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Do you think that they are some really honest people in this world? (63)

1 Name: Melaena : 2013-08-04 11:16 ID:0rV2pf7M [Del]

I know it is a strange question...But i am sometimes wondering that i never met a person like that.I think every person in this world is somehow lying to himself or to others in many ways.Why can people not just poot there masks away and reveal their trueselves?I think that is because this world would be more rotten than it is now. What do you think?

2 Name: SukuiHaru : 2013-08-04 12:12 ID:J9dNAgab [Del]

Naum tem ninguém honesto nesse mundo u-u

3 Name: Me : 2013-08-04 18:27 ID:o9A6gMC0 [Del]

You can't be a honest person with others if they aren't honest with you. What about you? Do you think you are a honest person?

4 Name: Stenzy-kun : 2013-08-04 19:33 ID:5UsAjRsq [Del]

no one is truly honest. every one has a secret they are not willing to share, but that doesnt mean they are bad

5 Name: Kuyo : 2013-08-04 19:47 ID:nBRq1qka [Del]

Well if someone was truly honest about everything he/she would end up Being a Social Outcast for having offended everyone they met with blatantly put comments about ones physical appearance or personality.

6 Name: Bakyura : 2013-08-04 22:44 ID:EwyZ5Aqb [Del]

There's no such thin as a truly honest person, everybody tells lies, and hides parts of the truth. We all have our reasons for lying, some bad, and some good. But we "all" do it.

7 Name: Cian : 2013-08-04 23:26 ID:ypqbVIET [Del]

I'm honest, but I can't always tell the whole truth. xD Some things are just not meant to be said with a good reason.

8 Name: pseudowoodo : 2013-08-04 23:41 ID:i444XzLh [Del]

Being honest does not mean you have to be rude all the time to people. You don't have to say anything, or if they ask, and you don't want to say, could you not just say "I don't want you to know" etc etc. You don't have to lie to yourself either, it's better to realize you're not good at something early on so you can either work on it and get better, or move onto something else/focus your time elsewhere. There are lots of honest people out there, it's just there's more dishonest people who make an impact.

9 Name: Junkori : 2013-08-05 01:10 ID:Qerw1ftC [Del]

We are human you see it;s in our nature to lie, steal and even murder in some cases. like back in the day Indians were called Savages but if you take a quick look we all are in some and alot of ways. The only true person you ever meet is not the honest person just another human like all of us. And to people who thing Im talking in Izaya No it's just how I think of the Human race and we deserve to parish. But to all the honest people out there they deserve to live and pass on the honesty to others. Thats all i got to say about Honesty

10 Name: pseudowoodo : 2013-08-05 03:05 ID:i444XzLh [Del]

Why would we deserve to perish? It is called the animal kingdom for a reason. Survive or die. There are honest people out there. I'm afraid it looks like you haven't seen any. What a pity for you. They exist though. And like us, they live normal lives.

11 Name: Arika : 2013-08-05 03:18 ID:3fVMt1qZ [Del]

Yes. There are.
But in my opinion, as individuals, humans can be nice. As a species, we suck.

12 Name: Misaki-kun : 2013-08-05 03:25 ID:Up/I99+4 [Del]

I don't think anyone is always honest and never lying, but lies doesn't have to make you a bad person. You might be dishonest to help someone and then it could be okey.
But yes, it would be nice to see and hear what people actually feel sometimes. and take away the mask.

13 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-05 12:50 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

I think there are pros and cons to being completely honest, which have already been stated pretty well by others.

The reason I'm posting is because I want to respond to >>10. It's undeniable that humans are part of the animal kingdom. But thinking of ourselves as animals gives us an incomplete picture of who we are and who we have the potential to be. In addition to our more animalistic and evolution-based instincts, we have the ability to reason. Yet, humans are not entirely cognitive, either; we're not robots, and we shouldn't try to be. We have both. We can use our ability to reason to temper ourselves when we become too emotional, and we can use our "animal" side, our emotions and instinctual/evolutionary impulses and tendencies to temper ourselves when we become too coldly logical. We have the ability to strike a balance between and harmonize our logical and emotional sides, given some practice, of course. Thus, I think it's a mistake to downplay our potential by saying we're animals.

14 Name: minus : 2013-08-05 14:02 ID:XHOpFh9B [Del]

Because I'm too honest, too sensible and I think about others well being before mine and guess what? the people thinks I'm naive and stupid. So what if I see only good in people? Well, the answer is simple: whenever someone dissapoints me is hard. Damn hard I might say.
Human are controlled by feelings, right? Some of them. for example Izaya, uses them in order to make the others his puppets.
No one is ever true honest. No matter how naive, antisocial, crazy says all his/her secrets. There are things that you can just not say. But don't think as those secrets as secrets. I know some stuffs that can turn the world around me upside down. So it's better if I keep them for myself. I don't want to live in chaos.
There are good people. I've met them. And they are probably around you too. Only that one day, in their bad moment might have sad something that hurt you. You shouldn't mind it. They probably never meant to say it that way. Or maybe they had a reason to lie to you. All I wanted to say it's just to try and see good in them. No one is perfect. There are good sides and bad ones in people. Even if they are the meanest ever, maybe they got there because of something that happened in their past. Just try to figure out what happened to them and while you help some of them, you actually help yourself.

15 Name: Teni : 2013-08-05 15:32 ID:6/mWWuW/ [Del]

sometime people can't be honest because they don't like what they see. So they have to imagine to be someone else to get through life. It sucks that it is that way. Maybe if people weren't so judgmental then people will willing to be honest.

16 Name: pseudowoodo : 2013-08-05 17:47 ID:i444XzLh [Del]

Hmm, I have to agree with Arika. Individuals can be awesome, but as a whole, we're not great. Plus, you only remember the bad things in life, because they make a bigger impact. Not to say you forget all the good things, but it's just usually the way things work. Also, I wasn't saying we're animals. I was just responding to Junkori. I don't see as animals, but I see us as imperfectly perfect. This doesn't really have anything to do with being honest though, haha.

17 Name: Toga Yagari : 2013-08-05 18:32 ID:Y5rRyXCq [Del]

we cant live without those masks, sometimes we need to lie and do some bad stuff and like "pseudowoodo" said, we aren't perfect at all...thats what makes us humans i guess.

18 Name: - Cygnus : 2013-08-05 19:34 ID:+2w77qdU [Del]

Don't you think if you believed in a lie, it will become the truth to you?

Is there always one truth?

19 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-08-05 23:46 ID:gWjwjqSy [Del]

I don't see why there would be.

20 Name: MexicanAmericanWheels;) : 2013-08-05 23:47 ID:CdaLagVf [Del]

idk what reglion you believe in wrong or right, GOD made us free , its a test many will fail or pass , you must find god on our own, it took me 18 years to find god aka holy spirit aka jesus christ , yes the world is ugly , don't dwell on the past and start living to day for our love ones that pass away live for them , with love we can slow down the illness thats killing our earth.

21 Name: Pseudo's phone : 2013-08-06 03:52 ID:i444XzLh [Del]

Then again, how can you determine what's a lie and what's not? What I think is the truth, others believe to be false. Religion is a good example, no offense #20

22 Name: Chreggome : 2013-08-06 04:08 ID:Pzx14g1M [Del]

>>20 I'm not high enough to agree with you, dude.

>>1 poot on my mask should be a new thing we do around here.

Also, everyone is a liar at one point or another.

23 Name: Owen The Great : 2013-08-06 06:18 ID:rT8vWKNK [Del]

Pls its no fighting Just simple debate

24 Name: hirasawa : 2013-08-06 07:07 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

>>23 are totaly right....i dont want a simple discission to turn into debate....united...that is what we are...right?
Yes....the people you think are the most truthful can be the most deceiving fact, i have a hard time trusting most people, since it is only a bad habit to lie. I sound rather wary, i know, but it is only natural for me. Eve when people lie, it is relatively easy to tell....but if they are lying to themselves and you...well...that is a different matter....sorry i am getting off topic

I guess, a good way to put it is- no one on the world is truthful, not unless they believe in their own lies~

25 Name: Mashiro : 2013-08-06 08:42 ID:7BkKtsue [Del]

>>1 honest has so many terms, if honest in 'general' you refer to, then nobody is honest
as an example I always bark to myself about people around me who can't be honest and let their trueself show out to entire society, but the way I shout 'that bark' to others just make myself also a big liar who try to create a honest image to others

26 Name: anonymous : 2013-08-06 09:23 ID:1xLouIpq [Del]

no . never ever put your trust on human

27 Name: Sasori : 2013-08-06 10:36 ID:xtnTmQcO [Del]

I've tried but I just been judged and bullying and it as gotten so bad for me that I had to start fighting back because I couldn't hold in my anger. (I have anger issues) So that didn't help either. But enough about me I just think some things you should keep to yourself. for me it should be anime and manga.

28 Name: Sasori : 2013-08-06 10:36 ID:xtnTmQcO [Del]

I've tried but I just been judged and bullying and it as gotten so bad for me that I had to start fighting back because I couldn't hold in my anger. (I have anger issues) So that didn't help either. But enough about me I just think some things you should keep to yourself. for me it should be anime and manga.

29 Name: Asuna : 2013-08-06 12:49 ID:4ZRjNL17 [Del]

I have mixed thoughts on this question who do you know and do you think they are truthful.

30 Name: 13 : 2013-08-06 12:50 ID:aEVM5iwL [Del]

Well we're humans anyway. We lie because either we want to empress someone, hide something about us or just lie for the heck of it. It's not common i witness people telling the truth and it's also not common too that i witness people telling lies...

31 Name: Barbi : 2013-08-06 13:15 ID:rQNw5bQI [Del]

Honestly, im that kind of person in who you can trust and do not say nothing to others, i like to make the people feel comfortable, because thats what i learned, but what i hate is pretty difficult to find someone to trust too .-. i dont know, i just feel it that way...But what i hate the most is trusting in someone and they just play with me. Im that kind of person that if you do something to me , depending if its bad or not, i will remember it no matter what. XD im just Weird .

32 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-08-06 13:24 ID:gWjwjqSy [Del]

>>31 Lying to yourself is fun, isn't it?

33 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-08-06 13:42 ID:YoTqr64e [Del]

>>32 What could ever be more fun?

34 Name: Barbi : 2013-08-06 13:44 ID:rQNw5bQI [Del]

>>32 .-. I do not say im completely honest, i just said if someone trust me a secret i always keep it because i dont want to be a gossip, sometimes theres people that dont want to trust, included me , but you just receive what you give.

35 Name: WHITE : 2013-08-06 14:25 ID:G7EbsTZ8 [Del]

a infant is honest. i guess beings that have no knowledge of the world yet, are bound to honesty.

36 Name: WHITE : 2013-08-06 14:25 ID:G7EbsTZ8 [Del]

a infant is honest. i guess beings that have no knowledge of the world yet, are bound to honesty.

37 Name: neo-chan : 2013-08-06 16:32 ID:wPIVVKt4 [Del]

i really don't believe so, i myself have my moments when i bend the truth, i try to be completely honest about things, but hey, we're only human.

38 Name: Blu3rosephantom : 2013-08-06 16:38 ID:lD+45dU2 [Del]

If the world was more honest, i believe it would fall into ruin. but that, i believe, is only due to the fact that the face of the world is built on lies and deception. For something new to come into existence something of equal value must be given into return. For the world to change the current world must be torn apart. There may be a small handful of individuals who are true to themselves and truthful to others. But I see them as an axc exceedingly rare group since many don't last very long in our current society.

39 Name: KIYO : 2013-08-06 20:32 ID:BpuE0406 [Del]

There are honest people left, however, not all the time. Mere humans cannot reject temptation easily, how you like to lie or not, depends on the situation that will certainly benefit you. In short, there are no honest people on earth, exemplifying...even the deepest secret of history, we are provided with incompleteness. why? The reason may vary upon they wanted to protect it for a certain beneficiary. -KIYO

40 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2013-11-25 22:36 ID:qjbuhA/h [Del]

Social acceptance and convention make us feel that to be a proper human being, one has to take part of a group and have a healthy level of communication with others. Also that if one stays at home keeping to themselves that would make them a lesser being..

So if a person does not have much friends but dreams of social acceptance..he has to change, just try your best to be genuine and you will be ok.... I used to hold that there is like a bell curve to reflect the level of average genuineness, we might believe that at a younger age we are very genuine but not so, as early as first peer interactions have fake made-up stories as to juice-up your coolness... But truly later in life people do get more true to themselves, but i think laziness has 90% to do with it XD like Fuck it too much effort kinda thing.

41 Name: Haruna : 2013-11-25 22:39 ID:A+gGpEKl [Del]

Well, there's honesty, and then there's honesty.

42 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-18 16:45 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


43 Name: kaj kogur : 2014-11-18 22:38 ID:V3E6p0Mi [Del]

honesty is hard to find, you can't trust anyone, not even yourself.

44 Name: Ceskasi : 2014-11-19 05:37 ID:DV4TXGAL [Del]

I think that there are two kinds of people.
1. Those who are liars.
2. Those who tells the truth as they see it (making it not the truth after all).

So, as you can see, lying is already a part of us. We can't really force others to tell the truth and break free of their masks.

45 Name: Gotssan : 2014-11-19 05:54 ID:8L+y506g [Del]

I can't really recall meeting a person like that, so my answer would have to be no. I do wish that there would be more honest people though...

46 Name: DaiMajutsu13 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-19 06:51 ID:p2zIAcFO [Del]

Yes, there are. And I hate stupid questions like this.

47 Name: Lacrimosa : 2014-11-19 07:31 ID:iIOLqYxC [Del]

That individual mask is part of you. If you simply got rid of it more problems would just arise. Lying isn't really that bad it's just who you choose to lie to and what about.

48 Name: Maki : 2014-11-19 07:49 ID:X/KN8XVg [Del]

We all have a mask that we wear and it's difficult to get rid of because if we do more problems start appearing and our lives get more difficult. It really depends on who you're lying to and what the lie is about. Lying isn't always bad, we sometimes lie just to protect those around us.

49 Name: the actor : 2014-11-19 08:14 ID:9ySZw+qX [Del]

I have masks because is I don't they will surely kill my soul, there are honest people, but not one human gets through life without lying at least the slightest bit, if someone has never lied or never lies, then they are no longer human. Saying that you think the world would be a better place if people wouldn't lie, is like saying the world would be a better place without humans and their sin.

50 Name: Aia : 2014-11-20 04:43 ID:08PfJgOF [Del]

Well people lie on a daily basis, some things are kept hidden behind lies for the better. Because the truth isn't always good. That's just my opinion though. Tehe~

51 Name: Water The Toxic Savior : 2014-11-20 09:31 ID:GTf15Vl8 [Del]

I do believe there are honest people in the world, but from my experience the most of them are insane and are not very fond of people in general, however they do have a kind heart though they may be wrathful or not they usually stow away in a place of their own just out side the reach of others. Give or take from that what you will. :)

52 Name: M1n : 2014-11-20 12:09 ID:yAodR6KD [Del]

Because sometimes the truth is ugly and sometimes we're ugly. I doubt the world would become a better place if everyone was "honest".

53 Name: EST : 2014-11-20 12:45 ID:oTh1q3JW [Del]

lie is a concept. lie itself is truth.

54 Name: Himeboshi : 2014-11-20 13:02 ID:ZZUWSYno [Del]

Personally, I lie a lot, and I always see to it not to hurt the person to whom I tell the lie. Then, it depends on the way and on which you have the impression to lie, and, as you say, the world is rotten. Just like people.

55 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-11-20 13:54 ID:+r/d5G7l [Del]

No one is completely honest and , from what I've seen so far , those who claim themselves as honest and really good persons are usually the fakest.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-20 15:09 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

All are made of yin and of yang, without bad the there cannot be good and vice versa, no human is pure evil no human is heavens prophecy, We are all different but that difference makes us the same, we all have the same carbon base, the same yin yang energy flow, although varying in size, All is good all is evil. Even a homicidal maniac has at least an atom of yang in his soul.

57 Name: Ban !IDbWE2y00E : 2014-11-20 15:17 ID:Juh6YO43 [Del]

Everyone is honest to a fault. Some people are truly honest, but when the time comes. They might just lie to save a friend/not hurt them. Its a really complicated question. Everyone wants to protect something, everyone has secrets.

58 Name: Izaya O. : 2014-11-20 15:24 ID:xklZNug2 [Del]

Everyone lies

59 Name: Orienthis : 2014-11-20 16:56 ID:aJ6GI8Na [Del]

Everyone does lie, but there are people, who, through trials and hardships and learning from mistakes can be honest as in honest with themselves about what they think and believe. Honesty with people i believe is all opinion based. In your opinion you may feel telling the truth is not the right thing to do or that the person will actually benefit by not knowing. people lie yes, but there are people who are not afriad of trying.

60 Name: FigeroTheCat : 2014-11-20 17:02 ID:praQLBVU [Del]

Honesty is born, unlearned, and re-learned. Perhaps not everyone starts honestly, but hopefully everyone learns the lesson that it is the best policy.

61 Name: Pikachu : 2014-11-21 04:46 ID:+hBwe1VZ [Del]

they arise among human beings,,people
who seem to exude love,
as naturally as the sun gives out heat

62 Name: Klein : 2014-11-21 05:47 ID:a/WY5xWE [Del]

I don't think a lot of people are honest. I mean, maybe babies are. But who knows what goes on in that little brain of their's? Older people may tend to lie, either to themself or others. It may be little white lies, or lies that causes big problems, or maybe even lies to fool themself that they didn't even notice.

So my conclusion to your question is that maybe some people doesn't even noticed that they have lied to themself, so they don't even know that they're already wearing a mask. And maybe it has been because of their peers, or maybe their own self esteem, or maybe because it's in their personality. I think it differs with people.

63 Name: Himeboshi : 2014-11-21 05:55 ID:ZZUWSYno [Del]

Somebody isn't lie , everywhere ?