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What do you think about deja vu? (44)

1 Name: Shirou : 2012-10-19 11:55 ID:TtlCxsOJ [Del]

i believe almost everyone here ever do or see some condition that felt like we been seen it before right? i believe those sensation are called deja vu,but i dont really understand the real definiton of deja vu,any opinion?

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-19 12:23 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

It's a french term meaning "here we go again".

3 Name: jaxsoku : 2012-10-19 12:56 ID:iih5/t+5 [Del]

in my words, deja vu is that familiar feeling of having done or seen before. the phenomenon commonly explained like this: the information you are receiving reaches the part of your brain that feels that familiarity before the part actually processing info, or something like that. But I like to think that deja vu is me recalling premonition-type dreams.

4 Name: Hakumen : 2012-10-19 13:25 ID:UciwE/iv [Del]

umm... meybe its the memories of your past self?

5 Name: Takashi : 2012-10-19 17:35 ID:Xpj7iZNr [Del]

Sometimes I get the feeling I've already done or seen something, or have seen the exact scenario before, as if in a dream or something. Such as seeing a photo or drawing that someone took the week before, but I know for sure I've seen it before, even if there was no way that it could have happened. Sort of relates right?

6 Name: Kay : 2012-10-19 17:44 ID:xUD28k6F [Del]

Déjà vu happens when you die, and respawn. :l

But in all seriousness, I'm a frequent victim of the bizarre sensation.
Sometimes I'll have déjà vu about déjà vu about déjà vu about déjà vu about something happening. It's terrible! D:

Although often attributed to a false recollection, or a similar memory being mistakenly accessed, it can sometimes be a symptom of psychological illness, which is most likely why, in all honestly, I suffer so frequently and severely from it. D:

7 Name: Sid : 2012-10-19 17:55 ID:RP4rFjgV [Del]

I only have dreams that later become reality once in a blue moon. The last one was years ago.It was about me eating lunch with some friends under a rock overhang while backpacking. That dream only lasted a minute tops though, and it wasn't very special.

8 Name: Kurosaki !xOExJjaIo2 : 2012-10-19 17:55 ID:WY4eVbI0 [Del]

Ya, it's weird. Like, you think you dream of something and you're like... okay. But then it happens to you in real life like a week later. Sometimes I dream of myself doing a test and I get that VERY EXACT test a week later. Unfortunately I don't remember the answers :/.

9 Name: Kurosaki !xOExJjaIo2 : 2012-10-19 17:56 ID:WY4eVbI0 [Del]

It happens pretty often for me too.

10 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-10-19 18:02 ID:ed5lI8wz [Del]

I get Deja Vu almost everyday. Its crazy.

11 Name: Kohaku_H : 2012-10-19 19:40 ID:gSF9Kq4+ [Del]

Everyone can see the future.
Its learning to harness that ability thats the problem.

12 Name: Starrrk : 2012-10-19 19:55 ID:bvwjofEI [Del]

Either we can see the future in our dreams and forget about them, but keep at least one image; or the same shit keeps happening everyday.

13 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-10-19 20:10 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


14 Name: Siximpossiblethings : 2012-10-20 11:38 ID:JcDKQyT+ [Del]

Well for me and other people I know I realized that when I have deja vu I instantly remember myself having a dream about it before it happened. Like one time I was just walking, simply walking and I got this really weird flashback to my dream. It was almost if It happened twice, right before my eyes and again in my head from the memory of my dream. You might think this would be cool, because maybe I could see into the future even if it is little bits and pieces. Sadly I forget my dreams the exact moment I wake up, and only remember them as it's happening in real life. I wish there was some way that I could remember my dreams so I could know what's going to happen.

15 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-10-20 13:07 ID:52lSzLif [Del]

>>12 that last part could also be true :P

>>14 yep thats the exact same thing I get when I am in the daja vu moment,

this might sound a little silly but it might be fun to try and see if you have any other physic abilities, like knowing what someones card is with out seeing it.

16 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-10-21 10:24 ID:EhWGGhYK [Del]


17 Name: mellify : 2012-10-21 12:11 ID:8uWtv9H4 [Del]

I have gotten alot of deja vu this year.What bother's me is what causes it?

18 Name: Mei : 2012-10-21 13:01 ID:g3chX6eu [Del]

I have also gotten alot of Deja Vu this year. I am also curious to hear what causes it. I just thought that deja vu is caused by us recognizing or finding familiar or similarities in a situation.

19 Name: Raiden` : 2012-10-21 22:07 ID:r2Oqz9l9 [Del]

I think Deja Vu is a power that comes from the brain to see the future. We just activate it randomly, so to speak.

20 Name: Shizuo yamato : 2012-10-21 23:19 ID:sFIJXU1x [Del]

Basically its just when your dreaming so good you go deeper in your dream/mind and see what gunna happen next in your life

21 Name: Mattie Elyosora : 2012-10-22 04:59 ID:407RlhEo [Del]

Sometimes I feel like this already happened or did it really happen or was it just in a dream. It's like in the tip of my tounge but I can put a dot on it.

22 Name: ¤RiiT@¤ : 2012-10-25 12:50 ID:+4wZzMUV [Del]

Yeah me too, i have the same sensations
My step father told me, maybe we had an others lifes and i would like to say we have an other body but it's so stange so forget xD

23 Name: Toshi-kun : 2012-10-25 16:43 ID:9k35DhVI [Del]

Deja Vu is like, when you feel like you've seen something or been somewhere before but you can't figure out why it feels so familiar. I think...

24 Name: Ladarius : 2012-10-25 17:27 ID:TOmED/Rd [Del]

I've always wondered how déjà vu feels like

25 Name: Ei : 2012-10-25 18:06 ID:+aYqDvsz [Del]

Déjà-Vu // Dormant Precognition Theory

My theory is that it has something to do with the brain's untapped potential. I get déjà-vu all the time, and after trying and trying to figure out why and when I had seen things before, I suddenly realized: I'm remembering dreams.
It's well-known that the human brain only accesses an average of 10% of its full capacity at any given time. Also, there are tons of cases where people have been able to have visions or dreams of the future. People with prophetic gifts are also particularly common in Christianity.
So is it so hard to believe that the brain, by utilizing more than 10% capacity, could perceive things before they happen? And the brain's most unrestricted state is, yes, while we're SLEEPING.

See, I forget most of my dreams; they never make it to my conscious memory. But they're still there; I just can't access them if I don't know what I'm supposed to be remembering. But once something happens that reminds my subconscious memory of something in a forgotten dream, I all of a sudden get this weird feeling that I've seen it before.

That's my explanation; déjà-vu is just remembering a precognitive dream. As for the cause of the precognitions, spiritual or scientific (or both), that's up to your perspective.

26 Name: Koty : 2012-10-25 19:11 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

i think this belongs on the RANDOM page....

27 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-10-25 19:15 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

This is a worthwhile discussion.

It merits Mainworthyness, if only slightly.

28 Name: Koty : 2012-10-25 19:18 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

:/ Main Board
Important topics, overarching Dollars issues, and actual topics of discussion belong here....i dont see how this is important but whatever :/

29 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-10-25 19:39 ID:cwK8yC0x [Del]

>topics of discussion

I approve of talk about the mind, perception, and conceptual manifestation and believe this is something one could consider a topic and could possibly be used in the activity known as discussion.

Two cents here, let me drop that in the bank for ya.
Deja vu is an interesting thing in that it can be the conscious experience, with no limitation to variables, of revisited sensations either from a repeated "real" event or occurrence and/or a first-time event or occurrence which the observer feels significant familiarity due to precognition. Dreams can be seen as calculations, taking in mixtures of what you have encountered first or second hand and arranging them in such a way that your subconscious, and occasionally parts of your conscious, mind creates a message. That message, however brief, contains an abundance of information; colors, scents, faces, locations, scenery, emotions, memories, etc. Considering how many of these messages are composed during sleep (usually a dream will only be a portion of one of these messages for a matter of seconds, even if it seems like it was a dream you were having all night), it is expected that at some point a cognition will take place which will to an extend become a reality you experience. The tricky part, if having the memory of the cognition, in which case it becomes a precognition, but not until validated through a sense of prior experience. This is why many deja vu are felt more than seen. A setting in a class room and the sounds of a certain phrase can lead to deja vu more often than the sight of something specific. This is because although we believe to "see" things in dreams, really our brains just compose a faux image easily torqued by attempts at recollection; a green jacket can become blue, a valley becomes a field, etc. This explains why more often than naught, a deja vu leaves the observer in a bit of a mental computation loop or lapse of memory. They will forget for a moment what was on their mind or what they were saying and/or doing and become obsesses with the re-visitation of the experience, even if they can't pin point what exactly it was that they re-experience, leading the observer to torque their memory to conclude that some small detail was the contributor to the deja vu.

30 Name: Koty : 2012-10-25 19:43 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

>>29 you just wasted your time cuz im not reading all that and i said what ever....

31 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-10-25 20:12 ID:cwK8yC0x [Del]

Shut your butterhole, Doubledown, I was talking to people who give a zip about the thread, such as Misuto or others who know about proper syntax and can focus on more than 120 characters.

Bump to the top for thoughts on what a deja vu is composed of or what causes it to come about.

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: Xros : 2012-10-25 21:44 ID:A0/T0TJy [Del]

There is a Youtube channel called "Vsause" that explains quite a few things that a lot of people know about, but don't truly "know" about. Deja vu was actually one of those subjects.
The link to the video that I will provide is actually quite informative about what Deja vu really is. I believe you might learn something you didn't know before.

Here is the video

34 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-26 03:37 ID:CK+wScsc [Del]


35 Name: ichigo : 2012-10-26 04:34 ID:n1QAC6r2 [Del]

i've watched the film but i stil don't under stand it... :(

36 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-26 14:49 ID:4DSdmhFI [Del]


37 Post deleted by user.

38 Name: Ei : 2012-11-09 09:38 ID:9Y/jAGhk [Del]

Changed the name to Passive Precognition Theory. It's more appropriate and sounds cooler.(≧∇≦)

39 Name: Izanagi-00 : 2012-11-09 11:25 ID:qJMs6iG4 [Del]

In everyone lifetime we have all experience this phenomena. As for me I got lot of Deja Vu in 2007-2008 like crazy every single day. Not only me but also my friends they were like "What going on?" but later on it was hilarious. But whatevey it's probably has a deep meaning.

40 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-11-14 01:08 ID:cwK8yC0x [Del]


41 Name: i forget : 2013-03-05 15:46 ID:PbTKRcyV [Del]

its caused by a chemical disbalnce

42 Name: Logic : 2015-09-30 15:05 ID:PwD/ta5d [Del]

Bump (:

43 Name: Grim : 2015-09-30 15:59 ID:rZCbMTRx [Del]

Deja vu is when you perceive what you are doing as something you've done exactly the same way as you had done in the past but it is actually a trick on the brain. Your retina is responsible for perceiving light from the outside world, then it translates these wave lengths (light is perceived in the form of a wave) into electric messages that are then sent to the optic nerve and then to the occipital lobe where the electric messages are decoded by your brain and reconstructed to form an image. Deja vu happens when the electric messages sent to the brain from the optic nerves (you have 2 of them, one for each eye) don't arrive in unison (your eyes work together to form an image) and your brain starts to decode the first electric message and then the second one meaning it has decoded the same electric message twice because of gap that appeared in the transmission of the electric message hence why we feel like we're reliving a moment in time.

44 Name: Hayama Kenta : 2015-09-30 22:28 ID:zsNnRMeh [Del]

I think it's a gift... ^^