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Love or hate? (21)

1 Name: Neko Zach : 2012-10-25 12:27 ID:O2UftbK1 [Del]

yesterday in my english class, my teacher asked... which emotion is stronger? love or hate? what are your opionions peoples?

2 Name: zero : 2012-10-25 12:40 ID:MdrtEntO [Del]

love and hate are equally strong because of the balance of nature you cant love without hate and you can hate without love they counteract each other to maintain balance

3 Name: Toshi-kun : 2012-10-25 16:36 ID:9k35DhVI [Del]

I think they're pretty equal. It's a balance thing. If love were stronger that hate, world peace would have happened a long time ago. And if hate were stronger, the entire human race would eventually destroy itself. I think Life is how it is because the two are at a balance

4 Name: mvols42 : 2012-11-20 21:37 ID:bx9tJLB8 [Del]

Love can turn into hate quite easily, hate is a more influential emotion, and the human race is killing itself just at a slow pace.

5 Name: dasd445 : 2012-11-20 21:39 ID:ERsHEXK9 [Del]

Depends on the person of course, if they've felt hate more then love hate is probably going to be stronger, and vice versa.

6 Name: Gelber Alpfen : 2012-11-20 22:05 ID:m5pzyRNC [Del]

I think Love and Hate are both strong emotions, but hate is such a...let's say it's an easy emotion to feel. For example, anyone can list off a number of things they hate, but it's really hard for someone to genuinely say they love something.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: SadLittleWoodpecker : 2012-11-20 22:18 ID:egRZa1yb [Del]

Well to decide that you would have to look at what causes those things -

Hate - anger, greed, frustration, stress, sadness, guilt, sorrow, grief the list goes on.

Love - happiness, attraction, interest ( without being interested you cant love it) and like hate the list goes on.

Problem is, they feed off eachother, and number 4 said, love creates hate usually, so does attraction, people become infatuatied with somone and somthing which leads to the person on the recieveing end feeling threatend. I believe in the past love was stronger "theres more good in the world then bad" but unfortunetly, not anymore, things are bad for the world, everybody has hate, everyone gets angry, frustrated, sad. these are negitive emotions, negitivity can lead to hate.

Hate is absolute where love is subjective.

Everyone has hate, only a few have love.

9 Name: Linkz : 2012-11-20 22:19 ID:7aoYvI2r [Del]

>>6 but that doesn't mean hatred is stronger, it's just that you hate more things, you could love fewer things but in a stronger deeper and more meaningful way. I think when you hate something/someone at the same time you're loving the opposite of that thing so i guess it's a tie =P.

10 Name: Kay : 2012-11-20 22:22 ID:xUD28k6F [Del]

I believe Robert Frost stated it quite nicely in his popular and well know poem:

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

With of course fire and ice being represented (and bluntly stated as) desire (close enough to love for government work) and hate.

Personally, I find myself persuaded by >>3. They seem roughly equal, not from some mystical cosmic balance, but simply equilibrium.

11 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-11-20 22:36 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>9 People act out of hate more often than love. Most pure hate lasts for a long time where as some love can fade away over time. Like >>8 said, Everyone has hate but only few have love. Hate is a stronger emotion but with out love, hate would not exist; and without hate, love would not exist.

12 Name: Linkz : 2012-11-20 22:48 ID:7aoYvI2r [Del]

>>11 yeah i know, i just wanted to say that even if people act more out of hate than love, love can be stronger. It's not a matter of quantity but quality of the emotion, but i guess if you act a lot out of hate that takes over you also. I still thing that both emotions are linked, if you hated someone you would love the opposite (even if you don't know it yet) right?

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-11-20 23:53 ID:uArWDZqM [Del]

People are often less inclined to admit it when they love something, resigning to saying what they hate about a thing because it's generally safer to be a critic than to be a fan. But are they really mutually exclusive? What if you love to hate, or hate to love?

Some people love schadenfreude when something they hate finds misfortune. And some people could also hate the fact that they love something that goes against their perceived self-image. As for what is stronger, it really depends on what that self-image is.

One of the driving forces of one's ego is to establish yourself in a preferable light based on your own preferences. It's hard to say whether that leans towards love or hate, but if you don't think of the two things as completely opposing concepts it becomes easier to think about. You hate something because you prefer to, and you love something because you prefer to. They're both forms of identifying and manifesting your desires as something that can be portrayed to others, so in essence they're both just things you want to do.

Alternatively, if you think of them as opposing concepts you could also think of any action as a two-sided coin. Do you do something because you love it, or because you hate the alternative? Or vice versa? People who act out of hate do so because they either love to hate or they love that which the object of their hatred opposes.

tl;dr There is either no difference, or no relation, between the two.

14 Name: LexiQuadra : 2012-11-21 00:12 ID:vNRtwxit [Del]

MY opinion is love.

15 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-11-21 00:19 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

I believe love is much stronger, and here is why.

Love is an emotion that most cannot describe, or is different for every person. It also causes humans to do things out of the ordinary, including superhuman feats.

I personally believe that hate is something no human can experience. Hate is a very strong word/emotion. It also stems from primal human behavior, necessary for survival.

16 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-11-21 01:49 ID:HYRtvGzo [Del]

I think that they are both very strong words, and are over-used in our society all the time.
But back to the question. I think hate is stronger than love simply because hate can very easily destroy love, but you don't often see it the other way around.

17 Name: zolraK : 2012-11-21 01:59 ID:CSjgMytZ [Del]

I was going to go with love on this one but hate can branch out to many other similar emotions, it will always be there.

18 Name: Pandablackrabbit : 2012-11-21 04:34 ID:axRV+SJv [Del]

Love and Hate are intertwined. They are very similar if you think about it...."there is a thin line between love and hate."

19 Name: .,Otaku,. : 2012-11-21 08:06 ID:KXuyPOv3 [Del]

I believe they stand on level ground. Love can be sprung from hate, but hate can be sprung from love. Either can be caused by the other. So really, are they the same? I don't believe so, but really, they stand on equal grounds to me. One can dominate the other and the same goes for the opposite. Both can change who you are and overpower you. They have equal control over you. At least that is my view on them.

20 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-11-22 01:01 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


21 Name: Logic : 2015-10-03 10:19 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

bump (: