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Has the world become a better place today? (21)

1 Name: Lawin : 2012-11-04 23:01 ID:Ha0kj8z5 [Del]

The title says it all, feel free to determine from when, how much, and how exactly.

2 Name: Futaba : 2012-11-04 23:25 ID:dlDZw+dG [Del]

It never was.

3 Name: G.Reaper : 2012-11-04 23:53 ID:ZN3Hlx3R [Del]

>>2 true... I actually think it getting worse day by day...

4 Name: ShiKu : 2012-11-05 01:09 ID:SNlEhPfz [Del]

>>2 I think what you say has some merit. It never has been a "good" or "better" place to be, but where else would we be if we didn't have it?
I think with the little we actually know about it, we do our best to maintain it, but in all creatures we have selfish and disordered people who will exploit it to increase their personal values.
>>3 I think that the world isn't getting worse day by day, but I think we're finding out more about it each day we exist. It's like the invention of the media. News would take days to be printed, but with the invention of the internet news has exploded and is almost instantaneous, the easy access to information makes us more aware of what is actually happening around us.

5 Name: Vacant_Blueberry : 2012-11-05 01:30 ID:zDYaQ4Kk [Del]

I like this question, the world hasn't exactly become a better place, but it also hasn't become worse, it seems to balance itself out in terms of the actual planet, if you mean the "world" in a sense of the people then only place we can really look to see if it's becoming better or worse is the people and the way they use this world, how we exploit it, and change it, then you'll have your inevitable answer.

6 Name: Rioku : 2012-11-05 01:41 ID:Yi/QDEwB [Del]

Well, it kinda depends what you mean, there are many concepts, but, yes, I agree with the other people, it hasnt really gotten better, most people out there mainly think for themselves, that's why ive always thought of the dollars of being something that could help the world, we should continue to help people and do things out of kindness, it might not help so much, but others may get the gist of it and may join in...

7 Name: Futaba : 2012-11-05 01:43 ID:dlDZw+dG [Del]

>>4 That question actually comes off as rather ignorant. Only we are the reason why the world has come to this state. I am not saying what it could be - I am saying what it is now.

It doesn't seem like most people care about this issue anyways. If they did, they would have done more to stop it or wouldn't even have done it in the first place.

People make mistakes, I know that, but that is no excuse as to why people do bad things.

8 Name: Ise-Heiwajima : 2012-11-05 01:46 ID:gJ6E030Y [Del]

We've made it through slaverly, racisim, war, all kinds of depression, tyranny, anarchy, sexism, etcetera etcetera. Majorly yes the world has gotten better. But it's sort of like we've evolved so much we can't evolve any more: the world has already made it through so much it can't get too much better. It might as well get worse. I think it's currently at a standstill

9 Name: ShiKu : 2012-11-05 03:19 ID:SNlEhPfz [Del]

>>7 Yeah, I wasn't really thinking when writing it. I was preoccupied with something more important. I don't want to give the wrong idea to anyone, I have strong views on this but don't have time to commit much thought to it. (so if you would please disregard my original post as Post 4)

10 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-11-05 03:31 ID:RjnwCdpR [Del]

>>8 That mentality is the same mentality people had during those eras of slavery, war, tyranny, and anarchy, because they refused to attempt to look to a brighter future. And the view in >>4 is the mentality of a pessimist, or a faux-realist who only takes into account the negative aspects of modern society.

Society tends to balance itself, really. When something "bad" exists, over time it tends to get snuffed out. But what is considered bad? Only what society defines as bad. So from one point of view, things are getting worse because we're deciding it is so. Things have not changed from the most objective point of view - society's perception, however, changes from day to day.

Speaking from my personal take on it, the amount of technological advancement we've seen over the last century has brought on an era of as-of-yet unseen amounts of convenience. It increased the quality of life for 1st world countries tenfold. But what has it done for areas of the world that don't reap the spoils of our advancements? Not much at all - but now people are looking at those unchanged situations as "bad." Things that are worse than the norm, despite them never changing. Blame is being placed on the first world countries for not fixing those situations, even though we technically lived through the same conditions for centuries.

Famine, poverty, conflict, illness... all of the "bad" things you could name about the world right now are all things that have always existed, so it's a bit silly to say that we are making things worse by selectively improving things. If anything, we've masked those basic flaws so well that newer generations are treating them like new problems.

Any pessimist can say that society is slowly destroying the earth. Any optimist can say that society is gradually improving humanity. Is the world a better place than it used to be yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, a decade, century, millenia ago? That's really up to you to decide for yourself, in my opinion.

11 Name: Futaba : 2012-11-05 04:22 ID:dlDZw+dG [Del]

>>9 Then either learn to focus or don't pay attention to two things at once, silly! *bonks head*
But it's all good, ShiKu-chan. ( ^ u ^ ) No harm done, and I'm not mad.~

12 Name: StoneEagle : 2012-11-05 08:12 ID:JcAQ2Ir3 [Del]

Holy Shit! The world is so much better than it used to be. Step back 200 years "Oh you got sick, sorry no treatment yet nice knowin ya." Most would die by the time they're 30 and the gap between rich and poor was greater than anyone could imagine. Also in the past they didn't have sewage systems so it smelled like shit. See the world today isn't so bad.

13 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-11-05 08:47 ID:2KYvgQaU [Del]

The world is still not OK, but Dollars will make it better!! :)

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Heartbeatknight : 2015-04-05 13:03 ID:qKou1H/S [Del]

>>13 <3

16 Name: Mikasa : 2015-04-05 13:53 ID:GeIRMRMR [Del]

Because of the differences of opinions human beings will never agree on what is good or wrong for them. So you will find people who think the workd has become a better place and others no.
Personnally, I don't think the world has become a better place today.

17 Name: Shigure : 2015-04-05 16:30 ID:XNn6YKAH [Del]

If the world has become a better place today... I like that question. It makes me think about how the world used to be and how it is today.

First of all, what do we define as "better place"? A "nice place" would be somewhere in which no one gets hurt or hurts someone else, isn't that so? A world, in which everyone is equal. A world in which no one has to suffer. Well, that would be a "nice place", wouldn't it? But a "better place" is something else. "Better" would mean that it has been worse that it is, today. I would like to say yes, the world has become a better place. But to be honest, I don't know, myself.

If we look back in the past, society always has been divided into two ranks. The rich and poor, the strong and weak, the smart and fool, the winner and looser, those with talent and those who are useless. If we see it that way, it has become human nature to divide society into two groups. But not only back then. Today, it still is like that. For example in school. You mostly see people who are either in groups with a lot of people or people who are completely alone. And of course everyone would like to be in a group and not alone. But why is that so? Why do most people prefer to be with other people than being alone?

It is because it's the human nature.

Even if we look back to the first humans who ever existed, they have been in groups. Mostly to survive. And the longing to be in a group, to belong to society, has survived ever since then. It even has reached the point in which a single person is not even able to decide something in his own. Why? Because if he chooses the wrong decision, the group will leave him. He will be alone again. If he lived back then, where people still had to hunt animals in groups, he surely would be dead by now. Not only in this situations, humans want to belong to society, but also in different ones. A small example. Someone is going to a concert. The orchestra plays awful. And yet, after the song finished, he claps. Even though he did not enjoy it at all. But why would somebody clap if he didn't enjoy the piece of music at all? Maybe to be polite? No. Because all the other people also are clapping. It is the longing to belong to the society.

This hasn't changed for years. And this is human nature.

But what has this to do wether the world has become a better place or not? Well, for example, a group of terrorists are fighting a group of the police. Both are killing each other. And there we have it. A lot of dead people. Another example, a girl is being bullied in school. Why? There is no particular reason. Maybe just because she has a weird nose or has overweight. And because of that she is being bullied. Others also start to bully her. Because of the group who is already bullying her. Because society says the is "ugly" or "disgusting". She gets bullied until she somehow escapes or stands up against those people. Most people might want to escape. But how? How can they escape society? That's right... They try to kill themselves. And there are other dead people.

Just because of that, just because the longing of belonging to society, the world is like this. I, myself am also like this. After all I also am human...

And because of this human nature, I would say "No. This world has not become a better place." But I guess it would depend what you meant by "place". Society maybe? If so, then no. No matter how you see it. Humans are cruel when it comes to society.

But if you mean the environment, I guess I'd also have to say no. Humans are careless. Too careless. Only after the last drop of water has been drunk, the last crumb of bread has been eaten, the last breath of fresh air has been inhaled, they will notice how much they have messed up this world.

After all that's what we are. Humans. No more no less.

I may not say my actual name. But in my opinion, if the world has become a better place, I will have to say no. And it will never become one.

18 Name: Baka Neko~ : 2015-04-06 01:29 ID:DrgmkMIb [Del]

Nah~~.... the world will become a better place when its already gone .

19 Name: Kouhai : 2015-04-06 01:57 ID:yQ4WpqFK [Del]

I believe that the world is only as good or bad as one makes it out to be. I personally think that the world is perfect, and if a day comes that I think differently then i'll change the way I live.

20 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-06 08:30 ID:DFqCUbnU [Del]

>>19 >>17 thats deep guys but i have to agree compared to how the world was before and how we interpret it. Only you can decide that and in the end it depends on you and how you think think.

21 Name: chibi_choko : 2015-04-06 20:40 ID:VhaJiomK [Del]

Perspective can only take you so far. Often enough, many people take into account their own lives and consider that to be "good". Their world is perfectly fine, there are no issues. But, however, sometimes one must look outside of the bubble of which we are all individually encased. The world is not a beautiful place. It is not a happy place, for many. Thanks to technology, we're given a chance to see outside of our world and look into the lives of others. From my initial existence to this point now, I would say that the world has definitely not become a better place. But, within the same timespan with a more closed off perspective, then I would say that my world has become a better place. I can't say the same for everyone else.