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Merry Christmas everyone! (11)

1 Name: Crumbli013 : 2013-12-25 13:07 ID:XWM7PUCE [Del]

Or whatever you celebrate. ( -3-")

I decided to make a little thread-thing for 2013 as there appeared to be one lacking for this year, so yay! I contributed! If there actually is one, then my mistake for not noticing. = w ="

Do something nice for someone this year, like make them cookies or get them something. If you got nothing, give them a hug! I believe that's a fair substitute. :) if they complain about it, then give them even more hugs XD.

What is it that you want this year, and what is one thing you'd want to give?
You don't have to say if you don't want to, I'm just a curious person. I just want to give this thread some more volume.

Again, Merry Christmas!

2 Name: TobiKid : 2013-12-25 13:22 ID:22AIKVDK [Del]

Honestly, the things I asked for this year were a little different than usual. Yes I asked for kitty ears and the Lucky Star box set, but also, a better headset for Skype and stationary for letters and things of that sort, all so I could keep in contact with these friends that I've made that are so very far away.

I think I'm beginning to realize that the things I want most aren't things I can necessarily have. They aren't things I can buy, not unless someone can summon up 500 dollars for a trip to Denmark so I can comfort the boy who needs me most in the world right now.

More than anything right now, I really just want to be in a country far away from mine *ahem* Denmark *ahem* in a bed I've never visited, so I can give a hug to a very sad goalball player in need of a hug. I would love to be able to give that. :)

3 Name: Crumbli013 : 2013-12-25 13:49 ID:XWM7PUCE [Del]

[TobiKid}, you've made me quite teary-eyed just now! What moving things to wish for... I hope they come true... I mean, I don't wanna sound cheesy or anything! But really, I hope they do (u_u )

~Merry Christmas!

4 Name: Zengo : 2013-12-25 17:43 ID:Z/HqJ8Xd [Del]


5 Name: Shirayuki101 : 2013-12-25 17:49 ID:zQQzz2Rj [Del]

Merry Christmas to you peeps~!!

6 Name: Laughing Man : 2013-12-25 23:57 ID:jS/os7f8 [Del]


7 Name: BlueRaven : 2013-12-26 00:36 ID:hkukNLC3 [Del]

Merry xmas!!

8 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-26 09:07 ID:TOT/9sVf [Del]

>Log into BBS.

>See three separate topics just for Christmas greetings.


I understand that there's one that isn't current for this year, but I think that it's actually a rare situation where necroposting an old thread would be entirely acceptable in this case. But for that one person who made this thread here. Why, there's already a Christmas thread made by someone THE DAY BEFORE YOU POSTED YOURS. Don't give me bullshit about you didn't see it. Unless you physically cannot see. Even then, fuck you.

9 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-12-26 10:31 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>8 oh dw man, there was/is more than 3

10 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-27 01:00 ID:bmCI7BJP [Del]

how do i get my own account

11 Name: caek013 : 2013-12-27 06:56 ID:XWM7PUCE [Del]

I don't actually think you have to have your own account, nor that any of us members really need one. Basically, the only thing I think you need to do in order to join this group is to type in that one password and say you're a part of the Dollars~! Then, ta-daa~! You're a member~
If I'm wrong, then shame on me >\\\<