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What has life taught YOU? (43)

1 Name: Purple Shadow : 2013-01-03 16:48 ID:+3orYIqz [Del]

Well,I can't really explain everything I've learned in life,because I'd finish writing tomorrow...XD However,I can write some things:
1.Life goes on...No matter how hard the situation you're going through now is,it will change someday.It might take a lot of time,I admit but it definitely WILL change.So till then,you have to be strong and patient!!
2.We shouldn't be afraid of something different just because our families have learned us that some things are good and some others are bad!For example,in older times,people thought that if a girl had sex before she was married,she was a slut.Well,today many women(and girls,I have to add) have sex before they get married,but everything is fine for them.They aren't considered to be sluts,because THEY ARE NOT.We aren't judging them for their choices,and we shouldn't.Just because someone is different,doesn't mean he or she is doing something wrong...Think about it,in 1.000 years from now,things which are now thought to be wrong,may already be part of our everyday lives!!
3.If you try for something,you may lose.But if you don't,you've already lost...Do you want to ask that boy/girl out?Do it!He/she might turn you down,but if you don't try you'll never know his/her real feelings about you.You might get dumped,but rejection is part of our everyday lives and an experience which we all have to gain.It will help us become more mature!Also,imagine what would happen if you did what your heart told you without fear.For one thing,you'd be waaay happier!
So,those are some of my lessons from life.I want you to tell me what you think of them and share yours with me^.^!!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-03 16:54 ID:46wPdq3j [Del]

That person threads are supposed to go on their name-sake page, "" and not Main.

3 Name: Purple Shadow : 2013-01-03 17:09 ID:+3orYIqz [Del]

>>2 No,I do not agree with you because I don't think this is a personal topic...It is about everyone and life.I'm not asking for advice and I'm not seeking personal help or counselling.And I think this is an important topic,that's why I created this thread here.

4 Name: Elfen Note : 2013-01-03 17:48 ID:gbz1kfaa [Del]

Those are some really good opinions on life. I agree that this belongs in main because,as you said, it isn't that personal. :)

5 Name: Venom : 2013-01-03 19:09 ID:u/uDe5jW [Del]


6 Name: musiclover : 2013-01-03 22:09 ID:YTB7VTS8 [Del]

life taught me that life is to short to wast and you should tell people that you love that you love no matter what happens to them or you and you should write down things you want them to know but to shy to say to them and no matter what that person says to you, you should always love them and forgive them

7 Name: Karu Kurai : 2013-01-03 22:45 ID:ISQscMMF [Del]

Life taught me to don't be afraid,be strong on what you will face in the future.

8 Name: VivaLaPanda : 2013-01-03 22:47 ID:J46YMVNI [Del]

We choose how we look at life, and situations are what you make of them.

9 Name: Kuro Izaya : 2013-01-04 00:10 ID:ATq5tzXF [Del]

Live with pain or die with it... that's all life is really... all you can really do is manipulate it to your advantage.

there's no such thing as "perfect living"
Only a sharp blade waiting to cut open it's next prey and then toy with it...

10 Name: Kuro Izaya : 2013-01-04 00:15 ID:ATq5tzXF [Del]

Then again all you really have to do is hold on to the "katana" and you decide where the end should go... you really cant go anywhere in this so called life without causing a little hell.. or doing damage...

11 Name: kovutl : 2013-01-04 00:45 ID:l+pcEpaj [Del]

Life has taught me how it can be incredibly ironic, and how things change for both good and bad, and we have to deal with everything as it comes, and also, how small we and our problemas are when we see how BIG this world is.

Also who simple stuffs like talking silly with your friends can actually feel better than winning the lottery...even if a million bucks will be great too XD.

12 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-01-04 00:51 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

Life has taught me many things like the power knowledge holds, the feeling of hope, love, and joy, nothing is forever, the truth isn't always what you want to hear, the pain of loving something and watching it fade away in front of your eyes, hopelessness, helplessness, anger, betrayal, regret, and loneliness, life is not meant for the weak, sometimes you have to act in ways others would think are "mean" or "wrong" to get by, to feel the pain of others, ways to help them with it, and how to turn this pain back into joy and love. All these have been taught to me through people I've met, or experiences I've been through. These people and experiences have made me exceptionally strong for my age. I know I have a lot of lessens to learn, some I may not be for, but I'll get by.

13 Name: Mikeyisfree : 2013-01-04 08:17 ID:Y9fq+l9E [Del]

If life has taught me anything its that your to important to yourself to be making yourself unhappy forget yesterdayits over ignore tomorrow its not here yet enjoy today ,no pressure!

14 Name: Cabe : 2013-01-04 14:44 ID:zQRM9snv [Del]

I learned that I know almost nothing of this big Universe...

15 Name: Eve-Killer : 2013-01-04 15:15 ID:bH90mgsR [Del]

@Mikeyisfree I've never heard that one before, but I like it. :)

16 Name: Gray Sheep !MBYBMFcyi6 : 2013-01-04 15:15 ID:dQeTcZw0 [Del]

I've learned so much about people.

I've learned about their desire to be distinguished and to come off as special, and how no matter what kind of person they are and even if they deny it, it's still there by instinct. Actually, now that I think of it, it's either a competitive or social instinct that I can't really see much natural meaning of it.

In fact, I've learned so much about people that they don't surprise me anymore. It's gotten very boring, and lonesome in a way, because I can't seem to fall in love anymore. I've learned a lot more, but could someone here (though it doesn't relate so much to "life" unless you think about it a lot like me) tell me a feature that helps them hold onto people..? Sorry if it's a weird question. There's a lot of intelligent, positive people on here, so I'm very eager to hear what you have to say.

17 Name: Gray Sheep !MBYBMFcyi6 : 2013-01-04 15:16 ID:dQeTcZw0 [Del]

Ah, I wonder if making a new thread would've been a good idea...

18 Name: Stubsy : 2013-01-04 15:57 ID:WPl9EA4G [Del]

I've learned that if your not very happy with your life, you should at least treasure the moments you enjoy and don't think or worry about tomorrow. If you are sad then stop accepting it and don't get even sadder on purpose, you know it won't help.

19 Name: Roy Devon : 2013-01-04 17:52 ID:gahJksqN [Del]

I've learned that Humans are the scariest things one could be scared about. But, I also learned, because of this, humans are the most enjoyable species to be around because of their emotions.
I also learned, sometimes to be successful, you have to be alone.
(Also, to accept who you are, never forget that one)
- Also as a lasting thought, "Smile, it makes people wonder what you're smiling about" -

20 Name: Venom : 2013-01-04 19:24 ID:dQn/i7QT [Del]

That the world is full of shit,but will surprise you sometimes with something good and unselfish. That no matter how hard life gets, it will only get better if you try.

21 Name: zero : 2013-01-04 20:30 ID:zo+SWFJO [Del]

that nothing matters

22 Name: JILL : 2013-01-04 20:58 ID:3E+TrH4a [Del]

life taught me that every story are based on experience..

23 Name: Reiko-chan : 2013-01-04 21:00 ID:kLCYdTrY [Del]

things go bad things goes the way you want to.
just enjoy the happiness you have right now because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

24 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-01-04 22:59 ID:is5Po+TJ [Del]

What I've learned from life is that no one will ever COMPLETELY understand you except yourself.

25 Name: Shizuka : 2013-01-04 23:17 ID:EH15iVEq [Del]

I guess life taught me that not everything will go according to plan.
You have to enjoy what you can and make each day the best, even if you're filled with sorrow. Who knows what will happen next right?

26 Name: Blazen : 2013-01-05 00:00 ID:IHJZoAVw [Del]

Well what I learned in life is that it has its ups and downs, we may not like them but its going to happen. The show goes on!

27 Name: Luna.D : 2013-01-07 08:24 ID:BtEdLHB4 [Del]

I learned that if you don't work hard, what you expected won't come to you.

28 Name: Kazami : 2013-01-19 10:51 ID:mOwun6kr [Del]

I was bullied, I was humiliated, I fell from grace...yet I remained strong...Slowly, I built my strength...and rise above hate...Now, I'm stronger than ever.

29 Name: Taku-san : 2013-01-19 10:57 ID:UkvvNlwG [Del]

I've lerned so much from anime characters like pain, jiraya, weismann, natsu, kida and so on

30 Name: messorem : 2013-01-19 17:13 ID:qUgvWT4B [Del]

I've learned that you can't wake up and bam you're a straight a student or you won a noble prize, you have to work to get to those things. Everything has a price even freedom

31 Name: PKgod101 : 2013-01-19 17:27 ID:6swWxoHM [Del]

I've learned that, if the price for the illusion of freedom is for people who don't deserve it to also benefit. I'd make a great serial killer.

32 Name: Alexavier : 2013-01-19 17:52 ID:XPx8yVnM [Del]

Life has taught me that though everything is tough and that everything can come crashing down on you at once, you just have to pick yourself up out of the rubble, dust yourself off, and keep marching foward like a soldier made of steel.

33 Name: Tsukiko : 2013-01-19 20:20 ID:F/OVxC+v [Del]

Life has taught me that you have to work to make it. You're going to get knocked down and everything won't be fair. Sometimes, days are going to suck, and sometimes, days will be great. You have to live with that and keep on keeping your head up.

34 Name: Kalos : 2013-01-19 22:32 ID:ndqqhEZy [Del]

Life has taught me many things, but my favorite lesson is follow the beat of your own drum. No need to feel rushed. I also made up a quote based off of the lesson "hold your head high".
"We are told to hold our heads high even when times are tough, but if you don't smile while doing it why raise your head?"

35 Name: Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-10-20 20:20 ID:/H6Kbtuo [Del]

Hey, don't mind me. I'm digging around the Archive to find any interesting threads

36 Name: Shin!6yrEqSsk5c : 2015-10-20 23:51 ID:DEg1R8oM [Del]

Life has taught me to smile and laugh whatever it's a fake or real. Pains make me feel alive. And I'll live until I'm dead(well,duh!). Also life has taught me everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. No one is the same in every topic. What you think good is probably bad for someone,and vice versa. But live your days with whatever that make you happy,without regrets.

37 Name: Barst : 2015-10-20 23:57 ID:jfub1vuU [Del]

Well, life taught us many things... Good one and the bad one.. It is up to us to choose the right path.. Sometimes the good one can cause us trouble and the bad one can be useful sometimes.. We are evolving everyday.. That is how my life taught..

38 Name: Aki Haruka : 2015-10-21 01:03 ID:p0NRJw8g [Del]

I do agree with you, no matter what i've gone through my life, there's no choice but to move forward our life since we can't stop time and turn another way around. I'm not perfect, i do make mistakes time to times.

But we just put it through and move in our everydays. Don't give it up if i would like to said. We have someone that important to us, and also we are important to them.

Although i didn't live long enough and still hv many things to learn, albeit i'm still gratefull with everything i have. With the lesson that have taught me before. I'm content with everything and extremely bless that i'm still breathing and could see another days.

39 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-21 01:59 ID:6O9eHp1a [Del]

Humanity is my Life <3
I Love You All Humans<3

40 Name: Szayne : 2015-10-21 02:19 ID:sP3PJO0Z [Del]

>>38 This is why I question people who cuts. Even if you're depressed and made a lot of cuts in your body. It's still wouldn't solve the problem you're facing. Why wouldn't you just face it with all your might? Even if we fall down we get up, that is what makes us stronger. When your just cutting yourself it wouldn't solve your problem, you just added the pain you're feeling.

41 Name: Aki Haruka : 2015-10-21 02:31 ID:p0NRJw8g [Del]

>>40 I don't know how to said, they tend to cut them self for relief the pain right? I don't know how is that would help, and why in the first place they will do that. There's is plenty of way to overcome the problems and yet they thought of that way. Please don't condemn them, they need help. If my any of my friend do that foolish thing, ofcourse i'll give some advice of they wanted to take anyway. Honestly, i'll stop them from injury their precious body,

42 Name: ILoveHumans<3 : 2015-10-21 02:49 ID:6O9eHp1a [Del]

>>41 Because they are masochist and that's how human brains work for them . A good example of masochist is Azusa Mukami from the anime Diabolik Lovers .

43 Name: Aki Haruka : 2015-10-21 02:58 ID:p0NRJw8g [Del]

>>42 that was extreme masochist to the core.