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What is beauty? (68)

1 Name: UnderstandingBastard : 2013-01-06 20:28 ID:y/I5puln [Del]

What is beauty to you guys? Try answering in the most honest way possible.
Moreover, do you think the media defines our view of beauty? Again, answer concisely and honestly, please.
(just in case: i deliberately chose vague questions. i'm looking for variation in answers.)

2 Name: Trannon1 : 2013-01-06 21:02 ID:VsuvW0Wo [Del]

To me, beauty is human willpower. When I see people struggle and rise above their limits, I always feel a hope that humanity can be better. Those souls that do not give up are beautiful.

If you are talking about aesthetics, beauty would be exoticism. We look at unusual objects that we don't see in our daily lives and we find them beautiful because they are new to us but once we get used to them, we find them mundane and not beautiful.

3 Name: dxb(mobile)!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-01-06 21:08 ID:QmUizd4N [Del]

Scientific studies have shown that people think a person whose face is more cemetric is more "beautiful" than someone who doesn't have much cemetric features. As for body type, that's partly determined by media and partly determoned on what's needed to survive. In ancient times beautiful women where fatter because that mean they had a better chance at survival. Now that food is widely avalable to even the poor in most countries, people to turnes to think that slimmer is better because of the whole obisity problem.

4 Name: dxb(mobile)!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-01-06 21:10 ID:QmUizd4N [Del]

I apologize in advance for spelling and grammar errors.

5 Name: Nessuno : 2013-01-06 21:11 ID:b1KTn+MZ [Del]

I would say that beauty is eternity

6 Name: Raanouka : 2013-01-06 21:14 ID:ygYGEqG7 [Del]

I think beauty is something that no one can judge over. There's beauty in everyone of us despite our looks. If you watch people closely you can see beauty in just small motions, for example, how they look around and notice things, how they move their head and smile or how they use their hands in different situations. I think such small motions and expressions are incredibly beautiful to me and I kinda get obsessed with people quickly just like that, without even knowing them.
The media gives us nothing but ideals and how perfect everyone should be and look like to be appealing and be liked by others. That's just wrong, cause someone beautiful looking can have a horrible heart and personality. People get attached at first, cause they think they're good looking, but some will soon lose interest, cause they get to know them better and notice they're horrible persons. So basically you can trick peoply easily to get to like you by not treating them nice but just looking good.
And this exactly is the cause of people being anxious and desperate, cause they think, if they're not beutiful looking enough, no one will notice and like them.
People should slowly get to know each other and not sort each other out because of their looks. Someone that may not be beautiful in the eyes of the media can be truly beautiful in their behaviour. Everyone is beautiful, cause everyone is different, so we should not compare our looks, but our heart and our actions, cause that's what makes us truly beautiful.

7 Name: Batman : 2013-01-07 01:05 ID:sjigkmZ6 [Del]

Hrmmm not so sure if everybody is beautiful in their own way, I know some (of) some pretty bleak people.
That is the popular thought but really, some people/things are just bad all over.

8 Name: KagomeCross : 2013-01-07 01:57 ID:d2VGtPvw [Del]

>>6 Raanouka,
you have some great insights and I agree with you completely. Beauty is only skin deep and what truely matters is whats on the inside, whats in our hearts.

9 Name: kovutl : 2013-01-07 01:59 ID:l+pcEpaj [Del]

Being with my friends, just being silly.

10 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-07 04:35 ID:Wu2BP6Pn [Del]

being beautiful is not being pretty, the true beauty is the inside's personality.

11 Name: >Matt Hilda< : 2013-01-07 04:37 ID:K1QQ6S4q [Del]

Beauty is something to be proud of but not to be bragged of.

12 Name: Luna.D : 2013-01-07 08:16 ID:BtEdLHB4 [Del]

I think it is being free.

13 Name: Memori : 2013-01-07 09:00 ID:jUvuE6Bd [Del]

He or She have a beautiful soul and personality

And for my opinion media not defines the true beauty.

14 Name: Raanouka : 2013-01-07 09:01 ID:ygYGEqG7 [Del]

>>8 yes! hah, thanks.

>>7 you may be right, but that's what i mean with people who have an ugly heart.. their behaviour is bad, so people lose interest in them.
but i think deep inside everyone is good. And only true friendship can reveal the true characteristics. So i think if someone is behaving like an idiot, something went wrong in their lifes.

15 Name: River !6pjlqMdN5U : 2013-01-07 09:04 ID:JDbM5Pg6 [Del]

~A night sky filled with stars....

16 Name: TB Cloverfields : 2013-01-07 09:19 ID:9K/MLaa5 [Del]

A bucket of fried chicken.

17 Name: Crystal : 2013-01-07 11:28 ID:n/QjeqWf [Del]

i think beauty means something different for everyone >.> since this guy here just said a bucket of fried chicken is beauty >.> so ya lol

18 Name: Constance Contraire : 2013-01-07 11:59 ID:jz+dBD5G [Del]

Being held in the arms of the one I love.

19 Name: Morda : 2013-01-07 12:16 ID:6t+stYT/ [Del]

what is beauty? depends on the beholder

20 Name: shadow13 : 2013-01-07 13:55 ID:+jk3bm38 [Del]

beauty means diffrent things to everyone like crystal had said

21 Name: LionfishMaster : 2013-01-07 14:00 ID:kYQe17mo [Del]

To me beauty is a black rose as black as coal.

22 Name: Heartyou : 2013-01-07 17:24 ID:y/I5puln [Del]

Guys, do you think having a standardized view of beauty is good or bad?

23 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-01-07 17:35 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>22 I don't understand your question... Having a standardized view of beauty on a personal level or as a society? As a society, I think it is bad because it gets people to think that if they're not thin (or whatever it is for the area) than they're not beautiful and can cause them to do risky things to meet that view of beautiful which can lead to health problems and maybe even death. On a personal level, I think it's fine as long as it's not insane. It limits your options and can make you narrow minded but that's your choice and as long as you don't go criticizing others or yourself on that belief, you're fine.

24 Name: GayGod72 : 2014-03-26 20:52 ID:AhAKJNI0 [Del]

Beauty is me, obviously.

25 Name: GayGod72 : 2014-03-26 20:52 ID:AhAKJNI0 [Del]

Beauty is me, obviously.

26 Name: Baron : 2014-03-26 21:29 ID:WGLcbRE4 [Del]

First off, I don't know about you >>24 but that answer is a bit degrading to others...
Anyways...Back to the actual topic. If you look up what beauty means, you get this:
1. A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight.
2. Denoting something intended to make a woman more attractive.
modifier noun: beauty
"beauty products"
3. A beautiful pleasing thing or person, in particular.

For the person, it would depend on their viewpoint. Like GayGod72 here, his/her choice would probably be number one. As for others who say that beauty comes from the inside refer to number 3. Again it depends in your own standpoint. From my own, I believe that beauty in actually on the inside. I've seen a lot of people who are considered 'ugly' in society, and they're the AWESOMEST people I have ever met.

But beauty is something that pleases the senses or mind. Above I got off topic on what a beauty is to a person. Sorry. As for the mind, it would be how they treat you and how kind they are. To your senses, that may be appearance or physical contact with the person you love ( >>18 that was for you) and or fried chicken ( >>16 Hey, who hates fried chicken? I sure don't.)
But in all fairness, I think beauty would be an enjoyment of something you like.


27 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-03-26 22:58 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

Beauty causes a kind of feeling that you get that doesn't really make sense. What causes this feeling and is the beauty itself varies and isn't something that we will probably be able to understand. In my opinion beauty is something that isn't from this world and is from a greater existence. It's something that is so amazing that it stands out in this dark and cruel world. What place beauty takes in our world I have never understood but we are all thankful that it's there.

Well that's my opinion on it. In other words I don't know either (or rather it's not something that we can understand) but I had to say it in a complicated and fancy way XD

28 Name: Midnightwinter !RiAzRyvbjw : 2014-03-27 00:51 ID:H1Y585PB [Del]

beauty is in the eye of the beholder
to me Beauty is like math :D the balance or perfect equilibrium or ratio. the perfect blending that can come in different solution but only one answer... it could be precise yet creative. order and elegance.
for example beauty is not equal to Pretty face > personality
or the Pythagorean theorem in musical chord create beautiful sound

29 Name: Unknown : 2014-03-27 02:44 ID:Gp+Peh18 [Del]

Isn't beauty diffrent in everyone's own eyes, I consider beauty friendship that never fades, but other people have said above other thing. How can one define beauty when it's diffrent for everyone?

30 Name: Unknown : 2014-03-27 02:44 ID:Gp+Peh18 [Del]

Isn't beauty diffrent in everyone's own eyes, I consider beauty friendship that never fades, but other people have said above other thing. How can one define beauty when it's diffrent for everyone?

31 Name: Anonymous : 2014-03-27 10:48 ID:VBggRSHo [Del]

everyone above me is right everyone sees beauty differently but im sure everyone likes a kind hearted person unless they are into being with a cruel person then they are probably messed up or something 0-0

32 Name: 雪乃 : 2014-03-27 15:47 ID:WdRlvrG+ [Del]

Beauty to me is warmth, warmth and love from another. Sometimes it can also be happiness, beauty is positive;not ever in a negative way.

33 Name: Kirusan !SvzsunXAUI : 2014-03-27 16:37 ID:V/uBDW/W [Del]

I think the media puts emphasis on what physical beauty should be but doesn't define it so to speak. To me beauty is something which can make you truly smile, not some fake smile like everyone shows these days but a true smile that you feel in your heart as well. Beauty doesn't need to be physically seen but felt, it's not just about people but every day things too.
Although it changes from person to person, for me beauty is something that is either honest and considerate or simply calming. Staring at a sunset will calm anyone down and honesty and caring will make anyone smile at another.

34 Name: CagedBird : 2014-03-27 21:28 ID:WPVmD4tV [Del]

Beauty is Strength, having courage to step up - speak up - stand out -
To be there for others while too, being your most authentic self.

35 Name: Yasurin : 2014-03-27 23:20 ID:erTtksu+ [Del]

Like the old saying goes, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" so my way of seeing it would be different from another's. I think that beauty is something good. It's real, pleasant and makes you feel happy.
As for the media, it's pretty much bull. Ever heard of whitening cream...? Yeah, the beauty standards, especially in Asia (specifically), are ridiculous. They tell you what height, skin tone, eye shape, height of your nose bridge, face shape, and even the width between your thighs should be! Those are all traits we are born with and changing them is near to impossible!

36 Name: Humor me : 2014-03-28 00:21 ID:vIqk07+l [Del]

Beauty does not exist.
Like unicorns or Saint Nick.

37 Name: ΩRice : 2014-03-28 00:38 ID:DO5JC3nF [Del]

Beauty is for all , yet the true form of beauty is in the inside . Only those who understand and care for that someone can see their true beauty.

38 Name: TamBee : 2014-05-18 04:44 ID:oWLUD5d7 [Del]

Beauty is not what you look like, but what you project

39 Name: Cross : 2014-05-18 04:54 ID:GRqDet9M [Del]

There is no beauty on earth..

40 Name: Chreggome : 2014-05-18 06:18 ID:+x7Y5gNm [Del]

>>39 If I could slam my head into the desk hard enough for you to feel it, I would.

41 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-18 07:39 ID:zcYEdQZc [Del]

>>40 Good, the truth about the world hurts so hitting your face on the desk will teach you the ways of which the world holds no beauty.

42 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-18 07:53 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>39 >>41 Earth is gorgeous. I dunno what the hell you people are talking about.

43 Name: Deon~ie : 2014-05-18 09:32 ID:bX/Kdl7I [Del]

to me beauty is a sight that is better when felt through the heart rather than seen through the eyes

44 Name: Wafflequeen : 2014-05-18 10:38 ID:Q5y5UxHw [Del]

That's a good question....what is beauty....the world never know because there different kinds of beauty...the biggest question that no one can answer is what is Love?

45 Name: Chreggome : 2014-05-18 14:13 ID:BsR9wHi5 [Del]

>>41 You are a fool.

46 Name: Rei torachi : 2014-05-18 14:39 ID:neBukxCQ [Del]

Good question, beauty is different to everyone, to me it's being who you a re no matter what you look like or your personality, just be your self and you beautiful to me.

47 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-03-25 07:45 ID:Laf2Th+L [Del]


48 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-03-25 07:52 ID:XnKCGx21 [Del]

>>46 i have to agree, beauty will vary from person to person and my answer would be the same as Rei torachis' i would prefer a girl with a beautiful personality than a pretty girl who's rotten to the core

49 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-01 14:54 ID:5OvZkFwL [Del]


50 Name: ____ !HInKxu8cQQ : 2015-04-01 21:00 ID:MdiTQtlR [Del]

This is a very perplexing question, and interesting all the same. Due to social differences beauty even in the visual sense is greatly different based on geographic location.

The following link is of a model who had her photo retouched by professional Photoshop users from all around the world and the results are pretty intense. There is a second model to do it since, and the results vary just as much there.!viral-/cax1

51 Name: DRAMAticalApathy : 2015-04-01 21:11 ID:VyzKbrRU [Del]

I believe that beauty is symmetry and aesthetic. Something that pleases the mind.

52 Name: hum : 2015-04-01 21:29 ID:reMRKsoD [Del]

I have once thought about the question before, and the answer that I came up with is that you can't define beauty. Beauty is different for everyone. For some, beauty may not even be defined as a look or a personality. It could be a thing or your life. I believe that media has limited our definition of beauty. Beauty is all around us, not just how we tend to look at people.

53 Name: Akiraki : 2015-04-01 22:03 ID:MbHNDzXK [Del]

Quote from THE LAST SAMURAI "A life-time spend searching for the perfect cherry blossom is a life not wasted."

54 Name: EvoRulz : 2015-04-01 23:38 ID:de0EdEPO [Del]

What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in. 1 Peter 3:3-4

55 Name: Young_Aria : 2015-04-02 00:09 ID:itPsWTo9 [Del]

I feel that rue beauty in its simplest form is something sincere. Cherry blossoms and paintings and painful, loving, song lyrics are completely unadulterated and honest. You can clearly see with your own eyes the unbridled passion of the northern lights or hear with your ears the sincerity in a sparrow's song. These things find warm places in our hearts because they feel open and inviting. At least, that's my take on it.

56 Name: Baka Neko~ : 2015-04-02 03:08 ID:s0sHx7K6 [Del]

I was bullied when i was young and its about that matter "beauty".Well, my sister and brother were both good looking and was always appreciated, well, it doesnt turns good to me.I was bullied when I was young and was always called ugly I'd be a hypocrite if i said it didnt hurt and while i grow up it lower my self-esteem.And i dont really know how to answer your question, you see, I've experienced much on people who do nothing but look and judge at only on your outer features and its kinda hard.

57 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-03 11:36 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]

In the eye of the beholder.

58 Name: SEOSHI : 2015-04-03 14:25 ID:LHwA38s9 [Del]

I am at that point in my life that I people who have the model worthy features (e.g. high cheek bones, narrow nose, whatever) don't really appeal to me anymore.
I'm not gonna be a f#cking hypocrite, but in my freshman year there was this one guy and he was really gorgeous. Light skin, narrow nose, six-pack, tall and lean, like model worthy. Then after awhile I noticed his attitude towards things and how rude and disgusting he is. And now I am like, "Hold up, I actually thought you were cute?" Now I look at him and all I see is fakeness and how ugly he is.

I don't like that type of beauty anymore. In fact, I think I rather go for a person who is real and loyal and not for a person's looks.

But to answer your question; beauty is a lie. I hate the term "beauty". Media dictates the criteria for beauty and people follow it. I mean, I get that it is business to appeal to the masses, but sometimes that sh#t pisses me off.

When it comes down to it, beauty is a debate between Business V. Reality.

59 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-04-03 17:35 ID:E9VoBn2/ [Del]

Beauty is what you see on the outside at first, but then morphs into something else when you get to know a person. Even beautiful people can be ugly, because of their personality and average people can be beautiful just because of their personality. In the end, it's all personality. Sure, everyone looks at the outside first and that's fine, but once you get to know someone for who they are, that's what makes them beautiful.

60 Name: Rav : 2015-04-03 19:45 ID:S+6U+/+R [Del]

What ever you want it to be.

61 Name: Konda : 2015-04-03 20:22 ID:DcfKoqaH [Del]

Many things are beautiful.
-A piece of music played well.
-Someone helping someone else.
-A captivating story.
-Forests, fields, weather.
-The sound of rain on the roof.
-Someone expressing themselves.
-Infectious smiles and laughter.

The list goes on.

62 Name: Cake : 2015-04-03 20:34 ID:0ySsSwP7 [Del]

Beauty is anything that captivates you and makes you feel something special.... I think?

the dictionary says:
a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

63 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2015-04-03 22:19 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]

>>60 yes.

64 Name: cloud : 2015-04-03 23:29 ID:UHLLPeQf [Del]

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

65 Name: Shidazu : 2015-04-04 00:17 ID:uV9upJvz [Del]

Beauty is more of what is inside the person. Although, it is all of what you think "beauty" is. Plus the media is wrong on the definition of beauty of something or someone. Just because someone thinks one way of something doesn't mean that it is that way for everyone. Therefore, you should think your own way of the word "beauty".

66 Name: Taiki : 2015-04-04 03:34 ID:heRtbXIt [Del]

Beauty is something different for everyone because everyone has his sense of beauty, someone thinks that it's something like the appearence, but others think that it's linked with the heart and the personality of a person. I don't know what's the right idea, but I can say that beauty isn't definible by a black box called television.

67 Name: comedylover : 2015-04-04 04:53 ID:IjTuKkuc [Del]

I believe beauty is relative. Everyone has different opinion when it comes to beauty. When I ask about beautiful person, of course they give different answer. Some think about face, hair, eyes, etc. So I think beauty is up to people perspective.

68 Name: Bae~ : 2015-04-04 07:14 ID:kHrvFDgB [Del]

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Hope it explains it :-)