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Do we want leadership (12)

1 Name: AccP0 : 2013-05-29 23:15 ID:65dzqhTZ [Del]

This is pertaining to this thread

Just vote here:

It seems to be a big discussion here, and a good one to have. Do we keep with the original Dollars idea and be a Faceless, no Hierarchy group?
or do we institute some form of leadership within ourselves.

I might be playing with fire, but i think that this is a good question to ask, I personally feel like we need a leader to actually get something larger (not necessarily huge) done.

2 Name: AccP0 : 2013-05-29 23:16 ID:65dzqhTZ [Del]

Also, Look at this to get a general idea of what was suggested. This is not my idea!/#/ravens_specter/1368649442870/view/3081825225

3 Name: omnist : 2013-05-29 23:28 ID:A+ohttMu [Del]

I like to feel like we are all equals, a bunch of individuals coming together for a common cause. More than leadership, we need more proactive members. It may be easier to get shit done with a hierarchy, but it will destroy this idea of equality of all members and possibly create strife. I vote no.

4 Name: AccP0 : 2013-05-29 23:34 ID:65dzqhTZ [Del]

Good argument. I can see a hierarchy possibly messing things up.

5 Name: Extispicer : 2013-05-29 23:51 ID:Nz9MY9On [Del]

In a group where members are all anonymous and spread out. There is no paradigm to how do we really exact leadership among all, considering the fact that there is no solid tie/commitment to the group. Leadership here will never work. We all know most of us are just here because we've watched Durarara or we just want to read/write things of our interest.

Just as >>3 said, hierarchy isnt solving anything, more proactive members will indeed provide the group a better structure. However, acquiring these members is easier said than done.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Hibari? : 2013-05-30 00:23 ID:UTrtX5ti [Del]

NO. And even if I did have a leader, this internet so no one can really make us do anything.

8 Name: Yoshino : 2013-05-30 00:37 ID:ukFDZL7s [Del]

I agree with Extispicer.

9 Name: Xana : 2013-05-30 00:47 ID:HgQQkv2c [Del]

it would be interesting to have commanders giving orders we could choose to follow

10 Name: crissa : 2013-05-30 01:03 ID:w4JM/ELL [Del]


11 Name: Noelle : 2013-05-30 03:08 ID:7V769avJ [Del]

If we have a leader, or a high-up over there above our heads, then it won't be the Dollars anymore. Reltair-san is an exception because they created the site. I notion that it would be best to remain the way it is now.

12 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-30 03:30 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]

>>1 Thank you so much. We needed a voting system, I just didn't know how to make one.
After words we need to vote (if won) WHICH leader.