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Christmas! (62)

1 Name: Dr. Muffin : 2012-12-14 22:04 ID:Cf+GfT9F [Del]

You know, I'll admit it's been a while since I've been on the threads. I've noticed that there is a supreme lack of CHRISTMAS! So, I ask you, my fellow American Currency, what do you plan to do for Christmas? I mean, I'm not that religious, but I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Anyone can love Christmas. What are you guys doing for the Holidays?

2 Name: DarrenStar : 2012-12-14 22:06 ID:44NPgWFE [Del]

I am going to spend time with my family and I hope to have fun afterwards I might hang out with my friends or just get on my new laptop.

3 Name: Tsuchimikado !fSq5qseG8. : 2012-12-14 22:23 ID:2hsNesxu [Del]

I'm just going to eat food and get gifts really. Not sure if I'll do anything. Watch some anime, read some manga, the usual. Man do I love Christmas though, the movies, the music, never gets old. I'm gonna get a 3ds xl.

4 Name: ayano : 2012-12-14 22:24 ID:wMDMNSXe [Del]

time with family :D and so much ham... i love christmas too :) .

5 Name: Snow !mjrHIy86P6 : 2012-12-14 22:34 ID:6f1rDWjw [Del]

i love christmas...especially the long winter-school break...i`m hoping i get to eat lots of yummy foods and get lots of gifts as well!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-14 23:09 ID:542TO5Cy [Del]

I like and hate Christmas. The family, the food, the winter, the heat of the house. All good. The self entitled kids thinking they deserve presents, and the mind set that that is what Christmas should be, is just a pile of shit.

8 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2012-12-14 23:18 ID:2SnV2zdJ [Del]

yep. I do admit I love the presents, but first and foremost, I see Christmas as celebrating the birthday of a really awesome guy, singing songs, and being jolly.

9 Name: Tsuchimikado !fSq5qseG8. : 2012-12-14 23:21 ID:2hsNesxu [Del]

>>7 That's definitely true, the part about the mindset of Christmas. It's a horrible excuse to be selfish really.

10 Name: ExiA : 2012-12-14 23:46 ID:ybY9stpE [Del]

Awww... too bad theres no snow here :(

11 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-15 00:05 ID:JkyMGblr [Del]

my dad will give me some money so i can topup runescape and become a member...........aaaahhhhh love my parents n love christmas tooooooo

12 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-15 12:02 ID:dtk1aO/t [Del]

Actually there is a theory going around stating that Jesus wasn't even born on the day we celebrate as "Christmas" now.

13 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2012-12-15 15:03 ID:TkIdKRug [Del]

>>12 Yeah, there's a whole lot of talk but it seems nobody really knows when the actual date is. Dec 21st is simply the day designated for it.

I think when I was quite a bit younger I had that entitlement problem, but then there was one year where I hardly got any presents and I had a great time anyways. I kinda realized the day wasn't about presents and there was something a whole lot better going on.

This year, I bought my oldest brother a plane ticket so he can actually be home fro Christmas. (He wasn't gonna be able to afford the drive) We'll be heading out to my Aunt's place for brunch. Should be a pretty solid day.

14 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-15 15:27 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

Christmas was actually set to take place closer to the Winter Solstice so that it would be easier for pagans to convert.

15 Name: Kaori-ouji : 2012-12-15 16:54 ID:qWWhKc54 [Del]

I'm excited for Christmas even if it wasn't Jesus's actual birthday it's the day we celebrate it!

16 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-15 17:57 ID:SUYZWbsL [Del]

>>12 Regardless of whether or not the date is accurate, it was designated as the day to celebrate it. For a while, since they had no way of knowing Jesus' actual birthday, they just decided on an arbitrary date - well, not so much arbitrary as, like Crisis says, intentionally placed near the Winter Solstice.

But I personally feel like Christmas is more about the idea behind it, and not the semantics of its religious connotations. Really looking forward to it, since my friends from college are coming home for the break.

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-15 17:57 ID:SUYZWbsL [Del]

*friends who are in college. Got that mixed up.

18 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-12-15 18:08 ID:fN1Fcaaw [Del]


19 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-12-15 18:09 ID:SUYZWbsL [Del]

I sure am glad you're getting into the christmas spirit, Etza.

20 Name: DioBrando : 2012-12-15 18:29 ID:7xa0+NjC [Del]

Every year Christmas becomes less important (to me, of course).
I really don't understand why.

21 Name: Firo : 2012-12-15 18:31 ID:2ZDLbrLc [Del]

I love Christmas. Just the joy and the smell of happiness in the air. But the Fedex Hub at Mass (or Michi.. can't remember) shut down so now my work load is quadrupled. So many god damned packages.

22 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2012-12-15 18:33 ID:zUMgrtPN [Del]

It's going to be fun for me! My family is Buddhist but we celebrate it anyway (I guess it's just how it is in a Spanish family). It's been over a year since I came to Japan and I finally get to go home; can't fucking wait!

23 Name: Colorless : 2012-12-15 19:49 ID:VogIEK2U [Del]

Hm my family and I haven't really thought of Christmas in a while. Maybe it'll be different this year... :)

24 Name: Jace530 : 2012-12-16 11:15 ID:Utg9LKvF [Del]

I love Christmas just the cold winter breeze the singing on the radio the specials and of course the eggnog XD

25 Name: Z : 2012-12-16 11:22 ID:OZZVnD19 [Del]

Hmmm we don't really celebrate it anymore.. Growing up, My family and I used to go to church for mid-night masses in the Philippines, and my whole family would celebrate it together with a feast and gifts, but times have changed.. Since my mother and I moved out of the country, things are different. I just sleep and work...

26 Name: Kittydragon : 2012-12-16 11:26 ID:oEovurQz [Del]

I freegot about christmas this year err lalalala thank you for reminding me >__>

27 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-16 14:23 ID:dtk1aO/t [Del]

You don't just "forget about Christmas" as if it's a day that passes and no one says anything about it. It's not like your birthday where only your friends and family know of it.

The entire world, give or take, knows about it. It's constantly on the TV, Radio, Newspaper, Internet. Word of mouth my billions. You don't just forget it.

28 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-16 14:23 ID:dtk1aO/t [Del]



29 Name: Flamemaster1 : 2012-12-16 16:46 ID:BE3x9Eh7 [Del]

>>27 True, Christmas really has been commercialized in recent years. Not even really a religious holiday anymore, just companies
trying to make a fast buck with "christmas deals" on toys and shit.

30 Name: Pacheco : 2012-12-16 16:57 ID:9ZYCCpve [Del]

actually christmas was originally made for buy stuff
jesus wasn`t born on christmas, it was originally a excuse for selling holy items =)
but i really like to think like a date to do good actions to people, even if i don`t belive in god...

31 Name: Mummy boy : 2012-12-16 17:05 ID:KsW2zy71 [Del]


32 Name: : 2012-12-16 17:29 ID:EueXGhAl [Del]

Try to finish 9 nights/early mornings of Misa de Gallo. :)

33 Name: Spirit_fox : 2012-12-16 18:22 ID:adDWbHBf [Del]

hahaha This years Christmas im mostly Hoping to get $100
For this summers anime expo xD
Last christmas (i gave you my heart NO JK)
Last christmas wasent really ok i did get money but there wasent anything i really wanted yast year so i didnt get anything special but IM grateful i got those things anyway :)

34 Name: Victor/LEGION : 2012-12-16 18:25 ID:RwiniAiS [Del]

I don't enjoy it.

35 Name: アルバート : 2012-12-16 19:03 ID:llPUVxmo [Del]

I'm spending Christmas in a cabin up in the woods with a bunch of other people.

I'm sure someone's going to burn the thing down before I can hit the slopes on the second day, but, you know. I can probably get out of it before then.

36 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2012-12-16 22:12 ID:InOOKFF0 [Del]

i never really liked christmas.

people put themselves through all kinds of stress just to get their family members things they probably really don't need. in excess amount. even the true meaning of christmas kinda rings hollow to me. sure, it's nice to see everyone treating each other with good faith and love, showing how nice people can be, but why can't we act like that all the time? why do we need people to tell us that we have to act that way on that day?

but if i keep that out of mind, it is nice when people treat each other well, regardless of how absurd i find the actual holiday.

37 Name: Ilystia : 2012-12-17 07:32 ID:ThdKP9n3 [Del]

Christmas is over rated. No family time. No presents. All we get ore two 3 feet tall fake trees built with lights.

38 Name: Pacheco : 2012-12-17 07:48 ID:9ZYCCpve [Del]

>>36 Because people are mean by nature, so they need a symbol to show them that the world still have hope...
But I really enjoy buying books, games, toys, etc. on christmas, even if i don`t need them.

39 Name: Day/Dia : 2012-12-17 08:15 ID:YiePIUm1 [Del]

People ruined Christmas with their greed. =w= Most people want and want and want. We have too little of persons who just want to give and enjoy giving.

Also, keep in mind, many people can't get many, if any, of the "fancy-smancy" stuff that most people yearn for during this time of the year.

40 Name: Firo : 2012-12-24 20:16 ID:2ZDLbrLc [Del]

I just want to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays. to everyone here. To the people I've met back in the past and the other people I have never met. I wanted to add more, but I don't like to type much.

41 Name: Kaori : 2012-12-24 20:28 ID:BOuHCK+5 [Del]

>>40 Merry Christmas Firo! :'D or shuld i said "meri karisamasu firo-kun" im feeling kawaii.

42 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-12-24 21:29 ID:llWXJreh [Del]

>>41 Merry Christmas, Kao!

43 Name: ayano : 2012-12-24 22:28 ID:wMDMNSXe [Del]

>>40 same to you :) and to all the BBS members celebrating (or just enjoying some time off work/school) as well.

44 Name: X : 2012-12-25 01:07 ID:7haYcWY7 [Del]

Merry Christmas everyone!

45 Name: Justashadow : 2012-12-25 01:30 ID:enVYGWOn [Del]

Merry christmas! =D

46 Name: redmi$t : 2012-12-25 02:05 ID:p+jit+95 [Del]

Merry Christmas

47 Name: Jori-chan : 2012-12-25 04:28 ID:8Wi3ufyR [Del]

buon natale!! from italy ^^

48 Name: Yuu : 2012-12-25 04:59 ID:hICwg2qP [Del]

Merry Christmas everone!!
I love Christmas too!!
T__T Just alone at home!!

49 Name: Suzuki : 2012-12-25 06:34 ID:pTU8WU2j [Del]

Merry Christmas^^
i have nothing to do TAT

50 Name: Alice : 2012-12-25 07:35 ID:qPP5fp2B [Del]

Merry Christmas to all!
I'm having a xmas dinner with my friends and family

51 Name: Feric : 2012-12-25 07:50 ID:mG2lhMxf [Del]

What am I doing this Christmas morning you ask? Just sitting back, relaxing, And enjoying all of my garnered goods. Merry Christmas to the Dollars!

52 Name: Reltair !pAuAcC/vF2 : 2012-12-25 15:40 ID:VUEGeO0D [Del]

Merry Christmas!

53 Name: Melodic !Snvw2mVgDc : 2012-12-25 18:07 ID:FQ+u7uSP [Del]

We just hung out at home and watched the Doctor Who Christmas special

54 Name: Firo : 2012-12-25 23:56 ID:2ZDLbrLc [Del]

Happy Holidays Reltair!!- oops i missed.

55 Name: Firo : 2012-12-25 23:57 ID:2ZDLbrLc [Del]

>>41 and Merry Christmas to you too Kaori!

(I apologize for I did not see that)

56 Name: Roseanne : 2012-12-26 00:39 ID:0/DrKNvk [Del]

YES!! I have new Christmas!!

57 Name: Haato~<3 : 2012-12-27 02:39 ID:Tt7eX+e7 [Del]

Merry Xmas to all Of us~ <3

58 Name: ElleinaD : 2012-12-27 05:21 ID:SsQK/IyV [Del]

Belated Merry Christmas! and Advance Happy New Year!!

59 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-27 05:22 ID:JkyMGblr [Del]

Merrrryyyy Christmas guyssszzz !!!!!!!! playing runescape and have funnnn with my family!!!!!!!!

60 Name: Batman : 2012-12-27 06:23 ID:h8ewfQtM [Del]

Runescape is horrid. Trust me Batman would know.

61 Name: TC : 2012-12-27 06:52 ID:L9kl9Xq4 [Del]

>>60 But you're batman... ._.

62 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 10:19 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

bump (: