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justice (37)

1 Name: trap : 2012-11-16 14:02 ID:Lh5WIxiE [Del]

tell me your opinion about this question

will justice alweys prevail ?

- in my opinion jes justice will alweys prevail , because the winner (of a war or any thing else ) will become justice

2 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-11-16 14:08 ID:IHUiUh+/ [Del]

They say it does, but just think of how many hundreds, or even thousands of people who have been wrongly accused, for things they may not have done, and have faced jail-time for it. The actual perpetrators would have gotten away with it, whilst somebody else has to accept their punishment. That's not justice at all.

3 Name: corvinomorte : 2012-11-16 15:04 ID:/MDbtB6m [Del]

I agree with DN on this case. Nowadays peple are normally more "evil" to another then before and justice is a hard thing to come by. >>1 if the winner of the war then does the people murdered and those who kill justified?

4 Name: Hayato : 2012-11-16 22:19 ID:GesZcBom [Del]

Justice can be defined depending whom you ask

5 Name: Ari-San : 2012-11-16 22:46 ID:3/LfeOna [Del]

I think it's doing the right thing, no matter how small.

6 Name: s k e l e t on : 2012-11-17 00:30 ID:ObVmpeBV [Del]

the thing about morality is that its more or less relative; people are no more or less evil as they were a hundred years ago we're just more exposed to it by living in a connected culture

7 Name: zero : 2012-11-17 01:28 ID:zo+SWFJO [Del]

justice defined = BATMAN

8 Name: Pandablackrabbit : 2012-11-17 03:16 ID:axRV+SJv [Del]

yes. because justice is a matter of opinion therefor....someones justice will always prevail.

9 Name: chronos57 : 2012-11-17 06:18 ID:IMaVchqb [Del]

There are many people who has their own definitions of justice, it is what you believe in, or sometimes, when you think your doing the right thing, that is your justice.
It may not be right all the time but, that is your justice, that is your belief.

10 Name: Kira : 2012-11-17 06:33 ID:qA629Hbe [Del]

>>7 *nods seriously* Indeed.

11 Name: Hyper : 2012-11-17 10:46 ID:IBOvxIt2 [Del]

Justice is an relative term and has not defined.
one persons "justice" is not an other persons "justice", with this way of thinking i can say that "justice" allways wins, but the question is whos "justice" is it that wins?

12 Name: Linkz : 2012-11-17 14:19 ID:7aoYvI2r [Del]

Justice may be relative to each person view but you can prove the objectivity of some things and that way you can tell them to be just or injust. I believe there's true justice even if it's pretty general and little know. But looking at the state of the world i wouldn't say justice prevails.

13 Name: madi : 2012-11-17 23:29 ID:Hvthq6z/ [Del]

Justice is an opinion so no

14 Name: KnowledgeFag : 2012-12-05 03:20 ID:l5Qyd+B6 [Del]

well in my opnion i think justice is a sham. This is because criminals never learn be it drug dealers, muderers or rapist. Thus the true justice is evil for evil. They should get a elite team which kills these criminals because this will teach them a lesson since they don't learn from going to prison or seeing others go to prison. thus if you kill some criminals they'll learn from fear as they don't. But only problem with that is fear turns to hate. What do you think?

15 Name: Kira-salvation : 2012-12-05 06:13 ID:gjY2QWQl [Del]

As far as i know the death penalty in the USA do not have that kind of effect. Only if the deaths are mysterious and that the victims only are criminals, i think it would have an effect.

Just like in the Anime/manga Death Note.

16 Name: B : 2012-12-05 09:56 ID:IItNHrVz [Del]

Justice does not always prevail. There is corruption in the system. It also depends on one's view of justice. What if the system that administers justice is corrupt?

17 Name: Ei : 2012-12-05 10:31 ID:9Y/jAGhk [Del]

>>16 In the U.S., the system is built to withstand corruption. Not by eliminating it, as expecting to avoid corruption is wishful thinking at best, but by allowing for it. You could say it's designed around the expectation for people to be corrupt. It balances out so that if everyone acts self-centeredly, it will still function.
Naturally, it's far from perfect. But what the system misses, whether intentionally or accidentally, will all balance out. Everything circles around. Evil actions are always accompanied by evil thoughts. Evil thoughts provoke good into rising up to destroy them. All evil will be repaid and and justice will be served.

18 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-12-05 10:43 ID:sFGFRewU [Del]

>>15 I AM JUSTICE! I'm gonna getcha' Kira!
Anyway I mostly agree with op on this. I do believe though that evolutionary factors have a huge impact on our perception of justice. If anybody wants me to elaborate, say so.

19 Name: Alexander Felix : 2013-09-08 10:29 ID:ahvnf6gr [Del]

War is just a way to justify murder, to call a hero while he suffer from the things that he has done
The notion of justice is determine by those who have power and who can also enforce them.
Overall justice and war are similar in the sense that the good intentions of others are pushed on to you and is changes you whether you like it or not.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-12 00:44 ID:E66nmUVE [Del]


21 Name: dılℲ : 2014-11-12 01:10 ID:sBOoT9N9 [Del]

Justice doesn't always prevail. Good intentions won't justify twisted actions. Also it'll be easier to claim you're doing it for justice and try to take advantage of every benefit in that situation.

22 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-11-18 16:37 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]

Justice really is all about perspective. So long as there is a contrary perspective to justice, justice will always prevail and not prevail.

23 Name: ☰ragnarok☰ : 2014-11-18 16:52 ID:wh44RSgg [Del]

Justice is just another word to justify something there is no such thing as justice just actions with meaning behind it.

24 Name: the actor : 2014-11-18 18:25 ID:9ySZw+qX [Del]

I don't think justice will always prevail... humans are not angels, we will make mistakes, we can only hope that what we call "justice" is actually "justice"

25 Name: Nightwing : 2014-11-27 13:52 ID:S7E4WM5t [Del]

Justice may not always prevail, but it's our job to make sure it does, as heroes we remain United and strong, as humans we can only hope the ones we love are safe from this sick and corrupted world. Any human or monster means well at some point in their life, they just don't see it. We all want some kind of justice in the world, it's just we must see the differences between justice, getting even, and vengeance... and to all you criminals out there."say goodnight, to my fists."

26 Name: Eligos : 2014-11-27 14:36 ID:JmUTgLaS [Del]

Justice, heh, that's a pretty word

27 Name: HeartbeatKnight : 2014-12-08 13:41 ID:arDSzTNC [Del]


28 Name: Grunge95 : 2014-12-08 15:18 ID:fghVZm42 [Del]

The thing is you're speaking of justice in a large way but in the life of everyday there are a lot of injustice.
Also justice is seen differently by everyone, it's just a conceipt so you can't really say if something is just or not.

29 Name: Pickel : 2014-12-08 15:28 ID:WTue0bou [Del]

It's difficult to say. To me "good and bad" is not the same as "right and wrong." Things that are seemingly good can be done for the wrong reasons and have the wrong outcome, but things that are seemingly bad can also be the right thing to do.

Given the above, I believe that bad triumphs every day, but what is right will ultimately win out in the long term.

30 Name: Tirana : 2014-12-08 16:02 ID:drfjtQdf [Del]

It just depends on who is more prepared

31 Name: cat : 2014-12-08 16:11 ID:P8l76T4O [Del]

You make a very interesting point. I completely agree agree with you, @trap! The winner writes the history books, right?

32 Name: SamuraiFlamenco : 2014-12-08 23:00 ID:uv4y7d8G [Del]

Justice be longs to super heroes like me

33 Name: Pumpkin Pai : 2014-12-09 06:08 ID:9IY7zvWv [Del]

"Justice" doesn't exist.

34 Name: Watanabe : 2014-12-09 06:17 ID:3l/5yjiR [Del]

Justice is fictional... Justice depends on whether you make the right or wrong decisions

35 Name: Popura : 2014-12-09 06:17 ID:MAfv8cJg [Del]

0622853077, This person have to discoverd the meaning of justice, he make my best friend cried a lot, just because he's selfish, and he hate manga unforgivable!

36 Name: Watanabe : 2014-12-09 06:25 ID:3l/5yjiR [Del]

wow... who might that person be...

37 Name: B.Wolf : 2014-12-09 07:27 ID:2PeJsRSK [Del]

There's no justice..there's no good or bad..The only thing that really exist is the point of view of the situation and how you and other people see him, but justice wil never exist , because people think different.