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When I was a kid... (21)

1 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-21 21:37 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

The name says it, but I'll explain it anyways. This is a thread meant to compare and contrast how things are different from when you were a kid. It is a thread to discuss you views of the change and possible solutions if there are any.

**Warning**: What will be said on here could be very controversial (I know what I say will be), so don't get butt hurt just because someone disagrees, like a faggot. This is a thread to share and discuss opinions, not rip each other apart and insult someone's views.

2 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-21 21:44 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

I'll go first to explain.

When I was a kid: We plaid games where we pretended to shoot at each other and have fun with it. Water guns and nerf guns were fun to use when playing these games.

Now-a-days: A kid can't bring a bubble gun to school or even take a couple of bites out of a poptart without being suspended for being a threat. They think kids under the age of ten are going to be killing people.

This bothers me because the "gun problem" had gotten so huge that they're making more guns illegal! News Flash faggots! That's not going to stop the fucking problem. Murder is illegal and punishable by death, but that doesn't stop people. All it does it prevent the innocent from protecting themselves. I'm sorry, but if someone breaks in trying to kill me, I want a fucking gun to protect myself. I don't want to fucking die because the murderer got one illegally and I couldn't have one because I'm a good little citizen.

I'd also like to go into the fact that this wasn't a problem until recently. You can't blame terrorists because this wasn't a problem after 9/11. Nothing significant happened recently to cause this, so fuck off. If I'm wrong, then please correct me, but this is fucking stupid.

3 Name: Deon~ie : 2013-03-21 21:52 ID:vH8BFTb9 [Del]

when i was a kid i watch cartoons and shows
now i'm 14 and all i see is trash on tv (DISNEY FOR EXAMPLE)
i want fosters home for imaginary fans and billy and mandy back :(

4 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-21 21:59 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

Would this not be better in personal leigha?

5 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-21 22:23 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

>>4 Topic of Discussion being how life has changed. How personal it actually gets depends on the person. >>3 didn't seem all that personal.

6 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-03-21 23:04 ID:oTKaJVNt [Del]

Or Random, depending on how it goes. If people treat it like a game where you tell a story of your childhood/ when you were a kid (i.e.: "when I was a kid...") then it would indeed go on Random (since the personal board is for "For people seeking personal help, life advice, or counseling.", which that would be more random storytelling)
If people contrast what's different from the past to today, and how things have changed, then it could be labeled as a piece of discussion, and therefore, on Main.

Actually on topic:
When I was a kid and videogames where more of a small share of the market, where it didn't get much attention. Sure, handhelds were the next new big thing, but it still got less overall attention then it does today. Hell, back then you could make a game about raping women and-
oh wait.
>Custer's Revenge
Now, however, parents and other citizens are going on and on about how "video games make our kids violent!" and are 'corrupting the youth', so to speak. I think I remember a few years ago there was a proposed legislation to put restrictions on gaming, but I believe it was shot down by people less worried about whether someone was playing a violent video game when the television right next to him was just as likely to be playing some sort of equally violent film or show.
Of course, shortly after there were experiments on whether or not these games actually had any affect on violence in youth (ironically, it actually calmed most people, although you have to wonder in the experiment if they were playing something akin Mario, or some pvp against that little kid who spams in all chat "GG NOOBS YOU SUCK SO MUCH XDDDDDDD")

On the topic of >>2:
I'd tend to agree that putting restrictions on guns will do little to nothing, considering some murders get them illegally anyways. I think the purpose of such legislation would be to keep guns away/ less available (the key word there is less) to those who would use them for the wrong purposes. The problem is, however, that we don't know if a killer would've gone through and gotten the guns illegally if they weren't as easily available.
Those who are solid in their reasons to kill probably won't hesitate, but those who are thinking about murder might not be as inclined if they don't have guns easily available. This is probably an idea pulled from 'if he didn't have those guns in his mom's closet, would he have gone on a killing spree at the school?'
Still, anyone who is determined on murder is going to get guns either way, and it's those kind of people who commit the mass murders/ sprees, rather than the 'I'm going to kill my spouse for money' kind.
If it were passed, however, it seems like it would hurt those who would want to defend themselves more than those who want to commit murder.

This really is a TL;DR.
Reasoning for thread placement on top, issues in wall of text.

7 Name: 0013Starri : 2013-03-22 02:19 ID:s3jl1g1Z [Del]

When I was a kid, we played with chalk on the sidewalk, had gameboys and Pokemon, and we watched cartoons every Saturday morning. The original cartoons were way better than the shit they put on television now. I miss the original Yu-Gi-oh and Billy and Mandy. This generation ruined everything.

Well, while some things have improved, such as healthcare and technology, pretty much everything else sucks. The kids are trashy and parents don't know what to do anymore. I'm glad I was born in the 90s... but now everything is falling to ruin. *sigh* I miss being a kid.

8 Name: Mummy boy : 2013-03-25 16:52 ID:uEQM3v3u [Del]

i want our sows bak whem\n i wads a kid

9 Name: Amii Ryuichi : 2013-10-17 14:08 ID:73vy/OOF [Del]

When I was a kid we got a toy only at Christmas and birthdays but ask any where in between and you'd have a 29% at getting it.

Now a days kids get want they want when they want it because their parents want to shut them up, making them idiots when they grow up

Plus when I was a kid we had such a thing called grammar and there was no such thing as Yolo...

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11 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-10-17 14:57 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

*Old Man voice*
When I was a kid, we walked ten miles to school up a hill in the snow. You whippersnappers don't know nothin' 'bout nothin', so quit complainin'.
*/Old Man Voice*

In all seriousness, I think this thread is kinda dumb. Yes, things are different now than they were ten or fifteen or more years ago, but that's how it always is. People have always looked longingly at the past (y'know, the whole "rose-tinted lenses" thing) and disparaged the "youngsters" who were looked at as idiots who were ruining everything that used to be so good (hippies, anybody?). Those youngsters used to be all of us.

As for the other aspect of this thread (the "change and possible solutions" bit), there are a couple ways to approach it. First, those complaining could just let it go. Some of these changes that you guys are talking about are so widespread that they're not going to go away, no matter how much you may want them to.

The other thing is to try to do something about it. With this, since one person only knows so many people, there's only so much you can do. This isn't really a "change", but in my case, it really irritated me when my friends used text speak when texting and poor grammar when talking. So, I brought it up that the text speak irritated me and started texting in complete sentences with good grammar. I started correcting their grammar when they spoke. It actually worked. In particular, one of my friends still stops and corrects himself when he uses bad grammar.

The big thing that it seems like people bemoan is the "dumbing down" of kids. I was a '90's - early 2000's kid (born in 1987), so I can only go back that far. There are a lot (and I mean A LOT) of kids nowadays going through life more or less mindlessly. And there were just as many back when I was in school. I was one of them. I don't think it's so much a matter of when in time it takes place as it is a matter of what people want out of their lives. And the majority of people are satisfied with the status quo. I think that it's so pronounced with kids (I include teenagers as "kids") because their lives tend to be much more carefree than adults' lives. There's much less for them to worry about and most of them don't think too much about the future. It's not much different with adults. So many adults go through life on autopilot. In large part, it's how our society is structured. From what I can tell, it's how our society has been structured for decades. That's getting off into something that I think is off-topic, so I won't go into it further here.

I'll just finish up by saying that change happens, and there's only so much you can do about it. It's up to you whether or not you want to try. I don't think it's useless or pointless to try, but you have to be able to acknowledge reality.

>>9 What's Yolo?

12 Name: Ari!!xgn2KBaB : 2013-10-17 15:33 ID:tPlAKFmS [Del]

When I was a kid, we all used head phones to listen to music on CD players, now adays kids listen to music on their i whatevers with earplugs going full blast :/
Also, back then kids were all about awesome coloring books and stuffed animals; now kids have no respect for their parents and demand iPhones. Like, your kid is 4 years old, they do not need a mobile device -.-

13 Name: Onyx"Red"Haze : 2013-10-17 16:20 ID:YRELapNr [Del]

I'm still a kid, but I really don't like this generation of children. Rude, homophobic, sexist, racist. I know this will never change, but it is really annoying on how ignorant these people are. I hate drugs, they are just a HUGE waste of money for a "trip" that doesn't last very long. Kids now-a-days say endlessly "Oh dude, have you tried(drug name)? Its amazing" ALWAYS at my school that's all I hear and I'm tired of it. Kids are getting stupider, less accurate, and DEFINATLEY less sharp. WE NEED TO CHANGE

14 Name: Victoria : 2013-10-17 17:30 ID:sZaYKX6k [Del]

I think the change in education is affecting schools too. FIRE THE TEAHCERS LET EVERYONE HAVE ROBOT TEACHERS! Just throwing it in there Teachers are assholes now. Honestly my gym class is full of ONLY girls and he calls us unactive peices of shit to his 3rd period everyday. I used to have a teacher that was really REALLY sexist. Then he got caught having an afair and got fired.

15 Name: Rabbit !SpPYLd9jdU : 2013-10-17 19:28 ID:XiRonsK5 [Del]

when i was a kid, we used to get punished for doing bad things.
getting spanked or slapped wasnt out of the norm. we were taught to have manners and be respectful.
now a days there is no discipline with children, nobody gets punished for messing up, and anybody who even thinks spanking their kids is usually looked at as aggressive and a bad parent.
alot of people like to blame the teachers, or video games, and popular media for the messed up kids and teens,but the reason why some of the younger generations suck isnt just because of that, your kid wasnt raised by a damn video game or the teachers, if our future sucks dont blame it on everything around you, blame the damn parents for once..
if this doesn't make much sence sorry, kinda out of it

16 Name: TakayamaReddo : 2013-10-17 21:03 ID:mdcznLTl [Del]

When I was a kid I was indecisive and old.
Now I'm determinated and young. XD

Am I the only one who prefers my life how it is now?

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-10-17 22:18 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>16 Out of curiosity, in what ways were you old? In what ways are you young?

I definitely prefer myself as I am now to how I was in the past. I used to be so obsessed with video games that I was completely oblivious to everything else. I almost didn't graduate high school because I nearly failed the only class I needed to pass, because I couldn't get myself to just suck it up and do the work because I was only interested in playing video games.

Over time, starting probably when I was 17 or 18, I began to not be as obsessed with them, and started pursuing other interests I had developed. Probably around 20 or 21, I started to pay more attention to what was being discussed in my college classes, and started to read the material, instead of blowing off the reading and mindlessly going through the motions. I gradually observed more and more that was around me, and learned a lot--primarily about myself.

If I saw myself from 10 years ago now, I'd give myself a serious wake-up call. I'm not blaming video games, or anything or anyone else for that matter. It was just how I was back then. But, I had serious blinders on, and it did me so much good to take them off.

19 Name: Vigil : 2013-10-18 00:55 ID:7hAuxQna [Del]

peh, living this life as an adult means to be more or less jaded, depressed, all but hopeless, and disalutioned with the world. knowing that one will likly exist as a normal person, work a normal trash job, grow old and ugly looking, get sick and wait for death. being an adult is realizing that in this life they will proobly have a boring and overall uninteresting existence...sure their are abberents but hey, they are the minority, not the majority...derp

20 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-10-18 09:42 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

My sister is one of the few people who get hit for doing something wrong, sometimes you can see the astonishment of people around her when they get angry and the such. The parents of other parents of other students dislike my parents for their "harsh" discipline, which I think could be a lot worse (would you prefer a whipping or sleeping outside?) It is ridiculous when you see 7 year old's with hand phones better than yours and top of the range laptops...utterly preposterous if you ask me, I might sound like and old grump now, but, in a few years the "young ones" will to....To be honest, what defines old and young, I am young- but i was brought up differently from MOST of the spoiled brats of this age...anyways~

21 Post deleted by user.