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Recreating the world. how would you do it? (42)

1 Name: ... : 2013-06-11 14:50 ID:810exh6z [Del]

I as a person who's often lost in thought have wondered. What's your ideal world? What kind of earth do you envision for all of us. Me personally would like a world where everyone is treated as equals. Not to be corny hut where no one is bullied, where there's no war where everything is perfect. Where we can trust others... The world we live in now is rotting. So I want to know how you other dollars would do if you could recreate the world in your own image, with your own ideas and designs.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-11 15:15 ID:Z9AySEdm [Del]

that's deep but got me thinking what in drrr the dollars were good what if we could all make that into a reality and work together to bring love and peace every where we could really make a difference. if we as the dollars all worked together. i totally agree with you.

3 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-11 15:25 ID:dAZjg3oz [Del]

i would like a world that i could be queen of i would live in my palace in my kingdom. and everyone in my world would believe in god and hate fags. no one would be gay in my world because it would be against the law. that would be the perfect world to live in.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: ... : 2013-06-11 15:27 ID:3uU+dlPw [Del]

>>2 while I understand no on can achieve a perfect world, its only natural as humans for us to want something close to it.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-11 15:42 ID:Z9AySEdm [Del]

>>5 will that's tru but even by doing little things we could make a change and maybe not make the whole world a perfect place fr everyone because there's always an idiot whose going to screw things up but at least we would be doing something and not just sitting back doing nothing and watch the world rott.

7 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-11 15:54 ID:dAZjg3oz [Del]

I see skies of blue,And clouds of white.The bright blessed day, and no fags in site. I think to myself,What a wonderful world.

8 Name: ... : 2013-06-11 16:04 ID:CUSMIz2Z [Del]

>>6 wow...i never really thought about it that way.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-11 16:11 ID:dAZjg3oz [Del]

>>8 that's because your stupid

11 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-11 16:23 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

If you want to recreate the world. Then become the God of a new word. I don't think an ideal world can exist because when you tempt a man, he can do crazy things.

Essentially, I think this world's good as it is. Sure there's a bunch of stuff going on, but I say that bad things happen so we can do something about it.

12 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-11 16:49 ID:dAZjg3oz [Del]

 "I say that bad things happen so we can do something about it." Really? how stupid can you get.

13 Name: <3 : 2013-06-11 17:02 ID:Z9AySEdm [Del]

>>11 i think u have a point i mean like >>6 said we may not be able to stop all bad things but if we at least help and did something to maybe just one it would make a HUGE difference to someone even if it inst everyone

14 Name: Rei : 2013-06-11 17:29 ID:ILy54bsh [Del]

lets just troll them. Not harass cause they're all Lawyers, so uh yeah... annoying them should be enough to let us sleep comfortably at night. ^_^

15 Name: j''d : 2013-06-11 20:34 ID:XtIGif+j [Del]

Por la persona que soy y las cosas que he visto, aunque no las comprenda, me duelen, me pasen o no a mí.

I wanna change the world b'cause i want a better future for all of us, I can do it with your help but I think I have to do it by myself, what do you say about it?.
The "How" I don't know but I'm thinking

16 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-06-11 21:02 ID:6mOxxYMu [Del]

>>14 Water u talkin bout

17 Name: dean : 2013-06-11 22:28 ID:un+yAjGf [Del]

A world were Germania is the only country

18 Name: Junkori : 2013-06-11 23:09 ID:TegTUE4k [Del]

I would some what do the same but. I would let everyone make their own choice on what they want to do. In congress they vote by themselves and they hardly listen to the people. I say let the people speak for once no more listening to people who cowardly hide behind a chair with a fantasy name and plaque. If we want to be heard we Need TO STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING!

19 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-06-11 23:19 ID:M/IXJOfb [Del]

>>17 This.

Actually, have the world superpowers be a United Norse Scandinavia, a Greater German Reich, A Scottish Dominated "Gaelic High Kingdom", composing of Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, and finally, a Greater Greek Empire.

Then, replace Christianity with all the other nations' Pagan religions, and lead the great powers on a glorious quest to depopulate everything south of the Mediterranean, East of the Urals, and west of the Pyrenees.

20 Name: Maya-tama :3 : 2013-06-11 23:50 ID:8rd8Pr36 [Del]

Regarding a new world; I've always wanted to create a new one as well. I believe that most people aren't intelligent to think for themselves (i.e. democracy,) I think that if instead of class or money ranking people, we could rank people via intelligence, will power, and talent and the ones at the top decide what happens to the rest. Regarding justice and crime, I also don't think it's right to ridicule masterminds, murders, and pathological liars; their skills should be used maybe as government personnel or something along those lines. I think religion is fine just along as it doesn't negatively affect others or the government. If all of these things were implemented, I believe that we could reach peace. :3

21 Name: ... : 2013-06-11 23:52 ID:1OfhKt6E [Del]

>>20 that's the smartest one I've heard all day.

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-12 00:05 ID:ZeXJPyhn [Del]

>>19 replace Christianity with all the other nations' Pagan religions? but the Lord sead not to fallow other religions! if we lived in that kind of world no one would be saved!

24 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-12 00:06 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

>>20 So it's a Totalitarian Utopia? Ideally, that works as long as all the Elite doesn't misuse their own power nor act upon others at the top. What that I don't like about this is that the non-elites that are too stupid to make their own decisions won't be in peace. They'll just be controlled and there is no equality that the TC mentioned. In a sense, go with an ideal anarchy. In fact, that is what the Dollars is slightly based upon: a colorless, lateral, trusting community bound with respect.

25 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-12 00:25 ID:ZeXJPyhn [Del]

" we could rank people via intelligence, will power, and talent and the ones at the top decide what happens to the rest." Why do i not like the sound of that. its as if your saying that intelligent and talented people are better then everybody els.

26 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-12 00:29 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

>>25 That's what it implies. Productive-wise, the intelligent and talented people are better. And implementing that type of government makes a fabrication of peace, which I find abhorrent. It's as scary as "1984."

27 Name: littleduck : 2013-06-12 01:43 ID:/br5uCLp [Del]

I for one like the world as it is now.

What makes peace so desirable? Conflict is the spice of life, the one kick that reminds us that we are still living. Equality is boring. Some people are simply meant to be quashed underfoot.

28 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-12 01:47 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

Which is why I'd totally support anarchy.

29 Name: Solace !5RRtZawAKg : 2013-06-12 01:53 ID:ZiwKUMgv [Del]

>>28 Living an interesting life with conflict and challenge is completely different to an anarchist society. Has the dozens of examples in history not taught you that Anarchy never works? Humans need leaders to lead and rules to rule, the fact we are able to organise them consciously is what differs us from a large majority of the animal population. Anarchy is flawed and silly, it is not something to be supported. Or, if you do truly like an environment with no governments or laws, spend some time with a group of crocodiles, it will most likely have the same result.

30 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-12 02:05 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

>>29 That goes for one's faith in humanity. I totally agree that anarchy cannot work. But going back into the Great Depression that hits many countries. That is as close to a government fallout (anarchy) that anyone can get, and people tended to help each other a lot more and the crime rates dropped down as well. That's as good as it gets, but be aware that my post was to be taken as a joke. Anarchy is short lived and unsustainable and people will establish control sooner or later.

31 Name: S : 2013-06-12 02:43 ID:DwwJpi/l [Del]

So hey i the only one that noticed that GodHatesFags is an asshat with a twist if closemindedness? Just throwing that out there.
Now. Ive listened to everything that you all have daid and most of your ideals share ond flaw i cant seem to get around. They are too hopeful. I agree that the more intelligent and stong willed are for obvious reasons better than everyone else. No its not fair but it makes the most sense logically. You dont want a redneck country ass bumpkin with no intelligence or leadership skills running your country. You want a smart intelligent and sophisgicated man ( or woman) running things. But heres the twist to that. Put them both in a life or death situation where the ods are heavily stacked against them and you start to notice that the one who should be leading your country tends to shift in the opposite direction. Sure smarter people are better but which is more resourceful?

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: S : 2013-06-12 02:52 ID:DwwJpi/l [Del]

Furthermore. Anarchy is as impossible for humanity as world peace. This is because of the simple fact that we are human beings dezigned to recreate and destroy. This includes ourself and our surroundings. We wish to obtain something that can never come. We want peace but humans have a little issue inside them called good and evil where one always outweighs the other thus starti.g a cycle of endless conflict. We want a perfect society with perfect rules but we have something in us that prevents us from following perfection called Rebellion. You ever notice that when you are given a set of rules that over time you start to not follow them as accurately as you did in the beginning? You start finding wayz to make the system work for you instead of the oher way around. Thats your inner rebellion baby. But hen that implies that we are anarchistz by nature which is only half true. Fact is human beings desire to do whatever they want without question which is the true face of the so called world peace we all desire. But obviously that creates conflict with other people who are working on the exact same frequency which leads to extremes such as war.

34 Name: S : 2013-06-12 02:58 ID:DwwJpi/l [Del]

Besides that, who wants to go through the stressful task of recreating an entire society? Youd need complete and total cooperation. No one has managed that so far because to do it requires the absence of nay sayers. Sorry, i meant haters. Since THOSE arent going away any time ever, people do the best they can. Its all.a human being can do, am i right? Personally, if i had the theoretical abillity to simply CHANGE society i would simply change the fact that manga costs so damn much. Everything else is in whatever higher power wants to take a crack at it.

35 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-06-12 03:23 ID:BrkZul07 [Del]

>>31 Yeah, GHF just loves to voice his insulting opinions, huh? Well, to address what you said, thing is with this topic, everyone should expect for these "solutions" to be hopeful. Ideals are MADE to be hopeful because nobody expects them to work. The flaw isn't that these ideas are hopeful, it's because they are ideals that work in ideal conditions.
>>33 Spoken like a true Thomas Hobbes.
>>34 I get the feeling that you think that we are proposing solutions for establishing an entire society? Heavens no! As you said, too much effort is required,and we don't need to fix what isn't broken.

36 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-12 07:13 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Isn't this the same as the recreating the government discussion we've had forever on this board..? And aren't most of the arguments the same we've already had..?

w/e. There're too many decent responses to remind errybody this is a duplicate, I guess.

37 Name: ... : 2013-06-12 07:14 ID:h4sHEAhr [Del]

I've been reading everyone's comments since I checked this, and I have to say my ideal world has been swayed by what you guys have said. Especially you lewdacris you seem to have things thought out the most. Godhatesfags.... are you fucking retarded? Last I checked god loves each of his children equally no matter their, sex,religion,sexuality etc. As long as they ask for forgiveness they shall be saved. I myself am not a believer in god. Again I think im going to rethink this whole idea of a new world.

38 Name: ... : 2013-06-12 07:16 ID:sbjlrhWc [Del]

>>36 I didn't intend for it to be a duplicate. I just wanted to know what people would change if we could remodel the world. Not just their governments. What kind of utopian, or dystopian they would create and live in.

39 Name: Solace !5RRtZawAKg : 2013-06-12 07:28 ID:ZiwKUMgv [Del]

>>30 Ahh, that's good then; I still say that The Great Depression is far from Anarchy though, they still had a semblance of government and rules, it just wasn't properly established.

40 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-12 07:42 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

>>38 A uptopia/dystopia is a government. Anarchy is a type of government (or better, the related lackthereof). All of this was discussed in that thread before. But even if it's a duplicate, I think there are too many recent posts on this thread to close it.

41 Name: ... : 2013-06-12 07:51 ID:tcRvHVW9 [Del]

Mkay. But again I didn't mean for it to be a duplicate. My bad sorry.

42 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-12 08:27 ID:QAKo1rmT [Del]

I can't say what a perfect world is, because something always effects another thing. But if I could change it, I would totally do what Lelouch did from Code Geass. :3