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Happy Valentine's Day (36)

1 Name: anonymous : 2013-02-14 07:47 ID:qiEyEBWx [Del]

Hey guys, I just want you to know that this is my very first thread so I'm not that knowledgeable yet.. Anyway, before this day ends I just want to greet all the Dollars out there a Happy Valentine's Day!! Whether today is one of your best "lovey-dovey" moments in your life or one of the worst days of your life don't forget that love doesn't stop there, okay? Always have hope! Happy Valentine's Day (again) everyone! <3<3<3

2 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2013-02-14 08:21 ID:utLZ1pMi [Del]

Eating chocalates alone

3 Name: Emanon : 2013-02-14 08:29 ID:V00lSWfj [Del]

Same here with >>2 ....
My koibito is at Osaka.....

4 Name: Kuroi Chi : 2013-02-14 08:47 ID:O4ranAjx [Del]

I don't have a girlfriend so. . .
I just play games in my room. Sad. . . So sad. . .

5 Name: Kuroi Chi : 2013-02-14 08:47 ID:O4ranAjx [Del]

I don't have a girlfriend so. . .
I just play games in my room. Sad. . . So sad. . .

6 Name: Senri-hin : 2013-02-14 08:51 ID:H/YaL8U9 [Del]

This boy has a girlfriend already so I'll probably just sit here, cry a little and eat things.
Well, maybe next year.

7 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-14 09:31 ID:++Cmf9nu [Del]

Happy Mandatory Affection Day to you, too~♥


8 Name: Dias !Fwa6UqgPqQ : 2013-02-14 10:18 ID:LJTMGeaL [Del]

It's not even Valentine's day where I live

9 Name: Eros : 2013-02-14 10:38 ID:JcldBGfC [Del]

Happy Birthday to George Farris!

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13 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-14 18:50 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

14 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-14 18:51 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

BTW, it's hard to get Izaya to not look at you no matter where you move...


15 Name: shizou : 2015-02-12 11:30 ID:rJbfv0U2 [Del]

stay happy, the dollars love u

16 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2015-02-12 13:37 ID:c4O+ok0v [Del]

>>13 That. That is wonderful.

17 Name: Vicki-san : 2015-02-12 15:10 ID:aMGYKgPw [Del]

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! 😘 We're Dollars so we here for you been if you're lonely.

18 Name: Zenta : 2015-02-12 15:24 ID:z8wSA0Aw [Del]

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :D

19 Name: Momoi : 2015-02-12 17:30 ID:ND+omShL [Del]

Happy Valentine's day to you too~! Heh, I'm always by myself on Valentine's, I'm an antisocial loner, so if any other Dollar is as well than maybe we can all get together and chat online or something! Momoi would like that~ ( ゚Д゚)<!! (。・ω・。)

20 Name: JackDenkin : 2015-02-12 17:35 ID:GAi9IYEN [Del]

Happy normal day, that is just any other day, because humans just want to have an official couple's day to celebrate, where as everyday is a couple's day. =_=

21 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-12 18:29 ID:AL0fmSJW [Del]

>>20 I HATE people who says shit like this.
You can't make everyday of your life special.
There's work, school, stress, taxes, family, bills, kids, etc. that gets in the way.

V-Day serves the same purpose as a honeymoon; it's to set aside all the clutter in your lives for a second, and devote an entire day to your lover.

If you do it right, it's suppose to be a relaxing day to just hangout in each other's presence.

If you do it wrong, then that's entirely your fault. Don't try to put down an entire holiday and all who celebrate.

22 Name: Ari!!RV+3t7/a : 2015-02-12 19:05 ID:+EA9n2r4 [Del]

Happy Almost Valentine's Day <3 <3 I hope all of you, either single or taken, takes the time not to just love/admire your partner/crush or envy those with a partner, but also remember to tell your family you love them, cause, after all, they're the first people you ever loved :)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-12 19:07 ID:6swQn6oh [Del]


Sorry, but Valentine's day has NEVER been about devoting an entire day to your lover. It's nearly 100% a corporate fabrication designed to sell chocolates. Not even being cynical, that's literally what it's about.

The pagan festival it was based on worshiping a wolf god and bringing on Spring. The Catholic hijack of it was just another run of the mill celebration of a martyr. The modern day rendition is a nice way to get everybody to buy chocolate and greeting cards.

24 Name: Riku : 2015-02-12 23:10 ID:ownLuztK [Del]

CHOCOLATES FOR EVERYONE!!!!! :DDDD (am I too happy? :T)

25 Name: CaptainLucifer : 2015-02-12 23:13 ID:eMhgPnz0 [Del]

>>23 Its not just your lovers, but your friends too if you didnt know that. Im giving my friends love and doing what Mag just said. Yeah- people sell chocolate, and yeah there's probably this whole background to it but what about making the people you love happy for just one day? Go out, buy chocolates, make a special dinner and literally say "I love you" because sometimes you forget to say I love you on the normal days because you're busy with your life. Whats wrong with thinking that Valentines day is a special day?

Anyway happy valentines day to you all! :D

26 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-02-13 01:46 ID:Y/J4yf/1 [Del]

I agree with Magnolia too. Even if we don't have someone to share it with, shouldn't we feel at least a little bit happy seeing all the drama unraveling itself or the blossoming of young love? Ahh.. :) The day adds a little more spice to our lives. Without this day, there wouldn't be all those romantic and funny anime episodes too, right?

So, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! (It's not here yet though!) If you're a girl and lonely on Valentine's day just send me a message! I'm totally free lol.

One more thing, Magnolia, are you a boy or a girl?

27 Name: Lamia : 2015-02-13 01:50 ID:UMnWJzGv [Del]

Happy Valentine Too Everyone~~~

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29 Name: EyngelNice : 2015-02-13 03:55 ID:bLYZY3a7 [Del]

Qué tal?

30 Name: chiyochiyo04 : 2015-02-13 05:04 ID:CNp69OB+ [Del]

and to all the single men and ladies out there, happy single awareness day💟💟

31 Name: Magnolia : 2015-02-13 06:43 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]


Thanks you two. Couldn't have said it better. To answer your question, I'm a girl. =3

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33 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-02-13 07:34 ID:KlSAxHwN [Del]

Hmmm.... thought so.. xD

Happy Valentine's Day! Muahahhahha!

34 Name: kudo : 2015-02-13 08:25 ID:UCrzMJ4E [Del]

in my country don't have event V-day, so...
i wach a sad movie... T_T

35 Name: Emma : 2015-02-13 17:00 ID:w1Drn/BA [Del]

Happy Valentine's Day!
This Valentine's Day show your love and save the Tasmanian devil from possible extinction.
They are really suffering in pain from tumor . There are regions where more than 90% of their population has died. It costs around $7,000 to house one devil for one year at a zoo , wildlife parks and free range enclosures around Australia,away from disease and roads. Also the research for the cure of DFTD ( devil facial tumour disease ) is even more expensive! Please donate what you can to this program

36 Name: Jiro : 2015-02-13 18:27 ID:ttQVHa6r [Del]

Happy Valentine's Day!! X3

I don't have a partner in life yet but I'm still happy that I have friends to spend the day with. XD