things have been put in to process. It may not be much yet but it's a start.
I know many will say I'm just a person saying stuff and that I “sound like one of their school principals” but that's the mindset that stops us from considering ourselves real and expanding our reach. Instead of sitting here debating whether or not we want to become "real" why don't we start to take action? The point is that we already are real and we could do all of these wonderful, ambitious things but only if we collectively want to.
While this started with an anime, I think that this has inspired something that, if done in a certain way, could change the world. But then again... it might not. We could just do nothing and forever just continue the way we are. However this turns out, that’s fine; because we’re already helping people. We ARE the dollars and we ARE real. The only question is how far do we want to go? How much do we want to grow? But we also have to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day and if we do decide to do this, it will take a lot of hard work and time.
Either way I don’t mind what happens, but I just felt that people were missing the real issue here and so I just had to post this. Sorry for my extremely long rant/speech~ ^_^”

149 Name: cats : 2015-08-07 19:38 ID:b5QAFmkt [Del]

That's the spirit! :)

150 Name: Jess : 2015-08-08 02:58 ID:wpVEW62Y [Del]

We ARE real it just happends that an anime has the same group. But we are from the entire earth so we are the real deal in some ways. But we are THE DOLLARS. :D

151 Name: _blankm00n_ : 2015-08-08 05:42 ID:vvpRBg0F [Del]

I completely agree with the way you think and soon i believe there will be some sort of change. But time and patience is necessary.

152 Name: Bakira : 2015-08-08 07:06 ID:fvNUFBzH [Del]


153 Name: - : 2015-08-08 07:36 ID:GJXCwMj7 [Del]


154 Name: Setton : 2015-08-08 08:59 ID:cGF0wKte [Del]

When fantasy inside in Your head is too damn high.

155 Name: Archangel : 2015-08-08 09:24 ID:4ZWytUzB [Del]

Give the landlord a advice.Maybe you should unify the world,LOL

156 Name: MaskedSquire : 2015-08-08 13:38 ID:6lvfDyNS [Del]


157 Name: : 2015-08-08 15:39 ID:+y6iHoGn [Del]

As much as ur dream would be nice reality shows its not happening and its far from happening. Not everyones gonna want to cooperate so get real. Also not everyones a disgusting weeb trying to make an anime "gang" into real life.

158 Name: Celeste : 2015-08-08 15:42 ID:6r9A0u4q [Del]

My friends and I play a game I think others could go by.
We all do a good deed a day and someone else has to verify it. If you don't do a good deed you are shunned for a day. We have done good deeds without fail for seven months.

159 Name: : 2015-08-08 15:55 ID:+y6iHoGn [Del]

Ur good deeds only do so much depending on what u do but in reality ur not doing much and not everyone is willing to follow u and ur friends.

160 Name: Solus Cael : 2015-08-08 16:56 ID:UnsPHOcO [Del]

I don't know how much this'll help, but in case you haven't heard, there's a petitioning website called where members all around the world start and sign petitions relating to all kinds of world issues. It's almost effortless to sign them, so I think this could be a great way to help change the world without affecting your daily life too much. On top of doing good deeds, of course.

161 Name: Tohru : 2015-08-08 16:57 ID:Gbrtgzze [Del]

Maybe we can't change the world. But there's no harm in trying! I'm going to see what I can do in my city to make things right and I hope others do too

162 Name: HeartBeatKnight : 2016-02-11 01:03 ID:b/zoToWn [Del]

If we make decisions from our hearts and not our egos.

Then we can make this a heavenly world full of authentic beings.

You always have my protection and support in this endeavor.

163 Name: World Emperor : 2016-02-11 03:22 ID:fkdRzUq5 [Del]

Lets see on how you try..

164 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-11 11:00 ID:GWIq1uGH [Del]

Why don't we start on our own? Like be a good citizen. Pick up some dirt you saw on streets, help the elderly and etc. We can do a lot of things on our own. After that then that's the time we can change the world. We cannot change it if we ourselves don't change.

Just stating my opinion.

165 Name: Kodota : 2016-02-11 16:25 ID:XJLUEjHD [Del]

i have but what would the outcome be hmmm maybe it would be a bad thing.

166 Name: BAKADEN : 2016-02-11 16:57 ID:o3AmALE+ [Del]

I feel like we need a way to get ourselves out there and not just be a website. People need to know that the dollars exist and that we want change in the world.

167 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-13 00:27 ID:Qhx6VJUn [Del]

yes, you are right.

168 Name: Anonymous001 : 2016-02-13 00:50 ID:TueQsM3Y [Del]

this world will never change...

169 Name: Yamato : 2016-02-13 05:15 ID:d9E4RHOQ [Del]

I agree.

170 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-13 07:23 ID:B16bCU5a [Del]

Yes, I would enjoy it if the Dollars really became a large movement, however the reality is that nobody ever changed anything without getting their hands dirty (which most people are never willing to do). If Dollars aren't willing to get off their asses and help out than the goal turns into a fantasy.

171 Name: Ayako : 2016-02-13 07:50 ID:HHds0iLf [Del]

I totally agree.

172 Post deleted by user.

173 Name: Izaya : 2016-02-13 09:02 ID:oS1BC5lk [Del]

I would love to be part of this, but the thing is that we are spread around the world, and a single person can't really do that much alone.. I can think about a thread in wich everyone can say his location, to make some little groups under the name of Dollars.
This will be very cool... I hope and admin will read this.

174 Name: Batlil : 2016-02-13 15:02 ID:71f2Jhup [Del]

I agree with making the dollars real. But how will we make people aware of the dollars?

175 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-13 15:05 ID:PmReNofE [Del]

We should make a newsletter and email it to the members willing to give out emails

176 Name: Mikaito : 2016-02-13 15:21 ID:xcAzKSPK [Del]

I would love to make this real! It would be amazing to be part of a group that anyone you see could be part of aswell.

177 Name: Primo : 2016-02-13 15:35 ID:yvU0sTYq [Del]

join Anonymous then

178 Name: StarFlower : 2016-02-13 15:52 ID:i1I5qAqI [Del]

Let's do this. Even if we can't change a huge thing in this world we can still help people,with random acts of kindness. We can start out small but we still need the manpower and willingness if we want to change major things in the world. It may take time but I believe we can do this!

179 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2016-02-13 16:12 ID:M59I9dgr [Del]

I'd go with a world government approach if anything. Of course, us Dollars may not be suited, but there are some who are

180 Name: Izaya : 2016-02-14 08:09 ID:wLtWsjU9 [Del]

We can do small things to help people, I want The Dollars to become ttue too!!

181 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-14 08:57 ID:MIevIbfc [Del]

Spread the word, even if we sound like weebs

182 Name: Exodmaster : 2016-02-14 09:46 ID:cyfIN3z/ [Del]

I think making the world a nicer place isn't just about the big things, but more about the every day problems or struggles, so everybody can help and that's what we as dollars should do. Just be nice to people, help them with the little things and encourage them to do the same.

183 Name: Swedish wolf : 2016-02-14 10:20 ID:K8xUqsPY [Del]

I live in Sweden(NO shit)
I don´t have much money but I will do my best for the pepole that live in Sweden as Swedish or refugges.
I want to and Will help you and the rest of Sweden
I will make The Dollars fameous for kindness

184 Name: 1 : 2016-02-14 14:23 ID:tlaZfpLr [Del]

You dollars sounds more like some good people trying to take the communism into an organization...

185 Name: Blanc : 2016-02-14 16:28 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

There are way to many people that talk about doing something and not nearly enough actually doing it.

We don't need countless threads asking people if we can 'make the Dollars real'just go out and DO SOMETHING.

These threads don't achieve anything, just makes us look like all talk, no action.


186 Name: UScitizen457 : 2016-03-14 11:39 ID:IcFMcktB [Del]

There are a lot of you who say we can't make this work because we are far apart from each other. Another portion who say it's the end of the world. A final portion who say we should make this work.

The fact of this is:
1) This happens already (In fact I try to do 10 things to ix this world daily)
2) Maybe it is the end of the world
3) If so, it doesn't matter the world we live in is completely cruel and inhumane. There may be some good and we may be all over the world, but all that means is we can impact in more than one place. All we wish is for a better world.

This thread is kind of like pi, not pie pi, there are infinite possibilities, but no matter what there will always be something different said. I say we don't need to group up we already are. THIS WEBSITE!!! All we need to do is state something we did and compile all of those deeds to show the world. Show everyone that it is possible to change this world the 7th post made by Baron is harsh. I am sorry you feel that way, but I don't care! If it is the end of the world then we need to fight back like every other time we thought it was. I am pretty sure in WWI and WWII there were people who thought it was the end of the world, but that didn't stop us. Go out and fight the good fight. Be someone. Change this dot in the universe. I will do what I always do maybe even double the amount of good deeds. Treat everyone how you wnat to be treated.

187 Name: JosephLa2 : 2016-03-14 12:25 ID:hg19BEe7 [Del]

It already is! Why do you think this website exists!

188 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-03-14 12:27 ID:rImL4oc1 [Del]


189 Name: Mavis : 2016-03-14 17:54 ID:X3eLIkCK [Del]

>>187 Because some fanboy decided to make the anime website real

190 Name: Shizuo-chan : 2016-03-15 09:27 ID:jJ8nlUe3 [Del]

I think we should create a world wide organisation. to wreck havoc around the world, to do what we, THE DOLLARS, want to do.

191 Name: Shizuo-chan : 2016-03-15 09:30 ID:jJ8nlUe3 [Del]

or we can help to create world peace. I can lead the North of England Dollars

192 Name: skane : 2016-03-15 10:13 ID:ru1TrC5w [Del]

You only want create a dictature, when only you are the Leader, you want money, fame, when you tell peace, you don't know what are you telling about.

193 Name: Clow : 2016-03-15 10:29 ID:b3YMNAZ0 [Del]

skane... I don´t think this has something to do with dicature or money etc. This thread is just about changing things.

194 Name: Sebasuchon : 2016-03-15 10:41 ID:emSHrRL3 [Del]

some of this is a bit flawed which i can look past for the moment, but i agree that the dollars should be a real thing...

also make sure next time this gets over to the missions page. ^_^

195 Name: Boggy : 2016-04-15 17:12 ID:YijI3fPr [Del]

>>78 Why do you think that, everyone can change something, it doesn't matter how long we've been for. Isn't everyone equal in The Dollars?

196 Name: - : 2016-05-02 23:37 ID:4e+g3L2E [Del]

I think this will work, we can change the world... We just have to multiply the population of Dollars to make a stronger voice... We all just have to be patient. As long all we work for good, God is with us...

197 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-02 23:41 ID:EZUySsrZ [Del]

>>196 kindly read the FAQs which you Bumped off. You need to read other replies before you post your own reply..

The Missions Board exists for this purpose so no need to bump this.


198 Name: A-kun : 2016-05-02 23:55 ID:zWwqnehv [Del]

So you want to chang the worl, you can start by not posting any crap on this website.

199 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-03 00:26 ID:qVcQUwwu [Del]

>>198 look at you NOT posting CRAP but BUMPS it.


200 Name: Killian : 2016-05-04 01:16 ID:l9ae4C61 [Del]

I think that we have to change the world but the problems is that the dollars aren't a local group but an international group and this makes difficult the encounter with other members for example in my city I can't find any member and we can't change the world being just one person so if you live in Rome and you want th help me to organize accomplish missions I'll be grateful

201 Name: cliff : 2016-05-04 07:43 ID:90OZW7fA [Del]

l think the problem is how to be more powerful and the main point is that we don't have enough power

202 Name: Ryuzaki : 2016-05-04 07:53 ID:BOi3KFf4 [Del]

changing this world isn't cant change the world if your hands aren't can't also change it without powers...the only way to change it was war or for more better...doing it silently like those anonymous hackers do

203 Name: Ryuuto : 2016-05-04 08:22 ID:z06zhEIy [Del]

Why not use the powers that be from the inside. Infect it in a way. Start with local governing bodies that have influence, because without that there would be no momentum and the masses won't be convinced that this world needs to change. Sort of like Tokyo Ghoul Season 1, Kaneki see's that both the humans and ghouls are to blame for the hostilities. And since he's apart of both worlds it was up to him to help both sides see the error of their ways. Or how the Blue Squares took out the Yellow Scarves from the inside out, and stopped a gang war. I know this isn't an anime, but this is the example I'm using. We do have the power as a united group, we just need the momentum to move forward!

204 Name: Shirai Iku : 2016-05-04 09:20 ID:Xxjkun2T [Del]

If we start small and grow big, I think we can do it!
This group pertains to the anime dollars opinions, that we are a colorless group that can change the world.

Since we have technology now, we are able to use that. The dollars have created apps, there are multiple members here, and so much more. If we are a group that thinks and questions the world, we should be able to change it. Small starts, like playing that vocabulary game, changed lives by feeding rice to children.

I think we are capable of combining individuals' powers to create a giant community to change the world. However, there is a problem. The views of change.

There are many people of different views of reality, that can see different ways of changing the world. This in turn makes it difficult. If we can change this, to gain a better understanding of HOW The Dollars ARE going to change the world, then I believe that this will be able to work.


205 Name: Nothing : 2016-05-04 13:34 ID:seXoeAM2 [Del]

Reality it's just a illusion. We have to destroy it not to change it.

206 Name: Justin x2 : 2016-05-04 14:42 ID:CEu6AB8l [Del]

I would love to change the world. The only thing is that I only joined about 1-2 weeks ago and I don't know anyone in my area to do stuff with.

Off topic: Your English was pretty spot on.

207 Name: Ikaru : 2016-05-04 15:08 ID:rSp5keYY [Del]

Mm... That sounds great, so great, it's a good propose. If I have to be economical with the truth, I hate society, perphaps yes, I would change the world.

Off topic: I'm from spain, my english it's so bad, I know, sorry for that ><

208 Name: Chiaki : 2016-05-04 15:17 ID:5mMq876g [Del]

I'm still looking for Dollars in my area, but yes, I'd love to change the world as well.
The Dollars have sort of become real, it's a truth that nobody can deny. Even people who haven't seen DRRR have become part of this group.

We can do something, we have the butterfly-effect on our side (if one does it, others may join, majority may see us).

I never doubted the strength of The Dollars at all. I rather worried about other groups... like the Yellow Scarves. If we can make The Dollars real, then what about those people? Not that we should think about it too much.

However! We can do everything and we WILL.

209 Name: Keiko : 2016-05-04 16:33 ID:0TFGjvBK [Del]

I agree that we should do something but my only concern is that we are from all over the world so it might be hard to make a big difference. That being said we could still make an impact in you communities so if there are any Dollars from northern Virginia please contact me at my gmail at the bottom. I think we could make a little difference in the World!


210 Name: anon : 2016-05-04 16:58 ID:kAM7jMlO [Del]

even if we tried to do something it not like people have not tried before us and many times fail

211 Name: Nothing : 2016-05-04 17:39 ID:seXoeAM2 [Del]

So anon youll just give up? Dont be so ridiculous so what if others people failed before us well stand again and again until we change everything.

212 Name: Red : 2016-06-09 22:08 ID:uR5Q1XpC [Del]

Fucking bump!!!

213 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-09 22:57 ID:NMrFowsL [Del]

The Dollars are very real. The fact that we are even on this website proves we are real. The real question is do we want to act and reach our fullest potential, to which my answer is yes. There is no limit to what the Dollars can do by the nature of our existence, so we should embrace that and change the world.

214 Name: Eithril Gear !NUlVfGWmEk : 2016-06-09 23:46 ID:wtTCF/E5 [Del]

Holy shit. Bump~!

215 Name: Noise!H81ulOUr/g : 2016-06-10 05:27 ID:Q6plyM3V [Del]

This does sound alot like communism....

216 Name: firelily : 2016-06-10 12:46 ID:MW56Gsc+ [Del]


217 Name: Das : 2016-06-11 00:45 ID:wEepuvsp [Del]

How would you do it? That's what I want to know.

218 Name: daaku d. kunito : 2016-06-11 03:12 ID:slPzzjDm [Del]

We may brother be well known by the world which is why we dont have power thus influence, but this shouldn't deter us, because we can't get well known unless we do something, so I agree that we should do more for the world we live in, in order to make it a safer place to live in. So id have to agree that starting with small things then claiming that we did it, that would give us publicity then eventually influence once people know our ranks, thus power to Chang the world we live in even more

219 Name: Yurei : 2016-06-11 05:01 ID:Qh0Gw1Ai [Del]


220 Name: social creature : 2016-06-11 05:03 ID:Y9B7WENQ [Del]

let's give it a shot then.

221 Name: Celty S. : 2016-06-11 06:15 ID:Jt9T/NsV [Del]

So, how do we do it? I also want to promote it at school but their authority's just too great.

222 Name: SxIN : 2016-06-11 07:38 ID:ZWw1irj0 [Del]

Changing the world? ...too big. Why not change ourselves first? For the sake of others,for the greater good,let's change ourselves first. Let's be nice toward others. Family,friends,strangers,classmates,enemies..(ok,not the enemies,but at least,don't kill your enemies.Enemies have families too (ok,not all enemies,some are pure evils))
Anyway,the point is,be nice. Even just for a tiny bit.

223 Name: Haha : 2016-06-11 13:47 ID:ojV+/eYV [Del]

Start by changing your own life.

224 Name: Bridiculus : 2016-06-11 15:00 ID:mxRl52Gc [Del]

Change life, change community, change city, change country, change continent, change world,... It would probably take like 30 years or more.

225 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-11 17:04 ID:59Jhl3Fg [Del]

We should all gather in one place and have one of us send out a mass e-mail/text to the entire group. Let the world see how many of us there are.

226 Name: Kanra : 2016-06-11 17:14 ID:wIpLf1pS [Del]


227 Name: Shadow : 2016-06-11 18:07 ID:wMYT8u44 [Del]

WE as citizens can go against the government because we have our own rights that they can't deny. Everyone is capable of change within themselves and within others, and so what of it takes awhile to change, its normal, just give it a shot. Deep down we all want change for the better, so stop hiding, get out there and make a difference if u really want it.

228 Name: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot : 2016-06-11 18:24 ID:wEepuvsp [Del]

Activism then right. Alright if this is gonna happen. Whose gonna be the figure head? We also need a leader, and a stance on conman issues. What do we support in this world and what do we not support? Do we assist the government or go against it? What ideology are we? Do we support everyone or whose a member right now?

229 Name: Miku nagasaki : 2016-06-11 21:32 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

Yeah lets do it im in i will pick up trash all over my neighbor hood and clean up spray painting or maybe I could help my neighbors lets do it The dollars are like family. where i am from the school district is kinda bad at teaching students we should help at hospitals or maybe go help with bad teaching schools make fund raisers. We should be proud to call us dollars I bet Mikado would be so proud of us

230 Name: Kaed : 2016-06-11 22:28 ID:C71sL1BS [Del]

I think you have the right idea. Even though the possibility of problems arising is a little high, if we set our minds to it I think we just may be able to pull this off.

231 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-11 22:55 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]

The chances of us influencing any drastic change is very small. If we as a faction were to oppose any government, we would be treated and disposed of as a threat to that country and it's sovereignty. Our group, despite it's size, is quite spread out, and it will be difficult to influence change.

232 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 00:11 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

I agree with Kaed, and I'll help where I can. It's a long shot, but that's what the Dollars are about, eh?

233 Name: Jessica345 : 2016-06-12 00:35 ID:cnbJkWk3 [Del]

I don't know and I want to know more about the dollar and join too

234 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 00:44 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

lol Jessica aren't u a dollar if ur on this website?

235 Name: Jessica345 : 2016-06-12 01:17 ID:cnbJkWk3 [Del]

Do u know more about the dollars

236 Name: eff : 2016-06-12 03:15 ID:2F7YKA00 [Del]


237 Name: Celty S. : 2016-06-12 07:13 ID:UMY3/M+v [Del]

I kind of started to spread our name to my friends in a way of advertise that we can help people, or help our community. Was it a good idea?

238 Name: CallMeX : 2016-06-12 08:01 ID:ipK6d2RT [Del]

I really want to make the dollar real,,but some people say that is a stupid idea..
i dont know why people think that

239 Name: Celeste : 2016-06-12 11:19 ID:/V1mmW45 [Del]

I want to make The Dollars real, but how? Tell us, and we will do it

240 Name: Greedling !qq56wjjUOw : 2016-06-12 11:28 ID:0Kyu+ys8 [Del]

for starters if we want to make the dollars real we would need to advertise it somehow i guess

241 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-06-12 12:04 ID:59Jhl3Fg [Del]

I have the Dollars symbol on my cell phone screen. It's a start.

242 Name: Kaed : 2016-06-12 12:16 ID:C71sL1BS [Del]

In my personal opinion I think we should be like and underground group. Or if we advertise it, choose the people you can trust and know will do the right thing. Because if we advertise to everyone and word gets out to quickly the whole process will collapse. So I feel that in a way we should be known as the group it self but no one should know who we are personally. So let's say we caused an uprising or problems with the authority's it will be harder to find us and stop our cause.

243 Name: iO : 2016-06-12 13:30 ID:rMrcxAzy [Del]


244 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2016-06-12 13:38 ID:UqPO9YnD [Del]

Would like to make it real! but the question is how?
I'm bored with this normal life!

245 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-12 14:06 ID:4E06krun [Del]

Yeah forget anime right now this is reality, this is life we can die any day, except me i have certain powers watching me keeping me alive for the near end game of things.

246 Name: Sky2 : 2016-06-12 14:13 ID:lp/VitF3 [Del]

I hate boring humans, I like the extraordinary and fun humans better.

247 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-12 14:21 ID:4E06krun [Del]

Then we should all meet up and do the extraordinary.

248 Name: Sky2 : 2016-06-12 14:49 ID:lp/VitF3 [Del]

Yeah, exactly.

249 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-12 15:26 ID:4E06krun [Del]

YEP what we should do is be part of governmental officials judges, counsel, and etc. to influence others in media, propaganda?!

250 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 15:55 ID:TwV/0twd [Del]

Good idea Kida I also agree with Isaiah Orewell. I have the symbol on my screensaver and cell phone as well

251 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 15:59 ID:TwV/0twd [Del]

This is real life, this isn't 5 lives then game over type shit. Lets make a difference guys I wanna do something important. However, we DO need a leader

252 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-12 16:29 ID:4E06krun [Del]

Dont blame you there man, but I'm fine though

253 Name: Izaya : 2016-06-12 16:40 ID:gW5oRqeX [Del]

I agree with this, even though I know 70% of people here won't do anything, the other 30% that are left WILL at least try to make a change! Now I ask the 70%... Why do you do nothing about what this world is doing to us and what we are doing to this world? If you had a choice to help a starving child, or get the new game that just came out and everyone's getting, which would you choose? Come on people, wake up! Wake up and do something for once... Izaya out!

254 Name: BlueBird : 2016-06-12 17:12 ID:crvSEOi1 [Del]

>>253 It is easy to spit some sweet words, but it is not gonna wake anyone up. People are more attentive to what you have already done, because people are pessimistic and lack faith in mankind. What have you done so far? Have you planned what YOU are going to do to change the world? How would you define changing the world? Do you even have what it takes to change the world? Countless people talk about changing the world and then give up in less than a month. Helping a starving child one day will only lengthen their suffering. You won't be here every single day to give them food, and because you believe someone else will give them food the next day doesn't mean it will happen.

255 Name: Izaya : 2016-06-12 17:24 ID:gW5oRqeX [Del]

>>254 I'll take you up on this one. How do I define changing the world? A.R.K, Act of Random Kindness, to me that's all it takes. Of course, I don't believe that we can stop global warming just like that. But if we start using ambient-friendly products and throw the litter in the proper recycle bins, then maybe eventually we'll stop global warming. And as for my plans in changing the world... Hell, I don't know, maybe I'll help the next person I see in whatever they need. Maybe I'll become a vet and treat animals in need. I don't know, but there is one thing I know, if the chance ever comes I WILL try help this world and the people in it as much as I can, hell I'll do the impossible if I can't do what's possible.

256 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 17:27 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

Izaya that A.R.K thing you were talking about, I've heard of that. It seems like a great idea to me. One minute you're just walking down the street, the next you bring dinner to the homeless man on the corner. It seems wonderful. I was actually going to clean the graffiti across the river from my apartment, but I have to go buy paint first to paint over it

257 Name: Izaya : 2016-06-12 17:36 ID:gW5oRqeX [Del]

>>256 I'm glad you understand. Now we have to share the word! PS: Good luck in cleaning that graffiti. You've earned my respect!

258 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 17:50 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

Haha thanks~

259 Name: Eikyo : 2016-06-12 21:26 ID:nvmo1n2r [Del]

Izaya I finished painting over the graffiti! It was a lot of work, but me and my friends went and got ice cream after. They enjoy doing stuff like this too, so is it okay if I tell them the password?

260 Name: [I can't spell] : 2016-06-29 13:14 ID:dtOlaQ9D [Del]


261 Name: clt dollars : 2016-06-29 14:26 ID:tvCx06YN [Del]


262 Name: Sarky !JA7lPOiPVs : 2016-06-29 15:02 ID:wiJqoS6N [Del]


263 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-29 18:31 ID:vbVXuOqG [Del]


264 Name: birobiro : 2016-06-29 21:47 ID:g6fYmZjJ [Del]

hmm. starting at small things yeah . we can do that .

265 Name: To Be, : 2016-06-30 01:30 ID:wQP8uNl1 [Del]


266 Name: David the amazing : 2016-06-30 02:38 ID:+Cbok3cO [Del]

It would be hard to do this to be perfectly honest we would have to make sites or chat rooms based on location first of all and that would be a lot of those and then how many people would be in those sites or chat rooms and what would they do exactly because if U have 3 people in one town with 3 different ideas that would be frustrating

267 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-30 03:38 ID:4E06krun [Del]

We need more members, editors, thread police cough, website supervisors, and moderators, we can be big.

268 Name: David the amazing : 2016-06-30 03:45 ID:+Cbok3cO [Del]

/Kida you are right maybe we can actually do this another thing witch I said earlier is something so you don't Get reports or whatever from half way around the world and you only see stuff not to far a way where U can't do anything about it

269 Name: Lazaro !FYz00L796o : 2016-06-30 11:11 ID:loQVIVM+ [Del]

Sadly, I feel most of you have yet to actually finish the anime or even really get the idea. The Dollars is nothing more than a group to be a part of. We have no true goal or end game. We just do things, our own things. That is the Dollars, being yourself but also part of a bigger group. Want to change the world, that is great, but stop acting like that is why the Dollars exist. It is not.

Now then, the finally part of this little rant. The world will always suck a bit, that's the point kiddies! Firstly, compared to 50 years ago, we have become more civil in many ways. We have more equal rights and movements to achieve such, and they aren't being slaughtered daily with no care. But we have also lost some civility, as will happen. Life is a cycle, things are always good as well as bad. It won't ever be perfect, nor should it be - without conflict or worry, we would never change norepinephrine evolve. Our world would stagnate. So the world isn't anymore terrible than it has ever been, and it will always be a little terrible because that is reality: life and death, pain and love, hope and despair. I think we all should focus more on righting ourselves and finding our own way to add joy into the world then mulling over all this 'evil'- it is so much easier to spread joy when you live with joy.

Anyways, I wish you luck in your endeavor nonetheless. :)

270 Name: Ada-lace : 2016-06-30 12:45 ID:vSLEChml [Del]

We are big, really all it is now is about coming together and doing what needs to be done. we need to start reaching for what we want and if it's political change then we have to grab ourselves.

271 Name: Isaiah Orwell : 2016-07-05 23:18 ID:5nVQ8qf8 [Del]

I think the time is now. We need to come up with a plan of action.

272 Name: pie : 2016-07-13 00:54 ID:lt1YyaPV [Del]

if you are living on your own what you could try to do is inform other dollar members if you see someone in trouble IF you are in a public area... and try to assist them and if it needs multiple amounts of help mention that on the website but if you dont live alone (pretty much under 15) then do simple acts like the teddy bear notes thing or give money to homeless people or erase graffiti pick up trash, ect... (i know how stupid this is cause technically its just a fan page) so blah

273 Name: Daxs : 2016-07-13 01:37 ID:AQMpnU6y [Del]

We really should try to make this world better it's slowly falling apart and people do almost nothing about it or they just don't care I'll do whatever I can to help it takes more then one person tho

274 Name: Asukiyo : 2016-07-13 02:14 ID:07pweiZ8 [Del]

I guess we can make an impact by simply being kind and helpful around us... and between ourselves as well.
That's why, for starters, we need to update our map with contacts info, to see who lives near us, and perhaps do something bigger locally.

275 Name: Hayato : 2016-07-13 07:32 ID:RATVac2/ [Del]

I don't really have my hopes up for anything, but just as a thought for the ones who take this seriously; the strength of the Dollars could be the thing you recognize as weakness: people are spread around the world and not in one place. I'm a person who usually thinks both ways so I don't believe we can change the world or anything so heroic but I don't think anything would be impossible either. So I just wanted to share that since we're all around the world, it could be a great strength to not just do something only in one place. The thing is, the number of the active members aren't enough to have an active group in each country either.

276 Name: arlak : 2016-07-13 14:39 ID:/j2PmDXs [Del]

and how do this really?

277 Name: あい : 2016-07-14 00:55 ID:4hEGcFZ7 [Del]

i wish this was as cool as it was in the show...

278 Name: glee : 2016-07-14 13:53 ID:lt1YyaPV [Del]

I know

279 Name: Kanra : 2016-07-14 16:42 ID:4la98BOf [Del]

Me too

280 Name: mina chan : 2016-07-14 16:47 ID:rub18ojc [Del]

It's a good idea, but maybe put more thought into it. I for one live in a pretty shitty place and i totally want to change it. It makes me kinda happy when i think of the Dollars becoming real, but
I don't know if it's possible.... so.
But i do think it's a good idea.

281 Name: Karuban : 2016-08-03 04:32 ID:UiXTxW+f [Del]

The whole point of the Dollars is not having a leader. Having no rules. Not being told what to do. In the Dollars you cant tell the bad apples from the bad.

282 Name: Nightmare : 2016-08-03 07:08 ID:X1OjKsJh [Del]

I agree,being a dollar member is not just about anime but making it to a reality....

283 Name: Daruton : 2016-08-03 07:29 ID:mZZDbLYV [Del]

I think this could work really well! As long as we do a lot of small thing we can make a huge impact in people everyday life. I'm gonna start by doing some of the missions on the board there. I hope every one join in this. We can really make a huge change.

284 Name: Just A Wannabe : 2016-08-03 08:47 ID:PXfytVvk [Del]

This is why i joined the Dollars! One day we will make it a reality, just you wait and see. Lets change the world together!

285 Name: Silvia : 2016-08-03 09:56 ID:46Jzw7S6 [Del]

Sure I'll join in,yknow? I wish for this world to be less corrupt really lol so I'm hoping this'll yknow? make it better

286 Name: firefly9 : 2016-08-03 10:05 ID:8NmHg/6I [Del]

I agree with you. We should try to make the world a better place! That might be a little hard but if we work together then we can make it happen.

287 Name: YukoSal : 2016-08-03 10:27 ID:l1SnfyaJ [Del]

Yes. I agree with you. We, THE DOLLARS, need to make the world better.
I'll defiantly join in.

288 Name: Xenia : 2016-08-03 12:02 ID:nreIskzd [Del]

Why is this on main? I don't even think this should be in missions since all of this has already been said there. This thread is a waste of time.

289 Name: Kibou : 2016-08-03 14:01 ID:Sp+utE68 [Del]

Yeah but nobody has the balls to do it, every time I try my colleges back out

290 Name: hope : 2016-08-03 14:12 ID:z0Ugj7ut [Del]

you're all right, if we, the dollars, do something, no matter how small it is, like pick up the trash of streets and parks for example, in the end, we can make an HUUUUGEEEE difference and save the world!!! but I'm not going to stop watching anime!

291 Name: Xenia : 2016-08-03 14:28 ID:nreIskzd [Del]

This was taken directly from the "things not to post on main" thread.

2. ’We should do something and start being real Dollars!’
Instead of making threads to talk about why we should be doing Missions, why not, I don’t Missions. Don’t make these threads, they’re pointless. Simply do the Missions.

292 Name: blank : 2016-08-03 16:59 ID:ekTLzrU9 [Del]

do it

293 Name: PC CP PSC : 2016-08-03 19:14 ID:6QBcWORN [Del]

It'd be pretty cheesy if The Dollars actually existed

294 Name: Csimron : 2016-08-03 19:58 ID:35tE6Rtc [Del]

To be completely honest, I like the idea.

295 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-03 20:21 ID:GDV6xiAx [Del]

i'd join

296 Name: Xenon : 2016-08-03 20:30 ID:hs98t9iu [Del]

I'll do it.

297 Name: Karuban : 2016-08-04 02:37 ID:UiXTxW+f [Del]

We need a boss to lead us, there is no real boss. The only person who can actually lead us somewhere, or make us raise, make us have power. Is the creator of the Dollars. But no one knows who he/she is nor have that person done anything to bump up the Dollars. The Creator can be a girl or a guy, a kid or a senior. No one knows.

298 Name: Karuban : 2016-08-04 02:38 ID:UiXTxW+f [Del]

And don't get me wrong, the Dollars is a real thing.

299 Name: Karuban : 2016-08-04 02:40 ID:UiXTxW+f [Del]

The real question is... When will it be the end of the Dollars.

300 Post deleted by user.

301 Name: Soul Haru Kuroki : 2016-08-04 04:27 ID:FyJ21QRL [Del]

Dollars never die.

302 Name: Lupus Grey : 2016-08-04 04:57 ID:jUT2Q23k [Del]

I beleve that we could do this, we have the power for good but we could make the wrong choices on how to do this, if used right we could be a very effective group. We just need to find out what to do to be used right.

303 Name: Soul Haru Kuroki : 2016-08-04 05:11 ID:FyJ21QRL [Del]

>>302 yes, i agree with your thought.
We, the Dollars, become more and more and we can be the best online group who wants to change the world!

304 Name: Faith : 2016-08-04 11:44 ID:BSvJwme9 [Del]

It's not called failure if you try again

305 Name: Maka : 2016-08-04 12:23 ID:Yn7RWNUK [Del]

Hi im new an i wanted to meet with some people

306 Name: Lole : 2016-08-04 13:02 ID:Od8Rifmm [Del]

I think we should do this it would be so cool

307 Post deleted by user.

308 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-08-05 23:45 ID:rWAYICM/ [Del]

>>297 The creator is Reltair, their email is listed on the right sidebar.

309 Name: Kurozen : 2016-08-06 00:31 ID:GegxStq1 [Del]

I suggest someone start a twitter. I will make one if everyone follows. It would be funny to have this account blow up in numbers and anyone not familiar with it would have no idea why. But the people that do know what it is could follow to see what we're up to. The account ownership is a problem though. Because if they just become inactive for whatever reason and no one else has the pw it would become useless. And if we share the pw who knows how long it'll take for a troll to get their hands on it.

310 Name: Kurozen : 2016-08-06 00:32 ID:GegxStq1 [Del]

>>309 By me making one I mean it wont be the official one. Just one for me to follow the official one

311 Name: AppleCiderr : 2016-08-06 00:46 ID:kujJbCyh [Del]

I say we go around and start helping people, and if we are asked tell them who we are, and they'll spreadand they'll spread about our good deeds. we start a twitter, maybe. Get more people to join and help change the world.

312 Name: Kurozen : 2016-08-06 00:47 ID:GegxStq1 [Del]

>>311 that's what I want to happen too and with a twitter more people will know we exist as a whole. Then only the ones who actually know what we are and what we do will join us.

313 Name: AppleCiderr : 2016-08-06 00:48 ID:kujJbCyh [Del]

There are so many of us, if we all start going around and doing good deeds in the name of the Dollars and in the name of humanity in general, we can really change the world together

314 Name: Lenny : 2016-08-06 05:33 ID:KbOAORWx [Del]

You'd have to keep in mind not everyone is here for the same reasons. Would you expect The Dollars to have rules, or would it be the same as the anime, where there are no rules? It's a very interesting topic, to say the least, but there are always going to be bad seeds, yknow?

315 Name: Donut : 2016-08-06 06:34 ID:XiGoX23J [Del]

Wow! I never thought this thing would be real. I'm glad.
Keep faith guys, and be strong. Spread this thing!

316 Name: Maritime : 2016-08-06 08:08 ID:cMLVrdzo [Del]

If it were possible. Why not? To connect millions of people together to achieve certain goals. That'd be nice to turn something big as this into reality.

317 Name: LeTurt : 2016-08-06 08:10 ID:BManonMH [Del]

@Lenny: It´s not about creating rules, it is about the creation of a goal. The Dollars are ment to be a free organisation, erverbody dealing with his own problems. But what if they would deal NOT ONLY with their own existance, instead of that you could help others. How you help them depends on you