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Education Is Needed But Is School. (122)

1 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-18 18:22 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

Watch this video PLEASE Because it something important to consider!!!!!

There is more than one way in this world to be Educated.

I will not let exam results decide my fate...
-SULI BREAKS, Vanity Fair 2009.

Please post what you thought about this video.
I cried because I realised the Truth!!!!

2 Name: : 2013-08-18 18:58 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

Shut up I am sick and tired of people always getting emotional about a youtube video if it was really important you would hear about it in the news or it would be something everyones talking about. . . . . . . So there

3 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-18 19:14 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

You don't know anything.
Youtube gives the best and the most information in the world much more than school, but the government doesn't particular want this information about Youtube to be known, but the guy in the video explains everything in 6mins. People don't really care about education so they don't bother looking it up meaning its not well known but the people who do will probably end up being successful in any line of occupation.
And one more thing, you don't have the authority to tell me to shut up and your missing out if you don't see the real meaning of what the guy is saying and so f**king what if I cried realising the truth and that everything I'm doing all the hard work and sleepless nights are going to be for NOTHING unless I REDEFINE EDUCATION !!......So there

4 Name: Azuren : 2013-08-18 19:29 ID:sGbFgVlP [Del]

I am going into grade 11 next week, and this video defined my thoughts upon school. I had no idea there were people out there who shared this thought with me. I have always hated school. I have always hated the systems in which I'm condemned to live by. Not enough people have the correct intentions when it comes to educating today's youth.
Test score after test score. It's all based on numbers and ranks. I refuse to let my self worth be defined by grades. I'm tired of feeling stupid and worthless because I refuse to adapt to these ridiculous systems.

5 Name: : 2013-08-18 20:08 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

Your an idiot do you really think the goverment would really want to spend the money to fund the schools electricity and water and the teachers and cafe workers if it could just have you be educated through a educational youtube. So there this is basically over now.

6 Name: : 2013-08-18 20:11 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

And if they could most people would just goof off on the Internet.

7 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-18 20:11 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

No one is stupid or worthless, you just have your own way of working when it comes to learning.
I just think school is a cover for brainwashing kid to stick with the system. Its like a book, the cover says 'school' on it, how ever you have the story of lies, theories and some facts but in ever story there is a twist, a hidden side, the truth that they don't want to tell and I want to find that truth out and their true motives for school.
And I'm glad that we share this as many in the world do be are scared to speak up. :)

8 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-18 20:29 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del] you still don't get it.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: : 2013-08-18 20:58 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

I never said you are worthless I believe you are misguided school is in no way conspiracy or brainwashing people go to school to get a job or go to collage to get a higher ranking job on which to gain money to buy supplys to survive but buying it would support others on which others can buy supplys to survive p.s I didn't like my first one so I deleted it so I could reworded it to make it sound better.

11 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-08-18 21:51 ID:WsM+wRhg [Del]

You both are idiots.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-18 21:52 ID:feiNvGJm [Del]

This is the stupidest argument about education I have ever seen.

I haven't seen the video due to it being blocked on a school computer, but I will just answer to some of the posts.

>>7 You are being fucking retarded. Do you seriously believe somebody in every single nations government is sitting there plotting "Yesss, yesss, we can use this to brainwash the students into sticking with us"? First of all governments aren't that organised. Secondly, you have way too little faith in humanity.

The thing a lot of people don't get about society and education is, school is designed for the sheep. Yes, you don't like it, yes, you think it's flawed, have you got a better system to educate the general populous? You are the minority, you are often smarter (though possibly not in this case) and you should be trusted to find your own way in terms of education. Society requires a whoollle lot of average blue and collar white workers to function, school is mainly used as a training ground for said people. By not recognising that and believing school should be personally designed around your small minority is incredibly selfish. Don't just complain, improve upon yourself.

13 Name: Miwizawari : 2013-08-18 21:55 ID:bOBUmeiZ [Del]

People are u really gonna fight here?

14 Name: WHITE : 2013-08-18 22:09 ID:G7EbsTZ8 [Del]

think school is now a place more or less used to socialize. nowadays, learning can be just going on a online class, tutor, or home school, so to me, i don't think school isn't exactly necessary.

15 Name: shiro-kun : 2013-08-18 22:36 ID:XR+LQt+s [Del]

what the fuck? i mean you need school even if it means destroying your life then after you graduate school you start a new life i mean seriously have you seen hikikomoris? yeah they don't have jobs theyre not fully educated you know? so just go with the flow dumbroat

16 Name: Aoi Sora : 2013-08-18 23:20 ID:rSPNQxCh [Del]

I absolutely despise school. It is nothing more than pointless memorization and indoctrination into a pointless, society based world. Not only is it unnecessary, but it is shrinking the flexibility of the young mind by pointless repetition of menial facts, instead of encouraging free thought and an open mind.

17 Name: Mashiro : 2013-08-19 01:26 ID:TzYRQptH [Del]

I believe that school is necessary even though most teenagers like myself use it for socializing. But that's the exact readjustment that its necessary, its there so people can learn to build social skills as well as a good education. Most parents work and not everyone has a stay at home mum or dad either so school is a good place for parents to drop their kids off and go off to work without worrying about them.

18 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-19 01:33 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

>>16 <3

19 Name: Kenji : 2013-08-19 02:30 ID:pGzeAuLt [Del]

School sucks!

20 Name: Miwizawari : 2013-08-19 02:38 ID:bOBUmeiZ [Del]

School is in the middle of sucks and awesome.

I go to school for guidance and my friends :3

21 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-19 02:54 ID:a8jcLzBR [Del]

I can't believe i'm actually replying to this topic, but here it goes.

I have long been of the opinion, that school is not necessary to become successful in the world. My parents claim that it is the only way you can get anywhere in the world, and are pushing me to go to College any way I can even on my C average. Now, do I deny that school is important? No. School is important, but it is not necessary for everyone. There are many different ways that you can go about becoming succesfful. As the video stated, there are many people, who never completed a higher education, that went on to lead successful lives.

Sure, I can graduate High School, and then attend a local Community College and graduate from that, but it doesn't guarantee that i'll become a successful writer and voice actor as I dream to be. I'm the only one who guarantee myself that. I'll finish High School, but, that is where the road will end for me most likely. From there on out, i'll be forging my own path to the life that I deem worthy of living. I won't end up like my father, whose been working dead end jobs since the age of 19, and he is now 43. He finished High School, but he never had a dream to pursue, and had a family he needed to provide for. He dug himself into a rut that High School education could not prepare him for. And although my mother used her High School education better, and was happy longer, she too, eventually dug a rut and can't find the way out.

I've walked in between those two ruts for my entire life, and if there's anything i've learned, it's that there is so much that High School nor College can prepare you for in life. Things, that can bring the very dream you've been striving for to its very knees in a blink of an eye. Your education, wasted.

I'm going into my senior year starting next week. I'm getting a head start on my writing career. While High School may have taught me the basics to writing, that isn't enough. The rest, I self-taught, and i'm the best writer in my class. I'm writing multiple novels simultaneously across multiple genres, while also practicing my voice acting on independent unpaid projects. I even took a class with Crispin Freeman. By the end of my senior year, by my graduation, I hope to come out of the gate running, and never look back.

tl;dr You don't need a High School diploma or a Masters Degree to become successful in life. There are many different ways to attain your own personal success. While you need to be educated, School is not the only way to be educated. And as has already been proven, many who have used their education have not become successful, while those that chose not to seek higher education, became successful through their own means.

I hope all of this made sense. My thoughts can be a bit jumbled and incoherent at times.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-19 03:23 ID:tkoYAO1N [Del]

>>16*claps slowly* Wow, you used a lot of big words, that must mean your arguments are correct.

First of all, Earth is a society based world, do you not know what a fucking society is? Any group of functioning individuals living together is a society. You attempted to make yourself look smart with that but horribly failed.

Seriously though, people are so willing to complain about school because "Ugh it sucks and it's boring and it teaches conformity" but seriously, do you have any fucking productive ideas? Please, just a single, viable way on how to improve the global education system. I am all ears.

School is made for the majority, you are not the majority. School is needed as a training ground for the majority of society, as an attempt to initiate the average blue and white collar workers into society. If you are as smart as you tried to make yourself look, you would realise that the intelligent people that fit outside of the box should be able to make their own way through life, without school spoonfeeding them ever step of the way. Try to hold a little objectiveness next time, instead of holding yourself high and mighty in priority.

And even for the intelligent people, school teaches many neccesary things. There is a reason just about every culture int the world came up with the idea of an education system independently. Without school, you would know surprisingly little of what you rely on to get through life. Don't fucking undermine all those who wish to teach the next generation.

God dammit people like you fucking piss me off, all smoke and mirrors. You think you are special? You probably aren't. Deal with it.

23 Name: tyk1337 : 2013-08-19 03:37 ID:cdA90FX+ [Del]

I despise the quintessential education system and see it as inefficient, corrupt, convoluted, and fragile as a glass chess set.

However, it's about picking the lesser of two evils for me. Sure the education system sucks, but idiots suck even more.

There is nothing in this world I hate more than stupid people.

They bring progress and our species down and waste so much thst it is painful and heartbreaking to me.

Shitty as the education system may be, it at least makes sure some people aren't idiots, and that's better than nothing. Therefore, I disagree with people who argue that school is unecessary and inefficient. It was. For you and I, that is. We were either born or worked up to an intellectual level that put us above what school could teach us. We are not the majority. We are not the "swagfags" or the "gangstas" or whatever the supporters of the idea that being an idiot is attractive are called in a given generation.

The majority of people are idiots. Our education system does not work that well, but it is enough to save some people from idiocy, and all we need is a few great men and women to change the world. The educstion system is the catalyst that triggers learning in the humans chosen to become intelligent- the great men and women. It's a risk worth taking,

Don't complain about being forced through schooling.

24 Name: Izayakun : 2013-08-19 04:06 ID:kRoNQhcL [Del]

i hate school.
Probably the teacher! Argh.!

25 Name: SneakyCrab !5NZ6F/LOOM : 2013-08-19 05:20 ID:IWasj5QR [Del]

School isnt bad,
Teachers are bad they are corrupt and abuse there power.

26 Name: Infinityoverinfinity : 2013-08-19 05:50 ID:/FB7jZND [Del]

Yeah, most of them are hypocrites who are in it for the money.

27 Name: Vara !844Vyvlseg : 2013-08-19 06:02 ID:PQh2UUnN [Del]

Not all teachers are bad though. The people whom I respect the most are the excellent teachers, the ones who have knowledge and want to use it to educate and inspire.

28 Name: Infinityoverinfinity : 2013-08-19 06:07 ID:/FB7jZND [Del]

I don't hate school. But what makes it bad are the ones who handle it. Well not all teachers are bad though.

29 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-19 06:33 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

Look I get every ones point of view and shade I understand what your getting at but you guys still don't get it.
I never said school sucks, I never said teachers are bad but the whole point of what I'm saying and what the guys is saying in the video is to REDEFINE how you view EDUCATION.
Look up education in google, youtube, dictionary and law dictionary that is when the pieces fit together. That video was to see if anyone was going to bother researching the subject but it looks like no body did and that disappoints me because it proves my point that school brainwashes you using subliminal messages. I'm am saying no more because this subject is a love are hate situation.

30 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-19 06:56 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>26 In it for the money? You do realize how poorly teachers are paid, right?

I watched the video. I thought it made some good points, but I also think it missed some important things, mainly about acknowledging reality. None of the people mentioned in the video did/do the kind of work where advanced degrees are required (various types of medicine, psychology, etc). The reason various fields have graduate-level degrees as a barrier to entry is because it is generally assumed that the knowledge gained in the process of obtaining said degree is vital to being able to do one's job competently. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I believe that if the advanced degree wasn't a good indicator on a large scale (as many people seem to think), the process would have been reviewed and revised, and it would be something people would be talking about all over the place.

Another thing the video neglects to mention is that what any individual gains from their education (be it the typical high school --> college --> grad school route, or something else) is very largely up to them. An unmotivated, uninterested person will gain very little from a typical education, and would probably not be able to make it past a Bachelor's-level education. In contrast, someone who is going to school to learn about something that interests them, and who is motivated, will get so much more from their time in school. They'll do the reading. They'll be the ones contributing thoughtful comments to discussions. They'll possibly be doing their own reading and learning outside of what's required for their classes. This strong person-to-person difference is why I think it's naive to assume that any one-size-fits-all system is the way to go.

That being the case, I've thought of an alternative to the typical route of (advanced) education. Essentially, you'd be able to self-study your way to competence. I got the idea from the movie Good Will Hunting, when Will is arguing with the stuck up guy at the bar, saying that he got the same education at the public library for a pittance. I know there are schools that have self-study programs, but I was thinking of this as being separate from any school. Of course, before you could enter a field to begin your career, you'd have to pass competence exams, which would be incredibly rigorous, would be in multiple formats (typical paper test, discussion, applying what you've learned, etc.) and would be administered by a panel of experts in whatever it is you've been studying. I thought of it as an alternative to college-based graduate degrees, because some fields of work are currently only accessible to advanced degree-holders; you HAVE to go to grad school (as I stated previously, I understand why this is the case, but I think there should be alternatives). But, there are various reasons why graduate school may not be the best option for a person (two that come to mind are the cost of said schooling and the acknowledgement that the typical school-based route of education is not for everybody).

The reason the competence exams would need to be so much more rigorous than the typical college exam is because it's entirely self-study. Especially in lines of work where you're serving other people, those people need to have confidence in your ability to do good work. Otherwise, you'd end up hurting people because you were unqualified. There need to be checks to ensure that the system produces competent people.

That's about as far as I've gotten with that idea. I haven't yet thought about how a system like that would get started, or how it would be funded (the parts that come to mind as needing funding are the administrative costs related to establishing and maintaining this system, as well as exam-related costs--the panels of experts and other various costs of administering a rigorous test).

31 Name: : 2013-08-19 07:00 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

I have a great idea to leave education alone its fine the way it is and doesn't need to change at all.

32 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-19 07:06 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>29 So acknowledging the reality of why our primary (as in, main education system; not primary, secondary, etc. education) education system is the way it is means a person is brainwashed? That doesn't make sense.

The way I see it, you can have all the lofty, good-intentioned ideals in the world, but if you fail to acknowledge the current reality (even if you dislike it or disagree with it), you have no foundation on which to begin to implement your ideals, let alone think about how to implement them or understand fully why you think they should be implemented.

33 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-08-19 07:08 ID:04dIt2Ta [Del]

Intelligence is something I value very highly because knowing is everything to me. Some people are naturally gifted with that intelligence, others learn it through time. We need to be nurtured and educated to develop skills we will need later in life.
I don't agree with school very much. It's too confined in how it classifies us by intelligence and transfers that to our overall worth as people. Intelligence comes in many different forms and not a lot of schools cater to all variations.
Being schooled is a privledge, but being educated is a survival requirement. Everyone's a genius in their own way, and we should not be ranking fellow human beings by the amount of time they spent in school.
I'm not saying kids should be dropping out left and right. I plan on finishing my high school education and going on to university - because it suits me best. I'm told that I'm cut out for a job that requires higher order thinking or whatever it's called, but a lot of other people aren't. Those people aren't going to go and spend a few years at uni working on something they aren't any good at.
If there's something waiting for you outside of school; if you've an apprenticeship or a job to take on when you drop out, then you can do that. You can still achieve great things that way.
(this isn't really an answer; I'm too tired. I quite liked the video though)

34 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-08-19 07:12 ID:04dIt2Ta [Del]

>>32 "The way I see it, you can have all the lofty, good-intentioned ideals in the world, but if you fail to acknowledge the current reality (even if you dislike it or disagree with it), you have no foundation on which to begin to implement your ideals, let alone think about how to implement them or understand fully why you think they should be implemented."
That's a really good way of putting it. We aren't able to make that big of a change - we need to adapt to fit the current system and go from there. I hope that's what you're saying, anyway - I'm a bit too tired to be doing so much thinking.

35 Name: Izayakun : 2013-08-19 07:41 ID:Dcaul3Rf [Del]

sorry I was not told that all teachers are
bad, there are still some teachers who are
violent to their students

36 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-19 07:49 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>34 Yeah, that's the gist of it. I had come up with a good metaphor to express my thoughts on implementing changes to society, which I had posted on here a while ago. I just went and dug it out of the "News" section, and I'm re-posting it here since that seems simpler than providing a link:

"The thing I've realized about being idealistic is that, if you want to improve something, you can't deny what the thing is currently like, regardless of how much you may dislike it, disagree with it, think it's wrong, etc. That kind of naive idealism won't get you very far towards reaching your goals. Using practical idealism, or realistic idealism, if you understand and acknowledge the current, less-than-ideal reality, you're more able to see how you can implement your ideals in a way that others can accept, and how to make that implementation more likely to endure so you can build off of it.

A metaphor I came up with is a train. Say there's a train. Let's call it the reality train. It has 100 cars. Let's call the train you want the ideal train. It also has 100 cars. If you run the ideal train headlong against the reality train, you'll get nowhere. However, if you run the ideal train alongside the reality train, switching out reality cars for ideal cars one at a time (implementing idealistic ideas into the current system bit by bit), the reality train will gradually come to look more and more like the ideal train. It may never fully become the ideal train, but because you were able to switch, say, 70 of the 100 cars out of the reality train and replace them with 70 ideal cars in such a way that those ideal cars weren't replaced again with reality cars, you've made considerable, LASTING progress toward an ideal world that you can continue to build on.

37 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-19 15:57 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

I'm quite surprised this many people posted their opinions. I am grateful.

38 Name: : 2013-08-19 16:03 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

Put it in random for now on instead of wasting main board space

39 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-19 16:06 ID:O/BeZl0E [Del]

>>38 "Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here"

It seems important enough, and it looks like it's garnering discussion. It can stay here.

40 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-19 17:29 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

I thought it was pretty important for the main board.

41 Name: Hibari? : 2013-08-20 05:42 ID:klijl7wd [Del]


42 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-20 07:22 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]


43 Name: Mikado : 2013-08-20 09:51 ID:zrec0ape [Del]

School sucks :)

44 Name: Freedom king : 2013-08-20 21:45 ID:feiNvGJm [Del]

yeah but it is neccicary

45 Name: Noelle : 2013-08-20 21:47 ID:sClIS0Y2 [Del]

>>43 Um, not really. Here in the Philippines, kids in the streets would do anything to go to school, because they wanted to learn simple things like reading and writing. And school isn't only for the education, but for others to socialize with people at the same age as you.

46 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-08-20 22:19 ID:LJNZx/Io [Del]

>>44 obviously it is "necessary"

47 Name: shiro-kun : 2013-08-21 00:49 ID:KstvaL8M [Del]

here in indonesia there are alot of poor kids that can't go to school and its not theyre fault so stp complaining or maybe you will end up as them

48 Name: charli : 2013-08-21 01:51 ID:9JL+nSr9 [Del]

if school wasn't necessary then they wouldn't make us go. every kid and even some seniors hate school and one point and if it wasn't necessary to be there do you think the teachers would hang around -_-

49 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-21 12:02 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

To be honest I love school, I love to learn and hang with my friends but I just don't see the point in going to school.

50 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-21 12:18 ID:fGCbRfsZ [Del]

>>30 basically, high school and college are building block for your future. but have you wondered why they don't teach you the truth and the necessary knowledge to help you in your life?

51 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-21 15:56 ID:g2bZloq2 [Del]

I'm unsure if this has been covered already in this discussion, so forgive me if I'm restating a point: but one thing you have to consider is just how much of a pain it would be if there wasn't an educational standard to base pre-employed competence on.

K-12 is the very base of all employment; as stated in the first few posts, this is something that even people in "unskilled" fields require to some extent. Sure, it's possible to do without it by learning on your own, but who's going to take your word on that?

It gets worse when we talk about specialization and college degrees. Who's going to believe that you, on your own, learned how to construct complex machinery, or operate on live people, or anything else that the average person would not be able to do, without having been instructed by a professional in the field? You can certainly get recommendations from said professionals if you're lucky enough to have such a connection, but for everyone else? You'd have to be daft to hire someone based on their word alone.

College is an admittedly commercialized version of the outdated concept of apprenticeship from the olden days, where one had to work for years under a master of a particular craft, just to be considered qualified to work independently. With the number of people nowadays that need jobs, and the speed of technological advancements requiring new workers to adapt, the process of individual learning is unreliable at its very best.

It's not about whether you can learn skills on your own, it's proving to future employers that you can. That's what a degree gives you, if you're staunchly against the idea that higher education doesn't teach you as much as you paid for... and that's what people mean when they say you "can't" get anywhere in the world without both standardized (K-12) and college education.

The alternative that I saw was mentioned was a competence exam given by the employers themselves - but that's asking for quite a lot when there's already a system in place. You're asking them to individually test each and every applicant on their particular skillset, when recruiting by resume is already a resource-heavy job in itself. Larger companies literally get hundreds of applicants by the month that they have to sift through - they don't have time to invite them all over to prove themselves, much less interview each one to narrow down their options.

To that end, smaller companies are more willing to take in applicants based on individual skill rather than resume content and credentials, but that's just the thing - they're smaller companies. The chance that you'll find one that's both stable and lucrative is iffy. But by all means, don't get me wrong - school is not necessary. It just makes it easier for you - it is a convenience. Without the current system, you'd find yourself hard-pressed to find those who are passionate enough about their work to become even close to competent on their own.

52 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-22 06:12 ID:u+11iua7 [Del]

I'm not saying that you should not go to school and learn on you own. I'm saying you should learn the basics in school, and while you learning that go on the internet and learn the knowledge that they don't tell you.

53 Name: bang-bang : 2013-08-22 08:56 ID:v+mpIpeM [Del]


54 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-22 17:45 ID:u+11iua7 [Del]


55 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-08-22 21:56 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


56 Post deleted by user.

57 Name: TomJug : 2013-08-24 20:14 ID:DAXKVpd1 [Del]

Success is not that great as people take it to be.
We go to school, so we can get a job, so we can survive.
With death everything dissapears.
Example: Steve Jobs, he died, his knowledge and personality dissapers, someone else took over his company and his money. Basically he lost his success and he took most of his life to get that success. Life is too damn short for that thing called success. The key of great life is surviving and making yourself and others around you happy.At the end your amount of happiness and satisfaction tells you if you have wasted your life or not.
Till next time! :D

58 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-24 20:34 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>57 But if happiness and satisfaction are the things that are important to you, wouldn't having a lot of that mean that you had a successful life? Each person has the ability to define what success is for themselves. If someone's definition of success lines up nicely with the general populace, that's fine. If it doesn't, that's fine too. It irritates me when people think their answer is THE answer. You have your definition of success, and other people have theirs. Agree to disagree, if it comes to that.

I also disagree with your statement that one's knowledge automatically disappears upon their death. For many people, that does happen. But for those people who preserve their knowledge in some form (e.g., books, passing it on to future generation, or in some other form), it certainly doesn't stop existing upon their death.

59 Post deleted by user.

60 Name: GoldenWolf : 2013-08-24 23:30 ID:seDER2NS [Del]

Besides learning in school there are other things important about it though, social interaction with people. Something you don't get as much on the internet.

61 Name: Loading : 2013-08-24 23:55 ID:6bw9/J+l [Del]

When you're in school you aqcuire some knowledge and some stuff but when it comes to grades and rankings, it develops rivalry in every student. So what if the other students surpass you and you became the lowest in the rankings. You will feel anger and self-disappointment, you will look down on your self and feel useless. Some students suck at algebra,physics,math so what if they are good at something else and maybe one day change this world ? But that student get low grades and fail school so his/her future is ruined . What a waste !

62 Name: ้่n5yj5 : 2013-08-25 06:10 ID:GAgpP7Fp [Del]

Education is very interesting.

63 Name: Hibari? : 2013-08-25 08:47 ID:vew0jFCg [Del]


64 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-29 09:31 ID:gpWIJ89o [Del]


65 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-08-29 09:31 ID:gpWIJ89o [Del]


66 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-30 10:34 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

School is made to teach you the easy way to go through life.

Go to school -> do well -> graduate -> go to college -> do well -> graduate -> get a job working for someone -> do well -> get money -> live normally -> get a better job working for someone else -> call yourself successful -> eventually retire -> die.

This isn't the only way to go through life. It's the easiest way to go through life, but it's not the only one, and it's certainly not the only path that any person can follow.

I'll say more later. I just wanted to give an opinion rather than a regular bump.

67 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-08-31 13:14 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


68 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-03 19:02 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


69 Name: Rose : 2013-09-04 06:41 ID:GCPVVctv [Del]

Yeah.Im from Romania and i want Dollars group in my country♥

70 Name: mostmodest !eIZM0zi3QM : 2013-09-04 18:35 ID:ukLlkpsB [Del]

education is necessary and so is school. I've watched some of Suli's videos, and I find them retarded. Schools are not just a place to learn, if anything, learning is the bonus. If schools were just for learning and tests, then there'd be no breaks, it'd just be continuous study. Schools are set up to help people develop social skills, learn about the real world in a microcosm of itself. If you never went to school and picked up the practical skills such as human-human interaction, how would you know what to say to people? You might learn eventually, but it'd take a shit-ton longer.
Sure, we shouldn't use exams to judge people. I'm in my final year of high school, and I've got 8 weeks until my statewide standardised exams. But how else can the government see if you're learning the right stuff? The only way to tell if everyone has been taught fairly is through the use of some form of test that is the same for everyone, so there is no cause for distress if someone gets "favoured".
Of course, you don't need the knowledge gained from school to be successful. Heck, I'm probably going to use Pythag maybe once or twice again in my whole life. But what about somebody who wants to be a mathematician? they're going to need that information. I'm never going to have to worry about knowing what colour the permangangate ion is in it's +5 oxidation state, but someone who wants to be a chemist might.

TL;DR Shut the fuck up, you don't have a clue what you're on about; school is necessary for building social skills and an understanding of how the world works.
Tests suck, but so does life.
Just because you don't need that info, doesn't mean someone else doesn't.


71 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-09-04 21:15 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>70 I disagree that school is necessary for building social skills. It is a good place to learn them because you have the consistency of interacting with the same people day after day. But you can also have that consistency elsewhere: neighbors, places you frequent, family. If school was necessary for building social skills, then how is it that people in the past who worked their whole lives without schooling had social skills? The only thing necessary for building social skills is to interact with people (preferably with at least some consistency). The education system wasn't founded for people to socialize. It was founded to educate people on a large scale.

72 Name: Vladimir : 2013-09-04 21:32 ID:oy6j4SQq [Del]

Yes I agree school takes a big Chunck of tax payers's money and is a spawning location for criminal activity, bullying, terrorism, drug exchange etc. A system where each student is educated by a private tuotor or their guardians which could then also be regulated by the stated board of education, such a system would get more students focussed on learning one on one. I also agree with the aforementioned statement that kids and students will eventually learn social skills from talking to their guardians outside friends and relatives and basically life. I really do support this type of system to not only save lots of money but foremost allow students to focus more on work, success and progress rather than the chaos that sour rounds 99% of them daily.

73 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-05 08:31 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

>>70 School is not necessary for socialization. In fact, most of the kids I know who were homeschooled and frequently went out on learning trips and worked with their parents have extremely better socialization skills than those I know who attend school.

My own socialization skills were absolute shit until I started working outside of school with my mom, as well, in our small business. School didn't teach me how to socialize at all; it just taught me how to shy away from authority and to try to avoid talking to people so as to not deal with bitches. I learned everything about the personality I have now outside of school, but then applied it to school at a later date. I thank my family and my experiences for my ability to talk to adults on an equal level and fight back against people who are obnoxious - not school. School takes away six hours of my day and sticks me in a classroom with people who only know how to communicate using their phones. That hasn't taught me jack shit about socializing in the real world.

The government isn't seeing if you're learning the "right stuff" - they're seeing if you're learning what they want you to learn. They get in the way of teachers actually teaching by having half the year dedicated to prepping for a standardized test. If you're a senior like me, than you ought to know that standardized tests are stupidly easy, at least here in NJ; they contain the smallest amount of information possible, yet the teachers at our schools are still required to put out prep courses and wrap their entire curriculum around teaching what may or may not be in it (most of which is not even referenced in the test itself).

The Pythagorean Theorem is actually pretty useful, as is a lot of math (Algebra specifically) and English. That's the shit that's going to help you in life. But learning about cultures dead and gone in history or elements in chemistry just aren't useful. I love chemistry, yes. But I don't need it. Most kids don't need it in high school, either. You say that the kids who are going on to be things related to those need them; frankly, everything they learned in high school about those topics is going to be retaught in the first semester of college when they go to major in anything related to it.

>>72 No. The worst thing you could do is make it so the Board of Education can control home schooling too. They've ruined enough of public education already.

74 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-09-05 10:32 ID:WGATImFH [Del]

>>73 School was great for socialization for me...up until I moved out of the military education system into the civilian education system. Half a year in a civilian public school destroyed all of my confidence and made me hate people.

Definitely agree with the standardized test shit. I took eight AP exams and understood maybe half the stuff that was on them. I couldn't have gotten more than an 80 on the one I knew the most about, and definitely fell in the 60 range for most of them, but I still got a 4 or 5 on all of them. I easily passed all my SOLs even if I was struggling to get the non-test material in that class. Standardized tests just measure how good you are at regurgitating information onto a sheet.

As a college student, I can confirm that you will relearn every thing you learned in high school in your entry level classes (100 level). Knowing all that stuff may help you do well in that class, but chances are, you'll still have to learn about it again because students from different areas and states will have learned slightly different material than you or didn't go as high as you or just don't remember it. So, yeah, my chem classes in high school haven't gotten me anywhere that matters in college, I could have skipped them.

75 Name: かさまた : 2013-09-05 11:52 ID:BDjta5CU [Del]


76 Name: かさまた : 2013-09-05 11:52 ID:BDjta5CU [Del]


77 Post deleted by user.

78 Name: Solomon : 2013-09-05 12:41 ID:+CBHQ5ui [Del]

Well I'm just going to put my own opinion here k

I agree with everything with the guy in the video just said but
school is not only a place for education but also for social growth, you go there and become one with society and eventually gain honorable friendship which can also be a harm to one's education but really guys
we would beg for school if we didn't have it or rather we will eventually crave for the experience of going to school.

In the other hand what I hate about school is how they manage and lead students. I personally have a lot of teachers that keeps telling us that if we don't do well here in class we won't graduate if we don't graduate we won't get our dream jobs and we won't be successful and that is total bullshit, do you think every person who graduated from nursing college became a nurse? likely most of them would suffer from finding a job which has their profession on or they would unfortunately result to searching a job the can qualify her/him as "GREAT" in doing his/her job ,rather than showing us what we can do as individuals school has degraded us from finding our own excellence to coping up to a job that makes you feel "successful" in life.

school manipulates our choice to become a inspiring individual by convincing us that we need school for education rather than inspiration.

79 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-09-05 14:57 ID:g1YyU6wZ [Del]


80 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-09-05 15:03 ID:ViWY4o4j [Del]


81 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-09-06 07:11 ID:9ScUlSX4 [Del]

>>78 I totally agree. I agree that making school out like it is the most important thing in your life is not right. I know many people that never even graduated from high school and still have successful jobs now.

However, school seems like a good lesson for what life is like. For people that complain about other students not doing work and sucking up to get marks, that happens in real life. When you think, 'These teachers are giving me bad marks just because they don't like me', that kind of stuff happens in real life too. Maybe it's not right, but it happens.

The thing I don't like about school (or about school where I live anyway) is that they don't change how or what they teach on a regular basis. The best example I can think of is vectors. Our school recently got a bunch of 'SmartBoards', which are giant touch screens about 45" diagonally. You can display lessons, and have students fill things out. However, 4 years after getting these in Grade 9 an I am now in Grade 12 and have not used them once. They are used as a screen for a projection, nothing more. Instead of taking the time to make better lessons the students can understand better, by using technology made in the last 15 years, they just get lazy and use the same lesson for decades.

They need to constantly change how they teach. There is nothing wrong with the concept of school, in my opinion. Just the current implementation is what doesn't sit right with me.

So, while I agree school is not the only form of education out there, I still think we should have it. It definitely should be overhauled, though.

82 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-07 14:31 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


83 Name: : 2013-09-07 20:44 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

There are kids all over the world who would love to go to school I just think the ones who don't think its needed are being little bit arrogant no offence don't want any hostility .Ps I would makes this a spiderman thread if I could put pictures and if this wasn't on main.

84 Name: Dark-wolf-girl!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-09-08 02:23 ID:t3IHmOC6 [Del]

All of people opinions on here are great. I just want to thank all of you for every word on this thread. I really didn't think people would care for this subject. Now I know a few people share the same thought. ^_^

85 Name: : 2013-09-08 02:53 ID:XWtBf+XC [Del]

My opinion is extra great because its mine and its right and this should be a spiderman thread

86 Name: Selty : 2014-08-14 16:21 ID:Ankc3O2T [Del]

Maybe it's a bit late to reply to this but I really want to reply! So, I think the systems that most of the governments use in schools need to be changed. But you can't destroy schools totally not just because it's almost impossible to destroy them all but schools are actually important in a lot of ways. First of all, you were able to socialize with people and you were able not to fear talking to people and all. If you were to just learn from the internet then probably talking to people is gonna be something extremely hard for you. Secondly, in some countries, you can find school for poor people. Some people still don't have smartphones, computers or any way other way to go through the internet. Not to mention that there are a lot a lot of lazy people around the world and they probably won't put any effort in learning. Yes, of course you're free to learn but do you think like this countries would go forward and invent things? Well, I don't think so.I mean people would just open the Facebook talk with each other and their lives would be like this for so so long. Thirdly, most of the people go to school to get high ranks and find a good job and not to learn. Personally, I don't like this at all! I mean seriously why not like learning instead of this "amazing" job you will get when you grow up? Maybe because of they are afraid of being "poor" and like this we turn to the main point; it's probably the government fault. Why? because they are still using the same old way for education. Time evolves and that's what the government needs to know. Don't hate school! It's a good place, you learned a lot of things about life there from the fights you were in and the friends you met and the teachers that taught you. And don't feel like a worthless person, you weren't created for no reason. Use the internet to learn more than what the school gives, if you love learning and education then don't stop learning and understanding the world and the people around you. Maybe in the future, you'd the person who'd change schools. ;-)

87 Name: Asir : 2014-08-14 16:58 ID:6tfkPwIx [Del]

wow. Holy shit,I just started school again and now I'm kinda starting to worry

88 Name: Person : 2014-08-14 18:15 ID:uyZnnVge [Del]

OMFG I just watched that video and I'm on the edge of tears. I'm so scared of school, not just because of my social anxiety or severe depression, but because I've never felt smart. i feel like I'm destined to fail, but school isn't what determines me. It feels like school controls my entire life, especially since I'm going to be a Junior in HIGHSCHOOL in less than a week. My god the inspiration this video just provided me with. Thx for showing me this Dollars. I'm scared of what i'm going to do with my life when I fail high school and struggled for a GED, but this reminded me i have a chance. And that It's not over yet. Thx dollars, thx darkwolf.

~A person

89 Name: BOLDhedEDGranay : 2014-08-14 18:51 ID:a7R/xghf [Del]

u need skul 2 b smrt u fukin dikheads HAHAHAHA

DUM bichs

90 Name: Ene-chan!TiP5As2jNc : 2014-08-14 20:02 ID:zP+wBRbQ [Del]

As a future English teacher, I consider school itself to be important. However, I do disagree with the extreme emphasis that people place on standardized tests. Of course, it is very important for children/teenagers/adults to educate themselves and such, and the standardized tests show if they have retained the material or not...but it is not the only way of verifying learning! And since NO ONE LEARNS the same way, it is stupid to have that as the main form to grade learners.

91 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-14 20:54 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

I agree, for my future I want to go into medical and that's a way different teaching than an English teacher. This guy though got the right idea though. School is very important, trust me a goal to get your GED is a lot harder than passing high school you're better off finishing school. If college don't work out, its ok ppl don't always got to go through college to get by you can always go back to college later. When you do go through college then you'll get a good job better than what you thought was good but that's the beginning enjoying to have your own cash and becoming really independent of yourself. Good Luck out there all!

92 Name: Saya !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-08-14 21:27 ID:z2QajjSE [Del]


93 Name: HakoTaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-08-14 22:01 ID:qE+KaTln [Del]

Education can't be just be taken from school, It depends on many factors: your experience, your interest, your thoughts about life and many more. Having the government build schools for us to learn is not entirely bad,I can see that they're trying to educated us with what they have. But being successful is entirely up to you "if you are born poor, It's not your mistake. But if you die poor, Its your mistake." Bill Gates Once said that, it means that if you're hardworking enough, If your optimistic enough, If you will work yourself up to your dreams, your interests and will live up your life. Make the choices that you want, and will not regret... Even if you will not be successful until you die. You knew that you died Pitching Forward.

94 Name: NEX!b6Qgd2/1O6 : 2014-08-14 22:10 ID:sf2yQo8/ [Del]

Education is important, yes, but school should be considered important too. School isn't all about education, but also about experiences and the values of life. Students can learn about this through school and learn other things as well.

95 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-15 04:01 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

School is cool, however, our educational insitutes need a massive over haul.

96 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-15 07:48 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

School is one of those things that opens you up to sociality and learn about life as well because everyone experience things differently its also your choice how you go about it. They also say even how much you care for someone sometimes you have to choose the right path for you because the future can be harsh and whatever choice you make in life you have to stick with it. You can make a change to but it depends on what it is. That's why you don't make promises to other people until you can stick to it. Finish school, don't make things hard for yourself, remove all obstacles and move on ahead.

97 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2014-08-15 12:36 ID:YmxTa1nT [Del]

all you really need to know is how to do a job. After that you can make a living simply on that... But, it's always better to know more than the guy next to you

98 Name: Leneh : 2014-08-15 14:17 ID:fdaLORCl [Del]

School is supposed to be a place where we learned important things. But to me, it seems that school only judge us, if we have money, we will have success in our lifes. During all my schools years, teachers keeps on looking me down. They only judge people by their marks, they don't take the time to learn important things to kids. I know that if they were chosen to be teacher it's because of their skills but sometimes it seems that they get their qualification by luck. I know that they have much experiences than us, teenager but sometimes we just can't respect people who only look down at us. Instead of teaching us things, helping us, they denigrate you like a little piece of s***. Of course General knowledge is important, but it's not what will determinate someone's life. School could be a good place where we learn things. But some teachers are the problem. I'm conscious that some students make a mess at school or disturb classes, but if some people could react a little bit and stop being useless, there would have less problems. There is still one year until I graduate, and I still don't know what did school have teach me. All these years seems to have been wasted, school don't even give me the courage to continue studying.

99 Name: HakoTaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-08-16 04:13 ID:BXaUi2Gv [Del]

>>98 Most successful people are the ones who are looked down upon, Look at Beethoven, One of his teacher once said that he will never gonna be somebody.

100 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-16 07:01 ID:Ny3pVgLW [Del]

>>98 Why do you even care ? Unless a teacher is badly doing his job and you get in a bad situation because of that it shouldn't really matter.

They're just as tired as students are, listenning to things they don't care about. Do you think anyone has the energy to be enthusiastic to teach to people who aren't even motivated themselves ? After some years you'll just end up judging people through the easiest way, rather than looking for their inner light.

If they're looking down on you, it's that you don't show any skill, anyway. A genius isn't rewarded because of his intelligence but because of what he does. He ain't no animal to show off in a zoo, unless you think of yourself as such.

101 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-16 07:10 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>100 That's their problem. It's their job to be the teacher and motivator. If they're the ones being demotivated--if they're bitching and moaning about how they can't teach because the kids aren't 'trying hard enough'--then they shouldn't be working in a school since they clearly don't understand what teaching is or how it works.

102 Name: HakoTaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-08-17 05:05 ID:BXaUi2Gv [Del]

So the problem is not the school. But the people who are running it. Well, it all comes down to the people who are at fault.

103 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-19 09:21 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

>>100 Agree

The reason teachers are like that is because they're showing you their not your friend and you need to learn there will be people that won't give a crap about you. Face reality that you better work hard to get respect because that's the only way it will be given. If you're really trying as hard as you say they wouldn't look down on you they would've like to help as much as possible but if that's all you're capable of, you have to ask if there is other ways in passing. If you fail you fail just try again and keep trying. Life is tough so you better get tough too or you're going to be rip to shreds by depression of your own failure. It's no one to blame but yourself because you didn't do as great as you felt. You can only blame a teacher if they aren't grading it correctly and compare you to other students, if you got something to show of your efforts, there's your proof. I had a moment like that so I can say if you are working as good as you believe show it.

104 Name: Shirogane : 2014-08-19 15:34 ID:XSIf0o+E [Del]

I agree mostly with the video, but I also agree that schools, at least partially, are required. Not so much to learn things about science and the like, I learned most of what I know of that stuff through reading, watching videos and the like. School I felt was more to teach about interacting with people. Now I want this to come: That future of education, because not only will future students be more entertained, they will remember things, and they can learn more what they want to when they want to. Because really, how or even exactly when they get the information doesn't matter as long as the information is correct and they get it before they require it to go on.

105 Name: Innokami !bbbKL0ORtg : 2014-08-20 22:15 ID:vRo+Xdco [Del]


106 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-20 14:16 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


107 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-20 15:04 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

Education is a joke in my opinion, Not for it but it is needed,
the laws and how it is handled are....iffy, along with other american laws of other sorts with loopholes. But I think kids should be give a set course of basics, math, english, home ect., and anything beyond that is an elective, because no child wants to become the same thing as everyone else, why teach history to a child who will never use it, the best its good for is small talk unless one becomes a historian. Or Algebra, I think of a day after I graduated use that crap, not once!

108 Name: Rukimii : 2014-11-20 15:47 ID:9pwJf3X6 [Del]

The education systems are always flawed one way or the other. It's honestly ridiculous.

109 Name: TwinStorms : 2014-11-20 15:53 ID:peBfAEPW [Del]

Thanks guys with this and the added of the word "Success" I am able to write a seriously good essay on defining "Success" and with all the counter arguments this sh!t is banana's XD

110 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-20 16:33 ID:ZxX/qhfp [Del]

Yes, school is necessary. I was born in a 3rd world country and later moved to a 1st world country, and the difference that schooling makes in the population is striking. 3rd world country was just so full of ignorant people, people who kept voting for the same corrupt politicians who have been screwing over them for over a decade, all because they weren't educated in what makes a good country/community, and all sorts of other sutff, which is why I believe schools are needed. You can't force people to like to study but you can make it so going to school is compulsory, which helps to get as many people educated as possible. I think once you're 18 or so you should be at least mature enough to be able to make some good decisions by yourself, so I guess University/College is good as optional.

111 Name: Xeniar : 2014-11-20 16:50 ID:NKh9bVXP [Del]

I haven't seen the video but I plan to when I get home.
A lot of information that school has spoon fed me has been forgotten and a waste. I complain and drag my feet throughout the day but I live with it. In a couple of years, school will be the least of my problems. There will be more difficult moments in my life.
I aspire to be some sort of artist one day and school gives me so much free time away from home to practice and practice.

I believe school is just the basic form of gathering information and learning skills. It challenges me to put up with unreasonable people among other things.
It's entirely up to the individual to pursue more knowledge, we have the sources don't we?

112 Name: DRIson : 2014-11-21 08:19 ID:F0VuYmCG [Del]

i dont even need to finish watching the video this discussion is pointless they will never get rid of schools because even those people started of with basic schooling and learned the basics and if i belived in god and all that i would say that jesus was born to be smart by god but what do i know i get c's and b's in Canada

113 Name: DRIson : 2014-11-21 08:21 ID:F0VuYmCG [Del]

oh ya and school is used to teach you how to be social and to handle things life throws at you by dumasses

114 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2014-11-21 09:21 ID:/dB7qhyy [Del]

I'm not saying we don't need school, they are helpful, and some people need it, but to improve the source of education today is the key. Like DRIson and Xeniar said, the schools teach more dumbass skills than real life skills, if we were to improve our education systems by getting rid of the things we don't need, and putting in the things we do need ( also find a batter grading system) then school would actually be needed

115 Name: Izaya : 2014-11-21 10:17 ID:c9W6xlTp [Del]

You need it at some point of the proces

116 Name: Teikyo-Sha : 2014-11-21 10:41 ID:mNJzHCm6 [Del]

Depending on where you are in the world is what really and truly defines if your educational system is good or not, I've heard of a lot of places where they quite literally do not NEED to get diplomas or degrees. Now if you reside in America which is where I am going to assume half if not most of the people posting on this do, the educational system is NEEDED. School teaches you good life skills, what you see as unneeded you will learn that you are wrong. Schools teach you how to be more social and take responsibility for the actions you make. Schools/educational establishments help people learn what they want to do with their lives. It helps you learn more hobbies, also if you have ever been to High School, that is literally like real life. Also just for the person that made this thread, the government isn't stopping information from getting out, otherwise we wouldn't have constitutional rights and you would have never found the video in the first place, another thing is we wouldn't have the internet.

117 Name: Ghoul : 2014-11-21 10:52 ID:iL9mVx26 [Del]

these days, schools are more engineered towards teaching obedience rather than towards the obtaining of knowledge. It's quite sad actually that a high school student might learn in one week the equivalent of what somebody else might learn just from a single day of reading books. College is the only part of our education system that is actually geared towards learning. But since that's pretty much the final part of our education system, not a lot of people get that experience

118 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-22 14:36 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


119 Name: Rogue : 2014-11-22 14:44 ID:B5ftBUwL [Del]

I REALLY agree with Ghoul! In my school, all I do is feel left out or shoved to the side. Whenever I do a project or something and I'm proud of it like "Hey! Look what I did!" they just scribble all over it with a red pen.

Yes, I know it's to better myself but shouldn't there be the occasional "well done" or at leas like "I see this could need improvement but you did really good on THIS."

It would be nice instead of teachers using us just for a paycheck and shoving us aside that there would actually be a RELATIONSHIP between teacher and student not a frickin' HIERARCHY where the teachers are up there and we are down here...

well...after going off topic, back to the main point...

Several times teachers have tried to place me in a little box of conformity but I keep breaking out of that box and that is something they don't like... several times my mom has told me of unneeded phone calls home or meetings with teachers that weren't needed just for this reason...

I learn...but I'm also pushed into a little line to what they want me to be...
How is a person supposed to learn if that isn't the same unique individual anymore...?

120 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-11-27 10:39 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


121 Name: enlightened : 2014-11-27 11:03 ID:Q2vGeldM [Del]

i agree fully with everything he said... i would post a lot but it wouldn't change what hes saying. it needs no revision. more people should listen. share it around so more people can hear it.

122 Name: Colorless : 2014-11-27 14:37 ID:yb5j+LuK [Del]

I needed this. today I was with my family for Thanksgiving and my cousin is graduating this year in Collage and his sister is halfway through her first year at the same collage. as for me, I'm sitting here while they're talking about it thinking " don't ask me what I've been doing because honestly, my life is so hectic and screwed around and flung to the ground I'm happy if I can get a clear answer on what I'm doing tomorrow. this helped calm me down. so thank you. :)