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Humanity (100)

1 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2013-01-12 22:57 ID:mG2lhMxf [Del]

"I am a humanist; I am a humanist." the opening words to my speech in my intro, but I want the opinion of the rest of the Dollars on Humanity. Do you love humanity? Do you hate humanity? what perfections do you find in it? What imperfections do you find in it? How close to keep yourself to the rest of humanity? And, how much do you think you are in control of the other humans around you? It's questions like these that I wish answered from my fellow dollars and any and all replies are welcome. May the wonderful flow of human thought begin at my disposable.

2 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2013-01-12 22:58 ID:mG2lhMxf [Del]

There is a typo; the quote was supposed to go as "I am a humanist; I love humanity." that is all. Carry on with your wonderful offers.

3 Name: Whisper : 2013-01-13 00:14 ID:JugoAI6s [Del]

I don't love humanity but I don't hate it either.
What's best about humanity is that you can find your important people within it and those people will become your support, your reason to live.
Sometimes, I find humanity tiring because you always have to think about the eyes of society and you can't truly, "just be yourself", and no matter what, there's always some sort of expectation waiting for you to succeed in.
I don't keep close to humanity that much; it's almost like I'm invisible. I like to keep to myself and hide my feelings but I tend to let loose with my closest family and friends though I still keep a few thoughts away from them.
I have no control of other humans around me whatsoever. We live in a generation where everyone likes to be independent and most of us are all free to do whatever we like. We no longer live in a society where we must accept harsh discipline, abide by many rules, and be controlled by traditions and "advice" of our parents and our seniors.
Apart from all that, I truly believe that humanity is the outcome of all our decision-makings. It's no longer our thoughts about humanity but our actions towards humanity.

4 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-01-13 00:43 ID:yD2uoowx [Del]

I'm pretty neutral about humanity. In many ways, humanity just sucks horribly, but the things, us as humans are capable of are incredible. Amazing in fact, we are capable of anything, good or bad, it's unpredictable! That's what I love about humanity!It's a new twist at every turn. And I also agree with >>3 when I say it's all about our actions towards humanity. We have sociapath's, pychopaths, serial killers, child molesters,but even they have a conventionalized thinking that allows them to function in society in some way or another, even if it's not an exactly stable of healthy one. This is humanity to me. Even we rock in some ways, we suck in others and that is why I'm neutral...

5 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-13 01:23 ID:ewnN6Dxb [Del]

I can't say I love it or hate it.
Many people are bad some are nice so we can't tell.
We have enemies we have friends.
So my opinion is depend on what I see.

6 Name: nerdyanimegirl : 2013-01-13 01:52 ID:rMSqzABq [Del]

I don't love or hate.

7 Name: Nana : 2013-01-13 04:55 ID:6H1cflvO [Del]

I actually love humanity. Especially when I meet new people, and it turns out that those people are acquainted to people that I know. I just love that feeling, the feeling that the world is small. And I feel as it's if the world is revolving around me.

I've met good people, bad people and both, even though they're around me only for a little while. But of course, these labels of 'good' and 'bad' doesn't exactly applies to everyone's perspectives. I can only state these labels from my experience with those people. Because, as you know, the world is never always as it seems, and you can't judge a book by it's cover. People might be fooling and/or hiding something from us, but then again, as long as that something doesn't threaten us we don't really care do we? (It's just a thought, sorry if it offends you) I'm not saying everyone is like that, it's just a perspective of mine. You can't really tell the true essence of a person with just 'hanging out' or 'talking' to them, they might turn out to be and excellent mask wearer. I'm not saying it's impossible to know the essence of humans, it's just sometimes we might misunderstood things, or that we don't realize, or ignoring it. (Am I making any point here?)
Anyways, as to why I love humans, is that they keep changing. Nothing stays the same about them, for the better or the worse. Some people change to something better, and some to something worse. The thing about people changing is just so interesting, or rather, amusing. The way when they first come with their heads high, confident, arrogant, and then suddenly they turn 180 degrees to a complete coward. The way when they are hopeless towards something, but then suddenly gives everything in their power to make that something their own. From mama's boy to delinquent, from thugs to community worker. And this doesn't mean that I support people that changes negatively, it's the same as how you laugh at an utterly ridiculous and incomprehensible joke not because it's actually funny, but because the way they say it.
As long as there is both positive and negative, light and dark, the world will repeat itself, like how the earth keeps rotating and revolving around the sun. And since there will always be positive and negative, there will always be people who lose and win, thus good people and bad people. The unpredictability of them all is just sooo irresistible, it makes my pulse rush~~ (*≧▽≦)
But heck, we know all that don't we? What makes this world interesting, isn't the beginning nor the ending, it's the proses in all of that. But you know all that too, don't you? You just didn't realize it.

Oh, as I expected humans are so smart~ It makes my heart tingle~~ “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”

8 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-13 11:48 ID:toSVoeCq [Del]

Humanity cannot be humanity without humans. Humans are humanity. Humans are flawed. Humanity is therefore flawed.


(On a sidenote, I wonder if people know if I am serious or not when I say this...)

9 Name: LionfishMaster : 2013-01-13 11:55 ID:kYQe17mo [Del]

I love all humans there the most interesting creatures you could ever hope to find. (You know were I got that from but whatever) I just love manipulating people sometimes I also love to help them.

10 Name: Alexavier : 2013-01-13 13:46 ID:G20a9dod [Del]

Humanity is ... unique. There's the good, the bed, the loving, the hateful, and so on.

Persoanlly, I just hate how stupid humanity is becoming.

11 Name: Cabe : 2013-01-13 15:37 ID:wg0jt7Yl [Del]

Ignorant, weak, stupid, impulssive... That's how the most of humans are.

12 Name: Patcher : 2013-01-13 15:54 ID:iSZ41f7S [Del]

As I go through my everyday life, I've made it a habit to always just step back and observe people while trying not to judge. I just observe, and that's what I've been doing for a long time (which is why friends always say I'm quiet), an I've noticed and learned a lot about humanity in this way.

I've noticed that those who immerse themselves in the latest trends, superficial friends, and always seem to have drama going on, are the ones who are trying to hide and/or fill a hole or longing in their hearts, they feel empty and are trying to look for the most fulfilling thing to ease the pain. For example, those who compete for the most friends on Facebook are the ones with the greater emptiness and longing for attention, maybe attention that they didn't get in childhood.

I'd like to think that the same applies for other people who we label as the "annoying, dimwitted, popular" ones. Maybe they're suffering in a way that only allows them to express themselves in that way because of their personality type and need for attention, while others with different personalities suffer in a different way (the quiet ones, the ones who refuse to have friends, the adrenaline junkies, etc.)

If I was trying to look for one good thing out of this, I would probably say that to some people, this inspires motivation o rise above the expectations, judgements, and labels of others. Now you have your well-known artists, speakers, hackers, business CEOs, etc. Motivation to be the best so someday you can look down from a place of power on all those who looked down on you and show them how wrong they were.

Then again, who have people with yet a different personality type, a more quiet and subdued personality who seeks to be alone because they don't want to get hurt again, maybe because of bullying, maybe because of some other tragedy. These are the ones who usually try to help others and encourage others through art, writing, and whatever they feel strongly in and are able to express themselves in a way unique to them.

Humanity is made up of so much variety, uniqueness, and repetition of everything, that 'world peace' is kind of impossible. Unless of course, it means setting cultures, differences, grudges, pasts, and beliefs aside in order to live as 'one people'. Which is impossible, because humanity is diverse, and will always be diverse. It is what makes it humanity.

I'm generalizing a lot for the sake of putting everything in as few words as possible, sorry. I don't keep myself that close to humanity because I found I can learn a lot more by stepping back and observing. Maybe even making friends with people that have completely different personalities and bringing them together to see how they interact. For me, it's not amusing, I don't entertain myself through this. I learn, I'm constantly learning from humanity in order to learn how to become a better person and in what way I can do my part to help the greatest number of people in the way that they idividually and as a whole need help.

13 Name: LionfishMaster : 2013-01-13 17:11 ID:kYQe17mo [Del]

Patcher you're right. People sometimes tend to be disrespectful towards others just because they think different or look different some humans think other humans shouldnt even be allowed to be with them in the same room just because they look down on them thinking they have no talent, intelligence, beauty, fisical traits, and no money they think lowly of other people cause they think they have everything that the others could never have things that "distinguish" them from the other groups of people, but this selfcentered humans cant realize that the people they look down upon one day will rise up and become shining members of society people that will look at them in the eyes and say: "You were looking down on me just because I was different you thought I would never fit in with society but you were wrong unlike you that force yourself to be someone you're not just to have a place in society I kept being myself and made my place in society on my own you thought you were looking down on the other people but the people you looked down on were looking down on you aswell." I often laugh at the people that look down on others because I know the people their looking down on will do far greater things than they could ever imagine. Humans never seize to amase me some act like there on top of others but they never realise one day they will be stepped on like the others they were stepping on.

14 Name: Kohaku !L6lslWVzN2 : 2013-01-13 19:50 ID:T9dYp5oz [Del]

We truly are strange creatures.

15 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-01-13 20:53 ID:2gvO/oTY [Del]

>>12 Agreed.

I don't know how I feel about humans, but all I can say is that I can't trust people... Well maybe one or two people, but it's hard finding the good side of most humans.

16 Name: Kumagawa : 2013-01-13 22:01 ID:SBSVsW1c [Del]

[People are born with no purpose, live for no reason, and die for nothing

17 Name: Kumagawa : 2013-01-13 22:01 ID:SBSVsW1c [Del]

[People are born with no purpose, live for no reason, and die for nothing]

18 Name: Hayato : 2013-01-13 23:35 ID:raQoq/C/ [Del]

Humans are a race that destroys no matter where we go, with no concern for the world around us. I don't hate humanity, but I;m not too fond of it either.

19 Name: Rotasu : 2013-01-14 07:34 ID:kmtEPJrn [Del]

Hard to love a race that does more destruction than creation.

20 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2013-01-15 19:38 ID:1J0bbDTo [Del]

Well it seems that this thread is starting to die now, and I thank you all for your oh so valuable responses. What you have all given me can be considered finer than silk and I do believe I now have a greater understanding on humanity, Lthough it may not be that much greater. Again, I thank you all and may your lives be beautiful.

21 Name: C.C. : 2013-01-15 20:57 ID:xgUK1e/I [Del]

Humans, exist to chase for happiness. What they look for is just a bit of happiness. It’s not something special. The root of everyone’s actions, as a person, they are very tiny wishes which are apparent in everyone. Theses dreams, these words, who can renounce them? Who has the right? But, however, no matter who, no matter what the wish is, one cannot bind others and the world to themselves. Determine one’s fate. If, one allows the thoughts of others, to go beyond that of the world, their existence is merely one which is drifting with the waves. Crimes and punishment. Fate and judgment. What’s blocking people is the past they created. It is hate between people. At least…it is a fact that humans exist to pursue happiness. All the wishes, concealing those yearnings…they are born from despair.

22 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-15 21:33 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

Since, according to Feric, the thread is dying down, I'll stir the pot a little and give you a little food for thought, or a reason to think I'm a complete annoying bitch that hates the world.

I hate humanity. I hate the human race. I hate humans. I hate people. I can go on forever about this, but I'll try not to make it too long.

Humans are an utterly weak species that find joy in having complete power and not caring about those that get hurt in the process. They make false proclamations in order to receive this post, but, when push comes to shove, they back out on their word and refuse to follow through. Everything is about what the person wants, and not what they need. It is human nature to be a greedy wanting bastard from the moment they taste something better.

In the wild, animals only take what they need. Everything is about survival. Survival to the fittest is key. However, humans fuck all that up. It is no longer about surviving and what they need. It is now about what they want. While a lion will kill another lion over territory or dominance, a human will do the same for the fun of it, or just because they want to. While lions of the same pack will defend each other, humanity cannot be depended upon to protect their own race. People all have their own objectives, and they'll ignore someone in need just to reach their goal, or they'll tear down someone in need because they are in the way. Humans just don't give a fuck about each other.

Since I've promised to keep this short, I'll end this here. I hate humans. I hate the fact that I am human. The imperfections I see in others are the imperfections I see in me. I hate myself because I am human. My imperfections make me human. I have these imperfections because I am human. Humanity is an utterly weak glutton and prideful species, and that makes me the same thing.

That is why I write, especially fantasy, it allows me to forget about humanity and put me in the shoes of another character of a different species. It's my sense of escape.

On top of everything I've said. Humans are ultimately stupid. They hurt themselves and are incapable of making anything better for themselves. That is the whole reason why they're weak.

If anyone wants me to discuss this further, feel free to ask. Give me some time and I'll go into extreme detail for you.

23 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-01-15 23:10 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

24 Name: Tsukiyama Ajibana : 2013-01-15 23:41 ID:UEoix2LW [Del]

>>22 never thought about our race in that way..

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Unagi.Stuffing !3nn9VDb01A : 2013-01-16 00:16 ID:tA7nGvOP [Del]


I honestly cannot agree with you completely here, but i respect this completely.

I personally think Humans aree amazing, we have opportunities to create a future, to be something wonderful. ,You are right in a sense that humans can be; greedy, utterly weak, gluttons and prideful, as well as other awful things. We also have opportunists, hopeful, grateful, loving, caring, kind people and others, the world is ever changing. The world has people who by some definition can be seen as "bad" and "good", i believe that we are not either, Humans live as they do, with flawed actions and flawed nature but there will be moments when we can do something beautiful.
Humans can create in a way that touches other people as well, which is something beautiful about us, LeighaMoscove, this part is directly for you. I think as a Human, your ability or imagination to write makes you beautiful, you can think that i'm unusual or strange, wierd and other things for saying it but this is how i see it.

I think we sometimes need a push in to the light so we can be a little more open minded to good things. i try to appreciate everything people do for me even if it's something small, i say this but i'm not claiming to be perfect but accepting your flaws and continuing with a positive attitude in life can really help you out.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my views though, so this is my opinion, i'd still love to hear anything else someone has to say. Or more detail on your opinion if you feel like it LeighaMoscove. Because seeing others views is another thing about humans that intrigue me~

27 Name: Timmy no Thumbs !AicIGfZdzI : 2013-01-16 00:49 ID:jgLQJdcR [Del]

I believe that humanity, barring the psychotic and pathological sociopaths, have the best intentions in mind. It's only when people have different views about what is best that the "good vs evil" thing happens. Maybe that's why I love humanity. Conflict will never end, because nobody will ever be able to unify everyone into belief, be it "good" or "bad". But I do know that everyone who is fighting is fighting for what they believe to be the best future for us.

I'm really tired right now, so I can't wait to read this again in the morning. I probably sound really dumb, but I feel this is my reason for loving humanity in a nutshell.

28 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-16 10:12 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


29 Name: Ilystia O. : 2013-01-16 10:22 ID:ThdKP9n3 [Del]

I dislike humanity. It's that very same never-ending conflict that has my mind made on it. The petty drama and problems of humans that they would kill themselves over. The people who would murder their own families. The people who would dream to much and never do anything to catch that dream. It's all problems. Problems that re-occur in every miserable human's life span. I would even go as far as hating my self for hating humans. Sorry if this sounds a bit too harsh, but opinions are opinions.

30 Name: Timmy no Thumbs !AicIGfZdzI : 2013-01-16 17:16 ID:X89XWKb1 [Del]

>>29 I don't think I could ever go as far as hating myself again. I've been there before, and all it does is turn you into a depressed, cynical asshole. You're right though; there are people who dream too much, and there are bad people in the world. But there are decent people in the world, too. I'm not perfect, but I try my best to do what's right. There's no reason to give up halfway through the game just because the score isn't in your favor. Is it really so wrong to believe that if you can show some kindness for someone, even in the smallest amount, that it can change the world around us?

On the side, I recommend talking to a councilor...or something. Trust me, hating yourself just opens up a whole shitstorm of problems.

31 Name: 上條 : 2013-01-16 18:57 ID:b7kawPAe [Del]

I love people. Despite what they say, there is not a single one the same as another. They can be the ugliest and the most beautiful of all the animals. They can bore you to tears, or be hyperactive maniacs. I love them.

32 Name: Sifu : 2013-01-16 21:06 ID:hMZ3lMsY [Del]

I personally love Humanity. Humanity is so beautiful! It's amazing what it acomplishes! Now I don't want to insult you but perhaps some of you are looking at it wrong. Or perhaps it's the way I divide the difference. You see I love Humanity but I don't love people. Humanity as a whole is amazing. It endures through everything no matter the challenge. The potential of humanity is so great as well. The things we haven't even done but what we could acomplish. Humanity is a very interesting thing. It's violent and yet it can be so loving. Humanity does things for no other purpose then just to do them. It's amazing. There's a unending fighting spirit that no matter what happens will always be there. It's there, in the bones. In the very thing that makes humanity what it is. It creates war and it maintains peace. It's the instinct to survive. It's amazing because no matter what humanity keeps on and it always will. Now there is a disgusting filth that survives in people however that I hate. It's the corruption and selfishness that they have. That's the difference I mean. I don't stay close to humanity nessisarily but I love it and will play my part in it. It's beautiful.

33 Name: Sayaka : 2013-01-17 13:50 ID:Mrg4xtum [Del]

I love humanity. We're not perfect, but we're still pretty darn awesome.

"Humanity is good. Some people are terrible and broken, but humanity is good. I believe that." -Hank Green

34 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2013-02-08 14:08 ID:1J0bbDTo [Del]

Sayaka, even though your comment would have been perfect for closing this discussion, I am bringing this back to life. Come Humanity, show me your truest heart! Stop Time, though art beautiful!

35 Name: tsukuro : 2013-02-08 14:35 ID:Ed2QW7Y0 [Del]

There are times when my opinion varies. At times i love humanity as it is so diverse and interesting but all essentially the same. However at times i hate people not humanity. I can't hate the whole due to a few bad apples. They can be so fun.

36 Name: Tym55 : 2013-02-08 16:04 ID:pAYFrUz6 [Del]

As for myself I want to lose my humanity and become god-like. Sad but true most who try that gets only closer to devil...

37 Name: Pyscha : 2013-02-08 18:47 ID:vaEQc9eO [Del]

Humanity...I must admit that Humanity and I have a love-and-hate relationship.I love how the way people act that it's entertaining.One second they're all smiles,the next they can be your worst enemy.Humans never have one personality,they're all different! It's like a starting a fun game every time you meet someone new.So fun,so fun!
But I also hate humanity.We're so gullible.Others can use us a pawn and we don't even notice it.We hurt and lie.Every day we do such meaningless things just to please ourselves.We can never learn from our mistakes sometime.Years of pain and suffering doesn't teach us anything.Wars still goes on,hate spreads like a disease.What have we learned from all of this? Nothing.
Yet,humans still amaze me.It's so hard to hate something you love.

38 Name: xyvaine : 2013-02-08 19:20 ID:R6sjt93g [Del]

I love humanity, I just think there's a lack of it in humans sometimes. People can be quite cruel, but at our core the way our brains work is that we're all programmed to care about someone. When we do and that person is happy, we get a rush of serotonin that tells us to be happy, too. This is basic chemistry, and everyone has the ability to love inside them. I think that's a really important thing to remember. Over all I believe the world is good, and I love all the differences people have! Humans really are very interesting creatures. I'm so glad I'm one of them.

39 Name: TaVSt !H7K/TguwHU : 2013-02-08 20:27 ID:ugfRYsEC [Del]

I love humanity's ability to change. Every generation that grows up disgusted with that which preceded it is a generation with the potential for upheaval. Of the teenagers that I know, about two-thirds think there is something seriously wrong with society (government, lifestyle, etc.). Of those, approximately one-tenth have put actual thought into this, rather than simply questioning and then accepting. That means about one-fifteenth of the up-and-coming generation has the proper mindset to instigate real change, and that gives me hope.

40 Name: Tiger : 2013-02-08 21:58 ID:TwONCBrH [Del]

I like humans because they make me laugh but they go to war to much. Therefore i love humans eventhough there is too much killing going on.

41 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-02-08 23:27 ID:aJgu9Q4s [Del]

I love humanity, but I choose what I want to be friend, some people are bad influence and I should stay away to them.

I was observing humanity lately, and I have learned a very important lesson.
Yesterday, while going home, in a transportation, There's an old woman who is perfectly dressed, she is so clean and neat, I though she is like a rich ill-tempered old woman or let's say she is selfish, The vehicle will soon go, then we saw a pile of house less kids in the street they look pity to see, then suddenly the lady gave me a food and ask for an errand to give that food to them. I'm amazed she is so kind, I have not seen in her appearance that she was a nice person.

Now I learned even what is the appearance of people, even he/she looks like rich, poor or what better identify they inner appearance first before we judge.

So, I can tell I love humanity.
We just can't see it, because some of them is scared to let out their true personality. Every person is have their own reason for why we have our different personality.

So it's true that
"The world is not bad as you take it to be."

42 Name: David : 2013-02-09 01:41 ID:gc/jAAVg [Del]

I do not love humanity nor do i hate it. Humanity has the ability to love but also to hate. war is a combination of both of those. to hate war is to hate love. because in order for someone to go to war they must believe or love what they are fighting for, wether it be freedom or world domination. if a man does not believe in what he is fighting for than he will either run and save himself or he will not fight in the first place. in the USA our soldiers do not inlist because they want to kill or because they are forced to, it is because they have something they hold dear and want to protect. for this reason is why i niether hate nor love humanity.

43 Name: 桜花 : 2013-02-09 04:38 ID:tDMzS9Wq [Del]

For me,I love humanity.I find the community rather amusing to watch at how the do their routines.To see them fiddle and play around are like betting on the same coin.You want what you expect to win,just like how humanity expects that person to act like a civillized person.And then again,the coin would also turn to the unexpected side.

44 Name: Mimori-chan : 2013-02-09 05:16 ID:vytAyvgk [Del]

I am a neutral I guess.. For me humanity is well to diverse to clearly say that I love or hate it.. I find my friends, peers amusing yet irritating at the same time..I prefer staying quiet than interacting with people but at the same time I don't want to be left alone... strange aren't I??

45 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2013-02-09 14:25 ID:1J0bbDTo [Del]

Keep the discussion going; I love this! I believe this is a good way to get an idea of how the Dollars view Humanity and how to find the good and need for improvement in it. I love it, I love it!

46 Name: Vilus : 2013-02-09 15:52 ID:UvWBff4Q [Del]

Humanity is a mixed bag. We see these horrible things around us, like homelessness, corruption, sickness war, and things like famine that could be easily avoided yet they happen anyway. But then we see beautiful things like music, like art, charity and forward progress in technology. We are a beautifully imperfect people.

47 Name: Ayou : 2013-02-09 20:35 ID:uK07X/JI [Del]

I feel like the whole idea of "humanity" has been drifting away much more faster than it was before. People have become more individualistic and selfish. The way people were ten years ago, is definitely much more different people are now. Yet, when I do see certain people trying to make an impact it reminds that even though people do suck at times but not all hope is lost necessarily. It's interesting to see how people interact with one another and how they can even change views or problems in the world sometimes. there's about 7 billion people in the world
and saying that all of them are awful/selfish/conceited takes it a bit too out there i think. i want to believe there is more good in the world than there is evil things but it's all perception. Humans can do a lot of things to shape and make the world a better place but things like war, poverty, and ignorance usually gets in the way of that. so, it's all in the way on how you want to see humanity at times.

48 Name: Knappster : 2013-02-09 23:10 ID:4utuRxt6 [Del]

we need to get rid of the crazies and then it would not be half as bad

49 Name: Okashi : 2013-02-10 20:49 ID:l6kfprjq [Del]

theres too many dick heads in the world

50 Name: Nile Taiga : 2013-02-10 20:59 ID:XQmscjsl [Del]

Humans are interesting, and quite fun.

51 Name: Kurayami : 2013-02-11 07:37 ID:arfVUab8 [Del]

>>50 true...

52 Name: navy destiny : 2013-02-11 07:54 ID:gGE+92w7 [Del]

I don't hate fact I feel nothing about them.Sometimes I feel that some of what humans do are rather stupid,the things they do have no meaning.I feel that human life is very boring.:p

53 Name: Virus&Chrome : 2013-02-11 08:02 ID:nStP7CAr [Del]

Humans..? Oh, what to say? I love humans. Not just to sound like a certain someone, but I really do. Humans are amazing. Think of all of the things they are capable of!! They could change the balance of the world, yet they choose to keep it in tact! It's amazing, I think. To have so much capability, and yet to choose to do something good with it. Humans. So very, very strange... Yet interesting. They certainly have flaws... Doesn't every one in every race? Humanity is a relatively young species, when you think about it in reality, compared to possible other lifeforms... Much to learn.

54 Name: navy destiny : 2013-02-11 08:04 ID:gGE+92w7 [Del]

hahah found 1 good side of humans!

55 Name: Amie : 2013-02-11 08:23 ID:lU7gq4zG [Del]


foolish,repetitive,arrogant and hypocritical
yet humans are capable of so much yet we are our own downfall due our own stupidity
we talk about peace and yet most of our actions are against it.
i..both love and hate humanity itself, i hate how imperfect and stupid we are at times and yet its those imperfections such as emotions that make us who we are. we fall in love, hate, like, feel sadness, feel happy, excitement etc. its all these imperfections that yet make us humans, we all have the need to be unique and individualistic yet want to be accepted and fit in with the rest of humanity

all in all, we all want love and peace
only our perspectives and opinions about them and ways to achieve them are different and thus creates conflict and the only way we can solve that is true accepting each other and accepting our own faults.
and to think we "humans" who are still young yet supposedly "the most advanced species" rule this world

humans are disgusting and yet lovely and amazing
i love them and yet hate them

p.s. i probably went of track somewhere >< but oh well hope you like it ^^

56 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-12 00:46 ID:E66nmUVE [Del]


57 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-12 01:13 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

this is something deep i think about alot myself i tend to go back an forth on this topic that tends to play out in my head every day but i still leaning towards hate because nobody has every been kind to me without a personal reason i've just been used and abused but still i hope to find that one person who i could talk to about anything with even 5 years 10 years 20 years an so on i still have hope i know these is kinda cheesy but what i've said here comes straight from my heart

58 Name: famous_anonymous : 2014-11-12 05:55 ID:CJiqVJK6 [Del]

Humans are humans... nothing more, nothing less...

59 Name: Kazu-Chan : 2014-11-12 06:28 ID:HHCCLFL2 [Del]

Personally, I despise humans. They're so easily broken down. The simplest thing could make them cry. Humans are not strong whatsoever and honestly, I'm disguised by the thought of them. I wish humanity was stronger.

60 Name: Sterben : 2014-11-12 07:35 ID:HtjuwLSK [Del]

I do hate huma. Eventho i am a human lol. We're too annoying and too much worry about something that we actually not have to worry, such as our weight. Dang it!

61 Name: Chrome : 2014-11-12 08:11 ID:NS0ONA2s [Del]

Humans have the potential for great good and great evil--they can be weak and strong, kind and cruel, selfish and self-sacrificing...Such is the nature of humanity.

62 Name: Chiron : 2014-11-12 08:30 ID:LCyZH771 [Del]

I agree with Chrome that humans can do great things and that we a can go far but with the people that are in power doing what they do and the people who are not in power not doing what they should be doing, it makes things come to a dead end.

63 Name: Lucio !zIRmJ3Fwb6 : 2014-11-12 09:26 ID:Phk1zYGe [Del]

I don't hate nor like humans. But I agree to some comments on top. Like the one saying humans are weak, or annoting and all. Oh well, maybe I don't like humans after all.

Oh, anyway humans are greedy creature, I think. They just crave for something and even if they get it they won't be satisfied and craving for something even bigger and so on and so on.

64 Name: : 2014-11-12 09:45 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

Humanity and I have a love/hate relationship.

65 Name: KikioHebi : 2014-11-12 10:45 ID:FIKc9ZVJ [Del]

Humans.... Honestly I hate humans and humanity, but only because it has fallen so low. especially in today's time and age. Most humans now days are disgusting, selfish, and rude creatures. Now that isn't everyone. I am good friends with the few humans that haven't been sucked into society and its twisted ways. My hatred and determination to change people is why I am a Dollar. :) It is as simple as that. Please pardon, I mean not to offend if I did. This is just who I am.

66 Name: Lawli !dweebQgsDc : 2014-11-12 10:56 ID:wGhMIWBC [Del]

I have a lot of faith and love for humanity as a whole, but it is individuals or subset groups within humanity that I dislike. But as for humanity as a whole? I think we're a pretty good thing. We make mistakes, but I think humans have the capacity to do great and wonderful deeds.

It seems to be a very unpopular opinion.

67 Name: Lacrimosa : 2014-11-12 11:03 ID:z327HPyE [Del]

I honestly find entertainment in humanity they can take whatever path they want with their own free will. Though of course what exactly is right or wrong? How can we judge others? What is good or evil? Are you Good or Evil? All questions like these are loaded because you are what you need to be at any given time. Though of course I do not like nor hate humanity I also don't agree with a lot of the things they have done. But you must remember being human means you always have a choice and you can always find your own way to move forward you can solve problems and make problems that's what makes the human race interesting to me they adapt. But I digress.

68 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-11-12 13:51 ID:HIGptO8D [Del]

Humanity is too diverse to choose one. I hate certain traits that most people have and I love others.

69 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-17 16:41 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


70 Name: Aia : 2014-11-17 21:23 ID:TknOD/w5 [Del]

Humanity is quite complex and simple at the same time. Complex because all of us has different beliefs on things, our trait varies and our attitudes aren't all the same, which some leads to like the other part of humanity and hate the other. And yet it simple because all humans live then all are bound to die.

71 Name: Xanthu : 2014-11-18 02:54 ID:c28ho4LR [Del]

humans are strange creatures. they can piss you off and make you laugh at the same time. humans have strong squishy minds and bodies yet can be quite hard-headed. humanity is a creative powerhouse also capable of intense destruction and chaos. someday humanity will be able to live alongside fellow members of the race, but until then we are all just crazy people with hopes and dreams.

72 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-12-08 13:43 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]

^ I'm here to help you.

73 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-12-08 14:42 ID:7PPe2Oy2 [Del]

Going question by question:
-No, I don't love humanity.
-No, I don't hate humanity.
-There are no perfections in humanity. The state of perfection is unreachable, there is only continuous development in one way or another depending on your viewpoint, ability to analyze events and your past experiences.
- Humanity's every action is an imperfection in the past looking back from the future. But if you meant human problems, I'd say the biggest threats are poverty, war, politics and environmental crisis. Or you could also say the monetary system, violence and miseducation, miscommunication, and mistreatment of resources.
- As close as my interests can be served.
- I am as much in control of them as they are of me. The better they understand me, the more I can bring their change about

74 Name: Tirana : 2014-12-08 16:03 ID:drfjtQdf [Del]

I like to screw up humanity it is fun

75 Name: cat : 2014-12-08 16:07 ID:P8l76T4O [Del]

i feel like humans need to clean up the earth, and then just disappear. We've fucked up the earth, and it's all our fault. However, I think that there is a lot of good in the world, but not enough to heal us.

76 Name: Nakura : 2014-12-08 19:34 ID:yJJRgiEG [Del]

i love humanity because there are humans who hate humanity.
nobody can understands the way human think.

77 Name: king0fcats !KiIJ.5zx7w : 2014-12-08 19:49 ID:d43VByPE [Del]


78 Name: Layfonsin !CUBCTkrYzY : 2014-12-08 20:13 ID:j/1euM7H [Del]

I think humanity is a flawed, broken race that is constantly making mistakes and harming themselves. That is why I love it.

79 Name: kari : 2014-12-08 20:38 ID:CA7d+oNR [Del]

Do you love humanity ?
Do you ever really do that ?
Does it help the bullying , including humanity ?
Do you ever help the bullying ?
Do you just stay quiet look bullying ?
Are you just talking nonsense here talking about humanity ?
Do you just close your eyes when seeing bullying ?
Are you afraid to uphold humanity ?
Do not you see the news about Israeli atrocities in Palestine ?
Do you do something about it ?
Are you just waiting for the fools of the United Nations to solve them?
do you think the UN people that love humanity ?
They talk about humanity , world peace , but they only talk nonsense without doing anything against Israeli atrocities in Palestine , as if it was supposed to happen ?

This is just my opinion
I bet dollars are people who love humanity

80 Name: kenpachi : 2014-12-08 20:58 ID:er2Lv6CX [Del]

I hate humanity because most are ignorant idiots who will constantly judge and ridicule others without talking the time to judge themselves.

81 Name: Nakura : 2014-12-08 21:03 ID:yJJRgiEG [Del]

humans way to hate themselves is to see human's flaw.

82 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-08 23:14 ID:Ft5qHkhi [Del]

"Do you like humanity?". Chi-chan doesn't know how to answer it but...since I'm obsessed with it, you could say Chi-chan love humanity!!!
There are 4000 people born and die everyday, humans are entertaining and they have limitless potential running inside their veins. Watching and observing their growth are fun you know

Sometimes I even test them by saying some words and trigger their reaction. Each reaction vary from one person to another...and that's what makes humanity is so exciting!! Learning how they interact, think, and react is fascinating!!! I never get bored of this unlimited cycle of humanity, I think observing humanity is what make me live

83 Name: Henry Touchdown : 2014-12-09 03:09 ID:IePmLWzy [Del]

Humanity is pretty cool, if nothing else we do so much stuff that tthere's so much content on everything that you can always learn something new. It's wonderful and interesting.

84 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-09 03:49 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

I feel that humanity is just a form of life, that there is nothing special to it, and that to say otherwise is simply a display of the ignorance resulting from the natural egotism that everything is born with.

I enjoy being a human because I am human. It's a ton of fun and is a great challenge. I take advantage of what's offered. I'm greedy and weak but enjoy learning about and using all the things humans have created or conceptualized. That's "humanity". I don't condone everything we've done as humans but don't blame "humanism" for anything - only the specific humans and/or cultures who have caused problems.

I believe that, just like humans have their own societies and cultures and languages and creations and discoveries, every other species has its own way of doing this and that it's simply beyond our ability to comprehend. It's so much easier to say, "No, we're just special! Look at how amazing we are!" than to consider such a concept, so that's what we do.

I think that humans are insignificant to the grand scheme of things, that Earth and humanity are not even freckles on the face of the universe. I also believe that religion was partially created as an "out" to thinking about that idea - as a way to give people a 'start' and 'stop' to what 'is' and 'is not' true regarding creation and existence. It limits the depth of what they have to consider and comprehend.

So yeah. To me, humanity just is. The world just is. The universe just is. I don't think about being a human anymore and honestly could care less. I'm just living in the world I was born in and dealing with what's in front of me instead of frying my brain with such nonsense as the significance of something born with opposable thumbs and a gun under its pillow.

85 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-09 18:28 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


86 Name: Sabrewulf : 2014-12-10 12:15 ID:Z228Yk24 [Del]

Humanity should stay the way it is. Yeah sure there's some really horrible humans out there, but on some level we're all like that. We're downright violent but peaceful creatures XDD I wouldn't want to be anything else but human.

87 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2014-12-10 18:59 ID:JK9HO2qr [Del]


88 Name: izano : 2014-12-10 19:28 ID:IiHeen7f [Del]

really i can't say much for in fact 'evil' and 'good' are just defintions of opinions so basically humanity made up alot of things like time, my opinion- as long as you stay yourself i'll remain you'r friend and exept you-

89 Name: (◡‿◡✿) : 2014-12-11 18:11 ID:ny2lVAjX [Del]

how philosophical. I don't think humanity's perfect. that's impossible. I find myself, mostly, hating humanity, but maybe it's because as humans we only focus on the negative stuff. It's annoying when people think humans are superior and yeah we are highly intelligent and all that, but when it comes down to it we are just animals that were able to do other things that the animals we see today can't do. maybe it's even kind of an insult to animals, maybe the better term would be monsters.

90 Name: Master-Sama : 2014-12-11 22:18 ID:EOpIA0qb [Del]

I feel like this is where Izaya should pop up and say how he loves humans and how we are all same, no exceptions underneath god. :) In all seriousness of the matter, I've become neutral on the concept of humanity. We are capable of both great and terrible things and this has been proven through out time over, and over, and over again in an everlasting cycle ( Or at least that's what I see). I can be cynical about life pretty often, mainly because of my fathers influence I have to admit. Our only perfection is that we are imperfect. If we were perfect life would be predictable and way too boring. As to how close I keep humanity. That's hard to say I was very insecure and unsociable growing up and I kept everything at a distance, I've opened up a lot more now though and I can handle most things that come my way, but if I don't think you're worth my time, you won't be hearing from me. To be honest about controlling other hum as around me, it can be pretty easy. I don't mean I like to manipulate people. Hell no, but it's just that I've picked on human behavior patterns from being so anti-social for such a long time. I see the similarities and I've come to understand how to deal with certain situations by just observing. In a lot of ways people are predictable, it's that unpredictability of humanity that keeps me on my toes, that's why all my friends are as crazy and funny as they are and I love it! XD All together, there is little to non originality left in the world. This makes humanity a kind of boring form of existence. I still LIKE being human, if I have offended anyone I;m sorry, please don't kill me! XD

91 Name: Master-Sama : 2014-12-11 22:30 ID:EOpIA0qb [Del]

I just realized I've posted here more than once saying the exact same thing. -_-.. Maybe I'm losing my memory.

92 Name: Think!!Hju2easx : 2014-12-11 23:35 ID:8kWqXKJM [Del]

Bump...because I freaking said so. Good stuff mates.

93 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-17 16:04 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]


94 Name: Humanity : 2014-12-18 16:43 ID:FzzV5wE2 [Del]

No big deal, when it comes to this kind of subject there will always be "sides" in the conversation: Those who hate humanity, those who love (or at least pretend to love), the who remains divided and those who mock of mankind ...

As this is a question that is often overlooked, as a human I would say that when it comes to "human" no words like love and hate, but a single word with several meanings, such as "survivors", your other senses as well ~~ !
would be things like: "unrecognized guinea pigs", "desperate fools", "strong" .... things like that ~~

But speaking as a spectator, I would say that humans are nothing more than "information", thanks to that it can become fun or boring depending on the situation.
Yes, technically rats are eating and rotate the hand of their propios genes.

But of course, all recited by now, is just a copy of all comments above, with the only difference of appropriate and inappropriate words.

And of course before the end, one can see, I'm no different just watch ~~
Maybe I would be those who zobam of humanity.

95 Name: Anonymous : 2014-12-18 17:17 ID:vkbvX7W4 [Del]

I'm not a fan of humanity. Don't get me wrong, I love humans. But not humanity.

I don't think we're superior to any other species. I think we live to survive and to pass on our DNA. That's all. We go to great lengths to achieve this, but in the process we have made life more difficult for ourselves.
I take evolution as a fact, and thus base my opinions off of it. I think that humans want to make survival easier on themselves. We, as a species, want to flourish and reach the top of the food chain. So devices that made survival easier were created--traps, weapons, ovens--and, as survival became easier, we had more time to invent new things. More things were created and modernized, driven by necessity. Eventually, most of the necessary things were covered and had all become relatively easy. Most people don't need to expend huge physical effort to eat; they don't need to hunt or spend very much time in getting proper nourishment. When sleeping, eating, drinking--when survival itself becomes easy, we are left with nothing to do, and turn to entertainment. Exploring. Swimming. Board games.
And at some point, entertainment became something viewed as a necessity, something that needed to become easier. We can't spend all of our time working on finding ways to entertain ourselves. So through TV, video games, computers, entertainment becomes easier.
Everything we do is driven by this necessity.

I don't go out of my way to manipulate people. I don't hold them close to me. I know that I have the ability to get them to do things I want them to... I can ask and I can find other ways. I don't think of them as highly as they do me; all of my friendships are expendable. I don't want to get rid of them, but I would be able to without much difficulty.
I don't want to be disappointed in humanity, so I stay away from the bulk of it. I like to have some control over people. I probably have a lot less control than I think I do, but it is still reassuring to have that thought.

Humanity is decent. Everything we do is for necessity. I don't think we're different from any other species.

96 Name: xXrandomlettersXx : 2014-12-19 09:23 ID:GlcOszZN [Del]

Humanity is awesome. I love humanity. Okay maybe not like Izaya but still. I love humanity! Everyone has a distinct personality. Everyone has a unique way of thinking. Eveeryone has an opinion on things. Every person, unique, and each and every one out there for me to meet and know. \

Then there are the flaws, which i love even more. Arrogance, Envy, Avarice, Naccrisissm, whatever the fuck you can think of. The flaws that every person has that makes them unique. Some are naive, easy to be manipulated, others are egoistic, a simple play at their ego can make them fall for your scheming. Humanity is wonderful.

Then, there are the philosophers of humanity. Nietschze, Aristole, Plato, Descrates, Petrach, Montaigne, Voltaire, Machiavelli, uncountable amounts of people who each have their unique way of thinking, combined with a strong sense of character, spreading ideas around the globe, allowing us to discover the world

Then, there is that emotion. Love. Compassion. Altruistic behaviour that deviates from the norm of you > others. Unfortunately for me it crosses into yandere surprised my ex girlfriend didnt put a restraining order on me

oh well

moving on from love

i love humanity as a whole. this diverse bastard, the evolutionary success of mother earth, i want to see it progress through time and see it reach the stars. I love humanity

fuck i went izaya mode

97 Name: Joinggksfbvgjvfdv : 2014-12-19 11:08 ID:ysVCiS+e [Del]

I think humans be the raddest. They be like soo chill most of the time.
But sometimes they can be supah annoying. Like my friend the other day, I wanted donuts and he wouldn't give me none. I was totes disappoint. That part of humAnity makes me sad. But whatevs, cus overall humans be cool. I think bein human is amazin.

98 Name: Mai : 2014-12-19 13:26 ID:lnzGLwiz [Del]

lets just simlpy put i love humans, just think, humans are the most interesting creatures you could ever hope to find

99 Name: Mai : 2014-12-19 13:28 ID:lnzGLwiz [Del]

anyways i do love humanity, but probably not as much as The great Izaya, but as being myself im training to become an info broker because of my love for humanity.. so to sum it up.. yes. i love humanity.

100 Name: HeartbeaKnight : 2015-01-14 22:56 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]
