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Sexism (18)

1 Name: Nessuno : 2013-01-06 15:29 ID:b1KTn+MZ [Del]

Is it just me or does "sexism" not really exist but rather there is an alienation of the genders that results in a two way conflict (i.e. in sexist areas the men and women have mutually low opinions on each other, internalized sexism occurs due to a reversal) and to eliminate gender inequality we must repair the bond between the two genders (I do acknowledge other genders but I'm only talking about male and female)

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-01-09 08:44 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]

Sexism certainly does exist. If you think it doesn't, then you have either never experienced it or are simply too dense to notice it.

3 Name: ruji hasuna : 2013-01-09 10:15 ID:CDkOKYAZ [Del]

i have never ben in a sexism area so idk what its like

4 Name: Strumm : 2013-01-09 10:39 ID:La6E1FVw [Del]

while your idea here is interesting sexism definitely exists, it's very rare in the younger generations and maybe your idea here is more pertinent to them but with the older generations it's definitely there!

5 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-01-09 16:07 ID:1DS34VvM [Del]

>>3 Sexism doesnt have areas.....

6 Name: Agent 6 of Hearts : 2013-01-09 21:16 ID:82gtaCuE [Del]

Sexism has to do with media stereotypes of genders too, which has less to do with hate than with the blind corporate desire to make a buck and implant lies into its target audience that causes it to buy more. Like how women are told to enjoy shopping, when we might not be making the wisest spending choices. And are made to feel like /not women/ if we do not enjoy shopping at the mall/ putting on makeup and nail polish.

Also if you watch TV you are in a sexist area. Play Spot The Stereotype when watching the adds and tell me it's not super obvious for every single one (like how women never play with power tools and men are rarely in the kitchen).

7 Name: Amii Ryuichi : 2013-10-17 14:02 ID:73vy/OOF [Del]

I think sexism is mainly based on the views of the media (but then again what doesn't start with the media?) because you see typical shows like the housewives and they never pick up a tool for any use or in the movies the women is the weaker species and is always saved by a man or another so sexism obviously exists. Having said that women cry out for equality but can't take a hit from a bloke because 'you can't hit a girl' so women sometimes enjoy a little sexism because it allows us to get away with things.

8 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-10-17 14:16 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>1 That's an interesting thought. While sexism does obviously exist, in a sense I think you could say that it does result from alienation in that people choose to look at other people (in this case men looking at women and women looking at men) as women and men first, people second. They distance themselves from each other as whole people.

Of course, that doesn't just apply to men looking at women and women looking at men. I think that in the vast majority of situations, people tend to look at other people in parts, so to speak.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Kazeyama : 2013-10-19 13:55 ID:kMxEKbdx [Del]

Personally i think that a lot of women who are trying to fight sexism end up being sexist to men in return. It gets kinda annoying when you see people talking about how all men are the same and how we're only in it for the sex. If they want true gender equality they should tone it down a little, you know? A lot of women trying to stop misogyny need to stop being misandrists.
TL;DR: Some feminists need to just tone it down :/

11 Name: Nakuai !0RSiPV5Zjk : 2013-10-19 14:31 ID:bZff+2+K [Del]

feminists also need to be masculinists and vice-versa

12 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-10-19 16:51 ID:dWmdvS0I [Del]

Can't we all just not care about each other's junk and get along?

13 Name: Indigo !Tqt.ZPnrMM : 2013-10-19 17:16 ID:kr6fniW/ [Del]


14 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-10-19 20:46 ID:Jh4fy00b [Del]

Let's not do this, the OP is clearly an idiot.

15 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-10-20 18:03 ID:Nqk+ya9V [Del]

>>1 Not sure what you mean. You said sexism doesn't exist, it is just two groups treating each other differently...based on sex.

16 Name: ArmandoR !wZu5Uwl0wM : 2013-10-20 23:44 ID:GuyBSn0z [Del]

Sexism is something we won't get rid of. Each sex has their own characteristics, abilities and disadvantages. However, sexism gets the bad roll in society when women and men do not have the same opportunities... which is (today) rare or in some situations seen as normal (more female TV presenters and more male narrators... more male mechanics and more female gardeners, that's completely normal).

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-10-21 10:05 ID:4KhXW3r6 [Del]

The mistake people fall into when being active about sexism is the same mistake people fall into for any equality movement, be it race, gender, sex, religion, etc. As was implied, focusing on each party individually only widens the gap.

The biggest problem facing sexism today isn't the act in itself, but the mindset towards it. Efforts to quell it end up as a blame game rather than a collaborative effort due to an all-too-common inability to view the big picture as a society. Right now, it's almost considered politically incorrect to say that there is any semblance of male discrimination, just like it's non-PC to say that white people are ever discriminated against. And that only deepens tensions between what shouldn't actually be two "sides" - in fact, treating them as "sides" means acquiescing to the idea that they are opposing.

ArmandoR is right - you can't get rid of sexism. Not as long as people are born with the dicks and vagoos exclusively (with negligible exception). There is a biological difference that comes with torrents of testosterone versus estrogen in growth, development, and behavior, after all. But these are statistical facts and nothing more - the lesson is that adhering to them as law is also a statistical fallacy.

18 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-10-21 16:47 ID:Nqk+ya9V [Del]


I agree that focusing on each side really doesn't work. The truth is there is fear based on misunderstanding, or worse, perceived perfect understanding. I know people that still think they shouldn't hire women, because they'll start sleeping with coworkers and get pregnant and take time off. They just don't have a clue and should accept that, much like most people in this debate.

As for biological differences, I have yet to come to a conclusion about this topic. I originally thought it was silly to treat people equally if people inherently have different needs and wants. So, I thought the same thing about sexism. I thought women should be treated differently than men because they are different. However, getting paid less for the same work and not getting a job over a man because it is "men's work" and men are supposedly better at it has me on the fence. I feel like women would be generally better at some jobs than men and vice versa, but I am not sure if hiring someone because they would be better at a job than someone else is being discriminatory.